CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jul 1908, p. 1

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i. INDE PENDENT. , and WAUKEGAN WEEKIY SUN LIIBERTYVIL, LAKE COUNTy, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1908-12 Pages $1-50 PER YEAR IN ADVA4NÔ!. Fommer *0*asy Gave Out Inside In 0 Naval Affaira but IU hClcapo Inter Ocean Ia publiait- ing starting tatements relative tu (101117048ManPos, iuspired by Mr. Ibos' Candl4acy for Unitled States i.. me«tr. In tii end of the congres- u$10=1 district the Inter Oceans ar- tJcles a"ecreating un end of comment. TbUrsdaLy MOrning a coirun and a1 la *WUbilngton dlspatch f om te1 Inter Omean correspondent conciuded1 tbn*: fcanlaft More Serlous. Lait winter'. scandai seemeil, for a V ime, 10 lie of a more sifflat-r nature, and the leadert of te bouse ecided in taire it ont of te banda of te dom- tittee on naval affaira and Mr. Folle. Ithe>'aPPonted a select committeet- 1 coduct an Investigation. Reî,resenta- tîve Ilii$' as responsible for tbe de. ~(nouemeat. He cbarged that a cor- rpt lobby wasa t work lu bebsif of a 4.certain type of boat wiIt the- rtsuIt bat cOmseting types, altbough t-ou ceded to be cheaper and bet-ler, wereH ïC unable in secure recognition. Lllyd faiied to malle good bis charges. 0 Te evidence, wblcti wag gatitered f la Tainstaking way and soleiy with t a leu of aacertslnlug the farts, dle- ciared taI the Conuecticut mans at-- cusations ucre based not îîpon attuaI Information, but ulon rrcespoosible asertions of a disappoiuted manuifac- turer of a competing aubmariîîe boat. Te moat unfrtunate aspîect of ibis 6 tesst scandai from the- itandpoluî of Mr. Foas wss the- disrlosître tat bis s former seCretary, ltredî-rb-k Whitneyv, s-as vice prenideni<of liie- ac-usIngP corporation. h Witney waa madeil.. e-trk of the - ComIttîce on naval affaiis 1l, NM. q Pose immedtately after be litcame i11 citairman. Whitney servP.d ii tuat 0-po sillon for six years or more-, anîd r.- a stgned btakoie the position of Wasb Y ington representatIve of tht- Lake tonit t Pany, uhicli manufactures auhuîarine - bote'ln opposition to te illIai;th i For the sale of adding to bis'istg- and peritapa b gîte eupbonî t.o bis îpo-. i sIllon, bo wss awarded the titi.. of11 vice president ai Whitney Cotesses Part The t-vident-t-disclosed that tuel Lake company wss>il tht- habit of se- curinÇ secrets of tht- uavy depant- ment; ltat IL alwsys lut-vIn sdvance wtat te expert of that tt-partmeuî Proposeil b do lu the way of subma- rnue experiments, sud tatIiL vas avare o! remults or tests of valous5 submarnue boat@ long bt-font- tht-y were ma-de public. Whitney subse- quently confessed uPon te staut that lie obtainei te Information for is Company, but te refuseti to explain boy be obtained il. Ht- coufessed, moneover, that be bsd bteun guilty of uniting lettera vhicb st-nouaI>' com- promlact a Michigan congnessman in connection wtb subtuarine boat af- faims. The select Committet- db not pres s luquir>' lu tht- direction of ascert»Aing vitere sud bow Whitne-y obtaiueti bis secret 'information, but lefI thal 10 conjecture. Whitne-y vas MFoms'man. ~Accordiug f0 tht- newapaper dis- *,4tatchoe Mr. Posa Is rontpiug over te face of te sîate of Illinoi.s, telling au- diencea, of greater on lt-sa dimensious, o! thse glanles o! tht- United States navy. A greal many of bis coleagues sud a&l of Wasbington vouiti lIte to itear troam hlm ou tht- subit-ct of Whitney sud suhuniarint- boals. ARM~T SUGAR MAN - VOR A DrAD BIEAT Cotlty lu. Koenig ban been working lu Ibis section of Wisconslin for many montba and bce clainu that is arrest las en- etirelY thte resuit of a mistake. On JUne 30 according 1tutecomplaint, Koenig borrowed $100 of Coie wit the understandiug tbat ite would pay it back out of a liay check whlcb wouid corne f rom thd coumpauy the tirsI of July. Koenig was at the Hotel Kenosba awatîng tbe chteck, but It falled to arrive 'and Cle sougbt te Justice courts.t It was afterword learned tbat the check for Koenig biait been iteld up on a garnlsbee action at Janenviîle and Ibis tact accounted for Its fallure to arrive lu Kenosita.I Tbe attoruey for K~oenig cdaims Ibat the- charge againtit Koenig will not bold ln any court.a WAR ON TIHÉ CAMP i AT LAKE BLUff An Appeai for injunction Wii te Bated on a Sectes of Sîmîltar Viola- tions if Discovered. If a Voi11ttit -r tri-itý1t..Gatir-1liii 8Sttliîitieiif ait Iski- Bluff throws a sloue at a chu-i-kn, t ahiib.-e ritten dOwo. If tbr.-- îr ansý otb-r nlîmlîî-t of acbia arn-ss-uwalklîîg at-rogsaa iieId It wli l bii OI>rocord.-d witb no lationa 01ti tititme vif arrivai snd de- partitre, sud oiber dli-lalla If a <lada 11111 klil'. seettiiin ihi- rond inuut- luit- ai. aîîî,.ite-ancit-îarîiof tire fiuit wiii hi- tract-ilbak t-k e i-orclard 0of Mca, Scott ilîraitior aini' ojtii-r î,l tht- reside-ttshio , n- oiîît-O i th,- salim-c c-atmp. liie ri-aidt-ul s hi se r-ýo-sîsii t-ni- selves Intoa soiiuitei-r guni ahoeiog- .tu.iad. w-bit-b aiisat-b for and ce. ptocrt-svei-ci iiitcaT or1hi- Oiiî;airs n t he (rani, h iusTtout-h t -t- iit-cîirt -i tas airtiffeits,- agaiiîîî ihi- pt-at-e and luittoTiiîiî-h tht- Id ra-iidi-nts bi- ci-v tht-s ai.- enîttiî-ed. Tuen tht-tii-Id notes hait- accumîîlatî-îi itT a formid- tilt- siowiitg agaînht tht.i- irElresihiît- youths tht-y ilI be turnîî-îT uer tii At- omne-Sigmiund Zt-iàli-r to ii- iilin ls argujment fîîr anirinncitinagaii st hi- camp.i -I luformntd ti-eîî'-raîîuîs Who are ni, îoaîd to tht- campî 11>1T ht-y t-sotgo luto4court snd obtairi air Injurictioîî against tii iuitit-iîaterdnuisance, iîut tiat: If tht- campî las sosi. to hi-an t-tuai practicai nuisance, lb.- court wilI t-ajoutin f,"said Attorney Zeisler yesterday.- Tht-t-are uow st-carnt Iformation anti sheut-ver it ls in croper shawe we wiIi siart court pro- cedings. "Practicaiîy eserybody in tht- ut-lt-b orhood la cigbtly opposed 10 the amp. Tht- trouble la that tht- tract ia ntlceîy t10 staitîl asd expecience shos titat tht- childr-n t-an flot lie coutineti to it, bat swarm river tht- eîghboring pcolîtrty, damagîîîg fruit 'tes and committint- other Ibougbt- lss acta of vandallim." ac -i ce bo ca en sh Co ne luf 1<8 Mca. St-ot ursuti la leadîuîg te op- Position to tht- campî. A similar movemenî vas matit-at-ainstItIllast year vîthout resuit. At tht- Gada Hill sttlt-ment iu Chicago Suday, s resitieut wito efsedto10divulge ter Itientit>' announceti that "We are not taibint-" anti then expiainet Inlu etail boy lte seltlement proposes ta con- tinue tht- tamp anti sent ciiltiren titirt- as long as tht-ce are an>' lu Chi- t-sto net-ding outinga. POPULATION oF LAKE COUNTY TOWNS P. K. Butst-ati, compiler o! tht- Wautt-gan anti man>' othen ctl>'diret-- hunies, Pida>' gave out tht- folloseint- paciculars lu regard tb populations ot citica ant i vllages tf tht- coant>', F. G. >Koenig cf Jansviiie, known stosen tbhe t-quai ln sizi-, aund Lake. ammofg former* cf Lake ceunI>' as a Forest la discovereti to li thie fonnîl r.prsmtalivof th. Jantaville Sugar nanking city lunte county as 10 popu- ke.* Company, -hou beon piced under lation, te multiple o! 2t14 belng used arrest ln Koecharlagd wîîh oh- for t-ver>' nome: toi ne money under faise pretenues. 2 Years Present ïoenig vas velI koovu ht-ne front Ago. Todayî Pop. hi biftfonts 10 Introduce te grovint- of Waukea -....7459 8,318 18,716 sugar bet t-fm Lake count>', partît-a- Nort Chicago ... 845 1,115 2,52f lari>' aIt-Ion City, itere rt-cet> a Lakte Bluff...200 M~60 586 big deai vas en, Laite Port-at..820 1,145 2,6 Lake count>' farmers since bts cop- HIghwood . ......4 9 610 1,373 lng bave extensivel>' laken np te Hit-hlaund Park ... 1762 2,01 4,502 -.îÂtnoving of sugan bt-ts sud bis anneat, ZMon City'....- 2,016 4536 "E~en il b ecatat- tosen 1 a fev 10- Wiuthrop Harbor . 119 142 320 -Facaumed a sensation of emailise. Aultit.......... 342 467 1,061 a oenig vat- u Int-e ta u of Salem flurnue........2 73 164 rie ievnant for h arrest vas Buffalo (Irove .. 23 34 77 lrhg.eà b>' W. B. Colt- o! thet ova o! Diamond Laite.. 37 49 110 Pleammut Prairie sud hb starle ,Ptakliste . ..53 57 128 tor Ktiosha 10at ed o idaott 147 158 356 to ai*ontm tera - l. W usen. ...........7 70 158 - ont rw- ýflOM*0&r*». ........5 32- 72 02 +,. 3- -74 3Ili fiAUNTED MOUS! AT LAKE BLUFF rDweling Formerly Occupied by Sal- vatore Muto le Given a Wide BOrth bY lhe Section Men. Grim reminder of a aîîsiia'ctei crime, deserted and vacant, the- form- t-r dwelllug of Salvatore Mt ta Lake Bluff, Just aouth of tht- Northwestt'rtt depot. laesituntiid as th(' Plat-ut-and tht- hardiest bei-p assaY rom il, sîîch la thte superstiliti of01thî- Jaborî'rs. Surroundeil Or'two aides by t-ara used as dwillings for section banda, tbe regid-îî-î of th,' nian who, witb bis ahi-gril nîitss la sitapecteti of having îiOlsoiiî-d li, i> fi'when ahi- camp exes iitI id]y v r Troui Italy s- avoided i s ai, 1T 11911i-iî s liT-, liihaljit If andti îo '-i hTht-aiil wati 1,I-iniaili uttt Of ljý i sl- 'itT oti ian il , Mluli,, as s iii lii- r<-ali.i ,i w;ai, r'-st-1si wtlî a àMrsNMai, to-,sî jallé,, r ite atoinarh of blits il rad w-i fi- liait lîe I'îi 10îîdT t-îiîitin a art-i- niiiT T d ivciiaî -t- tif ioT h. bitt IT liasa'- iiw-a t b-eu r.-gsrdi-d a,a i as.-of 'flot Troven' as the yi'iiow lîatks ssoîîld say. aadd îaYitilileliPiveilltat a cime was Committedilbthdeatb of lirs. Muto and aucePsfuilIv totcealed. at-t-lit- tt-r explioits aitb a raft of cilîdreîî Suotiay, but dîd nuQlinuge-r long. Tht- bouse bas Tîîn eu titiiis aintiie th'ltt-s-fI îîîdeî a iloud atînd a one- cti t li- fîîîud ho 1s as ililîg Tii ()IVîIf eit fî oc a munt sui-r-iltioîti' Iiti iîbanîî --cc- avî-r tiat ou it îl tut-uTs Tii11, i itit- gruauii i a-otuY orilw Tia-siin,îîail tu hav dii ît.- ouse.Ti lttils -ill- Is(li t- diaîîi.ialrd aîîd dlsîîsî-îlsiati- auîî is îif lýfalliltt-Io uit-cs i- îtT s Trok- iu o sitdowssand iîstterî-îi alIs. -Il r- a lit rucîTdtuTre. 1FROSI ELIECTRIC BONDS ABOVIE PAR Chicago Men Attempît t Purcciase Bonds in Waukegan but the Holders are Sanguine and Refuse 10 Seii, Chicago mo et ertnluWaubt-gan tis se-t- offei-itit local hoitires of iraI mortgsge bonds on tht- Prost electrit- roa luiar for ttir holinlgs. Il ta claimed tbat tht- bonds are ratt-d at 10)5. Sut-h is tht- confidence o! Watt- kegan Investors tui tht- foad, tht- offer seas tunneil do-sn. Tht- nosd ceceivers bave Just ftilt- papers to avoiti Payment of Interest oui tht- tirst: mortgage of $5,000,000 and Chic-ago men are trylng t0 gel a ciaint on ait tht- firrt mortgage bouda. Libertyvilie sud Most of te Lake county holdings are on tht- second mortgage bouda. Tht- Pcelser of tht- Chicago &MiI- weauket- Electclc rsflw-s> annoninced that titi-Jait- lut-rt-st on thet-ont- pauy's bonds asîmtitinofte ppaid. FOLLOWERS MUST RAIS! TII! MONEY Lîke John Alexander Oowîe, Voilv in now demanding that lima foliawera mortgage their land and bliir praper- by and give the Pcoceeds of lban la hum, itlai.sald. Tht- mont-y to le caai-O is 10 us>'foc tht- giaut ZIon Cil>' tabernacle vhit-h Voliva recentiy Purchaset of teest- fate of Zion for $12,f,00 anti toc wbhi ho la requlcet, il la sait, to îîay $2,500 t-at-h six montsunutil It la paid foc. Titis la sehere tht- shot- pluches, as t-shai lanot pit-nîful lu Zion Cil>'. Poliosent- are saidto bte leaviuuit-anti for flfteen days and to forfiet $1.5 iay. Privaie Frank P. Severance, dis- honorabiy discbarged and cotfined at bard ishor for elgbt.en montita. Recrult John )rady, bard labor for two Montits and to fOrfeit $10 a Montit. Private AlexanDder J. Boismi-ari, dis, booorably discharged from) th,, s.-rvice and hard labor for elgitte(en montlit Private William C. Van Valki-nheîg, bard lai)or for six months and To for- rt-lt $10 a monili for the sarnw îîsrlod. Private Cleveland Peefi, distion)or- abiy dIscharged and conlin,-il at baîd labor for one year. Private PhIneas Wbeeioc- dl-.honý orabiy discbarged and baîd laior- for eilbteeti months. GOMErMENT AGIENTS AFTIEU SALOONS How Inspeclora Work ed Wiuîle in Cîties Along the Nor-th Shore and Tbein Purpoge. Mein la the employ of lth, t rt-venue department of tii,- lujit-d States governmeni 'wera iliiu-ias fîeing in the count>' iîiig îîi tii saloons ope-n for business suiTlakitît naines sud addresses for the-îîî îîrî of ieamlang wbether Ibesp en iliai htsb-ter tht- ail- beetigatutii ceuises b)- tht- commnon conu-iici h bt-eu .'black istt-d.' Und er a gosi-cument muiii, - ,ihiiii-j lit-tpt-c> îuaced on the back i tsi Ti aii îîiciîîaiities sud titeir s irac.tioiis foîr iquor lit-t-ses ht-id ni), coi Ilo opien for btusiness unit-se Ii,,tsi i ci anti-O lt-t-ist-s hy tht- t)-us irlii.ll Ti, 01uiî01teuntil July 7, sel-n ti,,- i-t- lti-iir-s i--i ire. Evt-cy liot - vas t-ouîîelîed t10 ake aplpicationiifor t govt-rnimit icentt-se a wtt-k at-o. ndi ailt- at-h applîication $25 sas rît A, Mat't- 5a loonkeepi-rs ,i(iil i s litthert-ht- -sert- to basi. ]ii-r--S1 mrtaute.d tht-.ui bytht- cWy asîlix mait tiimnedi dowan su that andertTheîmis emnmeuv rîîliîg tbî-y couitinot bhi- o-î tir business lodasi unit-a tht-t-aîîîîhî'-d fr a t-ove-moment lit-tuse iln, order Int countiue Itn business unlil JuIt-"7 Wl-titi-ntht-st-govemnmeot atts- have foîîtîd asu* at-Iitît liiquoir sitboîît baint- made alîpiicas hion for- a govsrnîoenî lit-tnie coîîîd nit pleitarued. CANDIDATES HAVIE !ILED PETITIOTIS Springfield, M, l i- Special to tht- SUN.)-Tht- foiîowiag cauddtep for cougresa liit île îeîîIiîdistrict andi for lte Itgalature tiuît-t-lt-bIb dis- trIct bave fliedt]-htitins iornnina- tion viti tihe st-creTary of state lu tht- order iu which hihr- îtame wili go ou te ballot: Teutb Dstrict,î (reitss-Repubi t-an, Predericit E. Dtelant-, Glencot-. Bemocrat, noot-. Fitubibilboit, none. Sociallat, noue. Bightb District, Suiiate-Rt-publi- t-an: Luna E. Metîtchi Cari-y; Frankt R. Cove>', Helvidt-rt-,Abet-t J. Oison, Wootiatock.Bt-mot-rai snont-. Prohi- billon, noue. Socialhst, Robent Gît-se, Waukegan. Representative, ERitbh District- Itepublican, Edse. D. Shitleif, Maren- go0; Daniel H. Jacksotn, Lakte Puo-tst; A. W. gtearnn, Lakte Fou est. Bt-mo- tcal, Chas. F. Hayes, Nanda; Bt-nuis E. Gibbons, Beel-d: Thontas B. Burns, Belvidere- B.t'. Cosean, Popt- lac Grove. Prohibition,. uone. So- clallat. Marcus Gorgi-nat-i. Waitkt- gan. BE3irNTioNTWNStIIP 1 FUNOS LOANED OUTI , lte tarit lioveti ont- lasaidt ta hi-los- Last Payment Ia Made tb the Present h mng bis strnugtit. Tceamurr, 0. W. Farie>' of Zion I_ Tht- Bryant meeting place titi- City, Neut Monda>'. ddinint- room o! Elijat Hospice oh-net Santiat- witb 1,500 people tht-rt- anti Tht- election or O. M'. Parut-y as ýt Bry-ant appears t10 te ou the- gain. scitool treasurer lu Betutotu township ).10 O sut-t-ed William 7riuestitll la 6NIPIE SENTENCES BY saidti bave dlsclosed iltt factI hai t0O R A T A bout $3200 or $3> 0Oof titi to vua1 6 CO RT ARTIL aDIOnY WS ou onloasTn personai 6 sect-uI>, teciaet b>' Parieyt- 10bt-a I Courts Martini ai Fort Sheridan Turn violation Of tht- tate schooi iasansd 2 Out 819 Griat. stePa vert- taken at once tori- t- al-ý i- Iug lu O!flte îalîtgeti Truet-deli loaua 0 , Nine sentencres imposei b>' a court whlcb Parle>'soaylias tahun ninet>' 1 martial at Font Sheritian bave bt-en tisys, 1approvet t>' the var tiepantmt-nt. Titi- arle>' vas lnbrvieved îîver tht- 7fintinga anti sententcs vert-: lelephone b>' a SUN reporer. He- ) Privait- Howard M. thibner, fon- tatedti iat lte laat paymeat of tht-se s fit $25-. alleged, loRD insvli e matie Montiay b>' SPrivais Chtarles liaitouse, bard la- Truesileil vto lias ht-en fçrced to cal - bor for six mottba 'andi toforfeit 810 them lnha sd viii amount tb about 1 àmoulu for tise *M ' nêPeflod, u5. At o0e tins.- itegayaslie vas 'Prïîate Gfre 8sIt0, liad lbori berr Ol aJ1.,05r t-e&chesa SEVERAL INJURED One boy waa seriousiy hurt anc mnanY Persona sustained minor njur- riea in a panic foiiowing the expia- sion of a box of fireworka at Eiectric Park, Waukegan, at 8 o'ciock Fourtii of July evening. Victor Oliver, of McKinley avenue, 9 Years aid, was rnost seriousiy in- jured. Oliver suffered two braken ribs, on. of which penetcated the Jung, beaides body bruites and burna. He was tak- en immediîateîy 10 the Jane McAliater Hoaspital. Tbe i'Xp lUsiijji4 s lîîlitvîd tb bave bt-tii raiî'-d 1Ti yspai ks tront tht- tirs tilt-c.- shlrb halliib-eîîstam tf. Ský rot-l<iii..Romn raudle. ,-I ilt-t.eS a"(1d Ihonlli.. 111f -t-i-mios t-from the- larg-- tîntt îg ho-t ini s yhîci- ai T,î',-Il)hî îîl I ,îî of Tu-ui t \iîiC, ihos.- ni-attst bto hi- Iliiisiîg fi-sî fîîîîgbt 10tesc-ape ~tii,- projectiîles Wtnssses Fix Biame. \Vlttîesset- 0the disastet cliiîîîllii accli.-îîî sas theî-rt-suit iof tht rare- t-ssut-rssof oui,- of the îIlt-rior- a Ni r. Evans of ('h iracat-i liihaîdll i, si-ni îîîil To ibis CtlIîpîîî tht- t-qui-rT ot Cupi. A. V. Smith ofthe- lattri a Calît. Sînlithhaditlfornied-ii TiTi- tut TaiT!frînî w homth Te $2ýiliw ortiî of fut-sorts liaill]t-i-iîl ii elasi-il thai thi- Ilattrvdiii uit aantto ti akt- auy chantces,, ai(] îvliiTs alltged iii oppei 1' sprik ioinu bis iîîîtei lo theTi-- îîîst Evdn Tiîî- esilisis o \levacns fntes tareory. v X i î-i o Tie tiLtiis a e ii r -tl - Rt s aur-oio dt-tiied Tiisiuiî TuitifaT ibe crackerîîîî iThioi.-r-sît tiea tir ciatbr iiaî-Il sil I& OTt bx0 lta h îîiî ii I o a ri i as n f a t-s l)aîhni tMiis taTý eet,îili ii Others Injuned. fithiers w-trt- aiiglitily <iju rt-O Tl'ie iheafenîlat-rt-îoits of t-\Tlodijtg blis toliowed ihe t-xplosionî.'siili- 1h- sky 'sas Soin ablaze siîb sîîu-aks atîti rt- tions of tiamt-i ietr) halls fi i tThe- Romant taudit-s ait ski rot-hi-tsfr-Il ulmon the- bt-o tif- , -etaltr- sho, lt-tcor att it-ii, itiýIsmeîfor a ilace of saftfy. Ntis.s PtTt-lau e lî, 'swrhs aITtht- Ht-limai t r-t iii.Soutti Gent-at- Street, buFe t-ioTt 8 iurtttd front ht-c bat-k. whîte othes who rut-bt-t from tht- :remî-litort- a reloret ad a t-batcte. o îhaiti their fianes, suf- feret a similar fate. NEWSPAPIER MIEN ORGANIZE CLUB Edutors of County and Thein Familles Wîii be Entertained ut Electric Park Waukegan Day. Foc lii oses of sot-liiility and nothint- tlai- Monda>'oit-hthy at-ce- ment lthe Waibtgau Preisa Club seas organizeti. il bt-mg agneet that tht- followIug stîouid be tht- offit-ers: Presideot-Arftan A. Pnudt-nfeid, no-s assistatnt manager of tht- Baarri- son.Titiat-c but focmeriy on tht- staff tuf titi-Duluth News Tribune. St-ccetary-Willism J. Smith, edihor tif tht- Gazette. Treasucer-Johu S. Sk-tut, replorter for, ltheSUN. Tht- club wiii hoiti a beefsteak din- ut-r ni-atse-tk, or wihin leti tiys, at ont- of tht- hotels. anti aItbtat time hottorar>' menubers wilt be t-let-led. Members Include ail W atkegan ut-es- tutu-r metn sud ail adserfising men. Tht- ciuh's tirat stutît wiIi îumobsiîiy ie the- eutertainîhîg of the ei-tons of Lake county ai the- Waitli-tatilDay ceit-bration Augast :3 aI Electiît Park. Lt isaluropoaet-d 1 ccfa fine booth tht-ne, provide - hi-i-ts anti chairs, gi-tlot-tht-r a wiuooping big- ft lunch f0 ailtornera ai tht- profes- Sion. Wsîiitegati bas 1ou19 net-ted a press tlut anti i la net01too muht-h 0ga>' that tht- organization st-niet opon lait uit-ht wIil soon bave permanent quartera. Ahi-r lookingth ie t-rounid osier Se- tecîiet 0n1t tu mate lte ru for* titi- tale si-nat- 10 sutctet hîtuseif ant i vli nal mate an an- nouuccmcnlttusgItavingthe bit el open bo George Quentin vlioge Mmu- Spala9n la gthit like vlld line titrugh. - ut Lake ,county>. Salaries of Posirnasters. BY thte annuel readjustment of post- masters' salaries, in effeet july 1, t he foliowing t-banges are made ln leadîng iomces98.i 1909. Antoch .. ....... . 1,40 $19500 Barngtot.............1,300 $1,400 Fort ridn...........,300 1,000 Plo Sbria..........0 1,501.0() K5encoe.r...............100()o 1,2 Lkeilor-3b..............îooo 1200 Lipt Foi i-t.. ...........,400 2(.1,00 LiWtavlle.....--........2,801) 1.900 Wilîkegtv . . . . ..S2,00 2290 ZMon Cit.v............. 2,200 2,8<0 ýWAS A RELA-TIVE Of Levi Carnegie of Wadswo,-th, who bas aiways claîrned that leies a sec- ond cousin 10 Andrew Carnegie, the mîlliiaîce ton master, died at the Jane McAlister Hospital at 4:15 Tue&- day morning. A aoltary nurse attended the aged Wadswortb newsboy's dleathbed and hîs two dauglitens were hundreds of miles away at Darilen, Wl:. The- lti timiliotîires relatIve letf Iii imssage for hii> îeoîile andîldid flot i-tferlu OAudit-w Cartît-gle on tia dia thbled. Tht- ssii eaTitre of the caae is that t'itigtwas a conttY lpatient. Dr. biole5 ii(of rilî-was his pbyaIciau. liiýts l ta-daîîghîers aIstd hlmoîc atiî will I lîîrî lîi. Tb..y nmade Ibis pîrîonma-i iseon t-eir soli tary vs lit and W\hel Xi t--h aîîîe hýi*-it-i4 rt-la- tiiiTishill Tii Tiý,-iloitîtasti i develoîîed andi was iîrîiîi rîîadeast, but the niaster of Skiliti t-i.-and the buld îr tif lilirarles tii-rgave any aIgn ibat ha had iîeard lte aîîîîaliuîg mes- sage Of tilt olîlmnî ou a sick, bed in Sold Papers for Living. Carnuegie jiceviouis To bis ilîness liv- i-i ail atoîto ii a littit- bouse at Viuads- as'tl orî, sut--t-ut soiti îaîîeî-s fon a liv- 119 outtil -nai I boys trepl Iiasd cuin- v i-O isiness. tht- 01t1Y Conîpîalt be i-ver it-gisti-ri-tiagaiuaî the- sorld. le t-anme bt-n- To ih,- ospital as a t-ocTis it atieut February Il and bas heetiut-rt- COttiîîîîOtîsly et-at-cc ni-ver îeig able 10 move about te- How i-e Was Reiated. Lt-vi Caconegie seas the sont of Non- ris Canuuegie, seho hi- saya vas a cou- sin to Anticese Carnegie. N'oris Can- ot-gît-dit-O t-tarsa 1anst u. atsat-ru DIENEEN TO SPrAIK AT LAKIE OREST Tht- progrant focrlthe Lakt-Fort-st day fair, whîch la to bt-bt-id ou tht- collet-e campus Jai>' 15, is uow assunt- mng fluai shape anti a number o!fut-w fealurca bave beeu atitit-ti icitprom- ise 10 make tht- fete ver>' attractive. flovernor Dent-en seul mate su open air spe-cht turing lte aflennoon. Young sôt-let>' girls anti maltons vîlI te lunt-barge o! bootits, where every- titint- from sweela 10 horoscopes vil! te dispeuseti. Tht-ce viii b c-ai - balloon ascension, aud ltbaI paragon of tht- canine weucît, ttc mind neatiing dîtg Brnte, seilltiemonsîrabe liss kul for tte delectation of te spectalors. In tte eveoint- a vaudeville perform.- ance vili te glvi-n, ln wvici Fr'nk Lincoln 0f Newe Yock anti Lontion wili te bte sarnattraction. 0f course no sut-b ta>'voulti te complete vithout ila ball gante, lis races, ls t-sue racks, etc., anti tht-st- vîlImot h. vatn-. Two-tbirds of tht- net receipta vil go to enrîcit th- contagions hoavital fund sud onet-hird vii te t-l'en bo bte Womau'a Club. Mc&. Smith la Popuiar. Accacting tu a catît-grant frotu Lon- don Otites anti tanis are iugerntfor mont- than lte pasaint- moment blnte train of Mrs. James Heur>' Smitht, seidose uf lthe ite eccentnis Antiocb man andi miliîonaine -s-ho di-O en sud- delt-ni'uiJapaci. l la reportedt lit sevenal tibleti anti sXaled persouages are paylng th-m court to Mca. fSmitht, vbo vas Mcs. Rbineiantcr EStewart, sud ht-r bt-sali- fui daugitten, Thc subiecb of millions sR Of course ual mentionei ln lhab ex-i alteti socipty.i fiomebiMe ago It vas announced ilial Mrs n. 8IIwIoulti platge itevl>' li th~e ttle Mgrt gIgçesgç$i Md ýthItis S4Wto q b Icý GEORGIE QUENTjN ý FOR STAT! SIENA Popular Chairman of the BOard o<fs Supsrvisors Announces Nlm.aiff ChairtiîuuGeorge Quentin of the LakW COnt-Y Ilord of Supervisors bin Wek annunced bis -andidacy for repnablle. nomnination for tate enator from the distric-t, aIt te urgent sollitation el scores Of fInndsand a lager numqber o!0 aetiunintances eo believeti Lake nouty mhould avail iseit of the. opportnity Ua seinure tbe office. 14one bas a cndidate, F. R. Covey; M-Hlenry iîas tîvo, Lewis mentth anad A. J. Oion. Lake bas a great many ["iOre votes titan etlIer and ma u>- name the- senator. A. -N. Tiffany-, of Autiocit. did not demies anoitber term and la not ta the race. Mr. îQuentin la Ho weii and flavorably knowa-ntriugoit te outy fi; la un- uî-ee emary for lthe I liiEt- N DN T to b U ff bis ias-. He la tirsI o1 al a repbJlceam. a- Bis putili- re.-ord la above rsproacb. Mje. la a elean, b oet and dependabe oiSectli and wilîl serre bie district seitil crédit to' Sure Nomination,i That Mr. Qusoît nwifl secur. Uw omiation le mt about ertain. LAp.. tcutys uPPOrt l sufficient 10 do tbe trick, as with three candidates battliu- in the other eounties and niteê mppQf*, lu Ibis for lte home ma, bis uemw W aasaurred, parlicuIacly ta oleladesenvh*'- of tht support he la getting an a nue*. te î-onidncë of ever>- repablican t0er i lu the ctiunty. -,ýû A vote on August t8 ia a vote for Lake Co)ut>- ilast for U-orge Queudmg-. Littileskuown over bers vi Mr. Olso. wbo la making a strenous figlit l' Lake county votera. es la practue& a a, ocîv cottr lunte district. Ho serveia - alter uan in Chicago an ti sa s cl aoe d m & a "gray ssoli' - by Chicago paperýa.,Rhst record lu tht- igiiature hUW bffl î oriticised.Be voted for thet- eotw@ H u i m p bh r y a n d A l e n b i B i a idfhl e n o u g it. L a k e c o u n t y s ur ui o 't w~ QUAYLE LOQKW G - IFOR INfoRImAlI Candidates for Offic, for Sateu Attw~ ney Aked for Acon la~ Regard t BliInd Candidates for preferment aI .. liants o! Laite cont>' votera, both lo Etate anti eOuntY offices, hbire " > ed letters frotu Rev, Thomas Q«ày'.î asking tem for astsatensent of thefr vlt-wa anti a stand on certain proP ki tions viticit be la advancing. Candidates for representative ad- senator are being asied vletev CS, tat teY ilI h. for oraaistaIthes.Wv, ptai of tht- local option bill ad hat tht-m stand la generaly on refora,) Candidates for count> ofice, espg,, t-laIt> lte stat's atîortey caaudidgteer- are bt-lut-aaked uhat tbeir pmol.ik w el e If electe ti in regard tos 7 blnd pga uf western Lake county 6k5-A Waukegan, particularly of Waukeg&,- TItey are also asked about their powie, of lau enforcement generali>-sag -INF plit-d to saloons sudgantlIng. So ue o ! the can$idates vl a iuen tht- letters sd citera ili-l . V It la sta ed tin om e or ht ~ u~ tal the blind pga are fLournie aased In the contan sd tbe e006a,- tion la cited as deplorale. The lettens are lesueti suppoeedlytoi gather data for bbc reguI&r QU26I> campalgu cîrclolar of iudeng.mepl andi condemations. Divorce Suit Te furtier devt-opinentîo! tel. n national Highland Park divorc e a. o! Mrs. Gerhardt agalat ber isuv4 Paul Gerhardit, vas the-trIai of ber humand for alleged ifse atlaig- Tiurda>' at tat cil>. Attorney C. T, Heydecktr la defendng the humtabnd. Tte case appeara 10 lie a toup ai>- cortIng 10 gentraI opinion, tbe bellef. of somne ht-mg tiat ttc Ie la ilamal- fit-d because s ie can ot ian d ifi AU tht- cash seile te uband's tnt-d. ay' tat hi- bas it ail on depoat lit lte Higitland Park tank. Fined 84ÀDfor S.lling Lkqsae W. Jackson of Jugleaide vwu Tu> day morung, n lforS&Matlon lsk Sbstem Attorney' Hanna, '4 ff t e W oe 00maI>' ide .. th* *et* li ";# sle f, E 1 ir -%, »i l 1 n 0 h L ci p b; c bi d Ir ti d ci Tt fi ti lz eý

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