CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jun 1908, p. 7

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New Broom Sweeps Clean" Il 'y ~~4Ss c -'g. .~. t. 0 m Peel Comfartable and ta look vail, is the double abWet aooomplished by our AnieTioan l3esaty Corsets. Ladfies sliould take advan- tage Of our ont prioe. saie. wget these uaeful aud articles ai eseutii minimum prices. Cnif orl aud Elegance are United in onr oorsets. We are nov e.iing tic hast of tiese useful article. et greatly reduced price. Ladies vil1 notice tiat tuis ilaua unexampled opportunhty to scure the finest corsets -at the. loveet piOfs. Odds and ends in SOC American BeaufY Corsts WCene closilg out for ...........................37gf Also some $1.00, 5L25 sud SI.5O Amnerîcan Beut crsbkgoing for.............79c GIRULES FROM 25c UP S111THI & DAVIS LibertYville, 111- OUR 1908 LN sStraw Hats ia nov ready for yvou-ispcio Ail latest shapes and Istyles and prices in keeping with your pursc, Corne early vhile thec stock is complete. mew~~ s uisn l the latest shades of brown. Mens E VERYTH-ING FOR MEN i . .HAN BY BLOK LIERTVILCO -w-7 LibrtvileLocals Tise closlng exerClees-fUl b. haIt et St. Mary'. AndemyouTu«day,JuDe23. Carl nughes ev.Friday Ion South Dakota viiere be wyul spcud thce mmcr. jack Frost mate a helateit cail lait Monday nigit. lira. Etta EUli aé bien venv loîw the pait veck. Reaitj 'made veehaile ekirts ai lies. Md. A. PeOVîcrE.S 35-tf dra. lBen Woolriitgc lefitlait Fiitay Içr Nebraska wbere sic exuecte ta maki neveral veaks' visit. Mr. JacobLi Lnk, o! Palatine,'s0ent tie pont w.ek vith ber itaugbter, UMr. R. P. Bcinacicie. Raid.Ameritan Wire Feuce Compsuy'e vaunt advrtlsement. A greit bargain lu vire feue.. Suudaj. D. B. Wabb, o! Antiocb, mSuet Satur. day hore.. MIse Fay Wells ls viiiting et the bome o! ber brother lu Elgin. Dr. L. E. Golding bas purchaecithte properi! beïonging ta tI. L. Tripp. Miss Fiora Churchill i8 .peuding n veek wth reiati3ee anud fIieud@ lu Ring- Wood. maalm 1ncCusig, o! Chicago, le 0.Mn..eut lire. Nice. lin.0o! gmmer ,vaib god willl beîfound ai M . M. A. Puoir i N.s Dr. Edvard V. Smith wilîl take a poat gradunte course of tidy u tite ye in Oicago sud vill take up the yack nexi veek. Elghth Grade Commencemenlt Exer- cises on Thunsday E-venlng and H-igh School Frld&Y Evenlng ai Union Churcli. Tii commencement exeifce O! tic graduatlug tilae o! 1908 viilhe ield at the imuon clîurci ou FnldsY evenlng, Jue 19. The folowlug prograin ha@ been arraugeit: I v c t O ..... ... .ie ' . j . - a. ni.ztr S o lo .. . . .: :7 M ise L iI.h M o o rm i k SsUtatonl..... wbee Comm eemeut  d' Ta mie cours k J u r Uulverslty aID0a1 MusieOrchestra e A»5 50TEINS u are .... ........... .. s ,uiMOr....oormte -. . .. A.M; eays an old adage. Tbey do that and U--ret-o for they get Into theim.ak and cornere that an oid broom wOuld never do lu a tbosad Yeur@. Nov tint hou@eecle&fiflg j doue a new broom iq on o! the firt thingi e eesay and vhy not get a good ou.. W. bave the. largest fstock &Bd the moet varedassrtmeflt in tovu and st Prim e.rng itrom 2-5 to 60C Ladies Wa .st ..................S Ladies kwrs................. Ladies, Misses' sd Childrens Gloyes. parasols ......................... Children's Straw Haie ............ Ribbons, per yard .. ........ Table Linen per yard........ Ladies Black and Tan Oxfords.----- Chidres B"ack sd Tan Oxfords .-... Mens Black snd Tan Oxfords... Hanxxnocks ..................... Croquet Sets1..................... 75 to $3 W' 50 faý 3 Co 25f. 10 25 to 300W 25 to 01lto 100 40 to 100- 00to 309W 2300fto 350i 150f. o300 85 ta 3 W Miss Lillian Raynor, of Pueblo, Colo., Ch" E. Austin and John Treptow loft . *urDe bt .to 51jUlztio former! y a teacher ln the publie chools le fast w.ek on a trip to N iagara Fanis, S e .rab,..... j" evc vtlsugrjndhee.Buffalo andother pointa in New York The clancolOr a mm0n ald vwhi.. T. A. Simpson, of Waukegan, county eltate. Tihe clam motto: Ad astra, parsaspera superintendeut of sehools, visited the The Chllren' Day exerciseas t the. and the clam flowertheAflirican beauty. achoola here Friday. Preebyterlail church last Sunday murn-- Leo Drury bas purchased nev fuxturme ing wene vell attended and a moet ex- The. graduation exorcisés o! the i.egith aad two now chaire and han a very Beut cellent prograce rendered. grade wil l akeplace et the. Uulonciinrch and up-to-date lttie barber ëhop. J. a. Meyeni, of Dianîond Lake, feUl on Thnreday evening, June 18. Tbe Rtoy Wrght and John Mawhinnery, fromn a builing on his f aýr Tueeday folovlng program vii b. reudered: o!t Edgerton, Wis., atteuded the liaaonle sil hiaglia"d broke a rib and Inatu=efltL Solo... banuetLmtgatrda niht.ive oterminor bruiees. He vase ï.lend 0f banue iet atrdy ugb. nconocboue for a time but recovered al Mr. . . alowy e istig t hesufiietly to corne to Libertyville for Soýj.:.........::::::: 63 ti home of ber parents ln Sheidon, la., trenîment. Addresé........ .......... jkt Ub % where ebe expecte ro @pend about two SolO ...................... mi.17le., The Lakeside Cemetery Aesociation C111%e Bletcçj ud Provbeui.. P e weeke. ~~inutead of meeting June 1901î will meet Faeeil ns..~j~îlOhlI5 Mn. and Mrs. IR. P. Schnaebeie and June 23rd with lire. F. W. l)useubenry. Sous............ '?e.'00d..té'l A? daughter, Dela' atteîîded the WnEner- Sewing to be donc h olwlgppl av opee Zimmen wedding at Long (iruve Tues-Th olwgpuieavcmptd dayTIi W. C. T. U. will meet ,ith lire . th ammar grade work and are nov day. un MOI'1 Tueday, Jue 23. Subect: ':rbI 11e. . . LvIr elvend vnyaun'o.eore 1nTe Or8 e5. etO enter tii. iigb echool: Rey.H. . Lwle dolverd aver at Flowr Mmio liaream Ou Comon RoyBannett, Jo.. hine Deihaye, Mark poriate and pieaeing address to t e Jo lAn one î.terebed in the mitsion W. ElsworthWàlia .Egl grauatlng clasè at tbe Union c eeno or brlng iowens that day. rcî brueR vlioQrrd lee Suda evninMi. A. B. Cook and mother, r@ 1. EvilWsr-, Obarfil Frey, Manrice R. Mir*. 0. K. licKittrick aud son, of0n1yfo Grabbe, Mamie M. Hapke. Ruth H. Boit, Plainville, Imd., spent the tiret of the. Brrow, lat Mflda o eriden, Maie" Jenkine. (Gertrude E. liovers, veek ai the.homne (olE. L.. DuoiBfld NewRmpslm viiere they vill @pend Wi,. lemNgl dl .NcoaMri îaznily. OUto. ~j~y~~<~crtr uE. Pructor, DoruSiy Lin.colnl echanck, ÀOcrvetob w a he[ g l au = M u e Sc anck, Editii Estelle > Au sUr.iepryvsgvna t . A. Muâts, Who le now Miedinglulimi. E.WarrenGerakd WiHllAM@ rfMPAinumbler io lastBa" Boitu, Tex, bas gonle loto the reul and Richard Young. Tneeday eveniiig. Anme 9finsastate bmvnsis tierseand le a panner ln Thé. cl" colora are gold and white. présent and a very eijoybie eviln< thé <>r KorM lse & Driver. He bas "Uet. soid biW propety here. The Ladie' Aid of tieMeetlodistebflrthbo.S IH&D VS T RË wii serve ire creain nad cae on the. iss Batti Gridley, wbo basbenS It DA SST R rhozeh lavu, Tuesdeg evening, June 80. speudlflg a lew days et the. home of ber DAMAGeD BY r1RE Mtcbel's liU[tary ltud hm. bean inrlted moiw. i Wdnsedsy for Darne?. to play for the. occasion. 38-2 los"n, la the Missssippi river a te! miles oth of Dubuque, vhere ehe 1 ii ze San Through Windows lni the Lyun M. Colby hau purcbas5d thé, 5pmfd iflifuir.SoeRom taLaeHn Bond Bros. steam laundry sud took SoeRone a*Hu possession lait Monday. He. expecie co HeryGieiro! Hartford City, mnd., NlayMht. enlaffletpant sud vill inttait more si.t T&Odayniait lu Libertyvulle. machnery. Mnr. Gelai stii.editor sud proprieton of tii. DsilYEkates sd potmaiter at About 10:.30 Monday aigu l fire vas Deunis E. Gibbons, of Deerieid, Demo- that City Mud took time to viil news- dlecovered luntth. store roum atii. h rear cratie candidate for the états, legisiature paper f rande boir.vile attending th !8e h ai'str a frarm Irmm tus district, vafi lu the villagei convention in Chicago.ofgtb&Dvssorsufr m Batard"y. BesinfDot yet activeiy tai- TeLbnyIi ogo oa looked saithongii thé.Whole buidn palgalng but expacts to sbon.The là -ty-iB nid b.f doya Nroy bore entera..e. the savon siter indi.s lu - boyd.Ch. Baux vo lira. C. G.HuuoflleftTbursdAt o! the. connty eaI hein regular m.edlgaSbarlisader inthe. PMaEnilerlin slo to viit thir daUghter Mrs. JePson, O! Thureday atsion Over 20 ere lu tirat dlscovarod thé.biais ad lm North Adame. Mam. ikra. J. B. AllineOn attandamc sud vrire most o.itably latel!, gave the. alarni. HnyKilt anooenpaald tbeau lo Boh, N. Y, vhsre .Mtwta&nmd by the home lge T aenid Fr.ak a>tges.proeaptly rau ho tih. ,iWM rai Y lit itlves. ,meeting vas held at the tovubal aeue ionsu ad brought out tii. rosi Ta. iede tust hedaumting m n.tsiu lntgvruetprp.agnwt the. hsp of thsecrovd liat Thetetig pait ovenmntproo- tr s oon i austmmeaniot ie. Modynlh i I a uaiositiola @M] onthe ablebut IoexecedMeback vindov vs broken openasud orns. OldFatiiul"ti. od budto comns up oagain son. Thei. Wasin- the. vater soon doussd the.dangsrone ton committe vaitO have visted Ub- part of the blaze. Ciouds of! moke vere sagus as skn ot ali oud t stliertyville sud snrrounding tovu. lait pouring out o!fithe bunkungaud It look.d b. apale ! trovng god erea ofTueday but the tri p.vas cestpoued s tiiougb tere migiitlbe lire lu tiie Mys- velter. and they are expecteadtieresaM ut Jusit tic Workera'bhllabov.. Boti tii. ront Over aeventy couple attendcd the 30. and back door o! the. hall vere broken dance given by liitcheil'à Mlitlry Baud The n ew granid stand at the ball openu and the. vater lurned la but il vasé ai; the tavu hall Lait Frlday eveuing. grounds vas not entirely completed for 80naseon tint thon. vas more so Tii. ulgit vas tarmY as nouai but the the lst bal gaine but oclore the, net antradthSremW&tDd0 crovidcmmet tii.anme Eiectric fane will bave a roof over h sand uettiug over beore aoy serions damage vas doue lu hv enisaldadtheirhnat ane i e iithât part of thc building. hav ben uitlie ad ti. al lek.thte front to proteet fromi oni ball.I Chas. Schneider, Frank Quentin and cool ad comfortable. lhi e td n e i diretly back of the. home plate and Frak Herrlngtoui vers et rao ti viii be heid on Fridny eveulug the 2fith. 50 et in leugtb sud ofler nu excelent ire Company tu re.pond sud witii their L Tic lire in the. Smith & Davis store [nt vicw Of the geame. help the laemes vOn. soon subdue.- Mouday nigit demontratedl a tew Sturday afiennoon and svening vas Frank Suydam, Itobt. fipelma, Eley things in the w.ay o! lire ighting. A tire a big day for the lisons of Libertyville. Hardy and others thougi not mamibers alan»' l e neded aiea more boss as there Initiations were gîven botb et the o! the ire departmnt gave villng &id Wols not cnough ta lay tvo lina,01 buse alternoon sud evening acesons and a and hal h not beau for thoir cmt ta the building and a amali lire large numben were in attendance Ina» wonk o! beaklngluto tii.milg tu extingui8een ould have put ouitich surroundiug towns. The banquet çvas lire would have galned muci greater blaze badl there been une ai baud. Axes, served la the evîuing eit the New Caotle head wny tien Ih did. E. C. Young va. bookesud ladders coulit alo bhave beau hotel. roeted out and soion hui pumpe vorklug used tu a good ad vantage but theeers e.btntnughi vater vas used to greatly noue to be lied. ins. Alice Roosevelt Longwurth, lin. abft tiencpi a i ak and lins. MedîlIliceCormick and a nu»'- Smith & Davis etimat. their [ose at Twu yonugstene groin Chicago weon ber o! frieude from Lake Forest were bn 100 i aa. od n ond waunug about the village lait enentained et Weetvood by lins. Josph a-l udgoeicotngsdryod. Satunday and viien croue qucstioised by MedilI Patt,,rson lait Tue*day ùJtennoon. ugalrnutlorbnpatayda gd Marebal Limberny eald they vers look- Tbey drove uven about acon aud re by ticvth. u udrea uwcob lug for a Iaiiy nameit Steed but Iter mie ewhuiatenlncenbn iug to acoeîraiaoutbngd- adm itte il hey a it ran evaSY . Ha6 f r- they rettnieil t a Lake Forest. tr y ed b y ti lre nisheitthe»' tickets home sud they_________ dîpanted Iaitbfully pnomisiug ta returu Mn. and Mtr'. Warren M. Heath atten- thue money. Later bc ecelveit e [cter dedt the comnmencemuent exercies et the. An Easy Gamne. fro»' them Saylng they hail reaceit home utrer iitary Academy lait week safîly eud would returu the money ai wherc Warrn, Jr. , bai jugt coipîcteit That combination Atioch-Lake Viilla soon ai possible. the course. ,The nturneit hume Frlday. tee»' gave a rather oorry exhibition [ast Do ut et bemtel yu Ti np las o Te chool a large une sud ctie military Suudey. They could neither bat non Dono lt bratel ouTipanbas no andt atbletic sports Nwere fieldt, their pitcher hait nu cunves, thein Plmblitie* ""a eulshln eY atr ntugsd were attended lîy catcher coulit neitiier Calth r io it fon Wi ents pen pounit sud Il auyoue mn pod Ilarents. to baies. Tbey ought to have bean @but shw olaletten punporting tù, be from aypo u; u h aber o oke ,ALn s*rs shove lie bai bought no Miss Dora Eapke entertained a lange t wu st; e u ic R amb s gotn lef 'wplymooth twinc rom thein juel toi numben of lier friends et tihe Mystit the 's Un inl, the 7tb luning. lInlte *the»' that there are other people that Wonkers' hall lait Tueesday eveing n ibt they got suothen througb su B ou eu boy Ilvmotli twine fro»'. He baun o ofir eighitentb birtbday. Thc accident, the conter and left i ldens, * t also seil ng a betten ivine for tic eveniog was ',eny pleaiautly spent lu King anuitBock colliiting in going for a siepice. !fyou pay mureito not blame dan)cing aft.ýr whîch asappen wai ienvcd. long iiy andt bath belng knocked oui for *Tncpp for.if * Ooniait uc INtiEPE'ÇOENT MC-COrmaiýL orvhestra furnuîsed i si a litile Whbite. Tie umpire on hi .o *O yuWilknow that liiiprise le only S% Ion ilieccaion anit Mîtchelîs Militery have çallcd *tirie,, usteait o! allowing *cents pen pouit. Bandt played seversd selectioni. the batten ta score ou wbat would have ben e 2 base-it et bet. The Ramblens p[ayed thein usuel brillisut gaini, beeiee doing some bevy OVTfREtST on accoontq in tic Bevings De1artnieiit oI the FIIIST batting, îîîakiug 12 sale huts lu the fret NATIONAL BANK of Libetyvilli wlll be crediteit on the. it o! July. seven inuinge, Melloy gîtting 3, Bennett s 2itundgthaet of .uthebys ibone iug This cais Of accoont forma une o! tii,- sale tiot conveulînt and 2, ani thart ftic boy hesthn, iec muet )ofitabli inve8tuiints possible fon youon nouey. Iliposîts cen elmuet evenv young man lu Libertyville b. made et auy titue and in any emount, The rate oI inteneet la taok a wback et the. bail sud Mt sale Hovard Flegg was sent tu tii bat tu pincen eraunm, ompuneit sei-unoalyeutaI deosii bau ao;aer 6 ons hndaitu hin screautle luterest rom ths fil tiio! the montb, frt foliowiog the. date uf depoei, cuit the aon devnhkocdahy * n entihe inie et is î<mpunuderl on the. finit of July and Januany. This to thc3i baseman. rate is not su bigh as thet ou some long urne investmnenis, but for the. Bamblins h-i c 3 0 i a i e X-13 __ average nvetun the Savings accoudiba@ mauy distinct advauiagee. You Lke __________-- ______ 0 1 - do not bave ta worry about iea leglity or techuicalitie wiicb ane im- * portant poiuts lii othîr inyestments. Yo do not bave to look alter your Card of Thanks. Interest, Savînge intereet les aivays cncdited eud compounidsd egularly t wish ta thauk the mauy frendi and victhen yo Cal for ht or not; and i by su»'. cals»'ity such ai luse by Excelslon CaMd 387, Royal Nelgibona, for their kin lueoo sud them loyers ire, or lunaec o! ickncse, you shoulit neit youn maney, yoo can gît h vînich helpeit me ta bear my sorrov lu * from the savingi account AT ONCE. Tii. ecunty le tth. bet and liveet tie hereavîmelt o! my dear mother. *crlie vwhfcb thc communiiy allords; the kîud o! sicuities wbicb are Mes. C. HÂMEL. m * pronouned deinabli by men vho know. Youocao profit by carrying youn * acou t wu us. We invite your business. Spécial Meeting. Thle First National Bank NlIe~ 8tdAevanlg, uaQ,10.Work BlcorSock LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS luh"F cn dera. Wrnuc M.HIA 1,Becy. The Conservative P*1 MANY YEARS 0F EXPERIENCE IN BAN=IG'Q i VINCE US THAT CONSERVATIVE XTOW ' ALWAYS BEST-BEST FOR OUR STOCKHOLDViE,J BEST FOR OUR DEPOSITORS. WITHOUT BM«X; "HIDEIBOUND" IN OUR DEALINGS, WB N) TOjFOLLOW THE CONSERVATIVE PATE. Lake County National B41 PORK ANDB Once lot your fofka taste suider'. Beana. end they'1 you merve thei itia others. Thet nuttyfavor, th10 and zeet are mimatux la other brande. INS18T ON SNIDER'$ CORLETT & FREDE{ LIBERTYVILLE, ILINOIB We are recelving this week a new lot of W*iG. have bought et prices considerably lower ta beginaing of the seson. t Twenty pieces of Red Seal and Toile du Nor2 ains, in plain light and mediumn bie, grey, prn0 me r. ohecks of pink aud vhite, light blue a.nd whit@. b.Jé white, plaidesud fancy itripes, vifl Sl 5.P1W botter than anything ou the market; reduced front 150 tà Galatea Cloth in piuck and white, red, white andilÎ wite @tripes; splenodid for vasi suite, skirta and o herotofore 15 anud-Ise, nov .................... Genuine IN DIANSEÂD, fulil 36 inco vide, nW6 Meroerized Noialty Waistiugs in wite, piuk; lin"~ red, at .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Ti MMi FAI7W 0F lJui N ECESSARI ES u,beusa Uit O? ,ay Con- s. ai afwsurp. s e~p,-. o! y.- 1 TC

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