iAV!I ~'behm. tout wM hpublic recog- Mditee gemtWtud Cthse entire oi , leud hy Preles.t oaa.- 1*0 »loa à u i0<#~ hue heinoc. lias, wiile *eue n iWou- *ii CChate. SUutt, of148 aenu., lahe.acon*o f hop- voaoïd. Mi. Sèe uti.th* u 1rW*day morelog reCelved a âIl *rded by cengirees for hie j~tla seving eal11% et thse rsk of e.etlaeat proent employed **ohlt kdon lu the Obicago et- 4î« te Nortbvaitern rallroad -ndS OIM kabv Ibat b. bail hoon avard- r lb. dlsthigumibng' docoration un- IqMi orkht vie oread the ericlu- çeýîUîcement ln the BUI.. On Tnssdsy a bnlkly letter troni *I>gbd o e I ntorstate commerce k1sotbe modal Ise!! lu a sis Od boir. a button oun icb la lu- kbéd "Por EraVerY,' and above ail iuitlguv l bter trom ho Preal- W 1th tIf. UiteSStâtos canOnnmeS ib beMM Mr. Bennett vas et once àlc4dby a group of admlrlng èpol0, nd vapaper men and bis Mo *» vruug lu beatty congratu- eomlle bisevole. ahook and ba 1 lab'«I ae e o mako reepouse lu &Mdl la as ueaitifuiOn.. ho tu4iai lia Mr. Bennett la nov 984 te vonla a large bromze1 M e aspended trou the national1 moÏte n l bie andS a brouze' bard. MWe Inscription la: 1 bel States Modal eor Lites Oving on Ralileue. For ravesy. Charle. Uematt. is la the Inscription aide. an s*v@roe la an bortieo figure of a Kbàétmg a torco ialauyng the MAI« eu*1 of self aacrico. i MtsI mre dopeslui tbe national MM vithbe simple but tefhig le lsitWlu a vkIte Bih- of satin. The. button il- owa cas.. Theoprea Vei um t o* ebes4Dt thie mmS- Io luemste &Woavrd. Md hor n Io asure tiim or ~~~¶lia t ubaliparaS. tu thet» inucit Il for Nimery et, ose& t u or vWh"abMr. onntt ne- ' esigýI-oejl scoratien, Sas a-remplI oCcongres- ~~~4eset n sd décision by t oid llr the fOIIoWigt qfthl. e Mby uvard A. kahmnet the latoislaLe ,usiemodal commit- Bo o m enoth relen q, u« a*ut- on!cin atbc 5«M te Pstal Talemp a"id <laj 40w vu lgooslu thé. smt«. be Mtauaisent on lthe, hasts oai Ck the. amefl vasavesSeS e wmatter ai thé. application oet *e. Bennett, of Wahega. 1111-1 R fur a Modal ai honai pOSer lie1 I *eegrees.approved Februamyi 1501, betovlug bronz. modal% af 0e lumnpersans Wbo, tbY extrome ib& «mdaner thoir evu lises ilu W& Or endeavans ngve s, lives 1u5"Y vrock, isater or grave nc- Mt. Or lu Preventilug, cm endoavor. <o Prevent, sncb vrock, disaster Fm" accidentuPon an ralrosd1 WA theUniteS States engaged Ilu WMtce commerce.1 SWhite Bouse, Washington. Statomnut 0# $eat% l i. Uw Mr. Charles Bennett, 01 2=3Nortà SJaokaon street. Wankogau. DM,.la et present employed hi the Ainerican Steel and Wlro Comipany. Ou Sep- tomber 22, 1905, Mr. Bennett ves ln the emplyofe the Chicago & North- S etern Rallwey Company as a RY brkema. At 12:20 p.m. the train on vblch Mr. Bennett vas employed 1 vas sldetracked et Wankegan te port mit the passage cf tast passeuger train No. 6, vblcb vas due et Wou- kegan st 12:22. As train No. 5 aP- prouciiod, munnnlng et e speed cf Otty or slxty miles au bour, Mfr. Bennett loakeS up the track tovard tbe ap- proaolng train and ssv a voman corne tbrougb a gate and stop on te the track Slrectly lu front of the ap- proecblng train. The point vbere the' veman vent on te tbe track won about 150 toet frein vbere Mr. Ben- nett vas staudlhg. Be mev ber dan- ger and lmmedlately terted toverd ber, at the smre lime 'bellng te ber te gt off tbe tracis. Se >na eat- tention te hlm. sud When 0o~s4e ber euS caugbt bold et ber with ho intention of'pulllug ber trom the track,.site reststed bis efforts and en- deavorod te break avay frain hlm, ev- ldently mlsanderstanding bis inten- tion and bavlng no idea of ber don- gerous position. Flnding hhat ho could net luduce tbe vaman ta loàve the track. Mr. Bennett picked ber up hedily vheft the train vas amnet up- on tbom and tbey rollod together la- te a Ifteen foot dltcb aI the aide ut tiie track, the train passing se close thet Mr. Bennett's hody vas bruobed by the pilot beaun of the englue. Mfr. J. O. Laux, manager of the Pes- tli Telegrapb oilice at Waukegan, vas au oye vltneea cf the remcue aud statea thet tbe train dld net mise bit- tiug Bennett by more than a foot, The rescued vomai vas prohebly a foreigner and unable te nnderstand vbat Mr. Bennett seld te ber. As soon as ohe recavered berself ater rdllng luto the dltcb she vahiiod avay vîtbout mentioulng ber naome, and It hba. nImpassible te fSud aay trace et ber alne. Mr. N. S. Moore, the on- gloser on train No. 6, states that he sev the vornan on the track and lm- modialely applled the brakes anS soundod bis labistle, but ah. pald no attention te it and If it bai uet heen for Mr. Bennet's action the. vomen vould oorttaly bave hoon struck hy the eoglue, as It vauld bave beau Im- poasible ta stop lnU tme te avold acl.- Sent. Mr. Moore stetes tbat tbe vo- mai resisted Bennet anS liat ha bsdt te use main strenth lu forcing ber freim tbe treck, and Ibalt tey bath fex Atthle aide of the hrock luit lu Urne ta prevent b.lng struci hy the enine.. Mr. jams C . Jon.a, 0»ou.o the commilsions Inspecteas, mado a persanal investigation of the cireurs- stAncea àgnurondipg the aseAUan a stated ta tbe commilte. bi$ belloft hâ1 Mr. Bennett pertormod ai cl of great bxpverY an i neShb ilite lu eavlug the liOlre e' héuninovu varna. Âfter cemefullh oouslderlng al lbh tacts iu tbe case, together viti 'au documents lileS ln support af saune, the commItte. bas unanimousiy agreod upon Its recômmendattail vblcb tu transmitted bher.vltb. Very respectfnlly, EDW. -À. MOeELET, Chalmman of oammiltee. The-Loe ,oC Trensmittai. Mr. Mool.y's loUter of transmittel aooompaing lhe modal aid tie President's m*eseg la as folove: . &prol 27, 1908., Mfr. Charles Bennett, 223 North Jack- sou Street, Waukegan. III.: Dler Mr. Benet-.Te oommlttee in AiSM of modela, efter caretul con- iédradou of your heroe oaction lu 7Mx&n thei lite of a vaman on sep- ltMbw d bâ55,hve ratmnmieffl tiat a medai b. iven yenu jidor lie net of Fobruar 28. 1905. The Prou- dent bas appraved the committee'. ecommendealon, aid the medal avarded onu la berevlth Incla.edl, te- geher ith e hutton wblch te pro- vieved hy lav te ho vor n lits stead. Yen vilI eise fud a letter of trais- mittatl fteim thPreeldont bîmoît, as vol! R aestetement etf iacta upon wblcb the avard vas maSe. I cou add ntblug ta the vords of cemmendatien lu tbe Presidont'. lot. tor te Yen. Mr admiration forr oui bnavery le sincere, and 1 trust yon may live long t0eujoy tbe higi os. ADri 4. ffl- :'e «Wt Mr. Bometi: Arl4 98 t#gq" tl e .pràovins et the sct Of Congress et February AMsetU .PreMOte lie securlîy cf travel upan raliroos on- 49lt«ut«aeoormerce, anS le encourage lb. avlng et lite, bv* "4uliy aWarded à modal for extreMo darlng, wbemeby, an 4w lm lut »QnuImpenlIed ynur lite ln aavlug the lite ot au- t*sc e eomvcY ta ou boevt li e mdal as a tSnlmea. ~ *foaw~gru~uenOa eOutcourageoonaanS pmaleworhy oficoreci ours THBODORE ROOSEVELT, s e e e s s - EDW. A. MOsELUY. sketch of Mr. seinnatt Charles Bennett, the. recfplont or the medal, la 81 years of aget He re- aides at 146 Jefferson avenue, Wau- kegan, and bas a charmlng vite a"4 one ton, vho lea eSUN newapapo« carrier. He was em rnat IRlchmônd, Ky., tblrty-one years ago a nit aterrembv- ed to Chicago, wbere lie reolded for fourteen years, coming to Waukegan tour years ego aud residlng bere ince. He bas a nice lttie home and le ln goed circumatancen, heing e medeet, industrious, aggresstve and bard workng Yonng man who bas the re- spect and admiration of ail. He bus been the central ligure af many exploits of an beroic nature and one lu perticular ls celled te mmnd. It was related over a year ago lu a conversation with e SUN report. er and rocalled tbis moruing. Mr. Bennett saved an entire reçI,- ment ut soidiers ai Lemont, Ill., by dlscoveriag a-plot to low up tb. guard bouse by mens of a fuse mun- nlng scrons tbe river. Be gave the alarm and seved the day for t00OOor more meu. Ho campalgned lu Cuba lu 189à8and bas bad u adventurons and blgbly luterestlng caeor, fignrlng largely tu the public oye somp mInthsa go as the msn vho dauntlesiy trailed doya a gang et brass thieves for the North- watern rallroad. ile las brave, calai of mid, adven- turons and darlug te a more than or- dlnery degree and tbe modal tu bis by rlght of acbievqmeut lu every re- spect. MINISTER CRITICISES BOXING CONTESTS Clainis That Too Diagraceful for Chi-i cago the Bouts are liermitted to b. Run aif in Waukegan. Rev. George McGlnnis. mînister et the l"ret BaPtlst cliurcb tiunday took a larn et the bdxling cqnteats that bave been allowed of late tu Wankegan. His remarks were by wayi et an Interlude lu the main sermon cf tbe evenlng. Ho steted la substance that wileie Chicago výIldn't ellow sncb bouts, Wankegan welcomeo tbem eud sald tiiet Wankegan and Milwaukee are the ouly two cilles that vilI 1110w tbemn ln tbe mddle vest. He charged tbe administration wltb vwlnklng et tbe figbta aqnd Iguorlug them. Change in Management. By adeal Ilt Thuraday the Born isteruts lu theHorni & Dayton mml- ture , store on North , etm a treet, mcouestram 1the Postoeeure the. Dayton Iluereste, L4 A. Dayton retir-, lut trom tbe firuand Mr. Cou Born will ho manager. Wben seen Prlday Mr. Dayton etiled that bla plans are undeclded. Tbel&M of Homu & Dayton la a leader sud dos a vert ond business. It la currently reperted that Mayor Bllock aud red Churchill are asso- clated vlth LU C. Teves lu the.los business and aie engageS in e big Ses.!. The Teve. lutereete bave lu- vaded Milwaukee reootiy and aro, sald ta h. dolng extroinely woîl. Tbf>z move meens expansion and tbe cons-, pany la sald tn ho makng mouey. Neva of the meyor's identity la or. etlng surprise. There la a Pink* Pain Tablet hy Dr. SbOop tiiat vii polttlvely stop any peainayvbqs. lu £0 uinntéed Druguits everyviiere pU thezz AS tbey stop othe- pains as O"ily go headacbe. D1k Sboore Pink PW*, Tablets slmply oaa' %blood resr awey' troon pain eter-tbat ie au.'~ Pain comen from blond preuqr- - congestion. Stop tiiet presra wit, Dr. Bhoops Headache Tablotasnj pain la lnstantiy gone. 20 Tablts 8i Sold hi ail deslers. ATon-alcohro iîc If you îhlnk you a.od aà souz ssiiyour dco.If you <hl nffl'or uofoeebngfor Yo*> Mood ssiyour dore.Ify ilsi yoq, woul4 ilue to et M askmmi Iour doctor. Coq, su i hon. Keep ln clos SdOIWIhh. N .~l et ofbÏminemi lota vilu e h«ldin, four ii.u tovua inu -xoaias n otana. along ho u0* lime ta thec P"elCocuî ia May. ,'s"inw e-hall 11«* aote, Ma, ;1 t'bn iop% sMa )t~yg, :Ma7 )[4 211 md am Srftwa, X, U~Dkos, >ay . An *1wùê le b t e T64*tw ,*ro leest1 lu a, goo(divstaifêfaiml aàwt & aem"g ma d ryiagouitry m ayse a lorge tribuha.-y ade terltor1r. TIey vii ll i rapid devolopiot aMd présperity, andi ofoer exoeptiomal oppez- huniies for morobasis andi invetore. Sal M e i e blS luter la other lovas on tbe Pwlfin Coast extension af tbe Chiag Mt1wuI~e &St. Paul I&uîway 13"ar in this nov çouitry viiere yt'iU find today'a 0 à uutiafor euceff and ZCule .Indopedence.. Six tuonhag egal io*ns, 01 Lemmon, He hnger andi Boviasa veto estabilshed 'eou tue nev lnin uthe Dakota. Today esebtevu lbas a population close tô, 500 aid ail brance o bsiness are ropme n-t uhem, but o"Sotuuiue a «M il intiUl kr mmy liaioa businem. 1101" and deacrlptive boks egardiug leisnew cennîryasre Ires for tb. &@king, F. A. MILLER General Pessenger Agent Chicago --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - M» OJOCtitI!IM C. A. PADLEY Generai Land Agent Milwaulte S S8**OSS8SS*~SSpSpSp: Te--------No---- UoTyIi Eeag FOALEO APRIL 13, 1905 Disc tlarows Shupened WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Llbertgvle .l Opposite St. Paut Frelght ibepot F. BAIRSTOW MANFACulqwôr Sire, Pink 24,765 M a r b ie a ,0 fit W o r I o w c es iv Y . Wvo . h Monumenis atCbcagoltemational. iksoa Cemetery Work of Every Imeortsd 10 America. D.scrIptlon Pinks Parader's dam la Simene. a 2.00(, ib. m reby Villlrrs, 18,169 out of emele, CO oi gpfdOflMe5IlCIted 11,254. 5hgné racubock lu four Ilns tb Brulliat. 1 26 Genesee St Pinks Paraervwii ho limited .durlug Wanlkegan the season oi 1908-1m09t'O enotaIS., mare. Be vili stand et lb. iarm eof SPECIAL ATTENTION BèYWCR Go to -- ---EJIPÇPA11M IN and CON .PTTINR LE O D RU RY LIBERTVILLE, ILL. TootoTonOr.r II~<~tYNe - liiS.. BAR B ER S HO P Fee $1.5.00 Boehm Buiding Aid'Shipping Trade I4OTELS AND RETAILERU 8UPPLIED Ltbertyvflt, ioisiol Cash tîlme etofirsI service, wîtb CIGÂRS &ND> TOBACCO ieurnprlvllegs.duringthbeamson. Pink- WE DEIVER O ADJCPNTradeSr got alnoty por cent of mare. PRM HEA» TO TOýEI ARE bere wlth the greatest lune af Hart Scbaffner & Marx Eine Suite, Fine Top Coats and *Fine Cravenettee yau ever looked at. i]he H. S.& M. Clathes are the acme of per- fection, elegant ln fit, in finish and always ail waol and fast colare. Every au@ so guaranteed. They are better thAn any merchant talor can produce, aa thore is a style about them hoe cannot produce. Ail the new Bravua, Tans, Grayti anîd Blues. We fit the liard ta fit, sizes 88 ta 52. Copyright go8 by Hiant hW& Marx Pricesi ,l10;00 to $i!5.00 T-op Coats, $10.00 o500 Cravenettes, $1 0.00 to $20.00 ~Ioes and Sho-,es Our Great Shoe Store, wlth the largest stock ln Lake County ta make yaur selec- dions tram. Men's, Shoes and -Oxfords Wome 'S $hoes'and .Oxfords Boys', Misses' and Cbltdren's'Shoes and Oxfords, Don't tak.t *ytbing that yen ameue for yen eau - gel vhbtyou 'saut teg i SHOES AND OXFORD$ F CLQTIIfS ~4 essec. Ceea.. ea.Oep __________________________16 NKS OF NATION TO CHARLES 13ENNETT OF WAUKEGAN. =18« .1 j