Cubs the Unanhmu Cho For the 1906 Pennant. HOW OTHER CLUBS LINE UP. Winners in America Lague FLics H.rd t. Pick-New York HatGrat Nne, Whle Whte 80x, Athietici end Nape Are Strong. A spring poet, lnsplred by the Ocpm ing of the 1908 baaeb& aflseo, rhaP- aodizS this: "The game la on, the. SA- goule here, the atricken bal cut$ tbrough the air; the battera fan the. t- mauspbere; Uihernnera arouDd the baies tear; the ulnPire cilla thse trilkea and ball, Puts ruInera Out wbeu they amra ln, nor leedB tIhe rooters' anMr squails that they wUI'kUll hlm, anre ai ,,in; the sesona here, thesanme 014 musa, ad tas the sent tbe anme aId us.' A for thse Natlonail lngue race.DO- body bas ai yet been found who la bold enougb to claie thse Penat tar any team but ChiciSo. The Cuba, therefore, aeem ta be thse uninîmous ceice of thse country for the 1908 peu- Ifint At thesanme Urne Chaunce'$ men 'ahi bnrdly bave the easfY Urne Of It thUa yer that tbey hnd lait aummer. New Yort and Pbtladelphla wilîl make a btter sbowtng agaitet tise Cuba than they dd ln 1907.,'altis the Pirate@ Yet to lor trami. The GMante have been trenghee jp!syklý materil by the retura of Kike Donlui n good condition and bY the tiades pulîtd off by mnager Mec- Graw et thse December meeting Otfttha inague. With a fine crup of Young inbesta fail back on, the outlook for 3ICGrMWote..m in premislng The Pttaburgi, a.ltOueg retIf weakened by the absence of HiUM Wagner, ame tili formidable- Chari"y obTar. 'bo bai attesnptel ta f[il Rani' pocitlon t short.b"ai hown UP Wei during thse practc gKM& TO a mtv otiae-reIthse Boetsm club, 'aMisjaS Kefley an manager. lou gcd The addition of Dublas. Boy- enm» Brawn. MeGam anad Pergs tu tise tem ma kes t look afntfte tia la fretBoumfame Tefa ad stRmch mme dflBeut le V" the uieror-lm AICMA Iesgue pannant tisaite anie .th fAk- Vodkso lu tise aid league. "c«ia»~ Detroit Tigera repatr se the cru mot aaked regardmg the rae. Tuea are many" ifs- tu tua Ppopii If Bill Doovan can rseeat bis treu performance ortla* ear, a"f"rJm nlags auenkeepup bis snppli cf gnagp the Tgera 'aiU b La Une. It MuOt 010 rememisered that lat year Jeunaiffl tank a club tisat badil filiei la t»e second diviaion lu 190W and 'hIPPOd fi Inle shape ta Win the penn" ant uta anly one new mmin. toasmaL, Of whom lmt much wui expected. Manager Griffith ban twlce andsd tise Newa York EHIgisandirt ln .econl place, sncb tîne Ioagout iy a short heS& This year tIse Highlanders again 100k ufroug in battIng, base rtnnlng anA fWleMng. The ptchlng staff la canif- .md a problem by gucil juilges. Tise Chicago White Box have ma"y adiierents for pannant honora. Thes Aaim that Comilikey's Men PlnY tise Iainnest baebaUll u elther league and ~Wtbot noms iard luck aI ieinthse à,&, Others thlnk that Walsh, Owen A itrock are golng back and tisAt BM ox cinnot regain thier farm Of xatlslss ci convince the Philadel- lisfini thit the Athieties wyUl nt 1 athse race from the start. TbeY 7qAgte mi.m i lh work better wth ,,uMUMWaddell utt the tnia. At aey ýwýthse &tbletui ilwiya play about Mame gam. They yack iiong t gugl*i stride. rsdy to taire tise JPed asrty tram aayt-smtint Imter. Pmda5biy tua 'aI b.ClevelanSB "ms Ibo, NaLPOleausare ilwiadan- Uoetsinki tac mucli 'au e bis tusadurlng the lat 1s e uathe a fsi orgsttlng thnt *«W ~erci.. la thea hague.have good til brus clU sla the Americia 1g Just, b sMt <et *8e-nat Wg~te 1I.4 S~ama expert- Là t* ~ e h7-e' lib t I F.c. Sidel & Co.'s Ea.ste.r*'Suit Sho'wings $10 to $25" Boy's Suits.,,..Bac1s an& Browns, in 2-piece double breasted, some with belt and..4loomer pants, $3.50 to $7.50. A Beautiful LUne of Easter Nickwear ..... AII cýlors, ail styles, ever shape and size of black tie you ever heard oL Spring Hats ..... The best and largest we have eveï shown. Browns and ail the new green shades in Telescope, Stetson and Derby àhapes. A great Une to select -from "at $Z»OO and $3.00. Boy's hats, $1.00 to $1.50. DressShirt.....o man , a ý1easure for you- to find just what you are looking for, The ManDe hattn, Y oe n Lo mks-etto be had at $1.00 to $2.50. Men's and Boy's Caps i an endles assortment of styles and patterns. Collars.... Over 75 styles to select fromn in t sizes. The -Lion Brandt l'est 2 for 25c collai' made ---.4-ply, guaranteed true t ie Ail Solid Leather Boy': Shoes...41.5O to $2.00,, worth more. Men's Oxford TUns and Patem, t hers....$3e5 to. -$4.00. Guaranteed Stema n W ààl athfi« to every purchgse of $7.50 or over during this month. vo SIJDD[ Many Frii me"i Charles; beart dises caslerof Uîtile betorn Dr. Brow wlhln a mi death due 1 'walking get the ex, the bank tt mince Aprîl i1nd thse gr outer garar front of tii He badl effect that Ilke that of begin bis m cashlers de when lie w gaap, Ob, a a ep. lits son,' toned next and turning bia knees. support, ai Jonea. Who sink sili cauglit hlm d iedi At the s Steele. ahoi Wîrd'sanmd the other w ployesanmd g man. Mr. Wlarii In a littIe main bank message aut when lie go M'lard dead. Ban]l The balk buaineua tor poasted ln ths Sdravu curtai priatng min frit ne'aa o ian. demtine The lite C December 8, kt-b'an, tben enu at the à Entai At 20, artei cill chool es In the store City and ln L Steele & Fo general store On or aboi gin bis bank a private ba Steele anilt stânted and i the present i tormalîy orgi until on Dece deatis of Cas made casier retalaed 'aith He celebral day thse 13th. LÀ Leaves The lie lm ~lethe fil -diUghter of C YMms. Wlard * and thse=m aMon, daugista Hinkaton, a December, le bina. Childr< Helen 'aho il aon, Myron. the bink tn mornlng dled Pargai The lite M Mr. and Mrs. tai Lttle For~ yean!,ago. Wrighat of Yo The lats M cîrpenter by he worked at sarted ta Ci 111 il New O ba bi aiterwa Ellsylle, FUI retLncvlng ta 'kuleriediand 8 sn aw ilI eqaiMn and t comlng baAsk etWuei "r r.