,~J~i»ÂY, jin~~m 1~, ~Q8 - ~TikI r owW hynot- We tP ~F~PIANO bm s* uU~ het$-tum b buy ~ B~A'USI3 FM--Th» s iWt 10wloy(eY ery kwpePie wfflt acbaP » we uGîMet loaç rnuh buiuon thâtat aua). SOtDT.pric la not away up (people hesitâte thctn. tbeyo doubtful aM 10 getissg funt value), en-a mothar humae Usa.hPPy tiasOug ~A~en,-Bidinger & Co. -Bs'..-.. r' - ~ ~ r' -unurer ;omton l ma l tng in warm wether lIola nake younaell and isr mgy m confu-oUe a possibWe Hardware la ususlly àlda stapke article but nevertheles e v have in stock mmy of!tha luzuriesansd uace.aitls that are needed at Tm aome rdurme "tia sunaer seasas.q Refrigerators keep tise mik sweet sud the butter soid. Screens bkeep oui the fics. bues noaqutesumd other pesa., i 011 Stoves daway vis tise umpleasat duty of cooking over a ams of bot M"ta Md beep the temperature ci tise kitchen at a I dpeetbala edurbke H I1B. F iEER LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. 'r:QýAMfTTA PRtINCE"P oei bnd ain~eshib.welghtU.e ie. slred bY 'GeialEJOnhby 'Gem beoa h b"ere iks" a is b, "Bambletonlan Princ"b'sees kv 10. ana 2 ear oîd "ameLtta Prince wontus 2 ernid sle rues given S. a I ea3l ertas Kuiweukse raek; a aI ear oid he trotiSsi e ne a gésc ear nid le trotted enliel 2 l eIDthees eded ons lena ae ihat Ii enre&oeeuisaalnal oenfreterhaweg ree epd aacIt. Be a leunr fev maks b.heson of 1908 t Lib)ertYvile mils traok a M$25.ii aure. ier turtlier cartiulars »0orst. J. W. Swansbrough, Libertyviiîs, Ili. DOYOU WANT A- PIANO ? I If 00mo onl and try the Iamous SCHAEFER & SCHUETTE < Piaato at your disposal et aur store at ANY TIME. , *'Youýwiihbepleased with ih STRANG'S f URNITURE STORE q GE.=.SRANG LICENSEO UNDERTAKER g AND EMBALMER Tc.lp"ne No. 46 - _____________Lbrtyviule Exebang t;1o out of 7own O1rd.ve ant CONFE4 Llbertjville I HOTEI..5 ANO CTIOf4!R - Illinois ILft 0U ILIED - -- 11,0 - 'RAYSILAKE DEPARTMENTI P. J. DRUCF. Editor Phm e. 11i Orders Takin for Job Work Advertieing Rate* On Applicat ion Sidney Carfisld aud Frmsk Laweon Sabuader- and family. ut Bastings, vers Chicago passgers Wednssday Mîchgan Tuesday. George Adamns vasin Chicago Tnesday. lireq.E. Wald., of Laie Vila, vis5ited frieuds boe Friday. Joseph Bowling, o! Laie Villa, spent Friday viih bis brother, Ed Rowiing and faml. Mises Aura Bateshal le snterteining ber frieud, Um ies her, of Chicago. ..T A enod transected business lu 1Mine sica Wbeeler and Emma Botub&rd spebt gaturday and Snnday le cbl&go. Jo. Ann as e in rnyaske Wednes- day vitlt i. nev auto sury. Mir. and lire. Henry Kuebter attendeil a wedding o! a triend àt Waukegan Tussday evening. Miss Aura Battershaîl, vho bas been 'attending the Chicago Musical coîlege sang et a reitai thers lest Setnrday. Mir. Pender, ut Chicago, calieil ou L. Fraik, Wsdnesday. Hiran Coombe and tamily have moveil out tW their beautitul summer home on Gages Lake.f You vil i nesthe lime ut yonr fiIfr you.do not clebrate tbê,4tb o! July àeti Grayaleke. Everytbiug le beiug dons tot mals the celebalion a record breaksr. t Miss Ruberta Harvey is speuding tbe week vith Misa Nue et Chicago. lire. Cande Crippen aud eou Roîbert, tram Misissippi errived lest veekt ti spend severai vesem itb ber mather,e Mmr. Delie Rickey. Joe Turner and vile leftI Mnday foam tbsir trip Lu England. They are nov eaàillng %cross the ocean. A. O. Guiliidgerstnrned trun bis western trip and we nnderandhbe viii moi'. bis !anily ywest în the near future. Mm. Geo. Thomson vas a Chicago visitor lest Frlday. Tbe Round Lake Marnons pînysil the Long Lake tsam lest Snnday on dis Round Lake diacuonil and wsre d.seatsd ln a score o! 7 tu 8. lier. R. 1). Welcb, a former pastor o! the M. E. cbunrcb ut Grayslake, vas Mer- risil Thnrsday 0evsnbng Lu Mins Ediyna Braren et 8 o'clock aL the Epworth I.s E. churcb on Berwyn and Kenusore àve. Chicago. Ciensent Whitmore, o! thisa place, actedsas boat minu. Rai'. Welc vaas vry popular dnnang bis tiu nl Grayslake and bas often hoe ealleil bers to speebi on dillerent occasions. He la an amitions sud britent young mnu sud ademireil hy al vho kw hlm. Miss Braren came out 10 &rs.iâake dur- iug hie stay boets ing et, a concert. She renaied foraveefk orov ith ber nather aet tbe home utflMm. May sud made many frienda by ber eveet anil cbarmaiîg inner and dnrlng that tins Cîîpid seemeil lu bave gotten husy 100 sud soon atter the engagemeut of th hapîpy couple was aunouncesilasd nov vs extend iougratulations. Misses Mueitte sud Besale Buson, visited their graniltether, M. B. Huson eit Round Lake Snnday. The Avon Certer Society vas enter- tainedet tse hune ut Mme. JohnHBout, Jr., Wsduesdey and a vsry pleasent tins W&$ eps-ut. Perey Gray, af Chicago, sent Suniay et the Ed Kappie boms vit hbis if.. Miss Bessis Wagner le visiting eit the banmeutftMrsud Mme. Freeman Ciov. Mmrs B. J. Lottus and Misses Ivab ad Aida LutIns visîteil et Waukegan, Tues- day. Louis Garvuod and a lady frieud, o! Antioî'l, suent Sundey witb bis parents, tir. and tirs. Jus Garwood. tire. John Porter, ot Antioch, visited trienils bers lest Fridey. Atty. Chuorchill transacteil business et the eauuty seat Tnesday. Miss Nure Tlîurwell atter spending the past veel with lber îîotber and sisters retursîf tii lier barnseat Wauksgen Tue8day. Miss Annabel W itînître and ber neice, Miss Ruth spent Wedîeseday lu Chicago. The Christian Endeavor bll a social et the cbnrcb parlare Wednesday eveu!ug.' 1 Mr. sud Mmr. Marshall Atwsil visiteil et Highland Park, Saturday. tire. J. P. Sberma ensîterteined friende tramn Chicago this week. W. H. Shanks, ut LeCrusse, Indiens, viited bis brother und faiily et Haines- ville, Sunday. He vas iooking after the iuiterest uf bis farn. George Strang le bîîsy et cerpeuter vork et Tvln Lake wbere lie bas several contracta. Mm. J. M. Pelner is enitertaining fier nother, Mm. Spaldiug trum Milton, Wis. The young son ut Mr. sud Mme. Rd Barron biail the mistfortuns ta have une bi& fingers adly mauglsdl in a corn ebeller Tueday. Edf Wr Oseemler entetined hie brother, of!Hrtford Cty, led., Suuday. Lou Frank tmensacted business lu Chicago, Wednesday. Mme. Frank Fritoch vbo undervent au opeatienu t the Lakeside bos4pitel lest Tbursday la dolng very nieely. Marshall B. Alveil transaeted business in Chicago Wednesilsy. 1Mr. sud lire. Scott, of the Commercial butai vers ln the city Wednesdcy., Many t ro boes itossasd tbe hall ,âe htv.e Round Laie and Long Mir. Bledier vho bas a beautiful place at Druce's Laks ln a4diing au upper @tory tu bis cottage wbiéb a iii grsudly in. proveoIe appearance. Rev. Edwards, o! Evaneton, wili con. duet;tthe services et the Episeupal Mis- sion uit unaday eveuleg. Everybody Geo. NlïN aaaand vile, ut Russei, @peut Saturday sud Sunday et the lhome of the latter'@ parente, Mr. and Mrm Water Godfre. D. . B '. H&rvey lig the Proud poi- sessor of a Ford uabout. Don't fait to be #t the daet Saturday evenlng ai Amafa'salal, Round Lake. Oood mniesnd a good lime. Tickets Base Bali Gamne. Two base bail gaines werë pulled off boe lait wesk, Thurday and Priday afiernoon l*twsen the bigh sebîcai teanu and the married insn's t-'am. The firat resulted In a score ln favorot the married mnn@ tesa, but the boys @av the! etole thse gaine and did not, consider tbey bad fair treatusent. But Fridav they got revenge whqn tbey boat tbe Ymarrled men in a score of 33 tu 4. Tihe boys are gsc. ting in good tion and wiii sean be able ta neet snoo the btter teams of the county. MNLESIDE, lugleside Camp 3"9.9M.W. A., meets every fi roa n& third Tuesday of et-f month. Vîitting Nelghbbrs and mnsabers are cordiaily invlted to attend. 0. HOWARD, C ,Uneii. 31-tf ELH.. r'uuu î., Cierk. Our Sunday echool wili bave a picnic et Druce@LIÀbes nsxt8aturday, June 20. The La&dies'Aid Society viii meet with lie.Jas.Talor i Thursday. June 25. Ail snener~ h.In e, tabe prosent ana Vitter5 elde. lire. Ohms. T1baer andl danghters, of Waukaga, eu»s out lu attend the scbool picnle Friday. <ilan sd Mary Chard, uf Chicago, are stnIUR lth their.unt,>)b4. Eb -Barris whle "rbal rents, Mr. and Mrs. Djlh Obarda on a trip lu Buffalo and Piadelphii. The ciaurcb vas very tastefuli[y decor- ateil for tht Chfldnen's day servie fimt Sunday and the chililcen did their parts vefi nakiug it aeycry pteasing entertain- meut. Mm. Devis, ut Chicago, epent Satnrdey vithbfisl tîer et the Seare tarm. Will O'Nei left for nortbemu Wiseonsin, Saturday tu buy ettîs. Mr. andl lre. Murray, ot Libertyville, vers Suuday ereuîug rellers ai, the Cruler liane. Mr@. Paynes. lir, Will ONeil and daugbtsr Ethel, suent Moniday ini Waute- gaz. lire. Iill Hntý-iisîn, ut Waulsgan, s visiting relative-i bers. lire. Go. Han kins, ut Lîbertyvilie sud Mm. Smith, il lieubue. spent Tues- day vitb relative, in this vicinitr. LOON LAKE Wilnsr eand PeruY Boul vi,itsd witb relatives at G urnes Seînrday andl Sun- day. H. B. Boffmn, ot Madison, calisd ou frisuds Sunday. lire. D. Wbitaut ideugbter, Berthe, attended the gradiuation exorcises et Urbane. Eerle W>hiteioensutthe gred- Mre. R. G. Bug- utteuided tue -,d, ding ut Miss Wilax ilu Oak Park Tues. day. brffesCdnningliiîîand Mary MeCn are spending a wr-ýk wîtil relatives in Waukegan. FORT HILL C. L. Thomîîson tn aniaiteifbiiinese, in Waukegan lest Frîday. Arthur Staîiîîîrl i, ofChicago, is et Cloverdale tarai. Mise EHelen Ssii., 'dfJoiet, is oeînding e veek with Ici aunt, Mrs. lBert Paddock. Mm.sud Mrsi.Giue IGane, 'ut auke- ruanhave moved t,,tbh orne oI C. L. ho son. Mr. BIîi ai ssiet vith the fartsacok. Mr. Smith forme rîx Iran Hebron bas movedin l the tenant bouse ot A. B. Combe and viii virk for the latter. When you are in need ot anytbiug lu the lins ut au anto>,eaul on neigbbor Paddock, o! Rancit Laks. He sold an auto iurrey to Joîseph Arniinu, Friday. iConeilderaiion $750. Hoeing Brus., ut Round Lake, are oui vith their meat w agoni and wul give yuu a eIl every Wedeseday mameing. Week vomen sboul try Dr. Scboopas Nlgbt Cure. These soothfing,,nealing, antieeptfc suPpositories go direct lu the seat of ibese weakussea. My "Book No. 4 for Women' conteins mauY veluable hblusteu10vauen, sud Il le free. AsIe Dr. Sboap, Ractus. Wig. Lu mail Il. AsIc the D)Moi ai' 1 1 trictent icouflence, aaiY 0 >U E3M LAKE Mies Elaie Moiotke spent Baturday and Snuday wîth Mr. and Mr@. Phil Fiary. Mr@. Wm. A. Rosing and son Berman, are apending a few days with ber parents at M auconda. Prof. Brewer spenisunday vith frendo nt Druce'e Lake. Mir. and Mrs. John De Vine @pent Sun- day with ber brother, Phil Flary and vife. Jus Amann purchased an automobile at Miadison. Nov for an auto ride. Mi"a Clara Rosing, of Volo, vent to visither tbree sisters at tioshen, lad., last F'riday and Mies Elma White ae- companied ber tu @pend a few weeks. Mies Caroline Vogt spent a few daysi wfth ber @iâter, Mrs. Wm. Bosing, iast veek. Those who were aequaintel witb Mise liaudeCoihuru, of Bertean Ave., Chicago, were shocked tO hear of ber death let Monday ln the Chicago Union hospita. ghe leaves a bost of frieuds to mourn ber Io@@. MI»e Katis Roaing visited friend@ lu Chicago lionday r _ht. Mise Evelyn Rockfort vas the guset uf Mis@ K. Roaiug Snnday. Round Lake Marnons viii play baill with Rtockefeller ou Round e da- mond nez t Sunday. RUSSELL A terriffic rain swept this section of the country lest Saturday. The strawberry social wes wonl attended. There was no service lest Sunday. Seit Sunday there wiul be Sunday ehool,à preaching service will be anounced later.1 R. 6. Murrie and son Robert, were1 Konusha visiturs Monday.1 Mro. 1. L. Siver and Inez Siver were Waukegan visiturs Monday, Mrs. Alcock is spending somneti me with ber son in Hebron. The many friends of John Kelly viii he pleased to bear that he i8 getting &long mceiy. Wlf the person vho lound a bl~acki ehawl a short digtance west of Oakdals1 emetery on Sunday, June 7th, please return to lire. E. P. Siver. Tbe Mieses Ch&@e eutertained company trom Milwaukee, Sunday. Corris Bros. are shingling their barn. H. Gunderson & Co. are doing Lbe work. E. A. Reeves and famlly attended Chiidren'e day exercises et North Prairie. Bunday. lire. John Crawford, of Kenosha, @pent Sairday et Hutel Edwarde. G. Osborn and fainlly spent 8unday with J. R. Corris and famlly. lirs. L. M. Sonner vas a Waukegaa visitor Frîday. lir. E. P. Siver entertalned ber @tâter, lirs. Welc and a friend froin Waukegan lait Priday. t- -uffl Mir. and lire. John Bonner have gone to visit relative@ at Peorla for a few day. lire. Lewis, of WaukegAn, is spending a few days with ber sisters, the licDou- galle. Louise Gerrity visited a week witîbher cousins of Guruee and viciaity. Henry Wedge, uf Waukegan, spent Snnday with bis sister, Mrs. J. M. Strang. Victor Strang returned borne for the summer tram fieloit, W is. Mise Mary Eicbauger visited ber cou- sins9 et Gurnee this week. There wiii be a barn raising et Altred 8pafford'F Tbnrsday. Mrs. t'hff. Anse and daughter, Ethel, coulemplate a trip in the near future to, vieit Mr. Xmseë'lather. Children*s Day exercises vere well reuidered. Aisa a very large display of hoyers wersý sent to Chicago The C. E. suciety wili hoid a strav- berry and leeaui social on the churvb lawu Thursday of this week. Bert Trotter visited relatives the past week. Mr. Foster spent a lew- days witb bis iauiily this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White vers Autioch visitors Thnrsday. C. E. business meeting will be hsld at the lhoms of E. N. Cannon Friday, June 19. Olin Clevelaud, o! Chicago, visitsd bis parents fiers Sonday. The Misses Safford. Sonner, and Ruby and Pearl Cleveland, graduâtes of Ro- chester, Wis.. returued home Saturday. Leon Strang, Raipb Miller, Geo. Wbite- and Robert Banner returue honms from Rloeeter Saturday. VOLO. MisBessie flunnili. of Chiicago, vas thje gueslt ot ber parents bere aunday and Tuemday. Miss Ella Moure was a recent M'au- couda caller. Messrs. i)oweli and l)rummoud, of Round Lake, vere iu towu Friday eveulug..à Mrs. Claude Rlichardson, ut Elirin, le vi8itiug relatives in and around Voio. Miss Nellie Newmnan, ut Mceury, vae the guest uft Miss Reba Husou, Tlîursday and Friday of lest veek. John Itichardeon spent Tues3day lu Chicago. L. V. Lusk and son Raymond, ut West Fremout, were ie towu Munday fore- nuon. Miss Maude %Valton, ut Libertyvilie, was at ber parents home boe Sunday. lire. Chao. Parker visited relatives at Chicago aud Evauston let veek. Miss Clara llosing bas gono lu Goshen, Ind., vbere mhe will visit relatives a few weeko. Mesdames Fred Dunuili and James Kirwau vers Round Lake visitors Tburaday. GURNIE MissEva Wlbur, ut Wankegan, iited Mi&@ Blanche Uhittendeu a ktw dais uf tii veet. Misa Ruby Hughes returned homne frun sebool Tbureday for the mumin'r vaca- tion. Mi@s Iva Metinire andl trie d fron Wenkegan calsed et the D)iisy borne Monday. Mir. aud tirs. I)unnlan eutertained relatives fron Orayoieke, Tuesday. Mise Mabel Scbauber, tron Calilornia, las viittu? relatives and 'oil frieuds in thi 0viiuity. Mr. and Mr@. R.B. Dixonnd fittie son @pent Sunday wlth relatives et Russell. Mrs. B. K. Mllie and littie daugbtere put e tew days ufthei paot veek in Mesere. Fred Stedman and P. G. Smith trausaeted business lu Chicago during the wesk. R. W', Chittenden vas in Chiicago on business Tuesday.' Ed Johnson's harnvamstsruck hy iightning and une ot hie homees killed during the @tortu Frlday nigbt. Lake'e bouse was struck but on, great aMount o! danage vas dons Wo it. Aiso severai phones vers burned ont in this viclnity. Steadman Brus., are panting Dr. Joliey's resideuce. A Piano at a Nominal Price. Chicagos largeet musicbouges, Lyon & Healy, annunces a Triple Clearing Sale uf Pianos. Neary onue thnusaud splendid Instrumente are offsred vith- ont reserve until ail are soid. lu tufs stock are ail the fine uev Meblin, Hardman. Ivers & Pond, Smith & Nixon and other uoted pians for- meriy uvueil bY the Thumpon Music Co., the Healy Munie Co., and the big P. G. Thearie Piano Co. Ail these concerne vers bougbt out for spot cash hy Lyon & Healy and the publie may nov abae the advantage. In thie sale are aiso a number of Steinway and Weber pianos. In upright pianos neat Instrumentsa t $100. $120, $140, $150, $165, $190, $200 and npwarda. This la an unprecedented opportunty thai vUIia notcSur agein. Any piano not ProvIng autirely eatisfaciorY may b.b retucred at their expense. Âddresa LYon & HeRIY, 77 Adam street, Chi- cago. Distance le no obstacle, for In proportion ttheb. aving to.b. made the treigint chargea are tingiftcant. Auy banker viii assure you otf the eu- tire reaponsihility of Lyon & Healy, and their record o! 44 years for honor- able dealing. Write to.lay go as tu avold disappointusent. Gragslake - Bakery Restauraint Meamd LauncesSerwed ditoll beurs ICE OREAM SODA AND SOFT DRINKS CJUGARS and CAN DIES LAtTNDRY OFFICE Phone No. 19. MISS EMMA GERLACH, Prop. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monumenis Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence So1iclted 126 Genesee St Wauikegatn FARM MACHINI3RV of ail Kinds -REPAI RED with Thoroughn ess Dispatch Disc Ilarrows Sharpened WILLIAM LAYCOCK, Lumber, ShinXluý', Posti, Cernet asi Also MILLWORK , GIVE ME A TRIAL ., F. S. HE AI RUSSELL. ILL. In due lime for ordere forDm Day. The vsry bet o! crese manu!actured beat Primes > L. FRANKN, Manager Tlephoma 36 GRAYSLAKE. I Professionai Corda DR. C. R. GALLOVAY, ornes OVEasLOTELL'5 eau. e's.aa. laguuk*-fom 1 to 3 and 6 bo 8 IN i lbes-tynle. Tu"s pho e yluCoaui DR. EDVARD V. W1 Office ovin Pogioffis'. Houri: lOtol2s.m. 2t04 ail 7tLu p. ms LîberVijlls. Ilnofa LLWTUUS 805 Washlati tse Wauiagc, lSI Boures 8o 12&M-~1 to a.:m LibertyvMibs. fUsais 213 WashlngtSon Blue 'Phone 2761 PAUL MAC GUPFU AITOmiE AT LAW.. DR. J. L TAYLOR orgiesoves t. &LI, "le" 3(ous:-7 ta 10 a. ms. 2 to 4 , 8 p.us Esaidence on Broadway, oppomlupuw» Uhbertyvills, flhlok. DR. E.LHR SMITH DENTIST. OVER LAe COrneT rNATIONeALIA« mouas-8 to 12 a. m. and 1 te 86. u DAILY. Libertyvlie, Ililiol DR. O. F. DUTTERRfUD, VETERINARY SUESUS*. ASSITANT STATU TTUWX*é ILiertyville. lias IESSE S. HYATT CIVIL ENGINEER ANI) SURVYEOU Offie vith FRANK A. WINDES Wintka, 111. Tacco dLM»Ç CLARCNCE fLAGGY TONSORUAL PARLOR Ordens Takeci for Ra""a Maçz eand PuIcOve Go to ILEO DRUR 1h. Xiew BARBER Silo Il Lb. e4 wUil 69c 29c-' Mud nb- 89C nova of LOUIS J. YEOMAN MACHINE MAN