(VrOM wednemsda' Sun.) Mrieéd-1898, to Frak Nixon Coi- Mira. Grace Snell-COU-Ofn-W&Ik ' .foflWlna £recnMltiOn t thé deathhéd <of ther sou. eé'OnaLayman-Loye, a former Anti- D e-89o con !Cl r4hgirl, daughter of Amos J. Suell in-il ungVerauble temper."' Obcago mllllonaire, bas suél ber lai-mrr"lod-8, 10 James C. Walker, *et huabaul. Hugh M. Lov, mcretary a hotel clerk. afier ste bal glven hlm of te Lo« Angeles board of heaitit, $50000 andi a trip to Europe. whom shé marrlél in 1906. for divorce. Dvomeod-120, on grounds of cruel- * Pnk pajmmas. unbécomlngly vrm tY and 'Insae jéalouay," ilunerz Iu beer halls and other curr- &M'rWod-1001, lu Fran Nixon Col- iug on, embarrasing, bumlllatlag du for thétIbId lUme. aud cruel, are the grounds on wMenlh lvoicd-1901 on eccount of the Mr. Coffin-Love asks for ber marital saine od luconpatlhity of tempér. freedom thie time. Mrrld-1903, te Perhina A Lay- It la Mrs. Love's seveutit appearance mani, a hotel clerk t ltiverslde, Cal., tu the divorce court. once beloré site mter a fuaile appeel lu CoMa lut bas been separated from ber latent Mamryber ý'J0t once more." huaband. but a reconciliation wua a- ivorod-1904. on thé ground of fected. desertion. Married-1884, Grace Snell, dangh- Marrled-1906, lu Hugh IL Love, a ter of Amos J. Sueil, Chicago million- nevepaeér writer "d nov ecetsry aire, l Frank Nxon Coflin, then a of thé lms Angeles bourd of hemlt. coachman; elopement. Sepuatd-4908,IluJauary. Divrced-1894. on the groumd o! ln- Rec*filéd-1908, lu Féhmuary. compatlblity of temper. Dvoreé-? ? NORTH CH ICAGO là» LIJC[OF NEWLY WEDS V_ Loue Vauable Hom and Hred Hand (Pro M'dnesaý' Sun) 1 Cleans Themn Out. Wm. Ils-es was a business visitor lu Chcago yesterday Mrs. *C. Il. Gnyn is entertalning Mrs. Rtobert Waynlck o! Chicago. t An employé of the naval station bal Ibhis mxisfortune te break bIs leg yes- térday. HIe was alteuded by Dr. Con- neIl. Mns. William W'aters entertalued frienda yesterday. John Luther bas returne from San- doys], Il]. ýJ. M. Woodman was a business vis-i Itor hère yesterday. A number from here atlended the~ commencement cxerclses o! the cou- eervatory o! music laio, evenlug ln Waukegan. Mm. Edwand Wels and son are speulîng a week îith Chicago frlends. Thé bouse on Sheridan road and Téntit treet, Lurmierly owned by W. . Dm1, le belng pt intoaie Ot class condition wtb moeirn Improvements. M. andsiM-. A. Demetree enter- tine Chicago friends yesténday. *MissLîda Russell bas returne from ber vacation. MI au Bertha Krobn s eîtrtaiuiug her Mlater from Appleton, XVIs. C. A. Planstiebl spet yesterday lu Chcago. LU J. Oison o! Chicago vas a huai- néma visiter beres- fseray. 1Thé ittîé OHlara girl, wbo bas bien 01I wlth scarlet lever. 1 geting along uléély. ILie.Wacter i i esterlay lii qiilcugo. Pruyer s-etiniîz îiiihat the Pria- tvyterimn burcb. lin. Cornlsh -p-nt ýesterlay lu (From Wednésday's Sun.) Go lng te cbunch lat SundaY, lMr. sud Mns. l-éd Wagner, vho aller tbeir marriage about Ivo veéka ago setled lova ou a farm lu Frimant, wére rohbed by a hirél band vho ra- sacked titir réidence vhfle théy were avay, stéalu; a vatch belons- iug le eacb ada ring hlonglug tu lirs. Wagner. The U titil enov biu( sought. Just heforé tIla Ie Wagneru IsIld lat a valuable hore. mn.*Waguer vas Mils Mat Fred' erlcks. véil kuovu hère as a hlgb school girl. EFFOTS TO__IDEUTFY fAi&L Gurnee Unknown SuiCIdod Becaum e IR Waa Cripplod. t <Prom Wedusdai's Sa.) Imitatlug te prunlice of aimé birds I vlsîcli vhn crippled commit Minie Il the nature faklra are te hé béilével lame from vulilg, fecng a perma- nent crippled con2dition. Ullblé teugeM wurk. sun unknovu tramsp commttél suicide near Gumnée Monday, as relat- ed in thé SUN. Thé lad ttalhé vas lansl sud. could net gel vomi, lu alter nordse of thé garni, la bllevél IDe haVae s éd thé deesi. Al efforts la Identif y théenunevuwl have flél.4 WAS TEÀIM MUR A AIISC BilIy PapIs Cam a. LIt Counfty le Oct aB-u- d UP.1 (Prom Welneudy'u Sm'-) IL lea anotevortbi fact Ithe EMY Papke, thé lPimin;VaiéY vOq&Lpr, Miss Seels-. aho bas hein visiting camé tu AnUtoeýin la LMé nut!. lust »K Maer, MArs. %McKelIey. bas returu- Monday 10 gel blmsef brace up for ed tô ber home lu (Chicago. is jo vith KtchéllunMiWlaukié& Chas. Sackelman le vorklng lu Chi- fev laya liter. Papki vus mrreOUO- cago. éd by admIrera on the pletform cOf tii Sînce thé varm wýe&t, bas, oré.WLscOn'in Central dévot et Roceafel- bIage umberlesauoe throzsgh thé er, prtacipal stnéét in the bevu, thé neel ILMe connty Ila apopulal placé 1ur et nomea mort of a sprinkér ytem bas lrainîxsg thé llghterm. bem feît more and more. Thé daM oun _______ thé aldévalks leh m a noying, and t115 o! course coul hé allayel <i À SAUNEI KHU Mli l gra extent weré a sprnker usé. . Thé matien bas héén up for discussion Joas Nichois of Highland Parks Mste - eveérm ff lésinCthelat, hlut 11e theé - SuMen End. gevemragé proposition il bas eacrb limé (Prom Wedneédaî'm Sun,) lidout vithout anytbinig InfInité Yelérday Jonus NieIsols, a gardener b avIa; hein dccii' I. It la sald that of Hghland Park. Idroppel demi <of the priment board i cotemîlatlug li-art lalbure. Hé léavea a vile sud <tl)sépuchase of!asp-trnkler systrem tour chilîreu. anaà thé memberi. certainly deserve Elof Uàndstrom o! HIghlunl Park coémmendatlon for Iis step. diél yéalérday aI thé aga af 63. WILFUL MISREPRESENTATION. Thé eUN la net Inlinel le enter t, Lt bitter argument pertaienug te wSIs en ohviensty lu errer whlcb thé Outt. imblabes relative te on ek f i»mnclg committe e!fhe Lakeé 51Board o! Soî'-rvisers, and thé o f thé SUN éditer Ibéréte. Pirts B$Pak for Themeelvea. i éâ ommittee bas lu twe yeans 44dmI county taxpayers ever îWlh , aclaInducél twelvé Si nrélénlion, as agalust but - - , , v chalrman e!th -th ia year, explaiuéd 4*4 evmtte mardél te ~D*.cotrat for pub- ,'iàïovS*' proceédings. tee ils circulatiou hookz. The com- altié bad Information the Gazette'# weikly circulation wslésa than M~X. Thé SUN get théecontract- Counîlea Ilirougliouî thé ulule are ferming purchasîng committéés sal la e-sery Instance ma'-ing laxpayers thé graît, suco for Instance, as thé Ga- zette enjoyed lu thîn counly fer years. That thé Simths so razeuy advo- catél ellmlnatlon o! thé purchasia;, commitle ad a reluru te thé syglern vberéunder théîr paper was practlc- aIly supportéd aI coonty expéame, le effronîery sucb as only lbey are capable of. That tbéy aucceéded lu getUing Onm- pervisora Sutherland, Appleiton, John- Bon ald Edrards to vote fer auch a proposition le surprislng lu fané of the i,&CIule- cf thé boad inmberis Who kuo,- e! l"aga Limée houosndu cf doilainthéecommit -tee bui mavl le couaiy. statua stem! orpô*iratln. U th gt4 ohalrmau, luIse bélt HIL -O.QaI, to' iugtt uc*wi .Gmlt«tétbu te 9 I menti eitaatellng g i bpfteé thé yrqàm of Ohiahed teel gd% had bèepmagrued upoIN. Altée ove'edeafght agauat -uM--, tack ut heut trouble. Georg e Ierthe votéima référe. had recoveffl erough lestnt x mte hédecarél eut et Imme- diat aner CON$OUDATE CLUSiL Thê >U Laksekt alub adPoim La"é .)(etomBoat dInhhave hem ou-, soilltl as théeFo= la"e ceuty Club vImIc vus recéllY luu Oruuu. Thé louwng oficero et théeauV eluh bavem o eloctÉ.eMIé7 KI."%é commodore: oi A. Panmon. vice commodore; IL D. Ford. ruqomo dore; Charles P. J. Swial, mcretarY. 41 Cu IGHN P. PINEUTV DIVAO.si JoUbl. Jlnarty, éditer 91 thé Ci- w nent tu a newapaper mua, lesaturer C au" litab patriot and 'usU itevin l WVabegan, dIed at bis reMdmidu,3$62 tl Grand >boulevard. at 12:40 o'cloek lia d nmIaiat thé ge <of os yeari. Hm t elfe and two children vIre at his bel- b ie vhuthéeuMd came. Thé patient ft b e m uanconselous prectlcally mince ti nldjilght on Mondai. T >00I FELLOWS W5IT. h Wlth delegates comim; from ail r perbmof thé utale adaiso f rom mdi- t fla"I Micigan. te thé numben of h »"MI rlbutlred, and vlth raakin.Çof- IaIs u Md vistoru présent, thé élghl a anaual meusion of thé dépannment el comsciof thé ladépéndent Oujer ai Od4 téflovs, Dépaftmeut of Bhunole, md thé sflth aul measion of thé I Graïw poTnem.. . O.P. M., viieau- o rue» ln Joliet lulmy. BECOfk8 AN EXILE. Kéneéha Wls., Jane 5.-Chrls Ras- mumen, a Pleasuat Prairie ftrmer, lu- - lui homume .un ie frm ibhome t. &vold thé atate prison ou a ehargée o h&iLng scededbli' ife and eldrea. Ramumea mlgned an ugreeéui t b thé court Wbhiprovidèsat i h aUl never uam his vife und chilrea again. al saul hé éver happén lu meet thefft .cclmtally hé vii maIe Po ef- fort th %Peak te them. MER TAIN OITCHEO. Théellosthvmutérn eflivay Company auféel c a 4 prnpert k"g aunltée Semoul and Hagierd dtvialen o! thé f»Iti.a TvlaUII.. lun Keneaha county Ma.t un boyhur yesterday mnsomug pheu un ehbmead six carm, anI jou- éd nUl ,le.. veré thn tatalaIecdltch hi a muer Md ecollun. mffly ienger détalb of .e1 le m* buh"e een recelv- 04 but fh lau taflt.l at no oe eas lWs luzul la 11. collion. SILLA ESUNOARS ILL*B AL. »M» u fledme-or usy aller néar- Sbéer or Mafl11400ruom ane hé ,<ld lu maat.alom tIapltory, Reelford ai lest aocésllg tt e dltaclon andu-I ed 6M a y Judge Reckhéviluceaty w90u4Y ai Bocliford. A fi» or $1009vas , mml aggao ut iaooalstJoina B. rJohuM of Wlabvukee mtreet on thé chreb o etuUing luoimia inlquore, hé to slazd comumittol mmtlithé Une le pull. Attomaey Plercé. vite eppeared 1for Mi. Job1aoa, lmmédiaeéy bled no- Ueimofe appeal te thé appellate court ual turniuied a bond of $30. VOUCURT IN RACINE. The boneeold gools me tamly ily0 eRai. VolSdt; thé Dow pasteor of thé Germa. Létberua chunch ons Villa &tsot. arricldla thé city Ibis mlter- on Ornd avecn te ualt otr ilh ilaImoIy vIl bé the gueule of p-rlaI Omer.for a fev layé. 'Th"ey eét te) be we wsl vl a £fév vsehs.-Ita. du.e Timo. 'CAO COMMENCEMeNT. LA"eIreet 11.,jue 1-esle fuI osme tulatvnty y*apru Tburmday ulternoen. vbon ite outuéang mules vmi recel,.l taI! lpbmus. Who$ the traaaudml 1de 75u1 la w0 langer lialeut yeir, 110 uiflUe5t bai éxeéeded cny la tvuatlY-Tue VISIT NAVAL S1ATIOK The antafl of et homof the Commercial Club et *CWuao te thé United Statue nas)tliiot stagmo nier tes Bluff wvwMo*agI sd5. ,AI upeclel rin lUot e >Iorlli.utttde- pot et 11:432isr>rMge'mYVlgst the naval tragla "m miBe boehr' h. ter. pollewiagthe ,ls!tte lmsuu Ibère vas a glfooV »ie le OS0M eMc Club mal éWl à a e IM gM MM priex. ver. efned le Me lt« lbe b*4t Md P-** te. Abueflmrs etf111,4w0k Suk)rtlg yltb an InOcymblé iSe 45 yemm W.1, no veak th&t At l*g «a Dot umau frm hlbig d, thlé lg QeéOM'oiurekaila gave up th*, ba# e fr ézlaence and asked te bI oi te Lake cont yIlpos oUé1! ~ Ehatysilewhlther latho: héeIe mftiud du an order from Spp PAlace la lent thé casé& by thé fa«u1 ba&t yquaWetis bas a vife lad eh!- drec ti 0< luAustria and cams IItrà to ihake &,fortune for the9à. lie bas beea ted %ad cari for by conUalYa"p for rééu »nd months, but fSueur tYe- terdir 7 *ed bIi-lest Prot0etol. rhomam Eagm of Ues mouth OU% ,te C SMt Ihgetthe poor boue. H. %a" 4 he nIl verk luthefilelds adtry to regua a memure of'.his hemlth. ae bhough ho la troublél vlth hmiorr- ,age. iéb lrthplace la UAthiuflie. -It ian o uséstruggllug." hé MMiltet aSUN rePorter with a lhniâ cf bls1 Sow4era, "I Munt leave thé eaie" 11* Tbw fWorks ut Whééla Antus Klliick, the 17 yéar old Nortk-,bMgb boy vho la hounnI olé on thé chare, of having siien four *U~~~ boMUd t~U ut éo eiebg - 5it ie nIés! beéa wr«Oétolis,4's, I k. -o r M " by ' O W e M d ' TheK IEAfl'TUof the- l-" . -- - * - owléhalne rgh* aA~odé pj m t d o térmée f Z (VFrom adeds' u..)- lem . - alm»Me'rgIi hop, !ehé I. L , a turdy Sco- Who Thé Z'elnéé%4lsEon C* à~ô ~~ ledM utsll s a"oùo .-sN. iMê~ thi-tI 119véseu'~ot à£fKrita BrinS51 71Sm*t; lw otf s'*aéhII >t U Boer r* elUon 4rivéd l inc0"0lsm1t ý * alb tter a reeord brealng v t. , the eart1~4 fru liaMe tartiug froin thé iotv t I, tee» 49ý,s, oviýe zut Mllvanke Athh«eeClub buildng at pogh th* court Ïîufly 1iM0I#eStéOde- P&%Sh4d » 5.3Of Moaday évunng. Cralk plodded, oleré!hm peero*Otçrwg. IIqK 51*â téo Ggq4 Weérllr uit h> 1d1son and Derhoru .~ 'ahgtésioist.p om0151ho doîý e i atrute54~Uego ai : 3 o'lo olrt%%. toqaust0f lb tere#tieSnI »Sua ~~ sa~ fbr Wllbnr Ilé gr>lv fta D s$ dist~sé lie& ovér faim rot toa4 a t-1yo4V0u vatlf VA Ii aeg IeIAWU t réPi mii t1l 1éeru Thé fom eord of 4331 Hsslhne Mad zloc's eelud b SI 'uSI vas set Imm. 1 hyEdvl Sa. Enéen- oppWOXLtn rulllieDt SI té Inda ue r ie *hê if baui. et Ch,-.o. or theé x.eW sfDa tom3qe »àÈtmlthe lmota e ru attemptiag the valk Crali vas lu- Rqcktlor Monda i réudeié 00.10AStoraey L.i*, Wbo rq laiiW t oiy hy a kmonla;to break.thé dlooumt I h anot+o YV%,il) prequ ia or" record het*een thé tvo citle. Hia BotI [<énlu cul Volîva CI" the tu aIM Ut Ç#Oiluago .saur kes,& a swu..n,a u,ý 1 ro thé former mark Leatlng Mlvas- ho.. hé heudel due south, reacbioglRa- Oh'. t 16:20 O'CIOck. lHébéat off ev- oral buagri cuiîneleMongtle rente bImd at 121:30 yesterday -tart nu Wau'- légua for lunch. Cr** déclarée hé, steppél once dur- ing thé iliht fo a bu t of lép uieng thé roudal4e sand glivém hta actuel wMk-1 ing -lime as 18:40. Hé averaed ll iluasah beur aud made faittdmsé rama Wmkeg"i te Chicago. If propér lu- ducéments are frthomMig t)railime hé vil ma»e an attaci en thé New Tri-Ciale nuIk bi record. !S<Niy Ai Im NLT- Jom.ý Aibun. Fati - Xbr e ortlm*-'éS rWator Fiffldsueeut (J'rom Wodnidys flua.) Jo, Aibtne, labor et the Unlts Otatem naval tratnlng .choOl for the Robllng Construction, VOniPny,Q ver-1 balancod ,aid 1.11 ville trundlicag t iarrow or brick on thé thtrd try <oft one or the bull4agI. me SSII te thé econd fourr be hI vue caught by the cldthes on maulion i I f 'CANDIDATE FOR -UNITED STATjs SENAVOR, SUBJE7CT 'rO VOTE XT TUSE epruafa Yul-. r' for Ient.zI béM. ,but lIé cdtbhM 897a W« Ut, t«o toit les M ébrmklg et. c tthéii gb. un Mlubto moemlmt *, ,Waer vIl vWh" thbe uubem&"Vu tu. Wb".nhc pseaw1 v~ I Ie fwvm lra&Ui eut t le n8tg&' a" f». OwâaeII Imeml hbig oadst 1te'- heuptAL 1aï la a~uXa lbqUM * 141 Ibré. ailroS la NovwYork 0ti J III :11111!! 11111111111 t LU n ~ ,u:Lu,:m lxii xii îuxiîîî~ UII 11111111 ~î 4 - E e -e j s, 0 AT~ ON UflUCR ~lTJN*NT --'-s--, A - ~AIait 1na~ aumbe b" bs .10Ua Kt '4M.o. t. Sfteait su nle "-No qutte 00^ fitoa rAgi -Il.. u~ I *0* ,~v4 ,Jb~ wIle fi Id