CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Apr 1908, p. 3

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'.. - SEED CORNJ ,%r. have a bimited quatitY of Early Huron Dent, Iowa Gold MWf .p"ideof the North and lova Siler Mine Seed If in the market. calU and s as Pime am rgt. corn. «eu ROsING BROS. ROUND LAKE, ILL. This Is About BUGGIlES Sta ver Buggies A re Glood Buggies and You Know It I yî,u are Ail Coiunaed about buggies. 'fou want an Eamy ider. i ou wsnt a Go"d Looker. Yon want a Long Wearer. 'fou wani Value For Yeur Dollars. Every ailvWsr recommends a diferent matie. Evsry dealer singe a differet sang. 'fou are like a man loëi lu the Woods. Whoen t cornesto buggy byngihe averagerman Is up in the air-Two thing are lu plain sght-I'The Paint sud Tg: Price" sud the joke o! it le ibsi the man- ufaturer o! chap buggies la desd ou the game obeomaket a lob to fit eay aà$44> Pries and then be putis on lu bis Iset cast4 o! paint sud varnisb a finish fine enongh for a $10000 lob. Mr. Buyer tilks o he l saving s lew dol- lars sud takes the cheap lob sud lu six nonths or a year he tlîinks not. Juet look arauud you sud thiuk o! @orne ofltheetitavers that you know bave been ruunimg ta to tweuty years. Buggies that were bougbt ai a fair prit-e ioo. Then iink of some other makes thai bave been bougbt lu thie lasi year or so sud are ail iii, th-e are a ,rtb tbinkiug about. wlîeu you boy git your moneym wortli. Now Listen: We bave sol(]lîuudrede o! theru sud posiivoiy kmua tay>ou git gond value loi yaur mouey. Tbey eau flot la hiat ai au> prie. We carry s gooi, stock sud wo,îul likPeta taik it oct-r witb you. IVi- bave ai anc fatur>'ai Libertyvillle sfeu s"as1lî,ts of oddesud ends o! aur ItOLEL FENCE. Thi-se are the marne bigh Carbuin Spinug Steel as our regular stock.,tt- aoniv différence- being lu uni-yen leugibe. while thty lat you may take your pk t about HALF REGU LAR PicE. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. Inquire at Factory and take fenc Home with you. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS ------------ ----------Op os i RED JOCHIEIM SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Town Orders And Shipping Trade ------------- --.---------- t. e *;ee Telephone No. 46 Libertyvilîs Exchange BAKER and CONIFECTIONIER Libertyville - Illinois HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DEL.lVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS Seppes soc e e gos scoop s os ses -- - - -- - - -- - - DO YOU WANT A PIANO? If g Su alin mantry the immusSCHABPBR & SCHUEMI Piano. at yaur dispose!t aoS tm eet AYTmm. You vil! k pwaed wi*t i sTrMNGiS !URNIIVRE STOI& GEO. K. STrRAf Of5lAKR r, m«DAY, APRII..24. 1908 GIRAVISLAKE, DEPARTMENT, -.J.i DRuCE. EdltoiPhone No. 11 Orders Taken for Job Work Advrtising Rate* On Application Mise Blanche Houghton was a guest exhibite Worth yur tinle and the price of ber brother at Chicago Saturday and of admissonwjbb ieonIv 1 -- cents. Sunday. Mm. Henry Kuebker euiertined ber Malc.olm maeCusaig, of Chicago, wae a parents, Mr. sud Mre. wilmot, o! Wanke- vistor et the iYome of Atty. Churchill gan, Sunday. aud family receitlv. A. F. Cleveland bas în,,ved hie faunly George Cartleld, of Iowa, bas heen from Chicago to Haillesville for the boe the pasi week or go during the seck- summer. nese and death of bis father, Joh n Car- The ladies tard club wiIl l etertiled field. at the bomne of Mmr. 1).G- White'e Friday Mir. Wateon entertaiued ie cousin eveniug. from Ahlaud,* Wis., Saturday. George Cleveland ç a fine Mr. and Mire. Ed Bixler and eon visited new buggy Wedneday iof Thompeon at Waokegan Sunday. Bioo. lire. Emmuone and !amily vielteil t Jeue Longa.haugb the taxadermist lhad Antiocb Easier. the misfortune to eut hie index fiuger Mr. aud lire. Geo. liseNamara <of badlY on tho rlght baud, wblclî ruerber Ruesell, were the guets of Mr. sud lMrs. bas become lnfected and lhae given him Walter Godfrey Sunday and Monday. orne trouble. Mise Clarabel Nous peut Easter wltb ber ister atieago Woodmnen Attention. Meues. N. C. Coombe, H. Beanage, Ail Woodnfl o Grayslake canmp, No.1 and Mies Ethel Coonubs aud Annie 1141,-and uelghboring lodgeel, are re-1 Morency, o! Oak Park, are spendmng the quesled toatteand the meeting at the week aitrthe (oomb' sommer home at opera bonse at Grayslake Satorday even.j Gag* "Lke. ing, APril 25, Whou thirty new members Arih Deacon Toil preached a very wl l .litlated luto tbe mysterles of heautiful and impressive sermon lent WOOdcrsft, Ofifeers sud Foreeters' tesm fiunday evening at the Epimopal Mission of Waukegan wlll do the work. Dr. The altar was besutl!ully decorated witb Rutlsdge, head phyi-iu, aud other Eseter Ililes and other fiowers. The prominent Woodmue will be tbe speakers singlug was pretty aud appropriats for Of the evsulug. Corne and si-e the log. tis occasion. About 100l were lu at- rolling sud beau the speaking. Al tendance. Woodmen and Royal Neigbbors are in- Mrs GergeFreerclo enertine &vited tuo attend. The meirn (il thei few o! ber riendeS t S dinner partv Tuee- rylkcapaerqu>t obin i daY eveniug. -. eatableo. The Grayslake (;etetery Society will ilîret witb Mrs. John Wicks Tbursday Village Electqon. aiternooni, Aprîl 30. V'isitorm welcome. The village election waiî ratlier quit, Mir. and lirs Thomeon gave a euchre 14X1 votes being cet ,out of a toi ai regims party Wedneeday cvening ini bonor of the tration of 180. young ladies wbo asisted ibern at tbe For Clerk.r St. Patrickes party, Misses Pearl aud D. G. WWi t . ............. ....l.. Bertba Kapple, Ruby fimitti sud Aura Harry Ricb ....................... .2 Battersbaîl. Over!forty gue@ssreepouded For Police Magistrale. to the invitations sud euiuyed a very John J. Longahangb .............. pleaseant eveiug. A sumptuons repasi wns served ai 12 o'clock t0 wbicb ail For Trustees.1 didimuie. The party broke up ai a G. M. FltCh...........................941 late bour and aIl voted Mir. and Mrs. E. F. Shalfer.............................9 Thomson royal eniertainers. Or"sdo BShardsou ..................s: Don't forget the Woodrnu meeting C. B. Hm-vey............................-55) Sainrday eveniug sud the local camp in WUL. Pester .................. ....42 requested not to forget the esiables. WmHSmith .................. 338 Pro. Glligewbobasbeb _ F.C. Wlbnr ........................... 30 Prf nhde h a euan able T A. Reynolds .......................1 principnai ait the Grayslake secool the past tres years will reelgu is position Th il4 board now stands as fol. et the close of tbis term sud seek a lowe: lerk, D. Go White; truetees Dr. western climats lu search of botter J- M. P&llue, A. A. MacMillau, Beni. hltbth Lotus, G. M. Fitch, Dr. E. fibaffer sud 0. Richardeon, elecied for two year; 0Smitb Wright a sfuccesful botel man preideut, F. D. Battersbaîl. Aiatbhee will open a tlret-lase hotel lu the Peter- nextregjar meeting May 4, tie villagev cour blck be frotof ay.marohali sud treasurer will lie appointed Tiiere will he sersice sst the EIieeoPal sud the icense foraloons sud pool rooms 1 Mission nextt unday eveniug, Arcb regulated. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN lieut-ou Tati wlll la lu charge. On nexi Sudav afiernouin Miss Huieter, of Chic ago, a iii meet witb those iter-sted in a Suday ehool aud wiil organize s Surida>' scliool. Everybody luvlted. lire. Jlin Leuzeni Jr,, died ai ber borne ou the Charlie Rcb farm South-Weisi o! tîwn Wcdnjesday aiternoon ait 2 o'clock. Sile- la. b,.n a long sud patient sufferer. MnIrs.ii-ils Rickey entertained ber sister, M rs Price, of Lilartyvilie. several days!set Week. îrr. Hamblerger, of Chicago, epeni iSaturday sud Suada>' wiib bis old iriend, T. A. Recynolds. Chas. OBayle, o! Foi Lake, transatted business liere Monda_'. MisLewis entertained ber sister lrom Chicago over Sunda>'. Miss Nelie Hawkins, of Lake Villa, viited here Monday. lire. J. B. Hi-o sud childreu, ai Bine Island, are the gueeseo! ber parents, Mir. sud Airs.Gerlach. Taie Allan, o! Roc-kefeller, ispent Sun. day ai homne. Chas. Crittendi-n sud famil>' have moved ta Hickory, wbere the>' have reuted a larm. Mir. sud lire. Paul Toby apent'Suaday ai Buffalo Grove. Mat Sugar transat-ted busineassbers Wedneday. Several from here stteuded the Ranier daues ai Round Lake sud Gurnes sud report a good turne. Miss Pbylii Krusemark i8sepetuding the week lu Chicago. lice. Geldiug is etertaining ber mother from Blver Lake. Miss Elizabeth Lewis traniua.ced busi- ness lu Chicago, Monda>'. Dr. Boiterfieid was in town Weduesday cariug for the sicti borse bliougiug ta Ed Bîiler. Hear Dr. Rutledge, hi-ad physician ai the Woodmen ait tie apera bouse, fiaturda>' eveang. Leo Fenlon, o! Gurnee, epet Wednes- day ai Grayslake. The base bail team wiil give a Ma>' dance Fnida>' eveulug, May l1t.I. h l boped that everyone wIlill mm oui and .elp the boys aloug. George Adamis was unable ta go Out on bis mail route Wedneeday ou aeccunt o! 'agrippe. J. J. Moore sud son Victor, wilh soan esave for an exteuded visit -ltb lrleuds lu Kansas. Wm. Sprnger lefi WedunesdaY ta vigil hie motbsr ç6t North Wals, Penn., wbO in lu vsvy poor heath. Hie position ai thbe geel<tlsl vIi be taken b>' Fred D«Jvdi Î= hie "os. e T: tva t.s#lous, Caliornia exhîbit eau. mlp an 1h. Wlsou*ln Oetral tracks wM olsbw s» dsay ad I" * ,~* tJ~e.lomminla * Ion>. 1 mW71À Uft4oL 1D.& I.1 Obituary. Johu Carlieild wu@ harn lu Somneriet- sbiire. Eugisud, Jan. 15i, 1817. He- wa uînied un nuarriage to Mies Anu Kelland, ai Devoneh1ir, Euglaud, April 27, 1843. Tht-y set saii for Amnerica ou Good Fni- day 18S49, coîuuiug to Chicago abieb ai that cane was called Fort Dearboru. TSi-y imurediatlcIy began to eeek abhorne and fuail>' loauteu on the farm wbere hi- lived nntîi l Gol caied hlm ta lus besveuly bore nea Thursday, April 16, 19ON, iii 12:45 p iu axetute rip)e age o! 91 yejis, 't montl Suad t dayý He leaves au aged wile, bis compauuii, and six chidren ta, survive bini: Mrs. (0. 0. Sauiborn, o fienaa, 111», Mrs. H. S. Huriboit, oi Gusysiake; Airs. A. W. Wbitmore, il Hainemville; Gi-o. Cartieid, o! Panlina, ha, Mise les Carfield, of Roi- lins, sud Sidney L. Carlleld, ai Grayslake. Tbree sous bainig precedeul him to tbe aiher worid. Mr. Csrlleid wss oue of Lake conuty's oid,-st pioneere. Hi-w-as su energetie, effective farmer aud a geti- eraus man enîoyiuug Gode hI-eings as he toihed aiong the way. Ris iniegrit>' was sncb that Se was cailed an honesi man by ail wbo knew hlm. The fanerai ws bhi-d Sunda ai oui- a'clack ai tbe bomne. itev. lavener, afficlstlug. Burial ai lionavîlle. . School Eleclions. The st-booi ciectione bath ai Haines- ville aud Grayelake were a littie excitiug. At Haineeville, Clans Jung@, o! Round Lake, wa8 Up againet Wm. Wbitmore sud won ont b>' 15 votes. There was no ans aid enough ta ialk lefi out on subher @ide. Round Lake people are auziaus to gri. a scliool staried ai Round Lake wbicb au(ouints for their inter-et lu schoal sffairLR At Girayelake, the ladies wba bad voied E. B.Ni-ville oui of office hast yesr, a'i tute assistance o! their finonde, worked doubi> bard ta get hlm back this yesr. Last yesr the ladies were led teo believe tuai lMr. Nevill- ws going ta resigu and were aoked to voie for sather, but suter tbe election tbey hearned> that tbey had been bsndled b>' a trlckof apolitician. Lpon discoveriug thîse the ladies becane quite Indignant and deelared that anoiber year tbe>' would put hlm bat-k. For over two wesks ail unknown telMr. Neville and ta ail but a few, the>' bad been quietl>' working for their viciory. At the end îo! the wesk fi was noised about that Attorney Churchill was ont for the affice. This was aa ou the quiet, but there wu nDo hope for bini witb the ladies 9aaut m. However we be4leve Mr. Clburchfl agond man sud if be cames up suother year wll h. supported b>' mauy Who votsd otbsrwise tii year. Mir. Neville Who bas served an the scbool board Meore in cousidered one of thbe besi tubaI bas veu actad luib tisoffice. Rs laeaut sctsd, weil-ueMad dcon- 00-. 0 __ §W tus aways taen a lettres l te hool. Mn. Neville ti owa at-ab, lime eo!ishi e. _afi ' SstdoSnhy hoped thaîbeo M T VOLO. MIs Etle altu as he Zi-i-of relatives et %Waukegau, Saturdan sd Sunday. Mus. GOrbflurueti aud daughter Gertrude, o! Slcnm's Lake, were lu towu Monday. Arthur Frost of Chicago, was ai home fiunday aud Monday. Mus. Wm. htoeiug sud sou Herman, of Round Lake, speut Frîday witb relatives b ere. mise@ Beie Dunuili, of Chicago, visifed ber parente here Mouday aud Toeeday. lir@. Laura lauson sud lMr@. Elsie Simith were lu Chîicago a few days recently. Mir. sud Mr». L. V. Lusk aud sous sud Mie@ Catherine Dowell, of West Freiont, were un Volo, Suoday aiternioon. Misées Kate Frost sud Genepvieve Elfinger wece Wancouds visitors Tiiors- day afiernoon. MrÉ. A. J. Raymond snd daugbter, Hellen were "uete of Irieuids ai Liberty- ville, l5uesdY sud Weduesday. Mis« Francis Rooiug has> gone to Goshen. mnd., wbere sire will epend f fie stimuler. Mir@. Everetl fitons sud son Charles vlslted ait Mcfenry several dayis lasi week. Mesus. Arthur fibober, Tom YQung sud Haoward Converse, o! West Premont, were lu Vola, Sundsy forenoon. Mise Kate Roolng, of Round Lake, spent fiundsiy wlth ber parents boe. Paul Avery, of Lake Villa, snd Um Georgis Kapple, o! Grayslake, were Sunday gueste ai the Robert Paddock borne. Mesdames Charlty Rau g itsud Hauuah Kines came ont from Waukegan last week for a visit ai the Itaught farta. Wîu. Hironimne. wba le taking treat nient ai tlVa Illiuoise ye sud eariufirmary ,st Chic& o pent Suuday wiih bis wife sud sion bere. Miss Maude Estinger lias returned to N'ohi, efer S iwo week's Vudt with relati-es t Keut sud Rav-una, O hio. Mies GýertrudIe Stoffel, of Waucouda, ws tue guesi (if Mismes Anus sud Clara ltosîug a fi-w dsys lasi weelî Mr. sud Mrs. D. Smith sud sou, who 4 bave been lu Florida duriug the wipter4 visited Mrs. Siith'a mother, lirs. Robtu- Paddock cecently.J Mir. sud Mrs. Sylvester Wagner sud danghters, o! West Fremont, are aped- ing tii week with Mr. sud lie. C. CUel Miss Lucy Dunull ceturned home !rOmn Elgin, Sunday ulMht alter sevecal weeks visit with frienda there. fibe wss accompauied hy Miss FannL exio, who willspeudihesummersi Wauconda. MILBURN Mien Florence Anderson, o! Lake For. est, visiied from Friday until Sunday with ber grandmother, lire. Gi-o. Strang. John Hughes was a Liîber-ty ville cal ler last week. R. L. Strang sud Geo. Strang are througb atteuding US. court in Chicago. Edwin Thomu, wife sud dsugbter. o! Bri8iol, Wis., spent Bonda>' ai W. G. Thom'@ and aitended tbe Eseter service. The Easter service gir-n b>' tbe Suda>' scbool was well atpended sud the cbild- ren'e reciations were weil rendered. R. Pantali visited bi@ daugbter. of Chi- cage. Lawn, for s few day's retorniug Monda>'. Rev. A. W. SaBford attended tbh- Cou- gregaîlousi convention in Chicago Tues- day. R. L. Hughes sud wl!e spent Sunday witb the latterst mofhier, Mise. Spafford. The executive comînttee wiil lutet Tuiesday o! tiîs wee-k witb Missesl Bertha su d Margaret W bite. CliP Your H ccugbs aud other troubles. Clîpped horses dry ouituck, rest well and ther food does thent You cao dlean thern qmckor and et, Corne in and ( Oau Of 77aes. Stewart No. 1 cliip.g Mai The fine«t machine ever made for the purpose. Fully guaranteed and the price ail complete as shown is only VUR.Y STABLE SHOULD RÂVE ONUS For Sale H__~ Lib=tvlle FOR YOUR Cenent Block Building cal! on BRUNMU BROS. They wii bc " eta etect @ou houses the comng uummet' they bave two meél"S eamd L make many diffemt denlgas and sized blacha. They dW clama work et a rea.omabIe price BRIJMM BROTUI!R Phone 31 LIBERTYVILLE. W Graqslake -Bakerq and Restaurant - Meals and Lunches Served at ail hours OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE ets>' witbtMr. Kidd a short tiiîe tlîîe wi-ek before iaviug iuto Mrs. liatbew's bouse wbere the>' wilh spend the winter. CIQARS and CANDIES Miss Minuit- Curry a-eut home Thure- day tu i-main unuil Tueday alibhis week. LAUNDRY OFFICE Mir, sudtIrs. Jamues Pollock vislt-d Phone No. 19. Sattirdity sud Suuuls*y with tS-ir dsugb- ter, lire. Jolm Fultonu, of Waokegan. tirs. Mary 'Yuie spnt tShe pasi wesk MISS EMMA GERLACH, Prop. with ber duugt-r, lire. Diimeyer. C. E. ti)pic. F'oreigu Missions. 'Paton sud Aisîlon8 in the Islands," Acts 28. 3-10. tIre. Erma Sirang, leader. Mr, sud lire. Rimer Cannan attiudpd the im uerai o! an aId frleud sud ueigbbor a! McRenry count>' lut FriMay.ostl uabr Y d RUSSELL. Tbhe fariner@ are busy in the field sarI>' sud laie putting lu their cr005. C 1 N E The sociable was not largely stiended. H N E Miss Rall, dauehter af Bey. Hall and Mir. Dixon, of Chicago University' atten- ded the sociable. A D Roy' Aicock surprised bie mother lA O Frida>' ight by walkiug in. He ii lu quite pour beslhb, Calfornia did nt , . . semtaage wit bihla.Do LumDber, Shinngîes, Latfl, lire. R. F. Siver, Mrs. E. P. Siver suda lire. Alcock were Kenasha viitars Posts, Cernent and Goal t Frida>'. A gresi man>' are iînpravfug thelr places b>- painting their buildings. Let Aiea MILLWORK the good work go ou. Mire. H. G. Murrie sud Myrtie Cornes GIVE ME A TRIAL atieuded the Easter exercise@ ai Hasecraum.t Anule Carlison le speuding a lew daye P S . , I ai borne. F5H.IlLI I The t-bu rt-l was beautifolhy decorâted weili potied plants !urnisbed by lire. E. A. iteeves, lire. H. T. fiver aud lire. RUSSELL, ILLt Oea. Siver dispiayi-d a mosi besotiful rose witiu seven full bloom roses. tIrs. Banner furuisbed iwo bouquets o! h-esutiful Easser lîlies. Mir. sud Ars. Geo. AirNamars speni FARM Easser ai Grsyshake. Dr. Lewin beiug eected almosi unal- I ioosly se a ha,,h dîrector. Mir@. A. H. Nichohe returned to ber home ai North Prairie, Saturday suter of ail Kinds spending a week wlth ire. E. A. lt-ev-s. fl[IP lA JDO fl FOX LAKF. t IXLEL Mis@s ftratton, o! Nebraska, a niece o! wlth John flirsiion a! ibis place, wil speud the surnmer wlth relatives here. Miss Stern 15 hehping with the work ai h r ug n s eGeorge Ruelsa. N Thelulant sop o!flMr. sud lMr@. C. Crat dled aithebir home Saturday nigbî, aged DIspatch about five weeks. The ueraI was berd ai thleir home Tuesday. WillHuRcker hbu a fine uew buggy. D'~is i owsS SI pSemw F. L. Gal4ger wa Bg Rolaw calter LLIAM LAYCOCIK CO. Tueed*y. les Tweed sud wl!. and tvoôcbUdren Dbave blisu spendlag tube puti vsek a yate eisasou'.. Opoie t4Pu 4#olst pet 'n ck5 lent Io Schanck Dro., ILNI DO YOU WANT99 A BARGAIN** ers 61, be by nmark 64- an of Blak a>' lag 49. su o! Gray' -tiau (th), cre tbe t-oeil a 2:1i sire u because be AT ST14 Percheron Co Para A. 43,'928 P .A ý FOALEO APRIL l8, 1MM- Sire, Pinj 24 Who for two successv effl Grand Siweepstakes aud at Chicago International.14 the greatest Percheron alU~ imported ta America. Pink Paraders dam lanSlixmq., lb. mare by Villiers, 13,169 outa~ 11,254. Sicene tracesbock lxie ta, Brilliani. Pink Parader wll be iliultd 4i the oeason o! 1908-1909 '10Uo88 mares. lRe wll stand sa is,.Iga J.M.PA1TER fOI LIBERTYV L L . Fee $15.00 Cash ai lime 0o! trot servies. W retourplilegesdurng ibesessot. JM Parader goi fluety pler sent et hWsdtoim laut ysar In oal. Dita . OF DUTU&

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