P'WI kp ofo!the aria ut %àe studylng along with mïmet8at le the oaly man on n'~ otratet therefore hlai Woknows absolutel3' tlktgabouli. Nature works w bini4yonmau reiy upon that aw. âatiefied wthout the "Why.', j-1bbsIaese o!1ite 'ttlenibt tW le-, Y NIby ha@ et& 'been M tii ehef sarci ihand v*y ood wo* at a àw. have luln etnDis a r y1M atldbi vetment wi epported wAt maveous oum..nthorities, toteaeh aol.le elosthre 4t.to t« n thy It won t cnt hxm in, do it. Now le Dot that Ï'New Page ln History. i..goountr on earth where nt Man bastllait the soit Ion g auéely that hsolha not ruined *6 bsn AIn Auléies ohall teacli bmw taose the land without It me'Witt have wrtten a new hiAstory. We will have made lin 5 a Pie thât wiIl lîve forever, *A7U agriulturists. but in the ~of the progrese ot the world. i*do It?th -f~ou weare just playing witlte biw o farndng: w. have not bey-un b,.4usqs yet; we dont k o w w liat I*esehaveblere. i othe youarh get d tht mut make this develop- Th prolsesr le on the riglt téach Itot the cidreni Teach it ,ehUdngreafThst le where the ùf paton reides; the schools là wuil make the thlng go. or Ater ws wAAA get Qe sat pe drUlnAto the clildrenof the i'-4dge J. Otis Humphroy, of o&, addresing the Illinois Far- 1 iQIK .GRWN rndg, UmssPlcher Stisos s,*o1 *4ut6 SUN O«kièý.don 0 yMiss Pitcher brought XÈN Tu, urlés ltôtbe 91M a!- Owr tat graw ln the bonansa ltthe west, ouly for fineness 0f it'idlaci of tst. they bave p4ope t Lske county backed off 4,fthe entre box of the choI*- pb" us leu than 1I4 luches ln WW~ 'aud mot were 1% Inlches vr 3 inches ln clrcum!erence. q 1ce01 WAL.A.WE. 1"te-0. Church, Oshkosh, 28; îPftrelia, 24. UqrMcImoo Deerfield, 21; Bînor R. Eskrilge, Kenosha, 28; Ma- ro.. ThieB, Ela, 27; Enmma B. -X Smità, Chicago, 35; Jennie ý'euënr, Buffalo Grove, 32; !%m Obert. 19. p enison, Chcago; Kath- O* tPdlwvme. 4%de 1 Dalton, LibertyvIle, 31; à Sutw«,.23. jO X. Abenathy, ZMon Cty, 38; rUlft ayBaunders, 2.' 9%»k Schller, 24; Hermane Get- Nain Ba Zimer, Long Lakie, 28; &ÇÀ X. Wagner, 23. pbpxt Swan, Rockefeller, 26; Car- IL. Jerrngton, libertyvIlle, 23. Imiles Clidorf, Chicago, 28; Dor- kéecli, 23. e*hu- ruendi, Mlwaukee, 23; #1s1Meahke, 22. 4-$tM North Chicago, 2?; Kte Ms'24. try lé. Rasmubsen, Chicago, 21; Leon, 20. J Sheridan, Chicago, 28; 44a,22. ~JWazhngton Childs, lns- E~lzabeth Steel, Hghland ouAso papa,- proteeted the ghwhe tuhe lather 8bowed .ola desire to wtbhold hie you donot know ofa ytinig that lisin the leaut lu his reputation." It " r»plied the oid geutie- t ùlke t%. ide. o! brlnglug emy!amilAywhle sso nr- ..Bor Who WiiIOt on. ron. grocer waa telflng cureta i e mut te e bocoif r.Theror *hslt!t.. iseao To out of town cus- tomera on, purchases of $5.00 or more ~ALR~AND DO NOT OHARGE Y O R ALTER - ATIOI<S WAUKEGàr, lor Sàra -dWiWUYWO% S .DÂY ATOUR STOR: jW. arethe Recognized - I Leaders LuOur Line Our Customners Get What We, Aévertise 'WpI is to emýphaticaily impress.on the publie that the I-O &TN S00., GENESEE néar WÂSH 'NGTOËN 8TREETý positively have nocon- nections whats oever with any other store i' Waukegan. About three years ago we opened a smaJler store here, and owing to our rapid growth we were compellect to. leaveTE OLD 'STAND and seek larger quarters, gnd now.we operate not only the largest store, of its kind ini Wauke- ganbut we have brauch stores of equtal prominence iii "other cities. Wen we recently moved to our new store, in the O0ldMUgIoy ,~~gQu stock a comprlsed of entirely new merchandisead as our buyn and seil- ii~ famU z a oomeormous, consequQntUyor stoc çsawas~w and fresh u~jt1 h M ÏiklÜte and as our PRO POET~Y~Saeconis1antly ini the bnby forý not ouly one store but. for aur sev«a1 #tores, therofore i gto ogieenuteVR ET OD-NTEVCY LATEST SYE-T R VERY LO'WE8T PRIaIS,an edf ainy com ,i>r to emi att.mpt to meet our real 10w price. j ~M:CIALS ýFOR-SATURDAY- AND MONDAY Thestc Are Ail On' t e Squtare Covert -Coats Chlldrens Coats Sklrts Jumper Dresses- TAPPETA SILK WOMEN A ND XMES Ail Colora a.nd Mixtures Fancy Mixtures and Solid Colora In solid colora and atripes, also bril- Prince 01P i4Ptt.d and Hall Pitted Sizes 2 to 12 Years. Pleated or Gored Effecta liantine two-piece dresses, moat won- Styles, Lined a.nd Unlined derful values ever heard of 20.100, i -1.50 3,950. WIt anbidren's hieLnW omen's Two Piece Regular $1.0*Muslin WASSDRESSES Womens and Misses Beautiful DRESSES IHGON Embroidered fronts, al- OH UT About 75, in figured NGTGWS so geniiinelinen waists, AUl sizes AlClr n ac itrsi h esns lws iiis ul&Now ,tf olran usLatest Creations p c r cale, handsomcly ail go at one price lace and embroiderv trimnred, only one of a 39C j'75C 500k d1.900 --39C WhteDmmIosinir Oui URegular The season 's rnost hand- 50e.DN ~ O DRAWERS sorne deýigns, over 100 dif- ,"ýN" M IIsIIIf0NDEwE ferent pattýrns to choose R a y T o mdd Ht from A# La.. Thaaw ofhk04&1»WgialP#4008 85C- - 25c 50c, 1.00 1.50 1200'-116C $3.00 and $3.50 Muil and Regular 75c HANDKERCHIEFS Women's and Children's Real 35c Lingerie CORSETS Lace trined and hem- 25c HOSIERY CORSET COVERS WAISTS Now stitchcd, now is vour chance Now Now Elaborately trinied tiiev ail go at 1.50 29c 3c 9c14 44 d I 'w Wu Invite, Ail Lae T Oo Make Our 81Moe . Their Hdqualrr'dAIqiq ie Ir0S5.107 GEISE8IEM >hotn W. ýComar U ~ty and Ples of orgbeswth othera and you will find ours the beat