This IM Abiiü BUGGIE Sta ver - Buggieý A re Ulood Buggies and You Know It kV I I au* j =WGood jndga. o! Soda Drim auozthe hst. :Wa u.. the hat fruit@, tisa vs can bny. Our gisevsare le isaveà*naver focnd anytbing tog Try_.or fanons Chocolats Graysla .F.i IH. A. WATSON, Oruggist a asaie o se opess oe c rRED JOC1IIEIM SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Town Orders And Shipping Trade DO YOIJ M ~~ I go com ein and "tr he Pialbo, ai your d4a "O You viiibeipleaed vit * STRANG'S GEO. E. STRANG Prop. Graypsiake - Bai and Restaurant Meulesend LancbeS at ail bomars OYSTERS IN ANY ST'I CIGARS and CANE LAUNDRT OPFC LAA ytje Ai. l CoeuisU04 abolu bgges V GRANGE HALL Yon want a Gond Looker. Win. Schutz a pant B'nnday et the Joe Beînner, or McfEnary, wamin x town Mre. Charles Tueker Je on thae ick list. .4 Tou wast a Long W.arer. James borna. . tsrceftly. W. H. Wilson ile is avery ick. .01111 You want Value For Yotif Dollars. The many friends o! J. J. Moore were S. J. Russell i3ade a buxsiness trip ta Miss Editb Wilson reund ûie le - Every advjeer racommends a differant gieved to bear of bis death whicb oc- Waukegan, Friday sedn e eesa iîun mare. cre ttebreo i agtr y. Miss Bessie Dunniflid f('Cha« , a Mrs. N. T. iMvansîîn im visitinxg ber Evr ;Irdrg adfeetsn. Fred ManzerimatFriday. Th body was SL of ber parents Ila1r,' Munayad aubrlxCiva. Evey eaerSigea ilerntsag. sblpped back baie and fun" l t eada Y. r.Caseaydoal hvemocl ýS You are fllke a mxan lbat iinthe Woods. the M. E. churcb Tueeday et 1* ci. M. iAthur Frost, of Co .Cliif iaslx siflteaon d fata. av mvdo S Whoun iitt'oiles ta, buggy buying the Mr. Mmre wae One Of the Old Pettiers in .,rSrda-i on h onBe am average man id up in the ar-Twothlflgs Lake comuit2' and recently sold bis fine'oe The OIrange HalUliil gave a pil nie are in plain aoigit-',Tli(a Pqiut and The tarnt ut Mîiore'e Corner@ tu the Britton bMisO Eleie Smith s!p* it ,ics day fast the jasr dey o!fsliiol. Price'* and the jolie o! it le tbat the man- Brom. At tlila bomostead hobâta lived a Week ait Graysilke IMn. Charles flarntail, vi'iteIlire. ufacturer of elieap iuFgies eidaddn tbe great xiahiv -ars and labored faithltulI. N . aughi Fitchi, of %\;, ikiîîîis rit- Beeky fast Sandax gaufi" .jolie muales ka foi) tofit eay il $40)For tiie pat îew yearsbh ail ielped bis ing Mir. and %fIne. wîîîI. f e Ton 'hariplni-y is, xiortaining pr-nlis asdthen )lie putt; on inlishlaait monî. irtOr, work the faim aiîdretinei Freeiiiau i ydi'r, ofif t-t, ,fVîî , veld ber moThirfoa ci liaîii.fa w ru lits o ii aît anid vannbilé a finish fille frotu w îirk at the age o! 85. He li.t ti' giiest oft! l sci i i f iberIiurlty __front_________ agi)__ tire______________ ciiiugil, [r ia ,'ffO.lfO job. only re,'îîtLy ts i siit ]lis dîuglîtÀ r aiîll( t,,iiiglit one day lait .K Mr. By,'r tbîîî llie le aving a fe* ,dol- fad oafy bex oieaou hrewe--i sssAnnie Mill, i, ifirv HiîkLO GLAE ixiîiitiicnor a yearfhe thiiketrot. Arcb Ifexi n Toil preaclxed bis liat oiiiast week. PPl Mý i on f lj(low vllier.' isr Jit look at un xii you and tbixik o! mornmermo llast unday evenuxxg at the E1is- 1Peter Blake, of ,ti .,î Mai y. ti iof tiire ftavî'rs tilat yisu knouw bave heen cplw xsiuifo hi flelîig. iui nry a residexit lior i ailîig Mr. axid Mil 11111cps-t Sunday at r rîxiiîîg tleu twerity yeare. Buggies ifil i sli fir Lonidoinrirelil ofet0!May Ilîîîud friende here asi cfytheir cottage laere. t bat acre biîugbt at a faim px'iîe to. wberi l u- as a delgatto tiievhurefh iexnRsduWui~f iimu ha dadJyGaîmatue Tîxen tiink if corne other wakea that covninMf petit Snnday wltb1,.' r airl11îs 5u eshooît at Elgin Suilday. bave lpb,.eîi ligt i tbe fast 2year or op Wa. tnackle wiî is 1alatrxeAl~i,, riends fhers. Mes nne ram waa icg aud a are al xxi, these are wortb tbinking bospital at Wîîulo'gaxi i- ery mach l m i ad atue ut udya idetorimerahaata.hcg g alll)li. whexiyoxx hny get your monayil pror'ed aftlr a cirliouis ueration Fîgime Mui an t pci i t' muindayae, Jiîiî M neiand alfa ieti taurîl. Editor Savory hlis çuribaaed the Kirk Egn lrn ei , ýuiILk, Cliarfie eJotertainan and po it vel k lO th t OU~ J o d lote p i i n th a t city . A pa lier o ! a rried tfl a m ail. Co xm pa n y S unday . Now iste: W hav sol huired of12 years e@taliliehxexxt aid i a vemy Ms uy Wal iicdfinse fithedp oiivl i Mv fvuge ld1 tin Nr avory wiîî move 'ucondè,. Satuxrday anid Suf ay.EATFXLI good value for your mnonay. Tlxay ean fin wifoeand faxîîiy there i the feur Mr. and MUs. Frank Hiriniuia enter- Mre. Jus Huckar was a Cicago viitoi mit ha heat at any price. We carry a future and take 1oseeoiMay 3tb. tained Mr. and Mri. Jolin Bîronîixus3, o Friday and lfaturday. god tok ~dwoldlie a .ek t e iau lmth l-e o posmrty Iaukegan, over Sanda.v. Mre. George Russel anrd Iittie sonwh oser with you ise Belle Allan je amsietant at tbe Mr. and Mrs. Chair. IRalit.f M auke- haab nsk-k the ast feww eswth L iE~T~~JLLE ç~atoffice -Iliclct now i'înduct.ed hy gan, wera recant vieftrs at tLe Raagîit typhoid lever are able toi get &round tha rIE T ý'L EVs- G.0.Wite. faim.à bottse a littie. B ro s., ILLINOIS Miss Gertrude Leter dient flaurday Claude Rchardson anid a party o! Mrm. Ern Ho(k il tkli to the Lake- and Sunday at ber honte at Libertyvilla. friandsn frorn Elgin orpent )art o! iaet 'lide hboapital 1 t Tueeday ta undargo ____________Miss Lux, of 'itioch. was a business weak fisblng on theafaakes flsr fVoici an Operatioxi and Je gtting along nicely. cailer iîere Moxdav. Wil! I ironirnuo vas in Chicagoi une M. L. Galiger wau a Grayalake railler Harvey*Watlion lm nos. pendlng mniot dyls akStraDé o! lis xfinie at Rockefeller, tii.' tore of the Mlr. and lire. Ben ltiîing anîd sons, Mies Eva Cuser speit fast week at ber x filmxio! Watsoxi & lvcbiiib.îg oliexiai Albert and Frank acre iii Waucoxîda grandmîîther's. S 0A therc laet $atarday. flaturday afternoon. ZION CITYc Many o! the frends o! Nik White front Mrs. Henry Stiling, of Pistakee Bfay, Chicago and Waukegzan attended hIl ws.' tbe guast of is. Gertrude Miller Obituary. fuerai last Tbureday. Wednsday and Tbursday of iact week. Taio er n ejyxgters e- Atty. Churchill transueteti bosinessli Medamnes Math Bailer and Wxa. and esteern o! ail wbo knew bxm, an old Chicago Monday. , Hironimus and Miss Lucy Linill were citizen o! ibis community bas Ilasseil toN F. lW) Batterehail lu Chicago on lu Wauconda raceniîly. the great heyond. N business Monday. Mrs. George Walmsley and son, and Laet Friday afternoon, May ns. 190", Thecit stees ae bin cîane ~ Mrs Fred D)unnil visllied an Wst Hawley V. Young daparted thie flue. The James Sherman bas the work undar tbe Fennt, Bunday aiternoon Immadiate cause o! bis death being thé oupeintndece f te cty ard Mie MUk O"dutaher wh enendInflammation o! the bovale and parilla- IE supritedene f ie it mre ali isailalaaau.cer eie e . Bîis iefuneral sermon was pretacbed P Frank Fritsch. aconvent at Miwaukee about a ysam rombre ,hr dsacefo townc - Msors. Hughes and Little, o! Chicago, wee itn brpaetshretu lnday afternoon lly Bas, letton o! the nif were gumine of the Misstes James at Gagas poaicu ndadlcdcoranl Lake SndaySnnday gnaeta at the fiabei hnte wera furnishedJ appropriât@e sangs for the ù,- o0 Lr.ak und rlay. oFnin Maène. and Mesdmes John Sahal and casion. The interment watt in the Slveror Mr ndlre lac XFnon ut Gerg Bobr, of Chicago, and Mrs. Ed Creek ceretary.01 Sunday aith their daugbter, Mrs. as. fnydar and moue, of Fox Lake. The Mn. Young watt bonlxi the state ar tii Wihma.maiy riandIs of the !amily viii ha sorry pennsylvania, Sapt. fi, 188, and vas seN Mr@. Ed Hook attended the. fuieai o! ta learn tisas lr. Babel doee not improve 691 yearsé and 8 montbls aid at the time vo Mrs. Buttarflid at LihartyviUae Monday. li beath as could ha wisbed. o! hie datatb. On Oct. 24, 1858, ha was& "C Bny10 ent votho! erfna nd atmarried toi Margaret Mead wbo survives go ahandsoma fan and a @ample of "Jerotte" IMlLB- i. aws& ahrotheelirn pefc.t h yeaeéaray ila ew ,Ixhro v cide.l parumaat he 4raelae sharnac. .Douglas, nov a reidant of Oklahoma, oc Amanu Brod., o! Round IÀka, viii give Misses Helon Safford and Mabel Banner sD 0on, o! Ililuais, Emma who ln détadloc anotbr one of thoir poplar dancasflBat -"ta.wdy it hi aet n Ella and Edward whtx ara at home. arday ngbt, May 80. This will ha tie sPunito Rocdesvtther ir pareuns Ailithe living cbidren wre atthe funeral ope'nxng d"acao! thasummer. Saturday Te raturingt eerWx. Snay adaloCuts Yoxug, a brîtbar, o! nigt dances vii continue tbrogboutThygdatJuai Haralock, Neh. Mr. Yonng movad frntAt thi eason. yire. Croplay and daughter. Canna Pansylvania toi New York, thence to mille bve proouncodour Foutain Seciaites Lio FrankvlsxtopnduJohn sRnwling aned Johfamîlyg tnd lmllinte isaniois ronmfrhmreeroNtoNebrasawbeer ke av pjonuncd un outai fpecalie La Frauk viii opan n bianixarpast we. ha spent theaflast 20 years ni bis fle. By r best tiina craam facftory anundeayientnd al ordOUr.A. K. Bain and John A. Strang train- occupation be was a fanmer al bis tiv always liean and oui pries. reasonable. We À fins baby boy arrlvad at the home o! sacliad business in Chicago, Monday. file. Ha vas o! a kindly dissuti on, aS god for orfuéano u utmr. Mrs Alhart Wagner Tuesday Miss Wileoi, o! Dlainond Lake, rlsted food friend and viii long ha remambered o ro aurte foun-t'saixino ur tamr . r ga oudLk. uand Sudayvitb bera ,y bis ifrands as a man o! tbe stricteet <a Maltd MIk-t~sa vnne. moiiig a Roifl Lae. UDr. fuda y anantintaglty and wortb. Peacato hxcanhas. t Gso. Webb of Autlocb, tnaneactsd tu r.Jmso.I business bars Fuee<lay. Mr. Yole, o! Bouters. ham the cantract orSEL Lke - Pharmabis to huila a nae bouse hatween W. B. RSELM J. 5EI5E SAProp trour a Sumboens oFAiocbma Stewart'@ and R. Pantanis. 'Thars vere eigt a! the echool ebildren i J.DRCE Pop l Sil r a bar at rlday. eistSA. H. Stewart spent Satnrday and took lise examination in Wankagau,a Geo. Strang ILa. aitwdubue, essdat.funday witb bis sons lu Chicago. 1 Saturday. Tbay vare: Mao Melville, RA LAE IL.Mievnkea, riday. il f ake&, d L. 0.M<oodyof Raacie, pident of VannasYoung, Wille Cornes, Zoo chaste, Mpnisnoretbisweli.t br o! meaukagan, the Lake connty C. E. Union attended Engoe Chamse, Earl Padlay, Roy ______________________________ sendng us vak t br brnalIe-e. the C. E. meeting xfundey avenîng. Palmarton, Archia Casterton. Mrs.C. A. 60-1,11 114114 ~MesCr Ewreo Hikrwa MblCorris, Mrs. H. O. IX'tnng aud Miss Miss ora Ewards o! Hckory Chopa and Maiol Cannon took Corrina Criaese acorpanied tbam. Talepisoe ~. 46 tiihe t o! Miser Bail Braver SStud5y the final azaminstion !rom the ightb tb alsetrandacui o Tlehry'le Eo. 46and Bunday. grade at Gurnea, Satnrday. MHsRuy Nova, nrtnda cuin. LibetyliilleExchnge Dr. John Turner, o! Chicago' enter- Mr@. Josephina, Matiesve iii viit MHnyoe udy Stalned friands at bis parents home hors rad i akg oH !vdy. . 0. Young opérat Sunday dit home. ~ Siudy.Mre. Chandler. of Chicago, visjted Hart Sivar, o! Kenosha, cailed on BAKER Sidney Carlleld tranaacted business t ai rda and Sunday vlth Mir. andlire relatives flunday. Waukagan, Monday. Nibans. Mr. and Mr@. Nibaus bail J. R. Reevee is on the siek fliot. and CON!FECTIONER ~Mr. aud Mréi. Williot, o! Watikeggn, tbsir baby daughter christensd at the Alvin Melville bas gone to.Montana puUrt Sflnday vitis f.iser danghtar, Mrs. cburch Suinday and Mmr. Chandler etood alter his brothar, itan, wbo bas beau Henry Kuebkar and huaband. spauspr fori. injuredin lm oude vay. Librt~iII - iliois Mme. Kate Waite te sick at the. boni. o!f lire.1. L. Hoirne s 1 entertainîug bar Asa Corris vast a Kenosba visitor lire. May White. sister, Mr. Id& B. Crook, of Washinigton, Saturday. Z Miss Blle Hal aud mother trawé D. C. Mre. Crook rama as a dlegate R. G. Munie wM in Chicago, Thuroday. *business in Chicago, Mouday. . from thonreta the Bayai Nighbhr lcoxin .R-on ndvewr eoh HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED .onMsx tlddlb uea !vuo hl uCiao iiors Friday. jMmi. Butterflohd at làhertyville, Monday. George Safiord. o! Chicago, @pent Sun- 8 WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWN$ Picture ftraining don. In- artistlc style day with the home folks. e t raseonahie prie«. Peniny plinru George White and Rielph Miller, o! oi 0006 400008--------- 11111111111111111111stxrpaisand tbrty pictures for 25ce at Rochster, Wi., academy optnt Saturday Iolk Studio. sad Sanday with thir patrente. Arthur Stanford and @Jeter, Mary, Of There viii ha Danish services et lise Mrés. Foster extertained bar sistan front Chicago, @pont Sunday at Clovrdala borne o! James Sherman Sunday, May the city over Sunday. feaim. 3lst at 51o'clock. A Dantli mintaier lire. Mary Bter and Miss Bâter visitail Miss Adaline Wail attexidad the. birtis- 0 fromn Chicago will ha prsent san *M e Tuesday and Wedneeday o!ftil waak day party o! Mise Mahal Noisti Baturday 1 hl cllrnf aciraee n* ovtsfriands at Lake Format and Evans- evaning et bar home lu Fox Lake. VAT~PAOso t this service if thay vish. ton sud thoan go ta Taylorville to visit Forty games were poot 0 Wm. Wilson was taken sarionsly filiat lire. Baters bnotber, James Taylor for a Mnr. Bert Paddock andi daugbter, o the borna af bic daughter, Mr. Clappan woak. Phyllis, spant Saturday with relatives ta Le finous SCHAEFBRL&SCHUETTE 0 limear range Eaul thare f. to! tha,'ve.k Laks county C. E. convention viii he Waukegan. al at out store a ANY TME sud nov"""lieat tira Point o! dsiatis.Dr. isord et Lake Forest.,uaturday, Juxia 13. George Davis has quit railroading sud Palmar vas ualied there li consultation Remember the date. wiltasetis icfaîher vitb the feaim vork th lif.. ithDr. Jolly, o! Gurnne. C. E. to ic, May 24, "Beixiqa Chriiaxi thls esuamer. * L. Y. Sykes transactail business at III, et tea Ballot Bol.,: e. 28: 1-9. osa. Benveil canght a fiue lot of cliver I!URNITURE STORE Chicago, Tuesday. Jeas 8. Denai, leader. carpt last Saturday and vas kind enough LICNSE UDERAKE @ Dr. E. F. Shafier umade a profesalonal tai pasthora arliilfaxnaong bis elgb- AIC NO EMBALER * r ail et Lake Villa, Tueday.' R SERA Shors. *ND BavERRo. J. E. Edwards, o! tha "Cburch o! N A. B. Combéi buugbi a fine Young our Saviour, Chicago, wiii condnct the J. D. Murray loet rive éshaep by horss o! Stanford Bras. Tueaday. services at the Epiecopai Mision naxt ligisuning flait wsek. Mr. and MrsCrixs Bioorne sud daugh. Sunday evening. ia Jessie Yoernan, o! Waokegaxi, is ter, Hilda, of Waukegan, @petSuntlaw Mr.asu d lre. Marsball Atweli returned visitlng Biaxicli Oliver, i A. B. Combs.' borna Tneeday altem spandlng tha vintar Mise iva Taylor le home fronti ber Mr. and Mne. LC. . Thomsoni sud sons et Lo@Augelee and other Pointa O! vestern trip. vers Waukegaîî viitors flaturday and nferont ta soufflen California. Effiner sud Gar-dner Faalkner vers li Sunday. ker g asi o br Y r L. T. Sykeasand vifs vare takan roto hagfstwekHrionGlrtidigmrecap- the mysteries o! the Eastern Star lat cg at~Hrio ihr edigsm apn Tuesday avexing after wbicb a lunciseon Tisera viii be eguar rnorniig anid ici vork for M. B. Huson. vma erved and a ver-y pleassut avauiug 0eeenlng servicesi in our churcb bareaiter. Harvey Hanson bougbt a fine Stavan I4 l~i~I petit. Mr. Kale, of Chicago University, la aur carniage of Bert Paddock at Round Laks CHANGED Mrs. Chas. Wightman eniertainailthe pasr. recently. Ladies' Card Clubadt ber borne at the last J'lhnr Welch, whbasât been li the U. S. Scisool clases at Fort Hilli tus week regular meeting sud ail report a pleaiut uavy for tha past threa yeans in home. Tbureday. tie. Barry Crawford spent Sunday ai. Married. HAND Wi. Smth isbt; t anoune tht hme-Ou Weduesday, May 13, at 4 o'ciock hlentacandidate for the office tif Our tovn vent for local option bot nM., occnrved tise marriage of Charles polmaster. tise vet hava itsehen It cames la the it, 5s~o!Font HIi, sud Miss Myrtie erved , , ,~ Miss Gertia Siiohar, o! Chicago, le wcatber. Wlknson, o! Cbemung, at tiseisome o! Lumber, ýciinÉfI»S 1Ln upendlng a fev veeks vith ber rparants. -BortisaFaullkner attendad thae chool WIII Richsardson aunucle o! tise groom MAY OPENIN DANCE~ AHN AT-----1N NmnBros.' IMaiI ]ROUND LAKE, ILL. of ail Kiùda satur4ay Eveninq RE2PAIRE M ay $0, 10$ý wighn- ___ AN D Tl,in b.' the o iii fifllae 'IfthIiD s a c ni i rdav iiigh t dances If the summetrD s a c sasIii amai iagranld timle iprîîîîîied Excellent Muoie Tickets 7,5 Cent@ Disc Ilarrows Sharl Don't Mie@ It AMANN BROS. ROUND LAKE, ILL. WILLIAM LAYCflCI ICE CREAI FÀCTORY Wxebes t announce that tbev vîilopen up ibexr nas. factury i dus trne fox, ordera for Dee6ratiou ay. The veny hast of crearn vii W manu!actured bare at pricee reasonahie. De (iraslakt ire £rem. £o. L. FRANK, Manager eicphoise 36 GRAYSLAKE. ILL. BEN M. MILLER, Atteesy. otice of Increase of Capital Stock. Publc noutas leIsersfu7gn ibat et a Pexiax meeting uorsa tohe iolders of tise àaka tjnunty Teleuihona Oomxsan7.toid t!A ac ufficao! the colvnT nyla LIneryIle. 111ois, on tihe 2ut dar o! éjiril. A. D. late. mrsuant to notice by mainEa8 and publics- tn as requlred by Iaw, thsé foliowlng sjolution vas e.dossted by theastooidars 4saMd corporation. twu-thIsrds sud ame o! L ths vota$ rarmsented by thsstooako!ssld *rssoratiounn tlavufoirbaheadoptIon )fsaid raowlu.0b n d ~s ~ I orporas on haturaa t5rou Oe o.êc ,ho sum of 00ai s." And funthan notice l a eygiva tisai: a *rtlicate o! tise tac asecf aiai ,!isd bya&Mdavit OftibcPe.ldut o! ad orporatioa and nder ibaDeelal d !orioration lias beau ftied lu tishe o! tise icreteir o! Stats of tise Nus?.,o!ftIlis sud lau a Ilus certificats bel beau 93locifor record itie Officeaof the Recorder nf Doede o!ft1e Dont? or Laka. lu the atec a ooios. tal Dounin o! Lake bel ~tise Countr ulsera thse pnipi bnsineet 19 suchi corporation ls Tas.4È Lia otisTyTSLmpnoslo6 OUPNY. B,-VJ. tx.zxcm Ouaux.r resident. ttesxi. Y.AiXB.Loma. retusy. lttorxsorata D4JRAND & CtmNie4usiA. Attornes,. saDeerbors St. GCbcs l u. Adjndlcattqps Notice. Public Notice laeibygv~tia.ts u bsciben Âdmtina= gtrlz o tise ate .f 241er. peson, deceased will atteild thse countr nunt of Lak ç t9 terauf un bc holdenk et tise <ourt o0e0 iu Waukegan, lu sed Conut. 'oun fret Xondal of Jul7 nazi isci. visn &ad Estate are uoti5iad d x=sed te, rasent tise saeato sif timifor Bas . Esxfflosa. Aduslnlets-atnlx. Waukeaan. Ili. AvrI lm 51 U-4 I',a Opposite St. Paul Frolght Dep«% F. BAI RSTQYW m ANdUFACTU ptenOo Marble andGul Monumenis, Cemetery Work of EWV Description Correàfol dnce5oiI Waukean Fineit mMin naY àe nov on eiilae a0 Kuebker& I1ow 1 make it a ecla1,t-yg baft ini the ltta modarate po ELIZABýETM - LI PushingI.tP ~ ~ for their mars cisgPnss. w e vWay. Onrt Beller plaUý*Ob tis cheapmet mode bulths' i loweet prlced o! &SI '90 intrmat Bumbe« Iht4 a SchWar sMd yen get tifs ,b price@ viiipurubase. Louis J. Ytoi Mn WAIJK ILL P Imported Percheron Stal4" Fr=& ch StudRegimia-t"" . A oim Stud RegiWa 44960 Bomea S nov sccllmaied sud vil bcamne a - a Ire o!01block7 boued draft borms, tisa klud tisé manket ng b big ries"o. 1975 lbo., visempontsd oad , làbsimipansd la o» compacwt and iseavlssboud boisUdes o!tbar fS, s1 5»00 to Inqe STANDS AT My PARN ONE MIl..1 WEST Or' Wohevpýo« mse f .Io Imm Schanck1 OVR JD oit b4 ,765 van the iploneilp : S today hon ever a62,000 2Sernele, ur huaes dl during 1 onteida fanm or iON o! mau« rim