but like uvrythlng else, It tg the abuse anal not the use Ihat bringe thse greatest harm. ProlaablY lots af peo- pie would bu btter off If they used legs medicine andl lots more would be better off If theY used more tIa tbuy do. 'ona mucis medielue le as had as flot enough andl the ecusu way vlth Most everythlng except bonusty and Virton. The euti-cIgarette cusade lg a de- serving one. The Wsukeg"authnîbri- te should vigorauslY proeectte the men vha violatu the ant-cigrette 1ev hure becausu thure IR-uO ion 0Of vice go easy of ranech ta the bayesud noue wth grenier danger ofirreparable In jury ta body ani, mmd. WRITE TO VOUR CONGRESSMAN. [nib. appoattioli ta President Roosu- nevepapers and,. for that reasan, get- l'o foret preservation polIcy. vhlcb. tlug publlclty. %a R.ý-men of he mercan This cheme certalnly le the limit ~, f1 e~oremen a!thu murcunof "yellow Jourpalslor" ln comparison Wa, <Ô*grse8mau Mandul, aif >'- wth the coneervatîve deadwood la- 0»g. rf1atlY tried ta stop lhe dis- Bued, et enormous cost. as "Dily Con- èýnt«uoi iiturature au thte uh- sular Reports,' and wth that remnark- 91,by the govrumunt. el ale document kuown as "«The Con- Wioingý oxirenznu 1into-grussionai Record" ç.7 ge9a m3- n amndmunt ta the approprl- any lugitmate vievpailnt, and, taeun i lt 1 a thie dupartmeul nf agri- lu conuectian vlth his repuateal at- Oartpl provide Ibat no mouuy tacks upon a public ofilcer wbcee la- Ould be epeul for isaI bu subse- tugrlty. capacty and intereat are 80 i*t ç0<Oed sas Gifford Puchot'e buyond question ase are (iffard Pin- Mptlae' of thie bureau of frestri chot'e. il ceuni'te bue, irply anothur .fbq ioïpapers." la uffuct, cou. effort ta Interfere vitb the pruierva-, M*Eafl eivebJ end tise cern- tHno aimber lande. SedeuCailn .upcesafullY cas- This le a lIme for action, and, ru- b7 tIsa bureau. gardies of the congreesman farnm Wy- finelr lchot la a man af omlug. thse people ai thîs commuulty t<1SoM lu waajof getiua public ougt te bu efficenly concernudase ~dOue. vil a 'lu ea-ery. HIe t the seed a coeervug ur foret ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i 'à.etl g U c p u l c l th e a-_ rces to w rite t a u r r p res n ta- nalftautprýeervtian ive. la congres, lnesting that tbey ~()sVftl the -ney" aihi.» bu- eupport Prusîdent Rosevelt Ënd For- ~t ft, ainam at~ratlv e s cter Pluchot. M lii ¶Ilu *uatee "ü»,le*eubacb ta Halvard 2tutp, In -8. W. qr. Se. 26, Vumuan ,~Cranlouand viita J. B. Iar- 'Ïîts u4 35. blocks 14, Wab- -psluge. W. D., 1407.90. "'U, ree andl vite ta N. T. Rer- don. 8. M0fI lot 3, block 1, Powull', aàd. Waukegaa. W. D., $3,500. <. W. Mecombe and vite ta . H. Rabeou, lots 21, 23 2, 24 and 46. block 2 Deerftelal Park. W. D.. 8450. margeret A. stesle tu C. B. Wetzul, lt 2 (uioept N. 10 fM), blook 27, Or- iginalWauke.u . 1,, 3.50. Pel e t«* M4 vite ta B. C. Han- ~ufy~3laebu.in' secil, -Md Ni 04 lto PP -5.1 flainiaAustin, lot 5, ad. Libertyville. a"wie et ILI ta Mià- t TpW. D., 50 - Z lot6, F= lAke reeub. lu sad, elta Win. AhoIs itiaN5 t. lot 7. bock 1*. ~ ~ is g.4ri~ a dd. Weukuga. s.udri aa ie tauMlle . n. Mam, a8 . 2 il.. N 45 f. E. 90 il. lotq bioek 6 McKays 2nd add. Wauke- lare A. lggle t R. J. TilIman, ou.. Sltt&n lk 14. Rîroor add. Hlghlaai SW. D, .$850. IlxAllen analvIf e ta Anna Boehms, 4U fi. S. 99 Il. lot 1. block 9, N. W. . Wieukugan. W. ix, $3.000. ffQnry Lianeman sd vile tau El- Pti Iisnema.no,150 cre. ln Sec. 86, STp. Del, 85,009. W. S. KelIt to Lida . XCburch. 288 0,e ln Sas31 andl 32, Benton Tp. &i1Qu Coiah sud bus., to B. U. WkMelg.ota 3 cul 4 anal N. 54 it 1 &aUaiS, blcock 5, Lake Bluff. W. 44t Silverman ta WH. Vler U . 8acres la N. W. tr Sec. 18, M*ql Tp. W. D, $6.477. L,Çi8 n and.8.11 vIe to G. G. f tl ilage of Rockefeller, andl vile ta A. .E. p.lot 24, blockt 15, ~,W. D., $260. qSber andl lus. to v.ok , Iaukyvll 'W ereon, part lots 7 and -0, Oziers sub. 1 lu C ry adi. Waukugan. W. D.,i e2,000 ' Jacob Goldchmldt andl wiue toM. J. elivan, lot 12, block 4, Duret'e oub. tu a. W. qr. Sec. 29, Waakugan. W.1 D., $1.5. CraiternaneOutil Ktchun, curtiS-ý cste, lui crusse ai capital stock to $10.000. Wmo. Fient and wvue ta D. Hine- menu, 4% acre. lu S. W. qr. Sec. 36, Vernan Tp. -W. D., $200.4 Lýen F. F'lnchum and hue, ta Au-1 guet Swarat, W., 33 it. E. 66 it. lot 7. block 5, MclcaY's aid. Waulcugau. W. D., $900. Bernard Kaistan andl vife ta Eliza- buth Krisaa, 160 acres Ilu 5ecs. 2 anal il, Uibertyville Tp.. and lot 9, block 2. Tlftanye s 3ad a. Waulcegen. sud lais 19 in 28, block 46, Waehburu Park. W. DD. $1. Wm. Wlmiogtan. subdivision ai 28 lots et Round Lakte. Bernardl Krltan andl vif e ta Guo. Lutiteubagen. 15.75 acres lu Secs. 2 sud illbutyyviile ,Tp.- W. D.. *.362.0 , E. Shultisa nudvile t ml. tla14u0- Lale Eleine, tract of lend! lu Sec. 1 Grant Tp., W. D., $4.500. Cup and Elght Awards. R. L anal R. C. Coualîy bave ru- celvud a niedal that rupruseute t he tact that thua have i~on tise National Breedere' ana Fanclera' cUIver cup lu Chicaga for rase comb browu Leg- homoe. Thse cup uent bu capturefi 'c ~ ~~41m OFD .*E'OàT 'Tee«ae . à, Eltiees ieueaTeleybone No. 141 uertyvife leEcbaoue4 »*itue tt" poubevo. aI lÀberlY-lfe, M. se secon Cl aieMeae mn ra *mv. ànvbvmlffG akTU Mafia KKOn 5<APPLItATtON. àSCRCPTION PRICE 81.50 PER VEAR sTrRICTLY IN AOVANCE m4K M. JUST .. ...... -..............................................Editor M. KELLEY .......................................1...........City Editor YRIAY, MAY 8, 1908. On Long Croise. Librtvvhile la repreaunteal on thse raI buttl_ p flet nov about ta make thu crutatieglobe by Jesi N. Smea vhis aounithebattiuahlp Miniieeto.I Admirai Thomas vIo aet .Admirai Evane' place wheo the flet leave $an The crwieu whicb tbwe&, yung men yl make wlIl bu the granduet cruli.. ever made by ay ian sd ir willlbumade by tbe mot p il colletion etf Sgbtiug eip that evur aaaembied f.ar a long "We ent the publie to kuOW," writes thu efflere in charge of the U. 8. Marine Corpe Rerutlng Office et 260 South Clark Street, £bleago, Ill, ,that it le flt onCy thuehiWpe but alga the men of the Nery anad Marine Corps that make our Sleul one of which every Anierican ca Weil b. prond. Theumen .are the. buet lemnt of aurf ant 1.yan manhaod. Ih aboutitb a olaoaitb deepeet pride ta aur w'bale country ta know tbet the charadter ai the. mun Who wlll b.'%sec ailover the world an typu 01 Our cltzna.ip arp nmen Who Witt demio,1 thu admirationol!every nation." LOOK AT THME NEW f4AP 0F THE CHICAGO. MILWAUKEEK & ST. PAUI. A4ILWAY k~ large mapsahowleg the Pacifie Coast extension ofaié .rallway through South Dakota, Niort.h Dakota, Montana, Idaho anae.tlea ntnbuijusit buen yeceved ber..Itia for nepetian at thu lo"alstation. Thh. »w bue pae through an excelentt fg,rmueok raieing, aiuy-nandl frut raig coun- tr 91er Z ar ae nunl apportuni- die. for .&ILDecriptive book@ and mnapu are lme for thi elg Final S RA seeIstment Notice. la mafluIs 0 Tee (boue. of 97 0 A ".;ne thre. time talucarne a Permanent EÎ possession. Tise bay4 have etler e1 othur s.vards fa-arn their uxhibitsat a0 the show. Theru are miny tanclers afil iigh standing lu Waukegan. THESE WILL, WEO. eity T. Pavaczka. 33; Oua Toajate, 28.~jj Helen M. Wuck, Chcago, 20; Jese Lunsiord. 1Fort Sheridan, 20.:qu Norman Russell Ladd. Waucanda, 21; Auna May Sclsaefer, 19. Ttreal nervea, vits that "ne aemII- lion" feelngtuat la cammpaly fat In sprtng or j m smmer, clsbu UtBy ad 4mickly aRerel by ütalug bM 8 ka.va ta iraglata evwfl M5a Dr. Sbnop'm.s ttive. 0148 vlp mi- 8setiio &tIMget! te*tUg Witk e lu 48 h&UVsaW bUt.ulagWtl lbe EgtoraIgve. Tbe bove04g. glek tu 1th e *It ine, 1te cleçl- n rien aien slave 5p, tihe.KIe r 4ry vAMere sa & gemtses to tktis VU41 eras., - lt u%1u.Im streq^ ie;Biuor aNd .Mo t Utsa« be emvIace. 0o1% , out, for Vwbh"buylg tifverwsre or silver Plate. . Silver ieans silver 'h«e- and everythig tu plat.ed ware is the, beot of its kind. W'à can show yon a splen- did varîety of either at Reagon- able Prices. FINE WATCI- REPAIRING ueyt aveu that ate won.hwao 01e utatise aide cs the stee.a tflaA anevîog vhile se etreghta ver.0 but nue rue tal t e wi ont a Boub e ? lke and ued ât oer ou.The e.n. 81 rward f a he baide ofte rfo inlorutlo that nKwl s e the spre iht enaiof n oratur ItemaiOua echief maAwe but nup ta oa th waugons t u t et. af tbem b.d buen fouod., Mine Katherine M. Schreck and Wue. F. Hafemano vure Unitedl lu mariagu by Rev. J. Van du Erve at tbu pareonage Of the preebyterlan churcb, Wednmedaiv, Mai 6. Thoir booeynoantrip vlbeto northero Wlecooeio where Mi. Haie mann'a patente reide andl thuy wilsua»s a rIat o! everai weeke. TberWilibu M borne ta thir Iriende affberluolot je the cottaim oas Firei etret reontty pur,. chasual by' Ur. Ralemni. Ur. RBfit !àeengineer at ibe Vore Brother' Sl9As factory and hi an indutrlçua euo ep able yoj=g man whofe mauYfras vlébhlm mch happineet. Misa Scbruik le anuetimable young jlady vba vas raieed near Librtyv lu vwhere chu le vull-known. A. P. Sheldon had a vury narrow escape ram visaI mlght have ben e sua-oue acident last Thersday. Hie teani became frlghtuned at thue urrey ta wbich thuy wuru ttchud and rua away. overturniog tlag vebicie and throwirag Ma. Sheldon to the tret inui-ng hie rlgt arm quita' painfully compeling hlm to carry it in a eing ror a few daye. The buggy as badly damaged. 1Mr. Sheldon hae ry huniane iduas about thse bandliiu ot boreee and thînke thuy sbould nat bu drivun witb blindea nd therefaru when bu purchasua tise haro... for hie oew te«tni bu ordurual tInt the blinder. bu lut off. The boa-ee il eems vtesnat accoetornud ta euchconiderat# ttement iàna when ttsey eavi the bugV comlng buiina thens took friglit and were off butor. M. Shedou had time tacheck them. A quotatlaa'f rom the Unv lune of the. BusinesPbilosopher et te ime ightbt ppropriate andl reaa lunprt: "Excuse t bu figure, but Quuen. the mal favorite l inr fade teana, do.. bisit auneiylog. Soute ohe needs blinder.. But ehe #h11 drive wlth bath eyesa pn andunublln4ed util eh@ le ual afrald." Th question la: Will ehe? t rdeimie.ad bur ~oh1e Ud.rhlt"for e fo h**M&mu or end o 'Wbik t" lt h labnel tori S2Ow h Priie la rn. gvb tu bemt asan ui.fI . thon..1. - ue'i i n ta . liapsias, *m0%6. 0; 3rd,$labelotIke eaeI;5ofPEh; a anJ5 th1e.- rele te Un 08LmdO. i eMOualy jej Tt ba aas a es m ue@W.- ma «Me=d E. W. PARKHURST- LIBERTYVI4.LE, ILL. u,&AISETTrA PRINCE" T~A 25C MON!Y SATUSrYv UAJCEM PREMIM O c~.................SO 11. Y. Pull O Mcasa.05.., prlbl...... tft June peua, per cau ...........12c ebwiC"ma Pumperlb......109 ould pack Tomato., per an .......12o Oal.. Cau Table Uyup ............46o B&WedSema, per can ............ ......104 Qriole Pan Cake Plant, àSpkgs.e... tft Puuàpk[s, large eau.............. 10 <o 8bredded Cocpaaut (la ba1k) pey lb ...20<M IlaroitCondmmaeed Mllkp-e aun... qo C.M. Pue. Mapýe Suir .............10e Yacht Club Aet'd Soupe, per u ca .lion ODWdedDatI., 2 pkgs . .............23é< Pereihton Xie' er cmn...........1... o £'leene Carrate, lb. pkg . ..........i29 New Oréans Kolau.., per cm......< Jionareh Mince. Mua, 8 pkge ........< Good Table Syteu, paeun...... 824 Pôtum Ce"ue, large pkg . .... .....23c 10 Bar. e rlcan Fainily Soap.... 4&& Grapo Nuta, 2 pires. for ......... 2 ..tc10 BaDrs Fêle' Na pijia sose......... u P"ttIon'a Braket Food, per pkg.i2c 10 Date Mapie (itySoap ........... ds R*Weone Bruakfaet Food, per pkg..Ic 10 Ban. Bunny lionday Boue ... 4te Oulk BoOS-'O , pur lb .............Îl;Poee<iBn.ing, pur bottie ........ o New Ny Dean,. 5 lbo. for ...........l extmaftrxeu i lmonla, per'battie...Ioc Faacy Hed Rik@, per p<rnd ........10c BDut Okm. Starch (le bulk) pur lb ...S Sbelled Pop Carn, per lb ..............7c Bon Ami, pur càke....................... 90 Granulated Yllow Corn Meal pur lb.. Jei Sapollo, par cake ..........................S Sweut Corn, 8 cane for ............. 2le 5dos. ClothePin. for .. . ........... s String Beaue, 8 caue for ............ i Wasblng Soda, pur lb ..............l E. E. 'ELLSWORTHJ LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. A NNO UNCI3MENT Wu are pleased te advise aur friunds thal having formed a co-partnership, and having purchased the G. M. Schanxck Lumber. Çoaai andI Fsed business, il yull horeaftsr b. known as the Home, Lumber, Company W. wii be at theroaid s'and where we wiii be in a position te talcs c.cf al requlrements for Lulnber, Ceai and Feed. ZW. respectfuily solicIt a cofitinuance of yoesr patronage. Very iruly yours, Phone 60. E. F. SWAN R. CQ MOGINS Music Is Dellghtl indued whun liii éroduced fra. on. of aur igb.gradu Scbillerpiamn.. You gonldl lio"tunt It forever and flot grow wery. If you bave ne piano in yaur home yon ehould have. And as the buat la the cheapuat an luvestmeot in a Schiller piano la the alat econurnical you could make. Louis J. YEOMAN WAUKfflAN, ILL. mm4. ai. MILLDR. Afleey. BMM M. MILUR. Attoney. ATU at as.~ ~Notice of inca-ts. cf Capital Stock. ~ o,'t?~m Pouiinoticele baburiven 1511 si t A.a the Ouu '1Àdt of ldkS ouatnîr lis'spelai flm of tbe taqkboWien or ao 5 te,. A E.LaJke Oouti Telophone Ooamay, Ssii at la th de*.0 j IMle, a n these tS day otAsarik L ,. l . pusetta motu"seby maiifaM" pubse- = -Ma .bw1 1e , ha4powià ~~ r~ueeiq nawaé adtasd by th.e to*bholdoe gf>ecqpd mta't4iieand mm oi .115 Offl repretanteal ý by t teak f sui ourveratou hensl, ýbor «g tbA~ooeina of M" émoai.n.ad ,à. *lkàrw wea om4ta abould resd a Y "Book 0-7. M r«.4 S W*0ee.'it vawrltteu epeayfor*Oun Who are ao ei 14e0da N. 4 tlle aoftDr. Scbowp'm "Nisbt iJuue' &*à $ kko50 theg b«tsfg ~.I. nlssi u5~ The~. l ok*tue I A. HUSS __JE W ELER THE ANTI CIGARETTE CRUSADE. i,jaD quantlty of gaod tabacco1 tu, Va eu bit ai paper andm md vitisaut belng tuba ed Itotht la aontitutee afi tsaulia Minimum "e ta gunural beaith. according ta an »Ma quantits' af cbeap refuse, M'u q Witbdruge, roUlet!up ln a ý «Onu Sy Iieeaed'Ingem Wlutenu. bhomse aeat sâeandl carrlud eglstbe nasài paaage&.IntcO ail m e' the longe ls enu ai the vorsi Oe tiatfea Se ludulgut! ln. i$tMu andl canuon seuse bath à doMst evul'y man would bu het- ut It bu didn't amoies cigarettes. r 'i * e AT THIS Buffalo - Gluten, (ýraino Gluten, Daisy Dairy Feed, Molasses Feed, Middlings, Shorts, Bran, Corn and Oata, (4round Feed, Pure 011 Meal, Wheat Corni, Oats, Hay, Rye Straf', Red Comb Poultry Feed, Sheil, Grits and *Poultry Powder al,çays in Stock. EMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY PHONES 47 sud 1171. E. A. BSHOP, Mgr.