JUi~#1o5 1~~Q$~ A Family Beverage Healthful, Cooling Stimmer Drink d - ea, a à2AU Ea.uraoa th1yOlt famlly te drinILK Misi Grn.an lrd masr.I It rfrashss. fnvd.ratemy gbs. Palatb. sud ae izlsg. Ki.n* isser Me. Md 190"e ar masite Pure. 1.14 .yarywbsre. !F. G. KLEIN CO.. DIJRLINGTON. Wl,. DO 'YOU WANT A PIANO ? j If so come n su ad try the larnous SCHAEMF SCHUETE *Piano, et your d4sosai t our store at ANY TIME. Yu Win be plamedwith it. STRANG'S FURIIITURE STORE GEO. E STRANO LICENSED UNDERTAKIFR * Prop. AND EMBALMER Tickled? Of course, why not--- We sel! the SCIIAEFFERI PIANO W. comisider ourmeivea v.ry fortumnate au t la a u trUment n0o one b..tltate<tO boy BECA USE I LONG LAKE I ORAVSLAKE DIEPARPTMENT F J.DRJCfdLtOfPhuiNo. Il Ordera Takan for job Work Advertoslflg RateS On Application Igre. Georga Kappleufl% spending the wsek at Lake Villa. mi"e Cora White in the guest o! ber1 parents, tir. and lire. Andrew White. Mdime Mary ethoru, of t)uerlleld, speut1 Baturday andi Sunday at home. Alex Tanner, of Autioch, was a guet at thý Joe Turner home Munday. Mdrs Seashaite, of Witclîata, KaL, j viniting friends here. Misses Blle Alian and (iyneth lOich are1 )pndig sveral days with frieds ut rbana and hampaigu. D. latearns. o! Quîncy, and Mr- Ham- berg, o! Chicago, were goets of T. A. Reynolds Wednesday. Mise -Clarabel Noa, of Chilcago, le the guet of Mins Reberta Harvey. Mige Cors Lab)dell visted friende at Lake Villa and wadsworth the latter par t o!the week. Atty. Churchill gave the address o! weicome Jnly 4th wh!ch wae followed by a ronslng addreffl hy Atty. Stearne, of Waukegan. Mir@. Wm. Emmone and two YOungeslt atjd -Waukesha. eden rlaivs Misses Maude andi Eunioe Turner epent Tueeday witb frients in Auntiocil. John Morse entertained a cousin f rom Iowa over the Fourth. guet o! bis parents Saturday andi Sun- day. Mises Alice Smthi, of Chicage. i seueu- ing ber vacation wth ber miother. Harry Geary, mail carrir (on the rural route is takinie a twe aceks vacation. Mir. and Mmr. C. B. Harelîn, ef Lake Villa, are rejeiciug over the arrivai of a son. hemn Juiy 4th. MmRe.fudoîpti Brocupp and gou , alse ber siter, Mies Katp élever were gusete .ef Win. !abne anti family severai tinys. Jesse Lewis, a! Mamchegter, la.. was the guet o! D. G. White and family and John Morse anti wile Saturday and Sun. day. lire. T. E. Stevens andi ciltiren, o! Franklin Park, are guenta of frisutis bers. Eti Coombe returnut IoteOak Park Sundtay ater epending a week with his cousin, Gea. Combe, at Gages Lake. No serions accidente occurred bere the Fourth. Evert Hoek receiveti a elight wound lu the rlght leg wlth a blank cartritige andi Clarence Bowe@ received onu o!flthesaMmenature in tbe rîght baud imm te dexi drsTdeby phsiciae t avoid any de o!boodpoyion.4 aoD y a.nrBofu ad wlpo!on. gai', arn at Gages Lake this month. ln spite of the bad weatler G rayelaku celebrated. Everything went off ag the prograce rond, rain or shin-. At 10.30 the parade "trted for the grove beaded by A. A. McMillan, Ire chie! and hie assistant, John Mamon x as folio wed by Ed Wagner, 1oreixîani f the englue Company, drlv>igtîieenizine. Theothers oUthe Ofro departînent followed also the Fox Lako anîd Libertyville tire départ- mente. A pony parade wau nett draw- ing a badoomely decerated pony rigo. The Ubertyville bras@ band whicfi furnigb@d mont excellent rousle took their part ln the parade aise. There were gamme çînd races of afil knds on tbe grounde. Grayelake tre departusent wlnnlng ont the Tug o! W'ar and the Graysiake tear n l the î,all game played in the lorenoan with Librtyville ujue, in &agecofo 8 te 2. The afternoon ganie played betweerr Highland Park and L!bertyvlIIe Ramller waa won hy the Highland Park teftin in a Wiore o! 6 tu, 2, bath were good warm games and interetlng froni tart te finish. There was aancing aft.rneen and even- ingenîed by the ýoung and old. A grand dlspiay of! fi ren rks ended tire bappvdaysnd i l etîe-o! the mweather mamqragleg ad ,ecatier tiierevvae a large crowd and the grove and streets were fuit o! people al i a.v Many peele 11u la andsom uw.ring are camne from il around te siend a fe w heure at rysike. A tallOho party rom Libertiville waa aise hiere aud for a tiue (Irayelake society ringled n th tie 400 and ail had a goed tini. WARRENTON Wm. Kelly spent sunday with frieuds Huerian Dalungge lse ntertaining rel- ativee tram Chicage Walter Smith is visitîng with Mr@. M. Dugan. lire. John Sheridan js entertaîning rel-1 atives from Chicago. MissAbraleanî e vimitinig at thbu oe .f Chas. Scbilckur. week at Charlie Johnson'@. A windmill was erected« on the Cleve- land farmn la8t week. Over 800 cadets. from Chicago camped several days on the Long Lake piecmc rTounds last week returning home Tus$- Guy Hook and wife entertained a large crowd of boarders over the 4th. Thom. Graham wae a Waukegan visi- tor recently. W. White wa8 a Libertyvîlle visitor Tuesday. Miss Nef lie Miteliell was a Round Lake visiter recently. H. Gilbert was a Monavihlu caller Tuesday. Miss Mary Stanton was a Grayolake visitor reeently. INGLEIDE, lugleside Camp 3989, M. W. A., muets every firet and third Tueeday o! each montb. Visltlng Neighbors and members are erdlally lnvlted la attend. 0. HOWARD, Ceuncil. 31-tf H. HENuIRICKS, Clerk. Mir. and lir. Elmer1Hook and Georgia Hoa k, o! Loon Lake, andi Mime Irv. Nottiugham, o! Chicago, were guestt the Daziel home Suuday. Mr". Yole, o! Mlburu, ln visttung at the home o! H. D. Hughes. Mir. and lire. Van de Water, o! Mu@ke- gon, Mr. and Mlre. Arthur McClaokey aud children, of Waukegau. speut Sunday with tP. G. Smith and family. Mr. andi Mmr. D. C. Gregg and Mmr. R. T. Mille, of C'hicago , visiteti with H. C. Haines andi lamilyv over the Fourti, Mir. andi Mmr. Mill8enetertained Mir. a"d lirs. George Coruell, Mir. andi Mrs. Harry Corneil andi torothy, of Chicago, several daye o! the haut week. R. W. Chittenden and !aruiiy enter- taineti company f rom Chicago during th1e week. Mise Bazel Gregg, o! Chicago, les apend- lng a !ortnight with lier cousin, Mamie Raines. Robert Bowmnan, an able elocutieniet. witl give au entertairument nt the churcb Friday eveuing. July 24, under tlie au@- lmSâ o! the W. C . T. U. Ail are cordially uvited to corne andi hear him. Oea. Dalziel isited lun('bicago Snnday. Rlobert Camipbell has been viitlng at hie home bers after a succesafni year at Madison wbich won for him the echofar- ehip te Corneil. His friende extenti hearty congratnlations. Several girl frientis !roi Wisconsin ariiings the Miseus Margaret andi FIRT-The PrS is DM 1" low e -ey wPeOPLe w-MIa cbsp _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __sFloyfHawkin.i Piano, go ve woc't lose much busimes on that accouat>. thePe doUbdUlMe to g«ttng funl value). LO I .Y OA ,~tternss go yon mes when the tone lashoard end the price &Duroucmd lit menuesam«>therSCRAEFFER aold MsnrTml lg Wn and entur om mdehapythoegbLake county Titis & Trust Co. Absraco 0 TÏLou ils uarte, d 209 -N. Gnesce Streete j às0S sWAUKEGAN, ILLIOIS W. H.Murphy o J. C.Hale, lot 41, 5 block 43, Northl Chicago. W. D., $10. à_______________________________ C. E. Preston and wlte to Emnma ~ Wagoner, east bal! south hiait lot 57, LA" ROS I.LAMEHighwuod. W. D., $3,000. The th o Juy ceebrtiOnW a Fox Lake Yacht Club tu Fox Lake Ut, r AI~ Tf W Arthur L«e, a! Chicago, W&§ eut at yheClubolotnin cec.bratirantwas d F A R T W Wi 'Nel'a for the F<urth. suee and a very large. crowd attendeti CountryluotuSe.,GrnTp Rt Luu r WU lu spite o! the ehowere. The hall gaine w-D,$1 LiâtMANFACURE OFDr. Butterfielti andi !anily, o! Liberty- between the Raxoblere andi Mareons Was w. W. K. Nixon to Andrew Larsen, MANFACURE 0F ville, opent Sunntay with relatives bure. an excting une and tbe Mamaons won HA IC F~ Iss ida Taylor, o! Wankeganm, and hy a score o! 5 te, 2. The girl' runnînig lots 13 and 14, block 1, Oakland seuh. (1.EIjA~FL~D M rbe a d (ra Frank Fuller,.'Of Chicago, spent Sonda>' race was won by Miss Breteneider, of Waukegan. W. D., $80. CH N E a be n r nite at C. C. Amen.' Chicago, and a siik umbrelia was pre- G. R. Lyon and wlte te T. E. Crs lIr. andi lre. Rubu Rogers and two sentei te lier., The marreti womeu'e tian andi wife, lut 24, Lyon's lot euh. lIAN S M num nts sous, of Chicaga, visitedl ovur tise Fonrth rMce was won by lire. Wmn. A. Rosinig H N SM n m nswith Mir. andi lre. Keler. sehe was presenteti witban album. The uf Fair Groundis, Waukugan. W. D.. lir an lie. awhomu wre au-youg hey' rce auwon by Oweu $650. Ir. anMrs. Hwthorn wer aoddioka'ndrbu cewae gilven a hase hall T.S,. Wadswurtb and i wfe et ai. to Lumber, Shing9leSt Lath, Cemetery Work cof Every kegan visitore Tuesday. bat and thu fat muas race wau wîuub>' M~r,~lr. andi lre. Chambereo cg, Mac Stanford who receiveti a box o! A. . Bndct, lot 28, Wadsworth suh. Posts, Cernent andi C..amLDescrption andi Mr. and Mmr. Fred Croker, o! Lib- cigare. Chas. Rosedeuteclîur caugbt the1 Waiikegan. W. D., $125. ertyvitle, @pet Sundayaet JohnoCroker's. reid pig. Two huntirut tickets were A. H. f ra.n midwl! to T. S. Brown Ah.o MLLWORK C rc~nec olle WilI O'Null hippeti a carioad 1o! cattlseolrd at the dance. Ge. Rosiug and not 0 t et 143 It. lot 11, Me- Correpondnce olc te uthe city Sunda>' nlght. Frank Lowell ahowed a few stuntê with1'mt %'- e GIVE ME A TRIAL Misa Irving, of MUlburu, ia leacblng a pair o! oien ad a donkey wbich kept Daniels' euh. Highland Park. W. D., -music in tbis vicinit>'. the crowt bugy for a !ew heure. Every- $1500. u~. u, A Mr, anti Mre. Dolph Chard anti lem. body bat a jllly tinne. Elizabeth J. WorswAck ta Russie A. F. S. il r., A LF i 6 Ge eseeSt îy, o1 Chia9 visites! wth relative Mr. and Mre. Fleming anti Mr. anti Eherman, lot 6, Woedhlue Park in F . S E D 1 6 e e e t bure over e ý,o Urth. Mre. Goven. of Chicago, "pnt Saturtay Sec. 11, West Antloch Tp. W. D., Mr. anti lre. Evan Lawrence are antiSuntiay with MisantiMmireBeunuan. RUSSLL. u...Waukegan entertamniug a number o! friende froua Qui te a number fram hure attentut the 50 (bu 1IL teCity. hall gaîie at Long Lake SuntaY. 1Enrima gLîntistrun and hu, te L. O. ___________________Samuel Tarrant, o! Chicago, i. spunti- Wa.:righ, ot 41 and 42, block 2, SAU AT~ ng a WH), lu thîs vicinity. Cummingu & Ce.s att. Waukegau. SAUGATUlire. H. B. Thiele anti chiltren, o! W. D., $500. H-Iorse and CO WN Miss Yera Sherman bas returneti home Goshen, lutj., are epeutiiug a couple of L. O. Walnwright and wi!u to Emma Grayslake - Bakerg ~~~ ~~ater spenting a couple o! monthe in week8 with bier relatives. idtolt4adsuhiitot3 Mihga.Jou Rosing returnedt teChicago Sun- blockstrn7, Wlot 4 sut eo uth h ait n end lieClyba enutrtaining ber day eveninîg ater speudiug a few taYe lc ,Wre' t.Wuusi RM arketao unc l teaut wek ntewith relatives. W,. D, $1100. Co.e.s.tarusraunti lea onlefre. hespauligti eauani ir. Mlr. anti trs. Mike Luby entertaineil Clara L. Bidlecnm anti bus, te W. Stok Frmeueant ou-bil ile nothMarshall have retonedtot Chicago site; quite a lcw e! ber relatives over the 4tli. Wlnvent, lot 8, block 9, Washhurn Stok Frm on an oe-hlf il notha 1spenting a couple of wesks with Missetiau le Waiton visiteti lre. B. Spings. W. D., $250. andLuchs eredo! Waucontia, bau reciveti and bau thora relatives. Cosîman lamt Fritiuy. Converse Marbie ant i wle to J. G. Meals edLnhsSre on sale, an extra fius carloati o! Fresb Miess attis Russelh is spending ber Mies Edilli Darby calet on ber oIt Bron uanmi wife, block 5, Marvîns uub. at alitheurs Cows anti Springere, large size anti very vacation lu Chicago. 'trientis ast Tuestay eveniuig. usc ,GatT.W . 100 bigh qualit>'. WillIoeul at the lowest MaSter Henry Boulters is vislting at Mir. ant i r. Chlas. Brainarti spunt liSc ,GatTi ,D,$00 lire . . Thomaa. Saturday anti Suntiuy witi relatives bure. Enîllie 1%. Strelber anti bus. to A. L. I0E CREICM SODA' market pricu. Cornu anti sue them. Joe Auinanui anti wife untertainEt a few Mlîs, Jr., lot 5, block. 36, Highlandi AND SOFT DRINKS AIso large stocka!fai l casses of herses, RUSSELL, Chicago rwnts Saturtiay unti Suntay. Park. \V. D.. $10.000. wrkers,tdriversanttira!t and alhiurPoee The glorieus Fou rth bas paèsest with- Once more we will g ire vou a goti R. G. Evanis ant i wfe te B. J. Stev- farm borees. Ait are guet, useful, srvins- ont any casualities inu this locaiîtY. time. ternet te huace SaturdaY even- elis, west 20 ft. south 200 ft. lot 4, and CAN DIES able anti profitable herwssfor farmurs te, C. A. Etwarti euntertaine igi nephswe iug at .unann's hall, Rouind Lake.îîrkHghadPk.WV,$50 CIGARS anhADE uy anti the est ages, rangiug framn ant i fmilies frein Chicago avar the 4th. Tickets 7,0c. bokA ihadPr.W .50 1000 te 500 ihe.Mollie Colby spent a !ew tisys lu K-n- WEST FRTESEWIO. ED LAUNDRY OFFICE 100as10hbo ma wltb Myrtle Corris. HS WIL ED hoe N.9.COL. F. J. BERRY, Prop. MyrtleçCorris lehomeufor vacation. Abot 3..o Pt. Sheridan 8oldiers paused 0. B. Neville, Chicago, 30; Eva Phone No. 19. MissesAnnie and Helen Quayle, O Oak through here Tuesday alternoon. Ede 4 MISEM EL.D. ro Park, are speuding somu time wth A. C. Mr. anti Mro. Mat Lang anti son, o! Estile, 34., 2; nn MISS EMaA orris.o ( hicago, 8speut Suntia>'at Jacobi Fred- W.Dukn Kesa,2;A a / Lae tion ie. MmeBokuoat hlie r icks. Pescbke, 20. A ttention V Ir@.Mi brohrlire. a Sîvdenre Bemnie [lIlrich, o! Chicago, speut Sat- Marinus Johnson, Racine, 23; Udua MflNEiW SIN fRY De your-glaisesneeti repaire? 1 a.John Kelly bau a taughter, boni rta >aniudyathm.EAnerO 2. De an leme nstitebuchagu1? M- M6 lr. anti lrs. Lou Shie were Waukegau William MePhereuiu Fuller, Chicago, Do yhur ete nnontoce tisaIed cltlai viahsmaeaniviite sSaturday. 22- Olive Decker, 19. DXEyur ees nes! ttenionMurne ras. lota lubemran Monda eys e .tenHen Brnte lUr. anti lre. Hugh Martin, a Afreti Delckmeyer, Milwaukee, 21; *ie>' will open up t ibel if o eallhInanti talk fitover. HA gooti man>' attentietithe fumerai of! baby girl, mue 80.0 »ow facory eny ewin unday.Born te lMr. anti Mrs. Jeu RtE, Ma Mue Rly a, 2;20.acac tactr>'Work guaranteeti. Hur'Leh S baby girl, July 4tlî. M lsaikS 5 .Tntc Sitar , ...~ 23dB. F. tedman, f owea, who came l ludu tin toi or'rdmnsfor Deoraion PLORENCE J. DRIUCE LwiFm r akura Joharedcopa net A Bwansit, . .o,2; n Day.. Ths en>'bét o! rewo~will bý lin. Bort Melville and daulgitffr o! rn0Rr ar enterthicagoi compnY netteetrauCarson, ns âqtUr¶i P4êon b -- Os.s duate Opticlan -ara envisting at J. .I IromWaukugais Thu.a Ccaoless:PtoCao, ~ tti, oe e l .pneC NtdleerHighwood, 36; Teresa fodesta, 23. rhe op*"M" F"huam3"t1 thl8OI were'Doul o Nea iglilan Park, 38; REPUBLICAN RAL lION. A, K. STEJ LAKEN'ILLA, rriday, July lI RUSSELL, Saturdap, JuIg 1I IVANIIOE, Monday, JuIlj 13 WADSWORTII, Tuesdayj, JuIg f uli discussion of National ed State lsem Meetings open et 8 P. M. Sharp. Milk Mi lk mi Flies Flies With flues yen get very littie niilk. With Mackenziu'e Fly Dope yen have no diOS but lots of nulk. Mr. Eti. Ferry, of Bon- ton, ueed my dope ail last me. Bought il gallons t.his eummer-saym he would not rua a dairy without il. W. eh it ou t.he yonr money bsck if you don't like it. Gallon, $1.00; S gallons, $4.50. J. N. MACKENÀ" WAUK!GAN. lILUIMOS NORTIIERN NEW MEXICO IRRI- (IATEI> LANDS ARE TtfE Be Don't buy any frWited lma jS *11mo e mlSw WM 20.000 acres "sogofar thà semson. xom two wçeks lET LAND, TITL PaExDt. l Rý R. Spe*lteros. prices nd laducemats luly. Write today. FRANK r- WIR!- & COMPANY Suite 40, 121 La Salle St. CHICAGO., Or FRANK E. WIRE Lock Box 457. Lbertyville, lit. Strong -q A Shaft Drive Tweaty Hors."W touring car wei lm is 80Pomfi.Ee> hdghest grade tes materlal. Most ecsmclc..0 Designe ib NM.r. ;P. r s n f twe mom egi srM ostise ,old TrUg 1Coar ul farde noter C., (mat. DleMBin) U» , pA! STATE Op ILLINOIS, COUNTY 0IF Intereelt et Zua1 muf LÂKE. 95. In the County Court of !ollrAnç descnibed Mt Lake Count'. ted 1.Lu e Couat>'of% In the matter o! the eastate of Jo- of Illinois, t-wt seph B. Waruer. mnor. Petition for Tise NortishaN il leave tno eil ruai estate of sait onisor. ln tise North Vffl 4 By virtue of a tecretal orter mae Town. o! Ltte #W& Co anti entered. o! record lu tise aboya Waîlkegaii) ;for » sutitleti caus lu sait court ou tise tainanc@ Of MM $U th day ofjune, 1908, 1 shah on u prPoae o!la Tusda>', thse l4th day of JuS>'. 1908, ceedu Of s14 et thseisour of one o'clock tu tthe a!.lmedat1~ ternoon rf .*id day, at tise East Door and e of tie Curt House, latie City O f ot seSw Waukagsz, lu the. Cooutof Lake a»& Da State of IllIols, osfer for se a u - a i es. 0 . lia *Msdue t. tiah ffl ut sMd but S bider ter assIsAU 1e. rIhttts -il 1 hildren are visiting menus ana reiawýv- 1 il -i 1 1« OPENS IRS CAWAIGN AT MIt STEARNS WILL SPEAK AT