OFFUCUAL PAPER 0F LAKIE OOUNTY ,.~1ua No. Ilot'oraE"celdtiOTelephOfle NO- 1141. LbrtyviiO r%.b.."e Ml- ~5e ah OiePutoMice aKtLIboZtyi"YIl, Dio s Se»cam 15elimiPe Umm Wm rUsan AUVE5TIBIVO R&TM "Os KiOWn Ott JWLiCATIobl. WeOfpTION PRICE s.5O PER YEAR STRUCTLY IN ADVANCE 41MJUSr ..... .................................... ..... Editerw j1 ILLEY-,.... ..... . .............................................Vt dîo FRIDPLY, JULY 31, 1908. r SHURTLEFF CONVICTS OLS#IN.w '*Ha, F- D. ShurtlOff, Of Marengo, ed statement la not the truth snd ln àa h.~.r t te llîolsHose t Rp-statement of the facto pute Oison ln a u io@wo h lint os fRp hole from whlch ho wiil have a mighty ,iÏmtatives, publîshes today hle bardtilme toeaxtricate himeif. In ad- e WulMed t@tement in which ho tur- dition Shurtief! has taken $taeate t ~sIa positive and absolute proof that contait the eligibility o Oison au ae Mbgt tj. Oison, candidate for stata anatorial candidate by filing with the t Ww r participated and voted in Chi- county cierks o Boone, Lake and Me- f %,4pomaries au rcntly as August, Henry countiab certlid copies ot the j (isiýnd firthaniiore turnishes a cer- prliary record ot Chicago showlnga ktusft frotu the county clork of Mc- thst Oison votad ln the Chicago pri. *gney coenty that Oison did flot vote marie, in AugLst, 1906. The Shurtief! It.them Mci4anry county primaries the latter, whlch appeare ln this paper, lat u m year. The pekere statement a çorcher. t will be circulated inK la 0eld forth in repiy to Oison' . Citaaloertedstit isiflm that hae did not vote in the Chi.1- sureiy unfortunate fer Oison that heL çMg primarias in August, 190, but perritted himacit to mmii. a signed 8 ut ho dld vote in McHenry county statement ln which he made claima, Ung ymr. Shurtieff turniahes inco11- shich, according to ShurtiefWs certi- bviitubl evidence that Olson'm aigni. fed evidence, sere taise. RICHARD YATES UN ELGIN. fiet Richard Vtes, former govern- wý tillInoisand a candidate for the ipeuican nomination n the August Wïolkties, wa t the guet of Elgin citi- MM StUi-day afternoon. Despite the a-W thse numerous counter et- t~Oi.five hundred people, motly pobbM q«»thtie former governor a tUtsepctfui hoaring- flidiard Vit« e a agood campaign- g 4 maires vtes tor himacitf when- rvr . a pea, and the Elgin meeting Mu e00aoeption thth ie nie. He ha@ e4eammi- micis xttrmct*, and he quir- >4Sb,. the nonftdemsCeofthie Notrer., w4 Vohin speech was a forceful oe, esWau dl hsE is caapaien argumefta. 4W>1 wf1Jt eut Soi the shosilder, 1'î h. makrevomiy' point tell. No one ever iltens te him talk and, douttte sincerity ot his purpose. i The campaign which the two candi- dates for thie republican nomination for governor are 110w waging la with- out precedent for strenuousness. Each candidate is speakung two or thre turnes daiiy. White Governor Deneen ha, the advantage wh'ch the man who la in iiways has over the man who le out, Mr. Yates laflt a novice by sny means. This la hi, third campaign for the rapublican nomination, white ha ha, axparielico of four years in the offle which ha i. now saalclng. It le our firet exparience In nominat- Ing ou.- candidates for governor by a direct purality. The man whu saa ha knumw hat théa restuit wi 1 bes imply a bluffer, and net entitied te any consderation.-Elgi.n Oaily Cour- YATES..OAINUNG GROUND UN CHICAGO. COalumet Record: The country dis-i eioa were long go conceded te tatu. The city of Chcago mas sup- ofltu be iu tee Deneen columu, but 3 I? In Uhe race for the repulcan fdMkation for governor, Yates bas ai <qMg sitart. The splendId meeting ý10,000 enthuslastic Tatea support- w* lu the Colseuin recentiy, followed il tout meetings ail over tbe clty, bas #tasi consternation througbout the. leneoncamp. -T* blgb-handed methods of tee De-1 Za machine in attempttng ta jumnp ta. tinas of other candidates .for gbÏipoitions on the primas-y bai- ff rejudiced gond republicaus gatuot Deneen and is oite. Deiib- wAtesupte by tee machine to cake iht primai-y am Ineffective mIli wSas mauy votes loto the 'Yatea %n Moints attorney, Deneen puiied uate teems.ivoi lu pwer. The ne-. tarions Chicago charter plan vas frues- trated by an aroused and outraged public. But, undlsmayed, tbe machine continueszIts spoila systein and bopes tu put terough its tite unhroken. tbe mate being named by hal! a dozen leaders for patronage purpoecaoly, withot regard for the ahilty of thee candidates. Wberever ablllty and fit- ne. are tounud mong the aite candi- dates it les purely accidentai. For theee and other ressons the people are preparing tu smash tee re- publican machine caucues stte as e- pugnant to the sprit of the prinary lsv, agalust public poicy and public melfare. This la rhy Yates le galing ground rapidly la Chicago. The son of the old wr governor bas a goveruor's rec- ord of his oro. It compares mth giet tavor as against that of Deneen. tbe peent Incombent. mho rould succeed blmself, and te do su là ualng methoda that are antafonizing many SOR ubt vas prObsbly theeMost un- of bis former supporters aai aill.Ide- jdf bmnded plece o busineeS ever &t- pendent justice-ioving republiicu IWUtptai by a public ofIRcIi. He saad tht kt ee systein vas ba and bad î-"C- mla1w passed tntead. Then! 'Ms-. Deeen caMlmY POcets botethee toil and tee salary. and, mith the as-1 $katauee of a muzzled trust pres .pefitf ta tee toue of a quarter of a telliit dollars. Then. te divert t- tentign troin tbi act, lie starts prose- ëi#tilc aogmint sevpeu former state of- àOWia for the return et vari-ons cums ,hebeside is giat, are peer and riltry. Tihe epublican euganiuzatlon in noeunand of -ty, couit. ste and - toderai patrouagu- arf- trinug te ipript. Lotus Beds iu Bloon. ii. Lotos bc-du about the lakeiti nlue 03me#tern part fi li- uniuI ti-i- nu, w g to tloonu and arý e ,uri lu-t tiyaar tiian ftruirani- si-ar îuawt. wionparticularii tUi. tetw.-d 9mdGrass ski-e wluuu lu i, eîwlîu tu.Wiconsin (;entrai t., ujlutu. u 6.bus vmay hi- alw-uu1, s.-t,rs Reert and Spoîrtuuu.îu.tlu,îuu Icescted ln the hiart ,l tl- lui-t aud tigbing gruuodu inuuutlu- ciatp er, the Irl4lrutor, -aiii y me tliat you ure C-U on-ulsv . eeared for. l'artiue uhng -oolnotify luain a-eTe-- P jâemIL erby' glvento iighway 01! tiosmmip ofLliber- touotI!y Pathisnters toclean uîu 41.htetm. iblbra&Yos. .tulroîsdo, Md to ut of ada tblotleo hefore ~smiee is 1miait me tbat tihe là ~ aitJbôme r, nd Vis. ÂWrir Klba bflm be !ýe4mia ctf vo. .6mnlvui thet. Hobon Proctor, et. Chejo bas been -t4lg hé pont rockvit hl$ cousin, =oreroctor. MyronMo1ore. of Chicago, wua. a Vea matthe .4. M. Casey home. ou. day thIa week. IMasshal Limborry and Constable Air, rtmted Fo« Lake, iast, Bunday. No iarets rare made.- 161. leOton cbarred tbst the principa eson wh amati tomSi do Dot forge "@« iétb"tbey contal too mau3 mn bul ton tihe plan o! the MaulWho' went to mllkbls purw. RBp Lacd tbe etool tu the. mlddla of the eowpen, tuait a meat sud malted tor the cor w back upand be mflked., The. Modern Woodum nof America are eetabilohiug a ommîharituLilst Springe for coumptiven tow nick hi imembera bave voluntarlly coutrlhuted $50,00,T roectwuvasldorned by th'Mecnt hJcamp of the order sud] tb. directore were autlior1Wo to disbures for ite maintenance out of tii. general, lundi a amn qusi to 10 conte a member 1 annually. Base Bail Oossip- Politice sud sport w-ere, comblned in the gaine that took place at the fair 1,oUnd@ Ilut Saturdeay afleruoon. Tise tay Rede wbo came hUre to play the Ramblere arted as an ebeort of loonor to Lune, E. Menteli, candidate for atate senator, sud rootera with megaphonee prtwiaiuied lu thunderous8 toue. that ho wte -ail right,- The Cary teain with o Woodetoek catcher and a Harvard pitr ber iJut up a good gaine o! hal and gained a lëad at the tirest o! the gaine which tbe3 ciung outo like grm deatb. The seore mas 4 to (i. The 1l1bertyville lirowng pila>ed a double beader tant Sunday alteruoon gtartiug in at one o'ciock witb a teain from Roeketllier whicb tbr.y deieated in a even inuinig merry-rouud by a ecore of 6 to 4, The Nortb Cb"vgoe were the neiFt contestants and the 11.owns were be:d downro ue run. Score 4 to 1. The B3ennett battery worked weil and the umpire worke4too. Neit iunday, August 2. the Rambieri p ily itb Palatine ait the fair grounds! Tbis inthe deciding gaine as each tear bas a gaine to tbeir credit and thin ou. miii tix the chanipionsbip. Thepe ttwo tommes are Weii matched sud the two previone§ gaines have been cloeaud, exclting. Thia viii b. a "bot" one. Gain e aiied et 2:30. Tii. Rambiers are ehaking banda witb themWeve. oves- the suceeeul game o! bail at Round Lak. iaet Ssuday vbere tlrey put the Round Lake tesa otahe bad bya score of nto 8. Meloymsudo the eenmatioual play of thse gainasd mas wildiy mppisuded. Re reacbed an iuleid dly juat s it toucbed the ground and feli. He qulckly rolied oves- and tbrew tii.bal shile lying on thse ground sud got hb@ inuat firat Tii. Ilueri Ias-eto play a returu gaine mith this teamx onl on the home groudce. Jj PEOPÏV ORM. A word Irom oni. o! your North Dakota patr-ons. Ci-opa are loakiag fina in our viciuity; nme .parte bave badl severe bal atorme, nmsre aavery dry and otiiors have boau dsmaged by bot winda. Bayiug la uesriy over and bar- ley ia being hsrveoted thia meoIs. BY your pape.- i me you have lbed severe electricai storma, me have haît no severe atorme eluceMay. 1Imn ttil atcling fora cyclone. Regarda owll ouIllinois friendo. We iii ppreclate th@INDEPEO- DENT. MES. S. J. YOUNG. Gueipis, N. Dat., Juiy 22. 1908. Tu TBE Enrou: While taiking.whan travellin# man rcul e Dr tlig on subjecte in genera.l sud townata which he M"d rpFular trlpeL Bemaldnnurnbe o! com- plimentahy thina about fÂbortyviile but voméd up with a knock. He e@Md that be visited rnamy tovna of tba mis. but lu noue of! ubeindid h. bcs-mso .nueh aee.rig and profaulti on thse streoets l ho did ber,. Bobh froin vounamtrs uho do it to be amart and f rou oler mon wbo are old enough to haveoo egard for laiie.paming on tii. street. 1 bad neyer tbougbt of it inlu at that light hi-fore andt-orne te tbink of it b. vea about rigbt. B. 8. irahe Tims - ki Pleasre Thon is ioy for Fatber Time ina a sock attwioM. ~e tha tu aybe depende m n &Uaitibie. Itha8,8 aswe to tisaiWhovUa n nfirst<.lauefi= me tsta g«t lut« a PIOMs sueh as ors whm ethse dcks mn ad atches easy be depsrndod upon.W. e flJie bout tidos pis« tesua prlSe Tat might txpect to psy for s poor ane, ANDREW I-USS JEWELER LUBiERTryVILLE, ILLINOUS a An Early Sum- mer Sale, at Late Sum mer Prices r H l n rat, o a Taio ing on à gftat many of their new popular Sprmig aM iSummer Ftfr" Yess eught ta sec them mmd the prlce theyrc going at, Every sut vil bcmde inthe umuds hlgh dam war--to mess- tire oly-perftet in ppoiat- ment fit mstle. CmliNOV for now is.the imet. NEW International fabrie are 110w being offered at a tremen- dou@e ut lu prioea. i F you want ai nioe uew aum- mer suit at a remartable low îrirc, now je the time w gpet hoid of it. Made tritiy to your meseure, lu the Inter. national inimitable mmv. l'ou eau cave Up tO $8.00 a suit and yotlr order wiii b. elecuted as perfectiy as thoogb you bad payed the regrular price. TEE bargain fabrics are ail popular and attractive, but you can't appreciate thia bargain offer unlesa you me the goodi. H ERE !e@the place tome them. 2Oth Century Cash Store IL W. rARKRU8T gCbssck Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. vwvvvwvwvwwww~ww~w~~wvv gSEA BREEZES AT HOME *SUMMEÎR IISoMFPoRT? or FAN COMFORT? Lg'lF OR VOU IN YOUR RESU- 'U WHICHDENCE, STORE OR OFFICE à I Eeci-e anfor the mn at mort; for the faml matborne. Cote itrforveutilatifg. Electrie fan can be ued uiay rooflinu vr lt;Letee ou&. o if ete le re &I in b t ifea rforcooling in @-no o a nrqet mIT SHR gETI OPN 2»N.Go* @t*e OUKG *. * .t A, 4 ., "44 i i i i I i i i i i Don't Waste Vour Life in the Kitchen ,ife la short enough at best. The wornan who plods aioug with old-fashioned kitchen eqniprnent, wastes betweeu two and three hours every day of ber life. Figure up those wasted wearisorne hours for only a few year--the total rans into the thousands. Why don't you put au end to kitchen drudgery by getting a Hoosiçr Kitchen Cabinet It vil enabie yon to do your kiteh en work in hàif the time and vitb half the elort. No reason wby yesotildn't have on@. Doen't cost mnnb and paye for itsefifnl the fi-at year alene- Its mnoue y in yoor pocket every year of your life to ovu one. ome ini and nse thie wooderf ni labor ever and money saver --learn &Il it messieto you. Learn, too, why it ia more economicat to buy the genuine Iloos- than any of its imitations. One good look will show you the difference. Trhe Hlooier lens a life-time-ites buit thmlt way- It cos beut itle, if snything, more thon the ebort-iived, unsanitai-y kind. Mm bS. r %»" i-aW.. Price......21.0() -t C Young & Lynch Bros, ielakts FURNITURE, PAUNTS APiOOILS LIL Plbumo Twine at Si onta I. the bemt sud chapwu twne cm tise mursttodaY, Orn paaoai Pymiutis Twm ne viiibld enre painthan 10 cets vortis1 of plai F EGEF.R LUSERTYVILLE, ILL. -~ r r-' r' r' r' r' s,'s> '.,'r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r'r' r'a We Want To Post Yo u If you intend to build now ls the, time to COME IN and figure on Lurnbtr, Cernent, Brick and Fin- ish -ail have declined and we can save you money. EMMONS - MERCER LUMBIER COMPANY PHONES 47 and 1171. E. A. BISHOP, Mgr. LIBERTYVILLE...........IL.LINOIS l'e - -n~n -n.n.z1a ~ ,MIIDERS Baked with Tomato Sauce PORK AND BIlANS Once let your folk» tante buldae.Boe. mmad tbey'l frowu Ir you morve thons lth Othe»g. Ibat nutty flavor, that tvang and zest are mtmminog in other brande. INSIBT ON SNIDEMeS CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIEBRiTYVILLIE, ILLINOIS ___________Tlephome.30 E. W.PROCTOR E. F. SWAN R. C. HIGOUNS TtR HO1ME L UMBW? CO. =T A Oo-tpmtneralp Bucccemmoru to 0. H. OCHANCI< I. umber, Coal and Peed LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS I PHONE650 THE APPLAUSE 0F THE WORLD lia. been btiotowed on our &hiler Pianlos. Wherever tbey bave bits& seen and herd tbey have reeived u-. mtinted praise. Such a piano in your N home wiii prove a constant and lite- og Bore of entertaixîmet and - hi comk You abouid certaiuly have Louis J. YEOMAN WAIJKEGANIII. Cigare and Lundry Go te Tobacco É Office 1 LEO DRURY ttORIAL BARBER SH-OP. P R L ()R B oehm Baldiaf d~ILE. ILLINOIS LbryiiInI lea fo c ,ec 182.9ç ÏIÏW-W-W-W-W-W-VCP