~~5luhOae10. Edir s eeliesO 1eephbcie. lie14. LibertYntfle EebAsSe geiere s!ntihe ffltoflie Liertbi-eeMIIsSenaisd Cli-flma%" jï!va Ai-v ÂDVSINt!515L. SevaS Kuo Kmi sol; APN.CATTON. içRIPTI0N PRICE $1.60 PER YEAR sTRICTILY IN' ADVANCE , M. JUTý ...... ..... .................................. ....... ..... ..... Edior es ~I~IC*4. JUSTfat K,% gL EY ............. ...................... .. ity Edilor ] FRIDAY, JAN. 10. 1908. M BRANDING IRON FOR VOTERS. ar. « Condtion la politîca visereîn necessity taosîur existence as s fr-e Ca en, every hand are coin- people. Une e Ill do weil to bave MM',.tatbe support o! Roosevet is cyca tested for poltilcal stigina- *mt assy Candidate tisait teir own tlsm. Thse sprit so strangiy and gon- ty may put in thie ldl andI Repu ii- r11la demolntrattata Rooseveltit *iu are Intevarmn respectlag the ahoutid continue the wark ho bas un- b W4nation o! any oanddate cave dertakea. la not bounded by ps.ty au We0*elt, slsoud affard food tor re- linosi It la oniy tisoso partisan w by even those officebldens ostricbes seeking by bisdlng their s ge Solrceptive façultles have lie- hostieIla tise Band, ta étude poitIcal s Smoe groien ln vorshlplng ai exterminatlin, vsa are pratlng about e ý o! Party ftiah.islathe past, the danger of delegatIng too much 0 !W,,Utciaiis bave been Mwoer ta tie peaple. Thse situation s te zilcebetisq dscrimination bas long been cosaprehended by thse todk1i5U voter andi certain peuple andi they are tisonoughly avas- th ao"ra 01i t1sebardsiselI clasa con- ened ta Uic banal offecci of salncnty ,.,sm±<515 tbifallsey as re- raie viseiher exert4d by Ne o k cank *Iy doxmtratOtiui thée aiteuspt by capitafllsti or minisl party boss.e ePMMtot corral and apply thse braad- Tise standard bearor o! thse Republicrur pg #unta thse votera o! Illnois' But pariy linlthe coming canipalga, If flot i or entering a nov rs andI are Roosevelt, vîli have to malnaiietise P4u17 bUt pnhely ancîpailg aur- poilUes tisaiRosevelt bas lnaugurert- Z 61 ironsthse ibraidaot of lnority cd and, vladicated; if be eudlves the i J St»xlftd y he icayteni of support of the main body o! Republ- eeaitlhg convention, whlch dear cani votes, withoat vhlcis deteat te cor- [êt' lo Joo assrts la an absoînie taln.-Oregou Reporter.v BUSBINEGSSOUTLOOK SRIQNT11. àçpmta.lg te sumarles of business brlnglng ont s&nch hoarded rney. vii s w cde have bèeel secured For Instance, lu St. Louis loue, thc -ýfw* pf thelargi nevaPapers et holiday trade -amountedtu te 6,000,000. OsýMt- tbM thtirrCorreaponderete lu the castera claies, notably Nov ýhe çomorcW lconters, i.heil BglOot, the people baye recevenet eiou" la brght fer btchern- their pose and arm agan lnvestn« lu CkWiai mg athsé facture local stocks. Manutacturng laîtabs at am potet te Improve cou&- Milwaukee are;openisg agalu andi It » th* e t tht ai isqslgbas la ezpected thei.r business yl ho y 81 ni'bek Iscli goot, -tt$> vere sarofully gurn Iniboh ot, ftrnm guf ta laites andI *ý1a M" sp*rriMey by Lesuing traI coast te Coast, tise counti7 la tissossis learlug hanses prosporna&posoosespentyý of basic s y ai rturnedte l a cash veaUbisanti, nov that the currency E* 8,P"4 in lneapolis, Doses"creham passai, revival o! business tOWon",e ant mauy other ctles- everyvisere la aboya. Tise nev yoar 'Pr Q t»" Ii.country nov have promises t o aci a!oftise 'iigitsts of reMti seaey ta tthe hats. years lu thél histany of the business k1lds*y txâatioad tise affect ofo!fatise counsry. PRIIOARY 1LBGISLATrION. ls~ooks as If tise direct pri- of thse Dernorata tu the Camng ns- voudr aeprety rough tional 510*410. It viiinet ho at ai euýUe. letteia±n eeagnhljrlslg if-tbe Democrtic Partyinl IllInèla UUsalfI. tse primaIissue, lis - eu. Tne trouble " - Indi- eastn eluttenet plattonni. anti ,1r1t 49* Cçpqt n. Thse Re- on tisa Isnue It Ma capture Uic leg- 1000111~, Id ltibis There. tau neloment af tise Des1so- **h.OIIre 4n"iAS iheY CÏiatic #tY opposed teprihary ne- 0 oe 10 uI thie igtUbat oru, but tisat elefient lae ne apt ta ê~*nIf tsé e*eg'contre. - t gSh t's,* ouml bo The s.People of illnois vauta direct '00«1éç.odla sUttl the PrlsMArY lav. Ift thay do not get It '~ub1loià thoirnov. tis e lae hnot fWrddistant visen à" 1àp11,91âInait on thel'tey wl Sud ouitvisy they didn't 11»ey *0 bPlay ite tise hanàIa Rot It -THE CirIIÇAQO PRIN ICbleao ides, as ta plmar elec- eleci -1 tM a moere pbnnlty ihouldto a tise 9 kba.kte. Tise ioltical sanie or ther <$enlu aggtusi- tise tant o!the vanli M"isici bas prevelied ai prims 40-ed' -&- nscroféola puis- apea i tltbowghont the resi at tise Mni L I is lna lfist ta sec, havevor, Th 4bo «me siemie tÉai lrevalîis luniodi acetue ection a! publIc pifcers eai i ad not ho goodtIgfntise selecton servi omtoea lu tise formaI eloction andI ,**"ldte vrho polis t1heieadlng tisai la accepai as tise Chisofethtino to. MARY IDEA. ors. Any otber ruie vould lcad Marciy. Public sentiment boys ta pluia.ty ln eledtiore; vhy mii ln nominuations? Tise rule ongisi to -kdut talnly as a viln lthUi nary. ton. Auy othen mnetbod so tise sélecion of candidates ta Apîlaiea by machine Influence. 'hé state at largo la nat likely ta ltfy Ia positin an titisquestraa ho liheci o! Chicago, asuer dis- lng tise raie la tise real élection, 1seolng tise pauie satisfaction lu tphase of the sanie political ac- PACIINO HOUSE PROFITS. aqnnua report o anc of tise bg cent on tise grass bissf thtie ihs housse sows net earnligs o! Svl!t COMPaaY. If tise openailns arc «hbgover$6,00,00 on groeal relected la tisese ueo fauta it lQaua ve $600000 ana Vesshows tisaitishe exstIag metha-d a! je"p o! $260,000,00. lie packlng bandllng thla branci aetishe food trade ~a'l ufie rnat lInos o! boai- la doue at a reniarkably nIsli margia î la thse disprit bhiveon tise cap- o! profit, as comparad i v oon iluUes. mail thse grass business. fa ardi- O! course tise details o! tise leeklceep- y pas a business taras aven tise lng may ahobata a good deal mare Mat of Its capital about once a bas been expeaded for purpse isicis Tis 'e paciers handie five times are itrictly capttalian. provision ainourt o thir share capital ev- for tise lncneased gravis and demanda year. Anothen tact of sanienia- an thse business, but cisanged ta op- e la that tise mangla of net profit ertlng expses; a plilcy whicis 1% 6â maW itimllions le 24 per generally cannldered a sassad anc. MARRIAGES ANO MONIEY. (eMahpmnansd asaniage are inter- investigation a! tbe'effeci o! sucis mar log5 tise navy deparimont ai pros- niage bas, boweven. been carnled on, ,' qMslerabiy. la tise lasi three esys tise State Jiornal, and tise resait jqina -e.tisiannemidshilpmnabsof thissbas saîsfled Uic navy dopant- m 4lmmlssacd tion tise service ti)rnient tisai a passed midshipmn bas rrylag before ho bas beca gradu- no business ta marry uneI cas h n"ma ffrom Ânnz4,oolî. Also there have ies moaey" ar bas h hlisef. blenceý ç4arosa i numeronia equs forth, t le boloeed, tise departmenr XAVY depert frent rmpaaad wl refuse the requests et mot oa tIàos aatlng permission ta thse paesed amiduhipmen unlesa tisey The 'iie t%çrtnsent bas been soa cao show tisaitisey have ample means rlsulmut vihs Cupld sud bas grant- ta support ibenislvea, tisir vives sut jýIofte" . requeula. A quiet additions to tiseir familles. AN ORlGIP*L JOKE. 1% si W4tàMai ibre are ouiy seven of th ise salie Horan evîdent marks o -e*tise veal andi that tisese It an is prion aud long coutat vît] ,e elop* tieece vbere they the cartis Imparted te hlm a vollk ~ 88$.iqtibut bave come eseli tisaifinaly became anendunrable 'e~~po1~rnstise ages. ltový Tise cisool masa sent a note ta hig - ý» me *Mu co istpuis ta maison, telling hon ta vasis ber off - 18oqlti #tae" ; ~lGreece.- sprlug. Ia due tirneaise receivedt u -e klt~s Monsfoiinvlng reply: 'lisSmiths: 1 #en ~'ot**Pd ma'*n= John to episoe o téhlearne& ni t »W '~ e asou lie melled. He la no romo' verlcilthe of the oartcl WII v- Hlghwood saloonkeepers Who deaire ocontinue tbe business have s a atter ai tact remaved ta WaUXtegfl, he mile and an elghtu Iav havlûig Yrred themon ot of H1gýWoo4. Jaun- -y 1. This lnasiso truc of North'Chi- igo aalocepers. The article tollaws: À campaigu la bolng wiged bY the Lake County L.aw and Order L4eagne ,prevoiri the erection of a large nam- or of saloons st the eigu of the mile id au elgbth zone lot dry territory walch surrounds the naval training ahool ai Laite Bluff. The Uniteti tates gnvernmeut ltu uing lis iftu- ece against thesealoons. The saioonke.pm w ho, vere forcoti out ot buplneBE lat LlgbwvoadhMve suddenly reallzed tihe pocliblIlttls in te projected achocl. and bave aw4t awnm on North Cicaga. At the nortis- rn linit of thse dry terrtlBrY a nov ot saloons two blocits long la la pýoc- ess et erection. Thse property là now in dry terrltory, but an ondlnabice bas bean lntroduccd ln the village council cermltting thse erection of thse saloons. t là, for tseý deteat tsf ihliordinasire bhat the Law and Order League le working. The mayar and twa members af the vilage council are gainat thseorill- Dauce. Thse attitude of the otiser four- isembors la lui douit HIAVE OpVeR SAm- L0014 AT ODU Rondout Tlwmatens te VOICe for Antti- 1 aloon Taruétery Unies.Blind PloGéCasaOpera- tien. parties Raid to corne from Norths Chicago have opened tihe notortoiia Roudaut saloon aud are sald in be condtctlng It as; a blind pig. peeling la intense ita Libertyville tovnship as rosldents over Rondout way had beon depended apon by thse lquor luteresta to matentally aid lu defeating thse proposition ta do avay with saloons la tisat terrltory. Nov thee Rondont people are la- censed tisat a blind pig sbould operate la thicr midat and ibreaten ta vote saldly vltli the temperance peuple, as a mes»e of nitingthemeelves o tise nuisance. Balcon mon of LibertyvIllo are alive to, the Issue snd urge that thse laodout place be close. St la, rumored thoso saloon men have. thnough persona net supposed, te be intereeted inl thfiir bohaîf. alp- peale t t Bey. Quayle ta presenute tje Rondout propriétors. Itl 18kuevu tat evdence la boing uecured. but at ýhe instance o! vhom. la W mystery. Immigrants Emgra. A tlrnekeeM e t thse Corn Products Suan Refing <JonpnY lunan inter- vie* vltis a $liereporter this. wecit statedti ti very morulns at 7, elclock and ai 8 ln thse evenlng at lesat 160 fereigners gatber at thse 4 gates of the mIli antd apply for vont, TL oy are refused il-art everY urne," hie stted. "but still théy cors nead 1 suppose thsy vili unti somethlng makes a tara for thse betten." Every train ont of this clty for Chi- cago caavcyc foreigners vlso have saved part o! thiser earnlugs and wbo have decided ta retura ta the nid country ta seancis ot vaUt. 1 Steamshlp ticket brais n.In is cîty report a rushlng business, One explained ta a SUN reporter how lie hsd so14 over 300 return i tckets ta tise oid country. Sanielho stated go ta Ritssia, Rome ta Itaiy, visile the snalantty are Poles aud Arruenlana vso, bave been aut 01 wonk ail wvînten.' t OId Seiller [»ad. IfiWednesday. Janiugiy 1t&tor, an Ill- e nesscf a lîttie over a veet, ocourred the death of Mr. Petgr neyer at Wsds- worth. Mr. Meyer vwas 81 yeave ad and camne ta thîs eountrY- tram Ger- emany vhen 17 yeans of age. h Ho vas vollknowu and ibgliy ne- *spected and has restanct, la Laito *conty esloIe 1854.' He Ilvet an" his a-ioanf arm for thlrty-ilve years. Fis svile died four yemr ago. Ho beaves tise toliowlag chlldnon ta moun bic loss: Mns. Cari Schsultz, Mms. HarrY Pat-! rteraon and Maihev and Margaret of nWbsiswort. There la one grand idaugister, Mande. t_ The funerai vas 1014 trot» Saint Paticla's cchi SaturdaY i 10 -o'ebock. The fainlly bas ths Y»Pâthis - o! the ecoure communlty. ttA tiokllng cougis flPs sA" cause, Il ofqulckly etopred bY Dr. 0SkooVs' NrCoMOs wcure. An t 1 g ta lm eand i satbg 8* r. 111110 *osi id motisers fý;erYvlian te glvq X imit out buestab4lS, on tO v*F lYOim blse. Thse vOlUODMO gron eMsVe and Mhitiar ètv m tulg monntl*Oi* .1m, éura- tIr poprtsetel~. OoS 1ur.1111 p - --..#*4IIOLI A watcis must have a goodM avmntte is a -mtter of ChoC, WC cin supply you Wlth a thOoeugl M Isibe maternent in any style or kWns of came yo Miay have a' prefernce for. FINE WATCl7 REPÀIRIN4I A SPECIALTY v A. IIUSS J EWEL ER LIBERTYVILLE I M 1»«Pakwrse's T*em" ~Centrq tore or Mrket Datig O141, Januarg 15 SPEARHEAD TOBACCO. 3 Pluga ... ...2.5c HoRSESIIOE TOBAr, a P3 g ..... 2 c STAR TOUACCO, SPig.......... 25ce J.* T. TOBACCO. 3 P uo.. ........ 2 c 6 Packages of any 5c Smoki ng ...........25c 3 Package of any 10c Smoking............. 25c 25c worth to a customer onlY Ve lhavre fisbished Our invesitory qod find we have »o=negooda b slsughter - thefr priceshold until moisi Bo«g Rpbbers, sises 2 to 6 ............. 2c geystèmfer, aiss1Oto 13.............20 "o~eWq Coats...............S1.650 te 2.00 *htsep8km lned Leather and Corduroy Coats Wlnî.r Cspé, goédd es .... ....20 te »ce 12. W. AREK]LHURST tr A Piano for NeW Year's ; is Just IWbat yon reqiarel to make cas. selet one »e tweguet antqe wiii be superlor to any otber I tarywhe nar ant pris. ~'do mot oeil ebeap piano@ at ail, remember. But, vo deo eil good 4 pianos et a lew price, becsase w~e prefor to @el] many et a moderato profit rather Iban, a 1ew at.a big ~ one. Louis J. YEOMAN WMJKECaAN, ILL DIL CIL GAU.OVAY- aKouu-froml 1 toa Sand (f 10 8 P. rM. LYNCH EROTHER Livooy l amwnctlen floue 183a'Lentv 1. DIR.'FMEMRCK 1H. MARTIN Office ovef Siuitii & Davis OMMcephoane 55 Iteuidenue phono 761 Boum: Il t12b. m. 1to 8 and 7 ta lbertrl'le. llinois DIL BDWARD V, SMITH Office 0,cr Postufice s Honni: 1Obo 12 a. m. 2 to4 ansid 718 p.nm. Libertyville, Illinoi@ MA.HATQLIIL D. - Physielan and Surgeon k Fox Laks Stock Farm Iniaidai 11. 'Phoogs 802 m ti We4luqoqm trept PAUL MAC GUPPIY AT1OY MAT LAW. Liberty*MIe, IMiots PRONZ Sa ]DR, EL FL SMITH. DENTIST. OVE£ LII OOUNT Y NATIONAL BANK. saune-8 to 12 a. m. and 1i b 5 P. M. DAILY. LibertsyUlle, -1 . nots. DR, GOLDING Rouri 8 t012 an- to 5 p.m. Kaer Block Lbertyville, flnols DL oi Ë. rrnuIMM. 218Pahgon tr761 YR . L TA;tOZ oIov OESj . . tilOOlSLDG. guu- to10 2,mth'4 ma6,to, pie 'aNew Ysor, b the iflauAnprce lIbel afet g rk Tsua « m u x, Un e& L5,p«cma... Pturàe& oundC pe....... NewNafe 10 P&e% f f Pun Espcir e»&pPund<aaCle. e osi Sua-rl~TaaTo~j~................. ......3, w ( Wagon eedn sk 80e for no lis Io- .* lbeA N@94»sFmISou ...-....... os................ E. E. ELLSWOR Exclusive,: Teas: ad; le -Ai :MARKET WEF3K I SPF3CIALS IIMen's $1 O.O SURIt, $ 8.00. Men'S $12.00 Sddis, $10-00 Men's $1 5.00 Suits, $1 260 ! ý EVERYTHING FOR MEN ý ~ J.B. MORSE & CO.. HANBY BLOCK, LIBERTYVILLE SALT, MOLASSÇ SomDoors with Storm Doors *'1' IAt. SPLINT COAL Glass, any Biue ithout Glass, any size mliMb m ir, brng t l, w e fit the cpe»lfg. W.- have a big' atoe~ of cJorn and Oate, Groand, Mfddlinq'1(Corn Mae,Birou, Qkt6i#~Glatenthe feed--that la ppet.4producea more millkthanil E.A. cr et Day