CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 May 1908, p. 3

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SEED. CORN Ve haveas limnited quantity of Eoly Huron Dent lova Gold Mine Pnide of the North and lova Silver Mine Seed Co if la the muket cmli and ee us as pre« amr ight. ROSING BROSR ROUND LAKE, ILL. SThis Is About BUGGIES Sta ver Buggies Are Uood Buggies and Vou Know It Von are AUl Confus" about buggies. You want an Essy Rider. You wanit a Go"d Looker. you waut a Long Wearer. Yen want Value For Yosir Dollars. Every advieer recomminos a différent inake. Every dealer sing, a diflerent song. You are like a an- foat fin tiheootis. When it t.omen ho buggy buying the average mane ii up in the. aar-Two t1ingu are in plain sigbt-"Tbe Peint andi Tb Price"I andtie ii.jae oi it in that the, man- ufaturer of choap, b ile a deati on the gaine 6obe Make. a ljýob lit gay a "0 prie@ andi thon hoe puis on lu ni. lent conta of peint and varufsh a finish fine enough for a $100.00 job. Mir. Bnyer thinke ho l avia" a iew dol- lars and takes the chsaponahanti in six menthe or a year ho thn o t. Just bot around yen aand thbitit otsoine of the Stayers that yen know have been rionninir ton te twenty yoars. Bnggies that were bought at a fair prie ton. Then thint ofisoame other makes that have hosu bough t in the laad sar or se andi are ail in. theffe are worth thinking abo)ut. wheu yuu buy get your moneym worth, Now Lieten: We have sold hiiîndreds of them anti positively knoew that you get gooti value for your money. They can not ho hoat at aur priee. We carry a good stock anti would liks to tait it ov er e ith you. SchancJc Dros., "ILLN01 Get Your MiIk Cans Mended Free We wil solder and keep ini repair for ane year any mnilk cana purchased from us We handle the Sturges L Burns I Bet Holstein Can. Thia Con gives the best satisfaction af ny Cmnon the mmrket. Price as followi $s2,35 lettered i for I haifodazen or more S2,25 lettered. We isa handle a full line af GeneraflMerchandise, Pants mand Oils of ail descriptions. Give us a trial KELLY & McCANN RUSSELL, ILLINOIS jDO YOU WANT A PIA40O? Ifw mo ciena md t" the fUmmtiSCHAEFER1, SCHUETTM *Piano, at pur disposaiat aur storeat ANY IME O *YSi lbcepleamedvwith it~ * STRANG'S I!URNITURf STORE GE0. E. sTrRANG LIOENSEO UNDERTAICER Prop. AND EMBALMER JESSE S. HYATT CIVIL ENGINEER AND) SURVEVOR Lberyville, 111- Tel. 851 Offe icevfh FRàNK A. WINDES Wfnnehka. DL 1ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT FJ.DRUC!. Cdlter phffl 1. 1 Orders Taken for Job \Vork Adventielng Rate& On Application John Scovrilleof bcago, vms lb.ha ve him dep.rt Ho bas laseti an 1 =usIo Louie Lavson tram Wstinsdmy excellent cocoli 0paper that bas beem unihna>'. aprodat peopleLaf Graysleker Merrili Acres, of Lihertyville, vas lbym o mte mmm>fionde. Mr. oufta Robert. Wasburn lut W.dn.. Gelier in an experlenceti newspapeî man day. mmd bas been lnutho businoss for years Attorney' Churchill transactetibusinesse anicae, atevilg el eon at Lake Villa lest Tbuesday. nue. Mis. Rugeno Hawtfns, of Late Villa, V L traneectetibusinew ss ride>.1 J. E. SBixe wae 2a Chicago visitai Meus. O. foot anti F. Cremins, of Friday. R ollie, ver. iu towo Monda>'.1 Misé Pearl Kapple »pent Suudav et "iss ibla Buseli, et Waukegan. Libertyvillo. visited iber parents emreSaturia>'aud Zias Mande Taule«, af Wankegan, Sunda>'. speut Sunda>' at home. C.G0. Huson, ai Libortyville, wa. in J Miss Ailcs Blanchardi, of Wautegactawm Saturdoy. , t vas the guest et Mise Eve Deoltti; Misé Emma Hanson. of Mcllenry, E Sonda>'. viatet borne tolks Sunday. b Mr. anti Mis. Henry' Kuebkor @pont Mr@. Wm. Hiroumus and Mise Luc>' Sonda>' vitb frleuds anti relatives et Dunoll vere lu Waucenda oue day last fi Waukegan. wepk. Fay Brandetettei, ot Chicago, vas a Artheur J. Frait, oi Chicago, vas bore ,gueet ai Iis parents Sunday. over Sondai. Um iWnlfreti Woodfard, ai Oak Park, Mte. Ellen Moore vs the gueotgoi vas the. guest af fnbnd boe frein Frida>' frnde et ifaucontia à few days lestO outil Suntiay evening.e. d Several ot the hase bail fans attendeti Mi. WiII Tonyon, of Rlagwoot], the base bail gaine at Round Lake attendeti charei ber. Sunda>' toreneon. Bonda>'. Meuars. am-veox Hanson anti Will t] H[arvsy Watoon tbe.popular tiiuggst Freeit ver. ilu Graisiake Sonda>'. at the (irayalake pharmacy viii nov mesdames Bon Bosiug anti A. J. tievete the greater part af hi. lime e ah mn eee acod eety the Rtocketeller ding store which vasBamnivraIWuoareet. recent>' openoti thore by the fimn fai Wellio Moore, of Lfbertyville, vag the a Watéon & Drues. Hes yll ho gladti ta se tuoet ai bis mathor',and siston boese any otfriientisin this viviuity at any uday.h timte. Mdiss Auna Roesdeutscher, wbo ie Wm. Poster anti femily dtrove ta employeti am cleît et Harry T. Fullere8 Libertyville, Sunday. at Waucontia vas haine SaturdaY night ~ Mnr. Fleming anti famil>' have moveto nto uti>.t eut frein Chicago te @Pendi the. summor Word wac=9eved bore recent'of i te at Grayeleke. blr-th aifa o tMr, anti trs. C. J. Mis tibolTurer ao ho ues ofJopeon, ar -North Adams, Maso,.tirs. fints elT to un ay.h get 1Jepanvas iormnerly Mise Rase flusons lrieds e Anioch Sunay.anti is veil xnavu tbraugh eut this tir, antidtMr. Zaugie ere gtic.te etvicinity. relatives et Waukegan severai days lest ~... tirs. tiacCuaig anti son Malcolm e esMiB R gueste ai Attorney Churclllanti faml>' tr. antdtir. Clarence Wotige are c lest veet. rejaicing aver the arrivai of a littie These ver. about lfity couple wbo daughtei, Salnrday, May' 2nd. enjoyedth e Ma> prt>' givon by the base Mm. Howardi, vbo ha@ been visiting hall teamnlaet&?rltiayevoning. Tho boys ber tiaugbter, Kmrs Thain returueti te, have a.bout $20 fin heu tl<eaury. Kenesha lest Wednemday. Mimse Mary anti Cbristino Deitiioru, Mims mes Pollock anti trienti, etf ai Waukegan anti Deorfielti, spent8unday Chicago, spent Sanda>' vith theoroeI et bainstolits. tir, anti tim. Bons Vaut Woud are the Misses May' anti fae Adamns returned parents ai a baby boyt born lest Fritia>. Sanda>' ta their homo in Chicago Lawu. Dr. John Turner will nov go te anti Soy A. W. faRoud spent Monday ulght ira to bis studio, anti remain et home et Highlandi Part retuning haine Tues- evenings. day. miss May Clevelandi epeut severai tiays Mary Poereon, oa i ikery, Pspent the et ber home et Hazne.ville tuis week. past week vith Mr@s. W. G. Thom. Have yen trieti Cedarmne Furniture tire. Elmer Cannon hem beeu quite sick Pohish? 1 te the beet an the market. A ine Saturday. bantiseme tranedVetiire is givon away Mise M. Watson, of Chicago, came ia.t vitb eakb boul. ree 10 anti 25 cenits Frider te @pendi a week whth ber mother per boute..te. guarantse thîc ta give anti sistersm. satisfaction. Ask te ses the fitures. Mise Matige Carwiese, of Chicago, Io Graysiake Pharmaer. the guet ai O. A. Nelson. Barry Panowski @peut Sunday with his brother et Antioch. The"Hoekatie>' chool wiii close Fn.- day, May' 8, for the summer vacation. Mer. Hughee, of Chicago, was a guest tirs. A. J. Thaîn anti sjster, et Wau- et the James homne. watesa, Wls., týcated busineeg bore Wm. Herzog, aofIleKinle>' Junetiait, a Friay anti aise visited J. H. Thain, re- former operator et the St. Paul tower turning homo Saturday. wnes bore Mondey ealling on olti limeuts. C E. saciet>' business meeting will ho Carias Wagner eperator et lHebron helti et the bomne of J. H. Bonner Fritie> watt the guest of Eti loolittle anti fenil>' ovenitig, Me>'i. Sunde>' . OA.Nelson transacteti business in P. C. hianiels8, of Lake Ville, tranoactoti Chicago Mander. 1,usiu,-s eh-re ('etineoda>'. C. E. to)pi,Mayl 1. BeingaeChristian. lire J. P. Sherman spent Wednosday "lu 0ur Wart auti in Our Pla.y," John andI Thursdain~l Chicago. 5:17, Prue. 17:22. Miltiretitiinto, leader. Mfr. Itrago iteita every serious catti- ATFXLK tbeffet tetsuhettendanrofe. tak.D. The Fox Lake Cemeter>' Soeiety will Shafer i inattedane. -1,8nephw e-t et Mre. Edwin Wiitta's et Antjoch Ut-ira Allent entertaiued hcuebwTiuretia> aiternoon, May 7th. Visitars fronut Lake Villa, Sundar. velcomu-. Mnr. Jamîesu Shermtan entortainieti WiII Etteker aid Bet-c Layeack vers ceverel o e fie od4 frein Chicago lest Round Lake viditers the tiret et the cnte. weet. Wîll Hucter bas bad a long distance Miss (iertrutie Lester bacbeen rehiroti telephone inctelleuf et George Russelsa. for the- .th andi Sth gracies. Mies Lester Hebr la3w"cldtoWu- heti intendeti ieeviug trayglatre but the HretNlo e alt eWue drtoehave icautdiet ativisablo tu n Mon te>' on jury but returuoti boute mate ber a proposition that boa causotiMe ntingbt. hon ta, reconsider the matter. The ftt Ie aygilctt eglatiden the thet the>' were anxiauo for ber services home aiftir. anti lirs. Sud Baructable another year opeaks veil for hen vert. Saturia> morntug. There was a warm board meeting an FL.maniger ant ei>.etrnt lest Monda>' evening anti@orne im~- cma> ute partant quetions setlleti. The oriu- Mis. Me>' Boot ant ihltiren visiteti et ance for the pool anti billiards parlais Mis. Barnstahle's Suna>'. condurteti b>' EtiDolittie vere .moàai- eteti saine anti nov ail boys untier elle, GURNEE viii ho allowedti tepin>' hithe>' bayea writtenl permit tramt their parente. Mr. anti Mir. Williams @peut Tuestia> Frant Fritocb va. appointoti marsall Ie Chicago. anti Guo Shultz, treesurer by Mayor tir, and Mre. Allen Dixan, of Rueseli, Batterehail. vlsltgd R. B. Dixen anti tamil>' rocentîr. EdftonSavr'ie ut f oota tev Miss Jesephine Weleh, et Chicago, la tiers looting up a @uitable lOcatO viciting at Dadyse. start a paper. . oy Lato anti R. B. Dixon startoti Mn. Dibblee, the popular barbon at TaeodaY> for a trip te Yellovstone Part Whi te'@ barber shop ha. maved bis anti Montana. fainil>' tho e er flat in the Geoe Thepupila ut the higb echool expctt ThaeihooeAtheowrfit f Oeupedgive a box social ho thenor fuue by Itiltor Geisler anti tamil>'. Watcb for turther announeement. Henry Krusemark anti famil>' movei te thoîr borne in Chicago this wve. [ ROUNDii LAM i Miss Gertrude Mîller, of Loto Villa, bas n& t been engagedti t teaeh the Otii anti 7th tir. Rd Brown is gettingalaong fine. prradesextreer. hlfs8Millebateu ht Mise Lue>' Resing, daughterat tir, anti in the Grayaleke scheal belone anti nr Mmr. 0. B. Rooitig is siet wfth infiam- ahilit>' as a goti teacher hsofe a high inatary rbeumatism. Dr. Shatter le standard. 46 1 attentiing ber anti eei mproving. tirs. Spuluger reelveti the newo Mon- Quito a iew ftramhore attendeti the day ai tbe deâtb of berlieueband's biroysato edance iniida>'evening -anti motiior et West Whale., Penn. Mn. reliant a goodtimre. Springei bas been vitb bis mother for Lake Vilea t)eal Round Lake Maron théa peet tva veet. anti waeutbere at ball plaers b>' a score et 13-S. A large the time ai ber death viich noccureat c iattentied and ti t as qui te Fida>. tumhere.llg Mis. Rd Adammentertaineti the Ladies' 0.B. Racine anti Frank Daveillvent Card Club ta aven' pleasant time lest tW Choago, Tuesday te se. the viId Wedneedey evsnlzeg. vest sheov. Mir. and ltre. George Fredericte inteut i"Ms Kahbe Roeing entertained, ber Lîbergtyvlloi . vee bere hue>' viii cousin, MissEtith Bitter frein Stofiol LibtyvRe hà eekwhee tey Lake, »ada". mats hhe. ir fuurhom.- 1 riad i àt eaivsbr Our Dow pastor, Mr. Erb, preaseetia fine sermon last Suodma'. T. Kelley, oe eof tii. 014 settiers here was buried ln St. Patrick'@ Cemetery. 8tuart WWllllamson bas returnet tahi@ home ln'Wwsonaln. 1, DII Faulkner and bis mother vlaited îere Sunday. lb.. Chas Dixon ha. bad au eperation on ber eyes hoping to regain ber slght, alter twenty yoare hldne.. Miss Olive Wells spent Sunday witb Bertha Faulkner. Blancb Oliver @pont several days in Kenoeba let week. ÀKflOC Mrs. Huntine wbo ha@ been visitlng at Jacob gavage s the past tew woeks r.- turneti to Rockefeller Mondav. Mis. [unting imakoe ber home with ber brother, Ga. Sanborn. Mr@. Sarah Barnes returned home the. frut of the iroek alter spondlng the. vin- ter with friends fine outhore Ilfiuois. The savon year olti son of li. andi Mms Verrfer was taken Wo Chicago Tuesday of lat week for an operation for appe- dIciti@. The little fellow la getting a=9m fne. D. A. William& and Wm. Weptlake have thi residences ligltetiwitb electrlcltY. 0. L. Williams, of Chicago, manager of Lake and Cook county Mystic Workevs of the Wonld, weAsin Antloeh Mondai and Tueeday. Ho expecteto W return lu afew weeks te help build up the Mystics here. There i. the Merry Widow Waltz. the. ferry Widow bat and Antioeb can hoaat of a Merry Wiçlow street hegiuning at he weet and eity limits down to Main treet. tiiere are meventeen widows. 8urely this ought to be aalled W'idow treet. INGLESIDE Ingleoide Camp. 3989 meets every first and third Tuesday ofet ec month. Vislting Neiehbors andi mombers are ordiafly invxled te attend. O. HOWARD, CoUUCil. H. HENDRICK9, Clerk. 31 ti Fine % Millinery My excllet &808laof Finema"l fery îa zov on ezhLb~na Kuebker&'Iioem 's ma=le il a speciaty ta trim vour hats in the latest up40todatstyle for Modemae pricea.Cmli mnd $e me. ELIZABETH1 LEWIS GRAYSLAI(E. ILL. CliYourH Cpe orse dy eu tteqidnck rst well and heir footid dca thcmgi4 Yen can cdean thein qwcker andicu Corne in and G Stewart Né'. i The finest machie ever made forthec purpase. Fully guarantced andth le price ai] camplete as shovn', ooly Z VUU.Y STABLE SHOULD HAVE ONU For Liale bH. B. EGER Gra!JsIake - Bakerq Russell tLumber Y Restaurant Meals and Lunches Served at ail heurs QYSTERS IN ANY STYLE CIGARS and CANDIES LAUNDRY OFFICE Phione No. 19. MISS EMMA GERLACH, Prop. CIIANGED lIANDS t Lumber, Shingles, 4 Posts, Caent and C4 Also MLLWORK GIVE ME- A TRIAL Fe S. H E3A RUSSEL,IL. FARMI3RS AND 8R1313D1 0F KENOSIJA AND LAIE COUNTIES - THE CIANCE 0F A UE-TIE TO BREED TO THE, BEST IJORSE EVER BROUJUT ACROSS THE WATEI Lymm Iareld '921 WEIGHT FROM 2100 TO 2300 PEDIGREE Nameti Lymen Harold 9209 (19806. Foaleti 1902. Bred by James Oould, Model Farm, Lymin Warringbon, Englanti. Im- porteti hy Robt. Burgess, Wenoua, Illinois. Auguet, 1907. Color, hay, marks hinti legs and near fore leg wbite. Sire, Couquorlng HaroldNo. (15558). Dam, Lymin Qume No. (29313). Ha. heen ameptsd forsg* try in Vol. 6 of the Amnerican Obure Sbud Book, this nfnth day et Angu4 Z under the curai of te association MW.l 9209. J. 6. Lumanti, Preidit 'Burgeon, Secrtary. that il ang former cm' as good a orne1 iwhf service [or orne 1âai1lÈ" Wili stand this horse In any neighborhood where I a guaranteed 15 mares or more.- State Line Charles PE I R E Sred by Charles El. 2:10Y.; ho wao cf red' by Olti br«,a orgn soe, aod bis daim vwu 10 in 1892, at Shenandoab, Iowa, lu 1898, at tiaryvillo, titlend anti Tarkio, Missouri, andi Auburn, Nebraika la 184. lis was aise a gooti second te Brazîl at Silver Cfity, Iowa, In 1894. Sald. W bave a rincglng record oi 2-.129. Firet dam *1 State Lino Charles Jr., w&@ Lectionnere Jr. 2:28%~, (trial 2:14) and h. was e'alsd at aid Standfqrte Stock Faim, VsllfOV*M Second dam, Fanny Fern andi she vas ireti hy Boylost. and bis dam vas oms lime if Ioenen's grealse brood mam e. has six colts, five ln a Hlot and the six coite ata record ot 2:42. The. thirti dam, ()I Hambletoul tmie. Tow* ll4a Olti Creeper, ail recerdeti herses. Pffth dam, Olti Belftounder. Tbf. la on. of the bout breti young l ali ving, ymeuIM pay $100 service lees andi get ne botter eue. Rie col» anarfine, cerne and se tusa, I prediet thUi " ii hw geatqs«& $15.00O ta inswr. colt ta stand and suck. Cars wili ho taken te, orevent accidents, but WtM P Tçrms*resposib should any occur. A lien wlll bçiaken on toits fr service of hors*. Ovwsl=i*sI, wlll b. h.ld for service. Mares. Oust b. returned regularly. Awm meuing the KauePivot Axie Cultiators thatm goaMaY leus hae <iv4w= nmwul la northernioblsMmd southera bmoal-=oceumd w dmtb,m Mr Fred W. Cas terton wNEEVromBENST=C AM 5OI Twa Mllt ai t of Russell,11.KO S R7F. D. 84. Toi. KonoslMalioe Tebeplione O@. or aI Adjudication Notice. Publia mitites la heveby yivp,~ that lie ____'-.rr eséatet

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