gigêrna1No. I. Edor,Re#idmeneTelepiioue o. 141. Ubertyville EohantO ~ada b*Poutofice a& lbertyvWei. -11.aahiieoond 0O ta t4r ýà,aa VRILLy. ADvlgTMZSU« ATU lADU KNOWN.Ox I pPICÂTiog. IPITN PRICE 01.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANOE A4. JUST ........................-.................................... dOi WLE . ........................................... ...Cîty Editor FRLDA.Y, JAN. il, 1908. W1IAT 18 A NEWOPAPER? Xi. Gardner, clty edItor of the advertleling cau &et a poitio nit Nom@, N. y, Republicsan auny more. h* QuEllicn, "What lo a Noe- IL in uhat you vaut te âne Uieof- . a tbé, tellowlag noyel but tor Ikeep rur namee out of ausoona as e. you bave aettled wltb heeti oie on pwspaper lu the. thlng whch the -morins mter and to gt your OpM lu toues MOu bow to nanie'tuto as mecs as the carda are W, tàieodtor. Itinla at a Iauosid t-vo eelus befome dMI b. for 'routta' on every- 1It la wiiat fa mat too iiorrld' and Wu Ïét jbl»gmlL ncberisof your qulative for mWUytiiug Sud 'pless bo a fau ofyour partlculal keep my naine out' when Lthe reporter f& *om - liaould be a vish«e knou about the. bridge whist ~~UIpe-OIpralse. club, and uhich la the. mean old shoot s*'..ow et protaulty if It in tiiat neyergeta anythlug.rlght wbeu tb*rftMt oreb vilen yeu get yonr naMe le Omltted front arnong 1ite môreing& sud ltti.t yenthoe pre.ent -sa wbe vorka ou It is't fit "It ln uhat no one ever forgete tto tin a docent persen's horne. condemu for îls nistakes sud neyer mrbat the. youug man, vho bar- remembers th prase for the gond It: frWe aalo ibasbar, 'ktcke accompllahes. beme .it cenâtaine ouiy one "t lua a ubeided organ when It faits r eflsud w" h ti e nasta tel] about the mlllonarea vif. rMclghbor. viien ah.elttes lit unang away wltii a eachin, and a ýt buorthi sbacrUbng for, b.- lbeleosyellow, rag vheu It reporta t au but o. pave devoted ta your police court trial for klIling youXr .00 ukia cWrrat jais. nelgbbdr'srootier. di mrchabgt threatena "It levbint le difli cut te prit mo as pi ýMt of becmiue lie to sait auy and everybcdy snd vhich i' ,rua of tii. peur sud wueld b.ithiugbut elght pagea; et aU Vabucriber decues la gii- blauk white paper vILla a headltne tg ~ *mIlmabeveus le- IL vere pnblisied no as tasuit every- is g4 ettag sntbut iiothlng but body.' TH1E AiU*Cw ULL 08 A 0000 UIILL quil *W&1&& bill in' cumuléthe. latomat ra.0ataaxbelov6 Pe, 0 à@*« -àM u~mr. eefici cent. lb. hantavin b. loslng monny »Vea aunai. Tii- ticf 'O u tatMParutftiiefr circulation -cOf 0" "r Mt PerU& Wb"ii Ic en e eod by United Statea us vw t Mpu- of the n»- bMil. and vOlretire it Sasfant as w0 cutu*lti. vich le0s- passibe. Thus the.Aldrich bill pro- e'b" *tàI« L as ie t viudes IL Simple, suie sud effective M fa. viti odaegetmnlr pi-. Meau for adjnatl±ng thle circulation OFýIM OfthLe emu Circua- tae eneeds of the. conntry. O. lie lulerent rate in 6 petUr adr praseut conditions the inter- me.Y ipets CMlviiest rate la argeiy goyerned by tLe, 18*T-t* 7 o- 9 visible 3upply et money. Wbeu the! ýt *Il b. jrlabM fer the.Alddrichbbill le passed (if Itlal paeeed). -~e ~ M Ccucilatlo. the suPPlY cf meey viii b., tea alarge eupyc ny extlit, at leaet; gotnfled by the lu. »WNn .LOnglas. At lis sumu SM mm~ ing1)19mounhithe asUreau M Lin- t etlunin vl be iven by ir. Horace Whitie. of NePw York, vie s e co rePcelePt the Li.Cliiçgo Tribune re- porieil the defatea W 185alIL .whitte $W Wu fiç v geflé .rreilpoodentan sd -te ]*te onNoa. Il. . Mtt_ long aàoienber ot eegtrea. frontlîIIMXl aus tii. ahet- Sba"d reportpr Who tonk dg*u tii 4e. bais. Mr. white wviruse.o« tul ,*ghv Newv'Tort te -W-de tii.meely. ___________The amir- on Douglas visii la de- livlernd by former Vire Paedent A. IL tisshuelalorlo tvein. cf lllomlutoéL % lmmcii eÏiW» Çmbmta y as been tîlsabout Linctoln aud siémjme . onPtrtlrelY go itaileaboutDouglas ~ laacwESOIiY ist Geuerni l teenson'» attireàs. latir- _________ poeul te b.e fgrent Intereat. Progrom for Mmulang. i4 lJau- 14.M-Ti1f1 Theré are jSeeral otlier Speakers or 1* Uletsajçsl aOcety vtil bo" nofr wba 11111 glve addlteemea et tii IL AmsJ. eeting lu tie flutmeeting, smong Whou,15tgir. Hena-y Vjý he fe atoulae at Bpriug Dar1refti Chameberlain. cfrLthe ChîCago éld)sdFriday, Jan. 30 ltecOad-Herald, ho wviiitell of th. lite sud careqa- cf EBuseKent [ano, 4fttthe euil-eeteuttal f Ot e c f the Mot notable cfrllnoia ebMiue t beu ate nlof I8 theesMy Bmtsmnee0f wbom the. people bciagla dhate c 1S8 La. Of the itâe *enomtta ae ttsigt na. boffliywilll celebrnte ~tbir W. T. 'Davîdnonof Levleo, oui' itbbverary by sa ppclal ee- cf the. vfteran edltmruof tue sotette, yujl et.~ the.tovua ubere the. miacaieniifamons men o e I.Mltarv L 0batua oea urred on the. an. Tract. Tne prcga-am ofthe euelos gj of the debate, t the, maine la au <chloya: <iý4k day and,. Sa nearly a as e- Via-sdaY eorng, Jan- se: Business vb.r ~ o-~biî metinxg; officeru' reporte; couanitteq p fi.apotreports; mection Of afficer: mnaieela- .pocured.Tbea celoaratena acuabuaMlnoenecrolagista' report; locl, ut ie tîaorlal ocltIiu'Oalàt OnsIle aud eviesa.1 alge pétated a ecnmlittee ylth local l>as'ld Mounlou>gb, of l'oorla. a dre,- Ç*4et hie Clonl Carka.toi lU teLiiaMerical soclety, Mr. Elot S~ e vhlh Clone Clak ~Caleee, of 'Peoa-ia. Wf Gâleaburg, lu the general Tburad"a ternco' "Lrua Keet AIL ColonelCar bau vimted a »v aSa," Ma-.rira-y rre,,Chabrlu * VrePort, Charleigtou, Joues. Of th lhcaga ecoead-Hera1: ; = temig, A itou andl Quiner, scia," lira. FR. jaunîmon, SpaIneied te va wli.i-e Il' dPlatea w-or- lamenalMen Of the Mlltary Tract."ý SSud the local cçîmtiftteera&rée'William T. Davidoon of Lewlxrtow. String preparatIlqpa. At tue su-. Thur*daY evecinu': "Abraham Lincoln sudte iDeb&tes ai1 l,?Iorse Wlate, w«11119 f et tittIcah-uI ocleLy of ewYrkCiy I, Oara- viii"Mort tut- pruga-eteFrlday mraring- "'fllilw Coli.gel arrpgementg for thet icli-brn, and Slevea-y Moveua.ut lin lcl. 'IM a eml-ceulenulal Of tle de. Preldont Certa itummekamp. Iit. ntst, 01lege. Jei-keanvll: Ilsg; ýd *r111 expll full, theit îjloni North Ithre" SeYiuur Curr.y, p"i'iii 43,1eOclalocl ,ety and the Licil dent Evuio ils,wîîrl so arleai. Uens AttemPts %Nwll l lieadv "ltwedleh S.tementa linîule »egl inetinga te arsk Lial, -o , 1Cronholu. ch"ritlgu ~mbs nt ea-edy been doue. James Hall eu Matfitl for Western $UI ?.ts lcue. i HtorY" 'Professor .FI.» reene, Uni- Iversity oaI llnois; 'Early itatIroad#of 0 veinle vilI b.e ued by TIlnois! Nnrheru Cr. a ftars" O. e=~omentorating the. Seuail. M. icCanneii, Wnunetita. 111,; "ya th fienl-D)ougîa de- abu u dia a1tl Iteu Cplale J. Evii constat of the debateq H- Buruhamu Boomleton; ,chlcage < iaai amteriul el-mnm1t Wasaand lul," Edwin 0, Gale Chi- 60 tfla tmm, of thL . w Frlday evenlg'"Stepheu A. Doug- --- tg, aMd of reprinte or 1la9." Aillai lSteveuuon, Bloomtaupon. F dacumot relatlug te thê WOrk Of illmtoe"I.Aui tame. Siià ~ rePbotograpbg Iliniolubbîl ne lgiibodun aste, - Mutrtiraeofthtie ubjetet Ilu ta rre eOfls lllatiarteslal 4ety. but bu* W viiib. ialdaooely the rmembet, of thi e rersl aseabl, sua d IL veay large have aim ont vtiout exception b eoti vîlifavorablie ta tb. Soiety a"ud laPlane. [Tb* aêcuetary or lbe 014*îS%aLoib f y. Mir& s. m~lelo 1ei .b.T,11l libtarlun. - Under ttw law muhlg tw . filatorleat aoctcty' a dop*tei'uiitit Me library tii. coeciole f.the socfrti ar e cpropatty ot tl4e atate sud U- ar. a partoet Lie tmla fa- te t llstole Rua-*rt. etii. .j pf tiih iba tram its nerg stloiabean tiei.cléec' tion of books, pamnphlets. manueeFIPtu andl pîctutea lllxltrglog Ilitaptaor western iltory. 'The latteJuaijo 0. W. lieckvlth, ef Daaville, wae ti fi réprsident of thcelibrary«beardaid se Copimi fiat f0tlouet nl i ladcath except durng thc terua of GO.wmn lambert Trft'a " W«ren T Juige Prm, »s 19«1a7yoves nIsle tien et aaupbea- ofrare lrcaeubmelin Wb"ci ftf et tfejia. snlat uie c plerli uL occupattion cf the lMiaula- -àk U6CyTb p woes. le lm 0the. IllInda ila lotosiul »elty v"s fore&cdJualge Et. W Beck*Itbi vasîteilret tpresldent **à. Profeemr Be EL Greene, e tc tài Ifesity ortIlIliois. Its fia-t aeretary. le lm08 ii légsalatur. easil sa W*t naakIeg the. Illincle State UElm*osM: SocIety s departuient of tbe hubb Bate Risericat iury, sud lii hbrary pdialided tii. trweastlmam b. soe*eL-vaxedotiier hlatorteali matuit- ai. The la-st pubicaiman ortIo ltba%" vas luonealus1,1»Oanad la eetitled là Bibillai-play et Nevspepers Publed lu Ilinisu Prior ta 1800" This 11W. volume va emiteil by Dr. ILE. Ja mes. flues cf Lb.eUniversity ef Cbleng, nov presldent etfLthe Unlvea'lof 1TM- nota. Dr. James lu preaident of Lb. Il- j brary beardl andl one ct the. dIrectairu of tii. Ubluuetal oriety. Tic volume li mentioned la nOv eut of prit thàIi auipily iavtng been exiiangted ac afllWae. The. »>uiatloca are sent. ont te megabesof t ii eclety, bisal., sabolapubliec ilelaR Msd te la- dl-vIua!aoen requeut. The.publeatlen ofe fie rty cover a vide rasmue c sebjerta. 'Tuer. baye heem lere. aumbersaotb. publications licc aI the. regula re..tvo indemne volumes pubiluebeay speelal appropri- titans for- the pua-pose. ITii.. are eafled Ilîleola liletorical Colections. No. 1 ef tbilasert«ea vueediteal by Jndge 11-W. PltkvÏitiaand az asl- ouni m19W0. It trestea cf Lb.ei1rci eploratIonx. of- Lhe bulding ofFort Massc. George Rogers Claa-k'a expedi- tion te lekaekua andl Vncennes, anal ctains aise a numbea- cf Jettera (roum lhe Cnadearcbl-evbiwhclarelate to tiii Illinois caountry-. A second volume et tbig aezles basabeea leued latoly. tdited ty Mr. C. W. At-mrd, cf tiie Un!Iversty cf IIlli. Tt coutume o9 rmu caaeilly paeparual bltory of Lb. Illinois .dbatty 4cirga-inieand àl large number cf dôecuaesa elatng te tbst péslod. 'l'hee àcumente have locg lalta lu th, archvesof >1. clair euty. Oubear Waek of.2Ubcay. Bernai afrelams sd bnUOle hve n &lme bees lessed. auoegvtieh *5a7 11e mtl.e.d anu atgue or uideWer*0i mtudy eorJinleeleiRalcuy L hrefoe- suce&. T%18 Wvaspxqa.zed iy' Mrd Joele Paumer Wèbar, ate l by bravian..Tii. Urisy te q«pcý*ll faufluate ln biylag'a compee l cfo mie Illnosmlilt Eter bqsluig tua Tii. files of thé IllioeStMte Joueal are aisé leutthe librtly trom Ite fb. pument. but are thc propaty'ef the Journual Company, viICh lias plareal tiem la Ld. lhiiesrfor salle keepiuansd tiihe cvenlence ai the publie 71W Iubuary ovus a 0"l et ie iIliois Iutlllgecer. of VaadaJLd.- 11W-1Su5.t wvueeglt te tii. statp orc no o150r c PWard ocluasecond goveraor cf Lthe ste. Tu. l1rar la veryricit lu UneoLa- lana. t bae aeveal hualad books and pamphlets on Llon, everaare mannaealpts, a.1n a slarge colleeflias of piictograplia, egaavlngs snd otber pîc-tures cf tMr. Liecebl.Tii. llirry bau s fine omete uelave et tii aatt.. acomplet. *et pCtbflicjeunaala et ipo géneral aaeemblY, him a.senate. it bas reorta cf atate ofoeeau,state boards andl lnmtfntin. flcolectIon of hooks of vestern travel la monetlu- teresne lu te i erly dey* of the aLte fit v"thtiisilc tfor aster gentlemen or gratlevonaeu te make Leurs efthLe veat and ra-lati e u ex- perlenoe leleeUers ? oreuarils. Tuere ver. many Eglb vlatcre. toc; !e tPe early deys orthé e ate, but tliPy vere more serions vimtoo.aa a aul-ui.Tiey camne for Osi.puapose a esylug ontt hi. l Abdl nal ssig set. tilmeurs sua Iices, Th. e *glli xeltin-te" ln lldwarde ccnty ver. madae by Morris ltirkiieek analCorge f-louer. vh oegiit landal aifouadcd tii. tovu cf Abion sud tlducf nay esila-ate ho ..tttle i 111100 lb. servlarea vilciMorris Eikb.u* Savo ta Illinois cu lasrdly b. ewlnis.. Mr. irkbeck, penhapa u »t th " ernor Celsvas, Ume lpducti la prevente e ntmoduetlots et uisvery lu>Illinois tha ise-sy c~ isu. Sa uns a atrong and i vîgaouewritut sud iii leters,, vlileh er. et hrcdcast ovea' tih e raeiy moled stete, yere povertul tand vinctupi Bo wv, pudier tii. nomade pluma of ZonaOies TIlbélbrery costeas tMr. Blrkbék'ml pubîild baoks of travela, ulst c veu" are rare., Thee ubrary bua s cllectiSorcf sarl Vaeneb sud Zog"isii mapo. lie emi-9 ["M A - :ci cm m hve 'e êsi n.lm matà sus tu" Imm as a a a tw i un u -FINE WATCtI RIPAIRINU A SPHCIALTY [.IBERTVYVILLE i, I INSMSTOCK OF 1THE FOLLOWING MAKES ameewms fcao Shomu MeuzW$ BEk SUUa SIa.esthse best work *hoc Our Sprwg Sample Bocks for TadlorMM.e Clothi. aag am bac, Suit frou $13,50 to $35,00 fit guaraisteedL Your p<um won't look as il steppeaf on after bqtying your Clodt nsd Sheset a t6t)u~c"turu CO"Str [3. . PAKIJR45T 801A#4K UOCKLIM TYILLE à& MUSIC 5-TBALS UPON TuHE BAR ta bre..of bamiony vben pro. dSnoma paon.e ofoua-mgifen Inaîtuuments. Ap.aul t4 ii.- vsmrc et isaao ebfo keova no laig. Ti ase as ofib"scoud aouantrama f Pwg nvo% ua ulity cmyayhtudic a tboh £ marvela 01 mschanic.I etontructlon shown là ur a-waremeoli. Louis Je YEOM ANI PROFS IONAL CAR DS DIL C ZGAU»AY- .oeu-rom it6o9SMana te S P. m LYNqi EiOTIIER lAsuy la Coa.ecdo pione 188 br, il.I .Ofce ena- Smith e Davis s= 11 to2 a. im. lIc 8 anti 7 Lc Llbertvl. 11110018 DIL RDVAMV. SUM Omeie oror Poetqffle flou-:1Otc12 &.ii o 4 Md 7 to 8p.m Libertivîll, lhlinois Fex Lake. Stock Fauve 'Phoe $ 82 il OsassEsWuliNUv R ,I' .Dex Mo Ir, Y ê DA PAY ACM GUPPI ATTOENEY AT LÂw. Lhbercp',lBliaut&a DL GOLDING ,DENTIST Houa-s 81tu12 &ln.-.ite 5 P.M. LIbea-tyville, liutse D 9.F, BtflTDRFIELD, MBINART SURGEON. Il AmoMAST TATU EEOIA5IM. Lhber4yvIll. liautsm. 218 Wadlugton filaeeg N*aukegae 'Phone 2761 Clgarsanmd J e Lsuuadr~ Office- CLARENCE . FLAGG TONMRAL -ral. aiteui <cm Razora PutlstOrds. 'i~umW' h.eOh lpa.Tu w puud... ..............U (WAVMstP 90 eAs!t 00e for no bttter) 10 b"s Amtmm pfflw Sup....... o bus P* ' Nit.l E. E. ELLS WOR THii -Exclusive: Teas: and: Coffees SP3C IA LS ONE WEEK ONLY Men's $10.00 Suits, $- 8.00 IMen's $12.00 Suits, $ 10.00 jMeo"s $1 5.00 Suits, $1 2.00 EVERYTHINO FOR MEN J. B. MORSE-.& O. j I4ANBY 5BL0CK, UBERTVVILLB -- -'w--- L ATTIIis Buffalo Gluten, Graino Gluten, Dalsy Dairy Food, Molasses Foe Middlings, Shorts, Bran, Corn and Oats, Grouxid Feed, Pare 011 Moal, Wheat Corn"Oats, IIay, Rye Straw, Red Comb Poultry Food, Shell, Grits and-.Poi4try Powder always in stock. FMMOS'- M RICER jril'aý% y- 1 b-u - lm a PHOINES 47 ans17.E A. Bismop,- mgr. DRi . tw Lj.LTAY y~J. i"-.$4Dl màd 1l .X y I I I i I j: Oum Ir iý ý.'V X ý7 ý.-r 1 ý l I."V 1 ýv. ý RWILA 1 ,wwwww