'AXE COUNTY INDEPIENDENT hý oti Entered et the Puetoffice at P.bertyvil25, Ii., s Second CiasM atter &mo06 goum 001150 WEEKUY. SDVEHCTISISî. BTS MODEKNOWN ON APPUICÂTION ¶1 UBSORSPTION PRICE 81.50 PER VEAR sTrRICTLY IN AOVANCE 'Ud F*ANK H. JUST ............................................ ......................Eio i. M. IELLEY ... . -....................................................... City Editor FRIDAY, MAY' 1, 190',- Lake Couty TitIs & Trust Co. 4iýbtvct» ut Titie. Titles Guaratiteed Ulsonle Temple Bldg. Wauksgsn, 111. tours J. GURrasEt . . ,XW. H. Murp hy and vile ta Bail 10>oieaa, lots 31. 32 and 33, block 43. ll*skbou Park. W. D., $340- eIauela Beesanad viete luAugust 1Ige acre slrIp thvôugh vest bait '8Ss. 1. Ela Tp. W. D.. $23. <Irtopher Kruckeuberg sud aile te Augoat Knlgge, part uortheast qr. ot northeast qr Sec. 4. Ela TI) W. D,.$P5. <Ihicao Title & Trust Ca. b Cyn- *thla Oongdon, lots 7 aad 8, resub. part -bWuk 72, Highland Park. Deed, 742A14 Benat Graber to W. C. Fetiteler. 7 tures lu S. E. qr. Sec. S. Ela Tp. W. Wm. iutme et aI. 10 Henry Blume. 14façres lnSecs-. 15andlM Ela Tp. n Esc. ", Fremunt Tp. W. D. e.A- Hayward lu J. MSchuette. " 4ase 7, block 13,. McKay's add. Wgufregau. W.D-. 832"0. Ir. IL Collinsa nd vle ta Susan H. ytmbi, lots 14 and 1, Beusletasnb. uI Bgle Peoit W. E., $1. XMet Wrema and wffe ta Trustees dg Bebois. town8hlp iiaerelsl lots 17 mi 8M arok 3.Wrmuns adti ta 3<lgh * F aitW .,_$5.000. A. 7IrfBurke te John SileCY.lot , C .4I"- & Bezke's add. AnIiociL te" c~ommet Telephouns C..certil- miq. twoemm ofut cpital stock tram mm Xhrmana ta J. M. & J. E. I ei. at tlrd uf cmxl hall ut »ot 1u.1kt 1. lblock 25, Origina *W uwa. W. D_.$1.9000 'XCÎ. IL Beak snd hua- ta T. P. _N W. Y,. S. E. kv. Sec. ItWU. a Tp W. D_ =$2.0 IL W. Hawkins tw Bayard Taylor. bt = ,Ravini,-. W _13, $20. A. ILW. Hawkins in E. D. Kelly. lot imeti Ceusa an sife ta Aie C. %«rM par t t7, bluetk20 lHighland Fr4W. W. ED. $3S0. M AK Stftîe and wife to Geaman twangen"cl Lutheran tumanuel con- gregtion, Iota 5 and S. block L Powell & Amo's atid. Wankegan- W .. $2.000 Was. Tupper tau3Mary A. Davis- 120 i. ou MAspley ave..U-bertyville. W. D n Memoriam. To Tit rotTOltot -rHE IlstPENDENvr 1 aui pleamed that you acked me to writ» for your paper somîetlîîng of the fle of Sirm Helen Peuimaui who died ai ber residPnuce in Ltbrtyvile Faster mora- iag. Herlathpr oas loy aîîther's brother. They wera born iu the sames village. Autwerp. Jefferson couety, N. Y. Bbc was one of the persona I firfft remember otkuowing iutlmatelyoutaideof My owtîi famnily and during the pat four ffaro 8lace abs vas rendered physicaly belpi-es by a etroke of pgoxalyas 1 have visted ber uesrly every day froni Marchutil the end tof DecePmber. She waa îîtr senior bî thce yeasaand un, of my hret nurse-.. anîd mnvtimet, bere in 1-lîertyville lbae she poultieed sud bandaged sud dotsed mcm inber houes uben 1sas inury-d or ill. Duriug ber gîlln.d iewae the tamîtus beauty ni .tutoerpsund bad a -ounty repltation aven lanrroye aýre ln vogue lu those daYc itandum. traveliug artslet o ur village wau onue. Hersyinpathb* yfor tok aud uufortuia.le animiaL-. snd pdle ashebrsteîe durnug ber whole hîle lery uaauv oftheb oldfft inhabitants in -àn eqi aud Lb- ertyville have expeeedber efforts lu tbeir behait. Shie-aralilthe poor sud unfortunateansd peculiar people lu hoth villages and nmuîîltered unua dheni. lu ber twenty-third Tsar nIas îuarried Lewis Peenimau la ber fatiera houes lu Ântwerp and came 10 live with hlm lu the <ad boupesou the msme lot wltb the new on in vhihabe died. lu hlm abs founi iii. eet b blaud 1 bave suer kuova annte oastbe tieIet men 1 bave met intiuaately l il Uony f1leand ohe vse a full match for hlm. Be always wvas nul oely kinti andi <cotle andilovlng ta bar, but bad &ail orte o these werst complinDteý ready tu betov. (Oie of tiseun usaandi I bave beard it anmuilimes: 'i.3âasrley, 1 bave ths het littie vifs lu ti worit." Isaw andi helpeti er cae loi hinbrougla thoee ymarol malaant dishenias 0un as I bave seen their noble damffiter este for ber durîxag over four vesa of pa.rsl..vs. It uever vas doue bettsir on titis eurlia ian l botb tbe..e raeou It coulti foti e. 1 csme tuChi- cucuo vo piactice law in 1861, a total a"naget m thm parts aad need th ie Scoeolaio - andti omorte tbat a boune lof bloudinadtifriendabap rau bf ut st Itouad it ta m7n111in thabsboume of thie I rommanandi ber hésaaed- With thean 1 çpeut Myvac&tion and Sundtia softeu, ne ker liveti a couple moraebaone. lomMir. mtis. fathfullv ansd dutifully tissu [suis Peunian and B el"nStovell. Wha&t a mother Abe. matie for ber diras dauglaler. Patine. landernmé. work soicitutie ant i ngbt watthing are too tam. ta expoes t. The on. uho cavai to ber la ber last iluens païdth le debt for hereit andthdi othpr Ivo. B ow thse tuoter was hieemstnla ilachildtI' tbave prayetiý for him ottn stuce h. dkât, as te (iood Bo<ok commnande. and nov env wit l 11my beait,"Idy (oti have uarçc on tiair $OUI$.'* W. M. luan ant ifit luA-J. Me-~C Car..s MAn. ot 30. Ravînla. W. D.,.1 ce.ai<ag te thse Schwartz Theatre. P. P. Craudun snd site ta M. P. tiiLhartia & Pringles rlebratati baud éildeSnm. orlt 33 il. of Washburti of tieMnlrker wib ùoue ta Shwartz Bprlngn beween vest lîne Lincolu st. u Suuda", May 3. &Ma the oldeat t&M east ine Copmoweath aie. mingtrel tcaMPées lîtaiteoe, thi@ attIn 3ee, $1.tbeir diirtietli vear Mbete .publie. The oldeit andth ie best is the titis W. C. Parker to Stasan H. Parker. hestoweti upoe tbem hy an apprecistiva E. blai lot 5, block 1, Lyon & Hutch- publie andt h excefels l sow îlaey are lus,' soS. and E. 5 . lot 2. Cotes' )ftering tits seaaoa venl satains theot Add. Waulkezau. W. D. $400 da i thIe tie. Priera 1(0-O-50~4 B. L. Pugh e t aI. to 0. C. Pugh. lot Theùta- goers vilb aveau opportnnity 14, block 62, and lot 3, block 24, Zion of sassez on Tueaday. MaY 5, One ofte City. Deed, Il. greatest, i not th. eteel Anueriau AilesSweeney sud bus. ta Mary paseer -illen, 'hiLion and 1the HagertnôrtlOscreNOE qS E bî Chais. Kinl. Thse play i i IlUrty nôth 0 aresN. . q. B E.beproducest neter the tirertion of tjr. Sec. 28, Newport Tp. W- D,.$500. ori 3.B ruilé sud vllHn ail probe- B. S. Hammond anti site tu L J. blty provetise dramatue@As well as Pentecoal, S. M'. 10 acres S. W. qv N social event ol thé prmentue or. Tiae fueea tthe drma San u well kuao 21.or.Sec 22 Wacaua T. W O..to &Il clanuseof people tisroughoot the $575. country owlag to ita phenotussal ru» lu botb Chialoanti Nev York, tbat It THESE WILL WEO. i8naaeely uesav tota mas. urther WiliamChalesPaker 31; Br-statemnta relatve ta ttc userlte Ofte WlUlm Chrte Parter 26;Berplay. Mr. Klein bas tiiet sIdaié hitetie nis Marie Rellly. 25. the mouoy interesta of th.ecountry 04.11 Dean, 24; Rose Ader Par. against social problema vblhie canuot mer. 19. tait but U, appeal uxoat k,euîv ta ail Carl G. Schmidt, Mlwaukee 22, tbtattegoers. Gertrude B. Pletcher, 23. Chieagu lIcensce llerert Michel- To te tsi payera îof the lowe of *0*.. 34; Caheriner Dot,:, W aulegaît ir'vil n ý i hmi i 30. ,,.. . . . John D. Thomas. Z7. inï:t , : G, XliseI Maud riarton. 21 Bail Corbett, NMlwaukuýe., Car. r ie Ame8ste l, 10 Martin IHovka, '9; Nlartha Mlto eut,17. ilton S. Kraus. 24; Alite P. Mot- Idba J. Ko»Uy, Lake Furest, 42; Bmn . rdley, 32. 4asu.t B. Rankin, 21; Rosalîfe Seita ýbIàé@MeCanu, Mlwaukee, 22; ~JaMai Hdloa, Mlwaukee, 1.0; Caro- am-l owtpb,. Racine, 22; Julia Mba* Obnei.23; Margaret OlugelaNana U1, TCa iîtsiî.ro iKhîwa tif &&idi tosen of Liliertvvii.listbae ,dsst a raalUtior îIruvidinit that n01,tir ater tb ~rtday of Nla,, 190s0, -a ilitl-ofr lal.ir on tIre 11tgliWay .VMI asi tiWn wiltl e pari ai ltse rata. of forîy-tire <ruts art bour tir a mnuandt tam and tlusuty rente an litur fora man. That no bltis îlI ho, pati util a eworn blt haï beauiti ldwtblte lowu clark settiu forth te lime in hourg lu which ILa tabor bas beau performeti and the di.trict lu wblch the vork was doua. F. M.Sf. inA» E. L. Dovin Commflnerf of Hlgbwayo, Town of Lbertyville, Lake Co., fiI. Notice. There vill be a meeting ohflIte Commis. stouere ot Hlghvays of tIti township of Libertyvilleata the town clerk's ofg(efilu tbe villm eof Libetî ville for the purpo@s of lettlng contracte of gratilug aud gravslfr IMa iIl 14)08 St 8 O'Clok a. ta, ile eOmm'uieiousremerve the tilht tu reet any and ail bides. F.9. Suvuij E.L. Davia J-EL L'un-a ot Tuaunt dThde dia, 1Vý - -Y, - a Al sse , tb.e amoout nu5 =110vê.9 and 155 soureslc00h reeelvd. &ad bamniep5dad e.ro. or wblc xpouda.d, su seLf okh MentaWlOl. W. 3.D. Tfeasurer. Bubsorlbed an4 meurs tO b6e l" me.ibs slxth WevILof1jS1t. J ustIe out 85piaem. AMUnt ut public fodeon band Bt comISOSfl&Il t et1e flua commann"tbethe 5da. or ta ...... ...................... li iffil Tqwn..ne do,.. leu Reo'd Y480 . . bm. i OL»Ot stIIroadlax ........... m Rasipts ............... »M IU Ub5qovaS185 Id o ss rspa1 ...... 2696 b 1s 00 mm .........urael C0 m Aie 0Gravel Co. gravel... ta e0 J 0qe olby &El16 Obus. er labo 14 .ILada el a eip. . ,C0'u 1: r8.88<0 SoIIPII............4 ao Id "O. 5,srelthoer..........tI00 il e. 0,l là.....nW sJ. a. AVneéSsiKbo...Ju 4 red (koker read warrants., 00O i Emmoas-mrLumber (10 t@% ...........- 19305 6 Z& tem m. ....... 10 OS 4 El uThmq. r. . 5 =&= ...a.....sa.. 1200 26 160lb ca SO SeçI. î Haa»,»12 C çbLsolwd Wnt. t». C2 li m.L« ImW50.......... Col S am.B soude » " ..... 11 1X...... . a9u S - 2110 486 .12ae 00l883 SIud 20 rCAdha ita lber........su3 & 2' M. olr..t.........20 21 12 o06 - 13 N& Sab1t900 7600 is là lé n .......... 3 40 laI K~ 18 U ......... 4300 ........b8 t 18 .......... 2O0 18U.T~ia r. gayl 12 Co 18 lieU117 là li ~ ~ ~ ~ S a aLid80 T ....................9. I lo1 Mt a. URut Summy. r4j~.70LUWO1( ii mm il. maint MtsSUy. $ 1 LV ERWA RE Qulxeity Io wbat you ehould eta.nd out for whon buying 8ilverware or Silver Plate. Silver means silver bore and everything in l)lated ware je the, best of its kind. Wtt can show you a splen- did variety of eitber at Reason- able Prices. FINE WATCII REPAIRINO A. HUSS J EWELERP- IBERTYVILLE f 1 ras________________________ fi lo Go a w&W:Osu d boy aILT 1111 "Bacelar Und«ert" for SOc, forAT HI lband, unor b= mde nt wrfte twenty-ftv wro or s1t8 ç ytis e "BoeeborBtuffalo Gluteu, Graino Gluten, Daisy ulç mor"e ecnume Pn ue»inac ortai-othe Dairy Feed, Molasses Feed, Middlings, W"bt& PCnt"c àti l r&ake Shorts. Bran, Corn and ()atct, Ground tmm te théshItal andamail the resson.taus. Feed, Pture Oi Meal, Wheat Corn, Oats, 520000 Csh Piz1 Hay, Rye Straw, Ried Coînb Poultry To Ilion gig .iae asnsFeed, Sliel, (irits and Poultry Powder fo1Wnlri fo= cash alwayos inStoek. Un-rl&. a EMMO0NSasM ERC ER meof the many style in Wite Cat LUMBER COMPA~NY E. (At0 PHONES 47 and 1171. E.A. BISHOP, Mgr. Vnderweur »* "Mec EW. PARKtIURSTM. $5.OO SEWING MACHINES LIBERYVILL, SLL (jf ffored by Me l 014r Housses are ama", low son machines tu b. ron by bond. Fmi lia U «t. I'~i Av. kou. Mi.the use of any Amarican woman. tbey are nul vertia tbe money asketi. Thia Nu. zoa Bail Bearxng Bartieit la 4h. Sunt seovag -aehie ayon ever saur anti il dos oi ot ol any mure meney titan mauy cbeap ___________________________________________plie varnishati machines uoffi b sents. - ~The baad la ut a piaaaig ddeu uti i- AIVI TTA RI C E InUy incolors.The la GA BE TAPRNCE n an entirelg s u 58.6t0h ie ln. tlhe high.padsl arte hvhnickel lldae cuper. thoot drale.., s t broug.. Thanice nîvnabg tectich yWeihasitlycn areoumaveledsudplillnvtgv nwy. ,T ick psitive a bup, dise tenaion, cappeti needîa bar, Bfltoflitic tension releaie, tout moelon fond sud automatic hobbin vinder. The wood.ort la of à strikî newoasd- olm wltb roiled reasc dqns hlcb ousete ll libre s place of parlor tucalicre. The .ood la th& finesetquarter sswed o.k adtmiish la m ani mb. bd.ljuit lîke I. ued ona# Seiano. Ths drawers are couplolel, enclused and are leng andtI omer The stamd bas fuIl touI steel hall beastIcgs hicl maite It rua lite as wstch. St bat tan autoustsbbell replacer and cil uut rretshl. hcra FraeaNickel Plated StftlAttachusats Sfollws are furnishedwaIt eacb machine; ruier, tanker, bînder, braider. foot shirrS», side Plate, tour ushIortsd temmners. quilter,.tutbomer-cd toIler Noadias acrew drivercil cao. bobhiats. etc., art inelud4 Dont hoyamat i ouctil Tou tsestitis No, moa htlet-,ou wsluS sanmner ad seltheaui 0S 1. LUCE & CO. Furniture, Undertaking, tlarness li, sain1h hie b. eatleIertipGmlohb"aPAINTSAND> OIL Uàaie-01. Ilu uaiýrrat ' 0emou t iaasLIBERTYVILL!, ILLINOIS éde eteva. *6t ac 011 ut 0 m utili. MOA wrt.J. W. Uwanabr"iug!u, beriyvlti. S..TWIL1ORTIP Inayst on a good piana and ion re&- weak vomea sbOUld zead Mr '"Book C. T. llUiDêW» JlO»M. A117y7-.089R ast" Ise the pleasura libers le il ansielc No. 4 Pur W0Ul0»." l wa8 lritten A*log xtànrNpianos Bsm a ur sr l' Mt- ok. ""u WP te are the reauli-ut a tIte- expeniî ez ouie IIoaranu.w9l Mb .**-ot ime tudy of piano makin. Tisey Thé Book No. 4 toila 0f Dr. Seuoopa ,àare huReta Saaasz b flM ost0. 5Nlght Cure andCf just bow. t4" 0 n au thé b1ouame ta s pIohIS* I amé*&h é~sS~ pU84II b am sek -p as- ~- - as - '. IThe TRY BEST OUR T!A 25C FOR corree THE! Il LIEASI \ %rt/ WILL MONEY sAîîsrv BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE, per cake. ........20c N. Y. Full Creatu Clis@e, per lb. 20e Early dune peem,*pe c ............. l Fancy California Prunes. per lb. Oc olid pack Tomatoes, per zau ......12c Gla] Can Table Sirup..............410c Baked Reaus, per can ...........l... 0 Oriole Pau Cake Flour, 8l pkge .... 23c Pumpkia, large <an ................... toc Sbredded Cocoanut <ln ulkpr lb...20 Moularch Condeuaed Mdilk, per eaul...0eo Cake Pure Maple Sugar ... k1.p....... toc Yacht Club Asuî'd Soupe, per eauý.. îOc Oeeded Raloima, 2 pkga ............,..5e Perfection Lys, pur eau .............. 0 Cleaed Currants, IL pkg ............1 2e New OrSeans Molaom, per eau ....... e Mouarcb Mince Meat, 3 pkg. 28ezSc ood Table 8yrup, ppr au-...5......M Po.tumn Cereal, large pkg ...........23e 10 Bars A.urlca FamlIy Soap.... 484 Grape Nuta, 2 plîgs. fur .............. S 10 Bars FeW Naptha Soap ....... 4f Pettljobusm Breakfast Food, per pkg.I2e 10 Bars Mdaple City Soap ............49c Ralston'o Breakfast Food, per pkg.. 55e 10 Bars Sunuy Monday Soap .....45c Bulk Rtolle' (lats, per lb ............. Sc Perfection Bluelug per bottie. ....toc New Navy Beau,, 5 Ibo. for ..........eS Extra Strong Ammouta, per botle ... loc Fancy Head Rice, per pound...... 10c Best 010o" Starch (In bulk) per lb... Sc Sbelled Pop Coru, per lb ............... 7c Bon Ami, per cake ..................Pc Grauulated Yellow Corn Meal 1er 1b.. 3c, Sapollo, per raie ... ............... .... ac Sweet Corn, 3 cane for ............ ....25S ,dzc Clotheu Plin, for .. ............ . e String Boaus, 3 eau, for .. ..........2e.Zà W ambîng Soda, ewr lb .................. Ze E. F. ELLSWORTH- IIRTVVILLF ILL. i ~1 -t i I i I "1 )f