CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jun 1908, p. 6

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*a4dU ujiet Wedneeday in Ken- g m as dlamill, of ighWood, (lé Bartettrd lie lDevinie B.uf8 was a àdilwaukee caller let ihg stas le ler, for an extended Me& Frank Myers and children, froin ~~ogare apendlug a few day@ e be D: are Lux aud farily spent a day lut wekwltb relatives ber,. liUra. S. fllin, of Chicago, le epeuding ,4ba» 1mse wtth Mne. Doerk. MAUt. n M*. Fullq, of Minnesota, are Zso t tplà horne of Mr..and Mtre. I. «M. Ut..BVUhla5sr visted a couple of iny l Waukegan this week. GraQ~y aud cblîdren, of Ohio, ar sulidIg ore tins, with ber mo ther, Mm s.Treynor. '~Mmp M. E. Lui wae in Waukga ~Msm kliHagaty epent Sundai et ÈM5 thel lhetmeyer bas rturned *oju méaal at De Kalb. Min Neie Doyle je ependiug a few de» luNorth Chicago. L ia C. I. Wendt @peut alew days in dbbMso& Mrs. Ud Faulkner resCiaoilsîtoro lait West. lies. e. Csbmnore snui mter, Mise MKary G)aigien, rere Waukegan visi- Thabail gagne played between the girls and boys at Miss Fauikner',s ebool p t' ait roted a great deal of intert. TE Wadowanth boys very politely gave the girls ail honors. W hile the York Houes lk'ysfeel bad yet beause the girls carried offth ie honore aoflthe gaine. 'WARMN A vry sait accident occurred Séturday atte, rch A es Lake by the dramn- lut a Ambl Ctube, of Oak Park, mbfiesbatlslrith bis couion. Doctors t'seruummoued and everythig possiblei wM doue ta revlv'ehlm but witb no sctAi. The. romais rere taken ta %( çhloep Suad«a venlng and the funeraI waoMj bloni Monday atternoon. Mucis sympathylaexprâmed for tbe relatives. Avry sadendlflg for a brlght yaung r.lie. Slxty-five mamer of a Arbutus camp of I. N. . atlsuded the banquet given by the Ubert"vlkl camp and a mast @aJyabls lime raa hait. tir. andlMre. Dnlap spenlBSuda" ~ wi Mr. and. Mn. Hawthorne. o! Gages »g St Ellec Patterson boe rturned Sho" ater speudinif mveral reek rxtb b« i*ce, Mm~ Clark, af Waukegau, wn ~beeu lie 4bospital tune. A tbI alàmeting of the Warren oueeme as socaton the ftaloing qqèr wSonrr electW for the comiug year: MMes.Lattie.1M. Blewsn; VI.. Ur.Ejçle Eook 8ecreA*t&W Treseurer, Mn*. Ada& ÎÎgbee. lTh. net nmeetng oi the Wsmu'ass c»telsy assocation will b. Wbdrnis MmeSusie and Miss Gertrude Vou, Wsdnsedy, .luly ft. l"IIrerth Metcaf lu recaverng froin a "A body of Marshal Odette, a fomr romnt ai Warren ras brougit beoe or brilai. The fanerai nus beld from thse %*me of ieIaiter, lirs. May Bebrens on $-udey. Thé iqrnee W. C. T. U. met riti Mm, Se Dullap on Wedneday. E PALAINE I Mrnsd Mn.. J. W. tcbleeditng were ear Sealy surprieed Saturday, June 20,by hirrelatives, ih heîng lise 2it anLvasay of theinr eddlng day. AU bal a y nies ime and rmany ebokee préent@Is re recolved. May they meet *Mltls.ubroken number on tbeir golden **ddiax day ar e is Imes of hheir ficoit 1% eputsof UmssClra Tblem gave a ro" tbhorne '1ue!.dpy.Juno lfitb. A ilgisIlunch ras serced sud ail ajoye4 tâeme. Me. awO Mm. G. C. Wblpple 4d for thab quste tberite and dangbterof tise B. = pis ofVermutTues- SX1~te 4pubiffla Sco-, VW"* lsa Vlcqglu the meautlme. B~&Eo aldinn'@ mhool'elosed '#goom. 6hbuIinpezidingison vacatIon idl heom f=ie ..mothi[àm. SUeas" Prelberg le borne trom Edge- raMe taaspenit hie vacation. Mm . Buler la vliting ber homo finonda lu PanaIt ths.entamer. Mnm. ssny Pobîrnn entertaine thtie young lay frlendm of ]dime Wlnnle War je riista be marrio InluSptember, Ssudyaftsxtioon. Grand 4t1s of Juiy celebration aI Laie Murich under-the auspices0a Camp 1u. -fl, M. W. A. speechesby t.eHantfE Slsur"lf and C. T. Heydeeker. Ail kinits of ganses. Dancing aternoan and even. isg. à gaine ai base bal. Rockefeller v. Luke Zurich Grays. M. Wewet,.er caught an eight ponud pickerel Sunday. Fieling ha, been good $.he lut fer reeks. 1ev. Tiîlman has been atteniling thei conterence the paet week. Henry Bil -ans aea attended. Cause ta Lake Zurich ta speuit the 4th 01 July.' Mr. sud Mr,. (Otto Frnk are the happy parents ai aiq lb. baby boy, bora Jans 22. M IisseJeunle and Sylvis ISeip returned tram Waukeg Su aturday alter several .' a Iys' viit ritb relatives. jobn Meye, ai Huutley, called ou aid his"*bem. Snnday. AÀ ue iofaifireworks for the tth ot *0.Frank 6 *a.b Prus atteuded the aiui reception at Palatine, Fr1- svlvlug near Mal! Day sud Wlat Mseltinuthat part ot .i uees uddeulg büliI l. mihaold man about 16. # 4h m anad r_ I g. i L i-IL#I1 £ V a ILLINOIS (rýe at I r nce, Sa An Absolute Clear ,-,ce of Ail Lines qf ,Sn and Sme Merchandise at Priccs thatwMii Aroiu t Ken Jrsto I T t. a com mon rule amoug the- most QÏ n1 erýhants, to. hold their SummerStock ReducIng Sales ln the moilth of July.ý The Olobe's policy Is entlriely dlflerent. We'realize Ithetby the time July arrives, the majorlty of people have already supplledtýhelr sommer.nbeds,. that the time to reduce stock and reduce If to a mlinium Is rlght w n the peo)pleý watt the goods. Looking at it from this standpolnt, The Globe hcotds lits Sunufler' Çlearance Sale in the month of J une, practically wheri your needs are the' greateist. By, 50 doing, we are enabled to effect an absolute clearan 1ce, a complete riddance of ail Uines bdoýre the approach. of the fait season, thus making room for a fresh suçply of strictly ail neçw styles, and to show these new things- at a much earlier4ate thanwould otherwýise bc _possible. The'radical slaughter of p-1ices-.thak we have xtiade on ail lines of merchan dise tfroughout this entire establishmSint, wilI aw aken the buying lnterest of every econo%ýi~al person ini Waukegan anid for many miles arotund. The savinge are greater than at -any. Clearance -Sale -that. TI Globe bas previously held, You cannot afford to miss this marvelous bargain opportunity. eThis Grei Clearançe weJ Commences Thmesday Nonùiga 'ol ue' CoatinçuesUtil 10 o'diockF ay Nih~Jiy3id Pri ces Slaughered on Ifen'sClothrng Pour great iots of Men s Fine Clothing embraeing the best makes ln the country, reduced ta prices that are poltively lower than ever before offer- ed. AUl the newest stylas, ebapes, ma- ternaIs and colortngs are included. Lot No. 1 Your cholce of '*10.00ouI18.U50 SuIte for Lot No. 3 'Tour cholce of $20.00 and $18.00 Suit. for Footwear Prices 'Slasheàd Women's Oxfords, $1.19 A lot of 'womeu's stylisfi ox*fords that Includes values up ta $2.00 and $2.50; uot ail sizes lu each lUne but ln the eutîne lot al sires. Made of vIcl kid and lpa- teut leathens; buttan andt lace, haud tunned soles. clearance 11 price .........1 1 Dresa Calicos The best standard maies lu dress calicos, lu a most de- sirable seleclion of patterns. Light, meulum and dark col- ons. Cleaanuce sale pricepern3 y ard .. . . . . . . . 2 FIgued LAWnB A very attractive salectian of fiue lawus, ta b, cleâaied up at au eîteemely IQm price. llght grounit rith black, aud fffucy colorait desîguis, cean- auce sale, yard ............. .. 32c. Inda Linoni A splendid 10c quallty af white fndia Linon flue andt oheer. Pelceit far belon va- leafr nes sle C115 forstli, aI yard...... 2 Men'a Shows, $119. A sbae Ibat la especially de- sirable fan street wear andt yet st roug enough for mark, made a! satin caif leatber, rltb or wthout tlp; lace style; $1.75 value,,ii Clearance Sale pie Stockings Oilîdrene fine anuitheavy rnb- bed stookîngs, absolutely fast black, values froin l5c te 25c, ail sIzes. Clearance sale pnice * . 9 pain ........c HEuck ToweIa 50 dozen of bleacbed hucli îîîmels, beujieit. and a neit bqrder, tbey average lu ize acot 54 x 18 luches, splendid values at 12%c Clearnce sale pice, each ......7 Unbleached Miflin 1000 yards ai unbleachefi munlin that wIll go at.a fait pace orlug te sncb a Ion price, s fl yard ride, . e. gular 6c quallty, Clearnce sale prIca pen yard .........U2c Lot No. 2 Your cholce of $15.00 ami *12.50 Butafor 7.50 Lot No. 4 Your cholce o! $22.50 to , 130.00 Suteafor 15.75 Me' faney hose; Worth double this prIce; a big selection; ta, deau up, 5 et apajr .......5 I '*Shirt.; Men'b NelgeShirts, light and dark colorings, sîzes 14 ta 17)4~, 800 values 35 SuSUdVSmen'aseue- penders, the ktad that you are ln the habit of alwaye paying 25c for, lear- 15C ance sale price... MM'& Cis; big selec tien of -meu's four ln-hand ties, made of .goad quatity .11k, regules le 15 value&; eboice,...1c Women's $10.00 Women's $ 12.50 Women's'$15.00 Women's $18.00 Womnens $20.00 Woipen's $22,50 Women's $15.00 Women's $27.50 Women's. $30.0 Women'e $?6.00 -~ Women a Drawers at 29c. Made of fine cambrtc; trimnsed wltb fÈve rows of tuekas Oan Spembroldery ruffle; clearance price ......29 Made of god quality musîtu; bas, a deep/ $1.00 White Waists 3c Posltlvely the grettO t bargalu lu ramens waott that bas ever bn youn goo4 fortune ta be oflered. They are'anty styles, mode of a fiue Quality wite Initia Linon. fronts, attnactlvelY embroldered, tucked and some lace triamait, tiSai regularly sailiup ta $1.00. d hile iey la t ............. *$1.50 Wmité WaIBts M9. These values VIII ha a wrolr!ulsurprise ta yoù rhen ance YOU examine thSe qualitY aud styles, sçrcly onf' cftheus are wrtnI$1.50, they are elggatl tallorad of a fine sbesy grade ladianlno%. tt em- býien, ta kdland lace trimaietd ONMU, corne niile thSe au»*onteof aises l oupechoiges ...... Suits at $5.90 Suits at $6.25 Suits at $7.50 Suits at $9.00 Suits at $10.00 Suits at $11.25 Suits at $12.50 Suts at $13.75 Suits at$1.00 Suits at $17.50 Ail Mlinery Reduced We bave totally Iiregarded setual value sud former sellln5 ç40ý lu aur msllilnery departméitt and, elaughtered prîces mercilesGW-, Our EntirorSeIOctiofl of $3 and $4, Rats at 98C $6 and $7..50 HSts...............$29 $10 aid $15 Rats, ................. $495 Aprou Gi*gbam A4 extra gocit quallty of alran ginghamd lu standard suze blue checks, nover be- fare go Ian a pice for sucb good quallty, Clearance sal yard .-.'.....14 Stocings Chlldrn'e ,fine aedI eavy1 rlblted stocklngs, 'ib4oluteljw fast black, values froul l5c tb 26c, ail aszes, Clearance sale prie, pair ..........9 Bleached IMualin Eaer bnyers wIll take ad,' vautaga of this extnemnely Ion prica an bleachéd musil, fou oue yard rIda, Sç qualfty, about 250 yards lu thSe lot, Clearance 5 price penrdM..... Fancy Silka A splendid selecetion à! fadey lkelu black and rbta Scke, etrlpes aud atbraetfXe dlorai designe, thSe coIrbgç ana ail very prettile bindel, neyer,osalI for leua 'the, J. prica per yard. ... . -WW Drus Praies 2000 yard$ o! tise r -'Ja 12 % c qua Aty ,Ires, nDr s 0 lu ligh'lt. m an sd 4a1* ', cotorlngo. strIpes, dota àud11 ',4 apratledeaigne, 32 luches ride, . Clearance sae priée Non for & big m"_11 gain. tishe nlue Lonsdala muallus, tuB ma ride, north toitayi l2c, CISifaueo sal" pe.e, yard. Vour unrestricted. choice of our entire stock of Woinen"s Wool Suits at half price. m 1 REDUOTIONS IN THE BABGAIN BÂSEXENÇT Thereý are hundreds of useful household articles on sale in the Bargain Biisenr#nt at prices that have neyer beên so low.before. f 1 1 ý

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