t After lune it no want &d-ertWmats wWÙ be accepted for lmu than twea$y.'five cents aminsertion for 40 words or leus REAL ESTATE ~fMS-We have a large lest 01 LLke 'flty farme to sel, alan boau and lot@ lvillage. Dyuîoin & Avonxi. 31-tf U FARM FOR SALE-No befterfarm ini 1a"e county, priCesre&aonsble. ARTHUR LSTANKORtD. Round L.ke..111. 144f. MONEY TO LOAN MONEclY o LOn -W a. Jd MOEYlaTyniLnANiu -mneorbn-.. Iug purpose.. Alan farmibans. Ifymoa & AUerînm. :1-tf 1 POULTRY FOR SALE--CboiC5 lotS lu C. Frauk'FOR SALE-Buff Wyandotte tfowle. Wright'@ addition, 50xl50 for $2W.00, eggs for liaWing uow re-ady aud little $25000 and$800.00. l)vmoNi,&At:âTII. chicke two to three weeko oldl. A. W. 81-tf f)EPE%%> Rockefellor, 11f. 25tf it fév 441 fro. d Jr., aged ýved son DI Ailbutr, Dg s.t 10 MeI. Inter- au, matoon pers pieuse FOR SALE-Ptire Buff tintk iggs., -,0 i-t-to lier ttiog. (EtjiuFy, McKRin- ley Ave., Libertyvilleb 111. 33_3- FOR SALE-80-egg incubator. lnî1uire H. Bf. Egrm hardware store. Ff FOR SALE SEED CORN-For sesticorn i-ailon P. L. CIÂAMBERLÂIN, 1vanhos. 34-3 FOR SALE-73 ceordsgofwood. îIlquir E, . 1 i i\,Rond Laki-. 2-tf FOR SALE-.*ijjjînim of faruje. ail klido of luke prop-cty , ail tindeiof ti i pc,llsrty, aiiytliîg y1 lin ot, ei-Ûîfl r sd Ss î'. liai 1 bave.. t (iuAi ks, .Libe.rty- Ville, 111 I MSCELLANEOUS LAKE COUNTV MAPS FOR SALE at thusim tlii. Largi- ai.- wall uîapm, 42xs icee pciie. fI 00î City ma"saf LOST-Righter sef-illing fountain pe. Inquire St tjîieoffice. LOST-Pair o! gold rimmed cpetacee. double tle. Inquire O01.1,u nti et ceward. FOR RENT LFOR SALE OR ÇrENT-Good 1i-roo' boarding houmeslu gond location. J. A. 0e AV"E. IfFO RNTS room b -ouse.- PETERSON, Lihsrt7ville& 'I - 1 WANTED 1 WANTED-Personii in fsearcho! rest aud 1 e a fiutd came at the Elmwood aabeau tiful locatioun eur Gage@ Lake, Ill., t wo mlles eat o!flirayslake on the flunes o! the C. M. & St. Paul aud Wieconsiu Central ralroads. Rates reaâoiiabl. For furtiier particulare ail- drves Jon'i M, CeoKen, former proprietor o! the New (atls liotel, Libertyville, 111, Address, fi. F. 1). 1, liraytlje 111. WANTED-1ib or 12 nmore girls 5F the- Foulde malw-aroni factîury. Girls with experience in liaiking oon preferreti. although tîthers ailIlie cuinâidereti Steady work anti gioti nav giaranteeild. fnqnire at the- Fiulti, Mîlliîng Cuunpany fattory. Liberty il-e. 11. WANTED-Ai onî-c, teîu ns-nlaburers. BOARD WANTED Nlfai%,ife anîd (a ciiidceri nder four -leace 'i nilboardl 'for thei- .uiini-r la î-ountcy or rllugi- M'iet 1l-e uivi-n to railcoad or le,--tri vacs. Suite tri-.- andi accîîrîîodations. A ddlr-se X X fibletys iII- INDEiiPi '.E1N. 34 2 I UVE STOCK. ETC, TO RE NT-'ianoi-.playi-eandi irgane.1 el2 to -3, fti.tallowocd if purc-bhei ORSLEORTRD-A Mamrnoth Bargaîis iii uood pianos ou i-& 3 1- FR SALuE ORîiiTli d, egh 3 ii.-is. Steinwaîy, $22.3. Lyonu & Healy. rdJe,7mnh lwib 5 $115. îtu> iîitî,uots i(un iw KimlalI ibso., fuil i . srimili )eadand heacc limbe. iaiiiie, lglitly ehopworu uund take-îibrnk1 lai smii c"i'ftiute 2, )icuyîlake. fIl. frim rentaI. Piatios tiined audi]poi>lied, PhunIuI. 31 4-2 Rd 4fM Url-,Luce- Furniture Store, ... .. Lb-tcil.Teleîilouî 27. te.ideti - WANTEO A fi-w ihoatm andi young tlepho e -,0:;. :11-if j .ttle, lnuire li u )iiuii .liliirty- INSURANCE-We writ e imnarine, FOR SALE-Acre Iots ounIymonds subdllvlalon, close tW towu sud éeictrie cars. l'rice$300.00. lssi~,&AsI :-tf FOR SALE-Home taud lot onl S-oud sitreet. W. W (;ll Ii i i iT, ihcrt% ille. FOR SALE--Good 77 acre farai, 2%4 miles froru Lîbertyvitll-; gojoii-w build- ing@; 50 acresi plow landi; 20 acres tiueweli fnced; never failing spring; p.«Osession gic.-n. .. A.OnAN'E5. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE- 6 rooins,furaaeýe hiat............... *2111 M1 roorn. two lot@............. ...._ 2400) 6 roolils, iiearly îîew. ..1...5.. . 00O 7 rouilas, modern....... -..... :00() 7 ro)ome. guiod conditiou.n.. ..-240 7 ro<ins, fini- I ate-c... . 23(11) 6 roorils. gooti repair. ... 2 1.)( ! rooiiis, ci-cv nie ......... .....:1200 Tourme, ail imuidern.......... :1300 roous. ecerytiitlng iii .. . .. 22 0 rom'large lot.....:.... 300 7 roogine, btove heat_ ... . ... 2,1)» 7 ota..near the fattories, ......1 GoII 2 god houn.-. 'iilarge 1lt .. 4500 T'ib le lm oly a lpartial ljt. C<a))io and smeslu.. Wi- an arîiîge o-cm» t suit. 81-t! P%îi àîAl il, FOR SALE-Ni- sixs ho îu uuîîs- în lird 8t. M. K. t ii Sli'.1)1 FOR SALE-Nparly -N. 10-roum baue. bath, tiîîl-î.aat-c es steîi., electrie lighite. ga* andl îîrni4îieat. A bargain if taki-mi at iil. nîjuiri- S. L. Tipr, Libertyville, MI. :320 FOR SALE-The Mfayer eotate, g,od 70 acre farai ou Mîlaauki-ircondf.ll, mile @outlaof Halfl av. 60 i)rd-ifrîîm achool; gooti ew buildings, ni-str failiîîg well. Addc.-ss Oc, ,,Rîs ît .i s HAd mnistrator. l)ei-c)eldf 111. Telî-p,,îoi 2016. 32 Es& ( ~heI WAUKEO£AN -- 18 THE Carl Hagenbeck and Great Wallace Shows combined, are ejj Waukegan Monday. The town wilI undoubtedly A bx filled with crowds of visitors from ail over Lake County. Many are planning on making it a day of recreation and will be here bright and early. The Globe extends a cordial invitation to one and ail to make this your headquarters. Every cQnvenience of this big store is at your disposai. On our second floor is a commodjous rest room which is supplied with. reading matter, stationary - and comfortable. chairs. From Our large front windows, on second floor, one is afforded a splendid view of the parade without thî inconvenience of the crowds upon the streets. A CIRCUS 0F BARUAINS 49 THE PRO97RA M 0F THqE ODAy We have arranged a special program for the day in the way of bargains. Every department contributes--- offers something of the Most dependable5 eefl ota a price much less than ordinary. The attractions of the crowds, the paradIeand the Globe's special sale ought to be condtuctive to filling Waukegan with croweds uc sot hsfo seen for many a day. rwssc si a o Beautiful Waists at 98c About t,000 hantisorn, ie n- shirt w.1.ss matie vecy tastsfully of white Iodla linon wiuih fronts tncked, embcoldeced aud lace tinmed, ahio lingerie ln pink and bine, $1.75 aud $2.0 <g values. ChoIcesMonda .. ... ,... ....98 Women' s Long Kimonas 79c Made of gond quallty lawn, bandsome Perelan sud floral deelgos. colorlngs are extremely attracivi-, fronts and cuffs are trlmmnet i th plaiýn oolnret i naterlal. Mouday........79 Chfidren's Straw Sailors Tbey arcevortb a gond deal more than we assi, have faucy banda, cholce...................... ........... .'>'*** ...19C Shirt Waist Suits at 98c Made o! plain wbite lawn, sud lînen flulshed eultlug, sud ala dotted anti sujail figured lawns, Speclal foc Monday ....8... O8 Women's Suits at $5.00 A very enarkable ofer as the qua llty la exCeptlonallY gond andi tbe prîce far less than tht- garme nts are actually wort, rmate- riaIs are faucy wool mixtures, made Ini a vacfety o!fjractîcal styles. We place tht-m on sale Monulay,50 at chof ce ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 0 Women's Skirts at $2.98 Boy's and Children's Suits This oft-n la at-l th orIvs iton as tht- garmetîtsare aartb luit shou o ýt he c.Mt-ils are fancy t-het-s anti aortteds. agi' t .ar nPer Pan anti Iuster Broan styllt-a agît- 8 to t-ael dul raited styles- rglr$2.60 vaituî ,Mody............ 5.00 Women's Oxfords at $1.39 Thi ai, a iample fne andl Intluites values ta $2.bO, lu each style. Tht-r.- are ual ail sizes, but ln tht- en4ime lot ail ines. They are natty ut-a modela, matie ofupatt-nt ant ievî kiti leathers witb patent tip. Llght anti bt-asy extension soles. Blucher eut. Lacesutyls Mfonday pt-r pair lt-s,.. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .1 3 Tht-at nohhy akirts are matis o! an t-xcePtiouaaly gond quality o! Men's Shoes at $1.19 no elty elting anti Panama, lu ail popular colore. Are cnt Bulilta stand bard wear yet dresay enugh for tb.- street, are ah- fit ani letei V2y98tCii t olnt-iy soliti Lace ulYle,stin cal! leather wlth plain lt- g or tips, $1.75 anti $2.00 values, Montiay ................... 1.19 Prince Ferdinand Cornes to the Chatsau. 'Locle,' t pauteil, leaniug breatis- tees agaluat the watt, "toi- Gode sale lt-t me go. It la a natter of lift- or diath." "Gently-nnt no loud." Agalu hie baud vas placet i M uy mnouth. He puieti me bat-k loto tise shatina ut an angle af the- waU. He Iltened lutently. There was a beavy tootfsian the t.rmaes. It sondeti nearer. A man,. muffle in O a cloal, came to tié Se e ot the band of muonlight. Ha alac vw« lsteulng. Pi-eently he stole softîy ta tht- Parapet,' and fooketi dovn at tise village. Netther of us spoke untIl ho bcd resumeti hi. beat btfore the gra iportal of the château. "Who la he?' t ahlspered. Lot-ke led me ont o! ht-ai-fng, h«.g glug the watt. "Tou know as velllase 1. Now, then, for our deferreil tal. This marulng I ackt-d ion for sons explanattan of Your extiaordinary conduet. Ton chose nOt to give It me. Weil, I mean ta have It now. Cons, abat le tht, en-anti that sentis yan flylug thmnuuis tht- air for a hundred i t eSt the riait o! ymur ut-tk? It appt-are to be proe.s Ing.'1 I was stfiI truggffng for my brealh. It vas net physical fatigue that madie me tremble ue muhs as chat-r despaf r et the hopeleeeneea of disarmmng Lôt-kes bostlltty anti cuspicionsin tise preclous minutes that rematumei. At sny moment nov Dr. Starva migbt ho returiung. "The death-maskf 1 bop&n taee herently. "Prince lFerdlknsd-' Hietc map tigstedt. Ha drew me molily towart hlm lu hie cawpriea. ^The deatis-Ms.k! What o!et r "starva has inred Prince ytesaaad In thse Chatean. Af i-ady ha bu, goase teo meet hlrx at thse statiln. Whea ho ratures vitshlm here-" "Vuydflaanl cames ta muesAr Unr. (To ho contIuued) ac'-den an Ilt Inurace.A Party Wash. ATiNci. Lîiertyville, 111 :1-tf liebeiva. elîutedcfthe olti wiiinan uilp WANYED-Farin anid town properiy the staicus lu lier lieauteiîîe liîglits-c, triat je for male or rentalholakeproperty. sue YOU goin' to de harty Ai pacty waîiHtîu texchangi- gooti îitv - la. iudder. anewered Rtei--a. incozni- friiprty for good ar .1J. A. -V»Youugettin read ' -iofuiured the (Ri tE, Lu iertyrillei1. IIOlti lady. _____________________lflffl* a. îîudder,' replied Bebeccua. -V ut WANTED-Lawn îiowers 10 lie sharpi- 1 ca£hfr a hîgli uec-k tirs., moîlîlr, or eue<j. WILL PESTER. :14-3 a low u3eik?" eau-a .lent ibs lers in loc il Day ke 109 ~vIA -_ BIG SAVINGS Men's, Women's, and Children's Wearing Apparel NO CHARGE for Alterations MONDAY -1 1 Une =lm Il. -la ta me now.Was t by any chane signal-a igna] of as droad a portent oed 'a«orbetft s. ht oble sts.ip? If that were i end ae eoenf. pre a mgtdlcner r tarastoucheti the tirat block of granfte pjio- pns naterlally when I lowered j ectlug fron the- amootuh masour>-. But presntf y. I bai reacheti my goal nnw. For snminutes t was rompt-lIed to lie inactive, howevec, for the fiag, belly- loug (n the gale, matie It Imupossible for: meragg eges!the ranie anl bslghtly futhe mpouatiet len t ~ ~ cehafc as I acei bl; e1 extuld etit aunenl tuer sonde a iued e- f yu avehlmthehoer 5t ir or a lthe ascde. fSoea a port. At dit 1 thnught lit thinder lu timer Brett shall yet be saved" As my sys traveleti the fine to te the tar-away mountalus. But as I ls-traeblw h oco h ra tened initently the mysterlous sourid! "You have promiseti nuch already tehaoenbeloth.e ioo of ht frcadatd I was repeafeti agai n sud agalu, thoiugh only to decelve me' I salti gloomiliv. hall prined odo f teti-race.Irsaw ils- more anti more feebly. And tf came "Bat 1 sweac It! They arec mmlng; tiuctly two figures converelng a mo- . ?rom above. l heard the door o! the orator> opt-n.' meut ut the doorway. One- o! these - - "Do you hear it. that strauge, mou!- hesltuteti n longer, figures eutered the chatean agalu, but ied clap?" I asked of Madame de Var- the other, and I hail recognîreti Dr.. . ne.CHAPTER XXXII. Starva by hI. great hulk before tht- She took my place et the open wis I Escapue trm the. Tower. donc was ahut, stole accose Uts terrace dow. For enne moments ehb- heard 1 lîîng to my precarfous Support aud entereti a hrongbam that stood uothing. Then. straugely eoough. tylog trîltrate ou tht- broati atone grit walting,.- ~ tbnngh tht- wlud was blowfng atînou te1.c Tht- cour of the swfrling rIvei, As the carnlage dlsappeared untier a gale, fit nded dîetluctly bt-at ai My st-oses conlusedly;> tht the cavent-i arebway of the passage "Haddonl" He Crieti. 'It le a flag ou the hlgh fiagstaf! of gItiti helght made my bt-ad swIm leudlng. I. tht- village street t madie0 the- central towec.' she safd presentîs. Somtthtng of the horcor t had fehlu reoýewed efforts to reach tht- cordselI once on my way the firet part o! J, "But who cao have given nrdenuu that nouiilg the- ocerhanging sboîultier niý coulti reatilly guesa Dr. Starvas mIs descent was made wlth no great dît- fi bec alsed?- tht- mouintain wlth Willoughby thaf clou. He bail gouis 10 meet Prince fclt "That fa a natter o! indfiffecenct-,' 1 fatal utay came to me nw. erdinand St tht- station.Ht-aven anti uarof the rimr oe n hawa suli loyfully. "Au.- ensîgn sanlarge as litr peseotly that gitiieis past-d knows how sager I wa»ta hcoonue o! ada 00W The numoresta balta that resisires a faily .ubstautial cord Tht- ixtcaicdloacy promise o! Madame the receptlon committet-'w ow h umns ie asr If as cao get that cord sud plait If de VannIer rang lu my eta. How Ifi Wheu tls Ibdcuhtoeo retom hyastm; I prore cnfdnt. Where la it faotened? Surely et )ne was possible for ht-r tn explain away the- corde, I seversîl ft thoîîgbtlt-aslyty idt atnm rge o! these windows?" Sir Mortimers dintg words If the- alth my peukulfe. I hati not cornuteti Stt-p by step t neareti tht- terrace, "No," eht- saiti auxlously. "Tt la Dr 1tters at-rt- genue, 1 conîti not st-e ou the strength uecessaary to haluf Ad80n1 a eahdIt h Starva who hae ralset that fiagIti But Ribis hati tet-u a uay o! miractes large a flag. The corti sliîupedl from exeltemeot of tht- escape, Madame de, wby?" Tht- qutetionu aemeti to ln Stuistu I made- MY aay toaarti the- my hanti t expect-t tht- lag to fall 'arult-r's vtt-ient Importunnty. had creuse ber auxfety. first if tht- taoklug misera The wlnul sud reacheti ont !rantlcalty for the-, erscet tetifatt eti s hafard-h -Tht-n abere?" I demauded Impa utruck nie with redoribtei force as 1 other rope. But lu Borne way tht- ope dsetIsl a emds aad tietl. oredtht- corner, i hiarti the ensigu I bati atvert-il, anti to wblcb tht- ilag ans (bat fluc nuifroutiug o! Dr. Starva "Il must he fon o tt-w oatve flutterlng londly lun tht- gale. wa.s iot fasteneil, became entanglei ln lu e orotn u hwws1t ilows of tht- stnry he1. t tooked up. I conul set- It nowa If tht- pulley anti the flag, falllng hal!way conqiier him iuarmeti? Not by force -Well, wesehal aon ses." floateti bravely lu tht- spanklng hrt-eze tin tht- pole, rt-maIned t-i Shat! mast certaInty. Stratsgy muet ho my ally. t polseti nysel! ta clamher tbrcuugh The moon, sinîng sqnarely an tf I1na reacheil up as fem as I couti, on m y fotheati.spirationfeIt fout the window ountse boati atoune gitter, mad tit evt-en possible for me to diatîn standing ou the Stone gutter. I wM oneMyt ateaiil1 smiai fng.o m aloug whfch Captain Forbea muet have guI-h tastiesigo. It asa the national ahcîît t10 ever the other coril, that ta nx tp n fwsmsig matie his way. Then 1 besitati-ti fiag of Englauti. tht- royal arma lnluit» hlch the lag was fasteut-il whenIft Franttcally my test reacheti down 'Wbat! Ton are afraiti" crIeti tht-'cetner, Theu I remsmbered tht-qtuota oceîîrred ta me ta attempt toatiisrt for ft. I inwered mysîf onue more womnau flemeely. 'ifn, 1Ialîl go mv1 tion from tht- BIne Book t hatirt-ad gage tht- opes fron tht-fr fastenlng round; stillIf couiti nat toucq 11 Then self." early lu the- morning lust hefore Cap St the alino beinw. I was compîste- I langheil aloud lu the ecstàcy o! ny "'No, t an not afrald," t replit-t witb tain Foches bai sîgnaleti to Helena: iy auccesafuil I estimateti that 1ha relief. 1hai reacheti the faut round ilelfberat Ion. "Ian wontierlng abat "Tht- iag ta b.- usetihy Hie Nlajes. owaa a ength of St lt-ast 50 feet. o! tht- laddem.6 tey alîl tbiuk ahen tht-y eom,- front ty'a Diplomatie Servauts, whether oi) When I bati plaiteti tht- corda don- My arme acheti. Mercifuf bt-avents, tht- oatory presently, t. finti me cuie te aore or embarked on bouts, le the bled, anti kuotteti tht-n at Intervaf s ta how tht-ytilti ache! But 1 was full o! She wili thlnk that 1 an your at-t-u Union. alth tht- Royal Armmalu the preveut tht-m f romtllpplng throngh courage lu spf te of my exhaustion. 1 pfWe." renier tht-rt-f, aurrountieti y a green my bhaud. 1 matit a loophoit ta slfip lowered mysef f by My arme sOl an- :1 eau easIlf~tl h rt garland." over tht- lusi atone o! my lailter wheu other round, anti alfpped the nes ner -Tht-y wilf carcely bt-lItv.- yon 'hryee was a grin mn ny ln tbis fla.g I ahotild rt-at-h ft. Tht-n takîng te th* aat o! the- atones 1 coulti reacb. Shah I. or shah I1 not, tell tht-m nif IYtng proilly over tht- chatean ln coril hetat-en my teett, t bat-ced my- 'lheu 1 trusteti myssîf to tht- cape, Fertiluanils danger?" whlch Sir Mortimer lay deati. But if self cautlîîuaty os-or tht- gutter. Iu spîte o! the knots tht- frfctlon But wiil tht-y helleve you' WbîlE Madame de Varnier badl spoken the Tht- alnt aus atili hlowfn.g lu fittuf burned ny paIne as t! they wem. you heatate Prince Ferdinandi mas i- trutb lu protesting thut the dd fot guets. t abai teu rtluttant to aval brantietihy lire. 1 coulti lot regulate assasuluateti. la tbf e a tînt- for expia ltnow that the flag hati bteu ralseti. mysel! Of tht- few extra feet o! rope my spded; 1I asacto exhansteti for nations? Say that the toof s peraist in why bati Dm. Starva causeil It ta ho ut-cesaary to keep tht- flag afloat. I ihat. t tutedta blind lida: i mouid mlsiintitrstauuiug ynu, It la onty an Eown? fasteneti tht- sud of tht- cord about thet- fly hope that Madame de VarnîerS question of an bouc or tan at tht- mou) Tht- trange perpfexlty Madame de atout- gotter. lt-avlng the flag stilIi fy' eetlmate aas a conservative Cone. ht-fort- yon May tell the trinth. Go, and, Varnier bail shown ahen abe badi ng at bal! mast. There aeemeil a cer- How facr 1 actualf y feIl I have no I sat-ar hv tht- cause I boli stced thal heard the flotter of tht- liag occirred tsfin ahttes that my carelesanesa lu Ides. My teet came ta the pavement wlth a force that cent ne beadloug. But asîde fron the violent %bock andi a brutsesor two, 1 bail enfered n in- jury. I struggfad thankluily toauMy test. My arn was estft-il not tac, gentf y. If t bail aleheilta mals an nutcmy 1 lim rpoaie IY07ehoulil have bteun preveuteil by tht- lAND , W iUI* 19 7 C A F A E R E U N D D ito tse face o! the iman w o had mate me captive. I do flot lnovwbether I waa more reileveti than consteruateti to lloutoftow c sto ei ta recognîze Locke as we efoo in utise ~I~ ,ealon urcoftowof c.00stomers ent Slore 'Hatidon!" he cied, as he matie out - - ILL or oremy features. "Wbereini bell fl ion en." 1p I d padt tetwr 'Ton muet be lu a desperate hurry p ( j % when you essay the mole of an auél l) J& y ta came flyiug tbmougb the air," be sad * L..r grimly, sud the- holti on my armi tigbt- * I l *eneti. "Suppose iou tell me your erranti." C HAPTER XXXIII.