PWaI~ti hltbUti vl. 1'ý Guaida "Pt Vian * IAt thls Urne it was necessary for the guard tu interfere, as the man h.- S fUJRR-D came to exciteil and!the vountis MI tS ATI1!R were bolng sr e sho stretche,! A match box vas tound l ineis ck- *(Cbtlnued from Page 1) Stlayer Tell ila Story. «T became discouraged aud vanted o die," began Amafl. "Luck vas al *&&et us. 1 arn paralyzed sud l le du it me ta make a living. 1 vas biemainromascar seven years ago la consductor on the Belmont avenue I 5uSd the company and got dam- ««s for $5,870, but thoessue vas sp- ---TMtrd" 1 lofthie place vhere 1 Wý6 atayint. determIne,! ta on,! my Le. 1 h bal aked vlth the boY about t mà be had agreed, refuslug ta re- oi te Chcago or ta trionda. The »r sald that If I died ho vante,! t0 U*. tien, and that lie 'oul,! not 1*6è toek a car trom Evastan on *é %M.e efernoon sud came direct ýia-. Bluff. As the train ou vhlch Ïis,vere ridlng neare,! Lake Forest îàâ 10m Bluff, school chidren crowd- bd l. The siglt of tliem made Wsl- t ad. I toI,! hum otaries sud soon me4awived at Lake Bluff. Pick F lover. W.gôt off et the station st Lako W4 M saet the afternoon vander- Q tirouglithe voods nortb of the il bge, gathetiug tfoyers. water eÏbobi th.ltte bleds snd asked me etbeerme Bi> S1.Aaleep ln lthe Woodsa. 4 -"W. valke,! by the labo shore ail4 b' Prlda>', goIng up loto Lako Bluff,. ècèeI seceeded lu obtalnlng a dol- S Md vues' Water prchssed nmern4 Wm. 1 seceetBorme envelopos1 I ui vrte vblle attbeg on a 109 *'» jaka frS tsud vhilch ve maled ebvbt eng prias' 10 Mr coaming4 mM ao the be alter darèL. ý VUiciOle Laks Foret ,o Md" amd the next vo valk-1 g»aui be aschel. itting etlUmem LýM >.bemcbem. efhor Urnes ou th. oui cm the platformm at the IbyDa te Leaue Hl. thSLIdl. bo, te bave me ami *IB I h ducw ' ly>'bounhÙl. ulgt ve came te a bonse ~ iigbtd.1I aad, 'Walter,. if t[eos, for the home vas at- lue bluff, and kick on tb. ,»eou on vii corne ot and 'wbat ycu vant. Then jon tbat yon are leat sud the.> 7M la for the ight "di ja Sas e bd ta leep on and a breakfast hi the mrnrulg.' 71» WWa Refuses. IbVIII flot 50% Iv"l!nt bave P&' Cmlad rephi,. ~ ve s1ê4o ~ Irvnt te uaked,M 9 >fVers t@ die sMd Iire ate& d,'o1 siy If you ae. W. ttle lad S'une,! bis ltte uudershlrt Ida C:sd thsev hack hie sweater' »d Abim IrBe arose lu a moment t4IIeh saine te my clothes. Thon Wd-dMovn on My arr." ciuveas teeple. Potio, ~t b thlut the father gave the 'a » ou of a botle o iandnnm. -ta lb g tatemeuts relate,! at the r sd the lad vont to sieep again tý»elent Urne.. a ploceofo candy lu hie iet, the Umerne su, hlips ver., lke a little bah. sucking on j'1 rahe,! over sud tit bis beart We %amile,! et me. Thon 1 struck I es'ac:e oven sud amlied!at me, wwgme lu hie arme sud klsslng wîýon the moull asulie murmure,! s M4 wmeveli.1 "Thec 1 stalibe,! mysoit sud probab- I'. ip. lure onconscious ail atter- Wbesi1I as avalteno,!late t1 1t suppose by tbe coal aimas-i 1s fin gauattempted ta finish tue1 1- t 7found I vas too voak. 1 MMOffd on lintil eîopped by. the Ïm*à at the fort Vuan slkuaw the 0j', anUi ith that the man lurne,! bis aide and refuse,! 10 saY any *4t that ime, the lest time yenl- me, ~"Wsiter vrote Ihat lbIter sud 4W t of hie ovu free viii." Pbrevda for a Falure. -toi inbuprias' ta that If I talle,! ie*tteopt ta bil uyseit that I f or killing hlm. He 1014 ýjjjIf 1 died and lie did not lie Md drOvu h»lnlf lu the lslio. Asies for Keifs, 01 Wvei xLm.1Ilove,! hlm witl al 1(bet. Dout ani of yoa people W $D 4Me go. If you had been lu rflgeyuvouid have doue the ,ha ofvater. My Go,, glas me kfhmhihan Ivii fnish the j~seAmanu vas taken itb a ~I .114tesr vft* runalng ~ ~esla W'ill T et oun'shicli vas vritlen, "It -vas hie mothers tfauli. She vas a lier." 1 Wbeu asked the meaning of this,i Amaun toI,! storles ut the quarrels vhich lie hsd hsd vith Mrs. Knoble. 'She tld tonies about the quarrel vbich 1 iad villi ber at the time ve parted." Aman tate,! ha1 Mca. Knôble, thej mother ut Water, aitliaugh he vas the father sud :had nover beon mer- rie,! had tva other children. He said1 tha1 ho vent ta live vth theMm may yeare ega, prlor ta the tather's death elglit yearsasga.11 Ho did nI mention is Infatuation, for Mm. Kuoble sud spoke otflier as If1 sho voro his vite sud as if ho bail leftt lier aler a querrel. Hanna Interferes. At ibis pont arrangements were lie- Ing made by Coroner Taylor sud his doput>, Edvard Conrad!, for the re- movai of the body ut the dead boy ta Waukegan. Orders vero receive,! et tho hos- pitel la provet the vemoval ot the body tram headquarters without first consultng vth Coi. PInloy. Viit Scene of Death. Loading into the Bidinger automo- bile, fftate'a Atborney Banne sud oth- or oiliioers ou the spot hasteoed ta the scelle of the killing for the ex- A, on?". vMegtloe, ""'yon ue tact Ilit tbe odeeibooee MMUipIe&~ a shot vayu outaide 'the poet4Tho antçemaobie vau bastene,! again to th. hoebltal, wbere arrangements verei moon made for the. rernova ofth1 body. State Aeumea Chargle. 1 The stato of Illinotis in*nedlately as-1 urnedl charge ofthle remains of 1he dead boy snd the injure,! Ammun. Take Murder to Wauksgan. 1 Wrapped ln heddlng and blankots, Amn u vs ustled ioto the. Bîdinger automobile and a guai'd placed wlth him on the rear seat ta vatch hiseov-1 ery movement.1 rTe auto rau aet breakneck epeed1 through suburbe of Lake lPorest ono lta vay ta tiMEsCity. Arriingat the McAlister H-ffII, I the injure,! man vas taken up ta, the second flocr and! a' gpsrd placed to, by Sberiff Grifnu snd took the ostb lmulediately. Ortie, a Kiliing. "KiIi the man rather than let hlm escape," wero the orders of thej officers. At the hospital reports announcei Arnn hsving spent a peacetul night. He slopt for the firaI ime aud the guard hsd an easy Urne of It. Mother Arrive@. inl a crýtth-aternent to a IBUN re- 'Porter thtsnMning Mia. Knobie mab- "n~téir- denles that Àaau la le bahro er cl,. «'Se b as tried 10 force me bO mar'> hlm hy telllng aliros,! that he la the father of the chid. il vas nothing short o! revenge for rny turning hlm do" an, riýfusing to marry hlm that led 10 uta kiliing my boy. "Ever aInce my huehan,! died eight yeaao lh. bas been maklng an at- tempt to persuade me to tnarry uîm, but 1 refuse, to dé so. I vould 1101 marryMbi, he lo a crlpple. 1 conld not love hlm, so 1 vIll not marry hlm,. "He trie,! 10 force me to do lt, but lu doigug se heoa bu klle,! my son. 11 have flot seen Amanu for many weeca. George, my eideet son, sged 13, sav bim on the etreetz tu Chieago about three veeke ago but he did 1101 recognlae sny of my famlly except Walter. "I have worked my linger nals off in au attempî to care for hlm and the family, but ho got moad sud hiked off taking the boy vbo aivays cared for him vlth hl lu an attempt ta force me ta marry hlm, but il dîie not work. *"Would my boy laY dovu sud close The papor train brougbt the, aged 1 hieUye,,,,aud aliov thel man ta Itbruet mothor of the dead boy tb Waukegsua fe.m. bis bosare N'a, no. fi Arrivlng here before 6 o'clack, thoélias Dot the nerve. 'i'ere le not one mother basteno,! ta the Larsen & Conrad undertakiug parlors, 'shero se vas met b>' e SUN reporter to vbom sho toI,! ber ator>.1 ofus thet hathe nerve ta do that. himmeif by teiling those storles. 'I.. Ïret iearned of the murdor. yes- the bcd" vomi,!b. lOa*ad tt1T anbOus' ,bforée ii. uuidrer "I vas tuumiffluod ta the Police Ott- 4181eted dovu acab *md vas himseit, lion ati 2o'clocIt thia rnornlng snd the 'i dous the. de.,!and meant ta die moan there tôld me that my boby usd1 myseIt, but au 1 talle,! the state viii been Inlure,! hY Amanu and tbtt bc do vhat I left undons." hrad been taken to u ghvood. Later ho told- me that my son had heen Cocnnty 1JaI OfIBCIas refuse ta he- merdored. Then vîlli my son Ilive* that Henry Amaun, ho mur. George I hasteued ta Wauisegan, deret Waiter ICuoblo, ls insane and vbýere 1 vas met hy thie SUN rep'rter. sol that hé i lu tu ihs rigbt mind. I have one allier chul,. a dsugbter '18 Amauan la rather moros, but refuses yeers oÇ age." to, repudlate hl% first atory of tue sui- cide pact hetveen Mm s nd the emalu «I arn the father ot the chu, d ni1boy h. bille,. vill prove fitvhen the 'inme cornes," aunnunce",! Aeat lhe hooplial Hobeona Choice. Monday. "The chu, vas bore accu w b440eJoou tbiiik of the two ani atter ve returne,! from the veat, datbs?" aado neeleet@Ior of muotuzr ur about eleven yeas ago. At that tUme I lmgOb secent content. Mrs. Knoble vas living with me att a "What do 1 thixk of them?" vws the liotel ln Chicago. AIl these tacts 1 1reply. "W.ll. vhou 1 look st them. 1'. cao prove tonigbt; 1I eer that 1 "i bave ouly one request ta make sud that la. lt me heip huild the scaffold. 1 can vork vlth one baud and can drive a naîl vIti the liost of tbem. I hope that they viii han% me sud do, It &non. 1 vaut 10 dis. I care not ta live nov that- the boy le gone; lie vas al the vorid*to me sud I vaut ta ho vith hlm." Whon Amanu vas controuted by a reporter Monday morniug wvlio tr-m- od hlm that Mrs. Kuoble vas lu the elty aud vauld caro far the remains ,of ber chlii,, Amea gaspod for breath. Clutcliing his broet above the vounds, lie gasped out, -l--" but he got no tarther. TIred nerves, vlth that "no ambi- tion" feeling that la eommoniy teit in spring or eLrIy sommer, eau h.e aaily and quicicly altere,! by takiug vhat la kuovu ta druggiats everyvbere as Dr. Shoop's Restrative. One vill ah- solutely note s changed feeling vitb- lu 48 Ijours after begiunning ta take the Itesturative. The bovels gel lug gial Inluthe winter tlime, the cirenla- ton otten slovs up, the Kidneya are Inactive, sud even the Heart lu --Y cases grovo deci,!edly veaker. Dr. Shoop's Restorative te recognized ev- eryvhere as a genuine'touic ta theme vital organe. Il builda up sud strengthens the vorn-out vesleened nervea; il sharpens the tailing appe- dite, sud universail> aide digestion. It siva>'. quickly bringa renovwe, strengtli, lite. vigor and, ambition. Try il sud h. cotivine,! . Sold by ail deal- es-, ~. - - - - - - - - - - - - - zcz.07 I ... No. GKUSzm ., fTIIRE - ~STORE TMAT iAS ?MADE WAUKEGAN FAMOUS NO CHARGE FOR A LT ERATIONS CAR FARE REFUNDED To m of tomum on of $5.00 or town cils- pmre: ora"àum UE m RE U Light Summuer Mixtures clegantly trimmned 4098 âmis suits. Ineludinig hgh grade Panamssi=es14 to2 7,069 50 High Grade Suits, best materials andl styles ail colors, values up Io $30.00 14.50 Plain and Colored Mix- tures, very pretty, while they last 10-98 Panama Skrsb AUl colors, regular $7.0. values 3.98% Sce,,ou large assortment of fine Vile Skïrts upwards from WAISTS We sell a Waist for 98c which has no equal at double the -98c price White and Ecru Waists elegantly trimmed, season's latest effects 198 Great sacrifice of plain and colored taffeta, also white and ecru net Waists. t~ondA, has bM, $,PPWgi aqI WUi ýe fought out ln the Ociobie tortu 'f thé, circuit court. The point at leune 1 thAt BurtOnR gave bis parents *t 15W aCitIffe Son01 the place whieb it Walleoil tii.y help- ed him buy and on thegrouade of this lte lea. Mma. Clarke la Uylig to get poggession. Orvie & Beaublen are rep- reseing the Burtoas. The cee a ;von by the defense ln the Juetic& court at Wauconda. Without À Great Aherall v. bfbe AyU's pilus un Ilver plus. 1bey me dIrecd, noie*aIW«, maïs mars bile aecreid. This tae y hy yame a.vain- abletu4 eaaaltpea, b«kosaadys- peWIa, aUc.he&daeiî. AM ymàw;cto Ilh nowa a bemnelaxative pfIB Wea WS- IST I UMGA WATCH OUR AD- VERT ISEMENTS THEY WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Mflinery Our Own Importation Flowers Alf"kinds. Now i.- your chance. Bunch ***19C Nobby inats Largest Assortmnent in Waukegan Look thea m over L%9 Richly Trinied Hats Select styles 309 ______________________ 1~ ______________________________ E ff~-~ - N Ail *1.00 Corsets Dresse Lavu sud lingerie, vkite, pink, bine, and ail colore. llaudaornely trimmed, et. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dacy ai Our Nw Shwgi Ladies' Nectwear fayadplain .1 ecte wofbU to 50e ......... ................... Hernstitched Muslin Drawers Ail bWak summes' hoeies'y 25oc quality for 17 c IHematitobed and lace trimmed handker- chiefs ................................. 3ci Bete, me orth 1.25, mlightl y moiled .......... ....................... 9 mien 4Ormm r14wlp Our Geat ubile Sale ContinuesWIHPEONA Our Gre-tIUCCES S- hI is a kaowa fu&m that oui opla.r stores not only côntrol the trade iq our line, between Chkao a_, I~wiite ,but through Our iaisUlfJ>le rellabiity we have gaîned the con- ftdeni. ef,.on ourpatous by at ail times giigtem exactly what we advertlse, and kit s .,~y atra tht ft sch arfu hues 'usnes meth<,ds that an estalsmnt M11e surs wIsic a rptaa mi r~buylmgfaciies, we are ns tJydeerid e. hoId sur swn by givini sur î u thmes i benbu os.,*e 1.west pousible prices, but are viterious by cOD AYgainin# <lie confidence and biàde of sur pattons Ma i leids COATS, AUl Wool, double twist Covert Coatstight fit- te14mmwu2.98 Black Panama and Bodclot. Goats, richly satin lined, only a limit- acd number49 Thrce- Lengt cov.t e t," gh, t and a, gctbargain 9el61 *U.i 4 i W~t.a~W..rMMfl.rWW~wrW - - - ------------------------------ 1 PW 0 m 1 . - 9 un ý 1 ÀL M 1, >, l -ý