CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1908, p. 6

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;Repeiativc of Senator Mason in Wauke- gan Says That he will Infalilbly get the Popular Vote cf'the State (Prom Wedneaday's Sun.) Tlo t* persuade Con. voriug the man who recently made V.OiIsa Fous te ceoma out for the good ta the tune of $750,000 on lte 5U1t1Ila a cliver dodg. te pry Chicago board of trade. blut ~ hi eo.~o l tandIng and poal. There te an evidence that Fois le MMo M thé roprésOnatlv. for this die- belug fooiad about the senatorshlp lu tile1te 88"aserIon of polticlana. te tact that HoPiîns and Maiou are Ila ho wlil not b. foollali .nough ta receive scores of letters from te «»iMeout fer Mopkln' toe la the constituants who chuckie ln vrlting at aortion mod. by thei &&me politîciane the ]des of Foos as a senator sud urgý MWd It la bsl.eved that contrary to ru- that heolie persuadad ta remaîn viiere fort@ mmd In apt. of fiatttering down be le. .atm p&persFou.wlll dng to hîe As far as the Hopkln.Masipu fighla1 Mmu la the hous.. coucerned, bath are lalmlug the field. HobVeor ibis may ha, a claver gaine Maion aya througb a representative la bolig Plsyed ta get hlm to bite ai thla morniug ta a SUN reporter that thse sonatorial hait sud t la saSd that ha yull intsllbly get the popular vote 'polcIwwIena t he soutb end of bis di- of the tate. Wed irm dead anxlous te get hlm tout Dovu state fathr tbe Fos senatori- .,of<thevay, £0 that they cati brlug ou ai bee bas been handIed sertously by JaMec Patten, coru kng, an Evaus- the navapapers nat on the Insîda of the tonitwho bai a large sud growlng schamne ta mn Patten, but lu Fois' toflovlng ovu ditrict thore la not a lsudalide of 1< 12 not blleved that De Iong of authuslaim tavard the senata achemne. Clonco. la golng ta cut much figure lu Pos, itle cauceded, bai a large fu- th. cameplgu, but the dovu district tutre as a represautatîve and saia joilticia are eager ta, get Patton s commîtteamen lu the bouse, wbare his »Ma la te bouse, James Pease, Brun- labers au boaaf of a largar uavy are 4ffs and otheasbelng reported a@ fa- ueeded.s. Wiiéu NIIRIAL JUNE 1.luWaukegan Mila' Lake County Band wlll lie the big musical teature. Lake CoenmtY Dad Wili Add to Music of Occason. ElootIon Itm <Prom Wednesarî Sun.) The bissu amani underatanda wbd1 ThO innual Woodmen Memoria Day tiWs votung for the. miMer b. wll b obseryed lu tbii, cty and jin witti snybody for voting the Zto I*b. county Juno , ua, ~WY.-tL Y. ProsL woldbasvo Ir u irG TRAINEDWILD, eu mphey.L M5Cams. IZ S WaorTgbt Tout&s.S0 *sida~80Hiohans.20 Camd&s - Fwy, M9FmsunM .isot ecLoP.: 1~. IAcENzcOf wALLAz PA.Aet STS UF1 I !1 U vç&iî51 mihil1T Col MOTORMAN CAPTURES' WOULD St WRECKER Twe Mon SlaIdI tave Plasmi lek un Rail at South Av- enue Last Nlght. Motorman Ludwlg Smn Plaotng of Ob- stacle and Stopplng thé Car Catches ans of the Mon. <Prom Wednasday's Sun.) What la belloved te have beon an attempt to dorail and hold up a street car iook place lait night et 11:26 fleur South avenue, nocordlng to Informe- tlon that roached the. tUN thîs rnorn- Ing ln 1h. formeofaàommunlcatlon. The north bouud eiactrlc car, lu charge of Motorman Ludwlg sud Con- ductar Smith, due aitWbaikagsu at 11:26,val the. car affected and tbe in- cident la eald ta have beau Bnna t1onsl. Juet ai tbe car reaced South ave- nue fti laIad tvameu jumped out a! thea sidowsansd p1aceq a place a! 6 by 6 planklug on the rail viien the car va, about 3000 leet south of the 1 crosaing. Tii. matorman lg sald ta bave stop- ped his car at once sud. gettlug off. taok atter the mau vba bai put the. Piock ou the tI-acit, overteklng and nabbiug hlm.- He eomad to b. a foreiguar. The motorman maie hlm reovee tbe obstruction that ha bad placad ta vreck the car and Illaii aleged gave hlm a good basting for bis pains. The second mant theb.offensa got svliy1 oompleteiy. The naines of the would be vreck- ers are net gvan. DRASTIC MRILK ORDINANCE PASSES AT NO. CHICAGO STABLES FOR COWS WHITEWASH- ED TWICE A YEAR. Inspection la Provlded for and Takling Analyses of Ail Mlk That sa Sold In th. City. (P'rom Wadnasday's Sun.) ke The Notht Chicago mîlit ardînauce, posslbly <lie mont sensible lu the coun- ty, va, lant night paiiad wltb the fol- iovlng provisions: 11-11amplos may ho taken end an- alyzsd from hllk wagon& nt any tIme. 2-There la afin. off ram $5 te $100 for milîk not Up te standard, whlch la aIse spéeclfid. 8--A regular Inspection of dalry atables la provîded for and lnstruc- tiesIaeIgVentewhLtowash stables 'ln.a)mr 4-Bottllng of mîlit la flot obtigatory. The counell approved a vater main dovn Tveuty-second street tram Com- monvealth to Stewart avenue sud ta tbe Southt ichool. Cuivort pipaevau ordered sud rou- tine business vas traniacted. REAL ESTATE VIRANS ERS frurnîshod 'by Lake Colnty TItI. and Trust Company, Abstracto of TItI.. Tl- tles omuamst..dMasonlo Temple BUmlldlng, Wa,ýkeqgaSILI.LouIs J. omes, 111. May 26, 1908. ,Q. W.MNatere sud' vite to Mar- garet DON. Justi, et al., loti 17 sud 18, Chicago Titi. & Trust 00.'. resuli lu biook 72, Hlghand Park. W: D., $1700. Anton Eubodolik tu Johans Yrsek, lot 6, block 18, Waahbun n priitgs. W. D.. $350. . G. T. Bgesudng and vifs ta Harritt A. Spauidlng, 6.88 acres in 9. W. qr. Sec. 18, Waukepan Tp. Deed. $1. TRADE 1MEDALI 12d"ld Crack' Shet the Victor il camic State shoot AS8 ALSO ELECTEO PRESIDENT STATE SPORTSMEN'S LEAGUE. Graham and Wllard Tlod il Fîret But n Shootof Graham Geta Twenty-flve Stralght. (Prom Weduesay'sSun.) Jay R. Grahamu of Long Laike wou the board of trada dlaurond medal, one of the claslc trophias of the Illinois siais touruey, at the Chilcago Gun dinh yentarday, maklug a stralght score of tweuty-five targats lnuthe abootof sund defeating Lem Wllard, wbom ha bad tied lu tbe ragular avant with nluety-tbree. Wllard braite but tvauty-tva ln the deciding round. . The winuer la une af tbe veli kuowu Grahamn brothers, five of wbom are marksmen. Grahaim shot a steady race througb- out sud lest twa of is birds lu tbe early stages of the regullr avent lsrgaly because of a lgb vlnd affect- ed quarterlng targats, causing tbem ta ris. abruptly lu tbelr iilgbt. Willarti alBo aboit lu fine foi-m and the twn vere tled wben the 100 round vas completed. Bath men were bandlcapped at tvauty yards and sbot tram the same distance lu tbe finals. Grabam's vie- tory vas a popular one and ha vas warmly caugratulated by bis friands. Wlilsrd sbowed tbe stralu of bMa provieus shooting lu the course af the day s,inlatbea ve iveetstakes of 20 targats eacb, bo lied Le Barkley wlth 97 out o! the 100. Ha tiien fired su- other 100 ibots lu tbe madal avent sud vai waary wben the final shoot caime arouud. In the shootoif for fIrst mouey Grs. bamn braite 25 straigbt sud Wlllard braoke 22, Graham tbus wIuning the embiain. At the annual onvention ol the Illuiois tae portameu's Aisocia- tien, held lait aveniug lu the Palmar Hanse, Jay R. Graham vwu electad president te saucceed Lem C. Wlllsrd. Alec Vance of Capron, MI., vas eleit- ad flrst vice preaidaut sud George L. Ftranklin va, chosen second vice pres- Mdent. Fred H. Teaple vas aiacted eacretary sud treasurar. Sacratary Teeple announced tbat it vas pwetîcally coucedad tbat the grand Amarican handicap of 1909 would be avarded teo Cicago. Uil LACERATO B Y A SAW S. Johnson ef Wasfington Street Vie- tlm ut Quter Accident S. Johnson, 1416 West Wasington streat, au employa aitbe Corn' Prod- nuls lteflnlng Company, bail bis rigbt arm saverely lacersted lata yasterday sfteruoau by a large crois sav, vbicb ha vas carrying acrosi bis artu vblla crosalug the yards et the tactory, viien oua end af the sav came lu contact wltb a ivelva Inchirevolving leathar haIt. The'lujured emplnya vas c*rIed lu- ta the main offices by camarades and Dr. Gourley, the compauy's physician. vai suinmoned. Later the lnjured mn va, taken ta bis home on Wasinigton atreet. NAVAL SCIOOL SEES MEN Wark ls baomng ta, sucb au extaut ai die naval trainiug school nov tbat It la said ma-so nud maiou's balpars ara vsutad thare lu number, vila the damaud for carpentars ylll soon ha maie. of. e1tod Dudlq. Tro iNvYtTiGATE MERIT8 0F LEGliSIATIVE CANDIDATES. The Logialative Votera LeaÀeof! executive oommlttee sasto the merits the Bitte of Illînol. through Its ex- or demerlta of our candidates for the ecutve ommlte. haieleted he egislature. ecutve ommltee ba elotedthe It la asaumed the Lesegue la turu foliowing gentlemeng to tiiibersblp wm ieo<iorae such candidates ai the OU the Logue advlaory counCi of membera from tbis district suggest titis, the Blghth sentoral district: snd vil dvii. the votera ta refuie 0. H. Morgaa, Higbiand Park. support tu candidates not meetung Wslter A. Brtdinazt. *ke Foreit. wltlilte approvai of thaie mambers. Thomââ Oorett, Llborty-vile. Thouaindi of circulars viii lie la- 1Vaf~ O OeiaoHgtslahsd Park. utied Int>tladiatrit. Ootatlng 1f Chutes Kin&, Wsnkema. formation and recommendationi et Y. Z. ;J.ety. ioa Citsy. the 14«81MR agoMdut 1Inde- Th17 la *an innoVtiOn tko cou miilmt tVOStg~Uus~. ali uae <ypsitige md la lutat isispirit If a'sumamdi tn o - to Lab _I b. >a r dodreipainS1!o b. es U-U, pa*oots.toie eIi*ý Unider th it. ematanco. <liey re antla umrf0eity bound to tako htii rot exçuse (or de- m go s vithils ie lutfév de clarlng var agait us. 1 bellevo In a nation proparing for var mat sumxj DOCTOR AND LAWYER ABANDON purcbaad a duo bora. at the Cb beliava lu su ludivildual propiring TH4E CUBULE CARS. stock yards for f275 "amsong otite preparlng himieit for a sueo4ssul ce- purchâiera crise bor as h ame C. reer liy developlng a sttlong, hlttiy- M. Gorhaiu. one, sud thé Amerlcmit body. Becaus. I bellere a mani uhould Tred.the Qaolîn. Duuzrs for a Voir Steel & Wlre CosnP&ny, tvo. b. strong doei flot uecessarily ldi- and Tbli Yse went Iaeolc te .Old Watkegaii, lîke llbertygwlle, a", cala that 1 vould reècmmend hlm to R*llIibIe Hoe horseman*o clty, aud la becomlng~l vaste thi. streugth lu quarreliug sud a»d more proinent aim msh Iro da fIghtlug. Tiiheat var to Imaure P""« to day. Io to prapare for var; thisin more (Prom Wodueda Sun.) especlally 50 vltb Our navybun It la la Wimlco DEATI4 NOTICE. witb aur army.-Rarnarr Macfaddan gant Noigh, nlghl Ai@4qler, Damon Thayer, Jr., aged lu Juna Physical Culture. Not by a carburottar or two ind the. 5 years and 4 mouthi, boloed son bl ______________ as14It làhst 4w. *a Iw.,.. and fl,,nnd., ilth Marks Alohuter, CHANGE 0F NAME. Springfield, Il., May 26.-Hum & Dayton Furnitura Companry, Wauke- gan; na me chauged to C. A. Harn lurulture Company. à doctor, havi abandonod the oluslve PaneraI Tburaday matilng et 1 bubbio car aftor s tryout.and are bacli o'clock from Furth's chaPel. Inter- at the old stand wîth thoîr herses, ment at RosehilI. Waukegau, Matoun The. lawyer la Clair. C. £dwardeansd Terre Haute, Ind.. paPers Plegie and the doctor sa Dr. C. F- Danilîs. oopy. Lon», Waukgaunl Lyon*, Waukgaaf Iy..., Wauk.ÈOm, This Store wiII be'closed on Memorlal Day from 12 noon to 4 p.m. open Mornlng and Evenlng An extraordinary sale, of ff Fine Rlack Voile Shlirts at q53001 They are in the stylsh side plaited effeots, and are trimmed witb taffeta bande in different widths; the material is the fine wiry black voile, thse kind that shakos the dust instantly and wears so welI. Ail are out fu four yards wide, which allows sufflient fuliness for the plaits to hold their, shape. Speolal, $5.00. If you cBfl* not oeil, saniples of the material useii will be mailed on request. THESE Special until Closing T4me MONDAY Ms.ny of these items are at balf-price and ___leus, are impossible to dupioate - $2.0 Petticoats Black & Gray 9&c Ladies' $2.50 Jumper SUitsSamle Waists 1.98 98C Dressing 1-5c Gingham Sacques Aprons 3 z27 49c 9C 1000 Yards of Curtain Swiss, Special Per Yard 10c Just in the nick of tme cornes this sale of approximately a thousand yards of oirtain swiss in stri[pes, figures, checks, dots and floral de- sigus-not a yard worth lees thari 12>c; moet of it worth 15o and l8c per yard. Special during this sale Per Yard 10 Cents Table Oul Cloth 5-4 20o quality Silkolines White Curtair Seeds in pkgs. 121o and 15eý Madras and bulk lOc, 25o value, yard 19C Big Assortment 250- Rose Bu.she,%,Vines and Shrub)s Inoluding dozons of varieties of the former, suoli as American Beauties, Bamblers in ail colors, Brides. Bridesmaid, Moss Rose, eto. Ail hardy stock. O Speojal whie they les................ Ail Viators are invited to mnake tht, Store their Headquarters on Memorial Day Phone 109 ~k,~~~oemiiPhose 109 Atter Ji. ty farme to la village. Dyi -FARM FOR 8 Laie (0uflty, Pl FOR SALE-( Wright'@ addlti *250.00 sud $81 FOR SALE- subdviion, CIO cars. 'ce1 FOR SALE-i streelt. W. wý FOR SALE-{1 miles frontu Ube lug@; 50 acres tituber, welI fén viiil e1i wlhor p.«Oaesiou givel HOUSES AN[ 6 rooluofurnai> M roonid. two k 6 raomas, liearly 7 rouai., juader 7 rýom@. gond t 7 ra<)rus, in,-, 6 roollîs. good 7roats, ee 7 rooms. near t. 2 glohnes Trbi, lm ouly a FOR SALE-N- FOR SALE-' baum. .bath. ù, olectrie liglits. g tiargain il taktir Tîrrir, Libertyv FOR SALE-TI 70 acre tarai tuila sautit of ochool; gond ne, weil. Addres ministrauor, 1) 2016. 11 Fr will Eve wit] a s We 1 Ab. wb tntr val Made Tbey bands, Made dotted INFNT WARof every description willb.Ufoud in the:e second floor. Beautiful Bonnets up to $4.00 Beautiful Dresses up to $8.50 0f course, ,save a large assortment of the less expensive kind of apparel as well Performances DalIy, at 2 and 8p. M. -Domrs open one bout .arller.- ý. il

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