CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Apr 1908, p. 8

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Dutkeman on 'thé Northwestern Fosme to eb ufering fram Dis- éase int a Mid Famm. Cherlog Ray, veUl knovn North- veatëu biakeman, agetI 21, vas dis- rsovored Suda> b>' his physicien tf0 b. ufsIng af an affack of amaîl pox « &£ ligt fat-m and vws next mornlng tek*oved bo fie Wauttegan pet hous et t" oit>' limita, wbere he la rerelv- log attentian. I.L U Russell bas besu reappointed guar d v ili remain wlfb Ray util r li la 4ischarged. e 'When, acting under Chie! Tytrelî's met-s, Monda>'mornlng Giard Russell op.ned tihe pesf bouse If was fuud thst for thesconsd tIme miscreante :X4a vlsted It andI stlen vaM-ons amal atlnes. nanspionous among them a ~nc»IL* Previans ta this Invasion andI bêtoré bthe lat batch ut patiente rsi Installed t the Pest hous, fliees raidedth fe place and tole lb. b.d cloblica used b3- patients. - Th" oéf How Cage Camne. rTisere la a quser tbeury as f0 how »a>' cme ta get the emali pux. A alstwrln-lav is saltI to bave vlsifed tb.e Rya, vbo reside at 126 .Hickory street. three veeka agu, sud asheis Saita have beera iufferlng from wbat v»et thse time regarded as a light r- ttaek o! chIsioen paz. 01 Ube ame tram Waverty, Iowa, sud lofiater a vsit bers. If la nov be- r<. Ieed that ash had amail pux lu a yeoy ig ht form inabead o! chicten k oz 4o. nd Itglabelieved that Ras>'a bave caitracted hie case ln ibis man- Thonsht ChIcke o tFrt .'. At tirtsfRaY'iaewa hugt b. chiclen pox. This vas Thurada>'. wbea ttc as taken slck, sud Il fmdi- càatone pinfed In th# ester tbeory. »ê*wer, er.ter, he devsloped a welI uinsd but ligit case of amati pox amd lise et-ptions at-e nov nt f0be tdotgkm StIo lasald hsnce is confine- mmft et tise pest hous. Vacclnatlosi and Quarantne.. t~Vaoltiation andI quaantine vers r -M* enforced b>' cif> ofletals Monda>' IIM idigoalnt aà who bail been ex. 7, '.é tô Ray's Cage. 1W retidea vltis, bis mother and ffleWr, Mr andI Mra. G. E. Ray, bt lCM ad came iota contact vifb mWUofsumatilpl anuail teUic at SfARCIIING PARTY - OUND BODY lUs arma toideil arrosa bie breast,8 George lirovu, 65 yeara nid, gardener1 for Judgs Peter El. Gt-assrup at High- j land Park. waa found lu a roppiced thrae-!numfha uf a mile soufh o! Hlgh-f iaud Park hy a seatching Party at 5 ibis>I mornîng.1 TiIs vas #t fie end o! a seatrhf dgrinýg viicit the cifys fit-s hiafle1 ýaI beeau biown, Nort-hvesfern Mili-1 Ut"riAcdemy students had been *bint U ta the cnase, and Highlandij Park citisens of ail ranis aud ucru-É estima hiad lurned out., Tise lnutvas beldt ils noon. Star>' of isappcarance. Brown vas a landacape gardener andI ived a 118 South Second treef.1 After leavlng the grounds ut Fedet-al Juigte Grossrup, ou the nid J. Mac-t Gregor Adams place, he vas lest seen il* Wavatley avenue. Me bad been slsud If la tuspected tat he vandered away duriug s ne- turesof bis aIlment. MRs dîsappearance aroosed.the rity Mnd people of ait the rît>' turued out1 op thes earcb vhich tasted ail nlght.1 Suapected Foui Play'. Wisen flic body'vat fitst found foui pgis> vas asperted, but the bquest tgiled ta show evidences o! thba lu Had Accident ear Ago. A year ago Blrown la saidt f have n«ae L !firtaInluas anhole sud Sin*e tien il la tnt-fier t-spotted that b;e bois beauiveak metalîy. I&màday 'eha vaeseen at a fat-m ý' iser. he stoppes!, antI vhen ;'iýÏaeivboehe vas gobng. lie stated .àbe wm on ils va>'tei look t h iea « r3@3Oi. t migit b fie 'last Sh. ould ever ss if «uicide Idea wich isavevet- la st b>' tis.majorti. il aa1 %id ta have been veil NEW SUBSTATION 1 rOR WALJKEGAN Postal Reporte Show That Busnes During IlHard Timest'cf This and Laat Vear Excoeds That o! LestYsear Same Tîme. 1 As the result of a special visît by federal posfoffIce Inspectors, Wauke- gan wll, begluning April 16, have a nsw postal substation, Station No. 3,1 at Browning avenus sud Marlon1 street, ln charge ut E. W. Ek, the grocer. Corîpled wih thl,. aunouncement le made jue by Puelmaster Watrous f0 the effeuf that lie is making efforts te get f wo mure substafions, one ou the west olde aud une dowu fuwu, Nue. 4 and 5. Waukegan already bas two stations, one un the north Ide near Third stt-cet, antI une lu MKees drug store at Beivdere sud South Genese treets. Postmaster Wafrous Is entifled f0 a great dccl ut credIf for geftlng Wau- kegan the stationsase their opeulng makes this rity fake raut lu postal service wllb leadlng cties ut 50,000 populaftion, many of teblrh lu fartj bave net Waukegan's conveleuces sud up-to-date taciliierr. The foliuwing remaritable table abowa that so-called bard fîmes sud pancs raunut affect Waukegan, showlng as t dose the businesin the alleged bard tlmes outhIis sud lasf year andI the business for the corre- spouding period ln the year 1906. Business tor quarter eudlug Decem- ber 31, 1906, $3136770. For quarter eudlng December 31, 1907, when bard tres perlod began, $10118.48, au increase us ver 25 per cent. Business for quarter sndlug Marri 31, 1907, 18,032.80. For quarter endlug March 31, 1908, IMMM4SE STORE Or H1!IN-ORNSlTIN CO. Heit-Oratein Cos new store ln the Hîgie>' building la a magnificent onus sud adds greati>' to Waultega's liaI of beautîful places, excelling themn ail in Intertor tecoratlona andI equalling them ail ln exterior ornameufafion. In front are ths tWo largest plates ut rolletI plate glass ln notthern 1111- uule. The>' are topped off wth prîsto giasea set ln a pattern. In the en- france are the usual swing doora and a mosalc carpetlug pleasant tu look at. The two show windows are 8 b>' 22 teestin dimensions sud glve the un- usuali>' large decorative apace of 352 square test, ao that the firme swlndow artiet vili nof lacit opportuit>' to malte a grand sowug. Interlor Beats Thern Ail. The Interlor la ut such a jcocrlp- tion that the throîrgs ut chance vitît- ors who drop lu every day whlle work le lu prugrees marveis at Ifs artlsfry. The whole magnîficeut roum, 125 by 50 feet. le ibrowu open to the dis play ut cunisgly cotrlved womeoîs car. There are no partitions on the lower fluor at ail. From the celltng bang a myriad ut igbts that wll malte the show room llght as day lu the evenlng. From the sîdes bang the regular flensiow ses botses, eacb wth s chan- delier sud a llgbf drlpping from his Jaws, glvtug a hlghly decorative et- tedt that ls pîeaslug sud attractive. Ou the flour are spread oriental rugs ut prie andI matîlugsofutpieaslug cutI novel patterns. Stock on Grnund Floor. For 125 feet onr the north wali ut tIIs the principal stockt rour extend cases filled with toits for ladies. For 100 fat arrose the ruom extetîd ekirfesud coats lu cases, a splendid assortmeuf ut shirt valofo antI millu- ery sud milinery trImminge. Dowu the center ut the roum sud filllng a main spcre are eltrte. cuafs. suifs, shirt waisto anti ali the endîessa varlety ut the gear that vomen wear andI men love luo se them vear. Back of the main roum re- the fallut- ehop sud the miliuery shop. Llghts of Special Kind. The show wiudow llghtc are ut a apecial kîntI. fot duplîcated bers. They are Tuugsteu IighIs ut great LOUIS J. YEOMAN1 Il aleged tu b. ln a tîme o! IncIplent Paver andI brllance sud ctete a day- par, $99?7.12, ehojng an IncreaseUht sttert. Outalde aret-fwu flamlug o! Bubstanfilty 23 pet- cent. Ka of tremnîcdous cnet-g>'sud voi - cge that wben lit transtorm the darit at-eet ln a n ooxda>' radian ce. ATTORNEYEDWARDS Grand Central Stal tcate. t the t-ar of the umain stock ruum WIlit OP!N QFFICE ISthe grand central staircase of pul- Isbcd sud raretuil>' matched woos, Attorney' Claire C. Edwards, shu the cholcest thaf moue>' can boy. _e for the past tht-ce yssrs bas be..t lun itthae "u a splendl andset parfnerahip vIIh Justin K: Orvîs un- I cad 00. hPl ecndl fuoybîb der the fit-m name of Orvie s Klberause ut the Ilmited tîme. wll net varda, attorneys, Frlday- evenîng ho Ibrovu opeu, Saturda>'. as te cocktoled ut he ldnght The fit-m ut Hein-Orustelu Company as te dck oliil of te mdnîbt as leascil the firta nd second fluors boum sold ouf bis Intercst. bis and basement of the place fLmilliarly gond vili andI bis outfit to Orvîs, the known asa the Higle>- building. dissolution of pattnershîp f0 taie et- Fit-m et Mrchant Prince&. tact Imnediatat>'. The fitr ut Helu-Ornafeio Conmpany' Affamney.- Edvardi plans on open- la but tht-se years aId ln Wauksgan Ing a law office b>' hîmeif ln the near andI during that tîme bas matIe a showing not lo, be eqoalled ln thle hlm- future ln sîther the Cbon building, the tory of Illinois rade, furnishlng Wau- Wetzel building or in anme other veit kegan, Itenoaha and Racine vitis ttnovn localtf>. cloak andI suit atores for vamen's Mr. rvi, acordng t prse vear that are not excell antI IndeetI Mt-.Orvs, ccoringlu resnt flot oten equalled ln Nev Yorkt and plans, vill graduafli> go deeper and Chcago. deeper lnto the t-cal estate business. The f vo members o! the fit-m b>' the but meanwhlle be viii alan rare for capable management of one and - the bis nusallylare lw prctie. aclentlfic salesmanahlp of the ofier bis nusaît> lage aw partrs. reduced their business bu a matter of The deal, aocording ta Attorney- pnett-y and tI fta otten saîtI vifi truîh Edwards, bas heen pendlng for the that If la a dellgbf to buy af tie fit-m'a past ysar, the oui>' dlfflrulty that Store. at-oe bbngthetIlagrsmet a f0 Sfarting modesfi> tht-es yeat-s aga. aroe bingthediagremet a tojHelu-Ornatein Company la nov on. lbe ptIre ofthei sale. ut Waukegans realy greaf busîness Attorney Otvis assumes ail liabit. sud the wboie rît>' hopea If contînueit îles lneurred lu the pasafb>' tbe firm e urres lu ts nev quarters. If bas been lu the Hope building, but la bat- sud will sf111 be fond lu the tare old ter stusîcd lu Ita nev location. location. A rbaractrsit Incident la reputtedn The deai rame as a sut-pt-lac 1 ail In Kenusha. The fit-m fiedt t inasmurh as nul even an întîîng ut abanduu ts store, there because Il rould nul gel a show t-on large sch a transaction bas ever besu euougb lun a few tIsys atter if, an- beard util last vecit. nounuremeuf if had receiveil sevent>'- Attorne-y Edwardo vili spend the tive isîters from. patrons bcgging a nex wek o sochange ut mintI. The Éfi-m taid. uex seitorSObuomlug bis ram- Waokegsn vumen mouId neyer do palgu for the states attorueyablp. withont Heln-Ornsîslu Company' and Bofh attorneys are weli tnovn for Mr. Alec Hein andI Mr. Joseph Omti- theîr brilliant legal ahilit>' cud their Stein. sho are valued ritizens as velI partersip as eenas ast uts business men, have dons psrnerhipIra h n au ntereafittg more t0 timulate home trading than and Bauccesroul uns. The>' are leaders any f50 ther men, or than an>' tva lu criminal law ptattIre sud masters acore othet- men,.ln Wautegan. of teirproesson oth Atorny hThey have a capable. blghty traineil, ut hei prfeslunbot. Atume>'badeome sud Intelligent force of Edvarda bas been callcd lu a law belpers s.ho teep Up the Heiu-Omn- chair bunflic Chcago Law College aSteincmstandard. vîll fate if next apt-lng. Cougî-eocman George E. Fuai, o! the Weak vomen gef prompt sud Isef- tentb district, reported the naval ap- log help b>' oslng Dr. Shoope Nlght Pruprstlons bill to the bouse Wednes. Cure. These suofhlng. hcallng, anti- day. If carnies vltt if an aslditional septir supposiforles, with ful Intor- ration boy f0 ptocced are ltersel- milion dolara for the Nnrth Chicago IngI> tutId lu r>'bhaut"N. 4 For naval training achoal.. The appropria- Wursn,î The bout aud sticti>' con- ion wîll be a valuable uns bn carry- fIdenlalM,1ncdlcal advice la entîrs>' Ing ouf the extensive plans o! the free. Slmply write Dr. Sboop, Racine, s XVIs., for my haut No. 4. SoltI by hobal which vili bs tue largeef of ifs ALL DEALERS. ilîd lu fhe vorld. Waukegan!NewsI GEORGE EOMUND F088. The followlng resolutions lndorslug Cougresaman George E. Funsfor re- nomination at the primat-les tu be held Arîgunt 8, were enthuelastlcaliy adopted at the Raveucwood congres- alunai con vention: "We, the Republîcans uftihe isnth congresoual district lu convention aseembled do herehy endorse sud corn- mentI the magulficent record In con- grese of oor representative. George Edmund Fusansd heartly endorse hlm for renomlnarlun at the comlng prîmarles on Atîguat 8; and we espe- claliy cail attention lu bis services lu building the great Amerîcan navy. sud it cecîîring for ibis district the location of the great naval training statiolotis c fforts lu not oniy secur- lrîg ibis great Irnstitutionî for our dis- trict but lu carryiug out the worit to 1coccesf cofîicmînetion aie heartily en- -durced snd frill apprrrclaled. aud se hope ru conrtinrue brui as represeuta- f ive lit corîgress front thls district un- Ill b e sconllei tte hlgberlironurs by the slaIe or nration." MEETS OLD WAtI MATE. iAs by a miracle Safîcrday Attor-ney E. V. Orvic ran acrosa for the firot tîme In uver seveu yeas, an old compan- Ion lu batfle sud a hîînk mate lu pence wlth whomn he had paseed through the spanish-Amerlcau war. This old trlend wae nons other than Eugene J. Goyatte, a stable sergeaut In Troop L of the eievsuth cavait-y. Mr. Goyette la at present lu the em- pin>' of the North Shore Electric Company antI It wms durlng worktng hours that h. happened tu paso the corner of Was4ington andI Geneses Estreet andI there observed the sign, E. 1V. OrvIs, Attorney' at Law. This la lte fIrst tîme In neveu yeama Mr. Orvîs bas ever run acrosa an>' of hîs oltI companlons In battis. There was great relolcing. Free from Alcohol 1Since May, 1spis. Ayees Sur- saparilla has b'cen eatlrely tre from alcohot. If you are In poor healh, weak, pale, ncrv- ous, ask your doctor *bout :ak- log tht. non-alcoholle tontc and aterattvc. Il ho bas a bcuter niedbctue, îake bila Get the lbeat aya. Thts la our advice. A aheglsh Uv.rena ceOa#IP&bteongue Thu queslM e Z««Vkat lethe bout hinf te d,,oM subiobe mmOIN54 ut "W rdeeo bis dela Ma.tse" daswr: "Tslaa&le doset Aiytes sPlusa, -gai ee, . C e.LwIéN s Auatae Chîi Mîits Shootsa AIMaI and 14.a la sont te Chicago for Anelyzis. The son of -Wrank GotskIs of lincoin street and astother boy compassion wiao name the, police have nat leamte- etI, tagether witis a butcher who la employed lue the Victoria treet habla- et- shop, ver. Thurada>' bitten by a large andI ugi>' dog beionglng ta one Frane Trust. FirIday, through a'cars- fui exaninatian made b>' Dr. Daniets, If vas learned that the dog vas mad andI that tbree or four other af-ray doga in the. neighborhood hmd se suffered tram gashes recelved t rom the feeth of the. canins. *Friday Chie! Hicks vîatsd the sene ant abat the dog, after be had heen fied securci>' ta a pont twen- ty-four houra b>' hie uwner who was at raid tu approach hlm. Aithaugla Dr. Dauleis hail tatten ev- er>' prscautloe f0 prevent bydro- phobla, fear la ettertalned by the rel- atives of the lads whu sere bîtten. The dog's haad wcc taken luto Chicago lmmedlateiy, shere It wii be examined and -the recolle made pub- lic. The other doge In the tîeighbobood are being carefuliy watched least the>' should be afflilcted witb the saenn disease. SUN OFFICE PRINTS MANY SUPPLEMENTS Sixteen Pages andin Addtion Sup- plied Other Papers. Besîdes the great ixîcen page les sure of the SUN Frldcy with Ites ealth ut matter, Foreman Hanmilton lu charge ot the rnechaulcal departmeot. brougbt out on ture 15sf week sud supplicd ulher papero 'o 1h suppie- mente as folowe: Two tour page suprîrements-AntI- och News. One two page ouppiemeul Antluch N ews. Two four page cupplemeuts-Grays- laite Times. Oue four page copplement-Latte Futester, Lake Fut-est. Two four page srrîrîlemenls. Ga- ztte, Wsukegan. One four page sup1rlement. Inde- pendetnt. One two page srrîrîlement-lupe- pendient. The SUN force is slways up aud coming and spares nuoîpeine lu malte tîme sud produce the guods. ofkiaI PN CI Three justi..,of the pose Monday' afternoon fllpp.d soins for thé~ privil. *go of unitlng in marriage James Henry Muntoon of Portland, Ôre., and Mary Elizab&àh Maher, of Chicago, both setora. The odd ma n on the toas won and Justice E. V. Orvis performed the ceremaony in the vauit of Connty Clerk Hendee'a office with the twa deteated justices as witnessea. It ail came about when Huntaun ap- plled for a lîcense and Deputy County Clerk Hendee looked up and saw three eager Justices betore hlm. Jus- lice Runyard of Waukegsn and Jus- tice Churchill of Grayslake were bath lu rangs, whlle Justice Orvîs of Wan- kegan stood a lîttie f0onue side. Hes dîid not at first wish to enter the com- pétit ion, bot the other two overper- suaded hlm and the three took coins out of their pock9ts andI fllpped them. Orvîs was te odd man, the other two gettlng 'heada" andI theretore he pro- nounced the mystîr words that unîteti the two vaudeville artIste. The two other justicesufk wltnesees wltlt emillftg facês. itue way ut gettlng at a declelon la the moet novel ever made use of by Lake county justices. Agesi Couple Oead. Chrîstopher Cronlre. 82 yearc oltI. dlsd of apuplexy Tburcdav nt its home near Lake Corners.,It western Laike cottnty. Hiesite. 79 :yeare uld, dîstI five hoîtrs lccr ut la gripper. The double faiterai wil l be held Sun- day ai the home. A daîîghter, Mro Menry ~Sddler, survives. Cough Cauion &Ilsat a m n mu iaeeothe lreiisiédbrun. écWiaubsOi. Don bUodl'M nlv s à lth a spaiorying vohne. h'. isusgemilsInu iily urabout. Tor twotl 7é5n Dr.8 h». emstaadty wamed itoiob ot ta taiec mlxtuen ne rcaezlwonséU aLinlamsOPIlUm. Gîloeatoem. or srol.A" Dnow--a ide lai. tbnug-Omairnmvi*Puti làOab.thé. abel No l<apnoson aks cauIDr. ah g nom14th cmlb lb uieilm.. uie Ilm" IbonblaeAndiVît onlyua1..but 1 mariable cums eau7. Ti ochance a6 M 1.t =1eefle ahenbsn .CoM.UM e.tuly thé Dr. houp sautais wth and famlsth d 0iee m m loela araka Tou ocm al~oat ou b. là " sidby Cough Cure MALL DEALERS" -- -- ----rorm Copyright i908 by Hart Schafner &-Marx Young Men's Suits Agen 14 to 20 yeaia An immense line in Browns,Tans,Grays and Blue Serges. Every Suit Guaran- teed $8.00 to $1 8.00. You know how important a matter a fit is i clothes, so do we. The fitting qualities of our garments is one of the best reasons we can offer you for buying themn. Thcy are tht Hart Schaffner & Marx kind. Every suit an al wool and gttarantetd to keep shape. This Spring season our lines are immense' in Suits, Top Coats and' CraVanettes. Ail tht new Browns, Tans. Greys, Blue Serges and Fancy weaves. Prices 'range from $10M to $25. on Suits. $ 10. to $20. on Top Coats ontI Cra-vanettes. A teamanable, monay savfng proposMoto0 0youe We pay the. eallroad fate of ont out of town cuatomers baying Clothea and Shons of u. G ~E" Great Clothes and Shoe Store .%2t-123 N Street, W&i.keg Swamplandacmn le redalmed and mad&profitabtle by hânteen hsilzadmn. ThyWnpo-gond men m, ke, Poo asiha>. Tbeg pedft flot eil>'increum., bi# maintaincd DyVigPOTASH on To Use zoo ta 2=O po" aCE Mariale per acrne for mn, amdte Ume amoqtt e Zatedi -o ninpoaoa e leeY. Drill in75 POondaOf Kaltat with awa rot-iraorcut-worms. OERMAN KALI WORKS. MoOBdIIocI Building, Cbliaro New vu-fl Numa m*i0-12 Cfle sà $5.00 SEWI:xvvyNG MACHIINES offered by Mail Order Housse are famai, loy amm machines 10 be run by hand. Foi the tgqojAny j'nerican wonZn '. ley aimenot worth the money aahed. ~ ~ EartWeŽt V, iî ftnpeinu gmachine yen averza" mik, do"e not colit any more nioney fitanmany cbeap plain varnished machines offered by agents. The beadl la of a pleasing désigu and beauti- fal>' inished in coloras.'The tzoehaniaoi is made. on an entirel>' new and positive principle so the thinneat etied tool steel îaued th rotighout so that il wil prar rîraiIv wear forever. Ail the brght exposed parts tare hcavily nickel plated over copper, the mott durable finish kno-"'. The nickel is given a high mirror finish. The Bartlett malles the clebrated lock stîlch which iahuolutely cannon becÀme unraveled antd will neyer give away. It has positive sakeup, disc tension, cspped needle bar,. automatic tension release, four Motion teed andI automnatic bobbin sinder. .,th roiled ve-lerd.- lwhirh -mas il look hle a Pieco of parlor furnriture. The wocd ia the fin- :quarer aawed o.k and the finish ia band rab- bed, juai lîhe la a..d .osiau touiao.Th. - ctpitel, e-1-ad aad .aeIon, aud --ym fie s a fultaistileel haill earluga whieh malle it rua lîhe a waich- Ilha. as aaaczaaiic boit replceraud il sc.te cevat wis hecrce..Pr. Nickel PI.îd Steel Atiacbm. . .. fl. ,reftu.ibalfWiL.h aehhiséru rt-ilker.ldé, braider-oo prr ideplte, tar,asrtéd helaiuoélerîsilter, foot herotmer and toiler. Neadlles. cre. driver, cil eau. hohhî ae oad Dont hoa a aschitte suail ocu a. ahi, No. io baalett-yoi ll "aémenrad et lsb.tnu" Os.1. LUCE & COU Furniture, Undertaking, Liarmess PAINT AND ORS LIBERTYVILI!. ILLINOIS F t-Waukegax Proceeding Huard o! Supi <Irllisat i 11 F olaving ml visap, Ap vardsa re>' berger, I{Unt Meyer, MiRer, -don, Roberta« AbsentSOi Suth.erlantd. JI The foliavw upoli mention ton, vas alo,% Hon. L L. Coty>. T( procoedings Viborg, COUD Caunt>' C1,rk James Weil r ng petitli i ferred ta Cote t Ta tise Hanor state or 111 Tant- petiti thfe Town of Leake and St futiy repreffl or othieFast l' Westf raetiai NoarthsRange Th-dprineil the Caunty c linols, accôrt semomafi au of the mea.nd original gave about five a, flowed landI & rias nect that yout Pi acqnlrlttg titI omarahnt 0vi fore petltione grant tu hlm theFsat bal! ter of Sectio, described ns rasfelï y original g0V9 c West b> thse quarter mccli on tihe North baif quarte~r in the point W.,f linse,1>' demrlina and ains of salid section, Pro norfh lins of projacted W. sectIon ot 1 nort Ilur andI mec aCres includ a!oresald. Resp The folio Lakte Count: presentet b. w if; WHEREA: State of 1111 * A.aembly,til "An Art f0 of historie 0Counflea , vbicis art marked "I WHEREA Lakte Caunfî encourage s prticiptes 1 clelie. hapî amble of il clety's Chai guaga;'I goad o! a Instituonsa fa coletetai of liefsoun weil as the progresa ln vhlrb dîstit nit>', and inf Insftuction eraflans.' WHERE.) b. a vise meef vlth Board ot Si approptiate placed aI County Mei b>' il for fi ln accardai b>' saitI AcS TItREF> by the IA ciet>' and i assembled, clef>', thi 1»8s, tit Stepervison- * la reapertft resaintion. appetided a AND ni that super lad, Rear are isereby reaai'itiai of SupervI seseion, vi aidered b>' and to lm * aid tha 9 sage o! thi AND BI ED, that Cotent>'1.1, instructed Supervisa? Clerk of relitiOn A andI B) atteated b > Societ y. Session L pt-amatie "An Acftt of bIatw Sec. . ot 4L'AI THE OPTICIA-N Boys' Knee Pants andi Suits Age 2 to 17 yeau Plain or Knickerbocker Styles, ail the newest styles and a great selection i Browns, Tans, Grays and Blue Serges. Every one a wearer $2M5 to $7.501

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