LibertyvIlle Locals TC( IVillage Eloction of Tuesday a Quiet ____________________-0:_________________ One But the OfFiciai Count ÀLue Kjullln let Monday for Bout& Da. MJiu Nell Gleaon, a1 Russell, 10 vlsitlug ldSneSrrss Br, = d ~ ~~~kota. whore lie wili @pend several day. relatives bere.MdSneSrrss a. Domf to, Mr. and Mn. AI. Sw'au, Tue*. bie, Aima Bialtie roturned TuedaY Tunday wae the day on which the day, Apnil 21. a daihtar. fram, a viait withrelatives lu Iowa. village, electlon was held. Lt eAs calm boesi It wu. tranqul, it vas peacefui ami Emil A. Ficke, the oupervisor of Ela Mens» summér underWear, oo ordoil as sucb a dey ebould b.. A ,t township, wba in the village Wednéediy sot coet ta close. B.W. PARKHcBST. ~ mn a ae oerne Mise Irene Lawrence bas accepted a evening treui a trip ta Missouri in quest thé lucky cas. Many didu't 00oW. psition wtth A. W. LiteMuild, the plum. of bornes. Othens aid they didn't. Many more> D .Norman Tu er, of Chicago, and tiit ta Suad out. And they dld. Alter WII reelv ina ey as 800 lb.. pure FrinFxo iltrap. la., vere pros. the voteS ware counted. V i ermout it aa ae bedn Frn FxxoedI up bunch of rvVrotMaple Suear. Leavre jour et at tbe unerai ai W. A. Tupper Sat- tkt W"a lhà eâlactinjde u ordena wllb F. W. PARKHIRBT, llchaUCk's Urdai. Of the balot-box and It tok them soins block, Boru at the home 01 E. E. Ellsworth , dîme to unravel the contents. Many 20e Jos Mlarkey, o! the editoral staff of the se ondacic. HAp n'l2, 98 sity-e votait wibl au lutter dieregard for parti IEorséman, vie her Tusedai îuspecîï;m sI on hee aelsrthdUnes and ecratchéd and croneed and Es e hehrogdresa th Lbt yt ama h wrote lu new narnes ta, suit themselves- ....12c~ml théa téLlkry Fred Jelley, ho bot hi math but the Mait of Ilium counled. Beow mil Irck.macaroni factari, wu@ ont aud walking will b. found thé officiai comtt 1&Warren Md. Heath was able ta b. out about tavu in Îiss tlà two veeka alter FrVlaeTule!n ,frm 5 .5 t 20 toc lait Sandow for the firit time lu over six th accuient happsi@. A rather rapidFoVilgTrse.f cy o $ 25t $ .0 .5eçe BeelCITISEIS'A TICKET. tcweeka and lis fabout wilis th aodo rocovery trom go sein an accdent. F. .Almx........ 19PanM nwhW it,5ct 5 10 Hlfffri Jrs 2e f Frak Lightbod, bas recently pur. Ernat L. Davisl ........................ 165 104tO Pound Jan, abc Thé Royal Neighbors williglve a cert elised a new motarqle, one o! the firet Thomnas Coriett....................... 159 10r0 i1 the Wuodmena Hall tbis Fridav for thià village sud aViatuea about evnnApril24. Anopenibvitat1on ,l tawu with ailie Motoriste Who have R. POPLE'1 TICKET. si. E Y R IG G és ~William Laycock...................... 14 A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ts P.te Sbeldo banc given aIe thé f cw Robt. P. Schnaele ..... ............ 148 L I V I ( 0 Semeioa.AmisoUE mahie o! mach largarl Fieor ilg Mark. . .. 4______________ .48< ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~conslnnctiiig a rosi arand Làe Air e lo t Jelh o yas lgl H.FrVlaeCr. end belore omy '!-km vistanO will.b. âttende jadvy auccnsffnl botb socialy Eari H.Corilt.........................6 4aable ta drive entirely arouadth lb. an - inlacy. James Wanuamaker .................. i The Lake bas ftlled to, the brim »Il le A Jack-tbe-Peepr va. lni'king ,..................... 1 a 4 odr8b ak f o h. mterifl a#gaa vnn n For Police Magistrats. oc growlng prettler every day. séverai ladiee vers badiy frighitened by Joolah W. Butler....................... 19E neO x o d fil Govenor Deneen bas I.sned bis procla- bis1 actions. Hé Eld Chufl iesvei e r lloc ................... N5A N L C Île mationi for the Arbor and Bird dase a aYonea prached and astd Onpoenîîar- IN TA. CNDrcLACK bc the day ta which ail citisoe are aiked ont but lie disappeaired aund a careini Total vote tait .................297 Zctopromote the growtb of trees iprouts searcîs failed ta unearth hlm. Should be Mr. and Mr@.s Roy L. Hughes, of Chi. angineo. If every citizen pianted one appear atgain he will no doubt et a cago, made a ehort vi it at tihe homne of treeueit Friday, whatan additionutu the warm receptioli. bis soother, Mrs. J. L. Hughes. beauty o! the village and citieé it would The highly in teroatlng asert ion lamade The W. C. T. U. will meet wîth Mmn. make. by the po ftile dificlals that ele the Minuse Dymond. Tue8day, April 28 at As aremt o!numron comlasltioetablishm entof rural delivery of miail. 2:30, Huîjeet "The Need of Bonutiful As areslt f nueros cmp ing 01arm valiue@ havé materially incrsaffed, Scwu. - ~ ~~post card b.îng defaced hi potmarkn Sd thy am bt oo ar f h COMPLETE LINE 0F m i * *the 1îootmaoter-general bas ondere andtey vluniaim a go d r ifthe Libert %ville bau heen euffersing a plague discontinuante of poetmiarking ce.rds st bnrae au tn uctoh b f detly eo Zvpi*ss. Fortune telling baiq Ibeiie thé office of addrefia. The postai tard lad service hih tang the coilmmun tiat it je nu longer inteneut- bas reacbed enormou proportions. and eeii tlh rnetémal alt tng W sute kind beanted execu- the new ruling la expected hi the postal the doors of the farmers. tioner 1leaise murder the wbole outfit? A W~~ - autboritiei ta b. received with deligbt by Ester services wee beld at tht evT.R renoLaeBubi tliousands oi collectors. Presbyterian churchlaet8ulnday momîng iseen pneacbing each eveuiug tbii week wltb special music and an interesting at tis Methodiet churcb tu growing Libéntyviile Iodge of Mystlc Workérq Austin, of Chicago. Wise theesolo iet. The cbly contine dnThge m ing week. _________________ A P attended lodge meeting at Wankegau M.Eid dyscpigv pla.siu recoinue by n the ato oth mrning la i Modai evns ingw e chendidatsr. proram at that Ihull nu ah v nln d evening uext Sunday. Urge your o! Iis odg lutabulie cndi ate.nd an eaniy morumifg '"sunrise" service frieunde t, comes. A pécial car hrought the parti back was beld at 6 a. m. witb sermon by thé ertvlebiapr ra ee late that uight and they expreosed thém- pontorn spotyvlulle b a thk at abt at selves a highiy pleaséd with Do you want a piano or an organ nepdt tat s ibd yta idnomifbu it.A We av jsirecivd urSpring Line af Wall Pafpers entert&lnmelit ibere. cbesp? We <nuit dispose of tbe pia.-nos apropitin-bsard ta bav eny m.An We av ýfl "vd urIl yon have entertained company fromt and organes nov ln the Hues îewelri fpro t ila unde torlu haebeni made and ail af the l.ateai and moat beautahff patternslarc le, bc a distante, gone ou a vialt yourself, met stare. Mir. Hues la going into a roomui vetillag nedsm our! te enefit.n with an accdent, bave siekuesi or deatis too smali ta accommodate our pianos Witb a littie tare and not mncb ex pene found ini aur stock. in the family, entertained ait a parti, aod organe bouce the neceesity of c'caillg it could bc made a beauty spot and not had a marriage in the family or any them ont ait once. Cai aud look them a i~ue Auîbno aishv fehypapered roamn wii go a long vay tavard nak, other bit of neye that nsay hé of izeneral over. We yulltradea fine nprigbt piano eanified their wilngnbes o ldin he Lbryil hn 9l A freshly in~~~~~~ltereemt, telephone or mail it to this even up for a dnivlng horse. ALDEN, work auedt i i sobu blp that some-ffePhn ini ing your ho-n Pleaat n d bright and n0w'ia the ofiefrpbiaion. All items will be litsiusEt& Go., Wankegan. l'bone 24,.tiglb oebeoetesrn st lime ta lix up vben yau start youn spring bouse cleaning. fau enertiiei ht ebigloe Th gerien elag adyu WRd sciehn ta ________________________________ forward to w its unusual inturesi, 1e the T The aaotmet i lage d yu v som~- ~musicale and a. reading at the Union suit"m esteandevey pue mwei Theprielscreb is Fidai evenig, April 24. md it vOl bu au ticeptional treatl toTh Co se v t e P th bavé the pîsasure o! bearing ber- She s r a i r a h L51~OUISJ. YEOM AN sang:at rasiake MANY winARS 0Fer EXERECEINBeK L OI EMN pleased ber audience immenseli. Misse bers and ba elocutîonary alnt o! INE U THAT CONSERVATIVE METHODIS AU~s higli ordenaond that bier portion o! the pro anspviiiib g thoe s not tbe ALWAYS BEST-BEST FOR OUR STOCKHOLDERS AND ~ 5 C a 1 0 1T Hs9E lrig trtst doubt- tre. Flora E. Dnraud BS O U EOIOS IHU EN o vil aise take [>art and needs no intro- BS FO OU E SI R.WT O TBIN TO duction wbaterer. Ber many friends ,HIDEBOUND" IN OUJR DEALINGS, WE ENDEAVOB'ý ar awysred t ejy erMSI. TO FOLLOW TUE CONSERVATIVE PATII. TeAlpha Club gave an informai aff air AND______________________________the_____ bouse o! Mr uad tins. J. B. AND UP Mine Bertha Mason s at preeent em- Drn F. H. Marti aud vile neturned MacOniffi on Wednesday evenin~ It C un y N to a a k oyed au bookkeeper at thé Walroud Wednesday fri a trip tu Denver, Colo. va@ in the nature of a bonze picl and L ke o n y N t na B nk grocery.eacb memben contnihuted toward the groceri~ ~ Frsddle L. Prone bau been @ick tise refreshmeisto wits anything that pleaued IETVlL.LIOS clotbsug, 2 aud 3 is summer ei g .A. ni.os returned Mondai aten other would riul. But te lunch lu moi. FoaIur sample bosoks we ciii shav you anI elegatit liue Wiîî close tbem ont at leu than cost spending several days at bis home in said tu bave hueei very excellent and vas iiidFusE. W. PÀAaB Urff Marlon, lssd. senved a l'abandon, thé guesti b.iug D N1~ R E sW ndu alo the macrc expenaive papera that viii coat Xou [romi 2Sc ta The C. M. & St. P. i lnoad selnstalsug Mitcbelle@ Military Baud will give aallowed tW serve tbemselvem. Thu iigbta O ' IF R E anew turutable in the yards nesar thé oad ball on Tbureday eveanug, Mai 7. vent ont Inet a!lter the supper liait beu $2,00per oll." )apreparsd and wai eatan Dy thé fittul old depot. it is largen than thé old one Mualo by Hapke'm fusll orchestra. Re- eau, o1 a fikrg a and lnerm. adwill accommodate englues O! the !rsbmsnîts served. ýlf iiert ing lar mpeldtli langer type. Mise Ollie Tiff ay aud Rth Williams, he entrtainersd wre oml.aled t héL T & F R DE I K TeQ et Q e h eua cu !Atob ere tise gué8s o! Mie groupe of four, éacb group haing free to, V 1 S ance ait thé tow ohall lait Thuraday Mahél %igins eeral days lait veek, chose their own particular stoulit Thé evening. It vas velI attunded and a retunzsng home Sunday evenlug. club bas mani taleoisd and thé. S I IIT H & D)A V I Zy cutes jil e e ion aus mo!e B.F olig etli nd fr ogram vasa good one. Théebnda Mc*ts, Catiroed Gzoods ances" will 'b, hld tbis Twfo oro .P ligevlf u ria o ers noyally entertained and remove !num tpeGo thém on April 30 sund the May dance Dorchester, Neh., visers hé viii bu for their bais to thé ladltq In thé most Fnc n tqeG whicb le the grand finale. nome limé superiutunisdlg thé construic- apoe hcsfédaisye ere. Y titsan liw ion of a new Christian cburtb lu course Théove Cedtr eo!i oty. o!r s unrit exd LibertYville, 111. Sbortlybefore Apllo1t "Fial No~ of!enectiouathers. The edifice wlcostîin eGhaietitro n f u x ken Vegetables i vert sent to a numbur o! aur suhécnihée thé neigbborhood of $1,000(. ebauge ays Ibat 1'it coéts a counltry talliug théns vbat vas gaine ta happée nevepo a srie@wl lehlda aper nsoney eveny timé it tairas a Season. . . . . ieydldnot yiup thein snbcniptioni. oeoaind~erie iih ude t no any question. Almosi any Mai r«sponded smmédiasly, ailiers Ivauhoé this year ly the G.A. R. post. othén citizen but a newq ar man eau waltad a while and then thé suspense O! Lt ie estamary for thse observance to do soc ithont injurng hit business Wé valýtin ta se vhat vas golng ta h&p. alternats butween Libertîville and Ivan- causebhéle nat put ou record. Wben a I!T VL !: : : ILN I hécam su. trong that thy bx em boea nd tbis year alle to Ieanboe. ne yspapen publbsbs anytbing is tbers I I R VIéEI L N I frtene md pl4id up. il vas thought Mitceeile mlitani Baud viii pantitipate in black and white and no vay tu get béat ta waJt a luttle longer and dmnlng lIn the commuinies. aromnd it. fi thé editon advotatesilm- ti ie many mors eut aibamed oft Mis@ Emma Heclît vas eeversly bnmrned proversiélt, the mosshacks go alter bis *tboeeivéaand thry aso paid np. There about thé face and armes lait Bunday and soînetinsee stop tiseir papen. Ifepn lie * tili romain, bowver, a fev more o! thé mornîng ai bier home on the Hlechti anna oppois 1mnvieiets rgesv eehm duea hardeued variety tbat are mnuér somtb o! the village. The Bianjo g lame sort get on bis trame and call bim a écared non aihamed sud tun a demi suar frons a gai stove sulite s as..ul btac uber. Il lie boouill thé chiurches i en rt.ta &Hl pleadingé We have stappédl a uot serions inuries aud ehe is rscove ng tu", ihérél élémentu talI bis craz, ad h i ua" , * usérau are nov w pnn o iey if hé doent thé chumhi people fai liesm iM î t.. la prep.,Jèrin<y fo aoe h t t téopusto gi lt heban >m obll iia prepare your8ell--tbé Thé Chsicago xsuericati wil1 gîvé tiseir goiug to thedecil. If hé publiehes poi. , r nju.odI J Thé laurels o! victorv again fell tu thé tues Summer and bsave Resnred a leaeu for 41tdt t&dfnls pno.I he esi d neeuyé ai dusîatwl ths an gouned nd' Ifr hé douen fo is oar inion. bu- ( ~~~~~~~~lot o! tbe Rambleru et, tht fair groundeib on a.Ts aeylb nou eb coudenn nmail orden bsouses, thers Tho ewea aidlatest desigs n lat Sudai when tbey deleated s tuaeat.Th d k,r, e olto yul go o11 are omes pople wiii askbimto attend J ~~~~o! "all stars" train Waukegau. Manv ! hs xuriosw i b'~ thosr tisat seli tht he ov bueiness, s tey have thé thsiasvre mneisbers of tilt beliig- age uîe iIuve iitt rd iette lse tb ersut Cube viso participatei in the riat Ai "r,"thae îtece, in the orgauizatos pubîséhes msail order aie tise huise mer- AT A h - ~ ~ ~ ~ SHIRTS brlattlboSudialweqitoaadecubrill ult et tise (sslleO vuants go atr hie gore. No coutry broée apllzet uda hefor tis ie 1ad a sncb e slui, uui r eonn nijiu rss enyétrbd.Bt ~r a $ ~ n ~ess. A ECKW AR ~ andseree a thévord-wssitotirteei o! Pan 1ahu! ons uext SatîsrdaY 1saper rau couse out squarely ithout *IC WE Rof Alphonse and Gaston vas a cou-jéeng e t oui re andI nsakr otlitr makiug entusices and loeiug musîti, sud Il ATS * ~spiciaus leatune o! tise gainue. Ettun thsé u=usay fraîg usei r tise (onduru ii tise mnt o! s yéar or 8o viii juur soins SIIOES ,,aylhl,,g anld the umîrire aIt-r it vas luortu lu tjis î 'u sutad st wiii tii sbould liot bu, discouraging. Tbt 8ai.Te*l stars" were ist IndoEl y lVt sucesl, neNeklmaper ibat ndertkso lfl lu mnt stage ai the gîsuse and Boie Wesley Jones, a yinig in about If; ,.rerybody oislesen~ and' il it ~ îîa 'd3 Sie a e o! tises lemoné luo S eare aid, viso lias Icun iaking lis is hoistt aud sincre sud tîsougiful, théei ic FINE FURNISIINGSCGareful aud fastîdious dressers willIfind in garddon o! sfiiîlkes thait vasl vithout home viub J. W. Murray on tht TisornI- public %vill respect it.' ipemefonota h ourfuulh.gmevrydéirblq alt i gué ta unaké men's resuite. Ti.baiténiés ers: Boyes au n aar vaspl on rated opoe forf LT clihiu bat beatifu!ard omfotab!. Ourstoc embaceathe fr Liértyiile Bullaud ppenlcits et aneenA.-tur otiça . ieat anufcturea afcluldren md i ouarelookg fr hgh- Wlll~mao~WJiki~Sf. TehoepîSé locptein Wakegu st vek. ire I ave ake ovr ad puNitrepsr. uéwat ud éatidas u tusélués, Y tthénsah ! té Wnké TlonandFolî enfrmig tse pea. hé oolide Panig MI sd ns 1"~ ua rcesed.W1--i