bié, ai~ May#"seaspeuffwng soiem - -- ---- II S V I IL IUne a~Ie1~ ae fIbo uleos onyo t, la the Circuit Court of Lake County. E. MAano, of GrayalakO, *SI & Circuit Court of Lakte COtSuty, 'Od(> (lenevieve Blodgett va. Jennie B. îarmaeloIn tcua lieaaaat eallerltu the village one day thio e 1em .D ~Cmig n . .Cmlg.Gn over OU te in amwe are lhavtng. ok e otA .10.CnmnsadW .Cmig.Gn John Emory la &bout (o erec laiar, Ifu Dollie Lux b&4 returned ta Wau- Frank tUllch vs. Julia Maether, new bans and lsa a number dg the kegan &fier @ponding a week be.. Frank J. Hillricis, Maria Anna &bial- No. 3661. nehorl M@.eipnghm, odr smbr on aceout of thse bail weather tise laiberger, Mary Busch, Josephs 1111- Public ntice le hereisy given that Amos and Iise Mar dance at Stanwoods Friday right was ricis, Magnus Iliricis. Annie Heath,. by virtue of ai. ord..r and deere en- flarty ided Mr@. Emory tup'*pe5afl a llire. Henrietta lieshel, Sophia Besel, Au tered ln tise aisove entitled cause is a bomrtiful dinner and supîer for lisan. il' u awrkn o .BaugutUiiiWiiatUiii.Mt Tisey report an enîoyssble ime, 2 %rakLie oknfrN.BongtUlihWlaxUIch Ke Mrs. Susan Tuciter spen . o» aut Pleaant Prairie. Guptail, Lucy C. Zîmmerman, Samuel said Circuit Court at tise March Terni. week visiting Art Beebe and gu (in . S trBitg and fansly, of Biighwood, Coutrymau. Sophia P. Merrili, Dora A. D. 1908, tisereot, thse uîîdersigned, friends and neighbors. Ber vWat wm ~at a dey lait week at tise home of Smith, Ida Countryman, Edwin Coun Mater iu Ciancery of aaid Court will, aornewhat marred b>' b.legl bitten bY' a Mn.~ Sttaitg., tryman. George Couitryman, William viciuâoisrme. W. iopeit vrillant provo RUSSELL. Countryman. Frank Cauntryman, on Tueaday tbe l9th day of Nay, A. saede-ie.nHll.a pendiug thse week in Cihi- Aeona Landwer, Stephen Keller, D. 1908, et tise haur of One urclock lu Mfr. and M". Ch".. liwire e e.Hllf ereQuentin, admiitrator ut tise cided toi give cagfamiriouslb il].aDr.CJohn erate of rank Ruppert, deceaaed, tise atteruoou of sald day at tise Front changed titir mmdi and "wll a6tili con-" T. C. KeIlilaserinl t.D.Jh Otto Schsmidt, admiitrator ofthtie Door ortlice Court Hause ln said C(ni tiune at tise oid place. Fiiser, le Ciicago, la attendiaz him at estate of Sophia Ruppert, deceased, lirs. Edfar Âmes hai bean quit., sick'M repoteho s lgitly 'mrv à and George Hrcher. ty of Lake, oeil at pub)lic vensdue for but je now on thse gain Mfr. Aines waa A great maiy 17ftise farimer» wereif lu I chaucery. No. 3847. cash linsbnd, to tise iigist and ist aigu Ver'~sa baving quitle an accident. Chicago Manday selilng thoir tit Satiafactory affidavit thet tise(te- iidder tise tollowing descrîheit land One of[%, s boieand 'Oid Nicit" bW- As& Coiris vioited relatives lu Chicago tendants Julia Meether. Front, . IWl' ansulr e atee atuated lu thei'ust camn rbeuad iran away ireaking liauday. ricis, Maria Auna Sciallaniserger, Jo- fLk bis n.ww eh Clpper." Cornas Brss. are building an additioni Repli Ulricis, Herete Beshel. ILucy utLk nd State ofI llnois, aîîd de- Tise farinera are iavlng al aort@ ai ta their house. C. Zimmerman, George Coontryman scriised as tollows: trouble wlth mUt deaers is Chica--- Misa Bara Browe etertaiued a relative and Frank Coontrymnai., re nsot resi Commencing at a pointton tisePast- Tise>'are eiiping quite a fewecnaaif rom GoInueeune day ilait week. dents ofthtie Siate outIlinis, o tihtise erty 110e ot Lot Fitty-toîtr ot Ilighs miit back ai s.ving soured and have'iOn ude adFotPgh aveu gone o0 fairs ta punch hales la tise Mr. Cise waa a Mélwaukoe vieior pracescati fot he served opoti tisetu wild s unrdaî Frye bottantofailmu cane. By tise loak, oi Mondas'. oreltiser ut them saîdtîtiat tise de- teet nortlîerîy tram tise soutiseast cor- titngatis deler aem t wat hiugo Tise Mount itegt Cenîtery Society' wiltendants. Samuel Cointrynsan. Dore thirngethwday. met wth ire.Len WiurMay ;ttS.miths, sud Ida Countrymati. canuot tter ut salit Lot itty-ftur;ttilenve Fh.raut ClakyierodAImere ted re Loralîsinted My b:3h.le oud andt tat itîtutidiligent ln- westerly taraîlel ta tise soutilie ut FakCakbas porc.haaed àfn ro i neetdaecrilyivtd quiry their places or residence ca"t Lot Filtt tour, sixty-six teed, tlseir mare. Tise Ladies' Aid Society will ineet with uotlise ascerlaîneui su that lrocessaot otesuhfn faltcu Art Beattel ha@purchasid a fine tonaifmi5 1. 0. Calisv TisurgdaY maring, MaN caut. is srved i pon thisîorltiser nri ats otsln taltrt grygedng.7th . A eordial inritationi tu everyisady uoft tiem isasng ieet i ledithtie office veyedl ly tise granturs serei, lu luisn DanelEaert, r. ad E Dvîu itrao. L .Banrfd in Mrl thtie Clerk ut sait Court, itotice la Carlsont; tisence easterlyrutiste eàst- are coutemplatlng ginginto tise poutry spet lait Wednesdas' witis. raJohn tiserefore iereby given to tieseaaid erly lîtte outnatid Lot Fltty-rour; 5heuree business on a large geaie. Sne tLllisr-Jolie Meetier, Frank J ' Hilîricis. Me- itel ln hesi atryl Bne tMlum-rie Auna Scisallaniserger. Joseph ist- uotierya gisaitatryhe Jas. Hagerty ceeirated hie iirtisit as' fsy Alcack la paorly. Pcs.Htriseta esel. ucy ç.zî7 utsali ot -isry-tse tore o oit.- day tt wek, og uiatiaiamermaît. Cerge Couîtrymnî, Fratsk eus, to tise place ut comniniu , i Man hapy etuusai isetia'.Couîirvnîai, Suasuel Cotntrynias, lug lu and a part ot Eserts' unit le Misa Ethyl Amen @pentltuerSudas' in Dora Smith antIl Ida Cotîttrymai.. de- fret*s Division ot Hlgiswooii it.Sec- 1 ielt Ragerty, Sr., waaklcked is tise Cigare and Laundry tendatse s atoresin itat tise above hti itt-ecu,TownasipîForti ihrî-,, le4 by bisafavorite aId borse,. Jiin. *H.- Tobacco office neîned t'usîîlaitiautt ii'ieitorie iied waa iieasaione lr cotse tîm ailensutil, l 1 u of iî,laint tis sait Court, ontRantge Twetve. Eaat af tise Thîrd l rîi waàlin-oneioo or oin tie fte bu(th iancerv site tisereut, andth achialiMeidIais. ln tise City uf For, Ji botter iiow. lsminions thereupîsisl ssiei t of u salit Sheridan înow called the Cit, us Mfr. ani lira. Johnu Lais.->, ai ortlis ILARFENCIE rLAGG Cutaant ieauenanseilde- Chicago, epetfludayatJamepa Lsysm. fendanîts, retitrtsahi' utttise irs av decilgiswood). )dises ElalOTevine je vioitng lier cousiu, outhtie terni uttlise Circuit Court ut Datet Atîril l5tis, A.. 1908.îî Ethel Lewin, at Taylor GIrave. TONSORIAL Lake Cou)intv. tu lie ield et tise Court 29-4 ELAM L. CLARKE, Mfr. and Mira. Jolhn Shea are esî.rtaiu - PHasse lu W*aukegan lu salid Lake - ici; tieir dangister. Leisa. from tise weer P AR L OR County ons tise Fîrst Motîday ot Octo- Wm. ell id aîni>', i csîrao, ae ber,.AA D. 1908ll. as le isy lew rssquleit. DR, E F. SMITH. Wi.Bel« fmleuticgar n whlch sit le stili penilng. DENTI.BT. @pouding afeow deyseat W m. WaddellR. Orders Taken for Razors LEWiE 0O BROCKWtsY ,Clrk. oves LAIUCOUXTNATIONAL BANI. lira. Sarahs Mrrie "ildadugister, Mabel Ma ae and Put ln Order Waulsegat, Illinois, April 27tis, A. t). are vlitiug tii. home faîke PodMag sG . 1 azietui-llta 12 a. m. and 1 ta 5 p. mt. Ward Bain, ai Racine, w"as a ialler n BEN Hf. MILLER. DAILY. tise iurg Tueatay. Complainatt s Solicitor> Lbertyvll.e, Illirois Timely Readymto-Wear Offers Saurday is thie day when tlie Sections will be filled wî*th busy buyers because of thie splendid savings <lits ad. offers. White Dresses Childiens wiite drease, ages ý5 (o 14 yeais, madie in a varlet>' ai ver>' beastiful mtyles o! white Iawis, elab- orately trimmed wltis lace embrodery 98 splendid value for ........ 8 SIferd,, 8.200 A sample lUne of wo- meuns iew oxfords int- ty10 odela, ln patent Dnlanad alao tan leatisera, ln this jIt ai-e ntrly &Il izea, ordissar- Ili thein scl for 83.00, bt stises'ai-e a sample lot and were purcisased fai- below i-al value, we ai-e euabled ta ia piie them at 20 MkIS $298 At $2,98 ste offer a very destrable collection cf ladies di-e skirta made oiblack, bitte and brown panama, and alea faucy atiped novelts' atitingag, are pleted and timtned wth lds, ehoce cf lot---------... .98> The Globe Departmei store Mercerlzed Petticoats Made of black misier bloom taffeta, out full, floiuce trimmed witisrufflea,98 a spleudi4 value, epecial at ..98 hrjaIkn ascuient Our bai-gain basement ia tise economy center for a huudred and aone eful things for kitchen use, It alsa caries atiser hues of mercisaudise whicis eau be boagistfor uucisles. mane>' tisais atiers ask. Suha *$12.50 Bere la what we bave a perfect rlgist ta claim as heing tise greatest Fuit value iu tise city They are made oft pauaina, sergp. also uovelties lu tise Butterfly, Prince Chap, and Sand 3 isutton euS-away styles. Tses' canisot be matelieit auy wbei-e at the pri ce ......12050 Suit, $1475 Very îtobby suits mate af black chiffon taffeta b11k, jacket eut in thse hulair effect. skirts are pleated, qoalits la ex- Cepttonalls'wea.rIul, aisd a higis lusterous fiis, are wortis mure than we ask i . .. 1 4 .7 5 Heaherblom Petticoats These fine higisîs'finhed petticoata we offer st a big aavisg, they're made fult, have a siirred flosucoe, corne in- bakadcotars, speclal at-...1.98 Hot Stove-CS1l.KXitchen' How do you expect to en- dure the broiling days of summet if you prepare al the food over a plowing coal fire ? You need a 'New Perfec- tion " Oit Stove that will do the cooking wthout cook- ing the cook. It concen-ý trates plenty of heat underi the pot and diffuses littie or noise through the rooam. Tiseref or., when workingý witi tihe Wick MleFHaine 011 Cook-Stove the kitchen actually seems as comfortable as you could wish it toisbe This, in itseUf is wonderful, but, more than hat, he "New' Perfection" Oil Stovc does perfectly every- thing that any stove can do. It is an ideal ait-ound cook-srove. Made in three sizes, and f uiiy warranted. If flot with your dealer, write our nearest agency. Ti ffi $ Lamp Independent Want Column, SCH-WA THIEATRE, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS -C- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MENRY B. IIARRI.', P-rnent. the Oreateet &«- , cens cf the Century THE AND TUE MOUSE Sanie ca-s and praduction enjoyeti la e rt.ssnearkabe odrama FORt OVEIL TWt) YEARS. Iluman Interest Is Intense PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c, $100 and $150 Boxes, $150 Seale casi be reserved by phone. Jewels Drug Store. Phone 32. OSur WANT ADS. are paying otbrm. Are tisey paylng TOUT F. -0. Seidol. & Ca. The lthlors Spê8cial 'Suit Sale for Suits that are easfly worth $20 and $22-50 Coming at this seasois af the year, whenthc Spriisg Suits are mn greatest edema'sd, makes it a sale af un- usual rnterest. W}sy can we do this? Be- cause the marsufactur- ers had ta have the cash. New browns, greys, blues and blacks in thii $17.50 price oJeuin. . wC. sMOI& cmm Jv«si,, - s E à# Children's Wash DÉesses Childrem's Dhesso made of fauoy gînghama and iawue, aud A ~plain colored chambray usInjump- er,sailor and otherfevorileatyiles, spleisdidly tailored and attract- special values at t. 48 and 98C Dresses in agee 2 ta 6 yeax, made very taatily in tise Frenchs style, with pleated askirt of gond quality gigisan d chamhray, niceiy timmed, higis or low tieck, lafa'sDresses, agea 1 ta 4 years, daiutaly made of uainsook musij, yoke of lace iuaerting and tucke, finished witis a wide lace edged rufle, 39 Dainty ShitWi's WKlsta daintily made of a fine sheer India linons, two attractive styles, bath have embroidered fronte, and une in aIBO trimned jvith pretts' lace. Tisey are actually wortis Si 00, apeclal at- urday affer, at . .. 9 WMen'S Walsts at $198 W. hsave a beautiful selectlon ai woweism waiste, snoe made of white Iisdia linon, with embroid- ered, tucleed and lace trmme4 ironts, others of faney etripefi madra., mercenized poplin, and suao China silk, lu white andr- colora, great vallises 1 ai ............... .9 Weme's StyIish Suits at $7.98. These garmeiste are made in tise Prince Cbap, Jumpen, and Veste. styles, ut a remaritabîs' goad grade of panama and voiles, lu black andt oolors.awd also fsucy noveits' sultinga, mans' of tlsem are sanîplea, heuce this low price, special at.......................... ...... 7.98 Sale of Street Rlats at $2.95 A big ooliection of woîîîen'e treet bsate, medium sapee, in tise uew tusrban sfect. Tisa are madIe up of sdîfferent colored straw and trtmmed ta a variety of styles wîth wiugs S aud ribboss. Ver" specîai % Saturday offer, a - 2.9 ,' Children's Hats We have a bigshowing af chisdreu's bat@in a&l tise difeérent uew ehapes, tisey are trimmed very prettily witis oisage aud ribbon, Rilder lAd Play Saits For boys and girls, ages 1tot 7, made af blue cotton cheviot, trinsseit with red braid, specials' prloed 9 ath .. ....... .. ... .. .. .....4 9 Waists