CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jun 1908, p. 3

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Ai ..A.h A&ÀA AÂAI . AlLAI - OUR EXTREMELY 10W PRUGES WILL SURPRISE YOU, OPENNO OPENING DAY SATURDAY, JUNE 6th 212 No. Gene... Street Extraordinary Sale Ladies and Misses Suits. GREAT SURPRISES ARlE IX STORE FOR THE LAIIS W1HO ViSIT OUR SUIT DE- I'.ITMFNT. iielng so laie llnbth oisok.nthe Manufart'rers Pî exisremeix (mnxi Ils lPdishose of Materilais thw il b i 11~ haid , lwhlcb fart 'nall i,îîiincnraclT tî, bave liese materl:ls mai" l, th' xi i >lati It%'be-n[ot lie 511 Ies (hat shîuîsr,),T or six weelîsigîî, but styes h Iat are ecul s (rIaTiofis for the coluing fui,;îieason. Wr had sîjits made op of nia- ternais wlîicb jînder ordluary cireurnstances could flot be proiiseed for lem than 12110. luit on OI'ENING IAY we willi have the en- tire lot on dlsplay at one price, 07.75.. it 18 Impiiossile 10 descrîbe these hargains through the meditîm <f cold typa, but a call on iOI'ENING DAY wiii aI once convinca. g Extraordinary Sale Ladies and Misses Suits. (Continued). We desire to Ray further thtt i f eal iiiud'sa niost ieait ilfuli3 tmnt fstn liied white serge suits. Algo iaring Ibis sale ai the ex$- 1 t remely ihw îprive ...........$7 5 Anofhi'r offer worthy of swilmnio .dies' and Misses' suits maeu n eui fui shadow-striec and othrhghpienv illes; sîits worth as iigha a $35.00, dîring the Grand Ojieiing week, at ouly ..... 9 9 13Fautiftil varieiy îof wash uttecna2 and i6-inch leugtha; skir Rfllpat dn trimmed with 4-inch wid odado h lilas; made ni) ln thq nupw acstiûopln color lunen effict niaterialsf Our siieclal price during Gran Oiîening salie will hoî .......$2 9 NEAR -i.-- .,s. . Y: POST-OFFICE1 ai Alex Hein Admittiflg the fact that it is late in the season to launch such an enornlous enterprise 1 wish to make the following state- ment-Strikiflg the eastern market at a time when buyers were scarce; we were over-rushed with bargain opportuni- tics from the manufacturer and took the cream of everythiing at almost our own price. Any lady who is in the market for wearing apparel will HERE sec something entirely new and unexpected flot only in styles but also in the lowness of the prices asked. J Your money will be cheerf ully refunded if any article here-in advertised cafl be d upli cited els-where at our price. This wee determined will be the greatest opening Waukegan has ever seen. 1have always endeavored to please the ladies of this city and vicinity and if ever the effortshavc met with success they surely will this time. Special Reductions lna Ladies Shooe TNO~ The Julia Marlowe shoe for women represents the highest point of attainment in shoe contruction. These shoes are now on sale in r :A ~our up-t o-date shoe department. We here list just two specials the wmri prices on which we have cut deeply for this sale. lm MNE NAsE T r4mSTAMPED Ona ~ Mm- Ladies tan or black oxfords worth $3.50, Special for Grand Opening Sale.... Ladies black $3.00 shoes, button or lace, Special for Grand Opening Sale .... Childrens Coat Bargains. Ou r cmiii li-ii e s -at deîîsrtm eut IRs om lili i' (i No muotilerr au affîîrîl 10 1irchasc. a garuocuit for the lutle miie before meeing our stock.l White serge miats beaîîtlfiîly trimmeil, maie np lu gond l al-w ooi serge; sizes Ui)to1 6; the prîce usked for this garmnet six 14 for Opeîing week ........... Chilren's aud Girls' cozits lu ailIminh c'èors; sîces up To 16; iîiats worth as hîgli at $5.00;,dîirIug $ .9 thîs great sale.................. .9 Childra's full leugtli roaIs, made u i n heaiîtifîîl cravenettel d(nialgai, warrauted tî ha water-proot. Would bi' a bar- d~l gain at $750 Open week prive ~37 wlll ha... ............ 3 9 ~s. Muslin Night Go'wns. Vbridere Muilu unight gowns made tip il, good grade mus- ~3 aie lin, worth 75c. This sale begios 9 oelock lu the mrninig on openiug day..29 .4 Opnigweek price ..29 $2.48 .$1.95 Speciad Millinery values. Ouîr n01iiînîl ,1;lthTmeflt wlll be elle of tue TnlTýt complote, handsome andl 1: I l ilalet to be found in aux store ln the nmiddle west, anîd ijudl-r 1Tl-lie ii etion of Mrm. Llndebiad, the wideiy known and popular trimmor w ýassure you that just what yoîî nai le-ire ln the nîillnery lino eau bo ohtaiwd îîiright here. Yoîî w il] fTiti i r hais at 98e that are jugt as nattv as those vos l a ii it uhigher prîcefor. Openo Sale çriee ....................................... 98 A iieaîtifîîi -sli l o f over 250 satople hats tat are worth as high as $1li li and $1200, ail atlChe îîuî $ . 8 extreniei3 tow li uc...................... A GRIEAT SALE F i.FIOWEffl WILL PREVAI >tltING THE ENTIRE (>PENIN(lM WlIï~. 5)c ANI) 75c FLOWEI*l GO AT THE'I: 4FCIIH ()ENING SALE15 rRICE ............................................. Corset Cover Bargains. Beautiful corset rovers, 35C values. This maile he ins (, oclont iin the mornnng un openiun, day Speeili peina dayIO prure ...................... .....1O Muslin Drawers at IlOc. Ladies muslil drawers made np lu A i muslil, worib 35c. This sale hegins at 1 o o.clock ln thse moruiug on opening day IO Opeuing week price ............. ..... 1O mm C= COD Ladies Beits. L.adies Soc elastic bells.: heautiluli ancy hîeke,, lur . 25e i I E'. s-'-v - 1~ p I THOUGHT READIt4G x, Hs- t sShow on a Watch 044à, Houe SertlIy Chosafii. The lliouîght reader. taklng a-Wi lu one iîîd anud a pefici lu the lrîîlssses To gîve an exposition fn a le iîîuiîus TaI some oua presofltllv' lihe audi"nce s"oii'd îîivately thlnk of soilie gien lîour. This hbcbg arranîgeul. ha atarI. tnp. pîiig differeiit boucs on the dial of the- ' nairb,.1th liot asking auiy questions, sluiily dlrectiog lts uoknown aceoz- puIce 1 cont twefily laps frocs tIe hour lie bas fixed. For Instance. If the hour ha é b* uîust count the irst tnp ns saven. th next as eight. etc. Whefi. accorlllng * this miode of eountiug. ha bas relsi4 j tweîîty ha must ery out "Stop." WjbI the peneil of the thonglît render wili bié,r accu retlug on the original hour ho bà& 1 uentaily (lied lon. This trick In hased on a simple Ml inetieal pricIple. but thiz tact le W!qIrI, rnrcly dis;covared hy the uIee Tuera Is. of course. non ramitboÉ, readIuig ut ail. Ail the pertormor béé to do 14 To confit hîs tnps bîminef. bac glnnlng nt nuijeir onea. Tht e ul seven taps he can giveansywhere ho 1k.. cm the dhlii ace-il uaîlcrs rnit a jot. but the î'igiîtb top nmusI swnyg ha giv.m în thle figura 12. sud than the pote . foruier nhîîsit count back from that numbier ilu order-elevan, ta nine. etc.. unuIlit ls sîcTini lbas eouuladi up to tweuTy sud cries out "Stopr' as ar By foiiowiug Ibiq procss VM Owftt tjil thainit ntute lai) wbleb. conutîtr. fronithînub iiier the sietator thot;d&t7 of u ili niaiie iwcîuy. the penucle bau' triveied harkto10flbit ve nus Ti 1!inuil Oe. u n mtl i Sd It o1' xxiiis ii o. nil igit Tu eT lie . fir instance thpe 5li1, J pltii iîîu i n for ilutraitlin foîî li',ii. ith' ilird as fifîcen vIn stl he ni tiisIueiiiy. whieb la tbe e a P tal, ir the heneli.whic'b you remoibe Tîust iii î u3s rai iou lweix ,a nd #i* ? >îu îare. i walva wss the bour iy iixed nu. Try It on nîîîy hosîr younir.lik t WI4 aixi .ijys xxorti ouIrigbl. sud your rP-.ý tationiias a cnîjureTnillxvii haifrmly è lalillsbed. nnd nil aI o xai'y 11.t g<àqs f- d hie. A Fouter Mothsr. An owi andl a eut ara quaar eoff ions.,ixut a story %sonched foreos iy truc lu of a Iiaiiy oui n gray, é litiiîe fciiii' vliirlî fal mIntb of a kliudly lluiier and waf. 6* over hy lils efhior 10 the ce 0 ot1 This î'atlteIba 'r hefora hied IOC a yîiuiig sîuirral lu the place Ot dead kitîcu. Sha ,troked th.$4il, owiet wltb ber longue afler tOlb« log hlm oublie. and ho. belng ened.fliattened hie feathoos cloê é body no thal ha covead op bIt and heas and t00k on a *eMtl à gray kîtten. at the arne tin i lng n strauga sonnd. whlch tbi peehaps mlsonstrued Imb ,a Pu., guy rate she took hlm b Oh« h@ adopted hlm. acuorsged hlM ta and brougbt hlm rmiesa"51VO moles, for which ha had ai grg fauey ns Ifrhha ud beau a ctt. ' test beard from. the pair were M logether lu bappy feilowshIP. Wk.n Rlsing la DiNl@oult. Ask a potion 10 lesu back Iaa and fold bis ams. jPince your forefinger upon bbI9 head. Even though yen axent ' is pr esure, ha w iii and thb. V dtfflcuity ln rlslug. -i Caring For "dIâIm. Do not put muy Coral or s-&0", thse globea.ncaluait may injure t2»~ AnIs' agis May ha lad te fiaIs. the fish ara sean comlug tu thse w air, Il la a sure aigu 1h11 thse needs cbauglng. If thora ara lot lise gloea few pond snailsa IlW . the decaylug plants. Gîveta isu 1o of lîpht sud su. trooklyn Eni., Ho- Th.y Gresel Us "-Csmrnent vous portas-vOus. thff fl sye, enrlaeying. gay Loulse And ca"nes hereef with a conuaOffl 0fr. Polt. sud pretty aud dehonair. lRnmerhr aIanners averywrhuss, And always ia quite at h.? casa. Cmesta criles 5i'liippi's amuâae o%~ Anîd ha laugbi with hIips s *d sYM Liii>. and sîurdy snd hrowu0£ot fa. a.s walks and standu with a esalek grams And the .lgeroum sas. et hua .oUthhW "Coma uet&. Igner " ho criae. -Wl. haind..nie sieh, min i5 mwT1 Ti. grava ward.s oberly fUi. s And. 10.1 lu the. abYrinue i35WiYO , of a vaus, .c eaphysteal MI17 g*W- 1 wonde. UBams 01tIhe wldae d eéw ToUn au "îid yowirm 1 a , Alta sd alort fr005 hoit h"bB Co m Tomai? ond JOIoUY& iWho tu op and &-atmw tro* I snwht L lent at fi fani 98 ,98 498 M, arn- onù UE~O . - ' .GRAND CONCERT AND BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIRS FOR AL ODURINO OPENINO DAY.' Young r-eni - ----------

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