E~ALKE C OIJUNTY INDEPENDENT.11 and ýWAýUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVL. NO8. £IBERTYVILLE, LÂXE COUINTY, ILLINOIS, F1IIDAY, MAY b, 1908-28 Pagesl $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. JURY CAMtS ltLD TO TIIE NEXT TERM Weimr* Case end a Few Othors WiliI Bonofit b>' th. Continuance ho the October Terni. Olmeeven'ofet he tact thal accordlng te the records, the Lake ceunt>' board of supervisers as anot mad.eout a jury Ilis $Ince Soptember, 1906, and thal ail juriez ince then have been drawn1 from lths same llst cauo.d the contin- u3nc ocf Il jury cases 10 the next( term ln the circuit court Monda>'. 1 The malter came p ln the Welmera-k Johinson areen came trom theliade oft thes ittorneys fer the defonse and the affecta cf fth* menoatel move whlch wl. l1ke the effect et a bonib are seent n ttee tact that Iter toda>' Judge' Wright on the beich tsiographed Judge DOrincl> relative to adjournlng th* court as there will be no newt -oni-a cf Jurymen untul Seplember,1 when supervisors wlll make a new liaI i ture fer the Ocleber term et court. How Hanna Explains Il. Speaking lu expîsuatien of the inci Sdent, vblch la tbe fIrgt oetIhe kInd te Occur. States Attorney' Hanna stated Mnday afiernoon: "Iti us smphY a case lu vbich il ap- peslrs thal the board et supervisora did net select 100 Jorymen for Ibis i teamasd bave net aeiected them forJ au>' tarM. The regularit>' et the jury1 la sttacked.8 "As a resuit et ibis Incident. the va- ldit>' ut vblcb seema unqUestleued. ahi jury cases yul be coutinued util8 the nazI tarma auternaticall>'. the Wei- mars case among othans, sud thare la1 ne particular advanage gaiued wihc tha exception of dela>' as far a Wel- mar la coucerned.", Johinson Demande a Trial. t Jobnson ma>' bave an advantage lu a certain vaY- sne b as demsuded su Immediate trial sud ma>' he able te gel Mennse under the four months Bd ou ac babeas corpus Proceedlng If ha duesq net gel the baariug. The tour montha act prevîdes Ibat ne man rnsY ha kept lu Jaîl fer more than four monîba witaoisl a bearing of bis cause. SWalmeri la net anxieus for an lm- melaie trial. ato Throwm Up Hands. n The venire lias been released audy mamberi bhave beeu sent te Ibeirà homes, the Point efthIe lavyers ferf the deteause beiug admittedh>' velin takan, sud this la boy tbe malter0 stands. The board et supervisera maktes upt ils jury it lu September o! eaeb year and t la aledirregularitlnlucon-c neation wth tbis liat caused the fle. for vb i tle selaidne parlicularoe.t- ficer cau ha blamed.t Lent Listi n 1M0.t Accrdlug te Deputy CeunI>' Cierkf Heuldee, the lest jury list vas made out b>' the supervIsera lu Septembert 1906, vblch seems t eastablia the va- i lidit>' et the detanae.d Like a bomb ahoîl hurled intos peaceful camp vus the challenge Of the petit jury janel flied Ioda>' b> at- torneys fer William F. Weimar@ andt William Johanson, hld on an arson charge, at the oening et the circuit court Ioda>'. Taklng the grouud that the lav re- gandlng the seectien oethle jurymen Ib tis tarm hsd been vlolatad Iech- M*àWcaly sud thal the terra itseIt la [1questionable, Attorney's Cooke, Popet *& Pope, Grever sud E. V. Orvia r sprug a coup Ibaltu ade the beada uft lavyari vhlrl.E If the panel in decared rregulart thero can ho ne ther before Septem- . ber, when the supervlmora regularl>' se- lect ons, and cases muat lie over untilt the October berasaof court for a jury.a If Welmers and Johnson demnand anc imnmediats hearlng, aus the>' have a righl, thore le no jury le try thsm. Cases befere lrled are not affectedt as ne protest wam flied b>' attorneysi cennected wth them and their pro-o ceedingi willlstand. Hc'N Jurlos are Selecied. Jonces are seeclad b>' aseb super- visor turoiug test par cent efthIe vote lu bis tevu from vhlcb supervisera as a vhele comupile a jury list vhich la puat ou the books b>' the ceunt>' clerk, the circuit clerk vitb blindtolded eyes r later draving the veire b>' lot ont et a box onue b> eue.. How Mater Came Up. jTelve Lake coucul> reideuts stood ,,,.sTfore the circuit court bar. praying Judge Robert W. Wrighlte excuse thera front serviug onu tbe peclal ierm jury vbich opened sI 2 o'cleck 1 ý toda>'. The jodga turned te State's Atler. ney Hanna sud lnquired juil vhat1 eue caawene up ton trial. Mr. Menus r..g È"ponded JjpSedatel>', exPia[nlns talaI the arien case paudlug against Wei- mers sud Johuson was bookedfo 1r the firet caîl. Judge Wright then called upon the defendats attorneys te affirm as te wbether tbey were ready for trial. At- torney' J, D. Pope respouded that lie dld uot kuow whetber they were ready et that time or net. Judgs Develope sensation. Feariug that tbe atterneys were plauuing soeay 'te pick up semee questien as te the legalit>' et bis ex- cuslug the veniremen whu stood be- fore the bar, the judge turned aud stated that be would be able te ex- cuse but tour, but that ha would net excuse anyeue at that IlIme. Attorney Frauk IR. Grever et Evans- ton, wbe bas jolned the terce ef Wel- mers' attorneys, jumped te bis feet sud auuounced Ibat he wouid chal- lenge the array. Those Wsho were aItý tlug lu the court reom jumped te thelr feet. Tbey were thunderstruck. as uelblng et ibis kind bais ever happen- ed lu the court before. The challenge was based onu the legal1 ty fthe calllug oethte sîeclal term te try tbe two deteudants. Say@ Statuts Was Violated. l Attorney Grover auuouuced that the statute witb refeuce te the drawlug et the speclal jury bad net been cein- plled wlth. Taklng the stand that tbe Jury as called b>' Circuit Clerk Breck- way wus net legal sud could net held an>' detendant lu the case If found guilly. accordlng te Ibeir opinion et tbe lsw. This pint wss ralsed b>' the attorneys represeutlng Wm. F. Wei- mers, held under a cousplracy charge, wbu logether with Wm. Jobnson vas cbarged with havlug fired a building slttiated at Lake Bluff. Thé point raised bas deslings wth tbe autborIty et the beard et supervis- ors. Did they uraw the lst of jurersa s- curdlug lu law sud ai the time spe- cilled by tbe statule? This ta the mnatp question eue whlch the iegallty wl be based sud declded upon b>' Judge Wright 51 once. Developmenta ln the circuit court proceedlngs are: I-William Johinson demande an lm- medlate trial and as there la no jury wlth which to gîve hlm ont may have a hab«s corpus procsedung begun in four months and go fres. Weimsrs la net anxlous for a trial and fought it off. 2-Court adjourned Monday until the lelli. 3-Olacovery is made that no spe- clal termlias besn held since 1902 and that procoednge for this special terni were like the. former one* Iders- tically, and ai that lime cases went through. 4-The method of selecting the jury for the apeclal tsrm did not vary trom that of twsnty years l s said and it la alleged that lines have nover been drawn a&s closel>' as in flaklng and accsptlng the challenge of yests>day. Circuit court vas adjeurned ?&on- day by Judge Roýbert W. Wright, un- tiI Monday atterucon at 1: 30, May 18, yuil prenide. Jadge Wright left at noon tor bis home lu Belvidere. Orvit Entera Judgmsftt. Tuesday afttruoou Justice Orvia enterad jndgmeut en a note eftwten- ty yeara' standing. The note enigin- ahi>' ameunted te 'but $50, but durlng the tvent>' yaars tbe Intereat collect- ed on the note sud the note eriginally teday ameunts te, somewbere lu tha neighberheod of $150. Chas, C. Hartwig et Chicago boida tbu note againt onue Fred Mierboot aIse et Chicago. The centeat arese ever a differeuce as te whetber the note shouid draw cempeund lutereet. Atorneys lu general practiciug at the Lake ccuuty bar are efthte opin- loni that the challenge et the array as taken Monda>' by Attornuey J. D. Pope sud others wiii practlcally f ree Williaau Johnson fromnt urther custody wben the expratien et tour months datiug frem yesterday la at baud. Johnsou, tbreugh bis attoruey, Geo. Field, demanded au Immediate trial at the cenclusion efthte March term ot court, the resoît being the calling et a special term vhich feil througi, IESTATE O!F SILENT lhrougb Ibe- fault et ne eue, yaslarday SAT IIE aflerneon when Judge Wright dis- S II IIE missed the speclal jury. Possibl>' the lamI chapler of Interest Ateorne>' Field yull raquest a 'eit to Lake ceunI>' ha been wrtten in the ut habeas corpus at the expiration et biator>' of the late James Henry ,(SI. tour meuths. lent) Smsith sa Saturda>' Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Rossbachi of Evanaton, form. Issuo a Challenge. er Wsukeganltes, came imb their J. Graham andI Jesse Youngji~ave chars of the mlillottia lat by tihe oc- publlshed a challenge for a bundred centric charactef who dled on hlm dollar bet apLecoe to .mt any tVO hen.'meon In lapen an.d .am iw on crack siots"lai lhiete<afo~r »Q bliffiiith..lr way home fim.N* wV"r. COURT OP INQUIRY Say& He Wrote Letters te Brlng Atten- tien Of Congres to Mothoda of the Electrie Boat Com- pany'. Wbeu seen Frlday noon, Heu. # Charles Whitney stated thal be * 5kuewa uotbiug outhIe newest de- * 5velepmeuts lu tbe submariee beat 0 SInvestigation ceuducted by the gev- * *erument lu wbicb bis son, Aller- * luay Fred Brown Whitney appears ate be Involved. He vas shecked te read Friday Smfrulng et bis sons Ilîneas lu a SWashington bospîtal sud bas tel- 5egrapbed for details as te bis cou- *dîtîonu. ie dld net kuow Ibat be was 111 untîl be read o!fl lu the papers. Wasbingten,.DD C.. Aprîl 30. Tbe legîshative "court et inquiry" loto the metboda euuployed by tbe Eiectrlc Boat Company' clesed ils deors te tbe public lods>'. The cemmittee wili ceusider lu private session tbe charg- es made by Representative George L. Lilley et Cnnnecticut aud report ls indings te the bouse, The losing houri efthIe final bpar- log vere dramaticsasys tbe Tribune. Frederlck Brown Whituey of Wauike- gan. son o! Attorney' Charles Whit- ne>', eue ofthte deans efthIe Lake couuty bar. an atttorney ai law. ad- mllted tbat he vas the auitbor efthIe anonymeus lellers et Februiary 13 sud Februar>' 15 te the represeutative et tbe Detroit Free Pressud States Seu- ater Frank Edlnhorough ut Michigan, wbicb have figured se premiueutly lu the investigation. The admission ut Mr. Whitney vas made ln the formet an afndavit. wblcb was read by bis ceeinsel. former United States Senator 'Thuraten et Nebraska- Mr. Thursion stated Ibat Mr. Wbit- ne>' la 111 lu the Garfield Hnspltal. Ibis clty. sud that l woold he Impossible fer bis te appear betere tbe commit- tee. lu the affidavit Mr. Wbitney -stated Ibat frem 1901 le 1904 be vas clerk te the cemmlltee ou naval affairs et the bouse ot represeulatives; that shorti>' thereater he became second '.ice president efthIe Lake Torpedo Btoat Company,. vblcb position he re- lained until May 19, 1906; Ibat he la nov vice presideut ot the LaLke Sub- marine Company,. su ludependent or- ganizatien. Why Lette- Wer. Written. The eason for writlug the aneny- mous lettera vwere given b>' Mr. Whit- ney' as tolowa: *"That on bIs evu Initiation ha un- derteok wbat appeared te bilm et the tIme te bc not Improper methoe te bave brougbt te the attention et cen- grass the methoda wblch lie had ha- lieved bad beau pursued b>' the EIec- trie Boat Cempany' lu their endeayer te fecure tbrougb cougresaloual action whht might ha teraued exclusive hegis- iatlon vbich vould ahut eut compa- tition sud prevent the Lake Terpede Boat Company' troafi compatIng lu the United States for submarnu torpede boat construction.' Reference la te be made te anen>'- mous communications sent b>' Mr. Wbitney te a New Yerk newspaper, sud tbe affidavit centinues: "Said deponient sent ssld communi- cationisud sald stalements te sald newspapari, heievivng tbat Repre- @entaille Loud bad veted for an exclu- sive appropriation for submarines et a certain typa, but Ibat be subse- quentl>' learnad that Representatîve Lirnd voed b>' ltter for sobmarnus vitheait condition and be deel>' ne- grets tbee*rgng>d Injustice se dene b>' hlm tu ReprasqtlAtive Leud, wbo vas innocent Of aIl suspicions enter- taluad b>' deponent ceucerulug hlm." *e lleyed Inquir>' Would Cerne.. Mn.Wtney lu bis aMfdavitsasys lith 'when h. sent thase anonymous COMMIMnaitons ha had good reason te eisv liat a reanlution vei.ald ne introwtnàed lui the bouse of repraseuta- tlvsà for an Investigatien of the metb- adaà Of the lectnic Boat Company' sud ils predeeseor, the Holland Seat Cosbae le futher says that ha sent heviépaper clipplugs te some memnberB et tie naval cemmltîee sud ma>' bava sent te RepreaeRtalive LiI- le>' hetora Februar>' 20, 1908-the date et the Introduction ef Mr. LIley's res- olutien et iuquiry-uavspaper clip- pings, lucludlng the figures o! alleged excessive cost et submarlnes-uame- ;Y,. $1.476.296. lu conclusion the affidavit stales that Mr. Whitney bas n persoual knwledge trem vhicb he ceuld give au>' evidence 1e sustalu any oethIe charges et Raprasentatîve Llley. Lu auuouucing the close et the open sessions et the committee. Charman Boutwell a~id that the question eftIhe production of the letters of Represent- ative Lille>' sud the beoksaonthIe two submarine boat companlee weuld be determlued later b>' tbp committee. Il la Mns. Rossbskb. weil known 10 Waukegan aoclety women. aho la the part beireis u ient Smlth's millions and wbile ber share la a minou oi'. It proves; enougb to make lt onv of tll> great fortuneis of the day. Other Haire Aloo Cash ln. George Grant Mason of Eva-sîou l also on bis way home atter haviuig been dellvered a fortune of $12,000, bis sbare of tbe estate. He sa'.s that be will devote blmself te aunuuueuuet for a fimie betare deciduing wliat changes he wll ipake tiu his lit;-.lli- ela lu the Insurance business. ESCAPED CONVICT SETN AT RONDOUT The entire country between Wauke- gan, Roundout and Libertyvulle was beaten up Thurada>' in a search for Joseph i Hlmes, an scaped Mulwau- kee convict, who neverthelets slupped through the fingers of the Lake coun- try officiais at fiondout and us now un hldlng morne place along the St. Paul road. Hulmes us mliii at large and may bc identiled b>' hie house of correction unlform cf olive drali, whuch he wore when meen ut Rotadout. Chief Umbrrry oft Uberty',ille was notlfied Thuraday rieur noon that Hilmes and Thomas Kelly liait escau- ed from the Milwaukhee bouse of cor- rection, as were tbe Wsukegau tpelice. Tracks Down Hilmes. The WVaukegan police guaridel ait railroads there but tailed te disrover a trace of eitber man wanted. limberry bad been notifiljite keeîu wafcb ait Reudout, wblch la the bell Uîne snd 12M. Paul junction point be- tween Lake Bluff and Ubertyville. He observed Instructions but was laIe lugettlug te Roudont. beiug just li) ime to see Hilmes. ldetutfied tuy lits olive drab prison uniform. dart îtrom a St. Paul frelgbt train te a bell hune train sud wave a deflaut goodbye. Efforts were made te stop hlm lu vain, ail rallroad stations belug tele- graphed. How The>' Escaped. Thomas Kelly, serving a tour year sentence for hurglary, and .Joseph HII- mes, servlng four moulina for attempt- ing te kîll, e8caped yesterday morulng at 9 oc-luck from the Milwaukee bouse of correction lu regular melo- dramalje style. The two men were worklng lu the yard ofthe bouse of correction wbeu the large gales were opeued te jet a chai wagon out. Outslde the gaies lu a pssageway. a number ot Poles were worklng and with tbem were a nuiti ber ot Pollsb womeu. The minute tbe buge gales were swuug epen, Kelly sud Hîlmes dropped Ibeir plcks sud rau tbrough tbe gales abead of the wagon and loto the crowd of Pôles. Feared 10 Shoot. The guards ut the gales drew their revolvers but could net shoot wituiout danger et hîtting aume et the wemeu aud se the men were allowed toeas- cape, fellowed by a posanetof pards. The police were notified and about haif an heur afler the escape KeIley was agalu behlnd the bars. Hîlmes la still t large. Tbe escape was the mont tbrlllug that has takan place at tbe bouse of correction for yesrs. Hlmres la 24 yesrs ef age. five feet elgbt luches lu belght and was smooîh shaven. He wora a hrowu ceat, black short baîr, hrown trousers, hrown cap sud a blue, shirt. SAVI!RY ttAS'SOLID' GRAYSLAK! TIMES Gzialsake, Ili., May 1.-(Speclal.)- G. W. Savery, edîtor sud owuer of the Grayalaka Times. bas sold tflat publi- cation te 1Frank B. Gessler et Bauger. Wls., wbo takes charge tomerrew mernlug, Ma>' 2. Mr. Gessler bas been editer of the Bauger Tudependent for seven years. He bas reuted George Thayersa resîdence and wilI remove bis wife aud children bere at ouce. Mr. Savery wlll re-enter the uews- paper busIness lu Indiana It ls prob- able. News et the sale created sur- prise. Mr. Baver>' la well llked sud Promluently conuected lu Grayslake. where he bas heen a central figure. Hîs paragraphs bave been a feature while be operated the Times. SoId Lîquor Witheut Licens. Joseph Amanu sud Edward Brown, botb of Round Lake, were Frlday, ou complaint, et the state. fIued $200 lu the cnt>' court for selliug lîquor without a lîceuse lu the vicinit>' of Round Lake. Both pialullifs pald their fiues and lefttImmadiatel>' for their homes lu tbe ceunrty. This la the firit Instance lu some lime wbere a rasident ot the cont>' bas beeu csngbt lunIbehe at etselllng bouse wltboflt a lilonse. The plia put up b>' bath men vas semetblng pitîful r naawuch as there was uothlug te ,thaîr defenia. 9 The>' vsrqge y«the tusal warning 1 ollowinig h. payment et. the Onsi rusbed about ttrugh the raie round- Ing uap belat'ed subscribers and mak- Ing au eleventh heur effort 10 vrest victory from deteat. At 12 'cluel the lask vas ever, sud. lired sud foot- sors, the vorkers vent te their homes. proaud lu the cousclousuesa Ibat Ibe>' bud succeeded lu their efforts. Il vas founi that tbe sbepkeepers. Irades people sud those et moderale meass vere as eathusiasîic for the welfare e? the îark as the millionait-es. Sub- acriptieus raugeul aIl thevs>' from $10 te $2001. ""Tr!DbY',s" COUSIN AT LIBERTY VILLE Tsdya taîl, lanky, powerful young mani damhsd into the business district, f Lîbertyville on a lypical specimen ot the wiry littie white pony of the soutliwest. The young man wore a wude som- brero and other articles of attire made up the costume îlWected b>' the Ari- zona cowboy. The man was John Keens Roose- velt, own cousin to President Thea- dure Roosevelt, and he s living the trenucus utc e omuch tavored b>' hue august relative. Youug Roosevelt bas beeja lun Libu- i-rua llie since Thurada>' sud Ieft lu a few days for the east ou an over- lantri tol Long Islanad. Hi& Characterlstuc Coming. lus arrivai lu Liberta ville was char- actetistic of the Roo'evetts. Ha' rame ato lhe village Thuu da>' sfteruoua treaut Phoenuix. Ariz., on a box car wilb bis faorite herse. W'ilbh hm sas ue mait bis retaluer. sud bis steeui The two uaaleaded their slring with that ot Ed Hall at the mile track aud siuare then young Roosevelt bas beetu lodging repertera I dont wsnt to ?*e a uewaîapu-r mai ut ail." bo said te a SUN report- er. 'If 1 gel mb oprint my folks yl bfiuk I arn trylug te break Int the limeiigbl because I bappen te be a cousiai l e ePrealdeut. PMease say aoIng about my presauce bere.' Will Mako Overland Trip. Young Roosevelt, who la a skilled master et herse, wîli travel overlsnd trom hiberlyvillhe ho Long Islaud. where bis millînnaire father bas a stock farut. HewiII travel maill>'te av-n the co~untry ais il could ont be seen trom a palace, car, lu vbicb he couaid veil afford te ride. He bas been atteuding a blgb priced school lu the seutbveat but declded for the simple lite sud la living IL. hn bis rude 5quarters aI tbe mile track wlth the horse fauciers bis habit la te sleop eut et doors lu a bsmmeck and eacb morniug he ceeka bis owu breakfast ever the barraîka steve er buys It dowo tevu. Tuesday morningbe casbed a meauey order et siubstauthal size sud made preparations for bis trip overiand, wblcb he expecta le enje>' greatly. TII!Y LANGUISH IN A DUNGEON CEL Captain Walker Continues Raids Against the Alleged Immoral and These ArresaArt Result. Oscar Lind sou Nettie Smith dis- ciples et Sanson, vbo at preseut is plniug awa>' the sommer moutha lu the Lake cont>' joli, baviug been behd b>' the jour>'ofntahe Match 1ertr' o! court ou a foruicatiou charge Bat- unda>' cbanged their Intentions nf hbe onging te the Free Lovers' Society' et Zion City sud lastead juîued Cap- tin Walkers free beoters societ>' sud were Iocked lu the cont>' jail Monda>' morning b>' Captain W'alker. who nov relies upon Sberiff Grifinu lu take core ut them. A jeshous comrade o! the Ivo arreat- ed squealed on lhem. WILLING WORKERS SAVE RAVINIA PARK Commuitteemnen Worked Through thes Rain Last Night Mseklng up What Tbcy Lacked fOr Thelr List. Thete la joy aioug the oorth shore. Late lasI aigbt il vasauoauced that the som aecessary te save Ravinia Park bad been raised by tbe hundred or more committeemen lu the varions suburbs whe had the matter lu charge. The cemmiltee wiil render its re- port te Joîlge P. S. Grosacup. lu the tederal court. and tbe expectation la that ln view of the bearly support given the îîark project he wilh order Ibat the uecesssry stepa be takeon le preserve lhe formuer hlgb character et the place. Wbile ne definite sum vas fixed b>' Jaadge Orosscîap, vhen be gava bis ap- prevai te the effort te save the park. it ivsa estimated that $20.000 vould have te be gi.aratead hetore ha vouid order Ils preservatlen. Local cern- mittees vere apopintç4'i n Waukagau. Lake Bluff, IÀke Forest, Highland Park, Giencue, Winnelka, Keuilivrth. Wilmette, Evansten and Rlogers Park te sacune suhîcniptions te the fond. Blocks et tickets yull ha Isàued te, the ubscribers up in the fulamoulut ot thelrsubteriptiena,. Lý Tufmday evqientutth o lb, eo YOUNG DOWIE WINS MIS F IRSI C&S Grateful Client Gives Substantiel Ap-. Him Oere the Court. Muakegon, Micb., May' .-Gladton, Dovie, the uu'Hobsoruized, the uný kissed, la no more. Ie met bis Water- Gene de Ibat loang record. dating frem tbe day of bis birtb untîl Ioda> tfatefual May' 1,anniversa"et ofDay- ey's victory-ot ahatinauce trotu ou- culator>' careas. Tuose virgiu vhiakers-virgtn n more-have knoua the sort bruali of a vomans lips. That chaste brow bas feit the lm- print et a tender sack. But ihose prouad lips. untoucbed, ev- en lu baby das by the teauptlng ('tpida boy et a teran4uine admirer, nuays>'slhl curve lu diadain ai the tbought ot contact vitb those et one o! tbe tain sex. The>' escaped una. scatbed Ioda>', buat by the narrovast ut margina. It bappened Ibis vs>': Gladstone von Prelt>' Bybîl Peter- sens case, ln vbich she sued for »40 vhlcbhalealleged vas comiug te bh« ton doestic service. The gratetul client, unmiudfaal0f Jodge, Jury sud spectatons, turned and clasped ban lawyer lu fend embracê. She aimed a kissîraiglit at bis hltu. MlndtUl et bis record, Dovie du&- - ed. Her liPB brusBed bis whlckein sud iandad ou bis brow. The crovd, forgettiug Ihe place, cbeered. Dovle staggered back. A blusi,' ro as an>' peny, came te bis face and vauisbed, leaving lb Pale as dewMh Sîhenti>' he gatbered up bis lav booki sud fiedh, vitb the memon>' of Ibat burulng kiss permeating aen>" liber ef bis brain. Gladstone Dovie bas had is j kias. What affect itvîli bave o«mbJs e llte-vhat change Ilb me>'make bl e - mau--ouly the future can tell. NO MORE fIlGtiTS SAYS TIHE SIIRIff Decla res That No Knockouta are Per- miasIbie and That McCann Trans- cended Agreemnent of Year Ago. The enofetthe hrite igbt bascotue lu W'aukegsn. Taesday atternootu lu a telephone conuversatioan witb a SUN reporter Sheriff Griffu auuauuuced bis Iten- tiens in regard te* future contesta et auteunut îrscticahly te ciamplng dovu ufth tilid oaa tbefIighl game. ut the lad oethIefilghl game. Said the sberlff lan the Interviev: 'Neither the state, the count>' uer lie cil>' ufilcers bave complaiued 10 me or ssauad directions sud vbere 1 drav the lie I do l ona my ovu book. "*There must be nu more priza figbls bere. There must be nu kuockeuts wbatever. This dues nul mean Ibat evetu a six rouandu bout will nacessaril>' be alloved as sometimes fighters are kncked out lu leas than six. 'I saal permit oui>' the meat harm- leas kind of a boxing exhibition and saal art againstat n>thiug else. "We Are net gelng le bave au>' more figbls that Chicago vîll uet stand for and ano flgbts ut au>' kiud. The>' must be pureiy and simpi>' box- lng exhibitions or tha>' do net go. The geveruon bas nut Intertered. i amn doiug ibis hersase 1 Ibthil la i right." The aunouncement telloyed Bey. George MeGlunis' sermon ut Sunda>'. Sberiff Griffin ceutinued: "Manager MeCann aud I had su agreement on tIs matten ever a yaar ago aud 1 thînk ha bas gene va>' bayond the beundaetfvhal vas inteudad. "Wby. I aveu bear eL tIs lu Chii- cage aud eue man aveu bold me that I vas sehiug tickets sud making a rakeoff. As a malter et tact i vaut to sa> that 1 neyer had a ticket sud dîd net sallI att mucli less." TWO WIVES CLIM SIIARE IN fORTUNE Acording 10 Tuesisys Chicago American Ibere are some sen- satieusi davelepments lu the deaib mysler>' sorrouding Peter Stokes Williams, vboae daugbters se>' ha left a fortune et $20.000 coucealed lu e tin box and wboaa vidoy lierasya that sba knouts notbing about IL. The American 5soys thet Ive vives bave appeared lu la>' cimtea 'ehat the man lefI, eue Emma E'wIgart WiiI- lama et Waukegsn sud eue Mri. Care- ine WilliaasetfTîffn. Mrs. Caroline Mayeassud Mrs. Manda Marila ot Chicago giva the sior>' et the alaeged dual lIte te the nevapapor sud charge even that ihere vas ne marniage betveen Williams and hie Wsukegau vidout. Mrs. Wllllamo vas Ibis atternoon lu ne condition for an interview sud could net ses a reporter, as sibe la cempletel>' trestrated b>' the shuel efthIe scandalous atonles balng circu- lad. She menai>' stated lhnuugh a friand that much that bas beau priulad la true sud mucb more et il absolulel>' taise. She cdaims that ber hushand's daugbtars ln Chicago ara vorkIug agaisl ber lu hope ut gettiog the for- tuanaeuhich she declares mythicai as fer as she knovsansd that the>' are ungrateful as she reared.thIem. Driven tretu bar borna b>'the had- geringa of reporters Mrs. Williams uthereabouta are ulcuovu. She caîuot ha feund fer an Inter- view Ibis afteruooaa. but trienda de- ciare the>' kuoy vbere sbe la. Beer Psddlor Fined. Tbursday ati .ake Ferest Secretar>' Thornas Quayle, et the Lake Count>' Law sud Order League, weli la regu- larI>' ,dmitad te the Illinois bar, scted lu the capecîl>' ut prosecnling attor- ne>' lu the case et the l>' of Lake Forait against Bart Steger, aecused et ronning a wagon onu vblcb vaseear 'ehicl vas not taggad 1v a partioula.r cuatotier. Tie mcretan>'von his case, iaai"n a fine of $50 and conta egainst b» noan before Justice Ou= n t s -1- 1 -1 WILLIE VOLIVA &ETS CIIANGf or VenNUf Samy@ That Jealoum>' and Hatred Cave. ed Verdict ef $14,000Agudot Vol. Iva and Seeka New Chance etI Il The case llled lu the Lake countyi circuit court lu vhicl i Wlbîar lana Voliva la the plaintif sund La vilels. John A. Lewis of Zion Cit>' la tht de- tendant, vIlI onet baheard iluthebbudca court, as FrIda>' Judge Donanelly grauted Attorney' George Field, ator- ney' fer Voliva. a change of venait. The case yl eha eard aItihecircuit court et Wlnnabago cotant>'. Ateorne>' Field took the stanud liai La.ke count>' nesideiats, upon vboinlta. circuit clark ls obiiged to cmii t. aut: as jurons. are eppoied te Voila, ahç figures vas abovu lu the cmse 0 Methersill agalual Voliva. vica dam- ages te the ameunt et $14,M b*sr allovad. This case la thceonelui whlcb John Alexander 1Jowle's vlU le baiug ceutasteci. Acs afer New Trial. Ateorne>' Field Frida>' moruing pr..: sauta-i hie argument belor.e a~ lu wblcbha eaaked tonraaaiew.trwiil tbe came of Motheralli va. Velhq. 7%0 main reason on vilci lbe demâ*id J hased la Jealcua>' anif baIns,! as ààh*ï b>' the jurera againat Vollva, PU*w, Lui; the preseatation oethMiiugm Judge Donnelly ealled aipentholg- lires attorneys, Pope and td*gr« te, present their aide In vritten hii-lt APPOINT CXI!CUTOR$, orF WIARD ESTATE, Three Appralatra Appolnted-InaLr. ance Company' Pays Jansen Clalm. --Other Probate News. That Charles F. Wiard, late cashier o! the F'rit National Bank, died lu- tastate ls a tact developed Monda>', whlen Chuarles L. and Willlsrd R. Wlard vere appeinted axecualrsin lu dge Jouas' conrt anud C. J. and W. D. Jones sud E. D. Beala>' vane apsuplnted ail- praisers, bond balng fiied et $20),000. The petition le restons Ambroso Trusadeil, the familiar Broie, la bie propeni>' iglita, vîi las ehein! Bt 10 ou Ma>' 12. Tha court appreved the distribution lu liae slais otJoseph floleustein and close theeastate.1 Bonds ens r fisd Bt $2,000 lu the astate efthle late J. H. Jaus, fl-bas who mt eathIn the pover plo» 4«> aster, snd 1fr,. Jmmuwuvu le~io executylx. Tl la uaid«MMd *,4 ta ltb Mli visilc 1 -1 0 ti a n 0