i*ton in iessi deadly t ha, it u3ac to be. TM ua!y coirpiete recovery s Sresuit fro-rn Cie fioocvnietmn: - ~1p4rest, frcr.h! air, an,4-ScoY*t.wo tan( AL. DRUGGIST-S: SCc. ANI> $1.00. iew là AéMý -L ALbut vit -~ ~the1 WAUCONDA DEPARTMENT . M. E. MALMAN. Correspondent ani Agent day M-91-11egobu til Icegt the primaries Saturday. «0flb 1p f In m6 O'clock a. M. FuBand Frank Murray made a trip to Fox Lake, Lake Villa, &B ad Grayalake lest Fr1day "91 bille for the i\eunion. AIl the or lovua arouuld the county have Sbilie as aima many towue lu ~aj.sud Cook countiee and from ail PÀ1Wanconda wiii have one of thel V*erowde seen heore in years. Ail Shave beou buey iooking ater v vaionsa taske and nearly al «eêaet have beon made. Ful Ç"B viii appoar nelxt week. W.terroll and thrse daughters, ot 'F's. vers guees of Mir. and Mmr. marray and faudly Sunday. W& Etehiason, of Barrington, le .U - ev daye vacation in Our We wth Mr. and lire. H. T. Grahamn. ilmm Mreî. H. Geary and Mies asheMurray epent Suuday with 'Md Ars. J. N . Zîmmer, o! Long "e. O.Bruckway Circuit Clerk of our tyBdcnidate for re-elction and ~ orw fWaukegan, vore cailiug e 5a.laurvillage&Saturday. bl4ettis Mrray lot for St. Paul, gw for a two veek's viit with *bir». M. A. Frice. ,,>-Iman transarted business inj dIïias8 Friday. * Baturday nlght dances at the S"d hail are being well atteaded *.vrybody who goe reports fiue i mystic doyen wili hold a social at <.Lcbnrch parlore on Tbureday «, Aug. lBtb. A fine progranibas srr.nged for the evening and at êserthi nvitation laeextended tu ailt ous Winlr Pratt and Leilabt eh rstumsd homo daturday alter1 '4 b ix eeke courses at the Uni- i t, *tVaIparaieo, lad. They report b w )lehan Bd a large number uft p.Nhlluey and Raph Dady, of 9 thes latter a candidate for N *t torniy of our county vers amrlende la Our village Tueeday. *ýhoésetranmeted business ln #ylu Fidy badheld tlaeir regular pJaMonday evening and made pe for the ieeuiag ot tax t Io the a&Mount of $500 to IW illé xpeumesof publiceirprove-lE 190 mad 190. The queation i m a aiea dàecueftd and the r ititrctd Aarhal Lanîphereel aSIl ouereohdoga W procure0 boUess um othe village clerk at V ek, question of completing te« Às .tiae rear of the tova hall t peeso acage for the nov jahl s sudau.dand it vas movsd vl esrlsthea Presidet inst.uet the fa NOM Ce thecommittee on public t 0Wsateta, make a trip ta Chicago il epsineon brick and caes and N duS bir uoxt regular meeting, b - adPa.ymsn on village bond y A. Âug 1, '08. $600o, it vas al «aiepported ltattLie lerk bho c 0098 tu, draw an order on thoe e MW for &mount vhea coupon lapre- ci IL .Canlsd. A permit vas granted ra msBros,, W place a st of A usai. O!f ive tons capacity on 0c Mil 8d f t, along aide of kW Dr. l'aler as a menihor oft!11 .Mbeoasaaiese preeented a lew IpksUl bd heen brought bto 5L à"aad aked that the huard on 00mare. Thes Preident Madiiustrpcfrd liascOmmittes W 'T ,&ebe aBteramluomes mam asirtakelacare of. Bille to thae w wr resleted eandafter le O.K' by the finance committes râ pudedjaid ty fuil vote of the w k«A«.15 vai resd from Rasy & the tbal lts ilage board for lo 111 th Are department and equip- 1si ment ont to bis farîîî tact Friday whî'i the hay had taken tOre la his barn. Tlhe eaine wae nrecordiiîgty placed on file 'ahter w hich theueietinig djonrned. A fine plckerel wae caugbt lu unr laku 1Wedneeday morniug by Stanley Hall, of Glencve, and Chas. Kuazeman, of ýWip~ette, ta o young men teho are slay- i ngaItt Burton cottage on the easi 1 elde ofthéluelake. Thc le w.ighcd 13%( cIbe. and iiîeasnred :1l ftet, 4in lches tron 1ttp to tup. This îe onreiii the largeRtt iel 7that bas been cnpLnied ini ur lake for 1some time but froni the repurtq ot oui t Mnny ilherman thcy eay they havi hooked severel oh îheîîî tut the.y always guI away. No duubt thiere are matuy large flsh in our lake but they aie liard Wo capture eituer brcakuug the hiomî ou napping the uine. The ladies utfthe Catholcu. iru.b vil] give a laten social Saturdmiy atter noon and cvcning, Aug. 15, oun Fattuer %Vulfe', lawu. A fine prograni le beîngarranged fui the occasion and a very pleesant turne le promi&ed. A muet cordial invi- tation ie extendcd to ail] Mise aiggie fiacre returncd bornec Bat- urday alter Sol iag a six weeks' course at the state normal echool at De Kalb. Our'ritizene acre startled lest Friday teben euddety the aie bell vos rang. People raine running truni alt directions and the tire departmnent tras on band ready fordaty witbinan very fev minutes vhea it vas fonnd ont the lire vas et Ray Paddock's ut Volo, sterling froni nea iîeY that bail reeently been put in the barn and aithougit no b"aze as visible smoke vas i.sning fmmi the build- ing and vas feared the bleu vould start ut any timo. The engine and buse carl tse firemen vounteersd tW go. Tvo teama vers secured and the engins and apparatus vers bnetled ouL It tWok thom about an boni b rsacb the place. The Gralake departmeat witb Iheir assistance rsmoved aIl the bey ironi the barnan mmwhen a epark ut lire appeared the vater iwa@ tnrned ou ndmitbey linally succeeded la clearing the, ibarnand no ,erious daunage vas dons aithougit a watcb vas kept aillniglit. Obituary. Waaconda and vicinity vers gresly ehocktsd and grieved fast daturday evon- ing W lesaaoh lhe sudden death o!fAirs. [hennis AMurray Bt ber homo about lbrs ailes south oh our vilag, et lte age of 62 veut@, 1 montit mmd 27 day. Kathrya relia diavin vas bora et Boseton, Mass., June 4, 1846, and vas the eldestutof a miiy o! four, viz: Kath-. rYn, Michael, Francia mmd Patrick, the bhlîdren of James and AnunaSlvin, mmd of vhicb family Patrick le the loue aur- rivor. Air. aMm . A ir.davinanmd laady inuved lu jouet, laI., wben tho subwot 01 bhis sketch vas but Ivo yearsold, mmd abtout Byve yeare later tb.y rsmoved to, whet la tamilianly knovna Be . lavi. farm near Waueonds vhere Katiaryn readed until Jan. 24, 1867, when site was united in marriage vuith Denais Murray, a son oh Erin, and vbo ita bravely ansvered the Union'. cali for 'olualsera during lthe Civil war. Their union vas blemssd vill ten cbildren ail of viton survive as foliote:ai ary lor- lI, vule ut enry Cuurlney, resides in Chicago; Jaunes Firancis married and reideon e larm near lthe uld homestead; Anna lsabeIls, tvifs ut Francia Courtney, ut Carile, ArIt.; Agnes Roue lires aI homs; John Eimer married and resies ut (louera, Ill.; Charles Otis married and id a resident of Jubnsburg, Ill;, Swory Lee -arried and reside upon anutmer rtof o!hb. Au-ry tarin; Raymond 'rniMyrtie Gmtbrleflà a d Eltbyl Tbersea are unmarried and et homo. Aire. Airra vwas very euddemly slricken rilb hearý [allure un liay 23, mmd for a fev da-v* deatheemed imminent, db. ralied itovever and vas cunvaklesing riten a s&-ond mîroke came upun ber Saturday alter site b.d spent a 1ev houre oh the day in<a rocklag chair. Medical &id vas haatily samuaoned and sho vss, FOUMDS' rMACARONI has more to recommend it as an article leof daily fare than any other food pro- duct. As a nourishing food it has, no equal. In price it is far below meat or vegetables. To the woman who appreciates it there is no end to the vanety of tempting dishes which it will make. Get acquainted right now. Your grocer has it in sealed packages, 5 nd 10 cent sizes. A rcip bokiet with every package. aive partn&s T 1,d'S elfiE ather Woutfe officiatigadinrm t .s adelath-Cahoie mbeteryvu esîde Air. sud Vis. OýIs Smith, o! Wakg, reniainhome er bi adwh ~ et-part of thirvacationhreih le om er .1894. Mmr. Murray tLeoa.4"pretAi.ad M"e F i as a woînuawlioee hItderale ad amiSlth. l prn« M.adr .M *dlyv, e.vç)gpete, motberly nature on for ber the love and esteeni of Oil TIe persan vbo, loi a bore blenket ho eajoyed the jiteau reoof ber wcqeàala- mai lha5il by cailing F. Ai. Smith and 6ire. Sbclvois a ioving, helpit v ile ldiiiiiii 1h. gaies. id an Ideal niother, ad ber lue le, in- * iie LUiIa Payne, daîîghterorfut li ed, irreparable, not only tu ber iemuly laies &uIl Psyne bas iteen vlsg it to the couumuaity at large. Wejoin talatiesil this vicinity for the Pet !th lier countlese triende la extendlng veek. ir deepeet and beartfcît sympathies t0 Big Lump Thrething Coil. mmoîÇs- he ereavedt relatives. MzwCit LUiMBER Co., Lihortyvilie. VOLO. The social fieduon Air. Jenisen'e pacloas Miee Ressie f)unnill utf Chicago, vieited laia vas a mcc... aInevery wBy. The evenlagwva perfeclt and ltheire@ creaun ber horne bers froîn Mondai to Thurs-an m aecudnthv te otr v ut net eek.The crovd vai su large froni adjoiaing Vill Cloagit, ut Waurnda, rmade0 a tovne that more ire criambad lu, ho 8inese trip to Volo Satîîrday. etfrdrn h uu. Tte Junior Miss Bertha Hironinnus, ot Fremont Mleslonary Society are W W ue ongretu. iter, visited relatives hiere overfianday. lati on tbe metîner lu wbich they Mr. and Mie. Eu Luskietin Mondai conductsd they sci.Tiey îleared $6 i hicago. which vas aci for a beglnning. Miss Ella Moore wuaeit Fox Lake one Crakerjack and lemonadu. vere soi ly aë wek.beelde the res creai They bold tlîeïr Y liie WeeL.meetingsevery mouth wthliMie. Frank Mrm, C. Sabel teas Called tu Chicago Dolpit vith good attendanee. We hope t wîeek luy the serious illnees of lier they viii hold simother eocial Ibis uîontb in John. Ri te omewlhnt tuetter nit as there dont eetu to beciii ,îub doing ln sent. thte social lino. Prot. L.each, of Elgin, wae la Volo lire. Wells caiied oun triends biers the iday-. tiret of lait wesk. fr. and Mmr. Carl Atterbury and son, )rles. oh Waukegan, vers visitors at it aught borne lst veek. O M hies Elsie Silthitt entertaialng ber ter, Mies Laura Smith, oh MendotaAMr. W. D. Porteone and daughter Vio- * this week.' let epent lant vee at. Wheaton, witb Mr. and lir. Math Baur. Wm. Huron. James Van PJev and hamîty. ius and Lucy Ilunull env the 101 <Mn. aand Mrsi.John Kaiggie emtertained inhb ebow at Waukegau last week. reaiesfroni Palatine and Rivervlew Mesdames John Walton, Ed Lusk and Sunday. lae. Parker and Mise Elsie Wallon vers Arthtur Feddeler ot Lake Zurich vas a auconda canlera Fiday atternoon. guest st the home ut hie aunt Mrs. P. lise Kate Frost vais the guest of rela- Litchtfeid several daye mest veek. ies ait Round Lake Baturday nigbt Thos. Ruesel1 and family epent Sunday d 8unday. vith relatives atLakte Forest: Ir. andAire. C. Dllon, oh Waukegan, Mmr. Wmi. Vlckeri le enîoylag a vieil egueetsout Ar. and Aira. Win. Dillon hromr ber sieter lira. Perrott anddaugbler a fev days. olov oaaiBt presetritimr. Air e s. Eallager and Laura vers in .Grayalake Mondai' atternoon. Wm. Lusk and Air. L. V. LueL and son, Edvard, of West Fremont, were in Volo Battirdai' atternoon. Cornelius Huntiey. of lova Fale, la.. and t'bri8 Crawford, uf Dundee, ;vers gueets a&CA. J. Raymoad's Fnidai' nigit and daturdai'. Air. Zuelsdort, o! Waucoada, epent Thuraday et lte Marri' Nich6lishome. Messr. White an~d Ium8ki, of Grave lake. vers Volo cahiers Fridny. Air. and Air. Jack Stadtield and sou, Stanley, atteaded the Wankegan liai' celebrathon liondai'. Paul Aven', of Lake Villa, and Miss Georgia Kapple. of Urayslake, vereSun- day gueets aItthe Robt. Paddock bomne. Mise Annie Rosedentecherof Waucoada, speutAionday mn Volo. Ar. sud Ire. Jus. Freundanud citilmrsu, ot Acenri', vers gueste otfAir. aud Aira. Mt Ailier Bunciay. One dey lest vol HBarry, tb. infant ono!fAir. and 14râ. Frank Hiruaimus, feîl and broke hie arn5 Under thte cars of Dr. Fegere heile dolng*9aiceti'. There viii beau Seseean social hold ou lte lavnaet teBrt Paddock ihome et Paddock'@ Corners, Fidai' evening. Aux. 7. Proreeds gu lu lb. yonag ladies' aoclty of lte Volo Mi. E. church and viii ho used for cburch purposes. Come mmd have a good lame. Last Firi4ay a peculiar incident oecurrestatlie iobt. Paddock tarin, une mtie esat o! Volo and b.d il nut boom for lte assistances uf triende and nelgithrs quite a inancial laus ould have been sustalned. An immense barn rreutti', erocted, b.d heen flusd froid floursu trael witb allia hay. Pridai' about aoon on going lu lte vensd outhlb itar,,lRej Paddock ebo hbatb.dcharge of te larma for several yeare, diecovered sutoke sulng tront lb. harn. Il vas faud ltaIithe bai' bad igrnitsd near the fluor and vas huruing rapidiy. Air. Pad. dock and hie&iirsd b.ip vurked sevoral bours but sjoon lunnâ tb.y eould du nu good. An alarin vas ent 10 lb. Wa- couda and Grayelako lire depertmente and peopio vers notif leah&round lb. country'. Everyone turned out tu b.lp and îhey at once comnoe»d taking itay out oh the barn, bal il vas nul outil neariy morning o! tb. followlng day thal the lire vas reewbed. As sou. as air rearbed lb. smonlidetlng nmss la im ýart outntmd bat li o tiree uitiag coald have boom «Yod. itiy. bad n<t succoeded litehoeking lise-ames Il le doubtili holiaer tliasboues cound have heen kept froniiit lag s mIte vlnd vunld haro carzisd tus laum toward Il. Lunch vas served te lia. ankees sereral limes dng te night and Ihanks am given tW the mmc, mmmj'ot whom wvesd frumtalfternfoui nutil 4>1t be neit nabra. ing vb.a the tire vas fleallyoxtinse.isbod ammd W the iad ie wiho itlped la nm.viog the lunc-hes. Mi" Lola Eniuaffuvinltsd iu Waukesa thie week. Air. and Iro. Ed Dicthave uored Wo Round Lake. F. M AiHnitti taa i.apt-o Librtyri.is Mondai'. AilesAgace Pavue ine tayingwi lUbeho nephiewaet itO>keoler st present. John Shepberd ul e mpiuydst athlb vire mille et Libertyrville, Mn@. Deeker is et hume agaÇ aller an absence of severai vols. Ar. mmdira. Pd Beves, Who "h*vo ite1 pndn their vactati)on horebar, re= to thelcy. i Mise Ida Bengitoru ut Long lirove is visillug ber cousin Miss E. Bergboru. Mise AIma Black lias relurned froun Geneva Junclion, alter severat weoks visit vilh relatives. Air. Robt. Cameron luet n valuable horse lest vesk. Air. Charles Shterman ut Texes, aeccun- panied hi' Prof. F. J. Wa8bicbek (a for- mer tearlier bers) of Mobile, Ala., vers bers Wednesday renewimig acquaintanres and calliig on friendis. Big Lump Tbressing Cuit. EmNio.Nm- MEmicamiL-UsMBER CO., liiluurtyt-ille. Aire John Aibrechi and daugbîer Pearl of Giencoe, Aln., are bere on a visit to ber parente Mr. aîd Airs. Fred Atbrecht, 10 romain indetuitetv. Mn. Clarence Kaigge viuitcd relatives and tiende aI Des Plain"e on Bandai' lest. R. F. toasel our husgtling stock dealer le lu Wisconsin the preeat week pur- rbaslg catIe. At tue Bandai niorning service Misa Luelle Herscbhberger, ofCiicago. reuderei a solo entitied 'Tvo Cities," tehicit tees greatlli' ppreeiated hy ail. A. B. Titus, tbe rsnowned well-digger, bas b.d bis@nna] good fortune hi' 9tnlkiag a good vain o! vater et a deptb of 100 fest on S. L. Trippeà lot. Dr. H. A. Carson of Nev Orleans, La., le speuding hie vacation nsre, the guest o! lbis moîhor Air. E. J. Tyler. A nambor of lte boys o! I. E. Payne's5 S. c.lame are spending lte present week camping et Gages Lake,. Lv. Annif lge and kLayI.on Dean aedmpauiedtem. P. Ai. Kniggo attended ltse annuel con- vention o! lonrth ce Post Maters ln Chicago, Tuesday. Ho vas chosen Be- cretary for Lake Connty Leegue of hourtit lira J. C. Dorier enlerfelned ber sieur Miss Yore a part of the. pressaI veek. Ou Wednesday out tiis tesek, Lgrande Flagler tarted on a triplu Washiagtoit. Whaî hi. plans for ltefuture areie unu- kuova, bulbe isa determline<itW sees sane ut lte vorld. (F5050 ACOTIEr 1uiu5BEePtiS DENTn) Boit Ronse and Harri' Roue are un bsinensset Collai, Wis., titis week. Irving Payne'e Suaday ecliuul claes are camping et Gagea Lake ion a voeic. gt0à H bté,vole the guetéof the Pette la&0 Y Iuaday. ~ Laies Mlsioary OcIlty met Kies Irene Hutchison la speuding a vesk vllh relatives in Waukegan. Mir. and dAre. Jini Glass, of Chicago, ae4..iltlng lth Air. and Aie. Phil Eimer Antes Ie epending hie vacation la Muons, la. Air. and Aire. E. B. Shermuan ot Tetae are vielting vllh the Rommel family. Ales Rassi uyder, of Glencoe, vas the gust ut1hahol H orsahorgor several daye tas vesk. Thome vio atteaded Wankepa a from berm vers: S. P. Hutc hison and family, Ted Bradford, Ed Bleimehi and famly, Miss Marie Dethoru, Are. L. C. Todd, W<odmaa Todd anidAir. and Air. Mi. Horsahorger. Hubert and Frankln Mayer are viit. hng in Traer, la., vithl the Waylield famuly. iRoy Hutchieun and Edvard Bradford spent several day. vitt relatives in Wau. kegan Ibis veek. Ereniug services ivili W dinrontinued for lb. moulu of Auguet la the Prshy terlan churcit. Mmr. L. C. Bale and son, Sniare violtiag ha Wlsconsia. Minseliary Bleimehi and Mise Annie Autes visited in Arliagt.u Hsights Sun, day. MisenMantha Ktieh intevielting in Milwaukee. Misnsae] Vent is speadtng tlie,.week in Hightland 1-ark witb relatives. BARRINGTON. Emmelt Steager, o! Naperville, i visitiag vith bis cousin, Cjarau(ý Plagge thie week. Mie iolly Lempke. ofCulicalgu, viii the guest ut MisAuna Wuîais dunday. Mies Louise Boehnier m as an ibuago visiWor Tueeday. MieMyrtle Walbaam, ut Ituaner*o Gruve, in visitiag reiativsjere. Hennry Lapp. o! Chicago, le ependiag two vooke at the home of A . 0. (ieke. -Newtonand Humer Plage arc »pendi- inthe veol vitb their Stenger coueins The caul*p meetings u1thlie Ciciago, district uf the United Evangelical uhurcli viii W beld mn the Barrinmrton prk camp grounds froni Angust 2leit ta Ble.t. Misses Cors Hubein and Lîmella Lnndver were Miarenugo visitors laot week. Tue Lincoln Temperance Cliatauua viii W belîl hene Aug. llth tlu lCth. tiood lurugrame both aftennoon and oveîinir. r-PA.LArR ManY uf Our people ahIllW pleased lu hear ltat Robert Musser, a l'alatinîe boy and tunmer proprietor of the, ilanici druq gstore, graduated troni tbe coileg- ot pbyeiriane and surgeonîs lest uîoatb. Hie maiii fricade visit hlm succeels in business. Air. and MM-eChas. Babecikentertained triends froun Crystel Luke, Cuba and Palatine over Bunday. Air. and Airs. Johnalliau Wilson are entertaiaiag reittivffl trom New York City' alpresent. Air. and Aire. F. Haîste entertned Air. A. Prellberg and fanily frnm Chicago recenîli'. The mnay friends o!fAir. Richîrnond viii W pleased 10 hear she le recoveriau niceti' frorn an operation performed recnttv for n cancer. The W. IL. C. served uover 200 peuplenat their lava social Tnesiday. Misseliabet Wohlhaben visited tniends in Palatine Sunday. Mis Emima Noltiag visited relatives andi tniende in Palatine orer Bandai'. Once mors vo viii give you a guod tinte. Cone tb te dmmeSatnrday even- iag at Aunanus bhail, Round .Lake. Tickets !'Oc. 1- Air. Rose ie vi@iting ber one, Jaines Jamiceun. Air. lialpit Taylor and chlldrea, oh Lil Lake, le vi8ltiag ber fatiter, A. H. Stewart for a iea veeke. Miss Clara Foote visited lira. Cita. Taylor, o! Hickory, froni Thuradai' until Sandai'. Robert Mcflougall, o! Antiocb,was the guccl of bi@ ana ereceatti'. Air. Smith, of Elv&asn, motter ut (Bilent Smiith) visited A. K. Bain lent rThurdai', aiso Air. and Air. Victor Roseback and cihidren, o! Evanston. Miss Remington, of Chicago, Becretari' of Y. P. Auxilmarios vas the speaker et the Missionary'Tee. $57 vasmralized. Mise Ediith VanAline returaed borne from Dakota lest veek., Mies Alire Jamieson, ot Chticago, spent Sundai' vitit ber parente, Air. and Mmr. Geo. Jamiseon. Mies MinaiteItouse @pont Wankogan Ars. Elizabeth Tuver leftI Fiday for D)ar vîit ber triead, Mies MatIe Rarm (urnes Io viil Miss Lottie Steanu a few hart. ,doys. W. are al giad te besi that Juelin Air. and Ars. JoeAnderson and fnmiiy, Bilîuski bas recovered f nom diîhtberia oh Lake Foreet, vlited W. B. Stewart and ls again able to b. ont, lest Wednesday. lire. 0. Bouse and Ars. E. Wilcox Air. Al* Chame and boys and (race speut Weduesdjat Gaes ake Feezer, uf Grange Hal, visited Air. C. E. - Deunan. iEther Hecketeviller. o! Ivanhoe, speuit Clarsnce donner and a friend troni Saturday villabsneririsud, Miss Besete Chicago vfsited borne tlikeBandai'. lic Bride. Lybura Stewart, of Chicago, speal VEST PRMONT. Buanday i' vllhie fenil'. Clarenco and Floreabo Ulîricit retnrnd MAr. and lire. Wm. 4nderson and sons lu Chicago aller vlslting relaives bers a vieitedi W. B.Stwr holtepatu lv days. lie veek. A. K. Bain and John A. Blraug Iran. E.H. Meyer and Wm, hieDoveli pur- sacled business in Cicago, Mouday. Sa ev 1400 t. chura vhicb vaâ m s in ah sretarned troat in uufat he West Fremoul creameri'yan h'Chs ëunay.Mthoas and AMr. Br"y, cerpeatera who A numben iroun bore atteudsd lte vilii aingle ber bouse. dance at Round Lake Balurdai' nigt. Air. and Air. C. E. Deuman caiied omn Air. Cutter, of ZMon Cti'. receutlli. Expiainse H. uccU5Ss.Miss »Lully Purmft, retuarued lu Evans- "To vbatý" lnquired lth fitervier ton Mondi havlng spent ten days "du you attribut. your scm in macquir viit AilesBatsr. # hWdofl 'Mleeos Helen Sfford mmd Mabol Bonnor "PaMyh, iudeSd prfcp= y, 'Tepiid » mnd e &edy troua Wbeaton. ooataà uwi vn fulf*a laOIhr C. E. tope Aug. 9, îîWbh and joivto 9 t bal, th tiaceas ofthterml e ho UoillY." 1Cor. 6. 10-1e. Una -6. ic. Bftqs louvi-e~V & lavasocial Thuraday evening, Ag. la Bt the home The Lo.dle' Aid wilihoid tlieir montbiy meeting Tharodmoj, Anguet 8th. Several fromn here attended the piente st Waukegan. ira. C. B. Deaman in wreôètllng vlth the qunn sors throat thia deightful warm veather. B. B. Dixon anddimnily visitod AMr. and lira. Rd Smitb ai Batavia 8aturday and 8nnidey. Ailes Hauet Thain, of Aunburn, v&@ the guest 01 Mien Ruby Hughes over Bonday. Borai to Mir. and ire. Fred gtedmnan, Bunday, Ju)y 26, a boy. Wlili Winters, of Wankegan, @pont SUD. day witt b i parente hore. Mir. and lMre. 0. 0. Hawkins opeatB few.dayâ of t.he pont week at Fox Lake, Mir. and Aire. Stiies, of Cedar Rapide, are visiting relatives ln this vicinlty. MisiFio, Dixon epent a coupîle of da.v8 boe recently. Mirs. I)illey le visiting relatives at Hebron, 111. lire. Wels Frost, of Chicago, linepnd- ing severai daya st th, houté el tE. M. Me"rit. ROUND LAKE. Jooeiluie and IMay Flary returned to Lîbertyville Mondqy alter spending a week witb their brothere boe. Misels Elima, Adot White and Edna Sivan were at (iraYélake lasI Aonday. Mises Elin CarneY gîpent a few daye st k-. M, Whbie. Sbe@g.'ts around quite well wltb the aid of ber cruehes, Mies EdDadivan won the dlamond ring as the most poputar girl at the Mulvey showý Fred l.rakî.îîîan and Sarm Tarrat wers Round Lake vlitors 8aturday nghraad Sunday. ired I>unnhll lias etarted tii dig a celar for Erainarde anew store. W. Clark front Chicago, ise eiployed t the Forett Gen îrreatuery. Mir. Fendereon, Joe Aniaun and Chas. Magon v.ere Waukegan vîsoitorw lagt Monday. Air. Burdlett front Chicago ile working lu Magons@ toneorial parlor. REGIJIAR CATIIOLIC SERVICES WILL BE IIELO AT lIAINESVILLE EVERY SIINDAY MORNING AT 8,45 CONOIICTED BY REV. FATtIER LEISINGl ICE CREAM IN BRICKS PLAIN OR ASSORTED 1 niake a epeelatti'oftfurnisbing either Brick or Bulk vie Crearn to Cliurch Scialeg, Picnivki anud Pub- lie Gtderinum. MITCHELL BLACK 1181. 225 Iihertyvilte1 ILOOKIELLIOI. ILLINOIS GET REAOY TO BUILD 1 AM READV FOR THE WORK JOHN L IRVING CONTRACTOR am MILLIER Sidewalks and Cernent Blocks ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Lot Me Estimate Upon the Job PAIUN 'Dre Shoompira t bl=dt 8We wuLL DEaR rRED jOCHlIlIM SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Town Orders And 3hipping Tàde ?ALF DA'Y, ILL. DANC E AUQ4. 8th Dancing Every 8aturdai' Nlght Nuaey hi' Hrtel'a Orchestra Everi' Accommîodation AT STIJD Percheron Colt Pin 0k Parader 43,928 P. S. A. FOALED APRIL 13. 1905 Sire, Pink 24,765 Whouîfor tla u enuveeyears von tle Glrand Siettksand chaimmiotîeip at Chiluago 1International Punkimustiday the gri.ntest Percheron Stalnliuîti ëesr um ported nto îueî m'a. Pilnk, 'traders m iilnire, a 2,00()> lb. min n hîy 'i 1111 rm, 1:1. iti muaut fSeaele, 11,25,4. Sirene traies lic un touur lne tu Itrilliant. Pink Pîarader viii W liluîteul durimîg the seamun otfi1tiiN.l1 199) to 33 oulsuihe mnares. He viii stand at the farni .)! J. M. PA1TER$ON LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. FEE $10 eash at thet ime of first service vitti retura privileges during thte sason If your marc docs not prove in fosi you can semad ber OR ANOTHER MARE bock 10 Pink Parader neit ecason fret of charge, LCALL ON J. J. SPOHN ROCKEFELLER, ILL. .FOR hardware, Stoves, Eave Troughs, IRoofing and Furnace Work Estimates on ail Hardware Bille prompt! given Telephone No. 46 Lihortyville kebcange 13AKER and CONFECTIONER Libertgville - llinos HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOW»18S o 'o -0 41 'o 41 41 41 41 'o 'o e s LOUIS J, YEOMAN THE"OPTICIAN b ý-- 11 1 ! - --------------- --- imý