CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jan 1908, p. 1

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c ' 0,-'.- 'Y INDE-Fý-ýýPENDENT, andi îWAtJIGAJ4 WEEKLY, SUN VQL.~ T ___________________________________________ i i lylng on his back b the only room in 01 diu net lit Mss. Crewe andI <bat Nj%-ý coum ah yaa n:Istssck by tbe rig Aire. Ciev. w itin own Ina, ~~* dI#llt içiinAfer vhm ie hwuvluinformad that Mr. Nlch-' ce» Wàk sen DIsmissed ois ba" beaudiaeharged. Justice ft~ft~ oow't.WeiUs normel Ncola that lhe could go am to vork If lhe wlshed andI that A*tIj.-.arru#ry 4 Mm.Alfred Crn'we h. did -net vant that crai amu wvis geuImpti*i O1ehagîlg ler huubaid hal heen lockesi op a few minutes u u~Ie~nume. IScene 1-Mr. Crsw. hofore te cone Up lute the court racesY in *toilgn" dbefoescounty courb t, aal. ý1 s, S4-s dismiiuued bjy court for Wosnan Becemes Kxited. t qtetevidesuce. Mre. Cr"*e havlunq Uponn baring that Nichols had* ftedte téstif y agIint bar husband, becis disoharge, Mr%. Crewe becae Ne lte thrwing dewn St&tesAttorney va"y excitel, at least <at la vhat vit- 1 11t011111._nease daim. Bbc -caled .upon the ffl 2-Husbassd and wifset homea. Justice and saked hm l ha vas sure Witoba.rnd Ieveufor i<aweia, «Ponds <at Mr, Nichoa svas -nt te ha pa- pmt et thse wsek io.Is* fW a job l in lhed. She vas informel that hic bad Iha cty. Sooeu .M Cr.we la beau discharged. Bise then braire abat#"edWfthu ieeoug ompany witt forth leto a passion. WiII net seme tnsther nsan. Husband icarau of th.e oe punil h hm for thls deedl" asle t 101*i'of the eIl lnd ennousnces to caled. "Can you net, Mr. Hanna, socl bs wife thst h neitnda 10 kilt Mr. tisat ho le puniahe?" Mr. ?lanna le- NicIsla, isa of Lewis avenue, echarg- formel ber that al] vas dace <batc in§ hlm wth hevlng kspt companylcetld be, adClet h e conl itl h with his vif. and having forcsd ber te punishol on t:at cbarge. ta" à buggy ride vilShlm.-- Mrs. Crewo was standing iîy thîs Ad. S3-mruCrewe hos awrrantla-sr lime andl Mr. Nicbela was lest te ber .sad for thse aret o! Nichais, churg- rlgist, la front efthtie bar. lu@rnghlm wth haviefaterptdtebt shoots Nichais Twic4. "ber viith aàvtslp and hevIng attempl.d Wttout tise tast warniug aise turc- te aies ler down wfth bi@ buggy, cd ln ber . tracks and shouteil, "He-le Obum e2-Mr. sand lre. Cre"e aOnt shali ho puished; ho vili ho pue-0 tRe afterflbf n tise police es*tion, re' iahed, saldviltisat elhe drev a re- AMelg to Maynard tacts le volver from ber ceat sud firod twice.c -ý latinq te the oming ef s chiid Ilo Bbc as cet standing more than ac tre famlly of whieh ha.5.cilmed foot front Nichols et the time and l ho- Odiclees as tise father. Ca.. @et for fore the mac bad lime te aîave or ho- triai et 4A&0< Sn. S-Nichoie la talc- fore any ome ln <he cong:t rom hadf en losto eutody isy OffIcer gutte. En- noticel ber actina alle badl lave at ,,poile statiosn and la met witis à 32 caliber Iver Johnson revolver sud -OM rns roeegti 11 11 f-On r-v, Whso aos he i man tbra'igh Uic lover partÉ tir*d@s.8 OPttOOiu t hlm, nles OIY of thebodly, the ball paaaing near tise sjuilssgtise ment* boned. Crw" lua i- egblb dib. It la supposcd te bave I iu«d su lecid lni a cet. pasedloto tise lîver, visicisne leubt Acfit 4-Nichole and liru. Creve, ne It now resas. georpeied by Capi. Reel, Seotty Gih- Nîchots Pratecîs -ilmseif. poo, Gittour Bele and $tte@ Attorniey Nicbost, realtsig tise crimte that #anrn eRW the court rout'o Justice va, ints nded, Filet npi) !islett rn ln Wius.. The csse la heavd before the defense, and before bu cotilu gral> tise jsittêe. Case dlemissed for luck of gun another cartrtdge hail been dis- e.idonce. Justice Wi&@adaviaesMms. carged, tisepussing tbroîîgh the1 Cr~ wete go boena nd look fer ber loose skie belveen tise third snl i*uIIlrniysd nt continue temes"cern- foustii ingers. ogilsts against ber moihom u Mm Nîchoîs Falls ta Ficor. -Creve gratis revolver frein jacket Nichoîs tisen feli to the fluer. Of- and shoota Nîchole. CIIM*sc. Mns. ier Bolls, tise aaly officer o! tise law -Crevo arreftad on chan*t ethavlng rsnuhetehewm adal ~ iset hîisl. Mr. Nicisolà caridIt iet , rabelt tie dvoma d h ale -tise hospta, vher. he laye t the ber ln bis ara Sedopiltsc- péettime nt the point of death. voiver, wisîciswss picked up by Capt.1 pi*..Reel. Olicer Sells lragged tise wo- - mc-n Ib te littho ente room visore ho Perbaps one cf tise nost seesattonal ll ber nebl Mr. Nirbola was car- attacks on a persoca l]Ife ever commit- led dea n itothse Ipoice reception ied ln Waukegan va, tise drame enact- 1 com. Mr. Nîrbeis was oxaminoil byj ed at the police court le that city on thos0 preset. a cal as Immiediate-, Baturday efternoîi wise Mrm. AI!rois ]y sent fil for Dr. KnigiI, vise respnel Crewe cof Lewis avenue sit Mr 0<1 le a very few mnutes and aunoune- Nicholss &aisocf Lewis avenue, tbrotagis d tise neccsbiby cf takIng thse mac te tho Ilier. Mrm. Crewo sisot twice, one tise iospitai. This vas donc as sooe bail pasaînstrougi tise body. b-as tise ambulance could bhoseut- Iveon tise thîrd sel tourtis nb.s or moued.*Mr-s. Creve vas taken te tise neer tise liver, the second bal paslag county jail by Olicer Nichoîs. -tlrougistise looes kIe hetweon tise Reporter Taîku to Mms Crewe. Ihird -nl feuils fingera of tish oI ie afternoeîî prier te tiset'soot- hsed, left îtglnaffaîr, a SUN reporter visite 1 dtise The Starting of Trouble. poîilice station and feund Mr. sel Mma. Mdre. Crewe on 2aturclay causeil a Ccewe tise re waitlg for bise trial. varrant te he issue-i for thiarret o!fse v as taken for a rela ,tive ofthtie Mr. NichoRa. ciargleg hlm wltis iav-IMorans seldlise reporter qutsiinel leZ triol te trike ber vits e herselber as te what bal happenel te tise vhtpvisie aie vs paasgon eh Morse baby. Bbc confesse-I that Mr. r-ccd near ber borne. is Iacarg seld Mca. Morae vere close trienîs ef cd hi lîtis havleg ttemptOl <oemiii theirs sed tisat se ldbeen informel ber love vbbh bis herse and .)uggy. prier te the arreat thet tise baise was Tise warrant vas issued bY Justice in e Chicago home, Vi'iee ise au- Weiss. nouncetl this, ber busisand itmpol te Nichais Arrested t 4:30. bis fetdand tol ber te sistt ber At 4:30, viilo on tise vaI te work, - menti.s, ie thon retusel te Mn. Niciesla. vis a a atchinan eat tIktI Ameiccn Steel & Wire pent, vas af- lestol t tise corner o! Madison and Qenese e treets by Officer Sella. Ho vas taken te, the police station Imme-1 dlately by the oflcer, vise vas ai-t- coinpa.nied by Mrs. Afre Creve. 1 Recelves Warm Reception- ut asetise throo people enterel tise po-jilicte station Mi. Creve, vise st le -lb. police stationeaIl attrnoon vatt- lssg fer Mi. Niobola, hiev a hoavy sgittoon at the man soolg. Mr. -Ci*ec vaarreiteil andlplacodlntethe efly jail. The pafty vol-e thon taken upetAi ln tle ocourt roonI. Wom Dismisses Nichais. Iln'1.e vas bocard befone Justice -W*.vho disimsed the case fer Jack f*eileUce, claiing tbst t 1 as àhà*n beyoud a loubt tisat M. Nîcli- Taiks to Maynard. Hovever, altisougi sheaise ie eusel te taik te tise reperter, she taike freeiy vîtis Mr. John Mayerd. Bshe told hlm iovMi. Nictiols bal rutnee ber famlly. Hov se bal taken buggy rides vits im snd boy se bal hoon torce o teici ber ove ciaacter by tbis married mon. Bbc clammel <at s doctor bal annoutîcel Ibat se ln about to bave a child sel tisat a, lien isasul asnont ihome ail summer M. Nicisols, a cisilleas maen, la Uic tather o! the child. Huaband lad Pianned to Ku1t. 1< levelopel laten on <at Ms. Ci-ve, accoridng le is ovu admis- sien, bal rriasigol <o kili Nîcisola. but <bat bis vife lied earnel o! Iis fact 1 (Ceutiluel on pp I12) 5], e ~.1nstlce WeSaa Mv.. Oretee L~iii14tzf1ehoz. AOW OV-OMAIP LIB.KRTYVMtLBS LÂK ECOUNTy, UsINULS, Rn KA Y, JAN. 17, 1908-12 Prages 'SAVtD« MANY LIVES Thuga et .04,Uand Wato and i..avs Vlctim Utconaçtous Aftér H. Reachod Swith In Northwet- .nYards. Patrick Flyna, isesleged ln big aMg- ual tever leutise North Ravenswood yards hy four bandits, tongist s des- perato battie carRy Frldcy. le vhlch the livea cf a train bl a! ofpassengers comlng frosa MII'wstkee over tise Northvostern raîls'oad were Imperiled. Flynn oscapol frcm tise desperadoes le tisas te throw a awltcb sud save tise fat train f romi beieg wrecked.. Thse plncky towernan, ai-mol vits su trois bar, fottght vititiste roishors viste tise train vls <boss on board, Ignorant of tiseir danger, thundered on toverd an open swltch. Reaiizicg tisat a wreck wisicis muat coalt scores of lives vas tbreatene, Flynn witis a last lesperate effort, swung bis iron bar snd tisen sîîraog te tise levers, Throws Lever ln Time. Tise wistie oethtie pesseeger loco- motive vas borne te bis ers and hoe tbrew tise lever and tise next moment lay uconaciotta on tise floor of tise signal tover f romt a ilov delîvereil by one o! tise bandits. Tise rebbers- thonified Flyonne clothes. secttrlng bis gold watch and chain sed $55, vîtis viicis tbey cacap- ed. Net leng sfterward another em- ploye, who bal cerne te relieve Flynn, fouel the latter utoconsclous lente lever, bleodleg f rom scalp voubils. Eariy in tise momnIag Flynn le- descended bis ladder te drive awaI' feur- mess vise ers ttktng bester- osly uinder tise signai tover. Whee lie erdered tisem out of tise rsimgad yards. tbey sttacked hlm. Tisey vore armed wvus revolvers sel kuives. Flynn, wbc was tînarni- ed. bi-lrednu) tise iadder Ho vas pitrele. Sefore lie coulil grab an trou bac witis viicis te repel tise assailants Uic foýemost man isad is boaland shoulders tisi-ugi tise traIt door. Flynin sbrnck'at hics. bu', the man dolgel hbislsow, Flynn vas graspel by tise legs and Ibrown to tIse fluor. Fighte Wlth Rohbers. He fougist leîperateiy sel kicked tise man le tise chie with is heavy boots. A second assallant, isovever, bai lcilmhed tise Iodler, sel Flynn vas soon struggîing Ie tise embrace of tise second mals. He toIt the lingera cf bis assallant closlng over his tiscoatis. but witis e driiperatc effort lho freel hîmielf as bise thougist of the poril of tise ai)- preaciig train gave hlm unusual strenti. LUQUOR DEALER US 46NOT GUILTY"I Mccl Contingent Fala Down on Thtir Frenzied Reform Case. - Oliser Two are Wemnber and Daliey Cases. -Net guity' was tise verdict cf a Wackegan justice court jury lntes case of Ciharlesa Wemher a< 3:15 Tues- dsy atterisois. It vas abowe on Wembera admis- sloistisaI ise las bal a vholeaale liquer license from lise revenue office le Chicaoe for a -icar, as statedlin tise SUN ceceetiy. Snsîipy questionst, short teatimenu', mecs argument. <hoeevero tise fea- tel-es oethbie triai of Wembron ce lie charge 'ef runnint a blinI pig ce Ninti street <is afttrnoon hefore Justice Weiss anîd a Jury. Tise viteesses s-erc H. K. Bracbee. one of the Meot contingenst o! tron- sie refermera, J. F. Enemer, viso tetifiel tbst a sample et ene cf the <vo bottles sttbnitbed reaiiy 18 beer altec a svsilow, Williamt Wember, ai- legel baltender, Grove StevarI, Chailes Weslerflell. Chailes Wsunber aud Phîl Lovsnluaky. The Wembesn eleltise charges plint hisuk andlnledetaîl. Tise ji-y vas Messra. Ashton, Brad, eman, Siven, Oleebrel cpI Hoff. The attorneys vol-e Cty Atos-r ney Persona for the Moot centingist ansI Attorney George FloRd for thse Me ti e Nd y P8aet b us a at tisa ,Co aty Çour Dey om. .s I4* > le At 0 o'cloçk Ifcoay ipontug, vbe, J dg e e. 4 J " O WW Xbl e ' ii Ont e e"r qsexpe gt.ou rL1~ YLAI~ lIN A.VVA dUritig bis late gicliness did iiot for- get tha ho hb" annoimced he wonld b. *blé tu h" 4court and en theY made the ixscccsaary arrangements. in ail it la nlmatod there vere many daiena o1 thee eautiful, flow- ers whlcb wil.rec4ll to the jodge the etteefl la whiCII the local public bold hlm. Upon the oeinng of the court thse docket vas read ever by the clsrk, af- ter which the Juatge announced be wald set sit the cases for a hearing for MondaI' next. The court tben ad- Journede, Ourand4ismiltofl Cases. Th5e Durand.Hinmflton cases wbicb have adored the docket for many months vewre settled and dlamIssed Monda>' mornlng by the court atter he heoard froms the attorneys on bots aides. REVUfWS SITUATION UN THE! AIMY Generai Bell Aise Pute Forth Strong Piez of %establishment Of th. Mfoted Arny Casiteen. Marinage sud moi-c psy are part cf tise ladocementt hy visicsGenerai Ftranklin Bell - chielie ofataif. bepea to keep experlencol aoldlerslentise arsey. The sUggestions are embodled le a speiai repart miade ett<ho requost of tise Prenldeet sud publishoil Satur- day. "MarlesI mca la the srmy are un- questieuchir a bus-don,' bu saya. 'Bol ais, ar-e saried apkers. To bell s in le service for thlcty yoare ana deny hlm tise piIllege o! a normai lre la impajilble. To permit ailtet marry la equailly Impossible. Dîfferent Wlth Non-Comt. -Rc-enlistment of s marriel privato cîsy roperly ho discotîragel among inen cf Ihia gi-ado. But wits non- cunimissioe o fcera itleis ifferent. lb lu tbsomtan <bat It la neceasary le retain. 1< la <hese mon <bat, lb la desirable Iq Ulgve as taLtus." Selles a general increase of psy Genoral Bell alic, suggests a nov grade, tisat cf Warrant officer, be creat.el. Witis tisa..iev grade. whlch wouid ho ahove <bat et oce-commis- sioneil officOr, would ge c correspond- log locrease le psy. Waets Canteen Again. Discusaing tise cacteon General Bell says: "Tise restoratluts cf tise caniteen fealture efthtie post ezcbaege vould eperate fer greator etflriency sud greater cententmneel. Tise mac ef tise npeissary terce ber a suecesstul sellIer objecta lu treatinent as a cisild." tienerai Bell fuins aIse <bat a lack et puîblic respect for <hie uclforml andl tise service la a serions obstacle te securlot astIr,-talning higis-grade mou in lise army. MACES CHARtGS 0f CONSPIRACY il. S. Pierre, lise ailegeil squatter at Zien City. against whom charges bave beesi Isseil hy Zion City officiais cisarglng bim wilb conlccting an liq- lavfî,l business anîeng the sciseol cisilîren at Zion City, Saturday sîgnee a criminal complaint at t4e E. V. Orvis law office, cbarging Miss Acbesee andI Miss Murphy, Zioe City scisool teacisera. wltb ceespiracy te tnjure bis hîsiîîes. aise te Injure bis cisaracter and proerty. B. S. Pierce, it vill be reniembierel. bossa ittIe store lu Zien <bat tisecf- rliIs wîis h o have cleared off tise streetsanseltbe casee sn heard le Zion City vas apîboabletiste Lake county circuit court. Big Mcrtgage Pilod. A releaseeet a mertgage vas flied vitis Recorder Srockvay Moeloy morielg amouetieg te $2,5000,6000 givea by tWe Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pauil Rainoal Company te Russell Bagemone lime age by their local et- toi-ey, C. T. Heydecken. This la practically Uic largeat mort- gage even placel on tho files at tise local constlieuse. It cietel coesll- omblse exctement vhen announced. prashslant Re-Eiected. .. Te folevissg oficera ver. se-el- e51 at the »an- neetIng oet<he Ae- panS-l> avînga Bank lutI vesk Mon- preq~nt-healseH. Durit. yuIj Preallent--ChSlflR. LYon. wlttusil'.George Stisoble 0Oi0"d. y iIê Oce t Hlgisvpol i- reOvi ytu -1 Waukegan by Sentationat andl Outaîpoken Step of lise Ae- ciateil Deminiea. Tise Xautlegsn Ministers' Associa- bItsn \lî,nida>v iiglist sdpted tise follev- itg re.olutlln because ot an appeal <0 lhithIroistisascrcular letter fer their ,spplort by Sonate- Hopkins: XX iereas, Seestor Hopkins bases is stipies ote ieoeple te be ro- ciectel te tise senate onu tis -grouitîs ot is activîty andti lîiiueîce le seat- ilt Reel Smeot. Resoived. TisaI we(Io isot lielieve that tisis contiiltbei a reasoneble grosînd for otîr suîffrage as tise sestieg ef Reel Smoot was a bitter pil ve s-ci-c orcel lu swallow.. GEORGE MGINNIS, t.. C. BIRLING, And Mlecbeis \lnisteriaî Assocation. Tisete was at stronger resolution wiîrS allof etplssante In whlci tise soîsator sas roiinîenei oîtrigbt and bis i-elerlion retoseil as far as <ho association i iconcerîsel. Sisol iii tse NMormons senater con1- cernel on long liait polygaesy Investi- gaions and lectod h tla said as e cep- resetative et bbc Mormons. ýAGED MAN !OUND IN DYVING COND)ITION1 Trowhridge la 015 the FI~orWlaere h. Had Lin for Many Daya With- oui Fi re or Fo-Poerisuaier te Aid. Ie an olI sac k out on Washington t<., Wsukegau, vblch bas men'<IrneS been cariel lavu 1h. creek by1h. ia- lng o! the Stream,. JohnTrovbridge. an agel man vii. bas laid ou bis back for zuany yean s freriag vits rheu- snaLsm andI paralysie, van found late flay lai a dylai conition by Mrs. ibetenson and Mss. Johnson of Weal ,Waehlngten Strcet. 4'hese vomen Uvo In <be Trov- bridge negbborliaod and bal Isoticoil tbat thie oui man hel not hoon seen aronnd for <ho la fev laya. This set <hem thinlng. Tbon as moîbens aI- vways do. <bey bsvestlgalel. They ltucekled on ho d»r ced naocite camce to the don lta ansven <o <hein oeil,. "ialy tuiresoaflnmone a ca a eor olè;"Cm tise bouse. Ho was packed Into bcd by thse women who have looked atter bis needs ever sînce. Elward Conra., local poormester, bas been notifiod sand wil In the fus- ture look atter tbe neels of tbe sged man. These womeîî deserve groat credit for their thoîîghsttt,îees le looking a!- ter thse ageil man. Had they net vis- lited tise shack. bullît a fire, given hlm eometbing te est and lookel after his many needs. tisere la no douht but liat tise old mae would have lied le despair and tbrougis vant of nourish- ment. UC! COMPANY GElS AN INJUNCTION Westlake lt Seema fleuires to Go Into the Ice Cutting Business lMin- self andl Thun Hinders Their Wark. Lote Saturday tbe California Ire Company, a corporation, servol ait Injunctien agalîsat Williami S. West- lake of Marie Lake, In thîs county. This tee cempany dlaIms tbat West- lake bas iîîtorfered witb their work tisis fat snl that tbey must seek pro- tection by tisese methals. The Ice compan>' bas spent soute- wbere le tise neighborhood o! $100,000 le buildings, etc., et Lake Marie, sel lboy daim that Westlake h*a an- notîncel that If they continue tu cut iee at this lake hie vili rua harbel wires acrosas thclaite. It ban beau r.- tsortod tisat ho bas already bored large boble n<ho ice and that everI' elght mets are at worlt destroying the ie. Tise California Ice Company bas ane ef tbe largestteie boatoîries la <bis county at Iisslake sed bave iseeo le the tee cuttiîîg business for maey years. Tisis Is tbe first turne any trouble bas isaîpened. <Fi-cm Fiday's Sun) Tve little girls. thetr aklrti reacli- leg to tiseir kneee, acceatisd Ivo men juat geleg to verk at the Cern Pied' nets plant et 5 fflday a!t*rsuael sel mado them a cshsmnetubproposi- tion vicis<bey bave repertel le the police. , Tise Incident bappene lnlafront of Cygane saloce et Watei- streetad iSheridan roal, a corner repUtOd te b. a iscegout foc gi-h alveleen. Tise men, onee of iom a l a boche- Ion and tise other an old mas-nl min, vene enragel et the saaareleMOet o <ho girls and leok the mater op vltM tho police et once vlth the gesunt tisai a rail te geltihe gils la antol*t& Onse of tise Ivo mon vhos tise SUX4 Intervievel statel liat tise 11111e gIs- vert brszep la Iheir behavior pn open sud boil le thels- semu.rke. Supervluora' Preceer;sg. Tise minutes of the last 0 t u Lako Cousit>'Board of Sope~rs be lu aIakPpýis do another page of Ibis&o lu'~ talis teseean4 e4r of ôt.a*I. -. v TUIREATrN WICL. KNOWN ATS Moran Gratts Sight of PrtMrife tormey Wlth Show of i4atse4:' Swenr aru 0 Gt £voerns' i "Butte ln." George Morse and bis wilfêi Tuesdsy bottit ver -ta the jury le thse surncf2,0e5 swer for thse hurglary ofth store, a crime ta wbich the' dlaim they have centessed J3oth waived examînatien. i- shahil fgist my case," state4, ran to a SUN reporter. "TIitl gong te let these fellowesoi over tate spou? I &halud attorney. Attorney E. V. 0fie4 cen get hlm. and ceontent every, of groued." 1 Mrs. Morse remained rsilesst but, lng Uhe bearing isgreed vith wvhS isband said and dil. Viclous Against Attorrney. When Morse detected the pfsa of Attoroey C. T. Heydeckee le police court ho vea furloos' ansI a hal! threatening gesture v*sh moutheil terrific cursesunetI li <ueted. Afterward be exprosred a280 oua batred trèr thse attnxeY i Qlared tisat It ha "h.tted itsr on elther aide" ho vsl 119« with bisa If l tahos a bu4* HMshetred of the deanotý î County bar le a sI te date- lime when, years 5<0, .. n -b.. tornoy Heydecker'a duty têw ln jilI for seue pett>' ctwÈ, Heydecker W aIetut t*M attornsey. Ho eeo Î4;~ andI got, Uic bey ad, lie-t SUN reporter Tuneay, ssii seema lta have a de 0 1k. fer hWm even nov amS la ex reualng IL. Urnhetie Mara v ton yesrs culd 1 1 - - - - - ý Il A. 1 1 RA1LROAD OFrYICIALS FAVOR LOCATION Land Chosen la East Part of Oeborn Farm South and East of City, of Liberty- ville. The Chicago, Milwaukeoe & St. Paul Railrroad Company has corne to the aid of Libertyvllle ln the contest for the location of the goveraments proposed teetlng station for foods, minerais, textile products and al things in wblcb a standard of excel- lence or purity la dosired to-be main- taincd. Tuesdaý bf last week a party con- siating of Divisoin Superntendent GiI- lick, Generai Engineer Earnsberger and Division Freight Agent Grant iIliamns came to Libertyville and view ed sites submitted by the Liberty- Nille rien al the bead of the move- nient tu ]and tbbc plu there. As slated ln the SUN recenbly a site had beeti ofered lu Secretary Mauss of the Chicago Commercial Associationi. The vsit»of the raiiroad officiais and their opproval of a site. wlieb as a matter or tact waa given beartiiy. gve groat gaina te the dlaims of Ubertyville as the future place of the localion of the new ln- dustry. The railroad Officials unanimously approved the site that Libertyville men had already picked out, thse east end of thse Oshora farra south and east of thse city. tbree-fourths of a mile frein the Elgia.. Joliet & Easatern Rail- read, two huedred feet from thse St. Paul and abttlng the electrie road. It would be bard to find a more desîrable site ln Lake County it la maintajneil. lu case Waukegae la compellod to feul ont of thse race te locate thse plant il is believeil that Industriel Aient Samison and te members of thse Watt kegan Business Mens Associa- tion wseul support the clafies of Libertyville ratiser tisan those cf Zion City because of the.vastly more favor- able conditions at Ubertyvilo. Men of strengtb are beblinil the Lib- ertyvilie proposition and isome good, llvoly work la being done ln favor of tisis city as the site for the plant. Besîdes obtainIng thse support Of thse St. Paul thse promoters bave calledl tber site te tbe attention of tise Chicago Commerce Association, il bas been accepted with others, and an option bas been obtained to prevent e boost ln price. WILL NOT SUPPORT SENATOR UHOPKINS NIN! IIOUR DAY. 1 A!TýR RCMI41 Operators in tise local dopot veo iefermed Frlday tisaI startlng on Mai-ch 4 <boy veuld begie an a nino heur day as reairel by tho nev state iav, making. ninesboni-s per day tlie lmît fer railreal telegi-aphefs. As a result cf tise nov lav the real vili ise forcol te bise msunsv wOP-1 el-alors oi tise systein as tise officlala will be liable <c presecution If any of lise eperatoca are allove o <o ila ots Iuty longer tisan nine bo=s-. Tise 0w vison mode effective, yl cessitabe hisilg extra mon In men" er tise important offices sud wyUl prob- aisiy resuitIntesecuttieg lova of the force e! employes -t tise sanaller of- fices. le Wisconstintise seme 1ev vent lotoeffedt Janusry' 1. !ARLY S!ETTLER DWED UMCHICAGO ilukh ,ines. oneort<ho fiast setlers is Ibfis cotîety, pasel - avaI' Friday morning et bis Chiscago home. Pneu- monte cotraclel but a fev laya ago causel tise doatis o! his fermer ce- spectel citizen. .Mr. Mines fer maey u'eara eperaeo a grocery bouse, Waukegaui. l<'olio- lcg tho large Ciicago lire ise vent In- te tise saloon business bei-e sel oper- ated one of tlie lirst lidensel saloons lu Lake coîînly. Tise body e!flise deceasel vas brotîgit te Waukegan from Chics-go Buîclay on tise noon traie. Burial et tise Catliollc cemetery. MIEN ACCOSTED 8V YOUNG GIRLS 1 $1,50 FER YBAR IN A.DVA Juet ise WUiiamIJ, SUt, thse Gaette, va le&Yln;4 isttion, <Mns. ii,* tue Ëbq Una. Moi-a, "eI kteWB Mr-< 04, 4 »g i hel . e v up a o * 0aversatio AtaI <e 0et W&alit tfYeu d4wtý%» thes cbanster of sny prtnting <hoe jUtbT, ye>* 4É'q yen do, 1 ibsfl boerihp Yot cm <ho ati-'eta of the City, .'. ý husky s =ont dovlltdo t *> huk serve var wio ist :i' lsope pnln<ln <onvleyellalt xi yep n o x thset lau iLe el'i W d boaut Myengtrl goal abou uut br iell~e frenbot e? she hume'tsa from? o Ibshan wl mrr cause gise la'-bI vit? î cauls ete tUhle <lIg <me crime utc part la, tlPisplnes hetslai you de justice et aI$111 - peroistInlu îrictisug the*11M, do andlIkeep Il up fs-cM 4aY- Eulter Leugisu - Smiîthslasgl"iaIthset1 eee le ôtee.M It UB&E e. Mss. Smthlivwasbowvise «Mnt aup bles- volos brob tsarsumor'e than once ca s59 thse newspaper Man. -- cOmd'Natured i.! C" Moi-n ansd hla vilfe vege. eattred sed smillng la coss4, morning vitis <ho excePtloi vbe e homnt AttoMel I9ý docker *a, meotoe&wiî bal to ho queted. -- Bot wece eus-ious aout»î ing affs-ey o! Saturday sl* sa huliet Marke left on t5e lm gi-oct letesoal and apP*reet- Llýc.,Jatl Pasa.' Mca, George Mosan - ,tat9 in veilsa"el vils jI1 <bat ah o vil s-thes- b.a bc Biiift GtiMa's a ycar thasit the al sh#aclt eut out Levloa, AIU day Bunday Whou-5 look out of 1the cou ~ap mise spend o nt e of -- rouM se. a looketa<e bier fbon sud ma"ytmu heard to state tisaimehs* thank!ssl "tel NP* andi a W lte sie.p ilait 'the otmwi. 1 Moffl bus 1=01ete asu' t a en ln tle jall. O-elta vIS reefld o u etin- 10ofg - hm bu othervise nes.ýI fri5pners la tise jolIout* ig s-aniss coeue lanu sI tte, biý at0moiorel a lier. if L mua sos-t, ahes than k' P i a tfuture ho aiqelli liteolI t1e. fianeds. Tait.Pioturoe. a"We T*00dai the PW"Wér4 q»il measureelt# George Mra ver CWankegsnPoMce1 m -eu viunth a ea uag roe,

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