LAE(OUNTY INDEPENDENT,.KRIDAY, MAY 1, 1908 DCORIý ve a litniled quantity cf luron Dent~ Iowa Gold 'ride cf thse Norths and [ver Mine Seed Corn cmarket cal ad sec us as picesare iglit. ROSINGi BROS Thisis About BUGG 1ES' Sta ver Buggies Are (iood Buggies and You Know It SEEIl We hlie Early IH Mine Pr Iowa Sil if in the 1 t on are Ail Confumed about buggies. You want au Eany Rider. You wuunt a Oood Looker. You waut a Long Wearer. 'ion walit Valuse For Your Dollar. Every adviset recommende a diflereut make. Every dealer singe a diffîreut eoug. You aru' ike a iman loet la the Woods. Wbea it tcomsi to buggy buying the avenage main len athe slr-Two thinige are lu plain sight- _the Paint sud The Price' and the joi o! it le that the man- ufacturer o! cheap lnuggiee te dedea ou the gaMe 80Olhe makes, a job to fit Kuy a W4 prie sud then lie pots on la hie lait coats o! paiut and vrmis a finish fine Pnnugb fora $100-00 job. Mn. Buyer thinke hie*1 avinga !w dol- lars sud takes the cheap job aud lunsix nionthm on a year haetîninke not. Juet fook arnnuad you and tbink of some in! tle Staveni that you know have betu ruung teuî t, tweuty yeare. Buggies that n ere bought ut a juin price too. Tiien think o! corne rther makes thut jave hetîn bought in tht hast year on 80 and are ail in. theme ut,' nîîth thînking abionut, wfîin Yîu ton get i ontmoucys worth. sow UIuten: We hune sol!ii nîreds of ihern and posntîvelY knmthnat You get goor! value for your n îuey. Tlîey eau u"t l'e beut ut unv lînre. We curry n grue! st,,ck anîd wo.îîld lîke to taIt it oner nith yoný lbETYIL Schanck Dros., ILNI Get Your MiIk Cans Mended Free Ve wili soler and keep in repir for ont year any mille can= purchaséd fron us. e hanie tise Sturges L Burins Dest Holstein Can, This Can gives the best satisfaction of an Can on the market. Prite a foilowsj S 2,3 5 lettered s for isal-doze or more S2,25 lettered. We also bandt a full une of General Mercisaadisý. Paints and Qi! of ail descriptions. Give us a triW. KELLY & McCANN RUSSELL, ILLINOIS DO YOU WANT A PIANO?. o If so corne in and try the famous SCHAEFER E SCHUETTE *Piano, at your disposai at our store a! ANY TIME, *You wiUlbe pluamed with it * STRANG'S fURNITURE STORE GEO. E. STRANG LICENSED UNDERTAKER Prop. AND EMBALMER GRAYSLAKE DEPAR5TMENT RBR Mri. Mary liavor, o! Chicago, le viit- F. J. DRIJCE. Editor Phoie No. 1l iug han Mother and other relatives for nevensl days. Ordins Taken for Job Work Advertusing Rates On Application] Mu.Helen Busand son, o!1IRochester, vlsited from Saturday until Tnesday withberhanat, lire. Ueo. Jamieeon. M»aý» . -* * * *- -9 * * * a- A New Ord(Lancs. Lait Friday evening there wae a special meeting o! the uew towîn hori tor tise purpose of regulating the sahoon itenuee for the eusuing year. Tise license corimittee after coaeîdering the question in baud recommiuded that the saluons hi proibited rom using or hiaving ut tiseir places suy hilliard, pool, dice, candi or Suy gme o! chante tot mugeto! auy klnd; tthi remov*l o! semonesud tu close atI 1 p. m. The liceneq *as eut' !oeG OrqpSGQ (fL"mt Year, 1~ i lu Millinery, My eentdisplay of Fine Mii ne" is now om exhibition ai Kuebker& Hoem 's I make it a spedlty to tim yot' hati dnieh latest uputodate style for = limcu. andi sisec me. Mable and Ba@ Adams, o! Chicago Lawn, are epeudlng their wveek e vaca- tion wiib their graudpareuts. MieAllce Jamieson, of Chicago, vislted a few days wlth ber parente, Mr. and Mus. Oso. Jamieson. ma Mr. and Mm. Fopte'r and lamily moved lait Friday into lMm. C. A. Mtbews' boun.-.a ~ 'e Clarence E. Bouîner epeut Suud=Y wthî the borne folk@. Ed l)odge, of Rocheeter. bas tieeu (al.- ing ou old frlenda the pais week. . A. K. Bain and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stagtrnuatedbupne" in Chicago IlisEdith Van Aline vigiter!Satnr- day and Suaday ritb .Miss Florence Anderson, of Lake Fome t. 'i Mi@ Ruby (lillinge vlslled several days witb friende and relative@ lu Wauksgaa. Artbur Clark attender! the funeral o! iaunt, Mr@. tarwood, ofCbannel Lake lait Frlday. Mmr. David Young and Mi@ Ethel McGuire were Chicago viitori TuW&dy. Arthur Clarke and LeslIie Bouaer were Lake Foet vîsitore lait Snnday. The Ladies' Aid Soî-ieiy will hold their regular monthly meeting Tbnreday, Mav 7. Supper eerved hy Mise Anale NM(Creadit, Medamîee C. A. Mathews aîid W. A. Saflord. The !unerul o! Tomt Young was held at tht Milburnchurch at 2:3Obuuday, Apr. '21;, lLer Saflord oliciatîug. Interoeut iii Milîburu eluetery. C. E. topio. May 3, Songe of tht Htlart - The iilî er Liniug o!fliarli t'louds," Ps 1*2. 13. lns. Mnnetta MilinUire, lender I -~ Belore putting them at the speIg 4 Clip o« the long tbîck winter coi:tI holds diii and sweat and! causs m k coughs and other troubles. ue Clîpper! hormes dr-y out quick, theý res: well and thtlr food does themg..0-L' You can cdean them quicker sud easkgh __ Corne in and Geé One of Thse Stewart No. 1 cliuppinMachies The fluest machine ever made for the purpoe. Fully guaranteed and the prude ail complete as shown is ouly UVR.Y STABLE SHOULD HAVE ONE For SaIile Lbet l Attorney Churchilli traniactir husinsse st Wankegan Tueeday. Net Snuday morniug at ten o'clock there will!hi Suuday chool astush Epie- copal Msion. Al are Inviter! to attend. .1ev. Zinu, o! Chicago, gave a vtry iu- teretiaig talk ut tht Episcopal Mission Siuday eveuiîîg. Miseslvah Loftus il; ependîug tke week with frieude lu Chicago. Mr@. Rd. Wagner and dauoeter. Besele, returner! froni their vlit tu Geitevu Suni daày. lire. Matbew, of l'rairie t îcw, epent Friday wîth bier îster. lirs. Wagner. Mn. ilpaflord, tht piano tuner, o! Autioch. transaeted buisiness brn on Tueeday. Mrs. Knowleg i! fFox L.ake, caled u frieuds bere Thnrsduy. Mrs. May White epnt Thuroday and Fiday wth Iieudo t Waukegau. Mr. and lire. A. W. Harvey satertaînier friends rom Chicago Sunday. Allan Savory spetTueeday atChicago. lire. Il. G. Whte entertainer! the Ladies' Card Club at Wedueeay ight andýa very pleasant evening wa@sepent. lin Otto Waldmau loft lirîday for a flirte weekm' business tip. 1 M. and Nins. Faîker, o! Lauke Vilia. wtre iin (lra3 ilnke Sutunday. M. Loue' harwîîod and lady riend, of Atiocb, sls'nt Snoduy witlî ie parents. James tinagi unîd !uîily iliiîiîove to Prairw ie in tue near future, whert he will wiîrk tonr rnhulliuseu, wbo re- eentlv pnnîhîîeed tht salooni of Mike St b baser, Mr. uud Mrme Henry Knuseîîîusk and dauighter, Plîyles§e. xi soou move back tu the cty tu live, wbere lit. Krusemark bas been offmrer! a very goor! position. Miss Maude Turner wbo bas been epending the wiuter in Dakota is the gufflt o! ber sieten lire. Gelden. A businesi transaction occurrer! lait Tuesday wberein F. D. Batten@hahI pur. thaier! the entire stock o! R. B. Godfrey's dry goode store, wbîch stock ho bai oioved to bis large depatment store. This depatment wîll be couducte.d by Mn. iod!re.y who bas ucsepted a position with tihs firm. Jeme !.ougahnugh traniai-tel husiîtes lu Chicago T'uesday. Chi. Harbaugh. o! Lake Villa. tran. sacted business here Weduesday, Louie Lawsou visiter! fieudi inChieago Weduesday. Le Wilialms n am ut Chicago, Fridày. Loule Laweou wai the victisu o! a surprise purty lut Wededayeveoing. lit. and Mns. Fred Knebker set several days of ast week vitîng ut tise borne o!flMt. and lins. Wilson at enda, Tht Wrodmeu brotherm bar! a big time lait Sturday eeniîig, when tbey took n tweity-four niembers into their lodge. The work nvas doue by tbe Waukegau otlcere ur! repiîted the best even dont ut Orayehake. Tht aIdress by Drt Rutledge waiexceptiouully good. Alter al wae river the Gnayshuke camp gave a banîquet a& the Wooduîuu hall wbich %%as np to the stanîdard. W. W. Lýittie. o! Chicago, $pont Suuduy withî Iiende bere. George Sbeldoui entertaluei about thîrty gleste tnom the city Suuday. Mise luez Tomîe wîth two youug lady !nnieuds* tn om Chicago are epeudiug a aeek ut home. Mise Mîîîule Whitmore is recovering lrom a svvere uttau.k o!fîpnemooîa. Miss ,Apiîley lettfor ber home ut Lihertyville, Saturday. Ed iler bad the misiortune to loose one o! liii valuable black hors lait week, which dier! witlsthe lock jaw. This breaks up bis fine @pau o! lckî. Mir. and lire. (eo. Tbayer movs4to their new home lu Asblaud, Wie., lasi Fniday. Miss Eli2Mietli Lewis bas muoved ber nillley stock to thle dry goode depart- met of Knebken & Hoem store where she willho pisaser! to meet ai costume. Principal C. B. McClitand, o! Broad. well, Dl., bas besu engaged to teach the Grayalake echool anothen year. lins. Oliver Hook, -wbo bui been oernuul IIat ben bome St Rolis. la some botter at presint witing. . Joseph Peternount pnrchaeed the lot between bis place aud Jas. thie week wbicb givea hlm a rontage of M0 test. Dou't forget the buse hall dance ai the Opera Bouse, Fiday eveing, May lot. B. J. Loftue is lu notheru Wisconsn thie week huyiug stock. Ed Doolittle ha recently fitte(T!np ie billiard and pooh parfon ut the rear o! Whites b arber @hop and will ho ready for business May lit.. 1ev. Havenet bas reigned hie charge ut the Congrsgatiouii h uuch but we uudentaud thut the hourd re!ueed to accept ie uesignation. Chas. Kirtoilger lia taken ni) the drny work lu town, lie wlll also deliver iwe. Auy ordere for hîînii iuay tie Iet t the drug store. Cicero Allen is tht owuer of the only eail bot on Grayelake. The bout waa auuched lait Saturduy. There ia largednelging maî.liu-wonk- ing on the old ditch betweeu Thîrd and Founth Lake. It is 12 feet xid anud 5 feet desp and etarte on Wuî. Wiltou ,s foty near Fourti Lake and rue tu Ed Druces!orty on Third Lake. The work is about cotupleter!. EiiiiŽe-J Mie@ Monde Waltoa, of ihbertyviI1e, vlited bar parente bore fron Saturday f0 Tneoday of this week. Ed Lusk made a businems tripi f0 Chicago recontly. Mme. George Rosing, of Round Lake, attended cburch here Sunday îiiîrniug. Mareball Jepson.o!f Wauî'oiiîda, was lu tow Sunday.Mr. and Mm. Chas. ltauïht, of Wauke- gau, epent Saturday wlth relatives tiers. Mns. Jim Kirwau was the guet of friende at Waucouda receîtly. Miss Lydia, Nihollm wa. a Ml,,]nry caller Sunday morniug. Mm. A. J. Raymond spent Saturday and Sunday wltb Mrm. L. % Lusk at West Fremont. Mis@ Mary Book bas closed ber mchoul for oometime on accout of the serions illnee of ber mother, Mrs AI. Hook. Medames Wm. Dllon and John Walton were ln McHenry one alternoon recentîr. Mm. 1L. V Lu8k an.d Miss Catherine DoweII, of West Fremiout, werc in Volo Saturday. Mr. and Mnm. Jobn Brown, of Wau- couda, paseoed tbrough town ast Sunday. Mrs. Bennie Scbafer, ,f (hi -agîî, i vieting ber parent@, Mr. and I ~rs,John Pit7uen thiH Week. Mr. and Mre. . C. Shultis and diîuglî fer, Mldéed, of Highland l'ark. wtt,. the guets at the Raugbt larni Tueilay ani and! Wedue@day. Messrs. Turnbuli anui Mills, , idWau eolndp> wnere recnt Volo ' letirs. Rudolpb Klniey and wife and lttie son o! Chicago moved loto the Johnî Con- verse bouée limt wssk, whlcb they have reuted for the summer. Mia Clver, of Monaville. itent ast week st H. Glbert'@. Jack O'Boyle vlalted relatives one day lat week at Lake Villa. lire. LeBoy, mother of Mns. Wm. Er- win, died at the Erwjueotta«e 8aturday night alter a short ilnese Tbh- huril tQok place in Chicago Monday. W. Champey came out [rom Chicago in bis auto Moday. On ing to the deep mnd he had to put up at Round Lake for a w hile. Tho@. Graham was a Waukegan visi- for reeetly. Otto Mowry, o! Chicagoeîmitent te lagt o! tbe week at Gifford Whtes. Mr. and Mre. Frank Bill. of Chicago, epent one day afthte laite. J. R. Graham won out lu the Chiago mhoot Suuday. Wm. I)etziel, o! Chicago, speut Sunday ut Guy Hookep. A. C. Lamîb, of Chicago, spent a few daya thîs week at the Lambcttage re- turniag t,, the tity Tnesday. FOX LAKE. Ed Suvder was a Round Lake caller Tuesday. Gene Galiger who bai been helping bis brother, Simuon, ut Haineeville, bas returuted to hie home. Fred tialiger ùe sjiending monte tinte lu M anballto wn, 1lo ma. The Fox L.ake tenietery eociety will meet witdî Mî-. Jamies Wilson, o! Atloih Thureday afterîîoou, May 7. Vieîtore welcome. WiII thoe., wlîîh, e chances ou the quilt pleaee lîrîng în thîir numberd. LOON LAKE Muse Grace Hluteliîng, of Atiocb, spent Sunday with frîeuds iu this vlrlnity. Misese Tessie and trene Cunningham vlited Saturday anj Snnday lu Chicago and Waukegau. Mm. Ettinger anîd daugbters, rot Chicago, are @peîîîing a few daye wltb Mr. and M r . artîîî. A danghter tamle t gladdeu tlhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mito, April 22. Mmr. C. L. VauPatten vlsited Tneeday ln Waukegau. The Muses lyan o! Chicago are amnding a fsw weeks witlî Mr. anâ Mr&. Ed Cunningham and Rob. Meçaisa @pont Sunday lu Waukegan. ANTIOCFL Wm. Zeizer attender! to tihe waut4 o! railroad pailengers at thé Wisconsin ceu"I ept Sunday la the abas o! Mir. Kauhaupt. Sevrnai o! the Odd Fsllowii went to Wlmoi Moadày igbt and did degree work for that lodge. All report a fins 1time althongh the roado were very bad and the ulgbr dark. Mm. Sarah Gara ood, of Chaunel Lake, waa burier! lat Friday. A thuee year old son of Mr. aud Mrs. Gns Treigar, o! Ch iwago, w as buried bere Mouday. Mmr. luez Anîts is vory sick witlî the jaundice. Lihertyville ov, lias a loiîrimbing Udf Fellow lodge. Wlîy uit irganîns a Rt- bekab lodge tw niake it complote.' Several Antioclihîpiehave heeu sick witb la grippe the past weck. John F.ngmau wvill move into the Ui,. building tdus week wlhili wîil lie one of the toast heostoe iîîthecouuty. ThE plate glas@ display windoi l ideal. Wbo Baye Autiochlm ledea' Heury Waebburn, o! Waukeguu. was au Atiocb vietor Fnlday Meais end Lunches Served et ail heurs QYSTERS IN ANY StYLE CIGARS and CANDIES LAUNDRY OFFICE Phone No. 19. MISS EMMA GERLACH,. Prop. Roussa'Itomber Y& CIIANGED, IIANDS . Lumber, Shingles, La Posts, Cernent and Goal Aiso MILLWORK GIVE ME A TRIAL F.S. HIE Al RUSSELL. ILL, FARMI3RS AND BRI3IDI3RSe,ý 0f KENOSIL& AND LAXE COUNTIES - TU1E CHANCE 0F AÀ M-TME TO BREEI) TO TUE BEST IIORSE EVER BROCUT ACROSS THE WATER Lym Hareld 9209 WEIGHT FROM 2100 TO 2300 ,PEDIGREE - ~Namer! Lymm Hareld 9M09(IOM0>, Foaled11902. Brer!by JamesGould,. Mo4*.i Farm, Lymm Warrngbon, Englani. lut. porter! hy Rohi Bnrgeq, Weunis, M1Nl. A.unt, 1907. Coter, hay, marks lib4ai'l' ansd near fore leg white. Sire, CànvWqb Harold No. ý15ii58) Dam, Lym No. (29313). Ba@ bien accepedWMΫWrýr try tuVol. 6 of theAmerlcanSelne nj Stud Book, this ninth day oet À 4I nadir the ruleo! the anoctli#a-isi- 9209. J. G. Lumnd, Pueideo;Oiée 1lamio confident of dl that il eauy tanner cea service for onsnaoe 7.charge. ____ Wili stand this horse in any nelghborhood where I1gy guaranteed 15 mares or more. State Line Charles PE I R E Srsdby Charles H. 2.l9lý, ho waas srd by Old ChreaMra esadi dam WaMEq n 1892, at Sbsuaudoah, Iowa, lu 1893, at Muryville, Maitland and Tarkio, Missouri, aud Auburn, Nebraska ilage as H wai aise a good second to Brazil at Silver City, Iowa, lu 1894. Said to bave a ringing record o! 2:12yi. Fini dam of State Lins Charles Jr, wai Lectionnere Jr. '2:23tý. (trial 2:14) and he was raleed at old Stand!ontes Stock Parm, Ûallos.i«' Second dauî, Fauny Fernanad she was siner! by Boylest, and lil!'s dam was oue time Wiiconuluk'e greatest hrood mai*e. Oh. bas Pix colts, five lu a lust and the sixitolts at a record o! 2:42. The tbird dam, Old Hambletonlan Prince. Fourth dam# Old Creeper, ail recorder! horees. Fifthl dam, ()Id Belifonînder. Ti8i le one o! the boat bred yonug stalloni living, yen couM puy $100 service Iseo and get ne botter oui. Hie colts are fiue, trme and ses them, I preffiet tbey sill show great spéees Ferms 15.00 t10 luerscoht 10 stand sud suck. Cari wilI ho laken 10o vevent accidents, bu! wilI *et bu Ters:responsible ahou!d eny occur. A lien wiul be taken ou colts for service of horse. OwnerB 'U seili be heir! for service. Mares muet be neturued rogularly. Also sefling the Krauie Pivot Axie Cultivatons tht so many yem have given ttnîverWal .uo&PWM in northern Illinois andi sotutherin WWsoin-once used Would fot have anY othet. Fred W. Castr4n STATE F4Rm GURNEE__ P. Il. ,mith transacted business in Chicago, eneeday. lirm. Wrn. Beahe and baby daugbter, o! Chicago, visitsd t Clittenden's Wednes- d ay. Misi Grace Hll. of Harvard, epent a !ew days o! the pas week witb frieuds hoeu. Arthur Barnes and mothen, from Wgecoueiu and lin. Jackman !rom McHenry, Co., were guete at the Dillsy home Suuda.y. Tht Gurnet Ladies' Aid Society will meet at tIhe home o! Mne Williams, Thnriday, May 7. INGLESIDE Ingleside Camp. 3989 meets everv tiret and third Tueeday o! saeh montb. e îeiting Nig o@*M 'hbon ad members are trdially iavited to attend. 0. HOWARDn, Council. H. HENRM-8ic~, Clerk. , ROUND LAKE, ILL. JESSE S. HYATT CIVIL ENGINEER AN.1 SURVYIOR AdjudicaflonNtIc. GrayjsIake - Baker4 Restaura«o