CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jul 1908, p. 11

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c. t~~* O IuqO0PENDE1qT. 7RWI'IYJULY -t 1771 ~~NOMEK RClVOTA Ir W *UfFOR21LES TI H AN 2 CENTS JAd$ REAL ESTATE MISLNBU St t.. ýn. lit lu- LOI Lh- te. >er tor a ras cýd. ou- ies iii lu ar4. iay- the FOR SALE-Good 77 avre farm, 2% iles froin Libert.yvilic; good iiew build. lnge; 50 seri plovw land; 20 are. timber, wel fener]; never laling sprlng; wif self with or wthoutatoek, imamedite possesion given. J...tdBÀvgg. MOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE- 6 rooxus, furnave heat............... 12000 8 roonis, tavo lotsi................2400 8 Toomes, nearly new ... ............ Ifl)0 7 roonmu, modern ............... 004) 7 rooxus, ood condîtron ... ....24)0 7 roome, fne k.cated ............02W 6 rorne, gxod Irpir........ 2100 7 roomeg, very u........... ... 120) 8 roorno ail jîroîlern .... _ _... .000 6 roome. ever'riitlug in ..... _2200< 8 ro rne, large lot ..... ....... 5( 7 roomo, itoe heat._.......... 2300 -7 omnîrthe li-tone .. 1 64M) -go hoeeou large frot.......4,00 iThies ony apartial lst.t ail in aud ,~uu. We e an arraup- tertme toruit. 40,%r mt>s h -s---i- FOR SALE-New six rorinlli ,,ie on) 8rd St. M. K. Cria oii A,*. :i;tf FOR SALE-7 roolai hou,uii îcriy nrýw, hard wood hlisîr.-.,tr iights andi Sp ring wtntr. Cal or write ..t R 1 LAKE COuN1'Y mAFS FOR sALE stsofisLae isaimae iNSURANCE-Ws wrte lire, marinie, accident and Mi1e Inauirance. PyjioND Aceia, Llberty-vllle, 111. 40-tl WANTED-Farm, and town proPerh! thuat Ia for esisor eutaIslakeproertY. A Party wasts tuo e"bnue good City Incarne p et y for food farm. J. A. Gaavg,.rLiherty ville. 1I1. WANTED-1 bave a client who wants a farm near Lihertyville. Prire muet be rigbt. FBÀNÇK E. Wîeam. 1 LiVE STOCK. ETC. FOR SALE-Nies .fmmily herse, wt 12t0, afrair] ut nothing, anyaue rau drive hlm. luquire Ev L) CDOA D, Libertyrilis, i11. 1 40Î2 3FOR SALE-18 young pigs. 7 weeks [) ld. W. J.,Àruc <ages Lake, postoffice j raytilake. 41-2 FOR SALE-loo] i6rrnhorme or wiii trade for drla-ing horse. L WM Caim Libertyvilie. 41-2 FOR SALE-Humane i ow Holiire. w ili br-»li (the woret k rtk mg r, w i cu werk. le juoit tihe tii foi ri,ar.rg youig r ýfeTs t, illilk. Iair 14 Pçut ron or off in crue iinti t.. For rai.- (<C.IA. APPE% Iii i i.hrt.lviii. I I. 41-1 FOR RENT FU RNISHED ROOM-W'itir or wîîhonut boaird for [cnt. lirquir.- lit i Nij> lENiIE'N I oflir...40-2 FOR RENT-Fîve rooni ilat. al uimoderm luîlrrr virite. W iii rent tri iofii faulilv. A],. KIDI.r iik N. lr.rtsri f ilie FOR SALE-FarmofI22(4 ar-'.-,-tirirs - l aund 4, toti-irof Fremuouf Farur r1u gooel coidtiou wih (rat-. haret ruîror OR SALE OR rENT-GI ,id I1 r oui Meute. Terius eamy. Inr4irrs f A. f., ixardiug hîuueeinu >oo'i ratuon. i.'r Bgîuîa, ankrgat.i. fl( (ns4 riS. FOR SALE OR RENT--rruuiliruse.-: TO RENT-Pianos.jit!rsyii aur-i rrgane. corner Stewart iandIM. Nîn-ire> in,.ne$2 iii $-5 n-t aii,wr'd nipur' hîos'd. launre R. K tiSý.At i.ii r i,ï .iirt> ville. Barigains in tiser] luisurn ,u asy pam- 412meure. Kumîtali. $25.;lSten wry, *22;,. .~s s- -s s- Fio-lier. *f125; K rnrih & Ifl iî$140, FOR SALE-il)0rtil Iîîs'M andîl It.- 1rîoilir PIn r-r. #75.: rgans. 25: Reina .WxISO, on tiret St., firrniff-e aur]ail Niieene. $2.1; 2 'riolin oiui((.r $8 'ah- Modern eoinvilmi'tuý,.-t-c. ,,r ce I'iEî. - Fl MM.rf-Corntnr'k. I.mie l'rntnrr'Stýre. Lîbertyville. [il. 41-tf i iLuertymileý. Tr'ehiohur:27.itrulue r -tleh .n03tt.:37 -tf I WANTED WANTED-Twrr gins unor generun heuse work. Appiy (rattan Stoot Fîîruur f - bertyvitie. lii. Teuiînone124, Lirry- f a WANTEIJ-Marriýi'taa. atuali famli of two chiir]rcn. i-ierouo-el faim bauid, teady worlo rrliaving and harveetinz. inririre or write fL. RitF'NIE5.' h P. D. 2, ergron farm. h.brty ville. iI. Phone 754. 41-2 WANTED-Exkienttf gin fîîr batcry work. Appiy (usiJele Imu tiiirty- -viwlheriI. 41-2 FOR SAIE FOR SALE-75 cordaofwood. f nquire I. 0. BAUusA'rN., Round Laie. 24-tf FOR SALE-Al 'kinde of farme, ail kW@de01 lais property. ail kînds of town =spry anything youi sant, corne and Il bh ave. J. A. GnuAvf, Lberty- FOR SALE-Faml! trap, good as new, cbmsp. F. J. ALLEIA, ibertyvilie. FOR SALE-Horse aud eurreY Vi-eap If taisu immsdtately. Gentle family dr'ir- tng borue. carialge in good condition. Inqdn Wu. Là-rîucK. libertyville, 111. 3(-tf e'&ORSALE-i have a quantltY 0ul('e0n ~O millt a or sale. FR. PMR SALE-Electrie Mfat ron. lu good eondit4ofl. Addresm LN LEr E. BOND. 40-2 FOR/ULE-BOkerModef. bell front, -nIekel plated, alto hu with icase. $114. Pliu VI. Ka FOR BAt.E-S hrs teriyBni stock' dd;m r0eS JoirAccruel\, 220 Wsahgi«os St.,_Wankegan. 41-2 FOR SALE-20 acres of standing hay.t Appl to J. E. Hot.comB, Rockefeller._ 41.2 t FOR SAkE-Hay bal. lu good con- ditton. EECEm. ,Deerfield. POULTRY FOR SALX-Buff WYandotto fowlâ, Sfor batebing now ready and littile -stwo to tbroo weeks aIr. A. W. DEPEW, Rockefeller, 111. 2tf ' LOST andFOUi 8'-À Tdry ear au Mlaus ocipe rM moutl a1 I belyvIlI ls("15mahd rr Wntý' Lese st Àbê.CoutjýNqitlnai a$.Lberty- MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN-W.- 'îîîake rq.eciaity r(A ioaning - noney for build- lng purpfises. -irio farm loaîie. Ilysirii à AisTi'r. q4J4f Roger S. Gorman f Chicago and Msa Mary Agites Durkin. Mns. Mary J. Durin aunouuree (hi- engagement ut 1er daughter. Miss Mary Agnos Durlin. lu Roger S. Gur- man ut Chicago, sales agent for tle OGara Coal Company. The woddlng. w hirî -uili (aine place somo time lu Augut, a-ilho a quiet taully affir aith (hCurel uft(ho Immaculate Cou- reption. A tea' days ago the bridi- (o bc aur tendered a loucheor, ait he homne ut Mrs. Hiram Ferry, at which oIe tise preacuter] wth a valuaîle diamonur pin. Tho petition of George Quentin, rau- didate for state senator from Laine roun(y. was sent ta Springfield hI special msocuger hy enthusiastic tieuds this evouiug. SlupervIsera arc husy lu al sections ufth (horuunty lu Quethu's hehat aud tho poîîutar Youungchaîrma-n outheli huard out onuty commlssionere la suri (o carry Laine couuty agaius( aut candidates trom McHenry antI Boone, sud that means bis nomination. Musi Have Been the Limit. Littie Ethel ione oI those brighi chldren who make (ho (ivos of (Icli parente and (cachou a hurden. OIe rn rentIy paid ber Surt -iit to the kindet garten school. When she got borne ho mother meker] berhluis ee gut ou. "lIt seas awfullfy oc-,' as litti Ethls enthuefa8tir re8pcinse. 'TI tendher, MI@@ Brownu, toir] me if 1 ses a gued girl 1 wouid grow nu into a pret ty lady. but if 1 sens nausiity 1 woul( gruse up iuto an ugly one." Her mother sw a chaneutf 1îointini a moral," so oh@eaid: '-Yes, dear, that le quite tru." Little Ethel Bat ho sileut thougît forE fese ninutes. Thon cie buret out: rThon selat a seiier]d littie girl Mi@ Browen muet have been." The Diffrente. "Welf, why dont you say you i st you were a man'?" asked Mlr. Pcott@ dur ing (ho littIe discusion ho seas havinp sethieIs pouoe about moine matters r domestfr management. rll.ecanse I dont wish anythlng of (hI sort,' ehe retorte]. "n only wish yo seere one." Shs Lowersd Mer Guard. Ber Hosbad-Il a man steale, u matter sehat It le, ho wiiI Ilve to regr Jiu fr- Our conrtds1p p FiARM8S-We have a=lagelist of LAbbe Wiyfistii ss, Ibms o usse d lot@ vilae. DMowyo àAusTnx. 40-ti FARM FOR SALE-No bttsrfarm ln Lake county, prices nowbie. AruTEU L STAXFOID. ROUnd L&aieIll. 14-tf. FOR SALE-Choice.lots lu C. Frank Wrlçht'a addit&on, 50x150, for 020000, DyoDAu@Trî%. *2u~.O0mail*80.00.DyMxin40-tf FOR 8ALf-Acre lots on Dymond'a subdIvision, close to tosen and elctrie <ais. PislO.O hiarA5i 40-tf_ 1 .in ate.ohsmf b. 1,1usd hib T- Paul MilcGffn afld Orvîs£D*anubien, thenco south twenty roda, thenco cast Attorneys. tweuty rods, thonce south twcuty rods - te the Bection line, thence east twcuty STATE 0F f LLNOIF, Couuty çt roda, alood the section lhue dîviding Lake, s. Sections 21 sud 28 nlula(at mention. TO ALI, PERSONS INTERESTED:- cd Towuship, theuco South ton roda, Taie notice that a petîtion te have theuce East twepty rode,. hence the property whlch la bounded au foi- South ten roda, thence East twenty Iowa, to-wlt:- rodas, thouce sonth twienty roda, 1heure Commenclugset a point et tho Inter- estt wuty rods. ta the haIt sctin section of the east Ue of Section 24 lIno lu section 28, thence South twr'nt> lu Township 44 North, Range 11 East roda aloug sald hiait section lite. cf the 3rd Principal Meridian, by the theuce eaut thlrty rode, theuce sroth south flue of the rlght of way ot the twenty roda to (he South lineofutihe Chicago & Milwaukee Electrlc Raf troar] Northwest quarter of (ho Northearrt Company, aunîliois corporation, rua- quarter of sald Section 28,. (lîr-e nlng 1heure south aloug smid esast hue Eas.t along sald quarter quarter ]fle to (ho urthweat orner ut the outh(oteoti-woaterly lins et the pubî- te te nrtbwst orne ofthe out lIc hlghway, theuce mlong thc South- thilrty acres of the South West quarter westerly lîne of the public highway te rof Section 19, lu Township 44 North. Its intersection wlth the eaet fluneof Range 12 Est of(lie 3rd Principal the West hait of the BasE hlait ot the Merîdlan; thence sont %0 the east lue Soiîthwest quarter et the Norihourit of the West haîf ofthte West hall of quartèr ot sald section 28, Uiorrr-r tic South West 4narter of Section 19 2ciito tehe haIt section fUne. (hi-er' lu last mentloned Township, theuce East along the haIt section inr- 'fti South to the South East corner uft he roda. theiice South twenty 'nu., Northi Wesrt quarter of the Nurthwest thence Earrt ton rod, (henre Srriîih aquarter ofth(le North West quarter oftiweuty rode. thence East tweutn i ds, section 30 lu tast meîîtilerl tOwir thence South tweuty. roda, theure East ihlp; thence West to the Norrth West( tweuis rods to the Fast (Une ot aid corner uft(he East haIt of the Somuth Secthin 28, thence South tweuts rii; West quarter ofth(le North West quar- along the soritcaait fUe te the Qui 1,1 ter oft(ho Northi Wesrt qruartr'r of raidl narter ]lire, thence West alîrg aidi Sectionr 30, theuco Souîthrulorg the qurarter qruarterlune ton rode, irr rid A' eW t nle of sair] Eaut hait. and rorth to the south lineofot rid sai West lhue exten 'd to the North ihenu28, theuce West alaug said souritî wolrt coruer uf the- Eastihail ofthîe rection unr' to (ho West lintofrthi,î oSrruthw,-eL quarrer rot the Foriîhwest Fast hait oft(ho Sonthoast qirartir-oi quarter of the Nrrrwr-c qruariter oftrire Srriihr'ast quarter of said si-r-h rrald Sectionu .21 therrrr Ea-st iritho 28. (hoer' unorth to the North rîrrar i-r Ncrrheair i ror ofrriamlui-i urrmor qruartrrle. (heure uorth twentuus rf Oler] Fai-r irait f uf arn r-îîrhwoei i hurce \Vrot twouty rods, ilow rqurarrer ofthel'Sorrrhwst iquarter rof Northli wo(îty rorle, heure \ c1-ii tir-- North mi î.r( rtirrr-i n -rîrri, nul,. ttreurr' Northll ourrds 1h-ý alorrrgito. Fr rrî <ln simil FrI nilf i-i-r lorios to the quartr ( rt- trr Iller iait sectionr (ru"(if iiirl - Ii-r ( lu' ihui-rr- Northi afong tir'(, î i 'lio rr irr. ai-itri iih,- >.I lir ri rfhrrrioer (rire loir rode (th ern r u - rar Il rrrco rn riftheir \\-i- i rr-)tm r n ight riigle', wlth lai-f uenliiirr- i;r. eir. Northwn-it qur' i irrth(Sorril i rI oirr. Oner orth t(O (lu' r1 e rrtr-r-of tuaur] Suerirr i lrr11 rth io, - er nr Irrue or tait section 2.i -l rSutrrhralrrug thr- ra-t i i r-rtf .raid werr-itroîrrods. ihencr' Northi1,r r 'r'ri i Ih nr' quarrer-. nf tait Qirarti r lrurr qîrartor fine, 4heun'- f i t Qiiair S i-(r-iiirr r (,i' - (rrrih or -ii rr Io.ti ihe' hait section (1r,1- iru i1 i'r 'i-rrft (li re- East . r n(lIg th, sectioni, tilic r reirt thlrty rrrrl r!iI rjarlr-r quartr ir-rIn (ir ihr- 'Nîrin, et ihe qrerrrr-qurarterhUne. theur- -'i,*1 cornrer of thile'cari-i«hn..qtiiaie-rts o lt'uv rods.-. herre 'west (t-(r"--'l' tiie SenirFast qurairrioftheîSoutrh- (henco North t'a rode. (heur'- \\-t 'eei,t quai ofutsain Section -0. iwr'nty rude. ihouro North ri'rr1"Iý ttheurce Southi aiong tie Wr'st lin.' ut ihonce werrt ten roda 'te the'il I- alitila-t i îrrr-nerd i-ai-ihr-qra r qurarter ]i rue. theure coutlnrg r'-f tes on-tia point Threr' irîndreti Fui O rrrt.- rois. theirce uorth ft> id stsxairr i -x roths 4 ;4r; r; tret nîrth the North tIneofutsair] cccIiii', rtf thie soritr lin irt i-aid nrseclti rr thpico w est on ea id north trrh'ie, i, s.îid lai rur-iiiourd irirti irilg onrçrirrr'r.tIr-tie North ten rode.i . th ii-rort h (lîr ' of lanidi.s ireri 1ri A I Wosi (crirode. i hi-er' North ir o' Il.(n, ' . i r ia i ,jarallefIruto Ilor irî-r-ii r-t etiîn rode. thr'rr<- Sothiii i. ,tf-ald5 ii],tion r o t i", h o e heireWest tc'1", hait seCi toîr lîrro rf iaild'rsetin. r( ire s Ioi limeft section21, thei-rrr'i, tiîî-îr-' Sortl aur ir- ri; hal soectlri rirrr fi ort,"rimois, (heur c - un-rîi, i :- i anm:i in21rsainli-t Srirýrîr rr'( nruthe nrrh lune 'l r' ir'iiii n-(>ii . ul i I oir uthe 'NorthlUner i Sîîrriir',i tquartier of tiir-e orf sr- ion ; liituw4i- :; Norithi cr-i îiar,r n frtsectioni R-arnge 1*- Fastof ii ir. ni l rirlîr; enrîl id îwi-lli tie estr'I-i i r! Mrirdiar, iliriv e aa rîrr 'ie- iIhIru of'I'ifn-Srniiibcast qrr.r i. -o liie of thtii- \rrtîrot ' i..I of 'theI,'- -Inn j - . il, irre uorth tlut -Ii inrrthî-rrit qîrli of .Secionrr t; Ini -aid i r-r i-r ,r; -- r un rode. (liee ' ' N,,i i art rr-rini-lTriwnshirip (o the,- ttii- r, i riiiec-inre efgut -ii. 1 lire rif cuir N(irriliýe e-i ruair, ofu i-.ii ' rir- r,'ialrur cald hlt -r ,ii Northil, Fant riair- lerr sou;î IIî Iîjln i rr-rcîrteiofr iricur sectîi i ulîrutil:- Eat i-tre outsalrd Qîtart"I-, r l -i, ,tr'\'estru, ihe Hasiri, - Quîartrer btIr-heNoritlisi- r <oruer o t ,. n, litre ii rIe nChicago.,XMilr-..i. tire Scnî ie.î t quarter ut sali Nouit 1h- 1& r ýPaulIilitR, o..tlrerie-nc, î oser qrîar r -i.ileice East uIuuq tire wesO-i caluni i-arn rasi richi rfil Nr-th Ilire it ralid Soir herast Qruarter unr- îrra ipoint t iweoui sfisc- r i n iu lii salnt Nrri' ast qurî ter te îhe Eas.t SurIl frn ihi' iorrirpire of th,- su il (Illeof i-aid Section i. îrene.North cast ia!rer of th,-e r ir -rquaii alunzg the FastfUne of, ihISert ion 6- rit section T wci-t r r, Tir nsih r, for i erght'vri rdi tu ihe Nurtheust corner rhre irrili raîrue 12 oust out he l'cri ut surid S-ctionr6.; herrre East aloug F NI .- heure (Irn East to tIr' hlf ( ie Nrrir iii--outSec-tion 5,Townshipîîsection UIr,-ni ofcaid S'ctiin2f),thclor-e- 4.! Nocrrhr Rairue 12 Eact of the Ird P. nîrîir (rotire Nurtht'ar. coruer ot tire NI., ahbou(t ortý roda to aber' the pub- Poîiiirras qurtr of the Northweci lic hlubsa; torils aundrouetssotitheaet qruartrî-otfi-ai-i Sîetiorr 20, 1heure aeri, - rece alrrirg the tenter ut eaid Ea. r Hi r, r is, arlog(ho qui- pirudeir iglirayanto e he ast lite out(ho ter Qiraroî liir-roft :.l scerion Wesot hait uftrire Northweci Quarter îweiîty3 hpo, e rrîi ai rigît utofihe Norihwst quarter ut section, angles fotooy rrrri -ilîrrîce tiec fise mini-aid last ureuiouerl Township, forty rris lii theolirait'rionflure ot theure South te (ho North lire ot the sald Section 21r, iboriîr rortî aluîîg Southwect quarter outhter'Northwesi sair] hait seetiorn iii rîrt-,iiorth fOlire equarter of i-aid section fivo. (heure ut sair]saction,. rIr'ie- urrh alune (hi' Fast aiong thie Northflune oftist men- hait sectionî hue ofution 1rîr 7 luninair n(louer] quarter quarter to the East litro township eighry roîlster o renter of ut ofsald quarter qurteur, theuce seutir the îpubflie blghwau. hi rr-e oet afoug aioug tIc said East lune aur] sair] Easrt the tenter ot the pbircîhîeiihway tweu- liii,' xtouder] to (ho Northwest corner ty roda, (heure Northi rie Itundred ot the Soritheanit quarter oft(ho North- twouty rode., iherre'wr-i irarailel (o wet quarter ot Section Elght. lu sair] (ho hait section litre cii-rnroda to the )fTownîship lai-t nîcutioner]. thence Est southwest corner uftihe' Northeaat atoiîg (ho NortIhulie ot the Southeast quarter oft(ho Southeuci quarter ut quarter ofthîe Norihwest quarter oft(ho Northwe8t quarter (rf salit]secetion ci snalofl inr8 erutIr'heNor(heaat cor- 17, thenco nortl forie, roda to (ho uer of oui,1 Quarter Quarter. (honte quarter lino, (heure w n-r-r orty ro)de Souîth atong (ho hait soction lino tae(oe(the conter of the Nuitl est quarter the r-enter ot raid Section Elght, ut salol aettion 17, (heure North elgh(y i- iheuce eas( aloîre the hait sectiou 1100 roda te tho uorih lire of naîr]sectiun te or(y rodeamrei i i- este (ho NortI- 17, (heure West tweu(v ruds. (herce y ast corn er ufthîe West hall ut the Northi torty rode. thenro eest tweu(y Northweet Quarter of the Sotithoast roda, theure North ftony rude to tho quarter ut sair] eetiol 8. (heure South North lineofo the Sou(Iwr'st quarter to thre Northlueoft(he.i' uthwestquar- out(he Sorithwes( quarrer ut section (8trorfut(ho Southean.t quarter ut saîr] Elght, lu Townshl)i toile rhree North. Id Section S. thenre EacstoterIe East Range 12 East out(he r!r] Principal line ut sair latneniiouod Quarter Merîdian. (heure NortI w (tho conter leQuarter Section, (heure South aiong uft(ho Northwest quanrtrofut(ho Southi te the Fast hune qt eald lai-t uren(ioued weat quarter of sair] Setionî,S. (heure ,yQuarter Quarter section te the North West eighty roda to the router uft(ho fie tSeCition Seventteulu las mou- Northeast quarter of the Southeai te iolled Townshlip, theirr oSuîrlaoug quarteroutsection 7 Ir cuir] (owu (ho East lino ut the Noribsiest quarter elip. thence North tu thoeirurtîh lte 01 ofîtihe Northeast quarter ut sair] Sec- (hoeaoîtbeast quarter outhtIr'North tion Seveuteu. elghty rods. (heure root quarter ut said Sectirrnrj. (hou-er East te (he North M'est rorner oft(he east to the east lineofut cin sect ion 7 ltEst threo-quarters ut the Suiutheas.t theuco north aloog rioet un( le nrf r quarter uft(ho Northeaei quarter ot sair] section, tor(y rrcN. lieuce' ai - aid Section rieveuteoin. ibeirre South riglit angles West (hirty iris, (henri -along the \West lineofuth(liEaset thire -nrth turty roda to (he 'suril lino or er quartera ut sair] quarter quarter ac- eald Section 7, (heure \\c i teir rod! tion and t ho saîr]M'est( hue exte(niddto thc Southwest corne ir i the Eue' oj e t ho soutivreet corner oft(hoeFast hlItofthtIcSotîtheast qîrîrier oftht( oe thiee-quarters ut the North haIt ut the Southest quarter utf SecîtinSix Ir asNurtheast quar-ter out(ho Poii(theaet sair] last meotionecl tuwssîre î. (houer t- quarter ot saîr] Sectionr I7. (heure North elgîty roda to the irîrth wr'c id eaet aluug (he o srithbouills ut the curuer ut Bair] East half it ru-ae Wes sair] Hast three-uaiers, tor(y rode to twenty roda. (heure Northr iixty rode g tho Nortlieast corner out ho M'est haift(heure West ton rue.ois 1,iere orti ufth(e Souilicast quarter oft(ho Northi- twenty rode te tIe hait sc tion Iiiu east quarter uft(ho Southr'ast quarter ot section six lu sain Tuansip1. theuî a1 ut eaid Sectiou 17, (honte South (o (ho ce West ton rodse(te(ire North pulicirhigtDwaY, thene wea( abîm e i'west corner oft(ho Nouibe.r i quarte les North huunds oft(ho sair] public higli ufth(le Fouthoast quarter or sair] sec way toeflic West lineof tsui West flou six, (heure due Westlir, the ceni liait. (heure South along (ho west lino (er outh(le publice bwriirunnini ut sair] Wethait and saidM'est(Unlino nrth aur] south tlirough the -eact bl inxtenrled (oe(lie H(liSectionuliue utflofsaid section six, (heure lIn a uor(iî ilh Section Twenty lu saîr] Towuchsp. rry sud nur(heasterty direcrtion alonr r- (heure Eaat to the Northeast rorner _o enter flune utsair] pubilic highwa: g ot the Southeast quarter ut sair] Sec-1lu a point twenty rods duco sou(h o oI tien 20, (heure Southltt he Southweett(ho uorth lineofo the Souîra est Quai corner outh(le Nortliwest quarter outer(orfuth(leNortheas quîarlr-r of sai. ne (hi' - -ort.1e-- quarter1utt-e -ou ecin6 her u ws i ho liai wlth valuablo tage Save your tags from HORSE SHOE Muste rbotan ome TwIt JT. STANDARD NAVT TINSLEY'S 16-oL, Maturai Lnaf SPEUR HEAD ffl JOIY Tir Nwy GlU Statumau «d PeU 31k fkw y-ups- W.L Thdsk's 50atuf ?10, 1908 wcst quarter oft(ho northwest quarter tient drainage aur] sanitary henefita fui ut saînl section 6, (heure North (o (le (o (he- lands lcreiînahlove rlircrihed to f ho ombracer] lu saindriatage distrIt, quarterfluensud continîuing North( oonzr hai(ieIe itoeet à thir(y rodeaîîarailel (o (he renter Iline will treseut sain t iion un the ('ounu- e ut Raidl section 6. (heure Hast at riglit (y Court ufth(e Couiiiy ut Laine sudà angles fu the wost riglit of way line State ot Illinoiset atho next Aîgust MI ut the Chicago, Miwaukee & Sf. Paul terrm thereut. to-wit. at teu oelucIr lu h R. R. Co.. (heure Nortiuerly aiong,(ho tho turenoon utof oiday the 3rd day e,1- saIi wesierly riglit ut way fine ut sair] et August, A. D. 1908. or an soin there- $18 Ral roar] Compauy (o the renter uftheflcater as coul eau le beard. astth(le a publtie hIghway ruuning easterIy sud room lu (ho court bouse lu (ho City ac westcrly (broiigh the Soutbwest quar- ot Wankogan. lu tho Cornnîy ot Lakne am (or ot Section 31, lu township 44 North, atoresaîr]. orrupler] Iy thIe Couuty :à Range 12 East outhfe 3rd Principal Court as a Court Ronfmasad witl thon fit Merîdian, (beeSomtlwesterly along aur] (bore sfsa hearlue lapon sair ] the renter luesot sair] publie hlghway pedeun (o (he Southeast corner of the South- Dater] (bis eigbth day o u lii.A D ti east quarter ot section 36 lu Township 108 e 44 North, Range 11 Hast ofth(le 3rd P. foiT .HEDE M., thi-ueo west alung the teuter ut Cterk ut the CouutyCounrt ut Latte 1 saîr] hlgbway tlutheleiait section lino County. Illinois. ai ut said section 36, (heure NortI alune sair] halftsection in o t ho Nrth lIne ut salid section 36. (heure ,W'et atoug An Annuel Appropriation Ordinance salit NortIhfine to the' Souhwes( cor-N.16 uer uft(ho southeast qtuarter et thoeo 10 Sou(hwest quarter ut P2ection 2Z lu Au ordînanuieappîroPrlatfnu snob onz or cui] actulutiue tu-uhil. heue csumo f moneonjeionuird nerissary by the irrth une hnidre townhiprdstu he 'bonard oftrustes 0f tire village of Lfberty- nort on hunredsixt ros totheville (o defrar ail uerrsaeii expouses aur] haIt section liîî orutsînir section 25, îabirlltlea utfesi vilage ut Libcortîvltle for lIeu,' aut(o liccontr u sar] ec-and durînutireficiat near enring tle 3set lion 25, thenre Nortorty ronqteruthe Be lit ordained Iv tie reoSidet and board dC north lineofuttIe aut(r halltout(heor ftrustees ofthtie vllage ai Llbertyvii(e. r eritweot quarer out(ho nortliosst IakeonNîi. ht for eesas.xe" quaiter nf esalit cecun ris-ont rilve, aur]iabilities ofttrvitlage cf Lîbertyvilie. il heurce -r-ai-r(rtiî.weatl-t tInofrthettifrad rnc t e fnes[ trear enriluah &Mh $lotjeai. Ishr areby appropricter] eriithwei-t quitro f thtIr'northeai the merclsums ni moaev heri'lDmetOned , nianrtutofcuir]cuhu25. Ihouice nertf' dsco0laly.8etrtir8tra0f tSay-: lu alonii utro st hue outhter'souihenaf For the purpoeof ut cîdil n an-itre h ra qnînnrr it lu'rurhwol uarer t nlsri countinguent iex sso!tre rs- quate ofth ;irtwnt uarerofald] viaetire soun cf iur tue trundrer] sali scrlin i2,to fur-e soitlwe',t cor Oudaim. the ssld appropuriai ton oai trri-aus niei ofîl ue r heaturtrrer ofntIhe iruadred dollars. to lerieriveil trou salooa - iueuses &abi hlerus oi-rier nlliiard Lrlief. un)tir, ls iir-1i rai ru- i cf iai 5r1r(ioui 25. pool tables, bowin I(eoeaur un thr ir. uri iiv5ennui roui-. mmm e s11,1ilioecuses.thse otIMatýi'ni suc0nat cfreipts (unir- r cri-rd',ni liir Ille , e. , nue frou snobisources bel se98 failiwnu i ii i -i ii!ii nl-i i imr'rierintoProie saion i ieseest - '..- .ieraiWDe Iiiii(irýil 1ii-ll ofls th nriinort to Promfi d liard tahles. puri, abi-s.n Su [i Ililo uilu!lin-nulf-sort nrctiori 2, foiraiieys and rtuer i- s..t 6055,1- lu-mur- s r ni i- .i i un, in lh n' nine 1 m klns a total o 1 ut -1,o. banderil W 0ciasfm soin aula linrsh ar nrunura(ed iii, ofnihnî imi ii lit, ,*olltlleq.t (crr e uport Ose uf sadut ouiirgsnt laind ec qriarter outhmn--miilils nuquartrrrttrrof gah acuteaieu unred aund -,toli24 il ali to ii,,ii 44 Noil fft donar, est. drri eli fron t-i (llee s i - ir iunr ' li nri nr -r i- unr -I rrîi1 tu his aipropirutei as Ibel na!-r irosvider]. lt.uîî.r il Fin t fIre r t r nicrrunitowir une tiroa.anr] dollars, ta the Ruai Mini (unr iiti1io unr iii ulongIlli ,' .-iand lbridai(mur] aud sîght hundrer]aud i ioil'l, f he ai] q ai, , (itiny dorlarsr, te estreet ilg nilsin aufond riruri rf ii, il . mii. i liu~rh(r)lit ofSi ali iniuOa (unI suoan-ru- iil'-ihiii, ofri run -rturrur'4 1unI,îtor]rial!Ile.naid these S.ry exireus lit tkLn mnrini(ur-of sin rurauiii cquairOfI ilrtiO.C unil(tu eaid vililage, salaris ut iii -ocmin nirîrcure'aii aunrg tr, tire Boardnt ntrusteses. salaries l tur ctin> holce et 111119tll' Ofune n,- onroal hnoard of Iuuinroveer.rnts ioht(urn crifalti qiririer qrhuter s-e-salait crfsillage tres-urer.salai cof vllage miii toiru (r ld irer] fnîr fthnen l u -r'ier,. *lec tur village attorney. maircioai S ;lrnotiOr ti-e ampano, rpalIng aur] die e- uni iii th' soui r i chtr %ut bvuilding fIlage blidicg a sudoPeratn ln s lnrlin in h,' Flgin, lIr--r& ("riteru isaer workos ad making imtroveurente to Ituila r,> onrtnmrsfillette, uriuh east saler wisk asteai. xrocurfDg addltlonal Dose andI hase cait (or lire protection and unnrg flue-Sorîrh houanR rIs niaiRail- tre alaru agratleg a total&niOf rieS 00 nea n rtnin lii , rire (rointiii r -re (le For thi- panrrrse ut ps, ing fer police Ciiun- mni n-ci uiun (in 'mnunn li protiriî(osinalivillage----------...0Mo D 'arto 1 il)"r.ertý(1 y th, rghtFn.',re n-reuse cf(ainmg eaarn of of av lun îtîe 'mrao& 'fiaarh strete ,maisiuun idaa ilage .... siaceO r Ii ru Raiir-rrnnCoi'rr Mnre- irear-u-iTotoloiiugvat fouî as o the. - iumn (oi iia ry lI urit cr i n For (le tnurnu,e ofi;(aing for repairs. main. ilrlornirrui dlaro:iuan i-in, airi ru, tenau.-, nUunrrotesud cnusruetion Y Pla 'f af"('111 ad asar lvl -tlag>e of LlbirtrVile. tire scuMut r' Illinisi.orzurui/r-.! un a draninage- xwu ilousaurl i Ie lnrdroo doilarP. i42500-00) r l s mild f i'-u t hur î l rticer, ru(Ilu. ui îal-auustri-rri noliars sait DiseP, r!. ~ Coli iofît tiirrnîCostiunr- dprîved frmusidul on nuit othor hutes the rtii(oietimater acunoraivni iii as e hea belorei -rfi. Lke nul Sitfi rutIllhinois.un made is 84ir.o. i innr. igirli naiutfinir, 'sA.PD((u908,andi TIhmnalancesnti siru u( non ibOUssr] unrra r, (hfi. Ini ire offcr.ofialdIcve i' ndr] it rsi- Luiît. nu.ur tanuiw sud t(vu'buinreer]tri li s is cru e ralseri Si i liik,(r li i ii piar-i uni (itn' irioflose. taxation. itier iil,,he iest i ikite Drain, Pur thepirepnci ofutpaylihe eixpeusea ut hglt.ngtire streetsasuripublie piacces oi nu" eDitIricuer lirerrnuind,-iî(err'ut as tire aloresaii muaiorLihe tu'vhlc hie c ns Iniiiirred uiaurd iilitiicnticiforanre us of iaîteen hiunred ari Sitty dollars.Io t r' iilrualure r-ated.-ulTilini un- cartlmg isrlir suon rgît iundreriansurf ttY dii5r8 siral i b denu ver] (rom saison andtItier unouerrinl n d ziinrI lit,- ilacses. tire estimnattod amout t fusieirasm i iniltinulof(heo runinrd aurknin raId le,-enetore mateIe Pforzyn-lue iundrer] arltiOre 1,tulues . 1cr ait: thuntau- Iliii? dollars..i Tire balanefutsaltd sar ofilgirteen iii- ai-i trai Mnrimmupon t fresalinlino-irunutier]d,ftti'doltars t-uît, nue thon- a -r] w ont ofsaurlit distri ch lah hoieser]dollars istaff (crali-er]by taxation. .I 'l'uhe' interetinm ofuthe nurirul Fur tue pumpuce uf pSy Tua tire turt ré- litallueut et mater aestsoibt wamrrant f iel- or water couirse asno(ua locat- No. lndr]tiird Instamument fsewr warrant 'l r iiiiiirg nur(horlY and] curulirl; It Ns. ln ar]intesi surIstrict rosslugt antIr mh orthu]flre rotsaur] land,, hIrroi-ri'nars(u saure, saur] suin to leralsed bir taxation S$NO u. alunlir doscebr o ]e ne iraeeîî ln a Pur 1lets ucoose of paynutir e il for H drainage district t10lir,' rnnaizerandr] sereheen coioet as rendirer] oy Village 8 tipreinlreus of(hoeuori, ',tlrîîlue aiEngieer u Oeon o swer ou'IJetslm aia te (cralser] by taxationth ie nul, thl n irî(îi-ct iuu o u lt rid iatiunril -tran- ourtee) mrr, c i uI Inn 1 'ýthe sorth filleirîtsali land, Pu, tiefre a&cssol parIse semneu]ustai- heonraunoe cerir'Ioin t, omr-îe ment an inhterest ou tire John Wuolrfr]ge nites to ire rsised ci, taxation tiresuma ni adranageodisict t in (ne orguunizeni. , fr$s75 ne. unir]tîe routue nt esalit a ontshalh ire=For tIi, ourpuse ut panlng two vater bonde w alon sai chr unr ila evariationu ut nr sald village-thsoinuof itceehundrer] alung aii rlrnrn(dollars eacO. Nos, 9 antI us touetbor wltihoeY cuir] chaunel a-i ciai ire hosutfon drain- tuterent ou tirs water hondeanad ln(euvst 0oS r uge siud criritan rrnruîposee ai(h oriel$450.te 0f seer honds of saîr] vIllagle, tfre Irnîre connections a., tuf givo sair] aimof *u5I.n (to le ralaer] Sp taxation as taud heeinirus dren- ilei l ho c Aount of bonds 9Saur]d-------... t hraced in salit drainage district tri bc Interest on tîooo.0oor0fwaterhi er r;Ijîr oreauizr-d. efficieuntdrinîage suri (heo nu ear------------------------...... 0 sanitanromefeti îltenetnom. aur] tho tuterest ou sower bouide 15450.001for2500a une Yeu .,-.-....................... pruposed aurk eha)i eoueie( ut mailing eflefeuci on autlectinîr un iwe ut sorti dî(chpsor or îue utofsurI bonds .......... a....... a2 0n syrter rouirse i-ruconurses, artifiieal or For the pururose.of paying aueui otherT il-u=oses not enumerater] above aud sueil othera se. as i-init (ret furulal eff1- f n b e kuown as tire unapproprlted1 Tags from the above brands are good for the folowing ad naq ~So useful presents as shown by catalog: Gold Cuf Buttons-50 Tmg. Steel Carving Set-200 Tmg. Fountain Pen-100 Tags Best Steel Shers-75 1'ag English Steel Razor-50 Tags Lady's Pocketbook-50 Tage Gntlemans Watch-200 Tage Pocket Rnffe-40' Tmg French Briar Pipe-50 Tags Playing Cards-30 Tags Leather Pocketbook-80 Tags 60-yd. Fihing Reel--6O Tmg Many merchants have supplied themselves with preents with wbich to redeem tags. If you cannot bave your tags redeemed at home, wrgt u for catalc«. PRÇhIUM DEPARTMENT -TH E AMjRiOA1ITOBCO O, S&c'd e ie above stforth te b. eedby = 19.OUtà agareEste amount of shîih la 16»1»5w e, rtateddaproporfiongte ir5estio55 d total a..,Ut la <ses iinre to reesive or collectsaid q1 arin of t.50~ he deidoencysa edueted pro rasa irum uald Y=« us n&s ,,cTou 13.Aillothor expe e h&pp ,- loue and caâh balano. iornti. sseaIi enrlnu Maroh $let. A. D.. 190&a."e000=flls fr the. Purposeeof Whjch ther wer appm. priatsd. @Bc= i é. That tbla ordtnance s"ah O acd the same la declarsd lu feul fort~.a iffect irom and after It passage and pbla Ion acooortgtlw EuavB.Koa FesdetVillage BoiUd. LARL R. OoLErr. Village Cferk. Attest Ps.sed Juo i . e Apiiroyed Ju ô .1108. 0 Utilsed uy 10, 1505. Notice for Bids. The uiidersigncd, clerk of tire board of lirectors, of 8chool District, No. 70, le ready to receive any time within ton day. il the date if this notice soaied blde for ire coruetruction of a cernent block sebool bouse, 24x3r2. Specillcations may ho @Pou upon application to, him. The broard reserves tdie right to reject any and ail bide. Bld to lie let to the lowest reponmihie biddor. Rai'ni-v TiiomÂs. Clerk ofi the Boardl of Directore. July 10, 190)8. Libertyvilie, Ill. Horse and] Horse. Ttc lishop nI Londlou at adinner lu Warrhingtoo toid a story ar he cigare -aine on about one of hisi predeecesors. -When Dr. Creightou wne Bishop of l,oudoni,*' ho eaid, "hie rode lu a train rue day seîthe rurall, meek eurate. Dr. Creiglitrru, au ardent lover of tohacco, roon look out iis igar case and with a m]i lelhe Raid: You rirut uminci my irioking. 1 eup- DomS." Tire mcck, pale littît rurate lnwed ud anuerfel huinbly- "'sot If your fordship doeunt mid xnY ioing m.' What Price? Floneymooninig lu the Alpse. Tbey were eiimbîng the Sehnupfcigapfenopit- a'u peak, and @she stood above him Romne twenty feet. -What ho"' he gased. Vh1at do yîu se?" "Far, far bofow," e ecrIer, "I @e a long whiite streak, stretching ie a paper rîlrbon back almoet te, our boteîl" -Ha, hal'* ie ejaculate]. l'Il bot ut ro that blesser] hotel bill overtakinu nef AXnd thr'y proceeded ouward anur i- reard. A Negligent Captain. Mise Fire.rhiy-Wbat are theso men working mo hard at, papa? MIr. F.-They are weighiug the anchor, My dent. "Goorincei, how abetird' If the cap- tain vrauts tui know thc weight of the auchor wby doesn't ho have it weighed beforchand aund not wait until w5 g5t ready to start, and] thou keep us waiting (or the muen to welgh it wlien we are aIl ready tr) go?" Eleat progtrates the nerve@. lu the summer one needem a toutc to off-set the eustomary hot weather Nerve aund gtre.ngth depression. You wili feel better reithin 48 hourt. alter hegiuuing to tube much a remcdy as lir. Shoop'a Reetors- tive. Its prompt action lu reetorfnu tbe weakened uerses issurprieiug. 0f course, y'ou won'tget eutirely strong lu a few d a, but cach day you cao actunally feel the improvement. r That tirer], 11h le, piritloee, feeling will quickly rlepart when, using the Rostorative. Dr. Sboop's Restorative, wlI eharpen a1ai-. ing appetite; it aide dîgeeton; it wtll utrenortbon the weakened kidneys »d hoart by simply rebnflding the ýworn-out nerves tbat; these organe depend apon. Test if a few days and be convlnced. Sod by ail Dealers. Atag from a 10-cent picce wll count FULL value y Atag froxu a 5-cent piace will count HALF value TO BACCO 7 11 -ý 1 ý .1 llil r-

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