aukegan News -p aj Ptmai Whleh Provide t%* eve of the groat battle Jv ued bot ln thîs citY for four =onths the lty fathers eymaung t their rogular tb», meetiug and discussod ns of the battle whlch vas ptttili signed hy the governor ~.state sud by the gaverumelit wr read hy Clerk Thatker. "Intenta nierely aakiag, as has eabllshe&-that thîs cty appro- W%& e*lte and vater iront on which be state may lacate the state fiuherY hm bas heen suthorized. The ptil. W after heig road was rocelved ,iipacd on aile an motion af Aider- ïan Hrt Ta Use Cty Lots. ,j,». .City Ovni threo lots on the an~rutsd as a resait the matter wu reed in the barbor sud vater .mmilttee vltb paver ta investigate ai report back ta the ctY cauncil. State Wil I[notai Two. T'h. çty lueur, no responslbllity hY tw." of IbIs kind as the state guar- lisesaq tht the lîcenses imposad on ho 'fflermen lu thîstate wyul suP- Wt M sU nttution of th-s kid ami&IIl b-eaty villI ehlable for la for the t sud for the vater surroundlng bh site. it la the purpose of the stalo ta ln- Bel tvoauscb Institutions sud a man a ta b. tatloned et each ta look ai- ýw the etate's hiîrests. City la Lable. TUl mombera of the police sud Ju- ootu mmittee reported vlth roi- ëmmte the matter oi paymeqt.oa dabedm bansd 'fumigation of the ftNe5vero contagiom ns ieese Sigàesid viiere sucb vork vas 4'u by oder a of h oard aifbealth. kM, e7 »" loarned from the. citi hicb"tat the city i1. hable or ýb» lafr ailsncb van wbeu firet '"bythe directon ior ther uboieusa oncIaIs. tert vasusigaid by Aider- ~ ~srmtt.Hart sud SMats. The vas reoeived 4w the.counucl, IkOw aglu favor. but -Alderman onpwbo bas pensatanly hld that M, gtin neDt lable aud vho stf11 as ot that hec has i adm prove tbst the c vroug viien ho stales tb To Duild up Grad AbIan »MDermott roi M efty clerk ho notlfled M BlectzraUiroad ta hi ràdola thevicinihy o! th la 4trt culvert tu ordi *Otot Willama may ho i wt. *ke Installation ai p"%etions lu this partc be tc ame motion thl WÏro4isd ta hIiorm tho My that repaira vere net &Ibg alunr Washiugton P# viciuity of Connty stre e ccardAno. Pith thefl 4w uMl bc requiros Om et a- oce. Oranaleesare Pu Au ordlumme for a cerni Pagine oIu a seres oi cmis las ialavws: On 4 tulk street.Gienhou c W1*el. avenue, Lucia av nMe sud Salom avenue ad adapted. Au onuhusce ior a aide INftAVORS lm 1910 Committet Appointed hy the Lake County Association ta Work for a Convention. Proildent L.ester Moady, oi the Lako Caunty Chrstian Endeavor Au- socIatIon Thursday eveuiug et the as- sociation banquet held ln the parlors ai the Baptiit chnrcb, launched the ioundatlan ai vhat mai lu the end bo the brlngiug ai the Chrstian En- deavor state convention ai 1910 ta Waukegau. Presîdent Moady ststed that he bas alvaya heen desîrous ai Iauncblng such a movement and as a result cal. ed on the membors ai the association present Thuraday nîgût for a standing vote, The autcome oai tus vote vas the unusumaus vote ta appoint a com- mîtte ta launch this movement at the convention hehd at Champalgn during July 9, 10, Il and 12, by members oi the Waukegsu association. Tbis movementviii be carrled out and pushed by leadlng members of i!1 associations al over the tate. Iu the hest ai the argument that follaved as ta, the cast of holding the convention lu Waukegan, the presi- dent torgot ta appoint the commttee aud this yl ho annaunced later an. AÀnmeting oaitho officers ai the lo- cal association vilii ho hld one eeok iram next Tuesds.y at Ravinla, at which time the presidents appoint- monts yl ho annaunced. ÉLECTRIC CAR DOES A f'UNNY STUNT Car No. 135, sald ta ho the sameons Ithat nearly veut over the edge of the Bouath Gonesee street bridge a couple I àâi a- w ' - wàii II~I Circuit Cu U O~1 May Tarmn, ~ O 'rimotui iaatl*.vs.¶'h knéwn à. M~t w ni halh of theSoutb West quarter 0as Section 23, Tovuebip 46. NorthbRauge il, -Fi5antofthe Srd P. M.. lu a&s Caixti, Ilinois. Iu Chaucery, NO. Satlisctory allidavit, that tho de- feudauts, "Tho Unknovn bira af Fai- nie Nevton, deceased," sud «-Te Un- kuavu Ovner or ovuers af the West bahf ar the Nrth bh ai fthe SOUta West quarter ai Section 23, Town- ship 46< North Range il East of the 3rd P. Mà., lu Lako CountY, Illinois." cannatbh oioud sud that upon dîlli- gent lnquiry theîr places oi reidenco cannot be ascertained go that praces cannot ho served apan them, or elther of them, havIng been filed ln the office af the Clerk ofi nid Court. Natice ta thereforo berehy given ho the said abavo named sud unkuova doiendants that the above named cam- plainant heretaforoffilod hîs Bilîlai complaint lu sald Court, on the Chaur cery aide thereof, and that a umnonfi thereupon issued ot ai aaid Court agaiust the aboy' named defendauts,1 returuable ou the first day ai the Special term of the Circuit Court ai Lake Cauuty, ta be bld at thoetéaurt Hanse lu Waukegan luniad Lake County. on the firBt Mauday ai May, A. D. 1908. as ls by law requlrod. and wàlch suit is still pendlug. LEWIS . BROCKWAY, Clerk. Waukegan, Ilinois, Aprîl 1, A. D. 1908. Benjamin Parmalee, Complainants slicitor.2 2-4 State ai hlluaois, County ai Lake, as; In the Circuit Court ai Lake Cauuty. Highland Park State B&nk, vu. Charles Ir. Johnson, Catheriue A. Gibbs, Michael J. Gibbs, David A. lialmes, as Trnstee, and Valentine Blati Brewing Cbmpany, (Corpora- tion.) Pnblic notice la hereby given that by virtue ai an arder and decree on- tered ln the ahave entitled cause i sald Circuit Court ah the Marcb Term, A. D. 1908 thereai, the underalgnod, Special Master ln Chancory ai suid Court wîli, on Tuesday the 21st day af April, A. D. 1908, at the haur ai one oclack ln the afternoan af sald day, Iuvestigated Ity attorney oi voeks &go, lait the tracks ln a t the East Main doar ai the Court bat the cty queer vay near noon Sunday t House ai Lake Cannty. lu the City ai Washngtn an Conty trets. Waukegan, County ai Lake aud State Washlngan and onnty srfets. i hnois, sell at public anctîon ta ide. The car w as goîng Wost t a slow the highest and het bldder for cash qusted that rate ai speed, aec'cordîng ta passeugers, tuie iollowlng described land and roal 1ta intruct one ai vhîch vas Assistant Chief ai state sl(nsted la the Caunty ai Lakte ,0Mlwan- Police Hickts. At Cannty street there aud Stafe ai Illinois, and described ,ild op their la a curve and a swîtch'leada tavard aThe eot u uurdad wny le Washing- the north. The iront trocks a' thej five (125) ieet ai the North one hua- r that Cou- car passed the curvo ail rlght, hut the d red and thirteen (113) foot ai Lot ale ta, con- rear wheels lu a pecullar manner No. Ifty-three (53) lu the Plat of i lghvaad, Lakte Couaty, State afIl:1' his sever wheeled rigt around toward the east qfIas. Said Lot 53 oelng a part vi o the cty. and tarted op the cnrve, the iront the North Eaat quarter of the South he clerk vas vboels pnled them father up as t-iey Fast quarter of section Ilitoon (15) Township Forty Three- (43) North, sanie com- proceeded veat. Range Tvelvo (12) East ai the 3rd eeded lu tho 'he front steps, the air system and Pria. Mérid. kstreet lu athor parts of the car were damaged Dated March 20th, A. D. 1908. eset sud th«t and It taak fOve hours ta get tho lu- ARTHUR BULKLEY, Ir francuis hrrupto ricelooachodulo shape 254 Spécial Master Iu Chancery. . 4- RIMil, I wor earbein cale ,-m sunt idevalk treets sud portidns ai ck avenue, ývenue, Lloyd e, vas resd evalk ta hol mtreted aif cernent ahuttlng an tieus of HIckory street sud Third Md lugther viii tthe estimate ai à mat t of sld improvement. I. Ibfrd ardlnance for i cemet tbetwe.u Glen Rock avenue and m ietreet wvasread sud ae- êPed on motion ai Alderman Crapo. eblovlug tue acceptance of these re metonas, upon Motion aitAider- au Mau, tho coucil adJourued un- iAwn 19. ÀÎrmau Belova vas tho aonly city ;oer absent. Kihosn ln Waukossn. S.mie, Wasb., Âprnli 4.Henry Har- )as bad removod irom the lu- rpom cof is systeni eleven lésia, E&0latu naSaà, aixamal 1 ,1 M tactssud anndry ther ~sq~gon vaude- x4mmoi Om ie U m co Merbas- -h Iw oomou Highvoad. Passengera vore trans- ierred an elther sîde'ai the vreck. Thoro vere a hait daben passon- gwasor more ou tho car vhen 1h vent throughI t vierd gyratlons, ani al ver. more 'bs ahakeu up. They vere airaid that the car vas going te humn over sud crush tbem . None vere InJured bhoad tue shakeup. TWO YAPMNUAR AND WAS ARR!STfD E. I- Smith vas arrestod Monday marnlug ad Sunday night ch argefi vlth lusuting a vaman. HoeIlaai- leged to have sopped a voasuou the 'Hrellon îa,' hmienlacioe obv stret , in dpomihent lae.e ehv aaid te ber.. ýMmnd yaur owa buiness." she re- turned. "Yon ho good or lIl mnake you," tho insulter las nid to bave ausvered vlth mach approbrions Isuguago. The vo- man vas fieghteuod but msnaged, ta break avay sud reported. the Incident to the police vîtb the resnît that Smth vas arrested as tho alleged culprt. Arrestsd for Shootlng. hguatz Stdowuakh sud Simon Rau- lnkis vere arrested Sunday by Assistant ChIef Hicks for ehoeting flre arms vithîn the city limts- sud Oued $5 sud cots eacb. The, tva had revolvers and ver. rn u nsd day Marlou sîreet, the lb.conitory, trylng ta shoot Ob«i birds. Bath resîde on Market Pain, anywhere. can he qulckly etopped by one af Dr. Sboap's Pink Pain Tablets. Pain alvays means tcongestion-uunatural blond pressure 1Dr. Shaop's Pink Pain Tabletaslmpiy coax congeated blood>eway fram paiu conters. These 'Talts-kucun hi drugglata as Dr. Phoop'a Hoedaclie Tablet-îlimply equallme the bload circulation and toen pdln lsllde- parts lu 20 minutes. 20 Tablets, 26 cents. Write Dr. Shoap, Racine, Wl. for free package. Sold hy Att. DRALERI. IWithout Alcohol A Stroma TpIe Vitho«tAlcoboh À Bleai Putiler mhnAole A rst AhsraiivVi*etAlcoho e . ar s v. a*, C 4U8too*v5Bta **Pm m a 8berloS uan's lie.16. ;*XuIu.,tr4ua- or their vml u K<e**O- enotice 4> hèaiîÈvm e Ë wee nn UeIZ1t ro»9e -t 'tii.~ ~ ~ I À itta~oa.l dlmry' l.ftýby ct&irstWOelta Ms., th !pthe~WU aaée h da. 1tW là. ,nta éÎs'~*C4itSUry of said Court *91 ai Tu-"'y the 2lit day ')f ApYil ,A. U ~ at the lbour oficrue o1cdock ln the. aternoan ofi nid day, at the Mrout <bar of the. Cout Hao-, lu said! Couty of L&ko, and State af Illnais, »Il at publie vendue for cash' iu baud ta the higheet aud bout bidd- or the" iollovlug deedribed land aud rosi estate, sýtuatod in the County af a*o aud Btate of Illinois, and do- acribed as illews: Lot 6, ilu Blockc A, ln the CitY af Highland Park and State of Illinois. Dated March 16th, A. D. 1908. ELAM LCLARKE ~25-4 Master ln Chancery. SEN. iM. JILU Attorney. Notice of Stock Hoidera' Meeting. Notice la herebY iven thât a soaciBi motins of the tookholders ai the corpora- tion The JLobe ouoty Taeiehone tlompany vibe hé dai Sthe oIKOseOf theaeomaDr ln teX=lht&» In uthe village oaiLiberty- ie, LKOunir. Illinois, on the tb dmy aiADMil A. D. lue>. t the baur o thmee ô éloek P. M.. for the purpou of onidri the queetionof inrmo5iflathe capfital D>loed et Lîbortyvillo, Ill., NsrOh xth. 1Iwo. S.FLITOEEE O.aX iaàxx B. L MART19A .LuaiR AllouerA M.L OVE:LL 25-4 Direetors. THESE WILL WED. Bertram D. Horth, Racine, 22; Min- nie Krchemeler, 23. Charles Schauk, Librtyville. 62; Sophie Paulis, 63. PAI--N Dr'. - hoops Table"s UALL DEALERS" ment hlm thon41t 1a4 ut"etb4t4 M relsUon vith b lp )ýOvu, S19secrtlY' aud sacredly guarded bY the. iamlY. ft ilauaId to tbrov nov lgbt 0ou the murder. rhe lnhlablted Moon. A lay aaked thea atronome, MAIthe moon vas lnbablte. f ,adamn,ll-he replled 111 know of one moon lu vhich there la alwaYO a mail fand a wonmn?" ",Whieh la that?" "lThe honeymoon." '-Y Cooper es Vlews of Iluman. Stonmch' Noted A aeesmt siue l tu. mer laasilvs preparmttaflinathé Cty bas remet. ed snch Imumne igure that tIbe 5.4- cal iraternti bave bou tforol lato aper dibeussion of the mn's &50?laB aud mediluas r~ho iiuyaieiUa semtub. diided vith regard te the. Young sue- cea in Nov Orleane-mome beiug viii lug ta credit him for vhat h.obam o- Swïpllsbed, vile others asort tbaM the lnterest ho bas aroused ia but ai passig fsd tbat vt ie donat as quicly au It has spruffl iU "lu a statemusit recesxtly obtained a vel-kUW" phyicmn, ofthla di, tbe position of thoas lu favor aof Cooper la veIl voi.lS& h.docter mlad: «I am flot a 'believer la proprietry M0edbeles.but 1 muet admit flat somei F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTUNEA 0F Ma' and Granite monumenis Cemetery Worlk of Every Description Correspondence 5olIcItedl 1 Z6- Genesee St Waukegan $5.00 SEWING MACHINES afered by Mail Ordeir Hanses are aiSfl loy arm machin«s t o crni by haud, ,Fo the use ofan yu Amenegu woman, tbey are flot worth thoeaney asked. This No. ion Balil Bearing flartletti s the Ounest seving machine you ever maud"I doma Dot coat aDy mare money than many cheap plain varuiabed machines offered hy agents. ..-Zhe head la oi a pieasing design aud beauti- fully fiihedilucolora. The mechanisin is made. on au entirely new andpositive principle go thaugnu wtht11 l the rnt epsd at thpethe oat drbefns ko he Thice nce l inah Th lee artî soett maieth brabs hnd ok stiie il i asouedycuo panily W ar poîvertk. AUlothbigt es eleparsforoto aed hasd auickl mat obin er. capr he oodw urefaable aidin he nickase sdq.s hlrha bie ttte mio ansh. fpro saus.Ti s<.i<e md<amiil adrb lokstaad bs fui teel ssl bal bsaoks he .kah 1h ash lbsauatsi aweyl etrsaosaitive taut elueip, sa.Ps IklPai sê tamea. oi a lesuiehatentsanab sa, for uestsbr lS, ria.fesbrtrld i. orssc Ibdanaruitôa feo assersudim adasr iSsotCS ebo.aeaeloa De.t ayamashle ati11 mu se U.-Bne-u iIas.msrsdgiieS ah rlener9gsý1 ar 0o Furitufprle atr.T te dp ,rtking, ek sdtéfn"lla "nes fatWlettveourMfactoni a îenltyvllle as lose atmebi LAiPRCD FISTCOE, RS SRVE. nqire at a "taore un éelnd] Hoe thb y o u i"n e"a e Mfas 0.ER1.ANLUCE ECO.CO UIEETYVILLE, ILLINOIS de the fteula utatyilo * te'.Mr theut vh.a 1 ba of coupere *aev Usas Mud Meileinu - 'Waumber of Mr pautietsvios K baie tisatel for obroul lver, kiduer sud etommbI troubles bave met me a"d itatel- uhat coopors medicine bas so oumnplahd *vnoadrul remlts for thSbu. K notloePUUrIticn la mel cs et etomteli troble thal tue mmu bas relimile severai casestibat vere of yesrs' smadtug sud xmed very oh- autlna tef -mtxst. "I 1do bot visb ta staud lu the var af comethlug that moirb. for the. pub- lie good. simply through proilonal prejudios, sud 1 am lliued to givo Cooper sud his preparationa credit as demsrvlng tua aeeatet .popular demouatob U tbat basbeeuaacoerde& thoim la thia ctty.» .» P=Ith ooe niedicusd.hy tbragbout the satreUnilted States. ';zFrant Ba 1476;L AT THIS Buffalo Gluten, L Graino Gluten, Daisy Dairy Feed, Molamae§Feed, M.ddlirigp, Arrt', Bran, Corn and Oats, Ground Feed, Pure 011 Meal W heat Corn, Oats, Hay, Rye Straw, Red Comb Poultry FieW, Sheil, Grits and Poultry Powder always in Stock. E MMON S -MER CER LUMBER COMPANY PH4ONES 47 and 1171. !E. A. BISHOP, Mgr. SEE DELHAYE BROS. before bulilng Cernent Stock Hausses. They have had six yeara' expenience in Cernent Stocks; and wlth thar new machine tbey con save you 10 par cent. Thsy wili furniah yau plans fres. CONCRETE AND CEMENT WALKS GUARANTEEO DELlIAVE BROS. PHONE NO. 1282 Libertyville, 111. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE OPlICIAN