hâtl VU H T~LiesofWauhogana a ..log .... 124 .oc .94 .se .se .....< ALEX. lI Waukegan's Original Cloal WAUKEGAN, IL] Na-Iqw OST OW TREI iid Lake, County SUN Gr Re Hel fesse( ficien Sken bouni nexu -'court t 'c At pening of one of H SUN lu hl iukegan has ever a ErcQa.nuse are ar- bad ught way below b tt'in the season. h toam f Waukegan andat wou sce adverised hav i tin( 1ng day, which is Tb isibly compare to Ai lie. emeniber that al e tice test materials and tlb in the market for ta tria M 1 grays that are D> in need of aA ta. iblad will flot fail b of shoes or oxfordsan det comply with your e r1owetShoe. Then P at we have bought a five of the largest las )0 will buy a $.0ter )w prices could lbef Ci Tr fore, wait for Ch rou will e rea. WbA. fri th; si a . na tel NIN C k, and Suit Maen F 212 GENESH STREET a Frty-two Theuaand V*tea te 85,5e Wlth Drya.6 (F'ram WedneadaY$ Sun.) Raleigh,. N. C., Mai 1ê-North Gare- lina vas carrted for state prohibtiO l.oday by a màioritY thet ta eatluiated at tram 40,000 ta, 41,00. PTha rote- bition ticket bhm carrtad seventy-ek out ut the nisiety-eigbxt couatkes by me-, jomrities approyiomttlw 48.508. 1e anti-probibltion bIae twentY couiitiet by niajostti aÏpproxiiating 5,M0. Plis total vesMat ln the 9atewS abblit 175,000.. THES WILL WED. iI~a Stsenta. Kiw*ukegl4 w. ONLY a few more days until the opj the most Ixautiful stores that Wi seen. Carloads of seasonable im riving daily, goods which were bom the price on accounit of biyfing: saine so lai Great surprises are i store for the laies of vicinity. No matter what apparent bargains1 clsewhere, you will_ lx convinced on our opeif only a kew days hence, that nothing can pou our goods and our extremely low prices. Re our goods are new, consequently are of thé latx creations& If you are fortunate enough to be i a Suit, wait -for our opening., Those beautifi so much in demandyou will find themn here. fine, dainty mid-Sumnier lut,,our Mrs. Ùnde to please you. If then, you desfre anew pairc to complete your tasty outfit;I we can againc demnand, because we carry the fanious Julia Mar we wish to draw your attention to the fact tha the entire sample lines of childred'coats fron manufacturers ini the East, and $1 .50 or $2.0( chiid's coat. Thousands of astoushingly lo quotcd here but we will secret thcm uritil ourc ment, to make the surprise more complete.1 the opening. Only a few more days and y( q 4 '-r, '-4. r- 4., '-i. bot** qd LM '-i 'r 4'. lia Imm Z:^-%JD4 rO FOLLOY WY SAYS AMANNý ' BLES AT THGUGHT 0F DEATH, WILL FIGHT CASE MReportersa Testimony Sufi-. oent to Bind hlm Over te, the irand Jury Wlthout Bonds. eporter Tells What Amnn >nfessed te Hlm ln an In- trview. (From Wednesday's SUN.> enry Rudoiph Amann, self con- sd rnurderer of bis aiieged foster ýWaler Rudoiph Knobel. tîpon sol- lit evidence rendered b>- John S. De, reporter for thie SUN, was id over in, the grand jury of the rterrm ot the Lake count>- circuit t by Justice Willam F. Weiss at l'eock tbis atternoon. Subpoena SUN Reporter. t noon Deput>- Sherlif Berry, under supervision of State's Attorney- na, served the sulipoenea on the IN reporter, demandlng tliat ho put is appearance hefore Justice WiII- 'F. WVeiss at 1:.10 in the atternoon. Skene was cailed upon tu tell wiîat A een told to hlm on the afterxioon the arrest of Amann at Higbvood the aileged mnurderer. Amnarn Demande Attorney. When asked by Justice Weiss hetiier he destred to employ an at- ney, Aman answered lu the affim- ,ie. 11 desire an attorney, aithougli i ie nat any money at the present me. 1 have wrltten to my relatives kGermany and expect money san. ben I wii lire au attorney sud tell LstQry," stated Amanu. Amanu refused ta testify during the eriug, but after the close af the earlng lie seknowledged to the Jus- ce and ta others bI tee caort molli it ho bad kllied the boy. DosNet Want teoDie. When asked viiether li estli wished end bia life. Amanli lin a eak aud rmbiing volce answered, 'No, 1 do ot waiit ta dbe any more. 1 did ter kiiied Wa1ter,_but I have cliauged 2y mimd." Aman vas turned over to the nus- ly of Suerlif Griffen. No bond& viii ,aiiowed. Aman stated that le underataad'thls nd that hie vas perfectly satsfled tb the manner lu whicb liehait been eait witb. >OLICE UNEAIRTH uYSTEW1ý SURROIJNDING Wutooe. (Fi-arnW.dnesd8a' Sn. The police departm«t djacoVgi"e- et uilbt and thîs xnornizng the mys- ry surroundlug the suicide et C. A4, gatiers. F'olewing 15 the letter la tuft: ief Thomas Tiyrreil: Ia answer la i-aur letter af the latîve tu the man vue eanUâlittpê , micide bn your citY, aUDij>0d tO ,bs. A. Walter, beg tuau onele C..- Wathiers leit bere Saturday iaat. Sa1,- g hoe was going to Evanston, ince, bbicb time ho lias nt been bea& om. The description answers tbat of Wà- biers. Ho iormeriy veekeit M & cecker for Kuntz-RDIIOT O.. X 14, [arrison street. and, 1usd at 52 Ha*1-, sn street with a Mrs. M0K0eQ3 *hO osa a boarding hause et tbatladdre.m.. lie bas o relatives heme as fàr' <î 'e have been able ta learn, but b11» abrother ln Montroe, ai. andaOt name unknovfl. Nanoaof lbts acquint&iicesarelni- - sregted enougl inl the matter te con- tribute bevard buryltgthe, body. Klidly advise M a wgt diai>eatItQf la made of the remais. P. D. O'BRIEN. Capt. tommasuing Detectîve BireCIl. Chicago.