CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Jul 1908, p. 8

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ANNONCEMNT LS I . .-r . I 1 tais this me ans or declaring mY caudidacy for the Repubirîtan Nomi- nation for IM office aif Stes Attor- ney of Laie Cro'isy. Resiizing the iniporir t'r ilis rtti - t lieplre in g tii <q- , andr j> r , aling the re- slioasitili>5îhy 1ai arsd r.k your ,upport. ltavr>g î;1,ina J'al-.1 , ('arE ty for iiro>,- tiraitwtS Ir e(12 r tars. s tIt a gond measîrre o ut rri<iaanrd 0>3 IRepuiîrrsisitii nevýr hiran>g been lnt dîrutt. i fet jr>.tiiied in Re- purtiicair suprirrrtt or11 ii u i t St h. If on the siruve date I amr nominal- ed, andinii No> emrirr elerted. I shall dîrring i ny tenurre malie arr hourdt ef- fart ta so ronduct tht affaira of the State's Attoriiey*s office as ta meet the approvai af the -ittre prairie. My >'oattt of office asr resrribed b>' tire Statutes cirait st ail tiies lire my platform. Under the !îrw Prinrary law. eihicb viii beln luforce Juiy tI.suad yuli tberefore gavera la Auguat. the peo- pie have lire absolute paver ta, select the men ta maire up tire Repulican ticket. and vien you maie your mari la front of a candidate's n=ae you are doing that whlcil bas been dans heretofore by a delegate ln convea- lon, so la resuit> on Auguat ith. 1908, Lake Couni>' vii iold thle largest convention in bts hlstory, and I am partlcotar>' anius tai recelve the su- dorsement of that convention. WM. F. WEISS. THE COMING PRI MARY ELECTION. To the Repubhiran 'Votera ai Lake Count>': Io am acandidate for tle nomination for States Attorney'. I bave always voted the Repubhican Qýgirl. in thus country but !o1'et tnis se feul a vlctlm ta tbe tÏe od represented as scant of an15 sd became the wiling bond ut &!aman Whia aterwards proved lfunwortliy, bier great love Dot g*tii ber ta ask o ai am the inar- ogceremôny ihat wIouid have made jight iu the eyes I the world. fl'b, Il la sald. 'i'eu tire love of tben lana affnity roied straugeiy and ~jcmtably and a short tîme ago.n jý4f ils tried ta sel Ino a lufe ubme tbe voman. Wbo bad sac- i ,Rodail for is sake.s llie voman resisted. Sire fougit.y 1.u cried. elle tbreatened, It is said. 1,,all lu valu, and rwben ail aller bowem'es faied for the sake of lber t *Bld she. reiated bier condition and N ipqgt refuge la the law. Sbs le nov W U as an allen and ase a wllaess gaina the maso sald ta bave wronged I W, and Itlel ber baby that ligiltens ýT!>. girl la ans ar tbose In the %rb«e laVe" Cases and vas braugbt bepo for ade eeping by Marshi al-Il »#t. 'i girls receive gaod treat- f Iàt and an electric fan Is being lu-Q lallel ta cool the torrld corridors oi b. owoded womens department. MOUD OVER TO TI!GRAND JURY Waing examination Tuesday, Pe-t te Pekevin. sfleged stayer of JoinP Iem by an accidentai abat bn theI *w%. vas bound over ta tbe grandt Wry la the smmsof $2000. Police MLag eb'atE fpe flxed tbe bond. 0» cbnadred Uàtiuanla.ns attended. m Uàtha are dlvlded Ino t t camps. Me tayortng and the otber opposiug O*âavit. Petievlchilmsîf appears * uas axies Malan>' vas given bail Tues- '"y.' e vas arrssted for break- Imç viadovsansd doors la the aid Ma- 11,y .piac on Sheridan road Sunda>' ,w,» allegl malîclous lIntent. E. V. $Orvb tu bis attorney. jobs Davis Of Zion City, Whviras Ïkiorks for Deacon fSnyres, ciaims bie c.. oneboer Monday sud ater tbat 41bo ut ovecame hlm. He vas re- ,IoàW.. Ros Capley was ordered out 'cietety. ~GCSTORY or w Trl Doula Btayat cf Girl t.WaopgdACcoMrdng tO Stol> T.ld ln Wau- kagan. Ip &t the consty jolilIo a lutIle va- 1 whoI. lie story la tlngsd vit!> boue and amisery and yet vit!> a j* of cea ierobsm lîke that vhich lQtWd lave ta picture lu thrillllnl ticket and believe la tas priociplea and traditions ai liai part>'. As a candidate for the Important office ai State's Atorney, 1 am n ot lie candidats ai an>' organisation, or la- stitution, or business btereat. or fac- tion, or the advocate ai any theory or bti, ther than abdlence ta the lava as tbey are found lu lie statuts books sud la the decisiona ai the courts of last resort. A SENSATIONAL 9 DIVORCE CASE! lu papers fIled Tueeday tirough ber -alecr.ys. C. T. Ilsydecker and Son, IF. WiMdeisHosetter oi Waukegan. e Wp" Sevart, says liaI ber bus- 11«4 cbased ber out o! the bouse éXr.tsaIng ber lufe vitil a bucier »M. h.*bcclaa aseteck refuge *Mit a nighbor or relative and ville ,l. vas avay tic iuabaud sold the loaehold goods and lsft. N ev sut-M. H. Hus8e>' vs. Gorge Puluil. 0>vis and Beaubien, sttar- Ittes Attorney' Hanna bas for a ggoaad ine flled papers agalnst Her- um aRulhuseu oi Prairis Viev for the ~j5~ illegal saie nf liqoor, au in- $ormation bcbng 5usd. Slave>- Caught and ConviCte4. It vas a former afiScer lu the Huai- Sariaarmy wvirathe aller day ila Chicago showsd tirs boîd lia wibter elaver>' bas apeta the siaver aud bis victim ls nov in tie Laie couuty 1811. bel sas a vIteses. Il sas tbe case fil Oenk, via recebved sentence aifaone jrear ln the bouse o! correction. Sterk, A P j.D > a mou o! farnly, piaced Tpreza Jeu- <>ALWMTNJ. £ ADV ney la a resort lu Budapest sud vas OFub WH anITsfY rt& D omma living upon ber siane. Tire girl esce- lcn adtn forthNoia egpsd site>- a year sud came ta Chi. STATE'S ATTORNEY ego. Siek. deserting is iamlly, foi- Primanîe, Saturda>', Auguel SIli, lowed ly the next iboat. Iis soure a ___or___ ~inecme vas gone. To gel tire vomna r st upun ras of sAOîîg ta t tîsiticb k"I vas a neceselt>'. taw la resî,ected ud otsyed, anid 1 . f Smt en made s faux pas. Hce ap- wllaccîsîri tsiraetonsibiblbtfand »çM*d tu the goverument officers ta sirlirr ons af tire dutîe oitic offce. 4eýSrt bis victim aud made arrange- Regardie,, of vlat a ama saye or oé ta o retura iii ber on the same doeseuider stress, ire le likç-iy ta]ilve M.,t. Wen under fauli>' inditaient and do as ire bars tied sud done seeaped ticetUnited States court, (bs srîis t i ie cni t tt's Attorney Roc caugirt dtt, r>etf iacirrdpd) sud go, up on a atste charge and caused rbrtycadlryt tievi 'r ~ ouviticuand sntene. oa tire People, believtrrg that, gto far s as liesIn lur poewer, they viii In- ~ Aeauitd hySoldera. quire as ta my standing as a lavys-r r-Pithe vers couirt martiaied at sud as ~arari, sud riren determmne - p loga Friday for a hurla viether. lu tireir opnioaln, I an quail- On g~its Cuira, W. 'WKImbal l Ied ta, sud viii, Il ttected, perfortich Oo.uafeay agnt aetZbo CitY, duties sîlolurd uîrou me by my cati o! offce. W$ - a, he c <elbon». I taie ibis aay ofa îpeaaligta you vea vbtc c0"sMd thes111- for your support irecause of thc prac- M101,110 l t b" UMassez- calimposasbluity ai meeting m&U per- ~ ~ A uIIII&.sogalis. shIci, If apportunity permlt- 0" If May 17t64, LshouId le pleased tudo - . Rcapectfnlly, - ~ aaz~r RALPH j. DADy. or C~0fstAT! seNATroR <Onine ram puge 1)1 fougt vth bloodshed and deati recently. a truce han been declared and nu troula le oosd for. lu tihe 22nd yard the content for con>- mittesmanIlies between Representatlve B. F. Cltteuberg and Samuel E. Ericison. Erickmon la baeked by A J. Oison, formerly a-repre- sentative and an alderman. Circulart have IMe.n diatributed througi- out the yard giving the endarsmrent af Çletlreuber by the Legisiative Votera' lague report for 1904. and the condemunation oi Oison by the Municipal Voter' lbague in 1900 snd 1902. Pontoanter Busse la beid Cleteuberg. and with the electian of bis candidate yull get contraI of the only yard In the norti towa wbici bas flot owed allegiance ta hlm. (Cironicle, ffunda>, April 29, 19W.) CLETTENBERG WINS IN PRiMARIES. Republican primary elections were hetd yeterday In the clly aud Cicera. but the only content o! Importance vas in the tventy- second ward, vilere Bernard F. Clettenberg won a bitter fight against Samuel E. Erickson mnd ex-Alderman Abert J. oison, cspturbng seventeen ont of tweoty-four delegates. The content was over the county committeeablp ta succeed John A. Lino, via vithin a week will begin servlng a Indeterminate sentence in lte Jolet penllentlary. Athougi the struggis vas noml- naily betysen RepresentatIve Clettenherg on ans side and Re- presentative Erickson and ex-Alderman Oison an the ather, the real battis vas betysen Postmnaslsr Fred A. Busse snd bis plitîcal rivais in tbe Lino yard. By bis vlctory af yesterday Mr. Bosse estabIlshes bis supremscy as a party leader la the twsnty-flrst. twenty-gecond. twenty third and tweuty-iourth wards and .wll go loto the convention tomorraw wth seventy-seven delegates. Mr. Bosse made kt bard figbht against great odds and bis trium ph doubliesa will add moch tu bis prestige as a leader la tbe repulcan county organization. The Busse-Cleteuberg combbnation carried Ove out ai seven prlmary districts In the twenty-second ward and the postmster le now the undisputed boss of the town of North Chicago. Twenty-Second Pols Heavy Vote. Of 11,929 votes cast In the city and Cicero neaily 2,500 were cast by the Tweuty-secand ward, or mare votes than 'tere polled ln tihe ward primaries af May 6, 1904, when Deneen sud Lowden vere battiing for the republican gubernatoriai nomination. Ericirson and oison evidently tried ta overthrow Busse, Erickson runîîlng as a candidate for committeeman Iu the Swedisb districts aud Oison In the Irish districts. Ericksan carried bis own district, the slxth, sud his combination carrled tire fith or Pohîmaun district; tihe rest went ta the Busse organisatIon. SAI BLOWN OPEN IN ZIOri CIY STAION Safe blowers last night bored a hle ln the steel safe ln the office of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad at Mion City, failed to pecetrate and de- stroy the combination. brake off the knob of the combination with a beavy chair and flnaliy made their escape af- ter taking $10 in cash from a littie cash drawer. driYfu riouaF ly latb*l>a$I ta 0y&W avenue, Wauiefan, turned' here te, go sither to the St.-IPaul or the electrie rond, reached the electric on Grand aVenue, Mistoci t for the Ft. Paul or ele..clanged their minda ln fsvor of the trolley line, got out, turned the barse around and vitit a blow of the wvip sent hlm eastward where he vas fond near Connty treet. rail to Crack Safe. At Mbon City the roblers entered the MIon ticket offce througi ane or the wicketa on the Inside of the buiiàing to whlceh aea tbey gained entrance tiraugi an otoide vladow. Inside the ticket office tbey at once attacked the sase It appears, first illiing a hale loto the door in an ef- fort ta destroy the cambinatton. they' did flot put a bale tluougb hei teel and asn tien ta bave broken up, the furitore, lui the ofce bln effort ta break eff the knob of the comblnatioui. Final Cloa p of Wa8h Suits Al aOur $10 ta $15 Waëh Suit# in fancy lace i and embroidery, trimmed with beautiful combi- nation colora ta match. To close out for tixtal clearance- $4.98 Tan and wvitie Wiwh Sits, elegatly msade 30 inch coat and gored skirta. Worth Or, ta StI. bi, for final clearng- $2.98 Tbnraday or WrfGay sud-plans ouf j. trip may be ânlarged to have it W, elude the terrltory lear i' ta Ra- cine, Wlsconzin. The matter le nov Dp ta the rail- ly loated the Cath drawer of $10 la 8,000 rougli and, ready Waukegan change. The tickets vers ln the sale boýters of tila City sbould bild tbem- and tbey coold not therefare mie a selves reauly ta taie part and make a haul. Tiers vas aiso an amount of party of at lesat 700 and poslbly 1000 money In the safe. There la no dlue Thursday or flday, ta the robbers except thre Waukegan Wauiegan Day la going ta ils bocat- buggy and tume table. ed If it couta a leg ar two. Merchanta cof the City report that Waukagan Day Bootr. trade ia constantly on the Increase Ten atreet cars. esci vitil a capac- and are muci sncourtged by the ont- lly af aeventy lekther lunged bo<,ters, loak ai affaire, ln vlew cf the fact tisi vere asked by, the Wauksgan Day factorisa are puttlng on mare men and management for a norti shore bocal- evcry Induatry la getting a husîle on- ** ~***B*** S ~ I I Tbe finding oi a horse sud buggy11 stolen i rom Hirain Ferrys bara non Sberidan road earîy this mornIng on4 Grand avenue la Waukrgan leada ta the belief that the tieves made their4 escapieln the., outl. Tbe thear>' la that tbey vers making for the St. Paul ralroad as a time table over this road vas found lu the buggy vben Caplain Vagel oi tire Police tDOIk charge ofit. Mitouk Electric for St. Paul. A Critical Polj n MAN may be particular about bis drese, but if ha neglects bis neckwear hc viii epil Jiwhat otherwiae zight bc a splmendi ent, It is the becamling uck-v year that makes the yhol.e suit sasuc- cems Vbat the ordiary moitai vanta is titi harmony. Our novelties are attrative being af excellent texture and beautiul construction. __________EVERYTHING FOR MEN J. B. MORSE& HANBY BLOCK, LIBERTYVîLLE w Co IAUKESAM, ILL :k Taking ir bargains ýr store and of Almer- DUS money is: es-in ail slradeo, . Worth *6.00, [e Jumper Dresses, Le Worth $4 iâil, ... ..89C: ......98C: 1> values, $1.48 8 The quick response to our Great Before Stc Sale, which is now on, fully dernonstrates that ou are the best. Saturday will be a banner day at oui as we are deterrnined to make a general clearingc chandise, corne and avail yourselves of this stupendi saving opportuflity. Wu ore MOTlS in YOII-CMÉRg os woII os n 8 These are a few of the many bargaiw trimmed witil wîde embroidery. fluai clearing priee- Striped and ehocked reraaIe eoabroidered an leevea and yake final clearing prie- .$1.98 Whrite Linen Coats, $3.75s value White Indian Head Skirtiq, spearal .................-. . .9 Pca...................189 Colored Wa8h Skirto, $82 valnes, 7 .: Cbîldran'a White Wagh Caste. special ... ................................j pecial. .. . .. ....... ....... White L..awn Waists Ail Reduced They are beautifully trimmed wlth laces and embroidery $150 values, 59C. $2 00 values, 98c.$30 $400 values, $1.98. $600 values, $2.98 DAY Monday, August 3, .190o8 OVER ONE IIUNDRED FEATIJRES Or INTEREST TO EVERYBODY Don't rail to See the Sensotionol Water right==... ==Waukegan rire Dept. vs. Kenosha rire Dept. Picked team from WAUKEGAN FIRE DFPÂRTMENT vs. picked team f rom KENOSHÎA FIRE DEPARTMENT. Teams are to face each other and do battie royal with stream> of water with ful l ire pressure on. Don't foul to See the Mon and Lion in Bolloon Ascension A real live "Lion" and a "Mai" will make a most dari ng 'Balloon Ascension" and sensational ieap for life-e--ach descending to earth in a separate parachute. ONE! IIU1DRfD SHOWS AND CONCZSSIONS comblned. Don't fail to be one of the 50,000 people here on 1 Waukegan Day. " Don't fail to remember everythlng is hors, for your pleaoure and converneut.e. .NOIW ALSO RE-M-EMBER, that there wili be the greateet and wost notable gathering of Politicians and -Landidatelof ail parties for National, State and Local ofjtce» ever aammbled ut oie timeienh [4e (ouaty. ~~. -' c r ............g INS1 os GI-IlGi Iem Street Succesii Petc train road 2:59 As returi he vii Pers docks As crossi s6treet hopin fore clown Arc Nort cu thl ed t traln This lesa ing f bal aged mg cidet Brys uer forai ber C'hat atlvq for il One thie bea, M r. do* croi cr0> pro SGma hobar of ed fus No on 't- anl sa lic wi Bigger, Better, Gronder and More Sensational reatures Than Ever Before AUIUEOAN L b~ ai ni i d b ÀL 1 * ý i i i i i 1 - - it is beHeved that thE F"WWWl

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