Si -t' LÀ rLE C- OINTY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WEKLY SUN VOL XVL NO 81. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKJE COUNTY, LLINOIS, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1908t-8 Pages $1.,50 PER YEAE IN ADVANC&' TWO MEN IU-IED av BURSTING !LV WII!L Waukegan Plant of the Northt Shore Electric Company Wrecked by Ter- rible Accident Cauaed by Fire. one oifbth worul disaaters that bah ever fallen ta te lot ai Waukegan tank place sItte aId power boume <of tha Nortb Siore Electrir Campany, iocafed on Spring streen bets eau Madison andl Wasington streets, lest Wedu.'olay nigitt &bout 11.30 orclon,. The belt ounte huge iy usaI caugt mire lnu mre mysterious mnner, the flamee were i'ommtuicated t.. the pant ilsaîl, andl tuaelMy beel runniug wild law fronu ils bearingsansd sent titrougit the Wall@ ai the plant. The dead are as follvcwo. J. H. JiNcaa ', sertarv coi the ira deîartrnansd manager of the Chicago '4.Telephona. Company at Waukegan. Hît b.' fragment oiflice wic.'a; ded at Jance Mc.'.iiter hicîaîîal cun our hâter. J4E!HiE' <cccs., icght uiiirc-icunt poiih'aucani it lic raguncc'ict cot «lîcci alec mIci ittilitivi. Pv. I' liccuci. irattaîîîcci tc tNa% al T'r. oic log Wchiciciat \North Cicago.i, 1111 ' fragmecnt cilfv cullacai, Vu. arnu inhîired P. KAi-.'., fo.t.i-cr lîNosrthc vîci., liruises 8 t -)d a ni-tr 'I wia 1c1. W ccca. lClcC'i5blrcics-ancdci ivccip ucccs ocrke c inci,. tcci"e. lii i~ici icis ss.aipi col' t rîîi hrcc'i. Fiillic*'l t Bair.tcicv 'e %s c m h ii v. lg cuîd eaiccîcc'r hurt ici, ailirsg Icri. 404 Martl tr-vt. Loi i.' '/.i, 10c,4i arketltreet, liot crusbed tut piý ~e ,f brik aýl!or frag- ment oiciricr. ' lrsicno s-i-'.'hart li, ici riLs andc rigrii'tctsci firna 'ricr uanies coid noct 4la leoî isociaaliahoaîv ticeîîi îurc'til ni .k now- îog ticem. IAicof the viuusa «re aîcing on llict;iug thealin.'r cîrc r' petstcrs How .iansen Met Hia Deali. Freînan Jca'n tccd near thce plantl andl sae aîdcug ic tue coupciîgofcIa irasi lead o ol hertiat l'ire 'Chiei 'k'arrell had ordered truuig. When the drive «beeaitiuotJauaen was picked ui) hodiy iy a bugi' fragimcnt aLd carriad tiroughi botta salis of the Wuatukegan hi- Company building licere li@ibody w as 1icikecl ni bieadcng andl territîly nangîrd. He «as hurried off ta the iociital tut ied on the say tIbe andi the reucacos «arr' tlccîctccicecIcithe morgue. Paddock Second Ihat Died. Josepht Paddok, mervhant policce, usa mtanding s-th his back up againat the wal ut the Pbîl Sheridan saloon uicen one niflice ucontrous spokes ai0itaegiant whéei rama rrsshing Ilirougit bath «alla of the Teuaa Ira Cmanay plant andl lleal in. lHe waut er piekeal np and takan for ouaniti te employee of te eiectir plant. One of te arge spakea rantitilsracket ike fligit hitghitotate air, comiDg dlown vlitite veloclty ofaacylone andl tore ci one carn«?aifte aId arrnory. Otter setions aift e sî u erecarried lu ail diretions. Bricis< ofai aohme iolowing tbe explosion tell ti f ormue.. Oust@ t the Hate! Edmtmed were panice tricken by tte crash and mctteeed ln ail directions. jThe Waukegan Ie Company building. r"occupieal by L. C. Tsuem. iarod al ln ithe crsh. Ail strucure@ along te mreets far nortitsa te aId Batlery arnsary and a far outan te Marvin Spoor re8ldence ware damageal. Fragment@ft h i Ie heei wsre even ond au Sheridan roa and lu alleye tack ai the street. The suddennes aI the disaster asa overpowering aud il «as a miracle that only tua uare vitima. Several oi the tirernen bad narrau escapès anal Captain Gibson disîiisyed particubar bnavary in bis rescue o Stewart uhomte louna lin the hurning building partially overcorneby lice eroke and carriad ta sslsty. How Finemen Escaped. Firemen BaIs andl Stewart ware dazeal by the concussion «bau tahe ig «heel burateal. Ticay «are an the sauttu ide of the buiding «itit s fliaIcar nearbi'. - Aimoal uncci.tscioIum lb. lunmen oaparatelycrrswted on ta grounal 10 a point underneath the freigit cars. * . Wben Bais (came la isanses ha w a sitting on ao shulrent of thea ilîl waeping. Sewart «as wrioging hW~ banda in - frot «11h the rrowd alter having been aideal out by Captain Gibean. Plante Suspend Opensitlon.. S- Smll factaries atl over the city, as weull as large. unes, auupendeal opera- tiono for the day or ountil tey could again gel power faclitles. Among then were the Alachtler Wrapper Company, Fliscier & Swa- witte, Reardon Brothers, thte Chicago Recording Scsle Company and athers. Injured Brought to Edmund. Thte Hotel Eudmund waa turned In- ta a bospîlal at once, due ta the klod- ness of Captain Saph, and bere Jan- sen and Paddock were hrought, phy- sicians being aummoned and attend- Iog the Injored and the dying in the1 botel lobby. H.ow Alarmn CamneIn. The first alarm rame over the tele- phone and la believed to, have corne eltber from the plant tself or from Sberldan'a saloon ta, the Boulh two doorg. It came loto thte pofice sta- tion and the lire station aI the same Urne Later sonne one rang out box 26. Do Nol Crticize Engineer. (leneral Sîîprintendc'nt L.ukes, of the North Shore' Eoctrir ('omtcaîcY, 1l aji icîicrvi'-w «ii a SUîN îeî,îclr 'c, scl~i,~ ta led \'c .-dcc Tuni ci!ti aCIL' n ltc ii. le tIL,, iliiinc "i d lic. statlin h. i lîc il" l r,,,]ccii ir,ý ti. th.,c ii ' dc iic i anci I.-gan io offi cc ii'c ccir itir'fir- siarted imilar 10 acc explosion,. start- Ing in the rear of lbh' vwitchboard froni înkîiosicsoucre,'Plie ercgneer bad no miore Ihan started to throw off the cwitrhoH Ihan lhe wav driven fron t he hoar, c'the lic eli voat; thon ho made for the door 10 gi' tic aiarm. ('bief OFarrell. of the ire depart mot, bas woriied for u.s t odd imes for sone inme, and lie kîeaiat the lme ýýthaIt twould liav c heen an lIra cùcsibility for the' engnoer tii have doue any more than lie dii The ire- mon «ere warrcî il or ai least "ciii of theisi ucre. Ici keeîi bac Saw Wheel FIy. At the tinie ot the disaster 'iJiilorii Spiior stooc i tb bis hcad out of the wlîcdow and observed tbe large flange of th e tcirbine'whi onulils rocket-l i e descenttloto lice air. FirstIli bit the large stack on the Hotel Ednîund NextIli lit onc the macadam on Wash- ington Btreet, hoîînding acrosil the treet and Ilot the ravine below. tuai as t bit the macadam ni Wash- ingoni strict, a woncan vîco ctood walrhig the flames s. ho îaid to srream and rîin for dear lîfe opc Wasb- fingtn trcc vi ri Allic.ciilifi lgteied. sue was Iot bon 'c'Who vie mai.or wlial ,be «a. dccng aithftii. lo i.' c fot linos îî ctbougitis Ilincielt clîr «as an attache at the toleris denital par- lors. Laite Bluff, Highland Park, North Chicago, Hlgbwood, Glenroe andc Lib- ertyville are all ependant for elecrii serv ire upon the Northi Shore lectrie Comnpany. FiraI Suit Prom Dsaster. Attorney E. V. Orvis oni Friday announced that as sono as Dewilt L. Jones Judge of the court court. ap- pointe an admnistrator for the estate of Josepht Paddock. deceased, wbo left a moher aud thr.. irothers and nue aiter to inouru hlm deatb, suit ilîl be fIed and Iter brougbt up In thte cir cuit court against the North fibore Electrie Compuly. eeking damages amounung tb 11,000. Suit uli be brought on thte gronde osf negligence upan thte part af thte Northt Shore Electric employes. Attorney Orvis made arrangements Tborsday ta secure a typewritten copy of te evidenee as reodered bY uitnesses and others and diaims taI he bas a sure case. Roporled Case of Smnali Pox. Sunday aflernoocu Dr. Radcliffe of Wautegan rerelved a raIl front ai foreigner of uuituown sstioucality. «ho clsbmed that one of bis rompait Ionsawusasuffering o! amal ox aI RoundtaLake. The pitysiiao coutd unI înderstsîud the man anal the man coulul not mate hinsel! understood, excelt that sonne ana bad amaîl pox aI Round Laite anal lie isheal medicine for hlm. Aller futile efforts te crime tic an utîderstanding auud la get at the case the pysyician gave np lut despair anal bustleal the foreignee out o! is n-I lide. Frankt H. Jusi. proprietor o! the Waukegan Daly SUN anal the Lberty- ville todaîcendent. ias asial la e rnaltng an effoit ta start a dally paper bn Ke- nosha. Just «bat foundallon the Ke- noaha New .fromun hicb «e clip tae above. find:' for ils Insertion la a puz- zle ta os, Poslbly itlais Ibir uay o! "baadiug off" passible competition. bot they ara mitatan as lu ba «oilI tart thte nei papar. - LOCAL OPTrION LAw DIECLARED VAL ID Provision by Provision the Dry Law se Upheld and Cam Not b. Knooced Out Now. Demanda for a county option law and a mcvemant for state wlde profi bitioîî were the firat fruits of Thora day's sweeping decision o! the su- preme court, uhicb holds the local op- lion lau valid and contltîîtional. Clash ln Temjerance Forces. A clashbebcween the Anti Saloon League o Ilîlinois and the Prohibition îariy use started Thcrsday aIithe air nual meetinge of the leagcîe at the Great Norîhern Hotel. It was begun when Janmes K. ibielda, the leagies state sîîperin- tendentl. arcîused the Prochibition parti, oif attepni ug 10 d isacae It!n thle ch iirrheii. Say% Scmlar Forma Ane Used. 1 Be aiso said the' Proiitlioic iarty iilsiihscrilitloii fcîiis im.iîla r tic iboa,' of ithe leagîce. f i sl1iiisiid tiiat rhcrchea clicnil gli c'theie tagîî rici' deîîre ove r the icîci i Il aisrtv. ,%l adii»iyipeoplie hav e icent ofi. ti i aîîv insctanics i) the last sear liv r, lrecentat 1< s of thtc h i i tari y gainiîîg aî'revv fothe luictls (ifth " state," hc' aid. aîud ialIiing loiai ci)- tiloîî takuîîg a c.îbsriptIlon for the canse sud passi.îg a rard fideuirat ln fornd v 1h that beiîcg îîccd iy the les- gîce. W e beliese that eser Y denomi- nationu that lias officiaiiv recognized the longuieasIfis rejresentative tlicthis1 îcîited tiiirareiatile cicoîld gîve it the iri'fi'i 'cre <<r aice 1iiliiai Points in, Decsion. Plîiow iicg are poits i tii. rcurt The iiicncrouirt hIcI iltha i he tille h. not dc teclive ilial lbh' taw cdies îîît icierteni «11th Itirstale froînuccre.' thtlcct cI loein.ctîcc i'oîitoî tîrocîcrl i lc'aiisc t lii'saloocikeeperi'rn se-ils lu fcrîitucr.' anîd Il iii s knîîc ing ticat liii' is lialili- 10 lai >i lsi, If -i îci' iviiied atai ic li' >uccci.'itice îîtd law -ii; and iii ta 'tii si tacs doies ntciliiet.s acruc-w offensi o. Tbe iigiier court alio hiiid' that the, t 'îitî'd States simpisl prima fanci i ideitre ha1 the marilIs engagr'd ln tiie ýai,'of tîqîcor; ithaJlicrase uf elertiiiîi witbout notice foii hirb JIl rovidcii îaurh etertions if lielît wofiid lieîîiaiid luit that lb i cIe"uot ialida te tuat art Itself. The sitîremnco ucrt hold a iat the legiatature mai, create districts like roîcties or towniships, aîcd tbat if the votera of the districts shahl decide that Intoxlcating liqiiors shal l ot be sold lit the district, that a village or citv ln surir district rreated cao floti permit <aie of liqîcor. The sale ot Ilqîcor for, niedirînal pccrposes hy drug- gliss is iever regarded as a saloon business. asys the supreme court. Regardicie the retîîrniîîg of the sa toon liretîses rreating a debt. the sic premecortn olds ihat when a man gels a saloonti tieuse and cao flot tise it theinuniripaltv Issuine thte lirense la morally lhable. though flot hecause the passage of Ibis lau legally bound ta psy it harkto 0hlm. One of the principal objections asa that the ta peroits the iegislature ta delegate legisiative powers ta the peo- ple hy ermitting people ln loralities ta adopt the law. The soîreme court says tirai, fromn the beginoing ta the end the supreme court of tbis tate bas beid that ta he legal. SUN PICTURE IS A GOOD ONE Magnificent in Its scolie, covering as lit dosa a terrltory betweeo Frank- lin treet and Tuelftb treet sud the' laIte andl the west city limita, te lirat proof of theq SUNS mammotit sera- plane iirds eye vlew of Waukegan came ta the city Tnesday. It was in the personat charge af James M. Allen, Iersonal representa- tîve for tGeorge R. Lawrence & Com- pany, who o t a irds eYe view af tbe Pacifie fleet at Magdalena Bay s few days ago and who esrlier took San Francisco ln inls andl many other notable and istorlo views. Shows Entire Ciy. Beginning north rit a pointl nortb of Frankln streel aicc «est aI saipoint heyond Jackson str eet, the troof wib bas beeti ap1ros cd. shows Wcatttegan as fair as the lait,' cast and eveo sone distance beioid oîn the water sud as far soîcîl as the clay hanits and the curve ln the lae. Inc is distance avecry bciur'e,os et y haro even every tree, cernentt ai and peculiarity is sbo«iî and the whole effect la slritlscg and attractive lui the extreme. ,Pitures Reada' Soon. The large pictures, wbîith are.1Sx4O, will be ready in about a montb, as wiii hbctthe souvenir postal rards wblcb ilîl have thte same vieu cou- densed but with every dfetal ln them. The pîclure la the beat that bas ever heen takan of attractive Miss Wautagan andal tagratr glance «oulal uisb taorn nllc bera. so-attractive are tha featurea, avery uiuding roal. avery lau.. avary publie building being deliieated with amazing accuracy and effeet. The proaf &a s own at the SUN of- f1iee ibis 0000 created a sensation and the pictures wiil double this im- pression. Other Views Taken. Other views taken In thîs vicluîîy Include Fort euerîdan, Rockefeller. a Chicago base hall game, and <o forth. The United States naval traincing achool reservatian aI Northi Chicago le soon u behataken. BESLEY BREWING COMPANY SOLD New Management Asaumnes Alil Oblic. gallons and WiliIHave Worting Capital of 150,000 Baya Lavera Letten. By a deal tat ha* just'been crm pieteal. t ca îaid the Bealay Wauke- gasi Brewing Company agaîs changes bande. Detais of 1he demi becamne tsown thîs wecli iy means o! a ltter «rit- les hy Treasuren L. A. Lavera lu a credîlor of te company. ln hi. let- ter he tlls of the partccuiars of the t rans f er. Contracta wene cioseal Aprîl 21 be- twecen Dr. Beaiey of Chitcago, who owns a contnoliig ahane of the brew- cry stock and Mn. H. H. Graham of Roctfond by wiich Graham Brothers' Osiling Company of titat place ac- quires te Waukegan plant. l'lie îplant, the trade icarkicc.anud the gccuit 'il lire ail disîcose d of icithe 4greeîîceuît sud the fies'coicariiis ta assiune ait obl igationîs anîd w«cc iicil S50.hiclîicapital. Ali Mrics «ilI he ucet wtiiîcsixti, daie sud rîsunca are Iiin li'd witIc Sccielari, Richard Barum.n TIîc hitter to the Wrauiterccc credilor iofilcahhhi, siguîed hy Mr. aîc'rs and cciin rdîctary business c lIcr. THE REPORT CARD Or MISS APRIL Twenty-severith of 'May Last Vear Saw Snow Flycng Accondling to Ta- ble Compied by an Expert. Folutloiiv ig iv ioccu icuary e vudecuce, a..' c.cccîciei li va 'c\acckc'gsite. show. it' ilcat luis saealber iv nI sc) bad aI<eî ail. Th iti.' s nuteof the vveaîh cr foci,.lt criî aîcd Mai, aud «as iuul i y aiclis rIa rt cil kbose husi- uc-c. il iis ok ccciv Aluccil 7-h'icc '5'chc A prit il-SFi'e ezi ig ail d155 Niprl S 2W'recs. Ahi il Ici -roct-ii April 1Il Sa nie. Aprli12 Sucviiutg, 27 cegrees. April 13-22 cii-gi ce.ý, vuow on the graunal. April 14-2u) degi 'i-v April 15-Suos ice. April 16 Frozen nci April 17-8-33t degrees. April 19-Snov. firries. April 20-.10 dugrecs. 21 first «aria dsy. April 22, mld, 23. cold; 25, frozan np; 26 and 27, gc-oud frazan; 29 trosan; 30, tuo lnches of soou and 32 dagrees. May 1, graund frozen; 2, saine; 3, Ibrea incites o! anow; 4, snou as grouud ail day; 5, 38 degrees; 9, 70 degrees; 10, snoosng lit 33 degrees; 11, frosty nightl 27, somne snouflyIng. QIENTIN APPOINTS NEW COMMITTÉES F'olioulug are the committees sp- polnted ity Chaîrocan of the Board a! Supervisars George Quentin of'Vernon tounship ait lcc' îneiîîg Thursday mnorulng: Caunty Farnu Choc.. tMeyer, Gra- ham. Counly Farm Aîîdiing-Rayocond, Meyer,FiNcite. Erroneous Asscsi.nieiits - Prior. Clow. Farley. Election Prerbîîrîs-.M îcray. Con- rad, Eduards. Educaton-Sifons, Fa.i - ,Robert- so. Fees sud Salaries-Sutbcrhand, Rab- ertson, Raymond. Financa--Robartsoui.Lsuuîey. Miller. Jualgas nI Electiouc 'Ilyer, John- son, Prior. Judicary-FlceePrior. Dayton. Licanse-Graham. Edwsrds. Apple- ton. MsclltneouBa ('amris -Eduards. Dayton, Appleton. Poor-Fbrley, Murray, Sîmons. Public Buldings-Conrad. Horen- berger, Sîmons. Prinllng-Lamey, Suthearlandl, Can- rad. Purchaslng - Miller. Iiorenberger, Ficke. State Charities-Aprleton, Nlurra', Johnson. Swamp Lands- Horen bergerGra- ham, Sutherland. Settlement Wlth County Treasurer and County Clerk-Johnison, 'Mliler, Lamey. Sýettiement With Sheriff and Circuit Cerk-Dayton, Clow, Raymond. After annourement of bis choice of committees by Chairman Qutentin, the board adjourned. but flot until a lutie effort had been made ta dis- liense sith fthe pîrcitasing coniittee. Sîîpervisor Appleton iteaded a move- meut. the situ of whlcb le ta restore ta County Clerli Hendee and other county offirers the privilege of pur- Heads County Board of Supervisors George Quentin of Vernon cliasiucg lcîlutiue aucd supplies and whirh c uovidow«ic Iy the roinuuoctee ho qucestion. Coîuîetitlse bils bas-e licou insisted i) occhehccommittec. ctcricg lils existeucce of tvo ycars sud a saviuig of seiverat thmccîand dollars ta Laite counlic, aîouîîcîisb,-d. The boardi voteal lu defer action on thle matter ccctiI l iuext rnuct i tu. The folIos'lng îeavltîlouî sasaopl Pd hi, a risIucgc-l W'hercass.Denîscîn tlinltnEton. «lia bas heen assochalec i«hcuis for the asat ehghteeuc 'ociecutiie i,.ars as sit liervisor froiuicth,' iomsc ili o! EIa, hics reased eal nlirs cicrlor f ibis hoard. <ce the nicuihcr- uit vad board,. recag- izing the fart ticat litu bs, tsl l imes lit-ciihuiest sicd cccc iscii tiocîs ln the discliarge of hic cii 1ev taothe toun- shipu Sud the coîcîi,. desîre ta show car aîîprerhaîiocî of ficia ast sersire. anal bear testiioni, 10 the sterling qîîalitics o! Mr. luiiîiigon as a pub- lie officiai. «ho bas ai at tlimes dis- chargc-ulthe dclies of bis office hon' esîle sud runsclentioîîsly. Aucd «bereas, Mr. Huntingion wilI nco longer lie asoclateal uitb us. «e1 lake the oîuîortoolty ta exlenal ta bim our best «'isbas for bis future bappi- neas and prosperity. Resolveal. lheraiore,taIttis rasa-4 lotion be passeal unanlmously anal Ihat1 s lithograpbed copy of same. duly1 certllied by te couoly clee'k, be pre-1 senteal ta aur respecteal colleague of the past, Denison Huntîngton. NEW PH1ASE Of LOCAL OPTION Case of Necgitbor Against Neighbcr1 Approacit.5 Acule Climax With Re- fusai1 of Even a Drinik. "Yudont believe ln aur lieloveal geîîeral overseer. sa yo cacn îlot bave ani, of on «ail saler." WVilth is ramant- a family sabal tai beloccg to the Voliva faction lu Zion i Cbty ' hiclrîsme a Iihase refîused a sup- piy o! «'seta a Snelghbhr «ho sune- iv needeal it but «ho dial not haloni, ta the raucte of oVilvas faction. It Is rtaimei thIat Voticans are aox- tcousata drive out Ibose «ho do 001 sgrec wth thcam religiousty sud are taklccg ail olacîné,r of nîcans 10 do the job. Hec Worted Overlîme. The largeat double egg on record ls one that ceigbcd four anda a liat auncdes. Down ho the wiudow o! Pearres drucg store, James t7oricett af Spauldbngs Corniers lasbowlug the uieut largesu. ueigbing four ounces, «hile Cari Vonderbelal of (enter 8îreet also fias a large ana that wiII naarly came op ta Corbats. The Corbell egg la rialgeal wth a bell about lte middlle andl plainly ssituatiat it bas two yolks. RAIS!E 1UNDS TO MAINTAIN RAVINIA Blue Biooded North Shore Residenli Wîsh ta Bar Only 8cheme That Wii Mate th, Park Psy. Plans to raise $12,000 guaraoty fund 10 maîntain Rasinia Park as a patric-i an amuîsemencct resort ware made Mon- day ai a mieetinig of the neuiy or- gaîîized Rasicha Park Association. 1 Reqîcests for signîatures to thé fund «il! go ocut Ibis vvcek Iu.'rhcg uames1 of 'cV G. W\alihîg coi4lcucorary presi-1 dent sa Fasette S. Muinco as tempo- rary serretsry. Conimittees ciii be formed in evers. norli shtore t1050 from Evauston to a ViegsnU) icistia In lte collectionc o! the ftînd. The fund sa taonsmist o! scchccriîc lions for stockt at $10 a share, the or- ganization baving beetu Incorporated as a conceru "*not for proit" Beaidas anUItling te bolders 10 a diidend ott of unexpeodeal Icnde t the endoulo the yeai-. the holdei'a of the shares are ta bie entitted ta $10 worth o! adis-i alan tickts St hall prbcv' for each share beld. The part is part or the estate o! the banlî'rcuçt A. C. Frost & Co. In- volved in the crash o! the Chicagao Milwaukee Etectric rsilraad. A îpropositionî 10 lease the part byi lte receiver, George M. ffeuard, toa a comîcsny ubirb uould couvert It lotoi an amusement uarit similar ta many1 in Chicago, vairl. il is saldt, woiild, brlccg rrowds of îlessure syiuers ta, lice part 'boni the nortb share rea-i- dents ido not «sot, cacîsed the organ- izaticîn o! the association. The pro-1 mnoters conteîoptate securing for the parsithIe tiamrosrb sud Thomas or-1 chestras, as «eh sa bigit rass stage1 enterlaiumeîîts. PARENTS OBJECTED 1 SO 111EV RAN AWAY Teiegraph Operalors Cieared Wihoul Onders from the Olal Man la Gel Righl-of-way on Long Trip. Thal îparents reaily do flot coait wheu love ettera te game ea i 1e as a factor «as againî lras-en in the aid faniliar cvai, Tuesday morning wbau Jamnes Raîcticuo! Highliand Part «as unite l itc ncrrbsge to Misa Rosalle Schapircc uofbbhcago, the msrrlage latine Iplace ai the encd of an exciting elop e uc enci t l'le tride's iarents have long oh-1 jerîed on bei- marriage «'11h Mr. Ran- titi. who isa ahrighi. dlean, bard «art' bucg i, uig niait, sa Tuesday uheni site fond that she cauld nat uln tbem avar. Miss Scbapiro ied bar borne lu Chicago sud came ta Higbland Part. Siete ld bier tory to Rauttin aud the tuoaai once came la Waukegan where Ranitin a1 once explained bis1 trouble ta frienda and as a result Jus- tiçe William F. Weis s a unted np, the marrisge licanse usa obtaineal. and thte couple uene married. Tbey lait aI once on te Nortituest- eril fou, Chicago and irom thère WUll takea atrain for Neu Yrk Çty, ubare lte groom bas been pron*sed s jobt and ubere be wili bs a h orne far blmself and uifè. Romance of th. Key. Rautîn la sa lI inoun lelegraph Operator. He anas onted beresud at O Highland Park anal has frieuda by te0 score Who aldeal hlm Tuesday marn-d lng. I Ha bas a! laie been enculoveda 5tlie Citicaga general offices sud iluasa ltera Ibat ha met Miss Schapiro uba la also s lalegrauc olerator. Happîcal Couple in te World. When Tbursday Ranitin sud bis sueetheart «cre uniteal In marriaga In the praseuîce of genial sud evar- smiliîcg Toom Newuhaoî. ticket agent aith ieNoriliwesieruu. as ana ullossa, they we-c.ctue baîcîiesl couple lu thte1 «o ric. JusticX e--Àiliss useal bis famnou ahter forîcc of marriage ceremouy. "*Ara w,' realty married nou!"sast- ad the brde. --t nîay bave seemeal short ta yotî1 h)oth." vaid Justice Weiss ulit a smile, *"but If yau ever lry la undo «bat I have just iobsitea you uilîi fn nlt bI ilI take mucit longer. You'u'ei married. really sud truly." Then the brida smlled and giggled snd the groom turneal redan sd grIoneal ai;d Il «as "Oh. Rosie," and "Oh. Jirn- mie, l'un Bo glsd." Witoie Raiiroad Wmves Gaodbye. Bath piarties ta tbe match are strit- hucg anda perfect blandes aud il de- lighîerl the spectatarsata lte depot 10 w alcit tham, they uere 80 ihappy. Construction Work WuiI Be ResnWsëd' an The Chlcago & Mlwsukoa i. Eiectrlc and May b. Ready ' in JuIy. The Evanston brancit of the ot- western Elevsted will ite opened t about tirty das and lte compasJr axpectsa alarge Increase Ilu rirl8 front the new source. Besides tra-eersing a terrItory with ant estimateal population nf 300,00, the liie «'iii coooect wlit the Chiago &Milusuke Electrlc Railway Com-i' pany, wbicb should delîver s large. number ai passengers ta the elevatu4<é company's surface Uine extension troM '" towns along thte nortit shore iteyon&2Q Evanston. The fonds expendeul In building the~ Ravenswood branrb and te Evanstoas Ue. as well as iin eqiîipplng the roue" tri general dîîring the past tua years, bave heen taiten ont of earnings and itberwiae fîtrtisbeii ibroîgh Jeans from batiks agaict tbe company's bonds as collaterai. The Norttueàt- ern's general morîgage expires lu Septembar, 1911. Sorne plan may be determined ta take care of thte estira malter at tbis tinte. Milwaukee, \Vis., Apnîl 24.-Wltbunt a wet wark an thte construction of' the Chicago & Mll@ukee ElentrIe road Ilil be reaomèd. Judge Tarrnt today aigneal tbe uecesg.Iy orler '. uich the Fldelity Trust Conussy'ot- thia city ls aulborized te execote thte. contract for the conupletion*tat l. wOrk on the road teansd lu Milwmn-' kee. President C. C. Smnith of thse lb>m bis Construction Coinpany saald tMtî thte road uould be ready for bperatilia about July 15. PATIIETIC STORY-Q!<. WILLIAM YOJ Aoqultted of Murder of 8*% Divotmdr' Prom Wlfe, Almoýst Friendini. " This Man Wenlta Great B.yond. Thte career of William Young oi Au't liacit reaehed Ia tragfle denoine,,' Titursday. uben ai 6:15, In tise pwE* i' ence of Mias Hyle, the supernteu4out' of tbe Jane MeAlister HaspItalsùî twa nurses,.lhe dled suddenly. As relatad In the SUN be boa be*«t OPI of pnieumonia, but wusaon thée W& ta recovery andwusa doîng npisndfil$ uben wlîbout uarning the ent e*tm sud wltit s sigitt ha laid do"W burden of s life uhlcit. regrëtts os il msy aeem, wusaapparenlilu 1 if, miaery. Aimait Friendlest Mort, With lte exception o! bis d1tý Ethel, asaiter-la-lau, and Idt. 1( - laie of Autiocb. Ilit t aild U4t b wealtby former sud capitalist practIcslly friendleus. Tbo.sè t» W ý Ied bim oflen wbile be was utg~4 Ili. Neltiter wusai bi bedid, tiane of birdeath. The danghter bas taien oisatý thse remaina. Dr. irnIgbt lrosuenances the t the dest thlie effects of pis Mrs. Young, il de'reloips, »t tlocis snd ual onallbe t -ý kegan today. 8he wfl at$Im funeral. ' Cause of Traubleik, Pramînent. respected ms of masos. 7bane. trouil bave beguni =nli hs caunty ~ sdjm aty lare a S dent b. situ hi.acmm ulth ktle. Ris vife Saccualr; Pers for sud obtaineda 5divc4 las asd tisaI aI once tise cIA friandis bagan ta drop oet sal iim, only Ibose mentioned al athi# : bli. ie uaa iteartitroken for tbeebW, yesrsa ofbIselife sudlilvedal lonely nId man. cleau'ed by tle4 l but aomehau beîd tb blame by,* worîd. aven lte village of Antioe~ blsminghiin. Had Been Falling. Mr. Young bsd been faiig gbr about tua ueets Il la sasId, bail hi deatit came lite a tituaderbolt outi et s dlean sky. The reetuins ara noc ultit Tracter & Wbite. Saturday il 'sas learned ha ptsaed la te great beyond uilbaut dicqting tbrougb a wiII just ubo aitould recelve bis fortune of $30.000. As bis «ifa bas beau gracted a AI' varda. ste. vIi l ohba lowed by lauw ta dlaim aven douer lterastas "d ber tua daugisters, «ho are both cf se,5 w111 have tise nazI dlaimn on tise $ 000 sud lb la understoad Ibat tis Ie- tune «iii ha dîvideal on lise 50 par cent hats.a WilI ContraI ZMon City Bank. Marsalsl Fielal & Ccut4iazy loterMt4 laka con iraI of tise Zion CIIy bais Jeune 1 anal «lU luceittise I.u loto lte standing It o$thgbt t é q 1 1 1 1 --r