CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jul 1908, p. 3

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c UX" O IN DIP NFRIPÂY, JULY 24, 1908 ié A I(WYht*l' > ~ mi DO YOU WANT A PIANO? If secom n u nd try the famous SCHABFER F, SCHUETTE * Piano, a your disposai at our store at ANY TIMM *You Wilbe pleased with ib *STRANG'S !URNITURE STOR! * GEO. E 'STRANG 1IICENSED UNDERTAKER * Prop. %, AND EMBALMER Tickled? Of course, why not--- We seil the SCHIAEFER PIANO W. coaider oursoiveu very fortunaie au Sitinu n instrument no one hestitatea ta buy B 3CA USE3 FIRST-The price is not low tvery few people want a cheap Piano, so ve won't lmge ruch businesa on that account). SECOND-The prce is not away up (people hesitate then theyre doubdful as to gettng full value). go you mee when the toue la huard and the price : uouneed 1itmn ae ther SCHAEFFER s-ead :md anathar haine made happy through Aiden, Bidinger & Co. 209 N. Genesce Street 9 9101WAUKEGAN. ILNOIS t - RisseiIL Cmbtr Yard f. BAIRSTOW N O0w MANUFACTURER OF IS TME lIME TO Marbie and Granit B U '<'Monuments Lumber, Cernent, Coal Cemnetery Work of live Posts and Millwork Description GIVE ME A TRIAL F. S. HEAD RUSSELL. ILL Graqslake - Bakeril and - Restaurant Meals and Luncbes Served ai ail hours CE CREAM S0'JAI AND SOFT DRINKS CIQARS and CANDIES LAUNDR! OFFICE Phone No. 19. - MISS EMMA GEflLACH, Prop. TEE NEW SANfiT SICi CREAM FÀCTO Wîsheu k, announcet tîbey Il open np t neir factor Satirdy, gay in due time lor orders for Decoral DV. The very bet Of creammmil rngnutactursd hurs aS Prim irouione Correspondence boIicited 126 Genesee St Waukegan FARM MACI1INERVý of ail Kinds REPAIRED Thoroughness AND Dispatch tt',, Disc llarrows Sharpen their 23d ation WILLIAM LAYCOCK1 !l be iable. LUbertuville, I. ilti. Op ie t. Pauil FÉigbs-bol ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT Or»ors Taken for Job Work Advcrtising Rates On Application B. j. Nelson, of Leke Villa, trausated and but for Mr. Lawson wbo was neartr business bier@ Monda. by and rushed to bier rescue shne might Lymnan Atwell, o! Ciago spnt have been drowned. C Bnndai wtb bis parents, Mr. and tis. Atorney C. C. Edwards, of Waukegan, M. B. tweil. candiate for State's ttoruey called on ai John Wicks and lamlly entertaiiied friends bors Baturday.R friends frotu the city Sunday. Meril and Chai. Aci-re and their sieter, T. A. Reynoldi bas rocovered roîîî hie Jennie, of 1 Lityille, w<r gOCtiautW rheusaiîie attack ufâciently enough to, the, Chas. Waahburn home Sundar. be ont to bis business&gain. . J. J. Longabéiugha and wiîe were the t . Win Wedgs1o!Wa6ukegan, calledl on guesiof RueIssu Miller and !amiiy at D blenude boes ouday. Lakre Bluff, Btnrda and sîinday. L. J. Wilunot, of Waukegan, a brother Miss Clama Palmer, of Waukegau,.jeis 01 Un,. Henry Kuebker epent Saturday the guet of relative@ berc.. and Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Knehker. E. B. Shermian. and wils have rturued r Louis Lawson tranaactsd husinessa ai from their western trip and are ut Chicago Monday. piefflnt vligitng, rel8ti ves Btileerield. ' Mi" Aileos Smith e ePntertaining a 0Gell Townseiid and wlle are rejoieîug v frend from Chiago. over a ton pouud boy 1 orn lest Thure- Mre. Acres and cildreu vislted at thede.Y borne o1 Frank Lawson, Sunday. Evsrbody dauces next Saturday even- A. 0. Bui, wl!eand daughter, Margaret. !Dgnut AMM a lldtRnd Tike Fne. C 01 Brisuol, spent Suudtay wth Coiro uia agotneN Alla andfamiy.G(ame. Wardun Bingbam, o! FOI Lake, Chas. Wiibur and lamily, of Waukegani, MsesWd1ne" oe were guemte o!fK.C Wilhur and family Missfoire and St,îue, o! McHenry, lest Friday. are the gouet of Tom W algh thîs week. Joe Turner slient Sunday at Atiocb. 1ev. Bivener bai the mislortune to a Mrs. eltaRiky wasa Chcagobave a case of blood polsoniag. __i Mj@ers. l>eiaRiy wsa heo Mrsi. D. G. Witeand daughtere rîslited8 [iaeege Modauet Waukegan Tuesday and Wedanesdayt Miss tuez Edwards. of Waukegan. le Mr.Wm. Kapple isefltertainlinglfrieds tlîe gue.t oI lier oAd a hoo1,mates e be. fom the cdty.L L. Baker tookii th, iglîte ut lion F. C. Wilbur &aid la N sitkd at City, Sunîiay Waukegan TPW&sDay u d eieedaVý Dr. Harvey and Frank lru,, rîeited Misses Wbesier and Hiia, attended t ut Antioch [amt Sunday. the carnçîîneting ai lî,'eilluîiem lest A little girl visiting at Mrs. 'leroling'iSunîday.d huit the mîe!ortîine to flu Off the' pier at Loveli and Ruth Wi îîîîr[,ae epeod. G)raY4lake Suniay intf, the ,deep water ioig thîe week at Rîrer'i, VOLO. MJBURN i Johnîî Richardson made a business trip, MN. Elzabeth Tower lhum reurned t tu Chicago last Wednesday. trom a two wOek' visit it h tIrs, (lI Rter. Aithur Heinlela, o! Wauconda. igofAtOh adt eaew islkn.aon ~ul Mise Belle Watson chenu î'ýiturday aud lest wek. BndayinluChicago vrieîtîng relatives. Robert Walton and son, Ferry, o! Clarence Bonner t, f il,a go, sent Wankegan, vîsited relatives and riende Sunday wtb the home !,lkm. boe es wekMtr. and Mrs. Jobneîa .1 ,fGiago,c Ed Lusk was iu Chicago Tbursday. visted the latter par-If the week ut ~~~~~~~~~~Mr. ad Mis.FakZesof&dM.nd .. John rot tersc ebildren. o! McHenry, @penit Sunday ut Lyburu Stewart returned to Chicago HryNicholis. ater a two ireeke vacation fils wîfe bd andM .G and cildren will remaîn a n hile longer. Mr en is iorge Kuebler and cbîldt 01 lesplaînes, were "gustso! Mr. and Mrs. Mary Mavor, o! (hi agi, and MIrs. Mis. John Richardson over Snnday. Eliza Hughes, of Lîbertyille, viited a Saturday and Bunday witlî their mother, Mr. Schwartz, of Kenosha, visited at tire. obt. Strang. the John Roing bomne a few days ie- .mdMs.IL.Hlearenr cetiy.Mtaindther daugb.rL. ad ciidsre entrm Arthur Frost, o! Chicago, mas in town tlnianapoieie Mr. hlrnds ill enfol Satnrday nlgbt and Bonday. Inanaoi. r (Ir.swllflo ,ý ri. Lanra Cook and daugbter, Ruby, Ten automobiles tron1 Waukegan ail LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN of Wauconda, 'Were lu Volo one eveniug fast week. Fatiier Thiele, o! Niles Center, formerly o! Frenmnt. called on fniends bers lait week. Mr. and Mrs. Rd busk were Sunday risîtoreat Lusk Bros.' at West Fremout. Mise Jeesie Stoien, o! Bondie, S. D., mas the guet of Hellen Rasymond lait week. Meus. Shober, Young and Converse, o! West Fremont, were in Volo, Satnrday evening. Mesdames Kerwan and Fred Dunoll mere Mcfienry callers Monday. Mre. John Waltou entertained a num- ber o! ladies at ber home Monday after- noon in honor o! her niother, Mr@. Jason Converse. Tbîîse present mere: Mes- dames Robt. Paddock, Wm. Coombe, u'ayettBuson. Albert Raugbt H. Comp- t.n, A. J. Ryuioud. Wmn.[Sillo n and Chas. Parker. The occasion was the ei7th birthday o! Mrs. Converse. Once mors we will gîve yoo a gond tîme. Corne tîîtlielanoceSaturday even- ing st Arnîu hall. Roud Lake. Tickets S50c. RUSSELL. Stude-uttefroni the Moîdy luelitute are sopýlyiz gtue îhîîlîîîpït ut present. 1 Charlie (Collîy le pcîîing a lew days et home. Tlhe Siver !aîîîîly field tlîeîr aînumal re- union Bt the home of tire, Mary Stewart in Waokegan on Sunaîy, Joly 19. Myrtle Corris and tIIa Painerton vislted friende in ionîîî City on Tliursday alternoon. Mr. and tirs. C. M. liorham. of Wao- kegan, visited Murnie Iros. Wednesday of lest week. Mollie Colby and Myrtle Corne tcalle on friende at MillbureSunday alternorît R. G. Murrie and'J. R. Cîîmnis wer Kenosha callers lest week. frieudi at Truesdeil a lew daYs lest week. The Chase faoily are entertainlul c(.Company from Mlaukes. C . Alex Murrie, o! Kenoeha, @peut a fes days ib bis son, Eliner, lasit eeek. FIoy Dixon and ber mother spent Mon- day sRavima Park. Kr. and is. B. A. Resves vere Ziol 8f«t City oanfl ond at aflanoo. a j FORT HILL Simon l>avi. i iad bis harns resliigled last week. Wben you are iii need (if a carpenter rail on M. B. Euison. Mro. George Walton was ,alled k, Chi- cago by the serions ilinese of ber tather, Mr. IlcCormiek. OIn Monday alternoon Mrs. John Wal- ton, of!%' 0o, gae leasant alternoon tea lu bonor o! ber mothiier Il Mr@. Jason Converse. 87tb birtbday. Mulvey'e medicîne show Io vislting the neighbornng villages. SAUGATUCK Farmers are busy getting In their baY fields between abowers. L. iieison bas had llgbtning rode pot on bis boue and barn. George Butchinson entertaned friends from Chicago Sunday. Misesf Veina Ru@tseli and Mabel Chand- ler are visitlng in Waokesba, Wie. Leo Amaun spent Sunday witbhieà oncle at Round Lake. Mr. and Mre. Clark Chiandler enter- tained Irienîl f rîim taukegan recently. Win. Hotclîinson, of Cleveland, Ohio, visited hie cou@in), George Hotchinson, tme lire!o! the ek L GURNE $peut Wednesday lu Chicago. gai]y deciirated pas"edt1rough bers Mr. aud Mrs. Dunham enterits Monday adcertidiug Waukegan Day. relatives !rom Grayslake Tnesdayi Victor Rosslach and famiiy, o! Evane- Wednesday. ton), caled on friend8 mmd relatives Sun- Mrs. Ruby Strang and danghter, I day. visited ber parents t Atiocb recen Ed Taylor, o! Chicago, formerly of this Mr@s. lley returned Monday tro place. toptied t LUbertyville Sunday visit with relatives at Ingleulde. mmd brought Mr. and Mre. Wm. Thomn Ruby Metcalf entertained a girl!Ir to the Snnîlay scliool -onvention in his Irom Waukegan the firet of the wesk auto. Mr. muid Mr@. Allen Dixon, o! Rus Mr@. Elizalctl Tower vîited witb and John Taylor, o! Chicago, spei Uns. Frank Shepard, of Gurnee, Satur- short time wtb R. B. Dixon and fi day. thîs wesk. Miss K. L. Smith and Dr. Roemer and Misseltnuby and Mabei Hughesi fsmliy, o! Waukegan, visited at W. j. Milîburo visitore over Sunday. Whites Sunday. Alei- Hughes @pont Sunday witb ?Ar@. A. J. Cheethani, o! Chicago, bas parents hore. been spenîling the week wîth Mire. J. M. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Brown retui st ~ .M ondayfrom a weelk'ssta.r at MudIa Eugene Stag, o! Waukegaa, îalled Mesdames John McClure, Jennie!L on tbe borne folks Monday. and Miss LllRan Leachi are visitilî The Sunaday shool conventionîi leld Chcago. here Sonlay ,îane weli attended. linch Clame No. (1, o! the Guruse Chri8 mas served at the char, h. Sunday echool muir serve içe vream cake on tilxons lawn Saturdaya 1. L. Holaies Ici1 !i'oi the lîîy .00w noon and eveniug, Joly 25. Sunday and !maî tîred a rit,ý At preàeut There was î1iteca goîd attendarx writing bcim e gttiug iilong ns well BS the Woodmen picniec Saturday altli migbt lie expeîcI ti.lthe weatlîer was tlîreatening. Fred liooiiiI, o!f Waukegau, oor genial cofiee lmari,,e reoicingog îvr the WEST FREMONT. arriral o! i littl. .lîîuglitr, July 1G. . C. ' Th imu4erwent a se-ou Rev. and àMme afoi'v, MiisesHelen snd eration Bt tiie' NcAlister liospitaj Miss Foutte atciiîed the weddiiig o! latter part ofî last week. their son. , eor,îeaud MisRosa Welch, tir. and tire Joh l tiart ,'mite o! Bowmuau ic. 1Ili. Henry Tekaulpes Sunday C. E. tolm: J ly 26, Home Mfisions. Misses Mary Frederlck. Mauîîie , 'TheHoîîe lî'ioîn Schoîl iîose and nihler and ire. ('arrie Lang are vis Wba'.t . li, h'lron. 17:1. i eln t tue lîoîîe o! Jarob Frederiekei. Saford, leader, Mary Frederlî'k bas goue to De Tbe Misiouaî ySîîiety n ilgi. e tleir Colo , wliei,.' e.."' sped afe mnoa iietig and te. atut fî hiiîh Mies Maiiiie (J Collien. o! Waulq Wedesdy. uIy21,. A good îîogratii spent Sunday at Wnî. Garlaud's. preparsil. I> erybody welcîîîriîe. Bearv Eulîlank, our Rockefeller carrier is taking bis vacation wbi INGLESIDE. subtitults is carrylng the mail. Iogleside ('aloI, 3989, M. W. tA. me--- ____________ every firit and tlîîrd Tuesday of cad-i _______________ montb. Nisitiiig Neighibors and memnlers an cordially in IC E C R EttAnd 31-tf H. Hfs eiK, Cierk. 1 N B R i C K ' ýGet mv "Book No. 4Fo Wouon.',It PLAIN OR ASSORTED wugeine olwrie!ain iî srly ak seilt ! nnihn hile bis s wilo gu iv wa wome. an... iua confidential iieial adrice le entirelY either Brick or Bulk Ice Cream to free. Simply write Dr. Sboop, Racine, Churth Soîlaiso, Piegles and Pub. Wis. The book No. 4 tell@ ahi about Dr. i 3teigi Sboop's Niglît Cure mmd bow theoe lclahrns sootbing, heaing, mtleptic sup osi- MIT H L L C %ons. cmm be succeWtïUliy appi to J TJi LàL BLAC eorrsot h... meakneessm Write for 5h. t. 55Lis1yiI bou,,k. .The Nigt Cure la sold by I OKElLS ILUNOIS ite ery INATION À number' of Libertyville boys are camping lu Battershali's grove. WiII Jones, of Des Moines, la., a renewing old acquaintances here lat veek. J. B. Keller le entertainlng bis brother from itockford. Mrm. Chas. Âmes, of Idaho Springs, Colo., vlsited relatives tiers this week. The Misses Duff.y, of Cincinnati, Ohio. are bure tu Upnd the.summer, with their Riâter, Mim. Lawrence. Mrm. Davy and Mrs. Croker 8pent t'sdnesday and Thursday in Clîlcago. E. B. Moore and family wore among thune tom our churcb to attend the )esplaines camp mesting last Sunday. Mr. anid Mms. Grimm. of Antioch, spent 8unday at C. C. Ames.' Little Martha Chard is re.overing from an attack of tonsiiliti@. Miss Mattie James wa.i a Chicago vititor o ver Snnday. Mms. Frank Taylor, of Waukegan, visited frlends bore the last of the week. Mr. and Mis. Eh Harris and famlly risited relatives at (iurnee SundaY. Mms. Van Winkle and Miss Wells, o! Chicago, are among the guesti that'are being entertalned at the Butler home. Mrs. E. Phillipe mand jaughters, Irene and Florence, o! Milwaukee, are epend- .ng the wesk bore. Wm. Waddell and family attended the Siver reunion at Waukegan Sunday at the homne of R. Stewart. Mrm. Park Von Wedelstadlt. of St. Louis.,e is iitingr lier iiiother, Mro. Doerk. Frank Shen. spent Tueeýday in Wauke- tan. Sirm. Jamies Gray and clildren left Ifor their bomene uOhîîîlast Fridav Mis. J. Perkinson, of Chicago, sprat a day laët week with 5irs. Bnrtiett. Mis HW Peterson ie home agaîii Mir. and Mis eo. H..rbergerr etirneîl to 1Yýaukegan Sunday. The Wadswortl Wite Sox de!eated the Warrentons Sunday by a sc-ore of 13 t,, 1. How about that?' mate t o~esn of!mlis lbetvli ml tak ai ntODUS oi em &ms or write. J. W.Swanibrough, Libertyvifle 8SI Miik Miik mit Fies Flies IPlIC With fliee you get very litte milk. With Mackenzies FIy Dope you have no Oies but lots of inilk. Mr. Ed. Ferry, of Bon- ton, used My dope ail lait sum.mer. Bought .i1 galions this summur--eays ho would not rua a dalry without it. W. ssii it on the yonr rnoney back ifyou don't like it. Gallon, $1.00; $ gallons, $4.50. J. N. MACKENZIl WAUKEGAN, ILLINOS -i LAND SFEKER5 NORTIIERN NEW MEXICO IRRI- cIATED LANDS ARE THIE BEST Don't buy any irrigoted laa till you meeOur litoeaturu 20»00 acre, sold mc far thimaon. Excursions cvoeY two weeks. EÊST LAM, MILE PERFECT. NEAI R. R, Specla termrs. prices and iduxcents durk luly, Write today. FRANK ff. WIRf & COMPANY Suite 40, 121 La Salle St. Or, FRANK E. WIRE Lock Box 467, LibertysillC. Ili. GAGES- LAKE A UUULP wMoil U.. 11 Deering 1ýnders... .9..... Deerinq Twi Deering Standard Twiqo IF IT'S 8'2c FROM International SCHANCKSStandard Twnc SCIIACK'S8c IT'S GOOD Schanck Bron Libertyville. 'III. "GAMBETTA PRINCE" -A

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