ý' 4me ounty Titis & Trust Co. 8sto!Tde. Title. tjoaraisteed =~jteîpie Bldg. Wankfgan, ]ILi 1.o1is J . GUR,<EE, SeCY. j C. Johnson and wife to Peter OS- k lt 14, bock 5, Lenox sub. Wan- W«t4 W. D., $4.000. ýoMeIIus Shea to Tlmothy Reardon, »mqln S. NV. qr. Sec. 23, Newport ~'Deed, s1. L. Brittain to Wm. Baumann F, E Hoidridge, N. hait S. W. qr. ~ 8 ~nTp. 'W.1-D., $5450. ~8nk An4 su d wtfe ho John .à. la ft. Uly between lots 3 and -54rbrg's sub. lu Sec. 3, Grant jý De.d, 'Il. $t*ht Gordon to Emma B. Kelly, lit lot 289, Lake Forest. W. D. ;î ILMrphy t. C. W. Crawford. 1;i bock 138. North Chicago. wd' $700. Ogroline Degen and bus. tn Marga- L Cordell. lots 8 and 9, Ludqulst & wrmus sb. in Sec. 16, Grant Tp. 0. Undquist and wife et ai. to e*Uet Cordeli. lot 7, Liudquist& 4"». as' b .ln Sec. 16, Grant Tp. . ',1,m$4L0. Ntkrie L. Loomis and lins. to Abra- W Bolonion, 4Y. acres lu village of &Û Dey. W. D.. $1.200. Pl, P. Crandon and wite to Enoch go, lot 8, biock 14, Wýashbiurn w1ag.. W. D., $250. XXàqs Trlggs to D. A. Yonng, lot tn 0#4 ot Libertyville. MI. D.. $2500. iC. Outhet and wife to nhy »y4), 9.40 acres lu N. E. tir. Sec. 32, iý Tg~ . MD., $600. M. H. Wisner and ville 50 Afred enen,. part Secs. 4 and 9, Avon TI). J... Dunnlug asud wite tn Chas. bgatiY, 10 acres lu euuthwest qr. *- 17, Waskegsn Tp. W. D., $. Chas. Whtney to John J. Diuniîîg. ý1%sffl ln S. W. qr. Sec. 17, W'auke- x TJL Deed, $. r.o Esuer ho Geo. Batier and Kath- D ~ebaer. 80 acres lu Sec. 31, and beru la Sec. 30, Fremont Tp. ýéM»Ipon Huntington t. F. H. H..S- $e, 10o acres lu Sec-. 4 sud 9, EtEr an lunt Sec. 31, Fremont Tp.XW. EL A .Wilie and wife tb J. J. Brady UW. E. Petera, lot 21, Howard 0ffbt* in Sec. 1, Giaut Tp. W. D., Cý*,Aguàta Cheney to T. K. Scott, U Mbock 84, and lot 4, Stock 90, ïtgcheaglo. VW. 1., $5. ë0 amaer sand buis. to T. K. Scott, ýýo 4X 114, North Chicago. W. 9'ha4 Richards aud hus. to T. tOt lots 3.8 sud 30, block 123, ~.Chicago. W. D., $. be~a Rhodes 50 T. K. Scott, lots 40 9'41, block 37. Washburu Park. W. "a Aibrecht aud wife to E. G. ekiw' lots 14 aud 15, block 1, Hamn a4h aU. Rockefeller. W. D., $450. ted hlbrecht and wife to E. G.' d0Y,'Iotm 1 aud 2, bock 1, Ham- o*ad&d Rockefeller. W. D., $575. *IOA? 811ALL WE BAT? OMbw oub of Food Roquires Osisï afiiHndling of the Famlly Income.. tbea. oot o! living icreaaiug by Sbounds, thie tank of makiug ti0etof and rt provdiug nutri- qw o ' la. goi5ng problein. Tet Mi. ~ion o 'things May prove a ~ffM~lm.,for mauv people are of0etthe sosugprices of .4ui tpe. 0f Illte, a2d yet realiy cW*iîMe sfooda. >9#di-h but of tbete, one that de- bMu OU who try it, "ud degrves to b ëW known, le Macaroni-tha e ê-ueln America froru American. Y" Domrm Wheat. This Macaroni Nlbmtud fur better than thse in. W"lu, sud M. far les@ expensive. IMO wIb met lu thse uatter of food lit. Ltled itsesf Muet admirably to lbiumsoresot appetiuig '~ s ei. of the e at üepeuive foods. I~osthe best bMacaroi ho he had ~putun hy thse Fould@ Iilllug Go., F~omvU.Thie la thse ouiy couceru 4*ri ho manufacture Mjacaroni, oftbs griudiug of thse [rm mWheat Blog the inimbe<i product lu oealed tht keep it edean sud cripp. V waemseël for .5 aud10 entd, be of any grocer. Tise .otaina ample for a rural Mud ail packages contain ree.ipes o! delijous Maaroni dishem. .%Ï u dm' ýMaaroni and try t., Svalue, iu thse Bout. " uotlament recentl 'y appeared in u dally paper that will be qbe omazly farusers iu Illinois hoMay not be poted on lu -thee sat.Tihe advertiéee for sie a farm of 208 acres, vîme 9 0 mile.l of Washington Que, quarter o &arile o! tise loir building, feueed, beoi weeded, for the @tu- of0040. or $5 an acre LTh~isko l'Ii onur cte Establi b. 5843 v4 Au Invitation and Announcementi We take this miethod of extending an invitation to every lady in Lakce County-to be present at this store SATUiRDAY, APRIL llth, or at any tirne during the ensuing week, it being the occasion of Our. F!aster Opening A Most Imposing Exposition of the Correct Styles In apparci for w onteii and citidi 'S e . wr aps, s4îtslingerie anddIress w aists. children.'s and infant 's dresses, ands accesotics bcisg essbraeed. The Very Essence of Spring is breathed Forth in the Freshness and Beauty of Everything Lvixscctistîof tiese tortelis liq, otrsil itet a full(jquota sot it es t wXaies t i ssss'rase iii tcl't itlic and nlsi 1151lature'('lias lss'(it ll' st1soii tfoi.lier flotal tibis i as a se(tt ilisgfoi. 'tise'4-iva tt of t lis lss' arists. \Ianx of thein in h evr aioe The uits effeets, whle others aie so elaborattix trusînscid that at first glan ce one is re- ininded of costumes. The showiîîg is -onipreliensive enough to satisfy the most critical. Tise prices for suits are fromi $10.00 uipwards to $30.(X) T eSirts This spiendid showng willflieet yu pleated styles are niost prominently featured. A noticeable difference is the careful tailoring and extreme fullness of every skirt. The prices are from $5.00 upwards to $15.00 The W asts To pass tis section without giving The Wai ita word of pi-aise would be the greatest injustice-as it is-to run tise full gamut of variety to be found here, would be well nigh inpossible-however, Lingerie, Net and Silk Waists are shown in sucli an abundance that selection is inade ain easy matter. The prices are from $1.00 to $10.00 .i which the savings are Special Saies M'ost decided will be iri- augurated t h rou g hou t cî iv section. Your attendance at the store is illperatîve if you desire to take advantage of this offering. Ail Alterations Are Free. 1 1 tI 'n lin 12 5., Musicl p las b e en r Amusical rqgraml ranged for ti occasion- Spe- cial concerts will be given in the rnorning from 10 to 11:30; ini the afternoon from 2 to 5; and iii the ecvening from 7 -30 to 10. ,~ ( qt C g. 5' t 11141 m-