J. Â. Sutherland............,1187 1. A. Dayton .................. 187 N. T. Reerdon ................. 147 Town Clrk- George W. Hutchinson ......... ý208 Asessor- R. J. Douglas .................. 170 J. E. Finnegan ................ 114 P . S. Erakine................. 64 Colctor-- * D. S. Thomnson................ 208 MlghWay Commlsioner- J. P. Blanchard................ 200 Justice ofthté.Peace- P- 9. Botaford............... 191 IL Schwery.................. 129 4Contable- '- J. Bal .............. ,......... 199 P. Tourajevic .................115 sehool Trute- *EL. P. Spaldlng.............. 195 Thoma 'Mahoney ............116 Tbe ebove tabulation, which in the 4"lal election table, sbows a sweep- lug Republican victory as toreseen lu ths SUN extra lssued lust evening in ths het of the local option figt and the ensulng desire for election returns on tht. Issue alone. T'he Ittof the township oflicers eleeýt le as tollows, accordhng to the electio returnsasa oflicllly canvasaedl this morntng: AMeatnt Suprvsr- John A.- Sutherland. U. A. Dayton. Tam ieserl- *. George W. HutchInaon. ]EL J. Douglas. Collecta- S Donald S8. Thomson. J4lghway Commîesont- James Blanicbard. juaticeeoftthe Puce- R . S.Botieord. Cnatble- JuuaP. Bahz. -,%Shool Trutes- E. P. Spauldlng. FollovIng amremuty election re- Antiocli. No content, 1 ticket. Aasesor'-Herman Bock- Town Cer-W. . Rineer. Colector-Perclval Dble. Rilhvay Couu.-Ches. B. Blunt. Opeeli Vote-Shail tht. towu be- came aut.-ealcoo terrltoryl Supervsor-1hmU A. FIcké, Union Ticket. 121. :'.-~ 1141 r 2 ,;a i. a 4 JTotio 365 276 381- las 92 1À669 372 247 838 184 1103 1,431 263 107 131- 184 94 926 676 306 209 194 109 1701 996 211 290 127 82 1,176 187 76 16 108 83- 642 136 109 126 128 21 584 675 291 567 209 107 2,697 675 298 209 184 107 1,673 353 267 364 172 99 1,456 199 69 12 113 >,- 608-- 387 267 373 171 103 1.500 153 48 72 113 as 533 305 284. 333 179.* 108 1,11"r 157 48 73 101 26 520 Supervsor-1J. Hulngton. Petition Ticket, 120. Town Cler--G. 0. Pruste. 171. Aisessor-Fred U. Thles, 170. Collector-Umivird Brelmin, 169. Hlgbway Cm.-Henry Pepper,_.Jr., 172. - chool Trustee--J. 1). FlSîe' 23. Thistie coiL--Henry Cordes, 171. Woucouudpb. Supervlor-E. W.,Brooke, People'e, 116; A. J. Raymond, -Peutitn, 130. Clerk-A. . Foyers, 160. 4ouaemor-C. M.,Wheelucl, 141. CoUet-J. P.; lenk, Pegple's, 108; H. Oprduier, Petition, 134. Higbvey Com.-4leolrge Bowpr, Pe> pies. 163; D. Merrltt, Petitton, 50. S*ateIO Fouir tickets; Peopla'awon. Asaeasr-Tombling won by 41. Votes. Clerk-Frack le. von by 126, votes. .Raid Cou.-BStt yeon by 36 votes. jý-ýBeebe von by 68 votes. School Trute-Peteoevon by 63 votes. i Cýuba. Oue Ticket, ne ctet. Supervisor-MIles T. lAeuy. TovuitMerk-Frank IL Plagge. »seiior-E.L W. Rllsy. eolector- L .làns. Roam Com-J. W. Adauns. Tblstle COm.--ernen Haclier. Constabl"-ohn Doules. Grevel Tex--6S for and 14 aWanit. -Granit Two tickets; Democratte snd Re- pulcan. Superviseor- Tom Grahiam, De m. New To veat Easter y Sunday. f 0f Couru you wish to be amg the betdres.mr*op Liter Day. To bewdldremsdyour bat me«~ be degt. W. show, a very rpMiitkoa ci alI.the litemt Spring stylos at STNIUT TICKET FOR TW FWIIA IS LANDID VITmi IAN! IFICILT Riesuits Prom the couftty Show Somel c Fa=e to Appear on Board of Supejo. Detafis of Election ail Over làlÈcCounty4. 19y a d»eellsority the. votera Of WugMa hav11Mdeeldai lth*ilee mey Maey but that leelelon wll net b.eeel4i.r.rd final by mtut. lquot 4.51l- ir4 3h. "drr" vlqtrlgjin other ols mad the.very elgailfiint voeola fWsu- 'kegen pinly ijidiicte liaI hencofortli the. 5w. cf the ooai nd City muet b. obysâ.. i the asiso n atinu« inlabusiness, t muet b. regubnetan dCoua. trollai by th# fl' nmi muet nt ecatrMe icty. TIi.1,14 ies s~tr.dferoIseel option yetsrday %VU net oea muci voe Acgeinatthe erelde naeleelthcye % g rq*~ay ef twm ae.-0cl: desoed. Avesoy large aumberof-e ipeople whe vo oer the abolition >e9 thie saloon dis b.eeus.tiey 4av cern e tathi e mWudI. telilquer interes te oould ln no wey b. bieusit te obey tM md ,aid observe décency, end thiI.feui*@ heruueli te JuetlfY Il THE PPEOPLE 0P WAUKESAN INSIST ON RKFOSM, AND IF TI4AT REPORM 18 MOT FORTHCOMIMOt THE RESULT TWO VEARS PROMO NOW la GOINQ To. 5E AL.TOUTHER DIPPERENT. The mon wrth whilele tole mîpaibusiness lna-W*skooau .ccglmic sprt of aur people end ho Juene and icon b. thce eet tacter ln hiteP1m te central the kpiles. We e lmw t or.toi. otmay salouia. Th ii. lene. tee, pbymble quart.vlyi- luated eofamualy lna awmee, asi t should b., étesthie undinlre lIquer deler. Higiier Icni or ti.puiest f se payable lnad aivnoe, wlIh ili lI euil ln towsf seloonu. sud the ld de-n tlgi an Sunde am the. referme we ref. te, Md Ita.go u suetht or tie ueamua~I w. âmy.re han"e. Il the seloqua "0 bfyet te limeif ilthey obseirve thel e 1-a àtoclaelag et nght sud en SuWUayl "in e fro tm esllla tu mine..a Mid irualç ards Waidpy he.i te thi ee Senas elvernioothem, I wlll b. welp for hem. The $SUN bll.vs y.etodwi'O welill SomSpli eagret gooi, thet, saloon weranm sd brewer* til4 la spirit et sefpteseivton, teks h.d ai, tiit Waukepaa le desIned tu b. ea b1îîcCiy ln eenflaunce Prape, "reghlten" lala a WM4. j see4 %e"Ilnaipig," but It atrtwa y«M etus aeeiu îmwoeeuo .1W «lofevn If la lus City tw are but e hall dessa podeuy e~.emdçW tee~ ie.hhn-tWO e006 Ni reverse, tn thet "mient vet h" beyéé»tqtd iioaithe IsoubeiI etnin ta&lFu~ o "lJm" rms tin alillien. 4f aloo ean* Thor lla ittIechie g e iurelted seloou end unr#ui 'blIni pige" It am outs teo o f e lléo o le rp rty., T i 02t5 ti.j 5ht mizlng a buinffl feroetttee nd tien ps-000 àwlie lmâ they letlelt onu efortn. Tie Va04 e ~ueiwb tw ew t ppo PoPC W O"n.Ue . iix p4w4A Town l%.JXse cAsclor.4lienéyvy ~ibem. é? cufett-.v*4t05. 0, Nomu Ibis JVslek-of1tlaoeC. »Tkdmv, 42? Ctoe.4.tbe ý fe4l CoS co ruo-WtlaiuI.omneli, q Auletor-C .-Lla 24eme.rCtU [Wghw"y oaih-Tboa ue Stecl, Opcnaltabe-artleMgLteost esn Cwoticket-sWnadepenaon, sudPeq Supervto-¶tal QepHe r18ge. To lerk-B. C.eer er 176. »- '. uiea Collector-Geors C. guotlerI., 3 Highway Coin.-eoff1 Cercdan Spcteol TVote-ores gamatPeo- ple'm. 10 ,Speral Ior-eo. Qutis tbp 184 Toeon lr-C. CGeter, eolem Âies 0 o,reiWe6n2. 12 AbrRLem, Peele'Townshi. I eer., eole', 0 Wle' . M ler ............9 Spemcloe-Bhf hitW e corne ait-sle ...t ......t ....y U 1.ulB. s nby..w.............. s A-- Letayette Bond ,..............3il Clleter-. 'Tl~ ent.r..f.a . . a . .- . .*. 1 .... ...r..o. ~ Dlry.................. 1 Rewpet lat*wnmi Mdlp wpe4 al sevoted ta lie ped hM ornt Towamhp. Seguitei sdomeoctetieew teto.............10 ime uuuce ...............a 3&2gmsL A rWlUey.............. Gev DAele..................$ bt. Voght................ loi Rqbr Cuuihnmai.............1loi Mihalwy Coonmm laioner- 1 lgsur- Dove ...............1ni C. 0. morrill ...............10oi Irenl Gerraen........101 Ga,"Bi nzhem .......... ..... li Warren Township. Supervis»-W. P, clow, 134. CaII.tr-Leo B$ulon, 134. AsseIor-EUawortii Mteaf, 134. Rcosi Oeammioner--HeurY Taylor. 180. sahool Trustse -Jemes Cempbell 134. Dry........................... w-et .. . . .. . . . .. . . . F.rlaW4d by.-L"IteCeunty ý aMd Trust Comay'htit irTllaTitis. ase ed qe Tepl uldîag. Wuukegs, III. LOUIS J. ARIR£E,»M April 7, 1*06, C. 10. Smnth a" d viteteWeles Potranel, lot 4. bocki , DMes 0*a Northi Chiegso, W. D., 1400. Ataew............... . DENNISON'S LUNCH SETS-Màidi utbimme 17 dooorted cre"Pe P@pr. SALT UQXE--mported. niclle,, trfmmln, te- gular '16e Inlu%,1 o Epsel.... ..................... NAPICNS-100 netiase paver 5 T&ÀA POT-Heay nicxe .platui, velus up ta - p s al t .... .......... FL U ITERb-The fainone "Shaker" 'idter. mtZ ithc» iSan lft wlth the, OtIberai ....... . ...........ua 42 e »IOE-fttra strosi garen boas, rglrSi quWlly. apeciel wlille they limt. IL at **. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . AREDN RAKES- spleudid vQeu, atOut hindi. es Md teeth, boy tliem hm' s43e. BD,%la ......................... -....35cW PFLowERa E IT - DaoUgdtrwe.shot hendled reàe, sd bac% Ltu uuiuly big velue, ,uIs At ...............................IJ GARDER NTROWL-A big esertueut of gr. a.en Uoweia. amml is,. -! spldid vlu e.................. GRtANITE PANS-fllI o. aue » e, a sndm Ilec mdue, speew hlem et ........... ........... 3c GRANITE PAN-FWIl5 quert i»e, à apledi lu a e e i $PO" aller. t ...........,**........0 GRANITE WASI4 SINS-An unusulvM»Al t 190. speew el ber ihle they lests et......... ...................... nt TOWEL RACS-With nevu ar, Veli ase,. werth twothlrdi more, (on. to customer,) spell t .......... COVER bSETS-Six cover, ad a raeekuortà 3e, specwal hule tbs leut. et................................ 25ë Me BARDER*PASES et47a GOS 1MARLES-'III0tons t"UXeejllo"miel worth Me eeb,, sS- ................... ........1MC' I list cali wt PrIci ADozEN -oTHrmg558MVALUMO% IP4LOT* 100 SUALL TWOCU8CSjSE MNROCIEF- Îapledld quslltY'oU Pu"e LACE 1.151£ 51.OV9-MaËstly twee laip, blsel Ilehmttebe, epepll ft.and whàtii, maictuerme mples, regulervelu ___ =lue ....................BUlL 50, ope"t whlle tbey luit, CORETSA arg aaormen 0fepcle ~pair...............................lc wdrth a tblrd to a hait more, STVLI*H NECKWEAN, Upwirds feailSe-, OpenfiaBpeew ........................CID NSNO -TefnoeBotner UifflRWEAE- -Vese ad draerser, llgtly sa»0-uri«" breed. fine,&"uJ bsvy -«bbed, *11 aimes,. at'ug hU rte .... ... ... 25c» ( LM8. ..pr.......... 2k A ASPLEMOID SI4OWINQ oD viLS.14Uc50te Uc. LOVR& 0F EVERV DEsCRiIPTION. lOO.picaE D#449#i T-prettfly ioeeted DR9 e MSA W-Md acfegood grade of ver.etf muuly gocud quMlityr, the tact toi-- maeau, néatir trLSmed and *1.0l udeevesfor a fthbmJed, spWW A t ,......... 59C At.......h , '-ComsET Covm.R- SpendId mamortinent ,trtm- 5j PPfR-rqurtdfsmZam~med ltylacIse emiroidery, insertion . thet et.m UM ila the fer-cf lttIr obiokesand ribboq, a.bit v*ulea....... 5 pretty aBster sots, lee............. #............ -C LADIESWAIST*S-AIn siully bit aasortue5t tao='410«t0otr zuater opecing Sale, f. aes pedelvoee t . 'mhile th" lest At ..... ..1 ..... yb. qodpfl ser*euswuere et freun-h»e-te .v.douera mr-Nww Um le w*>muwiulee tuerse&"'.en 5àceaibielW-ihe resqlt le a large disesut fer usnuui a liko red4pien 4e.ML eu AI Iraesmtoes wth usnPOUST bd setdtietry, te yenor yeur mmey walîl he ufiefod& Ail uter@Uoefieor* trse i ,. gatOU*a Ti~se kes fr.th i. hirdFI ~' Ipejelfor Uiter~Opemluq ..yar ...i7 speetalfo strOebg;rd UY x PLIAHUOfilSLI-Ful yr4*Ide, eu, excel- PPPREL E IIUSUIN-Fui3*- eW4 leOpulty je"t fortb isaadqutt thewo oer --BaiOuélu e, pe' ard ...........% C SellUrr .......... Ras ami Q.4hi4 . am tenysucll Vias îue,~t Bldu tu ceeg sor about Io 03. c f moSet" "d tKýi ' * OfN-'orn vthout tbe A uPo .ïeamai,,a .... ... *4 ? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 *4 4 4 ~ 4 F. G.SIID~IL& 00. Tue Uhullmius -J Dto 30