CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jan 1908, p. 5

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a. aq«Ws mIbring MaretDay We wiI pfer soecW induce" mets om Smned end !resh Meats aloW onour ine o1 Groceies. No. 1 IIAMS, lb ...12ic J. ELI TRIGGS Prk~es c" TMAS 25c Jaffn T«-s....................20c 30C Iapsa Tes ............1........25 35c Japon Tes........ ............. ( 40c :apNTes...................-'3e 4U laffn Tes..«...................40e 5,japffnTe&,......... ..I.......... 45 55C JapmnT .................... ** **50 60CeiJiffl Tes ...........55e 40c01&0«19Tca ............ 35c 70c OolmogT«»---s -'-......65< Soc Upto T .............45c 60c LlptoBT«s...........*,«........55 COFFEES 15e Choes Uic Cofee...............14 18< Choce Rio Cde................1 laca Davcbis 20Poie.i.. u..... 8e.5 SmthLDavis 20c ChoieS Mixture...18 Smi tra Caiev Mi3xture.....L«...... 2 25cEzt ChiS fixur............... 22c 2&c Coffse.................. 5 30c Java nMd Machs................27 33C JM M achs. --..............3 0e 38c le"a Md Machs.................35 Our Teas ami Coflees are ffrst-la aS Ocetied always use&. Give us a triat Prom turne ta l"e ve are going ta give bergaina t0 Our cutomers. Moriey refwrdled to any untatoi purchase. Corne early and get int lime. SMITHI & DAVIS TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS LibertYville, III. Special Prices FOR Market, Daý 12g11ag Shot Gun Slhellsi.............. .-4 lo-uch Victor Records ................. 6 ft4. Cross Cnt Saw a.nd Handlees.........17 60 çe#t Pocket Kuif e........ .......... ' ]Mfxe<d Paints, Per gaIon ................ 1 uieCopper Wash Bolier ............ 2. Io par cent discosint on aUi Brggia 5 par cent discounit on ail Stoyves I4 * b MRT~4 "Tony" Dorfier Mu, Narrow Escape ________________________________________________________ ram.Deatir at Stewart Avenue Don't forgeltirhe Fair Jais. 16 aui 17. -Àrtee show.Tire Lake County Fair Croaaîng of Elactic Roser. Mt Union churçi, Je.lnItStir and l7tir. "Short?' Miller lotTtresay for Texas Prieé redced me- tian baltlon anY John Dorflers lie n as saved by thre Alot of enrbroldereo t ri a 2c to 7c Louis Z. piotine loft Wednesdav for tur40oathe t wrt usavenern iga per yard. igley'e Dept. Sto me. Laporte md., to vork ou thre tvoratru- 8:40 v hl e e t rStew ar aee rl ateb isa. Cbas. Haux #peut several da.ya tion of a raitroad.erylaanletfcarrshdue with relatives in Chicago lust week. Mr i is dBakler. o! Benton Dorflers wagon, loaded witir eggs,- Dontlai!te gt yur sats es Mr.d arind Mro, viro hlave feen visiting and made omelette matertal. earl fortrair. oto etrf rel Matives ' bee,returued houar Tuesday. Dorier vas throvn thirty feet onto erlyoPtenFmarn. BW tafr W. F. Weiss, of Wai egaîandidate tire cenent sidewalie hy the force of e Tueda oran R . W.oTe aff r for staites' attOifly, vas a visitor lu the thre impact and vould have been killed lotTedyfra rpt es. Village Monday. had ha net voru a heavy fur coat Stormn doors a aises with or wthout We wnnt y on te have orr.' or our aut vhlch saved hlm. lam ready tu bang at Emmons-Moi!c& rsand&z.CIlinand getowý. Ernrons- One herse wun kiled and oee ad Lumber Co. Menrer Lumber Co. a ieg iroken and wau shot afterward. blss Dela (leason, of Chicago, @pont mi"i cora White, o!r Warrkgaii, sPeut The eggs vere spread aIl over the Saturdav and Sunday with Mr. and gunndn at ture home of1hb"r uut, M"'r. E. landscape tn varted forai and the vi- lire. Harry (ileaeon. J. Hughes. Lyna olby bas been confined te i. Tihe Mses Treptow v ntertalned a ctlty looked like a stage alter a hum borne for the paet week virh adilcame Perty o! friand sat te ul hwbadt beenuegged. houh 01 the grill. Monday eveiing. Seataeu u hog Mi. id Ms. Wn. . Peereo va Dick MeKee bas returiied alter a tlîroe deep cult t te electric rosai tracks Mr.andMes Wm B.Petffl) wreweek'a visit witir bis laidle at 0 regon, and thare are bouses on erichillaie, su mont pleasantly surprised by a party of Win. that Dorfiar dld not aeetire car coni- fiaonds on leit Tiruriday evenlng. - Tire etory lai told of a uinister wlîo iing sud the motorman culd not sec Mr@. F. H. Warwick, Of 8t. Paul, looked dovis fron (hapuipit and won- hlm. Min.."uet sevral days vitirbr hsr ,dered how the People ()uld drs1-88______1§0__ hfrs. Jobn Croker, tuae week. well. Tiraiimiter ire liad passed BthePoeelsgl Ses ouf display ail it bas sorns bbr-icontributio,.n boxliedeca'ed tira ryetery Bor oe da . gans for Markret Day. Emmons-tiercer sOlVed. The regrlar sessIon of thevil boiard Lumirer Co.. Tbe Lake conity frmirs' instituts wus belld Moniay eveniin. L 7w idant w&v ab-dg awt ee tis veek sud a H. B. Eger presidlng. The foilowing Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bain, of Racine, number froin this vicinity wone lu at- rnembiers vers pissent: Agonia Kaiser, &W a veredti e gu aie of M rs. r tendance. Libertyville le the ideal rocsLn" i Wli Hnuaghye ndy n as <fMs. t ien for sncb a gatheriisg and an effort The minutes of tirehat reguliar met- J. ughs.wiîî re ,madetiU have one held hore. iug and a special meeting vers roed and Barry Bradleî and Miss Sadie £fanion Libertyvillle l te have more idewalks aPProved. were înarriedru Ciicago on Tuesday, tihe cemi' apriiig. 10 say trioe village Tire report of theefiuance cornuite Dec. 31. Tirey wiii maka tier home in board.miany treets that novq have vas heiard. Tlie danger of tire railway @trip@ and patcbes yull lie paved straigbt crosisuug atStevartavenue weedbscnsed Tire W. C. T U. viii meet wlth Mrs. tirougi, so prepare yoîréelf for the an ritre utb heemtrer vomitte Julia Keill, Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 2:30 woi51. ele.trie rosit otheciais withgadte n uect.'Abstinence for (hh aie ThetLake COunnty gratel pît rnachuiery eiustaling orne siat orgardec 0f 0lIbers. vi ibe overirauled tus vi nter and vinfornotcîo. oasr vsgalpoited vork opseirinistiresprisg tire plant vii oofllvcticon str esinitteire Mis« Beck, a graduats of tire Nortireru have atagroi iriea eon ie advtrconnt0 epre tp Ilinois college, la at Dr. Taylor's office Te astr aalyt ieas hi rigtknt rtd othelr eveair y aonrdytsnooite (andt nyes dally tonnaeb eealcrod. alarir evsnisgby ppouitism) t tet ees. mme H. 0. Badin and ber two child- J. W. Butler appeared belors the iroard W.'L.* Hacirley rmes:v*à notice on Mon- r, mm tirsg taeof ber brotirer, tirs aeiing permissioin for a private sever - dy ron lre ecslry of tire Treesnry %v. John Va. de Erte. TIym >~fo iesbo building. Morsil by tia r a aplnted cnitom's iotary for thei ir wy ometn hetwood, Nortir Da- Allmsi tirat thre sioi oidiep 0ek collnty, fl. kota, afler huilai spllrt tire lait ibres mttge 1 iufid catch bua on taei Bevara of tirs tranget viro moka st:, nmentb he Oh à Pelitâi Mithiger' property and rinnoutiet aloirgBigh cashb a chreck on short acqnaomic. fHeosran&LiiabtvyWd lSquire Lynchi trest te Nevlrerry avenue. Seconded irasbbien getialf lu is iisork ai along cailed on tie offciai of lie lectrie road by Kaier. M111tion carw s. tire Nortir Shore and Rockefeller ton ira at HINhwoo<LWodnseay and recelved Tirs buifs for tire month vers read and bad a Visitation, tire assurance t"rt ionvthing wonld ire folloving allowed: 2 m Arglrmeting of tire . R. T. of doue. to gtard the Stewart avenue Lake Co., Gravai C., gravai...$426 00 thi. district vas held attire new deot crowsing. W. H. Pester, repaira ............. 00 on Saturday evening. Tire regular At tihe Mystie Workers' card party Northr Shore Eletrie Co., ligita 2 0 business ieing tran.acted. Numbers of MondayevCuinigtireflest Primve eswon Northr Shore Eletrie Co., ligita 1419 27 V "lIightising jerieri" tram bolb finies vers iry AlicpguBedamand Arthrur Kruckmai. John Ayres, special police ..... 12 (0' an attaudance. Tbe boobyPI!lS5eiy Misls Kruckrn H. B. Eger, merebandise.. ......... 70 a E, Tire third installainit of Special Aees-ai d Chuhle Dyer. Tire next party wiii Lake Ca. Independent, printing.5 (0 meut No. 1 for construction o! vater ire January 20. E. H. Corlett, statlonary ...... 1 c50 piehdatvalves, etc. lu tir Herman Schultz and faully, viro have Ed <uentin, etreat vork ....... 21 (0 Ir..' nt ,0 esidi o n enoe, Ill.,thave M. Pester, repaire ................. 10 c Z. gao! LibertYville is nov due and been rd t Ltrin7 nsd reside 'e iren o.igsthea vrk1 0 *hyenasourdire rnade on or tbehonemvdt r il 0. E. Les8ter, street vork ....... 1 (0 10buayi, 1908. J. R. Macir bouse. His a former resi- Js ai,,re oi 14t1 J. B. MoRsE, Village Collec ter, dlent of Lake connty and is mirnply re- Ea. C.aYou, salatwrk ........ 60 (0 tnrirgto binative coutry. D. C. Lio ny, lary ...(>0............. 600 Àueigiriorirood party at tire home of L mStuadilC. asi ......... 88 W. W Carollen ilwakee venu , ie n-it.1charactere for the ak eusCtry'650 W.W.CarolonMivabs aene autFarthIloa talent entertain- S. J. Deinlin, drayageý ............. 25 rond, lest ciosis eri aDyreeasal vii Tir teauwu'aeo rt .d.....!.tir attended biy a lge numirer o. Younrg i eeld sudvers rsa aid ecs ted viclisity ui J" 6h-Ths 'n-village cleri re e s d ped.> Libertyvllle. Tire avent vais a tertalniidit geb k,;tire bailit 0 oe yAlms a eofl b 9mou tenjoya*e ns, the Me se oo.s-d dessives yonr aup-LynchrliaI Mr. Kaiser, cié!ofltha lresO Two ablc wre oraTueday De- prt slid frnt he utetaiamet wichdepatmmet, or a altrnatee ment te 1t to adles vershomeiTn Nesd y ec. por idsto tie ut ermtelisaflI virhte iremen's convention ai Morriion, 3aïvnu.Te and mmni ronieCl Neirerryyo a 0t al ate ro *lieda lu 1. Tirere belng no furtier business tihe aia.T ai M.<3 .Dekr r and Mms W. J. McDrlde, of Arling. meeting adJouried. ton puund boy and ito Mr. aid àra. ton ., 4Csrig,epasrbalw anumirer John Nistusen, an igit porrnd gir- ot tirir fiands at a tbseatre party New E. Hl. CoaLEvT, Vilage Clerir. r 1hsy have tire congratuliatrio!o maiy Tear.,mye asi gaveaadinnor on New triends. YTain day eth virselitMe. Ose. Shaw, of Behlud the Bars at Joliet Prison Miss Flersa Churcill eitertained a StL1,5i. vas gameet of iroeof. Cotera Party of friands ai b-r bon»luit Thura- ere laid for Ivelve, Moore heisg tire À guaranesd attraction at Towns H. C. da vnn.It W" a a aa ye* Pme.ahv terer. Amon tire ontt <ftoaguesti Hall, Mondaj evenlng, Jannary131h,F adlsodrta pi--esrve ti rriftioci vers lire. H. D. Knsox aid Mra. Johns under masies ot Aeme =ap YNo. 176, of this faiteful yr tire yonglds Fry, of Libertyville.- Modern Woodmen of America. A grecit mnsterad Up courffe te Inv7tetiri ie amniav re sekigahtrmsoral lemmun. Don't miss IL. Ses tire guests. A moit i pessit esnlng vsi, servic ettire Malhodlst churcirtris 151551 motion pictin!es. alpent. M eair. Meus. Crokr, Wire aind Hyatt , It la more tiraisai exposition 01l tir. and tira. C. C. Carpeiter retirrnd rempectir5y bave 0nitr dsuso prison life. It la a grand morl lessois Monday eenlng lter an absence ofis tirs meetings irciitire iraI tiie. vesir1for ever.ý mna, omai aid child, is tire fires eai~ nos o!viici va ~ nigrta. A. C.Murray iras bildcharge cit.'-istr Oen hcgli the ek ito 5e e peit iy ireLillntrated reef tai "Behmnd tire Chicago vireathre vedding ofaï ermonu ftir elnging. Wbi>le tire attendane e tJle, a ie ealre tooi r paoe on New Yeae. Dnring i iras net beau large thee nterst iras beauBreIJnt"va iest ag abeneir. Carpenter attsndsd the Coo good aid tire meetings cannot [aal of aid intelligent audieneaat Opera absence Houses, Tnasay eveng. Mr. Welmore couity farmer' institute at Hiles Cntre hing b ril.cranh rs a adeniranmlt ai adresd ir gthrlrMo potato Ailre o gporao iePei-Tire effet is surpriming, thrilîl-1aid culture. teriai churcir are urgeirtly equeted te initansely improeeive, andid s beh This Crair TrAee iairv ira enlargad ito field attend a meeting to ha halAi next Tues- irad adsenby every man, vomnaui tecueralagu o haUntdaevenîug, Jan. 14. at the homne oai bur " pecvralreiortIon daymd <nid w ur tate. No entertali- A B est.Certite(d mullr lnv% hppdMia. Van de lrve, for tire purposa of cet ve n rorct rsrci dally from the AtanteCIttiirecoipleting tie organization cr theireset er gumendainu tram the publice1for Pacifie and Wth ie (jif1 if Me Ch id ristian Endeavor society bfre iaid . o av.r con er&gain tire Minneapolis. The Ne Trw Cetral PeiSatRhy wrcrl ah Opera Rouese viii hatesti te ite utmoet Rauroad aiso 0uses corti nilk n aI n tihe Presbyterian cirurcir on Frlday ltit te bold tir e popl.-AtI55, Mon- ités dlning ca hs is risacing out a evni .an. 17. Tirere vihi ha a social mouiir In. e,,",'..tng n Tieaay i Reaerfýved deats for sale atHcle' lorng distance or enstemnera. adiRs aird it iltr yyn'caatoe Tire INDEPENIiENT deirs te 'correct aneopls e lireeota nteYun gsoe aise of the errora tiat viii ooeur linthea epelspeet betof!euae famillesi. Tbas .-'.--- Meusr. Wiliamse, Emaharger andTh MaktDy thit viii be invited te the loli. ha- Gillicir, officiais of tire St. Paulifroil, tien of tire Royal Nighiror sid Modem arinl Libertyville Tuesday eveninq The second Libertyville Markret Dal en ai at tire tevis hall, Teesy asd inspected tiresite for tire proo viii hacibeid next Wednesday, Janriar! aven Jan. 21 wiii ha tire binadeof etisg station. They cameslis a privats 15. lbilatire limAi Wediiesdy lis the tire Neighirieand th ire ieftirhe car and reoiaitiad oniy a ev boira. mouthirbut cornes nnusually 'saly. Y Woodrnen. Se if von aremet In thea This halom a point on tirsir une thay viii Thars semeins te ha every indication tira* family you cant *b admitted te the do «verytujng posible te influence t bat tire day vIlha eile attended. Tira lut Wendsll B . Lovel and i efi demi of rivaly as te tirs location famiera apýrsci»a t ..l" rtua 1 Gorgnso, o Racnewer untimi Idof hisstation and Liertyvie stad mas ilruy ew** o!Mmm" migeao.o! aiegn, vers nisited . good a chance if not botter, tiran tirh ote maiy nar in attendance. 2. It vas a surprise te is relatives and tes"'sa nyobum nth à mrE rnany friands vira vere not expecting a An editor who parirape bas hm1 i a e dgondirorfes mem Io ha par- cremouiy q'te @o 5000. Thé groom la troublies oh hie own maires a!ew remarksa tlcularly lu demfarrd. Crdvood vas a8aiea, irat ii i noan i-In lis bs ise: Do -not gel groncirvIl anolirrarticetirat vorld have ioaud troduction. Tii bride is a muet estim-1 you are preseiited viti a bill. Btlieaysl.ufatmtaybngbt abeyonng lady virose parents resida isn p timie l ir. h la oolisi te t le in gond condition aid aofany vaine Racine. Tire yonng couple have tirs1 offense at raceiving a tatement. Thi i in bnyera. Tire merchat ile ii congratulations and gond vlahes of i. the Iveutietir cetury, aid it tecomes make a special effort ta look aflter your etablisired customni vtirevery succes- trade. Thean fnieCa ffMoenWode ui business mai ta sendlont tate- ThaAcem a mp doenWode ttbos viro ave hlm If it lm Meshodist Bervices. viii fite treir for oue cent. Busineses today 'S Tire quarterly Love Fautli ii h beid at tire tovu bal", on Fnid&y Oevengl ou d'ucreA nearer to correct business neit Sundaymoruif t1. ieLrs Mons Jai. 17. Tire !olloving prizss illi ha coud TeLod gi e : e t a y a tz r b s g m W principles t a n i l as year s uïgo. The S p er v l ha i m iite d gie: etlayvate, rs e letarmer vho aeseral yaire ago ddd er" aamiit red t tire maOatr aywt mont, ouille icauciilffon of the momnisg service. Misaes oumivalgeerlay itr m o mit od e ay'macir attentio.n te lira cué. Butterfleild viiilead the Epvortir Mss coutue, gntlean vii 1105 to f business, la abresat o! tirheau Asogsevcviircdete Z costume, lady vilir hst costume, gentile- riewilpeeletesz cosum. asier viiintel and ire la nov ng as rnnch e .adte8 nim wihet otm.MsmWn Càypeèec fthieur intos genceilotira ranAqemit of litIs ildlgeie 18 tr scn 10 ~ dl~cotumerfrom "eksrsfrim hrs yu fsf- 1a i>amndLkeiai nedy!teuOot Me hlearl * mOýWspply tI.heir nd hr e ilfn a . M n ý 7- OWB@ýuy miqeao yuz suangs th viro gels as mi sa aMarch ibars e iaaI230. lrset ! oo 5nt«de a pretr. cause lha basi;reen raminded of a just bail Tdéeliten, bubt tus species Is dyil ont, Oud ~tIiesgrgh o h 1 Umm n evyasviibcma~nt"Notice. -Our .1w 'ua~onn~(iothe r part. mast, ew rsCiago isa Hrvadma AILH.CihT, ilaeCir your Brt f-i -net be I Market Day 's Ladies' Day 0AT The Big Store &u dY ROC& *dpartmut is filied ,with a le nd varW dassortiment of the beat stock to lie foid in Lake county. Good qually .Md a lair pace characteràzes ur store md makes it a, popuar one with the asopper. The thouht thae te custonrer Is gettin« value reed for the mmnoneû pet guasfteu e et atsfctioi m Mda s«"Wlie eutonuela the boa trecin ma"t= nany stor m =bouti CAP"- AL Il, P M.00 SURPLUS, 2.b.OO w. NEYER A . t4wgRI" F.P. DYMOt4D PAUL MMMGFP114" G. A. WRIGH4T C. R. OALLOWAY C. F. WRIGHrT' To My Patr0n*i For 1007 MAny ~li For f908 MY Grailla 1 sisir yu l ia14 New Year. >r Market Dy S' $1.5Q Part Wool Panto.. .. es' and BOYS, Heavy Flesceed eto* ws 6 to 9, whlch we have been sO1Qt and 20e.................... ls, Boys', Ladies' and Childreu'a.B 5cDoubleWool Mittes l......... . ' $1.50 Misses' Shoes sBizes 12 tab Larket Day only, at ............ HEFI Space .5, Remted bg SERT W. LICIITrILD

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