LAzi couNTY I-NDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 10,. 1908 Oh!, ýHan ýýW don't sei just-" Ham." We sdil Armour's "Star." The ham of hams- "-TheHam what arn." Arinours Star Hm&ns per Pound .........................I1 1 76c Swift's Winchester Bacas.per Pound *..................... 15 c Le-noz Soa>' ô bars for ...................5c Q)uaker Oats per package .............................180 c 1 3'pound cas Standard Tosnatoes ...................0 c 4 cans Just Rite Sugw Com ............................. 25 c AT RosING BROS. ROUND LAKE, ILL. Mach inery for Spring iloosier Drils Prairie City Seeders Deere and Janesvile Walking. Riding and Gang Plows Disc, Sprint Tootti and Lever Ilarrows Manure Spreaders WE HAVE GOT THE 00005 THE PRICE IS RIGHT TOC) Schanck Brothers LIBIERTY VILLE ---- ---- -- .s.. . . i"- 1 .0; . -- jFRED JOCHIÎEIM SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Town Onders And Shipping Trade Telephone No. 46 Libertyville Exchaitge BAKER and CONI'ECTIONER Libertyjville Illinois MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED 1WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS FOR YOUR Cernent B3lock Buildings cmli on BRU.MM BROS. They will be able ta erect smre fine boume the cornang sumrner as they have twa machines ai ntca make rnany diff eet desigras anti izeti blocks. They do first dams wark at a reasonable ptice, Phone 31 BRUMM BROTHIERS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. DO YOU WANT A PIANO ? * If sc corne i and try the fmrous SCHAEFER F, SOHUETTE < O Pissa, at your disposlai a our store at ANY TIME. , O You wUI be pleased with ilt * STRANG'S f URNITURE STORE * GEO. E. STRANG LCENSED UNDERTAKER j * Prap. AND EMBALMER NOXAIL MIXED PAINTS A PAINT TIIAT STANDS THE TEST AND JUST AS GOOD AS THE BUST HaIf-Gailon Canar ........................ .70 Quart Cana ............................... .40 Smailer Cana ............................. 15 AUl kinds o! Staine and Varnisbes. A guarantee witb every can. Corne iu and-. look over our WaU Paper Book, w. bave orne pretty selectiaits frm50u 1. GRAYSLAKE PtIARMACY F. 0. Druesa,,prop. H. A. W*tson, Druggist WARREN. GIY L K D E PAIRTVENT Mr. and Mrs. Ney Laînt, are reîî,iug WANTED g A K E E P 1 .1I~~N ver the arrivai of a ten pound daughter I ATl F. J. DRIJCE. Editor Phone No. 11at their iome on .saturday, April 4. WANTED-Boiard,-re li day or week I ~ ~ T I Orders Taken for Job Work Advertising Rates On Application onhe deIsat othe hoe bestoiurrdAPYa ti ii..I D i A N c. I Mrk1&aHok.achiughheb,ýübee WANTE-A ýtrong f,îivabout mixteen A it verv pour hbialbfor a long time, th ears oleetu anif or)linai ] wor Re tat LY.Sikes and bis two sons attended alter whiecb they will iii at borne in their immediate cau" of, ber death was b OetadI-ligt ok eta die» Ringling Bros. cirrus at Chicago, Vetty little flat above The New Hub. p11eurnonia. Shf, was one of the early lrsan@farotî work îîreferred; good AM ANM a e' sonday. ak for theni a brlijant future. settlerso!o Warren. The funeral was hot nright a agem for good b'oy. .M A[ Mrs. Nickolas Keber, o! Minneapolis, held Friday aiternoon at the home o! ApjjiY at this ofhee.RO N LA E ILI lied ait ber borne last Wednesday. She Concert Company. Mrn. Hook with interînenf ini Warren R U D L KE ILr sasa daughter o! Mis. Zangi fo this emeterY. She leaves two daugbters WANTED-A sol ir. rel jable farm hband late. Her gigter, Mms. Cora ertus0 The Leipîie concert courlîîiy wil give and o everal graitîihiîdreu lei~de~ at once. Apîîl., ai lratton Stîi k Fai, ON _____ vitb ber at the time of her deatb. Ou. ono their fine enttrtainiîuitrs ait the greaù many, relatives to inourt, ber los..ouh o!Librîvrlle.2h Fdell voy bosuse. m t e p i 1 h s wll o ' ol n a d Sevsi teenth birtbday tîy gîrîng a party a Young uîarried ma i, miait !îîînly, tan A P I Pakrbueahl lc ot otepiano seleitione and voiiilsRoliis troin the to a numberof girl triende on WVendesday, cfillren, sta~îrdrlabe nt 0 9 Kell bose.very best authors. (ther iiewsPapers April 1. She wa@ tire reciîîeut of n ai slntedfanreii. lrîije o L. 2 ., 19 Mn. and Mrs. John Turner eethMoit- spaa- very bigbly of their xvirk tlu other nuber of beautiful tîresi-uits. Raimed lon theriitar iI euirt orvil. Go ui lay at Anitocb. <! tues aitd they cone tii u4 figbfy recom-ni EII1,01Lletvle odMnie Mrs. Editb Witbam, wbo bas b0r~ the nîended. Tickets ou salie nt the Grays- Birtbda_ parties are ail the style nowý-t 7 et piesi of her daughter. Mns. Rd Wagner lake Pharmacy 35 and 2 , 'elte, adays. W. F. Clow celebrated is ik the paslt tiree weeks returued to br brba eetyI tigsye le FOR RENT Hornes careti for nt Daiwg hme ait Waukegan, Moitday afternoon. Rose also had one Mareh 29. Loyeré svr H kWtTnaretModvad us O N LAKE were laid for twenty anad good tumes Lvs Li.. W tson sLeJu saJL ..,ayanlus day in Chicago on business. The lades of the Card Club entertaiited t ibir hnshands and gentleman liends at au April Fool party Liât week Wednes- day evening. W hen it carne supper tfrne there were a few practical jokes wbirh wene hugely enjoyed. Tbey were enter- talned atthe borne o! Mr. and Mrs. John Washburn, who did everything lu thelr power to make the evening a pleasaut onus. Tickets un sale for the Leippe concert company. Tuesday evening, April 14th as t he Grayslake Pharmary. Miss Emma Someiter, o! Koîze, Is the guet o! her aunt, Mm.. Wiuk le. Rani LoItus, o! Waukegan, spet Sunday at borne. Mr. and Mm.. AI Thomnson spent Mon- day at Chiago. Miss Gertrude Lester 8pent Sîîuday atj ber homue at Libertyville. R. B. Neville, a ho bas b*ee at(bhippawa Falls for a îieek returned home Muday. lirant L.usk rnovedhîsbousclîoldgoods iii hie larnu at iranboe this week. Smre Geo. Thaypn and ber sister, Mis Rousa Mac drove to Waukegat, Tnssday. Miss Aneabel Whitmîîre attended the Ringling Brus, irrus at Cilcago lait Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coulsîin, of Round Lake, are the pnoud parents o! a baby boîy, boi ast Satunday evetiiug. lrn Palmer wa@ io attetîlanue. .Mîtbi.r andI baby doing nicely. Ned Masîît i. very suck ai lis borne on Westerflefll llaýe. Mn.aand Mrs. Eîmuîry A'damsiewlîo haiek sic-ut tfue winter i Florida returued t,, tlînlr hmin n inayslaku- lest Tliuedîîy. J(w Plaltier, o! Wauki.gan, was a sumcet 'if .%rs. Whitehuead last '[hur-dav. Mrs, Enmna Harvey. of Wauikeguic called (on friend e be. ast wn-k. Xalt'-r \iîbols. tlîe iret operatîuu that Grayslake had at the Wisconsin Centralh depot, was lu towt last Suuday rallingd on oid !riends. Mn. Nirbols waa bers 1 when the town was platted itto lots1 and be ivas the it owner o! the lots wbere the. hauk building now stands. t Verte Genred, o! Ingleside. tratsactsd business bere Wednesday. Lyunn d Roy Bowling, o! Lake Villa,à were i isitors bers Friday o! lest week.1 Mn.. Geo. MaNarnara, o! Russeli,m visited ber parents oven Sunday. Arrb Dearon Toîl will conduct tbe ser- vicw e et Sunday at the Episcopal Mis sion. It being Palm Sunday Mn. Waàd- iait will render the beautiful sacred solo entltled "The Palme" durmng the services. Lot Fenlon, o!ftavenswood, la a guest of Mr. and Mn.. A. W. Harvey. f Mr. and Mns. Whe.-ler and !amily, ot Liberty ville, were the guests o! Joe Gar-1 wood and !arnlly Sunday.t The Fourtb Lake property bolders bad another trial on last Motday wbiere an-. other Cicago bunten bad been trespass- ing on Fourth Lake. He was tried be- fore Judge Ftch and !ound guilty. He1 was fined $3 sud cuas. a We are adding more Noxali rustomen. thait ever before to our jest this yean. Wby? Berause those wbo use these paints tell their neighbors about thenu and thus the Noxal paints ou their own menit are ronstantly briging us new eustomeneo. -Grayelake Pharnmacy. Village Caucus.à The village caucus wam rat ber atamei aflair as thene aws no lresident tii nom- inate tbis year and nuoui-e seenued aux- ioue tsi go on the huard. Sclaffen, Wil- unr and Reynolds are the three retiring trostees. James SheInmaîi. IOrlando1 Ricliatdson and C. B. Harvey and Jiudge Fitclîwere up. Ricluandiori, Harvey and Fitchu beiug uorinated. We underetani tiiere are two other tii kets in thue i-Id. The lodependent is: Dr. Sfaffer, T. A. Reý-noldijand F.C. W'lur. TIi,-Peuples s. Wm. Smith, Wm. Pester anf Harry Rucb. for eity clerk, ini opposition to Df. G. White on the regîulîmr ticket. Tiere niay yet be orne exitetcent on1 ,lectiot dîîx Owner of New Hub Marnied. Last Wednesday afternoon at 4:80 occurred the marriags o! Jess Longa- baugb o! this place sud MisesViola Shanks, o! Halnesvllle, et the home of the brides@ parent@ at Haineevilie. The reremony W"a per!orrned by Bey. Higginbotbazu, o! Waukegsu. and witneed only by the immediate rela- tives. Mr. Lougabaugh is an enter- priing Young merchaut of this cit, owner mcd properion o!The New H. Thebrie i a'vsry SharmhI and- aecornimi1" o e w b o! Mrs. R. 0. fiughes bas been en tertalning ber grandmotber, Mrs. Hloward, o! Ke- nooha. Miss Mary Sorensen, o! Antioch, visi. ted Sunday and Monday with Pauline Petersen. Miss Frances Wilson, of! Oak Park, visited the pa@t week wlth Irons Cun- nintgham. Mr. and Mr@. Warren Rook visited in Grayalake Monday. 1- ROUND LAMKE Who saiiî Round Lake was a going dry? Mn. and! Mrs. Bert Coulsen are rejoicîng over au 8 lb. baby girl, bora April 5th. Rumors are tbat L. Fox and daugbter, Sarah will soon Inove to (iraymlake and Mr. and MNs. B. Coulson will ruove in Mr. Fox'sfionse. Misses Edita Sloan auîl Katharine Itosing suent Saturilay and SundaY iu Chicago. Mies Frances Romiug rotiirnif frîîîn Gosiien, Suitday to epewnd a miitlî wîti relatives here and at Volo. Mr. and Mrm. Gorin suent Sunday a ii ber mother, Mrs. Beumanl. Wm. A. Rosiitg transacted buisinemsslu Chicaguo last week. tMRLBRN] Mm. J. A. Thamn visited relatives in Kenosha last week. Mise Lucy Spafford went iSaturday to viit ber sister, Mrs. R. L. llîighe., of Englewood. Miîss C. E Rater traisteat-d lbusiness in Chiciago, Saturday. Win. M(i(uire and daugbter. Ethel, and! Mr. anîd Mrs. W. 6. McUuire, Mr. and Mn.. John Chope and Wrn. Chope &tten- ded tbe louerai o! Mr@. Rsty, o! Warren. last Friday. Mn.. Esty waa Guy sud Ethels graudmother. C. R. business meeting will be beld at the home o! Geo. Miller, Fiday evening April 10- Mn. anud Mn.. ChrIstlanson on the fant known) as the Rielly f an bad a baby bort Monday and buried it Tbursday lu the Milburn cernetery, They have the siynpatbiy of the cornrunlty. C. R. topue, April 12, Temperanre meeting. 2 Sanu. 12: 17-27. Harold Minto. Election day. tlld you vote iglut? Mn. Fosten, o! Chicago, was out Mon- day. He expeyts te, nove bis farnily ont Ma.y lst fite, Mrs. Chas. Matbews bouse for the summen. Miss@IFlorence Anderson retunned to Lake Forest, Munday having spent a tsiday vacation wlth relatives bers. Geo. Strang, o! Waukegan, visited several days witb hie grsudmotber, Mrs. Geo. Strsug. Mn.. Normait Adams and daugbter Bas, of Chicago Lawri, spent Saturday aud Sunday witb ber parents, Mn, sud Mn.. R. Pantaîl. MIss Cole, o! Lake Forest, @peut a few days wîtb ber uncle, Mr. Jack. Mn, Koshl, of Waîkegan, trausarted business la Mlîburu, Monday. Miss Roll, o! Wadsworth, le drees- maklng la Milîburit this week. John Hofiman, o! Rosecrans, was a Milîburit raner Saturday attending insurance business. Mr@. J. R. Hughes, o! Lilietyville, visited ber mother and other relatives bers the fore part o! thue week. Mme§. Geo. Gerrity %a as, alled to the c-iby Tuesday to attend tii, fuueral o! ber aunt. Steadman Broc . of icruee, are very buey painting andi lal'.r langitg in thie neigbborbood. That langîîld, llfcless feeling that cornes wltb sprlng and early summer. ran be qulrkly cbanged to a feeling of buoyancy aud energy hy the judiclous use of Dr. Shoopa Ras torative. The Restamative le a genuine tonte fo tlred, run-dewn nerves, and but a tew dases le needed to Batisty the user that Dr. Shoopes Restomative le actually reachiitg that tlred spot. The indoor fle o! vinter nealy always leads tu slngglsh rcirculation lu gener- aI, The custurnary lark o! exercise and outdnom air ties up the lîver, stag- nates the kidneys, and ott-tlmes weak- ens the Iieart's action. Use Dr. Sboop's 1Restorative a few weeks and an ill! ýb.changed. A few days test wlll tell you that you are using the rlglit remedy. You wlll eastly andi 7, Mt* flthe1k. chnefrmday to ivere jeported from all. Edgar S. Read left on Mouda western trip. The Warren Cemetery Associat meet xyth Mrs. Nellie and Mis Sneesibýon Wedne@day, April 15 Mms. itez Manzen le recoverii a recent ilînes. Mms.Alles Chas. and son, have retnrnsd from a visît of days with relatives lu Burlington Mms Jackson, o! Waukegau, le ing -a few days at tbe bomne Hook, beiitg raled there by thec ber ister, Mns. Esty. You mail the INDEPENDEN rolunin. So do 15,000 otbers. wby the colmi la no polmnlar. FOR RENT-40 acres o! Blue grass pas-ý Corneand Have a Gosi Til y ton a ture, good water, no mwarnpe; onrwmi take stock by nuonthu. G .BRE, AMANN BROS. Route 2, Lilierty-iille, !rnnyieGo Hon wi!! Morris tarnu. 25-tf ROUND LAICE. .se Maud 5. FOR RENT-Rigbu roorn bouse witb ing !nom turmae, gas and electi-Ir lighte. *20 Hretper montb, DyttoND & AUSTIN. 14-tf - O N C F<'-là HerentF OR RENT-Paaturs, 100 acres, plenty- seveal aeadwtr DMN UTN n i.26-tf AT THE @ pend-_________ o! Mn,. deatb o! Ur want That lu Regular 2 DaYs' Visit lailing Eyesight Otly n pair o! eyes Iast you a D .J. a t n ei Master cf Optice aud Itefractlen Graduae sof the Ufiverstyand first Assitant of Professer Mndti. item e It. have Your Elyes Examincd Your beadech,,, nervousness and reetiese 111ep 18 dus te yuur vîthernont weamtngglassesWbehen au hculd or net wearlng glasses cernectir ftted by a uomptent matn, Who examines the eres accerdlnsc te t ho ateet ieinîllcated cases lIttel wlien others [ai 1 I mr gccned br ,lentfilc pmmcl- pies 0 btalned hy perfect îtud!as of the Silatiy. pliysIolougndmi atb- Cneî.i evee 8traightmned by giassees No eo rîe. aeu and ueclal attettn ieven te iuhldreu s epes. DONT FORGET PLACE AND DATE Newcastle Hotci, Libertvile, Friday, April 10. Gardinier's Hotel, Graystake, Saturday, April 11. IArnd$ Il r REAL ESTATE ACRE PROPERTY-Justout4ide Lib- ertyvilîs corporation iow prIc -s and easy ternis. DnouND& AUSTIN. 14-tl FARMS-We have a large list o! Lake cotuty larms to sell, aise, bouses and lots lit village. DYMOND & AUSTIN. 14-t! LOTS-We are exclusive agents for lots lit B. J. Grimes' subdivision, the choimet lots lit Libertyville. DYtuONu & AUSTINr. 14-t! FARM FOR SALE-No better larm in Lake coUnty, p rire reasoitable. ARTHVR L. STANFORD, Rund Lake, 111. 14-tf. FOR SALE-Choire loto ltu C. Frank Wrigbt's addition, 50x150, for $200.00, *250.00 aud *8(0(0. Dy mo.x & AnarniN. 14-t! FOR SALE-Acre lots on Dymond's subdivision, close to town and electre cars. Price$300.00. Dymo-,ND&AUSTrIN 14-t! FOR SALE-Houe and lot on Second streltý W. W. OaCMîINTr, Llbertyville. 26-t! FOR SALE-House and two lots, asoo a laundry stove. JOHNi E. fiLE, Second street, Libertyx Kle. FOR SALE-Good 77 aire far25 uî1iles fronLibertyville, good .e Ild- inge. 50 acres îulow land; 20 s tiî,uLer, well feitîî-i; nev(er failing sp.fg; a ilI seli witb or witbîîut stock, immediate Lxiîssessloit given. J. A.QBAVEs. FOR SALE-Two lots on Park avenue, two blocks east o! Mlwaukee avenue. H. C. GLEASON, Libertyvilie. 28-4 HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE- fi roonis, lurnace beat .............*2000 S morne, two lots ................... 2400 (1) noorns, neatly new................ 1800 7 roorns, modem ..................... 3000 7 rooms, gond condition............ 2400 7 noorna, fine located ................ 2500 6 roorna, good repaîT............... 2100 7 rooms, very nice.................... 3200 S rooms, ail modern................. 8000 6 roonus, everythlng in.............. 2200 8 roorna, large lot ...................83500 7 roorni, stove lisat ................ 2800 7 roomus, Dear the lacions........1600 1 IMR STOCK, ETC. FOR SALE--Good wonk mare, weight 1200 Ibs., 10 yean. old.lquratts office. 26-t! 6rays pe pra ti m di w Pl w Pl K dE 91L th bc Imm TUESDAY IEVENI FOR SALE-Borne, weight 1200. w.-A RL 1 ,l S. Cotoîî, Prairie View, 111. 284 AP LI4 I 1FOR SAMLE FOR SALE-73cords of wood. Inquire E. 0..l~ x. Round Lake. 24tft FOR SALE-18 tons of tame bay it barn. Addrese HER.iuxI B ELFER, Lake Zurich. 24-tf FOR SALE-80-egg ineubator. Inquire H. B. Etens hbard ware store. FOR SALE-8 tons o! timotby hay. W. G . THoiiAs, Libertyville. 28-3 FOR SALE-Rambler automobile, surrey type onue, lu fite condition, W. S. Bî î.î.isiu, WaUkegan. 26i-13 FOR SALE-À new Stewart sheefp sbearing nia-bine. Reason for selling, bave sold my sbeep. IRA SITrrH, Grays- lake, 111. Phone 121. 27-2 FOR SALE-AIl kindso!o farms, al kinds o! lake property. aIl kiitds o! towit prolert, iouythiitg you waitt, corne and see wbiat 1 bave. J. A. GRA% Es, Liberty- ville. 111. FOR SALE-Q(uantity Rarly Roses seed potatoes. ffleuer bushel. Inquire o! WNi. PETERNON, Libertyville. 27-2 POULTRY FOR SALE-BuEf Wyandotte fowls, egge for latrbhilg ow ready and littie chlcko two to tbree weeks nid. A. W. DEPEW, Rokefeler, 111. 25tf FOR SALE-50 pair genuine ifomer Plgone,mustseilquck. E. P. MOELLES, FOR ALES. . BackMinoreasggsf, *1.00 per setting. Gos LANou, Liberty- Ville. 28-2 FOR SALE-Fine bronze turkey gobbler or will buy one bon turkey. Phone 1193 or 2661, Libertyvlle. GEn. F. RoBtaTs. FOR SALE-Fuil blond Barred Ply. mouth Rock eggs, 50 lente for setting o! 15. ByRor> Co LDY, Libertyville, mU. Phone 2654. 2"- FOR SALE-Bug! Rock eggs, 75 cent@ per Bettlug. Wtt. GEHINoS. !18-2 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN-Wfs make speclaty o! loauiug xnoney for bufid- ing purpose. Aiso fain lans. DvttosN kAUsvoN. 14-t! MIS~LLANOUS' WANTEO AT ONOE-Good larru on Fox Lake. Mention terres, J. A. GRA.vis, Libertyville. II. WANTED-Pnre creamn wanted by Ber- rys& (Ic.> 282 W. Congres. St., Chicago, Beet prices and prompt payments Answer quickly. 14-tf INSURANCE-We write fine, marine, accident and lits Insurance. DYNIOND & WANTED-Farîu and town propeniy tlîat ie for sale or rentalsolakeproperty. 1 bave a îîarty wantlng te huy or rent a good fuiriui, will buyî durlng the sommer. A îiarty wants to ecchaitge good citv îioini. property for gond fartu. J RXELibertyville, iii.- FARM ERS ATTENT 10N-1l5 fu i site pkgs of Garden and Flower seed for 10 etspostpaid Coa r Cih-t L. Waukegan, 111, BIY THIE EeIpptgoucerto The pro@ram will consist of VOI.i Piano and Vcal Selections fram ti very best authors. Aný rare tresa, you can't afford.f laissi. Tickets, 35c and 26C on sais et fia Grayalake Pharmacy. Rossan Enuber av CIIANGED IIANDS Lumber, Shingles, ta th, Posts, Cernent and Coal Mlso NILLWORK GIVE ME A TRIAL F. S. HEAI RUSSELL IL Grayjslake Baerý Restauraint 1A bMeais end Lunches S.rvm« et âïI wurâ OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE. CIOARS and CANDM& LAtTNDRY OFFICE Phone No. 19. MISS EMMA'%ERLACH, Pru. HORSES Io« SAI" At COL. F. J. BERRY'S f»~ 1(4 mlles unrtor Waacouda. Lke Oouso stock Xmrds. ouio% -- -- - - - - - - - --- ANYONE WISFIINQ TO BUY The Staver Bugg wiII flnd theom for sale at A. PADUQÇ~ LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN OAI le of 1 yeai ren 's, l~l 'w 1 el 1 1 1 aït-ze,;