CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jun 1908, p. 4

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LAST Nitif ofty l o Cre.euy Uitos wol lewn Y.ugPeople of Waukegam MANY GUEST ONA R ATTEND TUE CEREMONV. Brde and Groom Will, Ater a Short Wodding Trip, Make Their Home at 321 Sherman Place. (From Wednesday's Sun.) Mr. GlberilI-. Richards was united la marriage with Miss Willa Ferry, daughter of Mr anti tIra. William B. ('Ferry of 118 West sireet, mast on tbe gtroke of 8 last evenIog at the home of the bride, Rt-v. L. C. Burling aay- lng vortis that united the couple. The cerernony took place ln the par- lor o! tbe pretty home anti decoratiùîis vers ln ferna, snillax anti white Pennies, tht- same schemit being lised lin the dining room. SixtY guests were present. Inciuding the- grooms grand- mother, Mrs. Vandemark, sgt-t 85; tho bride's great aunt, Mra. M. J. Spence o! Watkins, N. Y.; the brides$ siater, Mrs. Walter B. Smith o! Port- lant, Ore., anti others frorn 13170 Mawr anti Rogers Park. Mr%. Orlen Boyce playet the weti- dua* marcb. The bride anti groom re- zesveti many hanisome anti1 costly weddlng presenta. Tbey will resîde at 321 Sherman place ater their returo f rom a short weting trip. Both are popular yoong people, promineni ln Methotiat churcb 5- ciety anti the whole city rejlces la t.belr bappinesa. BE BROURT BIS TRUNK WANTED TO BE REÀL SICK PUZZLE-GUESS THIS OLO FEL: LOW'S REAL GAME. Assursd Police That He Had Hourd of Wauk»gan Hospital and Just Wlsh- ad to Livo ThoreasaI nvalid. (Prom Wetnestiay's Sua.) Assistant Chie! o! Police Hicks Is sttill trying to, puzzle out jut what kinti o! a new totige D. W. Mattana of Chicago, ageti 65, was trylng te, work upon the city o! Waukegan. ls snowy beard fiapping ln the vinti. istepa hatiog, Mattana got off an evening train dragging a large steamer trnnk îîackcd anti jammeti wlth varions articles o! property. When he met the assistant chie! of * police,,he iformed hlm that be vas a siek mac anti that he wtahed to go tu the ospital.1 Wn other words, he bati packed bag; anti baggage at hîs borne ln the city * ant corne here to take a hetiln the hoppital ai the cte's expense. He hati n re[atives andi ditu't know a soul hors, hýsaid. Chie! Hcks steeret hirn back whence he came. COIES AS FR01 lI (Pýrom Wednesday's Sun.) Twa yearsaugo, follawlng an an ai- logod quarrol wth hl& father, Henry *toizman af near Libertyvîlle dlsap- peared as thaugh th.e e-lb had swal- lAwd. 4lm up. Tîme and monoy apent ln hl& behaî f and in fear 0!1c aidant or faoui play provoti of .o 1îl Stozmàn wat gens and a largo sum ef moînoy that ho hadiolft ln the banit hWaitaesMay thora. Yesterday he reappeared on h. utreeotso! Libertyvillo, crew hi* Mewy and iusppoaroti 6g-an as-cern- petoly as thaugh dlasolved Inta thîn 4air. S Stolxman was recognizeti hy many et lb. villagera wbo saw anti apoke te hlm, but be refuseti to speak coucern- tut is dsappearance. fie appeared. la be ln healtby con- 13100e, sane anti well balanceti, but on ý,JIbe sublect o! bis evanishrnent was si- :gâ ~ Meimply veot 10 one of thte vil- tWe b aka, vhere numbera aaw hlm,' à.* omi 1the mooey that hai accurnu- Iligod ils4reta since bis tisappear- M4cWs,@Moi vnt away again. An et- 'Ot a& ieb madie to shadow hlm for unt paw Me V&aOW0O Tssfitalan Wood. paiano vOr.i Ni~o f orsets for- tbë ýRoyal Worcest& oen i ei;, American Lady iowbde3d t heb ad are], satisfied witb nothing èIse. Waukegan CORSET SEcTION-MAXN FLOOR The Surplus Stock, of the C HusIin UmÀrI rade' muaûlin following s White Petticoats, 49c. Made of a good grade of muslin. has a thirteen Inch flounce witb six graduatiog hematitcheti tucks; also othera with embroidereti tucked loince-both wth bust ruffle. During 49 the sale of the C C. Anderson stock............49 White Petticoats, $1.29. -Matie of fine, soft, cambric mulin, bas a wide dust raffle, deep pin tucked embroidereti flounce, matie to oeIl reglaýrly ai $2. Specal turing the sale of the C. C. Anderson stock ai .. ..&2 White ]Petticoat.s, $1.98. Mae with a fIfteen loch -flounce o! lace Insertion, berntltcbed tucks and edged with lace; ibis petticoat also bas aàUI very wide dut rutile. Its an uousually splendid value at...19 Ladies Gowns, 39c. They corne in both igh anti 10w oeck effecto. anme trimmet with tucks and lace edged, othera with lace insertion; al izea. Special durlng the sale of the C. C. Anderson stock t ...3 c Ladies Gowns 79c. Htgh neck gowns, trimmeti wItlýopen emhroidery anti twelve rows of bemtitchet. tucks; neck la etiget vitit embrotdery; cultas are trimme with ernbroiery and insertion. Big value at $150. Spectal itis sale.................. 79 Ladies Gowns, $119. 1*gb anti 10w neck gowns. beautifully trimmeti with tbree rowa of ernbroidery Insertion and bemstitched pin tucks; collar edged wth ernbroitery; cutis with two row% of insertion, edged with ernbroid- ery. Special during the sale o! tbe C. C. Ande!50n stock----------------------............ ladies Drawers, 10ç, Mae o! plain musIilo witb e deep rutile. Special turing , the sale of the C. C. Anderson Manufecturing Comnpany stock AVc Ursator Values', Groifer Orowds* The latter appreciate our manner of quoting-merchandise at actual worth $5.00 A1J.WEIJl Skirts, $2.98 Yen, and qute a few of thern sold at 86.00. They are al wool Pana mas In tght colored checks, stripes and sh4dow effects, all made full lu the new dlaster pleated styles; $o and $6 29 Sktrts, Saturdayan Monday t.......&......29 $5.00 Covert Coata, at $3.98. That they are the best $6 covert coat yeu ever saw you will admit afier a casual examination. W. mlght have called them $10 and $12 values, but we cedit the publie wlth more ft Intelligence. Several style oat,4prly every size, a ......9 Dresaing Sacques, M9. lso loose kirnonas, madie of a very fine grade of siteer lawn lu figures and floral designs, sorne trirnmed with plin coloa'ed banda and rlbbons, special values et .............. 39c Black and Blue Voile and Chiffoif Panazna Skirts, at $4.98. Splendidly tailored, matie of ahsolutely pure wool voile anti chiffon. panama. orne are trirnmed wtt ilk bands, otheris with bisa bld. o! the sanie material. Specially pricet i ................. ...t@ 8 Blue and Bruwn Paff- tiaima Suits, $1090 Auto Colits, $49é The lînen las eapeeially,àtrik- t lng, have cuiMB anti collara of kbakhi inaterial anti fthsbed witb large Pearl buttons. $2.50 Jimper suits. Several colora, made very tulI and finely Inse.SPeclal 14 Saturtiayet ......... . - 100 Shirtwsasts Values vWortht up le82.00 O%9l S&tartiaY anti MondhyMa JTÈER'S FORCED SALE of a $74,500' stock of hlgh underwear-at thebare cosi ofmatetials.' This mant4acture bard bit and fô-rced to sacrifice for iiidaecs.Th ercuto fthe letter is in itelf explanàtoryè We wcrt among those first notified and slcc This Letuer Tells the Tale C. C. ANDERSON MANUFACTURING COMPANT Mammfaturrs of MMUsIUUdw - Fostoria, 0. , May 14, 1908. Messrs. c.R.Lyon & Sons, Waukegan, Ill. Gentlemen: - -Because of a baokward sea- son we have on our hands a $74,500 stock cf muslin und@erwear which must be turned into cash at once, ,Our general mana ger Mr. Frick will be at the Palmer Hous~ Chicago, for one week bèginning »à y15, and will dispose of this stock at the bare cost,, f manufacture. Kl»ey adviee yot mus1lin'underwear buVýew-,aýid wire lir. Frick atonce for an ,a7ppointnient.' Dict.Respectfully yours, C.C.A. By C. C. Anderson, Pres. A. A. Our Grecéves haie steed a severer test than the Pure Food Law requires. Thoso SpeoiaIs Until Monday Night One tioren fine ineasina leiltns, 25 bars American FamIly soap spoeiaî l7C delivereti with order98 per dozen .n. . .. . .. .. only, for ... -. . .. .. . . DM 18 &l 18 Pound. o1 bet t;ranulted Cane Sugar, I U ~' delîvorý d asth ordera only,1k. a peil for -......... 10 SHREDDED WHEAT'-- The PIE PEACHESB-A delilous delicioua breàkfasit food,E fruit, number One andi a made by the Naturel Foodi haîf cao, speclal lier can. LIMA DEANS - SorneUines Cot Flakes CORN-The splendid B. & calleti"hutter, iteans," verY Temsted M. Paria braud, full nom- Y fine quality, for the lM., Be Have a Pack- ber two size cao. apeclal age ln the per cao ............. lic11 hanse, when the lady calis ROOT BEER AND GINGER shewvll give DRE -EACHES-An extra ALE Loax' deiclils youa SbiH fancy quality of California prodnct, speclal large aime spécil fruit, apecial per pounti, bottes, 2 for......... 26 Titre for. .................12 lOc Packiages _____________ for TOMATOES - The fanions 2 5 PEAS - Monarcli brand 'of "batavie brmlnd, wbole fIt, C sweet peas. an extra hanti paeked, s p pr fl u ie quality, speclal per cen. at ............ .14c W can................. 13e Infants Wear Section -Di Northern flRlinois. Every charminge littie con- ceit for the littie one that could be desired. 9VER 50 STYLES QF LAWN AND STRAW BONNETS....... 29. ta 865.GJ DOZONS XVftSTYLAS 0F DAINTY DRESSES PFROM ........... 3c ta *850 -IFIT'COAT, LRE SRTfNS Re$m. ...... ý..1.49 ta *$&00 INIrANTS' SA#Qpeg, U1LU'ePINK AN4D WHITý, with'embroiderod- odi..lio CH1LDUE Ï418 pES ,CUEAP AT 1.3 MORE, SPECIAL ......... ....~9 (114ýfi8.ONs Ui.itinTY MIJosSEP. PECIAI ..................0e - MAS ES 1 AUO , 13 , asrtment. .. .9Wb R*A$, AU4W'5LR ...... Severai LaderestDrawers, 2Mc. Seveal dfferntIots conutltnt.o iis aaaortment. anme trimnIolulth two rows of Insertion etigeti witb lace, others witb cluster g bernstitcbed anti edacti with lace. values tu 4ft. Special during the sale o! the C. C. Anderoi stock... Ladies Drawes, 3Me. Madie full with a full flering flounce. trImmet i wtb flfteen row_ é£ ine- pin tucks. An unusually splendid value et the price. Spt.cIal during the sais of the C. C. Andterson stock et .. 01W .. Ladies Draw.r5 OM. Maie extremely full nd f e fine grade of-sqft -abrie maiwl wttie ruffle, pin tucked, edget i wtb embroidery. Spiendil values@. Special during the sale o! the C. C. Anderson stock. 5575 Corset Covers, 19c. _ Trimmel with torchon lace ant Iinsertion. othera wth beadtogiP4 ribbons. Sorue tight fittlng. SPpeciel turing U . the- sale of the C. Anderson stock ...................... Corset Covers,.m.c A big assortient muatie of splhndid materia. slaborately Î" mo4 with beadlng, lace, fit(ertlon andi ribbons; regular 5W val'- »âjt. t-s. Special during the sale of the 0. C. Anderson Stock. ..~1. Corset Cover, M9. Trimmed wlîh two rowa of val. lace Unseftion witb beading andi ,ib- bon. and edged with e deep val. lace; almo allover lace covers; ris- nIer Il values. Special during the sale oif the C. C. Antierson stock et-----------------.. 59 Corset Cover, 89c. Slip over corset covers, ail lace fronts, aine rows of Insertion with beading. irinmned witb ribbon, sud edged witb lace. Speclal during the sale qj the C. C. Anderson stock ai ... 89C Ladies Drawer, 19c. There are two ltaet this prie, one trimmet wlth titres ravi of tucks and bemst itcheti, the other trimmeti witb neveu rowa of tueks andi hemstitched; both have a deep ruffle. 5 Special durlua the sale or the C. C. Anderson sok Sale of Anie rkatr cul (slass Prom a teadIng maker, an ovEýrwhelminX sanes. Every p"Ioe i hand rut and polished wtth Rtpel. atone anti wocE whoeos u b" , clIear blanks ni auch whiteness as tno maure the gres±est bMiiacy. Prices are about one-third the ugual amoeunt Better Buy Vour Domestés. liere Always the boit quallty at just a little los prim. AMOSKEAG APRON CHECKS, S8y2c value, yard.............. se STANDARD CALICO PRINTS, 8c val", yard................6. LONSOALE CAMBRIC, 36 leches, Illc value, yard.. , ... 11 LINING CAMBRIC. 25 Inch, 7c value, yard................. ,.. ' TOILE DU NORD GINGI-AN, l5c qüaitty, yard............. 112 STANDARD PERCALES, lic valu.; yard..................i.. G PILLOW CASES, exli Inchot, 18c v4~We, ut............ i J WH-ITE BED SUE ETS, 81 x 90 inchieo Sic value, oach ...... -.. 75r 36 INCH MUSLIN, both bleached and-unbloached, per yard...Sc, Special àhowingof White Canvas OxlQrds At Egxc.eptionaiy Lo* rcs We have ail sizes and numerous styles for- Women, Mimses and Children, substantially made,-, ail for a nominal outlay.. Cildron'& white Cuevas oxfords, upwurd - frOM, ..........a.7c Miuses Whiltecanvas Ox. fards upward frm ...... .10 cadHes whitoe c&va&i ix. fo.d up .30r s&mple -lie> e of hosiery of the very ~ simisbom o bite tal wsàk; c W i~ug1hemate Aricfrrson Mfg 0*Co.of P tra hù ~rat. the very cream of this--manufacturers eriormous stock, to the extent of over ~$2000 WORTH 0OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAIW AT ABOUT 60c ON THE $ I. 1 Br I »OC @Wbp- JL IL

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