20C .toc sOc .t .90 .. <s le ... toc .cS ... 9c .. c ...se .....Z Beech - Nut Br, d Sliced Beef Half-pound Jars, 20C Pound Jars, 35C J. ELJ TRIGGS "Mon 1 LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDEBNT,,FBLDAY, MAY 1, 1908 VIAGE ELECTII Libetyvile LcalsSTANDS APF Mosrey Refunded on Water Metersaie an Ac Beetly westher we've been having. Born toulMr. sud Mmr. E. Hablewitz, Meeting oif the Vil Oh, piffle. Saturday, April 25th, a @on. Board. Mn'is ummer underwear, broken irtes Will Atkin@orr, o! Denver, Colo., at coat to close. E. W. PLKnacear. formerly a reident of Libertyville, was An adjonrned ineeting of Il the critica e apremailer could vieiting friands ber tiaew.ek. or s il itevl only run a newapaper what excellent Misa Florence Perry, ofEvaneou)nspent last Saturday eeeuing.A papera we would have.. Saturday and Snnday w ih Mise Eva bing preomut. Mfr. and Mmr. Chaa. Jewell, o!f(iebornDBos Several bills were mri anc Kan., are viiain with Colby relatives Miss ladysobCamberlin, of hcao finance committee. A petiti bore this week. @pent a few daya tis week %, tii E. L. signedl by the property owr, Geo. Luak, who in now loceted in Clhi- DuBois and tamily. -ark Avenue aaklng thai cago, @pent Sunday with i parents lMr. and Unr. F«. 0. Burlîown ' o! Shore lGa@ Company be grai bere. Chicago, are visting et the ,hîîinu!l Mr. sion to la;ya main and pipe~ TuePrebyeranLades Ad Scityand Mrs. J. C. Ransme. street. With soil. chan The Pe atheneri la i . L. TrSpciet onWayner oeano h.lî wording the right was grec wllme thhoeoM.S.L rp, h aledr oea fte uý The, village now havin Tiinreday afternoon, May 7th. P[N DENT presa room, in cii k witlî the. ney to grant rebt.. on.e . mumpse water meters it %va decided J. A. Schultz, agent for the. Greemng F W. Fuller, of Irving Parke peu t paid on the. tiret twent3 Nursery Co., made ue wrerular trip Sudaywitis hie parente, Mr. andl Mrs. boughit by water consumera through tuas locality t5 W ee W. J. Fuller. The amounite will vary accoý Bave you trl.d thoae olives at Elle- The. infant child o! Stanley Eetor ilesucie arnd malle of mter ir worth'a? lu Manou quart jars. Price 30 quite Ill and In charge of Mise Fcrdlay, a they wiil now become the. cents. Try them. train.d nurse trom Chicago. the. village. Money will uno The Lakeside Ceretery Association H3 M. Wheeler, of E'.auetori, tbe Oaufthe tiret twenty-fivs inet will meet wth Mmr. C. C. Bulkley on Fr1- Kimballlenuo man, was in che village but on the firet twenty-five day, Miay 8th, to quilt. Wedneday,. have been paid for hy tl lIeu. Fry returned Tueeday froru Col- We have about 85 suite o! boyso clot h tem.np in oar! twen orado Siprings where ha has been located ing. 2 and 3 plae aummer weight. Vill nioney accumuLatee lu the h fo te ao furmoth.cflose thora out st laeu than coat. for that purpose and wbil WiiDcewoin taking a course In .PRUS. bno ilt yteirtp WIJIDear, sth ortw'tr nv Edward White, o! Chicago, has reuted tulme la coming later, su doi sty, spent Sunday wlth f rieudalier.,tver-ti.Ed.' Lynch fartar twü miles nortliwegt heart ho troubled. of Libertyville, ami will take Poissesiion Tii. honorable buard ne lira. A. C. Murray apent sevenal daym imuiediately. iteel! into a committeon ti with friends in Sandwich, fil., the past Wnî. F. Lynch, o! Elgin, euîuty rleri tice purpose of canvsiirg, week. o! King îcîuiity and a Repuhlican candi- the village election iield1 Cairl Erickauon, of Chlicago, lias been i date for the. office of aeretary of! tate previoud. The pull boul the. village the pelât wùek, liavîng returued %vas viitîîîg frienda here Sunday. sheete of the clenki o! the. e to tii. Trîggs' ahoe ire for a short Go. F. Lynch attended ticheuîuii.ratci lipected and it wac liu icie. H.tate conivention et Springfield last w.lek rîjstake of! 10 hadl been' The. Iamhlere were tic have îlaveil tihe returnîng homîe Fnlday. Hi-hll a very tiir.afle verv candidate. Wak iza aroons last Sunlay alter -e cil iice, aties uni-ai-h ticket h noun but tbe gain, wag poéltponed on lr. E. H. Smith and Gl,. Wrighct atige n li,- recigot hift account o! he raîli. ceived twosaddlehorses!romiin etuî kv ialcanidiate reeeiving Mise lirai-i Cati-r bas been quit. si-k lest week. Othere about towfl are niriber of! voces was declai wth typiîoid lever tlie past week îonteniplatinoe 11k. purchases. prcîp.r fbrin and tinabl,- tu attend chool at the The. Ladiee& Aid Society (if the M. E. That there was a nil Northweâterci. uhurch will moet ai the homie of! rs. offeal ennuit o! tlhe l lien H. Miller atteuded the allumiuhan- Jas. [Davis, Tuasday, May f ui] Tuesday was nut discoverec i1et of tii. Kent College o! Law hield et attendane ns deaired. moruing afler thei. IDE? the Auditorium hotel lu Chicago lsz Koon Brother. r.ceivedi a car load cil been issued the evening beli Saturday evening. horse Saturday. Firet-celaseo gaitedl that wae tthe time it beca' acddie hornes and roadaters. J. S. known, and ut it hall been1 Misa Hazel Tri p land cousin, L-eslie (iridley bas purchaaed one o! tlîem. the tact was nut ment] Hutching8, o!fC0enview, vioited Mi@K their adClrec Re ichidareu, !r.airdMm.wJlstepndh.Johnson weremarried ngan Bernardino, together witii the total vut Ricard. o Priri Viw, astSunay.Cal., Saturdai, April 18, andt will nie was 297. It waa et once Leo Drury will open a barber @hop lu their home et Netor, Cal. Carde were figuring that there iiad epi the building adjoining lieu. Boehm pon r.ceived by friend.s and relatives ber. more votes counted thon w Sprague street. He la awaiting fituresi wher Mise Siniser ia well-knodwn. it %vasfigured ont tobeoabou and as soon as nhey arrive h. will be The uewly elected mambere of the rli) id .i tt craste a sens reay fr bsinss.village badwUll teir. their uath of discussion thet day. S( C. N. Durand received notice o! the allegianre to the. ilag, the. constitution holding another election, c death of lrs. Abert Durand W.dnesday. and the, village ordînances et tiie next have been eatinfied with inu She was the wife o! a brother reidîng in reguler meeting o! the huard ou Monday but weut.d no une leeu thar lioecow, . Y., and having viit.d here evenîng. to do tbe counting. It N frequently was known to many. There hias heen soine comment aroused that une or aven two ou The Iollowing are tii.ofrers o! theby tii. second r.ading of the. electric light edge lu the wtnning tici Lakeside Cemetery Association: Presi- mters tus rnonth. There le notiiing tounted ont on accotaut of, dent, Mmr. L. J. Locke; vioepresident, daugerous about it, only e ch'anige lu the. error and une et Leout o! P Mmr. E. Wll@;, ecr.tary, Mise Imogene ie of reeding the meters whic wilil date for trustee might ge Schauck, treaeurer, lire. F. P. t)ynond; hereatter lie read on the l7th of the ddu't turu ont as they thoi exoeutive cornmittae, Mmr. C. C. Bulkiey. mouth. It being diacovered that ft) Mmr. Arien and lira. P. Bocklemnan; eare The work utfnioviug thie drug stock o! in the hurry of e quicke taker o! ieuîeteny, Hermmn Meyers. Will Haclleyâ store hbas hegun and he mae the sainie error. TI will loeate lu Wauk.icaun o Maron over. t le settled. Requi( Do you want a piano or an orgen trpet a ew douîrs socth of Browning cheap' 'W. mut dispose of the pianosA 'venue.Tiie location is e good une aud Catholic Ordar of Fq and organe now in the Hues jewelry h. will undotibtedly haveeagood businoes O ndyatron aitiire. Mr. Huas is going into e room tii-re. JOnSepeundyartno 58, too ameltW eccommodate unr pianos JoehsCut o 50 and organe hence tii, nesfsity o! cloing Covered wîtlî a wash boilIer, two disiiof Foreeters wa8 orgeuized tierni out et oce. Cali andt look t.bem pans. sec eral cru plates and divers other mense Hall with about th over. We will tradea fine nprighiano articles the marsal tound aetorloru mnd i- A staiffo! officers W&s electe4 ereru uî) tor a drivîng horme. ALDEN v idual seekiiig refuge rom a chlly rMnb om em rmEg Bliui,;it& Co., Waukegan. Phone247. tbet was falliug a few nigbta ago. He gan and tiiwork was w 30-2 badl let unî order w ith tiie lark for an large gathering. Waukeg, henis . Gbbnsof icefilut wa aearly caîl but tih. narehal roueed hlm Park, Evertt and a amr vus i it bbre oen@,ofdey. H. ec wo eand sent huaicion i way. Ris armor along tiie uorth shoîre wt prospective opponente toislecandidacy paew.cuiueéoh nbs eap neted. to the tete egslature tus feu but that There are no%% abouut 90 borne@ stabled This court wes organutm h. wilbas suoessul ah aain the paet litthiemile track anid requent additions Fischier, o!fl~n who as ther. la .cery indication. Chas. Hayesare being iiade. A carloaderrived trorn ganirer has viited Liber ut Nunda, and Thos.Buso Belvi- Denver lest Setcirde.c morning, lth etines duriug tiie peet faý dere, are iuintioned, but as tuis county number o!nieruinclucrge. Three ofthese was also premeut aetht 1olld 2:ls hmore Democretic votes than were a'lded tf) Luîck Mc~Mahans big together w tii the Stte tih ociier iiiuritiee et tii, ast electior ifitstring and tlue balance are the prop.rty Ryau, o! Chicago, State i would indicati that bis chancsg tor the o! Mr. Bell andl une ofi another Denver oies Fischuer and other atal riinority representativre are very gond. mia". Tii. fllowing olicer. S. vat. cvileniner ad sr- Mitchelles Miiîary Baud will give their John Lyncii, chiat ranger Jee S yt, ii fne ndsr iret grand bail et the town hall ou berry, pat chie! ranger;1 veyon, will openunli office aetbis rmoi- Tirdyicnu iy7 lisceam gerald, vice-chie!fangr; deue hre.Tusle oretbug ew n ti.and cake oerved in the basemnent and the r.cordiug aecr.ry W.J. profeesionaillin.Iipon Libertyville and aiea committa. wilil h. pleased to serve ail scretary and Sylvester I e good indication o! ite prosperlcy. Ha wbo coin@ whethr thbey atteald thedence tirer. A number o! ut will senhave au office with Frank A. or flot The proceeds 0f tuas entertain- offices wer. aloo filledi. Windes at Wlnnetka. Mir. Hyatt has ment will go toward the porches. o! Tii. Lor.aters in a Cal] heen ciiet assistant engineer of tii. regulation kiieki uniformes. lire the inaurencle order and will Chicago & liilwaukee electriclor the. paet boys a bouat. unr largest and bedt lodg five yeais. He will make a speciaity o! aubdivision work and sunveying o! aIl J. Thomupson, !oruîîely mianager o! the. ganized with thlrtyr ra kinda. LbertyviUle Crystal Springs returnad atill remaîn abou tthirty1 Howed Bya.andMelida obnon rorn Wlnnepeg. Canada, thieak ser- bers ta ho inltlatad. Ti Hw rntdlu m@earnd aeti. p y ayJ.o.hRcnsonuemmadaire for sanorder o! thi wr nte n marThleut thyevPelng -cltmy a 'a larvgeR tockholderar b t insum time but it hadneý te iait redage, Tucompaenng nThreis to beachangein the to aesnocess!ui eginningui April 2~, iiy 1ev. J. Van de Erve. An meut f tiie Cryshal Springs soonurne su ad wIUl uiidoubtadli atmtwas made to ke.p the. wedding cii llpeavb eedtuohrspr. a ertbut lu some mannan it wasaendit'l p "laltyh easad to an-ierepp. T._R._______of noieed ahroad and on Sunday moning a G. w L. Mtunorthe ctphreh m en- 1ev ToRldingrose e o the. groom was quit. diffldently accep bang a poilrtuotectiown.er..ha hu holdi ntsees congratulations. Miss Johnson ilathe hemuiceaîndE. cdhurc he pettweek daughtar o! the nîadmaster ut the C. M. Ti.Amsicae an reebagsgven tlte & St. Paul road and che ycîuug cuple Union churcii lest Friday eveulng was C. a. Appley he ap lIca lll mak. igeir honle wîi hi-er parents unfortunate in ciii- natter o! attendence fune cne wntiene tein *for tii. preent. ounaccount of the. very diaagre.ble from klclng whiied tI weather but tiiose wiîobv. mo bra carped to * Libertyville w iii git tii, lasung lements were more dieu repafd for thelr kespa tii. anima froin ho dates for tiie Greatt Western Tnottiug trouble. Tii. voclist, Missedlyn e extracting operetlc Association in August froni the lOth il) Braren, o! Chiago, r.uilered soins very imler Inventions tntmn 0the l4tii. The leter tiii date tiie botter excellent selpctiones anîl chanmingly tus which shounî ch a W *it wili ho for Libertvville as it gives9 th@ responded tcu Reve-al Clu res wlth very the dairy fermer. *eeetern horsemen ime co eit cuit and pretty little balleds. MisMervalicCaig E . W. Procton, E. B.E western homses will have il chance toi hasea varied repertoire (,f reading8 wiiici Jigginis havi- iurchueu1 Wgit a look in if the areount cil tiie way. @he deliver.d lu a muet leaminig style aul feed business that lin O Lesit yean Geene picked a liiii's siiere of and wer. musc sauc.!ectorily r.ceived by tii. prolerty ccf 0. H. Si *tIc, plumeaned it lias bei-n tue sainie ini ber audience. Her ei-tioes were goond. takre possessio)i nniedic yeane previons. Eastern traînersu d lira. Flo;re E. Linrend actod as acco- are ail woll-kunowu lu 1 Shorsemen ha.va carried awav tii. bnlk o! paniist and the. wuol, 1rogram isias e eurrouudiu te ritory et thdeormoney. c Tii. scrcity uf entnies for mritorions one -and r.ally dmervlug nIn-et .eu ý r.o elmi *the July meet lav eccouuted for by cia a mncii botter etteudenci-. ervatlvely conîlucted aen very condition as the western men do t wasabgbn auto. One of the Snu t wat to corne to a meeting wherea as e ig bntey alplhd Stheywilli ireot claneed. For tha reevon tiesweit fiaOOndtATyhTdHEeNdEi * th Âugstdees.my behattr thn tu weary nil«a through the slippary slop o!0O1 T H tI J uly Ob andtes. a ote r tmanagmeth remenireins.Tbey wer. tired, footeor. CHICAGO, MILWi S 1 lieavnd tobe in cuninagenougi andi weaansd perbae a e Utile ont o! ST. PAUL RA enibvnotobeIme'a nUR re. M@Wbe? Baverai amall hosb entrifl. rowde abotirse machine wlth qit Théeâiabliahmsn and umaintenence o! tamWar en il foett' twsovyd wftb A, large nnap ahowlnu porment sud !rlendly business n-rnda' bmgasin htIbN apstenion o! ibis railwaj laton wtltlr ib ank, sanld ha a fi-_t 1seas gos. and takeer from any aide I Dsota, North Dakota, Meats, Canned Goeds Fani and Staple'Gro- ceris. fruits and Green Vegetables in, Season .. .. .. .. . LIBIERTY VILLE :::zzILLINOIS Telephone 30 Boys' Sifs AT A A big lot of 2 and 3 pne suit, Ahi a mmhlc em om 01 fh ., 'but miauctoeeraof chdrena - ~ ~ W Woha1pm vn TO ie ta$5.00, et .............. 3 0 We wish to cali the attention of Mothers to the fact that wtt have recently over- hauled our i hasif cuit d recul. made bel1 es ollms Ir mharted i lalirdai the iaIl less Boys' Clothing Boys' Caps Boys' Shoes WALL PAPER We bave jut received cou SpriuRg Litre of Wall Pipera man af fthe lItstan d moat beautilul paternirsme 10 ie fouin ml cir stock, A freahly ppered room wil go a long way towmrd makc' jflg your home pleasant, neat and bright. and now'la the imne la ix up when you start youri apring bouse cleaning. The assomlment la llrge and you will find sometbing ta, ut every taste snd every pise as w.eIL TheZ-prices range from 5c a-Roll AND UP Bordersaime price as the Sie Walls ln our simple books we can show, you an! elegant line of the morte epensive pipera that wiil coal you from 2 Sc 10 $2.00 Merrol. S111TH & DAVIS Libertyville, 111. Gents' Furnishings The newest and latest cdesigne 'In SHIRTS NECKWEAR MATS SIIOCS you ee- k. -Our o a lu@- W. The.y a s ut FINE FURNISHING8--Osrefui and fastidious dresaera will Ccnd in Our furishinge every dasrable quality thet gesa to usaka menas clothing bath beautiful and comfortable. Our stock embreas the noweat mand hast Ideas in the*limes, and if yota are iooklng.for hlgh- dlais goodsal5 reaseerable prie* you will find tissashore. EYERYTMIt4Q FOR -MEN J. B. 4IRSJ$ CO. Department. A îîew stock of Spring and Summer Caps, Shoes, Pants and Suits have been added. We are prepared to show only up-to-date goods of the most reliable make. Bring ln your boys and lot us fit them up. 1 e ý ý The Conservative Path April 26, St. Catholio Order MANY YE.ARS OF EXPERIENCE IN BANKING colf d lu the Wotei- irty membere. VINCE US THAT CONSERVATIVE METHODS ARX. udand inetalled ALWAYS BEST-BEST FOR OUR STOCKHOLDERS A", in and Wauke- itnessed by a BEST FOR OUR I)EPOSITORS. WITIOUT BEING TOQ: Kan, Highland 'IHIDEBOUNI)" IN OUR DEALINGS, WE ENDEAVOR uber c(J townd Foewell repre- TO FOLLOW THE CONSERVATIVE PATH. zd by Âdolph rvleor- Lake County National Banfk,. ýw montha sudLIEYVL, oe inolation U EIYR ERM I Chiet Ranger- Secretary Nich- kt@ officials. wý'r inâeed:DON'T fORGET CORLEiT & FREDERICKS