4Ic .2 PEk SKEIN, FOR SHETLAND FLOSS, GERMANTOWN OR SAX- ONY- YAgN THIS CLEARANCE SALE, ALL CORS. 2,:: ix i i jan«"r 18 to J31sr j Inclusive.I y- Ci carance Sales. Wltiiout consIderation of any profits whatever, ail Fait -and Winter lines to 1-2. Iess thail regular prices. ,Tbiat means $100 goo4$ at,67c, and even 50iohraounts in ~ Fo o~lyqjbciays $65000.00 Worth <f ,ercha,4J# t these reductlons-exactlY as adver- ~fr~~p~hity yo'in t- tevçry 4y ŽCAREFULLV AND'TIIO RUHY tpTII E EAT OF THIS ADVERTIS~ET S~rejhm JuuryClearace Ngt an Janusuy ckvranme in shoes miu*= you d=ia lowprcs nor do they include the, mt~w.ir ,.: basdi heve17be* workmansbip, found ingrdsulg toetidm e dlean tnt In ladies' vici kiA and box eWi shoea, qu4llttleslu $225.. . . ................ Ledien' ohofflofo!patent leather vici kid aid gin metal; iu lace or button, sweeplitg Jaruàr? clearance price, Iis lot per pair......... - ~ la $815aioe.., vcf I ii, tntohera. aMd gosimote; emurace ........... ............. .46 S&MÊ uinipe i "owie $3.00 aa4 $3*0 oxfords, clearance wpie. ta ie BABIEMUNT ......... .. Sf ladiq Mit .l sctelppers wth fleible leather sale. "ta 8$2.00 volues, .. . . . . . ..I. . . . 5 Sp~a arg urtmoet to!ilotp%, neudlag Iii ,uIh#ae<fa1iat soc. Ne*y etampe inh 5 bat"; sde . ............... 25 Sample âne laisse feit sflppera, leather sole; lu the BASEMRNT . .................................... Chlldren'io vici kld ahoes, 3 ta S> apecis.l clearance, Me Boy's, youths and littIe gents' strougir made sehool shoes, clearance malo,..p>r pair................... $1.16- Large lot of Misses' and children'is hoea, 6 to08, 8 10 il, 11% ta 2. Odds and ends mostly, $1 vlues ........................ Aul lnon plocS suspit» ecoter pleffs, dollies. searft, ete.. staaped adunatampod at a deeiidiseont et............. 20 per cent CI. 10 000AY"rdsLaces aan£bWiÈt e'à a-grand osanSi of' sa extoalve lot of I Thit lot a laie me tbtof fine .ames nyer agbrolderlictht seli reularly t 39e sncb as Val, Mitase, net top Isous and many other t yard. Xverr o»e a iecidedly bandsome rat- knalctdn so ti*lyeoydsrpinl 4e price teyard................ .............odeaili ng rlaro ly 0 3erysd.erption in @me &IMi a " anaimak embr"edries, in ail uaite linrgumYo2UaudCa&c I Illa un t ..ia yar . hfiesst md in a te BASEMENT, per yard .................5 =*u tuu; cloavftâe or about 19 ,000 yrd t ~eyi. ............ .............. 25e gpoec uSraco la the BABINE NT of about 3,OO7rd e ry S" eabralied ansd Insrtions to mtatchI"leUdlng embrodertu a crset cover lO Wid" aIEzO"timnUly apeci1iper yard... 'One verY large lot *embrceoI8i and jnaerUeofs ta mia tcblu vidths. tram à ta '12 luches vide. Doesof cholce patteras luitua" asortment, extra I apocla clear uceInthe 5 DSMNeryard ...................5 SEL WINOOW DISPLAY. 11..r md Ldis'Underwear C*ac 14q Une lu lhe DASgMfMUT, ver inftnia' ail yod hose, blac aid rai, Ladies' Unwa -Suite, amnal Bses, .airc 25e qunty, clearance at per pair, 10c clearanice ... -..........35e . ............... -.......Ladies' ibite pants and veata, 60e january Qearance Ail £lothmng ' Men's $12.50 to $15-00 suits, : wosteds serges, cashmeres che- viots; fancy and solid blacks and', blues. Clearance price.. $9 85 Young men 's single and dou- ble breasted suits, entire. $10.00 lime, January clearance. ...$75 jYugMen'. suite, fanoy ohev- iots and black thibets, clearancei in the BA.SEMENT. -.. . ..$490 On the firtit floor a special clearance of eidren 's Russian4 Blouse suits, ofhigh class taüor- ing. Neat shepherd plaid chek,' Scorne in rnodish browns and steel mays. Sold elilewhere at $3.00. 'Ths sle..........~±ai ,( -Mtn's $12-50 to $15.00 over- coa4tblues., blacks, and novelty .f mixtures, tailored in différent- lengths, grand. .. $ clearance price.. Men's overcoats in oxford gray freizes and cheviots; 36 to 44; nicely lined; final clearancein the BÂSEMENT $490 Young Men 's overcoats fine kerseys maoitons and friezes in blacks, grays and fancy mixtures, clearance of a $10.00 line .......................................... . 5 Men's pants, of cheviots and wor6teds, elearance of large assortment in the BÂSEMENT, per pair ............... 113 .$3.00 lime of men 's pants, cheviots in netstripes and worsteds, salepe ile --1- -- - - . nn. ..+ suits 6 to 17 years, very latest ini our $2.00 to $2.50 lime, clearance.......... $149 Boy 's overcoats, ises 10 to 16 years. Novelty plaid, mixtureas1sipes, gays and bisoke, learance of $5.00 line hand- somely tailored garments ...... $285 "jdles' hlac hoavy r»" Odh-a, Bo"s very ieavy fleeced hase, 19c garni enta. clearance .......3 hidren 's Russian 4~yle overcoats, Plare.nc . lu...... A.......... p.r. qnalty lu tue MASEM ENT . . .. . (k Ladie s' vool yogIS and panla due n eatly tailored, trixm ned w ith em blem s tic PAS M EN ... .. .... . b i UrObla tie basclearac ncree taper g$e00rmhiee . . . . . . . . . . .$9e8 IMIadie'nbed hoavy wffl hao- lu Boy's aid glrl's extra envY ad fine Misses' fine vool ibbed veBtls and andshoulder straps, worth P«.- pair ....................... 15e t>cUne st ............... 15c..4earan00e............... I5USEIIiShII ~gains This -Sale Wend.rful ChSrance 10e ean Eumelie tOaeo p on"Ilateomauco......a6 Round vegLtle paters of lin Se...................n5sUwlerwear bc eaR EnamOune stoye poli, learane ...... SCe 4 bok cotand bat racks ................... i9CMeaaiyidba 'cOhitgaesleprar....... Blacene a d A B iq li' slae po Ulah, 0 e a u ... 7 e l a c n lc o lk I lye ,m eD rp i . . . .. . . .. LageMo eayjapanned coal acutttias, clearance, 19o Clearantce of ai padded mufflors, ce.i........................ 62 su e'y$100 Ulne long sllk muffl&5s, clatmaace............................ 79 Woodeu cool hugeM a poal ..... .. a 2fer*se Lcrae cMens uwhite handliorieh .....a...........2C -1........................ le 15e blase osmeled soap dishes. clearanice ......... lac Boyle, ieavy velght vinter capas, pecla lu lte BASEMENT .......15c leMena $1105ainel shirts, cloaranceo............................ 01.2 21 quat heavy retianed 1 p .stW ied 1cMen'S$500 and $225 flainel ahlrta, laraiest ..........$1.76 '32..Cofo........................................... MesOCt cse39 à» Paie' .....o...m.dr..a.shirts...............9...,...e.le.0.....75o.... la ho u a<U Ntsa................ . ................ 9 ......r ..c.ae. e MeE'a *ark gray 11.26 sweater Onan, the BASUMENT .................. m Mous bIna i feecciundoer. r500 ggi- tuanta,........................... 87o Mu a76c mLaed yôol and colton undor. veer la tic BASEE14T............ sS ima Ir"al bici Cooper maie under, vear, e .....e................ 012 lUno miii voolunader..8 il '. . . ..i aibii cvet et 2<.wbur N, Y., Wooe l am& LÀueilcontlanedand beat boemé lai fd eauu". but -heu ho mot tic. ewmUPlOU lu uubeeuteflt eota th* Mme. day ho vau beateu nof. ÂgSlu. la the laut moet of tih eMasanat arm- tpgu ini lu Brooklyn, Lamy buat Wood home by a sat IYard. Theocea-. 7.luithowevel', vas replete witi icul- Ina. Boundlflg tie lurn everybedl toOled overy one elso Sa dhtuctlyliaIM ail should have been disqualifiai. Tb* coatotanta enterai protesta agaM Oo . nother. vith the rognât thntM offiiais d.cidod te have thce ovet re. atod. la thc skate o0fWoedvOS moaly and Lamy ftnlaited secocd. Amon t liae vho skited aiGus li auspies of lie Amoteur Athlie ta- son i'I uaraey amd AllenTay1eI!w play"i meut spec a"d von auSvl74 tice veata. Thon vèe. f ivfaut i. apidta film, ho*vvr. A"i vieWons.wnvor, e iihollov *l fore the break viit tic@ Â. Aý , .,Ii Miy and Tyor wre n b~or- a> verse liaitmai" cf their Opeibo Tier Otton woan ad yen jusI nMet0 heatien. Another siater vho oxnis vili uecoli Wood OU Woodward Bafpien et li- ew ating cmi. - Se hb u M beae-en a' Wgoed'i nd for siea»Y" e'e tmmnad inealier. O.IuihleMafvwd ea.luih" Z It r.la seun e li M Xdwi te CMv X, < b Vt ANY DRESS GOODS AT 50 CENTS PER YARD OR OVER WILL BE SPONG- ~ED FREE 0F CHARGE. 4. i m 1 ý e i i & s 4 ý M-14 1,4 b m 1 w w " ffl 1 ý t 1 4 1 r T~u>nt* Ch nthe -Art Goods Section lier - a»t mwe 1îstee Heavy qualty JLP-ne" Iran duait 9c i- 1 1 WHO WIU. LEUOIA1B IWlth Wood Turned "Proe" *aos Strive For Chanileship TI"i. With Morris Wood of Long IOSSé 7 N. J., the nstlog's champion, ont ci the amateur ranks, the etruggle for amateur apeed skating honora this via- ter promises ta be the moet excling lu soverai yeas. For the peut fffl yoare wood's Speed placed hlm inaa clama by hlmeelf and detracted machi Interest frmthe sPort. go superbe Was Wood thut &il contesta la viih h. competed ver. notiiing mmreno lmu titan a struggie for second hon- WoodSa snoaneemeat that heremftal ho vocldskat@ au a professlonll bas wa.usednew 1.lir note i ngilaof thc steel blede. It h~ASactai vlth tm iese a tae t iven tg a thoroagh- brui before &a mee aud causedl them te metrtain hope.ai wlaulhg the cim- plonahip. Por Instance, vIile anl th* Weil known Nev York a"d Brooklyn siateme have been prs'Ctllg mOn-e th. aenlng ai the St. Nicola rink, il v-» net until they huard aof od's rU- ment that they sntured Inte, ticir wOk wui theïr migbtieut efforts. jndglng from the number of thus Who strove for secondho-ore vtheU determining vhlch vas Uichftosi* aeong thees, any caof aadoseu maLY capture thc coyetod titi.tis sImn Amongt toue ensternera Who ane oo. sidered to have a good chance for the ciamlilouablp title are Bd-und La- my of Sanac Lake, N. Y.; Woodward mutphen. Herbert ElIe, Bivard Omaib and William HaYvaod, Ir,. ci ti0-SaratoggSkating club. BrooklYRI PU Kerney, W. W. Swan. W. lea% W. Soam An rthur Saron.y Of tm 26ev Tri Atbietie club; Oliver Wood, (3. Wllme and E. WIlllams O!f te Vurona, Lake Skatinig club of Ncv 1er- uuy and Allen Taylor oifte Irisi- Àmericon Athietie club. AUl « tce dlsplyed mucit sPeud amd etfk1Umce, lu Paut years, and te pl&k thc champion from tien' la a tak ne tirsesexperte vil a&Z- on.Bach hua hi$ admireranad teadmirera 09 oaci daim tteirfavorite lae icba" Tintiare are upoudy men lhi Ou- ongo and Bouton Who must b. camail- éred. Tovard tic clou. of lait boum LemDY shovel mutspced. on acwe ocsions hocompfl dtiheinuime.t0e Wood ta do bhWbetta vin. Tironh accidenta t, tice Itr L.My tviec 15- hledIn lufront la races hIvilci W-& .tarte Inlua national chaPmyieah