TRICFTOC-T (Frrom Tuesday'a Dafly Sun.) DIrect connectionsa by l>trlc rond b.twaln Waukogafl and the Chicago loop businesas district are flot a; dia- gtant au han bean aupposed. n fact before the aummer la over,t the construction work wlllb. dont near and beyond Evanaton and dcc- trio cara of the local trunk UIne, made of a ncrrow gangs for thla purpom, wîl b. runnlng over thie Chcago e- vatad structures. The ftollowing f rom thie Evanton Proue deacribes how the work lo prog- roaanln ndtal!: Thie vnrk of nmaklng thie Miwaukee &St. Paul tracks f roma Evanstan ta Wilson avenue ready for electrin ser,- le bau at lust tarted in earnest and wiii be crovded along sas fast as possi-1 bie. It nov looks as If cars wouid ho-1 gin tnarmn from Evanston to the Ioopi by May 1. The wrk under progresai ncludes, first thie erectian of a structure north of Wilson avenue, by vhlch the cars vii descend from the elevated tu terra ffrma and continue north aver the Mlwaukee & St. Paul tracks ta Ev.aton; second, the tearing down of the nid Ducat block, on Main street and Chcago avenue; third, the renew- a of vonk on the paver house just coulAi of Caivar on Chicago avenue; fous-tA, gettlng the tracks ln readlness and puttlng ln curves in pasa araund the nov stations; and, fith, applica- "Ao for permits ta bulld the six uew e tations that are ta Ae erected in Ev &»ton., .Thie eievated structure athtAe pren- onit Wilson avenue termina las being continued north acrosa Evasutan ave- nus vhen the descent ta the grouind begina. At Ainslie street thie cars viii reach the present level af the St. Paul tracks and the trolley beglns. al ci t di Power Houa. Coing Up. Gb Wonk la belng pushed fast Ob a nev b -paver hanse tiat, Use Nothveateru o Elievated las building on the eaent aidepl of Chcago avenue, soutis of Caivmat- cemetery. The building vill have a o frotage of 62 feet on Chcago avenuesi and a depth of 74 feet, and vili ho 33 feet ln hoiglet.lit vili not bie a bad lokilng Structure archlteciunallY. 1>- I lng bult of face brick snd ing l many large windove of glass. lit vili const112600. There viii Ae Ino on- t ginea or boliers ln Use builing, Use cnrS-ct hlng received from Use Edi- Ci su ow aer bouse on Use rives-néea TwaifUs sStreet. The Evanstase paver P he~vil have transformera sand tva autaslea. and vili furnlsh a cas-s-nt 0o! abot 12000 horse-pover. t 1xnov stations as-e tauAe bufit lnud Evanatan beaides Use one at Hovard n avoune. on Use Evanstan and ChicagoIl cdty limsite. Tise one la Evantan as-et t. ha t Calvary, ta tAie South o! Main t atreet teth Ue aorte af Demister t tset, ta Use nos-Us ai Davis treet. L ta Use south of Noies, Street, and10 Ueo auth a! Centrai atirent- Noue o! P the présent rafiroad depots in ta be t usei not &iten Use one on Davis atreet. lm The application for Use building per- a mit of Ue stations calis for gn ex- a pendture o! $8400, a cnt o! $1.400 s * Stations Botwecn Trecks. Thée stations are ta ho vhat are Wiled Isand stations." That i, Ueî are ta o hut htveen the tracis, Use north and saulh bound ti-cks ho- - a pread apast as they approach cacA station so ai 10 give tise necee-a sari apace. The piat!oi-msai eachP sation viii ho elevated taus.héievelb vits the car doors, Ihere being steps et euit street entrance ta Use stationa sud pisfoi-m. There vil! also be thse régulation turustiies through wAiecA Uheopassengers viii have ta pais, sud Use pat!oi-ms viii be fenced off vitis boirn pickets oa that peope can not gel s- freo ride ta Chicago by climAing ov- r ralilng. The station t Centrai street vlii ho Sn the sautAi ide o! the Street, Iinstead of thie north sde as et present. Tisere1 VIII ho su entrance fsrn Davis street no Uat people caunent get off a Chi- cago & Mlwvaukee lectrie train from -lime moi-Ussud enter at Use station but -VM11 have ta go South ta tAe Davis .,< geont enti-auce. Tiere viii Ae an ox- ft, isovven, Bo that people fro m the ,eUcau *o from one statio* inta Mkeothr and get tckets for Use Noue ai Use six nev stations -inmots titan one Street entrance. .Aâ11 mysovemeute a de on Use road Jaur, lncludng Use stations, are jé .iorni tasporary, for Use road ex- Î0 elevatevithia a year or so, é rç lévation asdinance vhIcis gs-cdaeplied la nommner requin- dbtle lvation sould ho com- Pi flcMaber 3i. 1910. oTuogIr raîne North. "jt le to < pectei tes-I Use Norths- Mmvted trn vilci ame 10ii -« csy fSo ~i lsoetos- Uvoiyn l»O raim on ~- ~ en stralght tirolg Mad *round thei)OF in OhcWgo my cOU" sue AIner, - not yet. Thie romov&l of the. Parkmnd Duct bocks, bots of vAiçcA belonsod tatAie Mlwaukee & St. Paul, An la accore. ance vile Uthe provitiona or Use ts-c, elevation ondînacce wblels thc accU sccepted and in vAice thse rond agreel that bth buildings ould ha tas-s dovu vIlAin a ycar. TAie site of Use Duct bloc ivii ha used for a parK: becomîses a Continua- tion af the pari iylng to tAie ecuth or tAe building a far as thse Cty$arew station. INCOUITMf (P'rom Tssodcgt DalY SMM.) At the opeuiug of Uic circuit court this afternoon Use even vho vara lndlcted by Use grand jury yesterday aftes-noon voro lbrouet to thie oeae room snd llove o neU-teir pima Tva sentenceas-o reImjîoad by th&' court and five oUser prsoners eutes-ed pleas of Dot gnlty. Walter Tyrrefl, Joseph Noian and Ands-ew Herborger, Jr., lndlcted on the charge of sobbery. tAisougis their attorney, J. K. Osvis, entered a piu 1o! not guilty and aaked thAt theis- case Ae cotinued until the October term of court. Thie request v"li Ae -granted. Joseph Nolan, ndicted on a second har-ge of robbery, again enleed 1Ais pieu usnot gullty. This Case viiiho contlnued ountil tAie Octaber term Of cour-t. John Mos-an. ndicted bY the grand ji-y on Use chas-go of secsuit vilte iW tent ta commit mus-des-, Usouihi.l attorney, J. K. Os-via. ontos-ci Ail les- as not gullty saddasked Uss-t hie aue Aie contlnued until Use Octaber' term o! cous-t John Schimitt, of Lake Foret i- dictod. on Use chearge o#hs-vlng cm- bezuled $10 tramx a mes-chant lafos- for vhom ho vas vos-lng. eut0ed a plea of guilty upcu Use advice of lsb attorney, Benjamin Parneale. su-d ras sontenced by Use court ta AMPria onment An Use Latke cousetY Jalifor ixty ds-ys. Wm. F. Weimers snd Wm. Johnson, indlcted an Use charge of couuplr&ci, slied ta entes- Usais-pie,&as Welmer sa offL the so et on a jourumî. John- son, hoveves-, atai iset ]w &*ai@km to entes- a piee o alguilli An otis cases ponding agxiust hlm. At th. ane tinte Johuconrenevcd hia &P- plicatiats for an Anemedlste tral. Mata Coutturri. ndlcted on a las- ceni charge. piead guilty and va sen- tenced to Use pesstentiaiY for au lws leterminate sentence bY Juigo DOI- neily. The judgo dtatai thiat ho dis- liked ta tend tisAs mm tn the Pom*- tentary on account of hie belng a nars-Aci man, but aftes- the atate's at- torney bildexpined Use natureocf the charge ho statefi Ils-tho aupçamcd the court ouglet net show hie ovE personal mympatlsî ta hava eeythlag te do vAUs Ails pover, ns o i actaéd liatt ta Use peulteutiary. The couti authonltles vili ho requis-ad ta look atte- Use vile and six menthse old son. rhey nov ceaide on BotAs Utica Street- Victor William-, Issdloted on a las-- ceny charge, plead. guilty and vus sentenced ta an ndeto-mlnate tes-m An Use penttentlary for neu catiss .oe yean nor marc Usais tventy yoas-. Wensfold vs Scott Case. Iu the case of Iras Worcfold vm.,Ucott a verdict ailovlng Usefl amoant tu plaintIf vwas dravu up by Use mem- bers of tAie jury. The iamagesc sceca- ed vere $110. Altos-neya Heydeoker and Pleld sepreeented Use plaIntiff. Pwms-set aiubep eis. Newv Tes-i. Mardi Sé6 - Wilml- oremArobonofsbcUWs nge 'hequlcs of a great elsuseimas etus-mi sesv. leu for char-lact ansy DevIs, taa- 17-four jouse a biiop of the MeUiciiet EPA*COPdl chureh. câsester and fourn- der- of usiveraitles la tis @"i ~e lands, autbr snd uleiezy. vos- bcld at1 Uic Mdiecu &vmuem mdet RPImeepnl chus-ch. Outlaw Bics ta me eoos. Mduegs. Okla., Mar& S&6 - Sam Johsons. ohe of ltha fous-Jebom brothers, outlasaw &"aumd«lte- Usstvas wulsbot«a mba WM aLonet a es- ni. c eo mTien vq a- cuwecio! numerous -_cl-a"s la cOUOheatera Oklahoma, agotar YM lad d iedithie officesaof the 1ev. bgais-d UOa"la sl a ka Limite, lAeeb 24-'flc statgqumi pubihsd t-' El Xmud et ofMdi ___ tse ocsd luflliUPa Ktas Mas-usi afPortugam is elt ime le a time. Zlg C*Aoa. as-"thAe wovu poacc vae. ssamastsi. bat amt bea. cu taIst su amuputatiu on uji 1»aftemsi, ba et ifficisllî d4edaaimnus. ,r xlposeslea wMâercaolCaca " K-sssaCity, Marde à& - ln ma " baI t r imlas-h Mors-mc. chas-ga 's-ibis elsoulqgfons-4 eM. 1as-ý At vwu 0iawIeici ý u., 1-opy Usa*ethe Uiiam ssi Èt > -AFFO RU1INO ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE PLIRCII h 's hlié 0« of Our - I lit 1\\\\\t tilt Corsets&Niatln Fashion's idul 7Wiaue- Wirst Auy Dlcomf.rt American Lady and Royal Worcester Cor- sets have reputations that have been won by years of progress along graceful and scientifie lines. One of the main -reasons for their in- creasing popularity is because of the grace and eharin they Iend to the figure, having the round- ing hi p and mnall waist tendencies without the restction of legs carefully conàtructe$3( inakes. Pricm are $1.00 te...........0 Thie Road W rccct.r f uWcto rset i a a timph n corset !!mA- M. Y waisg teo coreta. auny stout é gr may be gecy i provd. It Us e onir carset Wh" ae 0w rtc telb.. aoue, rdcc theAis i and !M6tisàM tablilty diicc±olY ou- haucea the natus-ci bcity f vrY atout iure by iîmîuli ; A im ina ni perfect ay-mmetry. undr uIls ad LIneie A notable feature in this section is the completenesa of the stock-night dresses, cor- set covers, chemiseS, drawers, petticoats, slips, and bust ruffles-alI are daixtily trimnned, some with lace and emabroidery or insertionpand bows of ribbon. Tbe amoat mprM'alve bas, em- bmedUC&$1be bcur0= 21-7 Tb* priefo corset cveu g oasua- Suc . T h p -Ica or thie oths M- i a & cor=& i to the g silty. Underwar, E ",,ssn t h eSt $"mulle Valu", Union suit» and SeParate vestà and drawers -the veste corne low neck and short sleeves, Ion sleeves in& eleeveless. The drawers are aMke and knee lengtb, - f the prices arer&M 50e to .......... Union suits, mnade from the very flinest grade of combea'Cotton v.,»a-ky1ýpISOt b IN r ade m acp hoan*er if y c e oarryi gon a or~ o cp1dow A>s cr berar asstooca. or tckleg cFoe" ctcr ýit fen-h mme & - The Uncommonness'of Our Shoing of New Spring Suits, Seldoin iii a more splendid assortment of authoritative styles in popular p.iced garments to bc seen than is shown here- Theifference is at once percelptible to the untrained eye-there being more individuality- to the different s t yle s thIlan i s found elsewhere. A s opening week specials, we offer these several splendid assortinents. Suits at $20.00 -to $30.00 Uwualy îgValues For exclusive man-taiored froeks, there is no other place ini this vieinity that offers the adwantages you find here. If you are partieular about style, quaLty in fabries and correct taioring-if you are particular about skirts that are mnade fuil width, that are flnished' properly, you'li bc immensely interested in this show- ing of ours. Suit, lu thie Prince CAap style.sus-ny vitis modific&- tnua thst dd l ictV e t 4rc. nt- v ws th thse Veste. cfects, long cd sMort alecvoa. moine wlth caue.s, ers te l &'Km a style. ] any-Ui-tlse uioita re- - tmad vts Pri- sd Suah iad allies - t arsps o oirslf m -tris. Tie skis-ta as- ail mdo lu Use van n ve.t p« ied dgored Us-r- ng effect. Th ps-bec re 10. $200 220 *500 &W70 u ... c OU SpIendidly Tafiloed Skirts What is more vexatious than pleats drag- ging unevenly along the street or jerking baek and forth with every wmndt The superb tailor- ing-the use of ail wool fabrios-the fulness of every skirt we show-the care with wbich all goods are inspected before aceeptance is made on behaîf of our dlientele, assure you a skirt that is perfect in both style and fabrie. Panamai, Voiles, Bsoadciotiss, Poplins, sud mixtures n alvaasale. No hoUter tailorflar grost- es- amoeunt oif Mnas cau il hrs-asçnai x pected at a gtr o t la Intis tyles Ue tet tdsa reo" sO.I . lu cut,_drape sud'- method o! iimsnlg. NaV, b -ov, bac an mixtures are snn a Ihe prices are $4.50 - ;=.0- l tie m _t r o 5.0 and $550 skirts, vo show oerflteen differeut styles. Tailored, Net and Lingerie Waists This waist department of AL ours lias since its inception occupied a position seldom attained by; few after years s of untiring effort. You wil be more than pleased by the compreheXisivenesfi of the va- rieZn as well as the indivi- du chrm. of each waist. Froin the inexpensive one for eeyday to the more ex- pensve lingee net or silk moes he mtrals used are the best, the tailoring can not bc duplicated and the trinunings have at- tained a sphere of elaborate elegane-not over done- that wiil establish a new basis of com- pariaon for waist values. )ver one hundred and fifty styles in our waist section. This includes Lawns, Linens, Mercer- ized mterais, silk and net, ranging in price frein the.- inexpensive littie waist at fifty centg -tp,.thebIdgher Ëpr 9neaêupto $M0.Too mucli L~SS orne of 'the Prerogative Sh-ould' Be the Privil AT none of our openmngs in" lypepaedor so confide approvl s eareth"sseaso service-the enlargernent of th~ filiment of carefully laid plans ably increase the value of ever of worth. Always with thi view, we propose to mnake W, dise event as well as a stylIc.. itemns we offer will review a Bgrnnîng ,owith and coaalnuing to and lndludlni EARLY SPRINO REiQUIREMENTS AT DECIDED SAVINOS- ~!lni e _ Il Ia. M Di yof Prevailing Styl esý R WOME Doing a Thn Well of Telling About it îmeeting with the publies Nhe betterment of our store ms departinents, and the fui- idirection tend to immeasur- rtment to a superlative degree interests of our patrons in Opening a big merchan- ~.A careful review of. the uisic value of untold worth. rw Î S ome of the New Styles Field, Garden and Flowei We. have been seiling seeds fo tablished a reputation for quality % We carry in packages and biîlk a Beeds. We Sell the Famous Liu A ç,mphet 4ck of effl »É wbali à BIJLBS FOR iPRING PLATITN-Tut Kars), 'aon,& and Canna. i ho ouci The Ec.nomy Dasemqi Section -'1 MILK PANS. Hea-vy, retmnned, 8 qr' size, w o rth 18 , a t . . . . . . . i MIeKPANS. lleavy retinned 4 quai size, worth- 12e ................E9 FOOD CHOPPERS. Ilurwood No.:3 best made, $1.75 value, special. $11 IMML STRAINERS. Retinned, 4 qrt size, best made, special ..... ..e EGG BEATER AND OREAX wH oit 's improved foyer, 15e value at........... ................ ll RI0E BOILERS. Granite, full 2 qrt size, best 75c ware at.......... 5E SPICE CABINTS. 8'drawers, nickl ed trinuning, worth &-)e, spe.... 6 SORUB BRUSHES. On the basemeù bargain table, values to 10e, spe. .5 BUTTER MOULDS. A big valuit- 25o, special this sale . . . . . GALVANIZZD PAlM. FUi 12 quoi regular 25e -value, &t........i EWIK TB S.Stronglybui1 big-va1uoa tfenit rday, Mar. 28 rday, April 4 Show ii Spring Jackets Wds in Bull! and Package y five yeaî s, and in that tuine hav e es- is guarded with the tîtmost care. Lete line of field, flower and garden mPark Lawn IGrass Seed BI, Dmys8 IO 1 a. Clem&iies-a»dGar- naaot t-v w.Is ___ Gladiolus, Dahlias, Caadi oms, Flephant in ab ssdan c-a 15a Ge san um n i u blom eGrocery Section Offers r w an'Advantages 1 sa Poe, 1 can Corn, 1 can Beans, the three for ........... .. 25C BAKER5S COCOA. 1/4 pouuîd cari spe- c i a i a t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --... 2e UNEECDA BISCUIT, 6 packages, spe- c ia l fo r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 2 5 TOMÂTOBS- Large (,an, fine hand packed, special--------------.. 16 CRAB APPLES. Very fine, large sz can, special at .... . .. . .. .15e Any 10e packsge or any 10e Cut of smoking or chowlng tobacco, 3 for 25e CADILLTAC TOBACCO.. Fine eut, full 11lb. tins, at ................5C TARPON TOBACCO. Long eut snîok- Vg, a full 16 oz. paîl ... ....... 32 MtW BOT TOBÂCCQ. Put up in 16 oz. pajils, for ............. 39 CK DUMOND SALMON.- A. 'Booth & 0. 8, special ion ... 9 Men's Shoes and Furnishiings TAc advntaoadrlved b___aklng Y.,r prchases Are ara many. Qaypc and sItylo olg prm nont o, e a ah &b ut e mrchandiso offcrod. New Sl[ for Spring and, Sum- mer, in -Waists I& Dress Lengths The exquisite eolorings ini hoth plain and comnia- tions afford an unusual opportunity for satisfying your original ideas. Peau de' Cygne, Peau de' Soie, Fouil artis, Poîîgee, China, Taffetas, and .Japanese silks. The11 Foulards and Japanese silks cone in dainty figuires, checks, stripes and shadow stripes with coin spot effeet ini (openhagen, navy, sage greeni, hrown, taîn, and mîodes. The priee is upward for the yard50 f rom .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 Spring" Sale of Dress Goods and Wash Goods Voiles, Panamas, anîd liglit weight serge is promiinently featured in this Spring Display of Dress Goods. Every yard fresh froni the loomis. AIl the desirabfe shades that have fashion's approv ai. Gloves, Vein V- l Accessor- ies £0 Harmonize with Costumes No effort that a Nwide awake buying organi- zation could put forth bas been neglected to bring this section up to a higher standard than ever hefore. A fuîll complement of gloves, veilings, aceessories, etc., to harmonize with costumnes oif various shades are to be found. Au the kd giove eton everyhlng from the lea ex e sve ta lap tAe twenty b tton len gth s l.clud Ï_ ln the langer glaves-biaek, brovn, tan. aud vhlte are embracea lu tAie tva and three c laap nearly all colora are to be found. Glove prIces are, $1.00 to ......... Lo SÛR11 and Lisle Gloves with reinforced tips ini black, white , tan and brown, $1.50 to....$17 Veffings, Leather G;oods, etc Chiffon, Crepe, silk net veilings, in ail the popular shades, by the yard at 25c, 35e, 45c and ................ 0 Made veils two and a half adslng-the very best qualities of net proeui-able at a po- pular price. Black, white, îax Y, br-own, tan, baby and Copenhagen Blue, $ 5 at $1.00 and ................... 15 Have youi seeni the neîv sprllîg last in Queen Qtalit 'v shîoes and oxfords that are being displayed liere ? They are spliîîdid ex- amples of the uighiest attainment "in the shoe craft. The iiew ox- fords are alone w-orth going far to sec, es- pecially if yoti aieecoul- tempiating an expendîture in this directioni. Tans, Patent Leathers, u Metais and vîci Kd lu Bultton, BAnersudna llae eyle, stralght and swing last. plain and cap tos, n facI bt noveltes and dainty dlgnlledi lass t meet Ue ideas oie mrost e ating dreser. - - $ Qualities fit for a queen, $500 to .... .. p .0 Ladies' and Misses'9 Shoes Too much cannot be said about the excellent quality of our ladies' and misses' shoes at the aboye prices. The shoes~ at two dollars are lace Iàd 4-ii tock tips--thoee at two MtQr hve a p4tent Auothcr of Our Spriesg Styles 4"e , ( I \\ \\<\..\\ \\~ Summer Underwear and Hosier>' Stocks Complete Not how cheap but how good is the spirit whieh peî-îiicates this soetion. Hosiery and un- derwear buiîg-and tspee mliv the foriner-is mucli a mâiater of conhidcnîe in the flrm from whielî ulit- pîti-hlase is made. The fact oif a stead *îvlii.-ease in sales ini this depas-tinent at a tine wlii iuost mnechiants we'e i-onplainiiig of a sliriiikage, is attribîited aliîîcst cutirely to the fac-t ftai wc "keep the qîiality tii." S p ti.-(1 ul(1 Ilusit ry, vaines at 25,.35c, 60c, 75e and tic S Il il i t e black, brusu a d tan, $1150,$2.00 il IlÏde , Il vcery, attractive values at i0c ta lic Special Spring Sale of Dinnerware 0f ail the attractions that ai-e represented during thîis great Spî-ung Sale aînd Iisplay, no- thing will lîold more iîiteî-est dlieu the second floor c'hinia sectiofl. The new Op)en Stock pat- terns tuîat have recently beeîi plaecd on the shelves, sepveseiit the acine oîf perfection in both design and quality. The splciîdid opportunities afforded by thoýse who desire sets of 50 or 100 pieces are almost unlimited. The inumerous designs w e offer in the one lsuinds-ed piece sets sb tiI I proi-e par- ticularly attraetive at $ 8O $8.50, $12.00 and--------- . .. ..$ 1 .0 Certain, Rug and Matting Section Spring hiouse cleaniiig time xvili soon be here and w îth it the usual questionis - about what changes as-e to be made-this is a matter that may easily be settled, if its a Rug, Mat- ting or Drapes-y question, by visiting this de- parti-ent. Dui- splendId shovng of! Mattinge, Curtains sd !juge ogen an endes vareiY f rm vach la make took place out BELIEVED TO Mu i~lve montAis BE WORK 0F BE iRE BOF (Prom BUGay alyS Fire belleved to have been o! In- cendlary enigin caused the total Ioest ef a frame cottage et Pernaeylvaniaa and Michigan avenues in thie Bally-a muck last night.E Suspicious clrcumnstances that led thie police to ltseUp tAie chase after8 the supposed incendiarles are as foi- 1-TA. fine was atanted in the miel- dle of the, cottage floor and und.r- neath t in a sort of hal! basemont, thie hous having no cellar. 2-There s an explosion as Of gazoline, utuen the neighbers to the hous or-ganlzed a buckot brigade and turned water Iin pailfulis on thie tire. 3-A mysterieus man and woman who covcred their faces ulth thsir Schooley and on other persn just beforo thie fine. TAie entIre cause of tAie blaze la eshrnîided An mystery. Waukegan fire departrnent arrlved on tAie acene at 12:20 last nlght, lust al- ter tAie alarm Aiad been tumned An, and aften a bard mun, tAie larnes had gain- ed great headvay- To get vater iyas an lrnpossihulity and tAie firflenten Aiad ta flght tAie darnes vitAi Use chemAcais. Il vas early seen tisat Use hause vas doomed. Surnounding Houssa Essdangorod. The higAi vinde and tAie shovers O! sparks that fiev endangered the Close neet of!mail frame houses that sur- rounded tAie bAriunng place and the big chemnical vas saved for tAie endanger- ed propenty onta visicis sparoe and embers flev An a deinge o! fis-e. The firemen succemsfuly prevent- ed fui-thon destruction and vould have eaved thie bouge, badly started asilI vas, had they bail vater vAtAi vhlch te do IL. Thie structure vas a totai legs. Faiey of Chicago aud a colared farn- ily, that of Mn. and Mns. Shelton. Aiad mest been gîven natice that Mrs. Fa- ley vauld carne ont here and use Use bouse to live lu herseif and had s-e- moved a fev dayis aga, ieaving Use boeuse vacant. TAie proper-ty formerly beionged ta Peter McCarthy o! Chicago, vîtAi tvo otisen houses, but had beais sold later. Queci- Place for PIre. The bouse Aiad ne basement but vasi elevated a few teet !rom tAie grousnd. Thie lire started beneath tAie fio ns-l Use msiddle of the site and a dons- ieading beneatis Use hause vas Open. painting ta incendlarlsm. lu addition ta this, vhen nelghbors foi-ted a buoket brigade and spilied vater ontUs amanes, Uses-e wvasi e- plosion as o! gasoline and ail fied. To cap thie climax, just before Ushe fise, Mark Schoaley gayasAie sav aL man hunry avay vîtAi hia bot oves- Ails eyes and hail art crooked over Ails face. Another persan sav a voman and a man togetiser, vha shîelded their faces vitAi their arme as tbey Aurrled away. MAItlAGE DE- CLARED VALID o! Chicago bas ruled that mrariages0 o! Illinois divorcefi peaple outslde tAie state are Iliegal if per!arrned vitîcin tAie tvo years linsit requlred by lawv a declalon reudered Aiy Judge D. Lb Jones o! Waukegau tAis niorning ae of Interest.E He declded that the.Ilinols lau &P-1 pilIes te Illnois divorcee« cnly and net to people dlvonced outalde cf IAllnois. Thils meaus that peaple vho are di-t vorced lu Illinois and ai-e married out- aide o! Illnois wlthln tvo years for Use purpose a! evadîng tAie lav are affected by Judge Carpenterls decla- ton declariig thelr mars-lage Invalid but others are not. There are a number such here. Judge Jones made Ails decîsion An Use matter o! a petition fiied in Use matter o! tAie estate of Use late Isbon S. Gleason o!fL.bertyviile by Ails son and ouiy hein, Harry Gleason. TA. petîtion éaked the ramnoval o! tAe adminlstratrix, Mra. Lîtlln E. Caiklne-Oe.sOf, on thie grounde that her msrnlage ta Glesson us lnvalld, @he bolng à dIvorces uho hâd rsmar- ried wlthîn tue statutory tue yea. Thie histas-y o! the tangle la that in 1906 Mns. Gleazon, who vas Uson Mrs. LilitAsu B. Csikiss, recelved a divorce ta Wisconsin on a charge of desertion. She then vent ta Indigas and there met Gleason o!fLlhorty- ~Ville, vhom she mars-led at Cravn Point, lad., ta 1907, 8-lgt ailes- Use liii- nois lav applylug te diversee va Thug th iso ,or Belleved <Promn Thie featur romains o! Il stack near t held Isat nis s-ad roomna,, the coroner' ery clrcumsi returnlng ci Thie verdi tAie matter o came ta AiE foui play, au vords that: TA. dcci came te hie head -ba volvas- An h suicidaiIAnti Word "probi There An etrcumstaiic4 that made t sary. love:r 1-Tiseli th hay atoi 2-Tie anfie iifa faided near I-Na nh fand ntait wi h- lei hg bl bl dg di Ai 4-The rE oosely IlaIl 5-Hie ai TAie ut ?as one ai voeve- an easanableÉ May> TAie descr' vs: Flve àelght, 55-I lack avesl back catj dervear, as heavy vi isirt TAie dead due ta, lis1 Is about 40 ln fine ph Expl TAie fract ed by theL Ired ta kil Aie head il ed in hisb TAie Use who return cravling II crasslng 0c owned by spaudeucy If Aie vi s-as advan been murÉ even, Usei est ande ward ItL There wi told by w Baker and of vbam i vithout fi not beiey hlm of ilt the grsly it la Chie ta deats. ers, bath On UseJ man, Jack itectenvil Lukey. There l Ity of 1he Ale one of clled nsa it la vs-It Hil, Iron Titis add t lth. Albany ambly bi Woder o fflsa in r 1 - ti n a p r- Gleason dled ai thie estate and mlnlstraton. and a fev de) prayilg lher re that tAie marrl Thie court i vas valld and as administrar attorneys at Gleason. A motion to and thie casei issue once snd PROBE TuE UN<1 WORD "PROI PoileC -19:1--elim lý