CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jun 1908, p. 1

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WIX dySUN' r. FRIDÂY, JUxig 12, 1908-12 pages $1.50 PER yxu~ IN '"vj Y'** WtU P'lii Plg ooi -r', 21k*Obmus tlue m seabeait is i »cbM'. xbo ffO o a t"th1>ae iZion ~ alfàire yiars viti a prhki 0"le of ltm yeavrenouai, an, lite 'Wi4eMday aftlea,dlMolved by ita Ciad LeaH.Daaîelly et Wooi- t9oei it the end of tiheasted isedtte-d -Mmo.s'vrred en by tii afttan»y rep "ogemia loti maidis, .Th$m lestms sc mna tntVluaa ,Mdmi l ats m=y tit lbuilading, " pu, ::U" atn ta**in lUn ih mis. 0" ms. m tse"o 11. pft, a"le mOcs iaIVl& te bffl est tint W iii u net'aie ta lae mm$ e l lta mllema- yet 'but éitl pid tace, SP. thi' tter cf boa I ià b liêcé mave tta Zim <limb wt lo' thaile store, vi. ýmoent lieduila ,,clty, thia cv- wow emta&l4 Il ta 00cra4l cooccielataI Val'ua d« , :8Uicoti - imige; Voueslly ffldar marnlng et 10 *,eo* trente« a chaiglofaivene a t'sguchtsi 1v,ÂtAuey. Coulte, Pap« *Pape, via neîwaaft John A. 1v-la mm_ cur~ Cin utheiomine of tiihe a lnn.qiaqs «m-iouWlbtr Glemm VaIv-liairect ihm tr=u » i, i ieleetg tit oma atMO ~ ~é uaUas vIites etorim Magie 4t Ow. va theprmSw-s ~ t~~ tsasutloacy veocf the a "deamU é -atme4arjud n u uïO ~ea IW eliad etbe- . *~sWrliitor hetone Judas Ci Uf o 'o* eig I 10 cocm as gupeilt.Iln tiroi of etler ptiTie*voiler Eninoeeing Canipiny "r f Philedelphla wie Frdiy -morig tic« *îsdad the sontràct for thiecnatnao- tlioWef tlargnu.elfctie, heeln s ad ai peà»Mpluuplanthwhon Il was l.srncd te th«. tlar bild, wilch *aMonfledta am o?1atmo* wu the, loest bild .ffired M i 4 pgoverlnote ftir noalest liait ,ýf fores> her bide hadl bien taken Int vTuh o i gortie lingeet contracti ral jit byt liS avrnmcnt for vark to bu and pertaritid ft Lake Bluff, and lion- ion, gsýeateag nad vestern firme 1 av ta v4aWte edeclelan as ta via fii vousei'lecontact for lie paet ~T ecar th e0- e Ise of tic langeaIt ampantealtuic v otIf. lite cornpony amiounce the nev vark iyul to daye. A force 100 men *fil bue put 10 taju" e l sob. mal. vbieciFtulait hi i#e *me roci, vit le 1 «6- taie fr<tiKt tire pi' ôi iIak reectiallrs ho 1,embcUuo tich ,, timls. ýw-ch il iMme. hewlca "0 vtigéet<if Rland Park vwu 0ilia4 Coty Weeeday morning a.i k« OUrne tu maY yeara tram blefutà ii*ber viii Il beçaern iI0w bM one af lie prominent real- 1io bappons ta le a band- Iu04a*er ttis Frort Sheridan poent cd. t ÔpçdMt fthe village, hos ghl% s1Wud tamlly deitItute, ail for au- Ilter vaMan, Il le alleged. U« NOhue, baudmaiteýfthe Mt t ii Wabutry, situated &It Port Sheridan, a& bratheffilaw ta Sam L.e4ln, minulas- tiret:fthe aue lAvin 4uiI pIs- nograph ueedles suad a liratbiet Une. W. C. Eddy, an the 34rd day of JOV liastaccordîngtatereparti, sud- dezly depurldtramn his hoie anud bai not beei heard tram mince, altbaugb t>inkcttudetictive. bave beea on hie trait for the pait te, day. On tb. aiternaon of tie 23d, Miller, accordiig ta the report, -repiired ta the Hflgland Park bank, vhero le drev out anl the fondescreditotta hilmiéliaid R. ThSýw mm acc-ord- ing ta eamtali*i. t"esuN n4 eveniD& am nted ta snmtiug il t"#. Hall cf the money taies ve li, in, vile ýbe ather hall belanged fhI. vife and farnlly. After a few day. cf Wvarry andl ais- iely, lire. MiSer caihi unom friuds aud relatives ta aid her la the sesici fer ber lent buabend. FouI play at the banids af hlghvaymen van firet beUeve< ta be back of bis dîmappear- fev days later relativemecureil Sassitante af Pînkertan detect- lvfi., who havse bei vorklng quietly oit the cale @ier suce. -Th Ont ue an ta the wiereahonte of the mlmslag mans care-irect ta the bone et lhe deetitute fsmIly la tic shape ofi aletter In the iuaisnd% own TInelter *»Wse ffie.1b y a hm 0fMily. 0-,hqmd de3- id tisaIttimissive migit' denSt lb myalery a"d eplàtheticcauew t li huaiand'i edonsi. A dat enuered viti pcteaumlgbt juet an Weil bave bei limaIta toa $i beonetathe vite aid ctde.u tic latter atated vwn tiat bs ad Ir os! oMt ta tieLliby Mulsil oâBut 'ai Mammon&, la. r» reavesreallasdtipI tb# v- a Nle, sen viot vW" '4miy '«V mgIie 04cciii at iar4 U« pst-t* tilW cmsy bai hi sa diei.O *Thi ltler vas $4rmefolefta Oi$oWus viatoOk nu ieiU s »jm'. stMted tiat ticy 14ý"A» nuc i 9" du& yemploy aid tint ad ose iy 044; anme lad applied, tortp4oê 1 Shthâ al lme no tcril;îo i 155 bei. reeelved hy lie taznlly tram tic bnaband and felier. A dank borne howveir appeired ou lhe borleon of the myttery Widaioiy viii a telephone misuem cit% Ii- ctagoaked tic vhcreaboutu aoflUr. Miller. Tii party at ticeallier end p~f thé vire, vho van none otier than 'a vo- Min, stated that aie delred te luak ai engagement vîti thc bandr=lr, a *eelshed to take mi l essons tram hlm. Sic van lnvited to came ta High- landl Park yeaterday atteron, vhen she wun promlsed hc vulil hi able 9ta tant vlth thc profeser pereonally. eAltiaugh the detectives vaiteil long 9aid patlenl y about the place ail after- noon and evenlaz, no anc appcared ta search of tbc mlsslug profeser. Later h viis learued that a vaman 8had telephoued, tram a store lIcated on etreet lu Cicago. Mir. Mineir iAi bail no trouble wlth 8hlm vIte Or talily prier ta thc tlxnc ai hie departure and hie actions are un- accountable for. YAs Miller cspent tic laut fev yeaee as bandmaatr fur thc goverument, and as he vwu campellcd taeservc ln lite Philine biands, ih ls e fure ethat wvIe out lit those vllds e hele luI love vili some dark halred damei avho falili lIta m ta hIe home lu "Highland Park miii hoa atervarm "lured hlm, on toa a"rt marrIage and elater tae aes"tiheornmuntty. lire. Minler la lU ait ber home or »m4 Pirel street aid le biine carcil for by lii frIenih ad relvi. Wble her hue- a'bais! servei t e Philippine Islande lire. Xltlen i04 dypesmaklng la order ï'« Willna t* obbpet'ôt lie family. - oflhe-ciai On mAy n mus.ii.'received the $1,700 tram 1h.e q !prpet i11ta ite, rby belat M~.lre. John Blender. Alter i,é e rnoey in the Hihland ?auk asilntruct- ed by hlm vite, XM pfKls sald, later WthdreW it, yii We 3&. IMllers knovledge. slbly in >,d elhjýit. Nothlng furtber *»vasiad cufanlg hlm un-1 til Monday, viesbon à oe rom Ham- mond, md, laforMesd ÜWreatives fiat e liadt securod a loý on the road. lirs. Bonder% # qi nr~ t the bank ehowea Ottti riy fl dbeen wlth- drawn. lnvesticaUo, of Mllers vhereabouts vAs *ta"tq. MUrs. lillièr boim 1er huaband bas bopnii.tji ol f confi- Il' vroffldraille -iWv Max ln hie coin." eau id a. 1IU . 'than not to mcv vhbat has be"e of hlm. Hie han alvays bis, tàg'hindet of bus- bindi." A,, ~ GUN James *owerta Yeumg MacUving sà" Taif e. Mh Lifa. 80W-7Z7zpl BaeSs!IÇU ephow af rwm ea ti h id lIa kbrother-li-1 lavr ,Mr. George ;8O t 110111011 IvL, a fev Mlles.##Wu*goke her wai veemp1cg'f ý *srrn bad, COMarntted setaM uc0 Tbued nlorulne'by blevts oait bie braine vitb a shot gen. lir.'Baver, acoaedag 1ta the Syste- mente et the tauàly, rEi*tàd early laut evenlng ln an apparttlY haPPY frimne of Mimd. He vae beand toinim~ p as usual eariy Thursday, about *aî Meta care for the cattle add bat Aý4ev minutes liter a ebot, v ie iun<1 the yard at the rear of the reae»mmusmt norili of th. mllk- house. Mr. Clevelnud, Ww« ln bed as lic time, ,foonnithi Young mai lytug £ke m AIvtrde*&,, fTe sicides akl vas indlu trac tured Mid deeb muet have enened saaneAler the act vus conwatted. Mr. Baver'. mothar and tather are bath dm4. lHe leaves tva alitrsanad a host ai relatives ta, mcgrn ls de- Cqrôner Taylor vanu nm qscd mca. Aler the ftu orga b. bue ai&tb. taineat wva tarted- aetmacs. Uir. Baver bus! ilted rula*v eQ@ n'ý treet in tii. City -»" pu.. It iqu learned at the lnqees% tiat the 79MIg mi bail been &MW An *iater Mad that et Urne, he teit de.- IM Yauag mai. according ta lMas 401lac statirnents at thtlauct lo bp ompWening of late, &bout Hevas tnke.m ta Qrays CLa doctor mainaina«MIMa- 11h., Ziedoctor told hM tli f i. 'dàMo test better lu a te, days. at- 'tir tabng the Medicine praserlicita cm eck aid soi hlm agala, but the adsta&M the next day lahi vhoaw tseglag a afeat deal better. Lait av- àst«,b. attedei a dance at hl% boïe;t tWnandl nothing vas mm ofa lIaI trm the tîme be left for the dam utqilis unakeil body van piled spJA lie yard eariy this marnilng. -Thie Sordlct of the coraner's jury v WA -thât the youn g man came ta hie deall y suicide. Of*R ciTrizENsIiip' Cil.! a Police Tyrrel vas called ;pn*fridai' to periorni tic un- pleant tank of servlng papere ai dis- bogonitble -dsciarge, lssueil at tic lu- stance ai ticeccrctary of var, upon Pr,Mteq Sud, Sica, Howaard and Cunhy, a&l members ai the touti field artlleyy, Eattery F, vhO veeu sea- tisicci.ta serve six montie lu lIe Lake. cauity lait for beating uP Of- fIoen Neoei, af lie local police force. Thi«e act upon lie part of tic goi- erniiqtiives tiese four mca of tt c nuis aiitizuns of ioiscoun- trI' ttote aIé K any or ail etectilne. Tisoy viil n« be lloved ta culer tic Àausmmueist gervice again aud vîli aI- v-lys le clopM sei .covarde hi' Ibose tu Unli fba service. )wlè 15 la sFIag Day. aprnag4ld. Ill., Jane t.-Governor flènits l In'suef a prolarnellon de.lguç$img lindai, Jane 15, &a VUSa DWde*4raqlsepllg IaI t ie .properly abaesv*ek*ek~out the &tâte by dwa ptpblN%' t41-boati m embloin, trSla ftotries, boiffle BY USPNDERS HomelaçeWadafr=TirO ff 0This M4 ,ortII iiWcs North cf opag of Gurece. Wi tictheaid ai -the çlotb suspend- ers .vhlch hi hai totan of f ram hie blue nib overali vhlch ho bcd vorn for tic punt tbiii or tour inanthi, au unkiova, evidently a vandîrer by nature ratier tian by luck, commit- elsi suicide by ianglng him.el ftram a tire Ich mapie sapllng by the aide af thc long road *h1çh runs north from Guruce, ai a locallty about a hait mile tram ticIlîttie village. Mook FlndesSuicide.. Lec Hook, the village ralmen. founil tie body of the suide swiug- lng tram tice apliug, wblch had becu eprrouuded by emaîl twlgn purposely eut tram uelghbDriug trois aid etuck lnlthe ground ourrounding the tre au vbich thc unknovn commltted suicide, ta deley tic findlng of thc body. Thé body, açcordlng to tic coroner'. etatement, had not bien svlnging long vien fond. Tic meiai umed bY the suicide ta end Ide flicvza avfry extriordlniy one, Inaimuch es vien the body van lovered tram the trec, It vas dîscay- ered that tise Iop eil of these ue- penders diii fot encircle the ueck, bat lusteiahiibien looped around tic chia. Coroner Solda Inquet. Coroner Taylor, upon ie.rnlng of the suicide, hasteued ta Garnie for tii purpose a! lnquIing as to the cause ot bis dccth. A jury va. quick- ly plckcd up and later determineil tiat the mii bail dici by hauglng. a suicide. Find Clu. e ta Idintily. Thc only dlues plckod up' vbich migbt teni tu tic Identificatioinaitich voý ere luit"ale ound on thse mam'a undervear. Tic follovlng Initialse yene 1a0=s, on the clothlng: '"," Toce oudt Brrow. Il van learnei LMë la ta h e min 'et' "pert- cf Sseuiay ,vandering> taut Waukigam. euiily eenlig, about g:30, a, e pproacied Jako Diel- meyel and! vas aboultat maie a "ltond" tour smething ta et viea bln bitefltei. Jake, lu iei g00 natrelfueia, bavever, vans o t ,«bl ",mma-vnahed ta saY aid gave the iaon felov, via apparently b.d bi ç ut -of vark for nome lime, a ofrtia a dollar. Theo iponplt tse enlîre quarter dt te Eraclir & iion guucery etim )onday mornlng, vbere be le 'roartid aiia,,g punciaiuil 4& omite' vrti at ulaicrackersanad t set ctlea of pop. DesilpioneA etC4M4uWirn. Tic nana ppeanspe léedis the. jury te belle"i thal he van e ai about 63 yearlaifa&e. Hievan ireis- ail la a lue rnb suit o!fvrlgg ai- mlente, compoaid of a lump' and 'a patr aoroeraia. HMe aohad on a sut of union undervoar. Lyvim an the graund beeldc lie 'ei itfou vilci lIe bauh vas Ilu*'ndwvae ouai a lurnbermmn's cast. HU& hilght van gluen et & fut 7 Inch«. R lacea ad on a pair o! clti mais«. LAKE COlIN Paul Amas oath7 ily of Antach le proabliy a vlctim ho Mr*. Belle Gunnes ofLa Porta, Imd., *anIl icre are positivea vîdincea ta thaisffloo. The sudd.n, snexplilned and wholly mystcrleus disappenrance of Amis about a yeur necnt liatUie led ta the currcntly exprcaed belle f tbat ho had mel wti foui play. Tie findlng of s ring alloged la have had on thc inalde lic lnitlalq P. A. nt La Porte whIllc liaruIna et lhc Gunnaas house wcre belng s«eh- cd ledaamc wccke mgo t1 0081aP tg thie cfisl tiaI 1h.Initiale st*Od fer- "Paul Amos" and hile goësap ha* broken out afreai. Âmes va. agent for a hanuuting machine campany and lal repartes! ta bave bien in gaod cîrcumptancea vicu ho disappecreil. tictald tii abori tiat be van going off ta tome distant point tb make Iàilcal, h la nov a thqcry that one o!flMraGIM- ne"a' lettcre, pnbllaed tu many nova- papens tic country. aven, caughtIstbu vithitîleallunlug boI it vanodi, ami tuat ging dam ta lie hormrr I& t La Parte i. met hle death prai' ably aI icer hindi. Peophi vlc promate, 1118 theOM seuy lIaI flmmier anàisVe tnraod iol 1 abair, a aint real ticIadd la la ~'o lJvs ttmnUo, but bas been taibeil about foIr açue dlay.m nay le placed lnl the banda ot Stale', Attorney Hanna for a apeedy lnuvetgtlou. Amen itlal underatood left a vIfe and childreu aI hie home. Uniaucceas- ful eKfoýti yeremade 10 trace hlm for veeke after he vaniebed tram tic face of the eartb. The finding of the ring wlth the Initiale "P. A." le the firet dlue of any sort andl vblle il le a decIddil ue, It may nat refer to Paul Arnes of Lake cOuuty et aIl. Ha',- cicr, hie trîcude thîuk It varthy ai) la qulry, whlcli viii be made soon. PIlA O!F AMANN -WILIL Fm INSANUTYv Aitoh Hale1.1 and Hoarty, Amonn la scffe~ewl %, Wrried asa 'HeHan. Neot Heard Fram i* îsReI- atives. Henry Rütdlrpb âraàn, self con- fesei muriter ofa a 13 ycar aid boy, ai vbom ho clati. ta ho tic fatien, ban ainounois! tVhi vlin Citer a plea cf lnnanity i n hisie ecornes up for trial. "Yen, 1 yull enter thc ane plis liAt l*arry I'il iav entieai LIsNev- toV stated Arnani., Amaasn, Lt appeaa. $06104 tm- bas thea lame chance ta ge« 4 - Tii, bhai, eues Ihoui 116 ib -bof beckel by millions o! dolbtana. 8henlff arien aniolice liaI Amaun leàgtUng #aougng aely aid liat ho do.. ual von' aid that Arnainule gettng fat. lnc dois not eeem to teed sorti' for hie nets aid tint ho dais not care taulieue the breati ci lie* exiugulshed as van lie Utile boy'. A. yet Arnain hasnnethboartram hie relatives la Germany ta v-b onih vrae 1cfr nonay. lHe vatceesevcry detlyery omai ml baviier and statue. tint ho ia positive ual ho i ylloh- ttaa a uv lionsasido" 'atrous bi relatives v-ith wvit141sf is cage. Tic ClcSatatorneys hfréd tu rep. roent l lifhve nat had any receât vlita vitih LmB. Amant, etin daims ta ho tii taller of lhe murdereit lad.'* .*I amn theboym tatier and wyutlal more 1bave a cisid liy lie boy%s*s ter, vha l. but 18 ycann aof afc,' lie atateil only necently ta abher prison- crs ln lIe jWi. Wietiert tue lait statemest le truc or nct le ual inovi, altbouçi I4 la e- Ileusi by mmy lilho le ti. ftlle of lis. boy b4 uuqierei, AeeDeut Oeueusd LtL ai' t S uudo A$WnuecaWisn Mr. Prié. eud Irf55,1>Wess lsqcylug lhe Superviseor Pt-lr, via 1h15 vcek l Is lu attexdanceAi tithe Ue ConmDtY O.- perulsane' n& buha aa inraew- cape tram certain diati l«* -Uuuia aflenioosa vienout eooimg the aura caes cool breesea viti hb»i y. Thie spervisor bai Juat loft ils n«eaue aid atarted for a. long drive vien tie hors. itcbe$ ta Ioliserg ho vue ln became frizltendstatetan- ing aitausabile.Tie hsucceedel la klcktng off tic dasiboard aid bai .mal sarteit on tic re.t kf tic buggy vien Mr. Prior succeedei lIn treeing blulself irom iche reck andi rusing ta 'tii animal'. heail. liHe bcd lukt etartcd to uniltîci ihe animai vben sudilenli' the iaue aprng up an bis id legs, klcklng vIti bia front feet lu al dlre*66oW, Thc final hlov gluen b hi'tieigl eued animal juot grmaei i *gn ulaar'a farehead but minel feol on hie rigit toot, The bbav bc necelîso on Uap tar, bead left lcft a mmmli e4ut t4 li ast tie font v'WanTi'ppliu Mr. Prlor finglty aec~s! ln m bltchin n Imathe i Il vdam-*isi C~et he trot learcie aAethe l IsJury' ta Ida foot, vic ha vwu coni- pelicil te valk boue. Mn. fPlri, atîhaugh ale ta attend tic superulsors' meeting, la compileil ta navigate vIti tii aid of acadne. Membirs of Board of Ravlew. Judase UevltLUJoies, af tic county court Fridai' aternoan announef the *appolntimelt afSamnuel Dlackler of *Laie Forest a.slise Repilican mern- ber aid Thaman Xglkilou oai ur- nec an tii Democratlc nicabir cf the iBid oit alev. à Tule v*â tIse frt anuonceement ai hfag lliOltIiitflviic vre aat thfe Mit4*rprivim- N'eighbora Unile ta Sonar EUv-ail Ibraford, th. Lad Refuiid fig tion by the Ochool bc"rd Nover van there euch ~slan l Highlandl Park, fifteen mile. soutis ei Wanl<egan, ae ba. bien ralseii y thc action af the board of education ln refuaiug honore and recognition ta Io year aid Edvard Bradlford, tu or a a pooi- vldov. "It makes a difference," sey malv reeldente of the littie tavu, "ic boy you are lu Deerffeid.'* When Uic graiialg exerciffla et the publice chool wvere ld la the Presbyterlan churci. ycuutg Bra4torsd van not on the plalforrn. The other chilîdren'a nameu yen < n' lIse pro grami: hi. van not.Whnte ip releved their,. diplornats name vae Dotyeail ont; ,IitW tài»' vas tiven hlm hy Preeldent Ben t SNe Wuonfa tihe oaeialter the xcasm' vere cicr andl 'evesjybody vIe, teWsy ta go home... 1 Tineeyee foyer. for every grae mata. bat - tiOewere no flowwt sNel le lad lmIc piue tý&ïmx i rd itu ti aI bouquet toe iip, sand via o« a bdrteof app>,u Ir »&m"e fote becaes laid bog Pnld al it pu t» foi= b«. a»to, # ,» -p #, tien ce*rne b,ti lie rd. Me hi e uid ecu bock-Ifl e veto praatnlg Ics-Iemm 1w lid it h Mm 1 t" or" eu*. and liue napd.i. t*.i Anotier aory la $014by B.bhe "'f h ceut ilum. o f eishl tL H. Vtue bte à a s meorchaitlli p*Il t di# « tbo î IlLSen r~e lancd.I," e ui.40 J% diog îtm v olt lii ý , maeappil 1 î- - cilmal lei ami RIte lm, Rgie, W ihi, I.. ieue iî ls*>$&y- po iza mit gaeid tii ,sh4 prcle Marci tra uI oW a~ TOne oarte 511 iu'secIt I Crampai', bCutarid0, J l'au <i# tala.Ventarvie eadanit ie SteeiiIiDenoasretvl 'cul lke. i Dam çeWultdi, aT lng4bi wt iY'" ~Ir! i- .r, -'t' ýR Omo h -M" iot br ü"o età )iSeithe e$qnpt *b ~dithe "dT tg 0 h 9 n lu on 1

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