CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 May 1908, p. 2

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~dn moise b Iae.~ngthf RSh and b .nd Ub" m ffor.sidiY grw&h OkI amoi éntertalment villi hé b M thé Woodmén hall thli Fridayc hg b' thé Eastern Star lodge. Af Wjinvtation la éxtendéd te ail., *'oJécill0"a, o! Long Groe, t etorday and Sunday at home her parente, lMr. sudlire. E. su nd Unr. W. S. licG" an sd family d tu LlbertyvvlileWedeiday, m m M», viii niakétheir future home. aléou. o our local carpeutèrs nUl hé ln thé employ o! W. Saubemn zêrlyvill contrater for théeummer. 'sd lire. Io]lain bave heeu C te of our village for séveral years ev manyeteémtal frieudé wbo o s e suthem leavé but viseh i hbet of auccesé iu their név A. Nlmagéarnsntértaiued hie cousiu, m Brown, of Orgon, thé fiet of the . SMrphy lé baving su éntire new set *toires placed lu bis buffet of thé IÎd. hotl ansd ézpcte te have thé it equlpped place lu tevu. Hé le tb thwork on thé entire building1 e .ai posible so as to hé ready "ma é éhihio! stauielana Co., Cali- aimWs, vs vll.tîended Frlday événing of l"aveék. WMseHarilt Stoddard; et ovsow. vas a pmiat put of ber grandmter, XMn. Tyler akd other relatives here regty. -. .lomb, of Txas, léatiprésent oléting his vile sud cbildrén hèr. MeMimlaelRudolph, et River Vev, 0»M ovetal dayi hére with relativeb. prof. Wlmington Wva aCity visiter 46ltmdaa' of lait yék. *aolod Kiamér sud Clarence Kulgge opoM tatrday éveclng st Waukegsn. iUséE Ourg Co aasaPoenEW) MiséFlornce Lathmop, vho attende *Ob" 0t eymeaoood hlat home énlor- $M a @bervacation. ,My, Dsgtsv xchanyed pulpita wtb ê,v. Vas de Emvé o b yvlll, on ÏÏttof thé Min thé attendane vas SLasNébrllch rturned home foi ShYga, wi., vhére madé eb oxas thé past fév »Ümto w*h friads. M Zsta ser la éntertainlu brl *@Wêbom Cticago s fev daye o¶1lit -rfl OI - Qso. Lathrop, o! Lake Forut, epet1 ýbusin lRockefeller thé gue@14 o! hie1 'iL'A.saiit sud vilsaccempanied bY lisopa io.K. 8.16 sud ite made a 1 r UYa nd famly, vbo vex rWOom 'bona sort timéeccSupytn M o! the Holcoxb bouse, vyse *Miomalz and are nov occupylng thé 4<mo& operresidiace seul b of thé EL IL Brovder hba abarnn k procee! ««Ptlm . Oua Bapké sud Cha. Lusk em&U be wté ork. lu MW abel Rudolph, o! River Vlav, Mm tapsét a iew dyo!lthé paut vék eit I4vuhé ,lanov st lhety 1. Mu imîtof o M. B. Colby & . bai4b.d versl years of IÉW IL 4mtln, 01Chicago, viligivésa e.a1 m.tbMe oslIo ~tudfl svéul, lMay 5. sBte Blbsssléd ynadingi,sete- TéC. fer thé city traffc sas soon as thé eeeu opens up sud viii thon hé able to offér fiet cas accommodation te hie guelte. Carde are eut sunounciug thé mairagé of MiaséNina Pratt one ot eue prerinént youug ladies te Joeph Temisky, of Cary, lionday May 11, 1908. Mre. Whitlock, Aséât. Manag* of the Gien Falle Firé Ineurauce C., o! Chicago, vas lu our village lest Frlday lookiug ever our villag" sud establisbed at fgéncy for thé compsny witb H. E. Malman, local agent. T. B. Symour, P. A. Nimegesmu, W. Barrie sud Frank lMurray were eum- mouéd te Waukegau, Wèduesday as juroré for thie term of ceuuty court. Chas. Thome, e! Chicago, vas ln u u vllaege let Satnrday looking for s bouse te rét sud éxpecte tu malte Wsucouda ie future home sud viii condut a eboe repaie @hop in the buinese section. Misé Ver& Jeuka ha@ béeu IIfi ith lb. mesle for thé pat veek but le reporte, bélte at proent writlug. Misé Nettie Murray, of Chicago, sent Saturday sud Sunday aI ber hoxýe in our village. e it In E. eocity viohes a good attendance. Admission 25 cents.. The etablishment aud maintenance of a permanent and frièudly business re- Lion with this baak. ehonld he a firet counideration with every man. It wili inspire and amslt hlm throughoit hie entare career to many good thingo vhich be could net otherwiae attaîn. Que of thé- bet ways to tat le by openlng a SAVINGS ACCOUNT, which eau be done by depiting suy amount from One Dollar up. Depoitimadelu oui Savinge Dep)artment ONOR BEFOeE MAY th vili draw intereét at 8 per centpr annum for two full months ou Jnly lit. We offer Tou our co-operation aud invite your huéesi. FIRST NATIONAL BANK< Proctor Block lbertyville, 1ILI SAUGATURC How are you enjoying thé. APr ihowêri? lire. Thomaé la on thé ick Ilut. Miss Dorotby Mareh bau gone te Evaston vhere seé viii attend ichool thé rut o thé year. 1 lias Emma Sturdér hac a ue* plana. Henry Boulders. of Chiag, i ped- lug a coupla of week'i w TliTomas. Willle Chandler bas a uew buggy. ROSECRANS (lepater, Mr. Winkei preachéd is faél ernu lait Sonday. Ho la going te Europe tom thé summer. lies. Chas. Dixou lé lu Chicago for médical Irealment. . J. Egeet ban uioved te Michigan. WiII Faulkner, of GagesLake, vas a caneér hbust veek. 11k Hoga n léable te verk. Hé in building Jin Kellys houée. Henry Léein in abls e t.eut again. Our mail carriér, A. Crna, vite bas héon îick in ahle te, hé out &gain. Uina, Wllamson vas home Sunday. li"a Amis, vho teaches thé Brove echool la te give an exhbitionooun. sadie Patch opsnut sunday vitb Ruth Haulon. Ralph Cavford vas a Waukegan vister 8aturdal. A dt in omtwsék'time. leverygayté p on and takq o# aind là the éé etai hl.0. fer brekiah lbir# t@»Ml. Fôo by C. A. Appley eai0 1. 60 each. 3- bas more to recommend it as an article of daily fare than any other f ood pro- duct. As a nourishing food it has no equal. In price it is f ar below meat or vegetables. To the woman who appreciates it there is no end to the variety of tempting dishes which it will make. Get acquainted right now. Your grocer bas it in sealed packages, 5 and 10cent sizes. A recipe bookiet with every package. The neit mete< f 16 isond"kf cemslry AesOea o li hé o!DovitéfeOvôts, 9for hoe1f ir.J. J. Rouas, %csdlr b atsvemJ ays Thursday, liay 7, at à p. un Al nu- lra . . loos lé! t Tbumaay tsi bers attend. Thésme B., L, hréehé wlvivlit viti Thé resolutlens on thé local a lon a iIBtt or accpple o! vééeki. yere lmipropeiylivotea on at li r. .mi Mlrm.C. fiprague yen Chicag moeti ad thé Diamomid tes emteyvlaton Tussday. AsSiation bérèhey vlthdirav tté Mrli. snd Mm E. H. liason snd fainllyj visils witb éhir bro"hr'sud fsmlly, WESI PREMONT. Mr. aad lira. P. TnlI.y, of Eeet Who msye thia pla* hi dry? Hau't It Mmra Wm. Coon sud llte son'., been vêt latelY? o;jsil1aday wv1hbercousin ai Thé roadeiMain luvrybad 81spe. AnMranMm . ot. automobile to p vas obsérvèd ou oui Mi"é TIU Mitchell visité! vlth ber sle. roadé lest Buuday sud thé auto vas too ter, ise. J. bolléunéoier, of Libertyvi)4 far undér thé mufi to hé "enbut vas Sundy. not exceedlng thée peed lmit. M. W. Kuèdlèr vas a Lîhertyvîlle caller JonHete utahe Nue oku onday'. Jt u te ylat sk. lwo g Mr. sud lire. R. D. Smitb, o! Rocke- it on dayfastweek 'biler, cafle on frieude sud relatives hère. Frsuk Erhart bas a bad Case o1thé mesBerha Heltie etmrtalued her backache. cousin, 91 Chcago, last Buuday. Henry Tekampe sud Wm. Nordmoer lMr. and lir@. Wm. Edwards enter- rare digging s tiléd ditcb fer Jacob FIé<I taluèd frendi from thé City lest Satur- erick. day sud Sunday. MMr. Carnie Lang, of Chicage, épet s couplé of daY8 at Jacob Eréderick'é e .CrToeT-ne coenly. lir@. E. J. Locke sud fsmily wlsh te Obituary. Another déar frieud paeied avay Wednéedsy aftemneon, April 22, at haIt past tweoclock. Mmré Martha.L*ngen té thé daughtér of'Mm. sud Mns. John Wagner. Mm. L'eumen bas béau a loua sud bardoénféerer ef conéomption. Foi the, paýltve oyean shé boanot had a welday. At thée e! ulueteen Iartha Wagurmwas unie in holy matrlmony te John Leuzen. To thex we bonone son, Xpril 24, 1906, sud Decembér 11, Martha eu Mzen wenlte Ottawa, Ill., for hem héath. She rémaùléd ther- unlil May 2, 1907, wheu ehe returnéd te her home one mlle eouthofGrayslae. Froxu that lime Dm. Talor bas béen lu attend- suce up te Jan. , 1908, vhèu ahé mad& s trip toChicago eue day eécb weékto àa pécialiin, sud she bad te leave, us after ail. She vai22 yes, 1mouth and 24 dayi old. BUle aves te o uinber la desth a faithuinibaband, one darllng lUttlé boy tvo yeara old, a mother, % siétem ansd thre brothere father uO are: lmas. Betha Raaécb, ls Théraul Wegor, George F.. Albet M., sud Wm, &.Wgnr Il of thisp lace, beiuldEsmnY Other elTes suds ao=t of niénda vbo regret to béai of thé nad death o! their déar fiéxd. St. yul hé mioeed very much qtt home sud lu ber chnrcb ai ahe was a good Christian et thé Catholie cburch, o! Premont Ceuter where hér re- mains are lsid at reét lu God's carri xw. LZZNHOZ There bas been. s gasellué engine lu- êtalléd lu aur mili. The senior choir practice vii hé bé ld Friday evenlug witb Frank Dolpb. Mmr. H. R. Coudrey. o! Wsukégsu, ln endiug thévek vith ber parnteher. lirs. E. D. Dean, o!fiRockefeller, at- laudéd thé miailouamy meeting st Misé Paynei Wedueéday aftenoou. Lilla Su y dem enterlalued s number o! hér cboohmates Saturday afternoon, il hem lvelith hithday. jam V lplvasd a fried frem Ci- cage epeut unday vitb thé former'@ parente be@. AtSunday achool lont Sunda" thé cern- mités vas appointed te make arrangé. mente for thé services Cbldren'a Day. R. Shéphérd o! Rols époux part e! lait veeék ilit hie son, J ohn, sud fam- lly o! Ibis place. Mn@. Frank Delph le movl.y lmprovlug froxubemr ecent icknéu. Hem friéndé vIl t. plesod te su hér résume hem var- ions dutias lu thé cburcb sud diffrent socetiés. Thé junior choir practice vas héld Tueeday evenlng at tà@ home o! the choriter, Frank Dolph. This le alwys folioveri by a prayér metlhg te vhich everyone iniuvltsd. Mises Daley Vau Plev entertalned over Sunday fi vé yoïmug lady frénds ron thé Moody luelltta, ChicegoOne of théMu sang a solo Sueday mûinlug vhlch vas very mucb appreciated. Word reacéd lir@. Jensen'Tbureday ,that hem tathér had p&sesd avay ln Chf- cage. Thé ninaîna were hrotght hérs 8aturday atémnoon for hurl. Very hosutitul and impeesive servicse er7 Thé . dimsé'flu Miw0B&oery Soclé ty vas helfi Apil 22, ai the home li"a Mary Payne. This ot«alon bhéth*6s 'aauuaà mmur mr and osasta *lth, who la home for a olitn vaeotlon, gavé a véry lntereeing salkt on ber- vork amoug the "pore Wh ffs" lu Kéntwcky. This vas folloysd, hy tbè following eficoes Presidnt, ÎMn. tfolpb; viepé. idunt, lire. EL" yPayne; iécer , lila Mary Payne aud treaaurèr, Mr@, Mary Jacoby. Arthur Stauford, of Chîcago, lIrep"nd- iug this veek st Clovérdale faim. Harri -on Glbrt le dolugeome carpen- ter work for A. B. Combeé. lir. sud lin. Levi Iïait, of Wankegaam, vieiitèd relatives lu thls vlclnity thé tiret of thé véek. Attér a long aund sérions llmes lu Clhi- cag e@séRose Caruey vas able to hé ovdte the home o e elter, Mne. Joe Fitz, at Fort HIi. A. B. Combe vas a Waukegan viator Tueeday. Mr. aud lira C. L. Thomson enter- t.aiued relatives froxu Waukégan sud Grant towusip Sunda. Ira Smth purchased a new surmey sud John Benwell a név carniage 'O! Bert Paddock, at Round Lake, a few days 5<0. .Héalth Ceffee eally thé closént Ceffee Iitation evér yet producéd. This clevér Coffee ftbatitute was e- ceutly producef lii Dr. Bhoop of Ra- ciné, Win. Not a grain o! ceai Coffé. lu lt elthem. Dr. Shoopi Héath Cofée le umade frout pure toated grains, vltb, malt, note, etc. Réaily ft vould fool au expet-vbwo mlght drink it for Coffée. Ne 20 or 30 minutes tedi- oui bollng. 'mad lu a minute" maye the doctor. Bold by. 14. 9. Colby M4ercantIle Co. frieudi sud relatives for their klpd services aud eympsîby lu theirl.,té beresvement. I 1: LAY£ URICH ji Albert F. Voelling sud Atuella D. Berg- obui yrenmarmled aI thé Failiecurci.t iBp.t.Wedueédsy, April 22. by Rev. =imen. Thé groom ie s sou of Auguet Voelliug sud thé bridé je s daughtm et i'red Bèrghoru. . Thé bridéémaidésuad test men vers: Henry Voéling, liamta Kmukenbemg, Arthur Bergbemn, Lhlié. ULutelman. Fred Hérmau sud Mary Smith., Thé race ptien vas given at the bome o! Geerge Lintelman sud vas at- teqdéd by mauy frieude aud relativéeset tié haspp y couplé. A numbèr belng prmaet from nèlgberiug tevus. Thé rsue e numemené sud appropriate orthé occasion. Thé guelte departed for tlltir homes wltb many éongratula- lions sud gond vishee for the uevly wedded pair. lir. A. Fmoélich lé ou thée sik liaI. Chsmléy Hoemeye1 sud Bert Selp, drove te Lihértyvillé Menday. Misé Mary Goedluck lias réturned te the city slter a véék'a etay at berne. Mir. sud lire. Ge. Mitchell and daugh- ter, Luels, sud Mr. sud lira. Wmn. Eius- man, e! Diamond Lake, sent 8uuday aI J. H. Finkia. Miss Jenui le ip basl gone te Waukegan te, vieil ber @inter, Ire. Doolittié. P. É . A¶léu sud fsmily bsve meved eut for thé sunîmer sud are occupyiug Wood'e collage as usia. Edwamd Young, of Bsrriugten. epeut Saturday sud Sunday wiIh hie parente Thé pamty given by théeuises Jacob- son Satuiday évening vas veil attènied sud evéryonebhad a fiue lime. The ebever given sI Mii. J. Suetalugerea lu houer of Misé Annus chaler vas veli atteuded sud many usai nI présent e e received. I EVEREiT Mir. and lMre. Walter Miller wil open their couulry home ou Monday, May 4. )Ir. aud lMr@. lisDougal vill îpend thé ffummer wtb thexu. Walter Miler, Jr., ia abroad and je at promutén uPariq tudying architecture. On Tuesday evèulng, April 21, Mie Edithi Zeiosévas xarried tj George Camupbell. The weddiug took place at the home of thé bride'@ aunt, Idre. Henry Zèles, Mand Barrington Booth officiatiug. The cou ple have talion a flat lu Kbu- wood wheré they wiii make théir home, Mlaé Pauline Foreythe bas beu taking a prominent part lu a flower fet@ at Orchestra Hall. Thé namneoi the play in, "The Language ot the Flowere," sud was given lu thé cauée of cbarlty. A* mugiial waé given at théeberne of Mir. sud lire. R. T. Lunhaxu Friday éveu- lug, April 24. About ixty people at- leuded thé rain pmveutiug nomne thlrty froxu attending. Thomé vbo took part yee: lie. Harold Robinson, Cisyton W. Luubsm, Frauces Keal, Ruth Reid, Joseph Becer, Adelaide Cbspman, Aile Dé luth, Floreuce Usceus sud Trody Mikelberry. lir, sud irs. Daniélson are entertain. lng théir @inter, lira. Erneétine Hermer. dinffs sud littie dangtèr at prisent. Dr. sud lire. Starck had for théir ruent receutly lire. Wolf, of Chicago. Mmra.Miller ejoyed s fév daye vîsit with hér mother t he past weèk. Mils Addie Filhrt le fust recevering froxu ber récent sévère ilIes. Born, to Mr. aud lMre. Hermoan Bchroeder, a sou, Tussday, April 2let. Mr. abd Mns. Slphad for their guet through thé Eastér holldayi Ibeir @seter, Mr@. Willlaui from Raciue, Wié. Mrn. Comfort alter visiting ber son, W. R. Confort for thé paét six mouche returuéd, te ber honte lu Caîfforia recently. , lM@. Peck Io enjoying sa viét from ber mother, lire. Krkhoff at présent. lir@. J. W. Srnitb etertained ber cousin, Mies Nettie Lombard, of Barrin- tou, laot weék wlîo leaves for thé Pacifie coast toe pénd a few mouths lu thé near future. Misses ' Elebu, Reda Me»r, t4na and Gri Weldur w.eeChimsgo ,isitoée Ui.IM. Wsiand called on ber mother at Highland Park asét Wéek. Mr. aud lis., Henry Baker and son, Alvin, of Libertyville, "pet Suuday at J. &bchy's. Eill Geu la our new\ echool director. Mesdames A. Rlébm and .J. Wolf veited wlth Y. Slg. of Drtéeld, Bnnday. Mm .Win. WashIug was a Chicago vistor UiIîWeek., lire. H. Friliman and son, Otto, and daughtsr Béttié, attended a wedding at Laes Zurich lait Wednséday. BEN. F. PORTEOUS PAINTER and DECORATOR House Painting end Ioteriog Ifinishing' WORK .GUARANTEED R. F. D. 2, Box 84 ROCKEFEL.LER ...lLLlt4Ol8 GET READY TO BUILD 1 AM READY FOR THE WORK JOHN L. IRVING CONTRACTOR and BIILDER Sidewalks and Cernent Blocks ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Let Me Estimaté Upon the Job CALL ON Je J.SPOHN ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Hardware, Stoves, I E-ave Troughs, Rooflng and Furngce Work Estimatas on &Il Hardware Bills )promptv given 1 HAVE y, FAU - Ëi41iri 4.IKHT 140W * Il you lve l"y~our uwn bouas, located on any nf our dlatrihntlng Unes, : e fefr te ir t complet. for ye o at, and yeun auy sy eback a lttie each month for two yèars vihli terest. * ~The Ilumblest Home V affaord electric Aiht on the above hasts It la the alm of thia en _ » ay Io put eètrie lght within r.1,h.o!.ailclasé. The cdut hmbasbén greatly reducsd. For detalla call Wackegan 85. 14ORTHI SHIORE !L!ECTRIC COMPANY DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN * Vle bave ate rfactery nt L iert.vville afow @e ail lté of oddé anti audi o. unr MODEL t ENCE. Theffé are lté ésmie bigb Cardon Sprng Steel s eue regulsr tetock, the only *différence beiug in nueveu léngtbe. While thcy lait you rnay take your pick ai about HALF REGU- LAR PRICE, FIRSTr COME, FIRST SERVED, Inquire at Factory and take fence Home vith you. AMERICAN WIR! FENCE CO LIBEýTYVILLE', ILLINOIS SEE DELHAYE BROS. béfore building Cérnent Block Ilouses. They havé had six yeare' experience in Cmeni Blocks, and with their new machine ihey can Bavé you 10 per cent. They will furnish you plans free. CONCRETE AND CEMENT WALKS GUARANTEED DELtIAVE BROS. PHONE NO. 1282 Libertyville, Ill. è. 1gi, .1 fIet a Sadôle Horse Saddlîng is the inost practical fashion,; there is no recreation like it. The outaide of a horse ls good for the inside of a mn Trhe first week in May we open a Riding Sehool. For particulars see us in person. We offer Fifty Dollars as a Speclal Prize in hand with the Lake Oouuty Fair for horses bought of us. We have on band for sale a complete line of three and five gaited Saddle Horses, including' choie, well înannered Ponies for children. We aloo have some fine Hlunters and Jumpers. Call and inspect our stock. Leave your orders with us. Prices right. KOON BROTH ERS STABLES AT THE APPLEY STAND JUST OUTSIDE LAKE COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 'ee 'Z - 7, - - . 1 mmemm- - 1 Ji d'

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