CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jul 1908, p. 4

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OIFCIAL PAPER 0F LIE~UT ~é01~lep8Ose N. Eî A,1os Riedeece Toiephone No 1141. Libetynlile Exchansge1 41 Beered nst the postoince at Lbela'yvIlte. Ill.. as Second lamCs Mater MMm vasUR, .AVRTISiNG 5&T5eMAltE KN0WN ON APPLIC&ýTîO5 ~MSRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE ýPM1N K H. JUST ....... ................................... EdIior , .KELLEY ...... ...... .......... ... ...............City Editor FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1908. QUESTIONS CHARLES S. DENEEN CANNOT ANSWER. Ir* Ciarles S. Deneen: tIf lilinuos Ceatrai railway la OP ,osed te yen why le il Ibal William R. eplater, eue o! the leadiug attornce .ftise Illinois Central rallroad, is .your main supporter lu nortieastern Illinos? If the Ilinois Central la opposed 10 ynoa viy i la Ib at visen ts president é, eently started on a trip 10 Europe lie stopped long enougis 10 give out an Interview !avoring your candidacy for thse gubernatorial nomination and tise smre vas pîîblished wth av,ltî b:" thse Deneen newspapers! lu tise ligit o! those very Important pleees o! evîdence la Il nul "buuk- on your part to endeas'or tu fool the peo- plie and make tbem beleve you have put am your biter plate armnor and goae forth against a ralway aratem ike Don Quixoie tillln g againet the wiudmilis? What bas become of the $150,000 alppropriation voti got to fight thse Illi- nois Centrai railway? How mi'uy favored attorneys have 3011 spent It aith to buld up a politi- cal machine 10 perpetuate you lu power? M'as flot $10.000 o! tisat sum pald outIlmmediatly 10 one prominent nortisemotIllinois attorney tb plant a caseeIntise supreme court and bas be not made lise bonines cf trylng t10 te- eIect yoîî agatn lise one thought of is lie? If you are su opposed to ralîays and railva y manipuislation, w b vld i you no1 lroceed against the Chicago & Alton railway, for lihe greatest s;tock.jtigglting tran. action lu hi,tor v as Rooeevelt wanted y00 to' VATES AS POPULAR IN CHICAGO AS IN COUNTRY. _Richard Yates, private citizen, but the Plain sp)eech of formier Gusernur ft9reaenting an Idea, of reniendous Yates tl, the echo ani Vie indications traort of tise people of Illinois, bas arE bev'ond a do::bt ti'at Yates smil] he -abgo1tely astouîshed the nmachine fl l Colhae n:aestaliijoi ar s0ticians o! Chicago by the wonder c0ounted on the nilbt of A ogust Sth. ,fId oVations that have been tendered The coilry stas alr*eadx for Yaies. )rm lu every section ofthtie great ety, fi looks uow as if it wIit be a contest 'alace le opened Up is campaign between Chicago and thse rost of the lhére something over a week ago. state to see swhlch v.iIi rollni, the Ngbt after niglt be bas been greet- largest Ystes nmajurity. *d by great crowds of people anxious The astoniahing thing to poiticians t. bear from hlm thse never-dying doc- Is that DieÇi Yates, private citizen. trine of thse Repuisicaniam of the witis no patronage at his isposai, le l atiiers.the patriotlc Republcanlsmn sweeping tise state as against thei «t Lncoi, Grant, Logan and Ogieaby, power of patronage heid by is op- for wblh the people tre hankering pouent and which enabied hlm 10o get titer wandering ln the wiiderness of togetiser a 'isand-plcked" convention :$a.. reforrn for the past few years. at Springfield iast sprlng, but eau mt 1%ese fat4.u.dtencez have cheered Influence the people oft Iis ste. VIÜWt OARD $Wwé1k and Auprooptlen Ordi- tmwem Pased ai Adjourned Maotings He#d Monday and Evenings. .A adjonrned meeting 0f tise village vusdwa beid t tise village hall On 'Ukaday evenlng, J1117 20. Tise clerk o&bI ,tla roll aud thetoiiowlug members a"s«erd pr~set: President Eger, Ale- »wg Corlstli. Davis, Lynci suad Wells. ,IMM astent. îi«Mma Noyers preeented 10 tise huard q,petition a»king for su extension of tise .qwer on Parkt avenue froin Stewart &*0m99, wiicis vas sigued by al tise "Prperty Ovuers on said extension. Kloved:by Alloan tisaItihe sewer ise ex- "sis *eet un Park avenue tram *ev- aveune said ewer ta conform it il tlé oFdibnsaI 5covering sncb improve- gmt.. Secoeded by Dacvis. Motion W. C. Saubomu appeared before the boW an d aaked a building permit t0 àeo,t ~ 1a bl>a non thes ear of Fred *» 'ias oroperty, i.lex4O bel sud 18 »Wb4b m@rnetebave gravel roof and 4» 60 1 red w1tI trou. Moysd isy Lynchi 0 *0motion vas amended 'to -b e.OVm pecified that tie foundation ii o brlXor erent sud vitisout oPen- BeEoonded by Alleman. Moioe, LancesNo. 197 visich wvaaread bY ok sIt the opening of tise meeting, r. te tise construction of sidewaike, next braugisi before tise meeting. d by (oret tisa thebo mnis te sus- id and tise ordinance be aceepîed pubisihe.dteconded by Wels. folloving membems voted "aye:ý au, Corlett, Davis, Lynch aud SKaiser absent. Motion carried. ved by Aleman tisaIt ise Preidet t a cummibtée of tbree lu îîumed- l nvestigal4 vitis power tu, art, urciane of more ire buse and a carl grvd iialstir be aiarm. fSer- revLyneh Motion carried. Tise de ntcppite C.rlett and Davs [ biRg tise ceuoe meetingth dent vilI nîsîs art on tisaIoi-î le. ."dby Wels tisattise hoard ad1surn t theb followînig eveniug, Toesday, 21. Soeondcd isy turîcît. Motion EA5L B. CRLET.T Vilage Cerk. ope" amtIng of tise buard vas W*b ilg al on Tuesday even- Fuy2.Téfollowing members poet tu tise rffli cal: Eger, Px =éan. oriett, Davis. Lynchs Z ah iaiwrabseent. Vî .jr.Âflérnn tisat tise ules b. ,tý&Ordiauce198 bc passed 8écaded by Cunisît. Tise méssbercvoted cys: Aile- l)*iWbu.Coreit, Lynchs sud Iell. lw**U0ý.Mp tien carnied. e ievegbiSsaonumotion ef Ale- OIWe1ig rs allawed 9a endu eadrddravu outhé repetive ,44fl5 and LycSh that tise Thé Law and Order Leasgue. Tise dîrectorsefthtie Liberlyvill town- shp Law aud Order Lmswwe eld a meeting lasI 8tur<*y sveig for tise1 pwrpoas et êadoeist canddtse torthte pimary election, Aufuai 8. No public sunouncsmenl vas made efthtie resuit of' ibIs conférence &nid no particular cand-9 idts as et definitely decided upon butj tiéy vlUiîn aiH proisability lie announcsd1 soon. Tise favorite candidates may nos b. made public bul endorsements viii te made and tise efforts et tise bague given ta Iheir support. Tise leegue vas quietly organiaed several mouIhseago and bas contribution@ piedged for several isun- dred dollars visicis may be drawn upon vison deemed neessary. Tise folowlng are lise officers: C. F. Wrigit. pren., C. N. Durand, vie-pres., E. BrwneS., and F. S. Keru. tisap. Dbiroctors: J. E. Balard, C. F. k3male, Jr., H. F. Laviér, J. W. Miler, A. W.1 Waldo, G. B. Follett, E. D. Hubbiard, 0). E. Cisurchill and Tisomas CandIt. Pain viii de part in exiirtiy L20 minutes if one af Dr. Sioops Pink.Pain Tablels in taken. Pain anyvisere. Rdmemberl Pain alwaYs imeane congestion, bond ýré.sure-Uoting els. Headacise is lodpesr;tootisacise le biood pres- sure on tise sensitive nerve. Dr. Sioopes Eleadache Tabies t--alaealied Pink Pain Tableés-quickly and safly coax tiss blaod pressure avay fromn pain ceutée. Paliful peiod- ilS vh ouisugel instant relief. 20 TablaIs 25c. Sold isy Ail Dealers. jss UgMD toaU........... Il,s,1oe8 m soured zsu ascubed. 0il 54 O.hndsteè« lruitOn.. b.OeHl0 lfile. ete ........... 80,2000O sa U, iritufes. Mm 00o 6 m roved rsemeaentu. 65»2 "t 0h au>ieGshtêS.... 1718 Notes o! other 0 on1~sk..... 1,m 06 Fractional per oarrlier. nil and cents.. ... 219095 Qawuilmener *tiï.v iiâik .dïz: 1 Specle ..................1. $%lm15 LgWiLder 1notes elle100 .902 Bem Ption fund iùt 11à. 2Wres- urer (MV o! circulation)i......... Total........ Bm.Ti......... $008.5M698 Capital stock pald l .............$0,00 Surplus fend ................... Udvlded profite. lebeas sud os vald .................. 71123 1 ationanknotes etstanding.. te0.000 ladivil esubii eCte chiait 10sse10o6 flamand cerlillates ot depouit..19,4W 78 Savinge deposits ................9,M1 le Total....................... $10098 Otate o§fIlilinois. GOUn tofLake, @4 s I,0.Qy.W iit, ahir, 0f the abOvs.1 solenoir swear Ihat 1the above éae nt la truo te tiseibul t rMY knolede ud eii.,WazeaT, tiasiser. orrect-Attest: PIUL KÀOQUI5,1 G.0. A. WiIONT OHALSILB.GALLowAT, Directorg. Bubidbedud sworn te boteor me 1111e lotis dar ef JUIF 19M5 Fw£ LOAA. eLza. Bolary Publie. Report of The. Condition of the fIRST NATIONAL BANK' of Llberty'lUe. At thse close of business Wednesday, Jely 15, 1908. Resources. Loane and Discounts............. $103,2955i3 U. M. Bonds le sature circulaton_ 6,5*00 Premiues on U3 S. Bonds ........... â1200 Bonda, securIt les, etc.......13, 500 Firniture sud fxues...... 0,s 5 ther real 0oasis owned......... .,406fi Due frein State Baniks and Bankers 1.000 Due frono spproved zenerve agents 12,9U 20 Chbecks and etiser cshabItems ..... 75 04 Notes of tiser National Banka .... 40 O0 Praclional pper currency. nickels and cents..................... S61 Lsvful Money Beserve lu Bank viz: apeole................ *.. $8,657 54 uesa-tender notes ..... GO 0.... ïiedemplion fend with Ü. .2Tress-o uerz(ô% of! iralatieut ......... 11is00 Total....................... $154,702 55 Liabilities. Ctapital stock paid lu ............$S 25000 00 UndlvIded profits lesa ervensea and .poaldg r tsnubecttociseok 4,938 26 Vesuand c o&nctes of depoi...40,83d 48 savtaniDeosits ................ 26.3780 Total.....................1854,7à7 taIse f Miielola to! Lake. sa, L. J. 5.Gridier. Caéier,.o et iabove.- nanied b-ank. do soleanîr swear tisat tise above statement la tins te tise beatO1iny knooledirs and ballet. J. a. GaminLE, Casser. 8u .oIbe4and sw6rto Wre aitth, 211h day o inul 1995. tay ub PEOPLES FORUM. - Father Time9s Pleas ure There is loy for Father Tine in a stock of tùme picces that may bc dcpcnded on for 'an i ie. It la a pleaare ta thae Who init on first-clais urne pleces ta get ,into a place sucb as ours where the clatie and watches may be dcpended upon. We Seni the besit dm pleces at a price you might expeet ta psy for a poor one. ANDREW JIUSS JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Il I An Early Sum- mer Sale, at Late Summer Prices r HIrn,,,ational Tailaring C. have made a big drap on a great cnany cf their new papular Sprig ngsd Summer FabriciS Yau aught to sec them and the prices they're going at, Euuer suit viii k made in the u"ua high clasaway-to inca.- un. ocly--perfect in appoint, ment. fit, style. Cai NOW for now s the tixne. 2 To THE EDIroa: I One of the many things t tiLberty- Shs ville sareiy needn la a vatering trougli sud public driaklng fountain on Milvan-Ë ý : ke avenue lo the main part oftie village. The traugisaitishe pempng station is -il rigit but il in not courtelent foi mauy o! tise farmere4 coming to Literlyville '~ aud uniess tisey are acquainled vilS tise village le not easily found. le tise sum- mer- time particularly adrinking fontain le a very refresing tiscessty tu Mati as veli as teast and sisould te on tise main* S M sîreet visere men, vamen sud cblîdren, S M migbt enîoy il. Thse dogealcio sisould te remembered for the village le veU populated and as long sas we are per- rntte4 ltu enjoy tisir cornpany tisey sisonLd reccive Semane considerstion. Electrie Tise W. C. T. U. le mauy tavua have *vs ry liti been insîrurnenlal in Savlng drinklng violer1 foutalus put lu and tissyare oten orna- Ltise hou mental s eli sumful. i have ived insend yo Litertyville a number of years sud ai year bave mentise dsmsud fr a drinkleg fountaîn increase outil it bas got tuthe NO Vait ot sîmout an absainte uecésity Web1avea snppiy of gaod vatr andthX more tisat il le usod tise botter itlai. antd tise village sisnuid te villing tu turnlah & tise water if tne founisin jes upRlded. 1 00 NEW International fabries are îîew being oficred at a trprmen. dons eut lu price IF yon want a l(@iceiW cul. mer suit at a reîîarkaile low price. now le tise time le gel isold of It. Made trictiy lu yeur measure, iunithe Inter- national inimitable way. YOUltan cavenp t'O $800 a suit and your order will be exe<uted as perfeccîy as tsougis you Insd payed tiseregular price. THIE bargaiu labrics are aIl popular and attractive, bel yen cant appreciale this bargain offer unuies you mec tie goode. HERE istise place tus ses tbem. O0th Century Cash Store Bt . W-. PARKHICRST lSk Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. SEA BREEZES AT HOME LMER DISCOMFORTr? or FAN COMFORT? FOR YOU I ORRS-- W HICnDENCE, STORE OR OFFICEi cfan for thse man at work; for the famiiy at bomne. Coat* tic; laets a lie-time. Useful in bot weather for cookiug; in for ventilating. Eiectrlc fan can be used in any roomn in se. Provides a gentle breece ail nighit if de@ired. We will mnu a fan on: reqeest. IRTII SHORE IELECTRIC COMPANY 230 N. Genesc Street, WAUKEGAN, ILL S Don't Waste Vour the Kitcher osei,4U s .a mO. Price . . . . . $21.00 Life in Life is short enough at best. The woman who plods along with old-fashioned kitchen equipment, wastes between two and three hours every day of ber life. Figure up those wasted wearisome hourp for only a few years-the total runs into the thousands. Why don't you put an end to kitchen îlrudgery by getting a Iloosier Kitchen Cabinet It will enable you to do your kitchen work in half the tiate and wjt.h haif Xhe effort. No rmason vhy you shouldn't have one. Doesn't eost muoh and pays for isielfinj the finIt year alune. lt's money in your pocket every year of your life ta own one.. Corne in and see this wonderfuil labor saver and money saver -learu ail it means to yen. Learo, t00, why it is more economical to boy the genuine Hoosier than any of its imitations. One good look wiii show you the difference. Trhe Hoosier laits a life-time-it's but that way. It costs but littie, if anything, more than the short-lived, unsanitary kjnd. Young & Lynch Bros. FURNITURE, PAINTS ANDOIOLS Undertaklng LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. PIyfrnou t Blnder Twhîe -i Il 'i 'j i i i o i If you intend to build now iii thei time to COME IN and figure on Lumbor, Cernent, Brick and Fin- ish -ail have declin»d and we can save you money. ýEMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY PIHONES 47 and 1171. E. A. ISHOP, Mgr. LIBERTYVILLE ILINIS SBaked with SMIBER'Tomato Sauce ta ta tâ tâ to to ýo to to to to E.W.PROCTOR E.F. SWAN R. C. HUGINS THE HOME LUMBER CO. guccce.eors t10G. H. SCHANCK Lamber, CoaI and Peed LBERTYVILLER, ILLINOIS PHONE 50 Pianos On the Mlive at Yeomaui'e. Thse assurtruent there is so large, thecxceiieuceof the inotru- mnente eo marked, that no dificulty iii ex\perienccd in dimposing oftlhem. Ion wili ose notbing, gain much, by sec iugor stock. Pianos soid on easy terme, rented, and nid unes talion in part payul for new one. Louis J. YE-OMAN WAUKECAN, ILL_ .11! w Go to LEO DRURY _thi. Nv BARBER SI-OP Boehm Bldiug111 Lubetyvifle, Illinote CIGÂIRS AND TOBÂCCO IIUN~ wie AZP»Nd )r sale by B. EGER LIBERTYVILLSE, ILL.j cigare and Laundry Tobacco office CLARENCE FLAGG TONSORIAL p PARLOR LIBERTYVILLIE, ILLINOIS Orders Taken for Razors "~z n m d Pi l n O rde r ".rateed J' PIc ivi, tak ymouth Twzne at ai cents ià the t ~adcep rne cm the ma rkct tadayOnt paund of Pljmouth M..4 L.5-- -~ - . . ztwine. Foi Mi a We Want To Post You r K PORK AND BEANS Once let your foilke tante Snider'a Benne and theyll frown if you serve them i vth othere. Thit maI17 flevor, 1he1 twsng aud zest are mulealng in otiier brande. INSIST 0ON SNIDER'S CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ___________ eephotie 30

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