CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Aug 1908, p. 3

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Keeps You Cool kefreshed and Cheerful In Hot Weatherir Co9po4.-ebao n ndrelevs ln hot w«th«. A eiret qtumscber of appetizind flavor that pro- mOvtos bsuth. Mades of pure btreh bark hLntthe goot olti-thloneti w8y. KiIns Ginger Ale anti Sodas art known for their quality anti purlty. Soit everywhere. Il G. KLEIN CO., Burllngton, Wis. DO YOU WANT 'A PIANO0? * If so cone in and try the Earous SCHAEMF, SCHUETTE* * Piano. at yaur disposai at aur store at ANY TIME. * You wiU 6e pleased with it. *STRANG'S FURNITURE STORE' * GEO. E' STRANG LICENSED UNDERTAKER * Prap. AND EMBALMER Tickled? Of course, why not-- We seil the SCH1AEFFER PIANO We comider ournelve. very fortunate as It in au Intrument ono one. hettuteo to boy BI3CA USE3 FIRS -The price in not low (very few people want a ea Piano, go we want lmu much business on that accomat), SECOND-The price inroct away up (people besitate then. they're doubtful asta getting fuil value), 8o yen ee when the ton. la hourd andi the price :nnoance tt maants nunthes SCHAEFFER oiti oant other hoime miade happy through Alden, Bidinger & Co.. 209 N. Geneee Street RoussaII Lmber Yard L5 THEInNE TO BU Y Lumber, Cernent, Coal Posts and MIlIwork GIVE ME A RlIAL F. S. HEAD RUSSE.L.IL. Grayjsiake - Baken' and Restauranit Meals end Lunches Served at ail hours CE CREAM SODA' AND SOFI DRINKS CIGARS and CANDIES LAUNDRY OFFICE Phone No. 19. MISS EMMA GERLACH, Pi-up. ICE CREAI FACTORY Wîshese luaunounce Ibel thai- vlilopen up Ibein S nov fectury Saturdy, May 23d lu dus lina fui- ordors ton Dacoralmon Day. The i-siy bet o! crean will ha manufacturai pr-bas reaonabla. t. L.. FRANK., Manager Ttp#0a36 GRAYSI.AKE, ILL. 1 1 0 1iJ AUKEGAN. IUOIS F1GkAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT P. J. DiJuceLM«hT]o.1 'Ildors Takon for Job Work Advertiting Rates On Application C. A. RuInes i. entsrlaimutug bis sinter from Keiamazoo, Idch. Mmi. Piseohe Douglas, vas tise guist O! Mar. James Brown, Mouday. Mm,. Peuh Toby in vliling friande lu Chicago this vesk. Jamee Jerreai, o! Autiocis. liansactad huoinuss ei-e Sali-day. AiloiGage, of Antloch. vas a gui-t st the Turner home Sunday. Evenyhody Ia going whera' To the danceal Amanu's hall ai-dry evening, Aug. 8. Big Lump Tbresbhing Coal. Ei4ooîý- Mîtcta u LmBR Co., Lihi-rty ville. Miss Leia Bout@-s as the gui-st o! Mis@SRai-ah Fox Waiuaeday Mnr. and Mr@. monarcalAtwelf raluni Tueodai ster seseral daye viil vitb thei- sons@ho islcago.Wbils gone ta attended tilb. niniig i",us et Racine, Ihain son, Harry, biug the manffai ou the pbotograpbic staff of the lg show. Thîis gave theni an opportuulty lu gel ou the luide and me how n big show ceas run. Meny o! the fri-ends hir- cf Pi-tai- MecLeese, brother-lu-lev of tire. F. C. Wilhn o! Ibis place vi-e shue-ki-i andl gri-evai b ihemrof hie deathi at Tnsiay causai fron sng hit hi- a fait train ou the Nortiwsstet. Mr. MPIeec bas a sommer borne bore anîd lieandi@iswfe bave @peut savemal montfîe boe and maie mauy fisais w iioi-igi-it lu bear the @ad ne. Geo. Buns, of icaqI Lotbau- -onard Book visiti-Itf inde and day and Snuday wilh triends here. 1relatives@ut Waskegan mi-en cuilv bars.. urbutt visited ffnends at' evce tth psopal Mision wil Libertyville Tuesday. betett ek luAu tust. Robert Waehburin evas a gnest et the________ Acers home ut Lihertyville Sunday.' Several front ber- attend..d Waukegan Death of Mis. Hoîrres. Iiay and reportedl a good lime. Elanna Beaton was torn on the 1 lth D, Ci. Webb, of Waukegan, tran.sacted day o! April A. D. 1H70. aiVanu Claek business bie Friday. Bihllu the province of Ontario, Canada. Sh.. moveel to Chcago n lm93 and A. K. Stearne epoke to, a large and entaeed the Michae s! i-c oipital trom attentive audienee on the str-ets Thuis whicehehowas gnaduated ne a nurse in day evening. 1895. $lhe tolioweel ber cho--n profession Win. Moore and fnmily entertained as a6 nurse front that ljime tilI Oct. -é '07 ,ompnny the latte-r aet of lnt week. when @lie waas uled nniîîarriage tu 1 fliraîi Adlbert Homes and in lune *07 Mr. and Mir'c .1. (i. Rollins, <of Lakei1 moveil with hlm luo (ira i-akec, wbere Villa, ni-i-e giet îof (<-r"A <llni andloshe bas sines reided. Slîclîeparti thîs faiuily last Tiîeday- lite at Michael Reese hîî,-,tan hiii(hcago, Frank Sliieiwood. of Lake.i\ '<liiialledil on Augut 1, 1930M. <n riedi lî-re~wiiîln Ni. nhirwot She iares to moîîîi r , l'îii-,lier lias juel rturni-d fr ii, thei- et wheie hiushand, une sou, îhrev o 'k..- old. thîri-i lie bite lic cd the i met w,, 3 -rm. iters. three brother- iii i i father, Jude mieyan wfe o Wodtokal<if ahon aexcept ljiijo,îniand Judi- mîly nd îleif X ii leiîck1iinfant son i-i-ide lu Cariai, f ii e n fIl., wre guetc of Mr. nd(]Mrs L. J.Chiistian womau and aniejlr of thi- LobldelI and famiiv Wediicsilay. Methodisl church. Srfi as a ngi-cat Ti-y oui- 'Flvlîounceer ' on ' vur itik, lover oA chili-en and it w ni i.- egrikil a sure effective reui-îlv agninst iliem and aim and ambition ut elji iitui rar tu mo.quîtoe-s. bei-elf a ciid tu, the ai iîîtiliehui-nt of Mr. nd ro. obet Rcharson ofthisambition shegave li-r ii- .Wi muet Mi-.nndMi-. Rîbe-î licai-eon o!not doubt the vision ili t.îîd Nwhotire f vanliue, oeiet Sunday wlth Mr-. and cultbai- off linlthe veny begnnîug, we cau Mis. L. Frank. not see m t th future, lic doelli ail Mi. and ir ie. J. Sc-blosser, of Chicago, thinge well. The tuai-rai wanield Mon- have rentai the Keler bouse on Lake day aIt the home conduv'ied by Rev. street and will naketheir home haie. Thi-ali. Buriai at Ornysinki. iemetei-3. Mr. and Mis. Fiauk Davis, Jr.. ai-e the pion pai-ents ut a baby boy buru lait Ingleeide Camp 3981). M. W. A1, neeto Thnouisday. eveiy it and tbfrd Tuecîtay o! eacb W. A. Converse. wbo iecetly moveil moulb. Visting Neigbboi-e and nembers to Texa.s@pont a few day. hers lait are cuidialiy in viteel 10 attend. wsek. He reports piospeious limes in 0. Howitn, Cîîuncil. Texa. 31 If H. HENDtIolKS, ClerI. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN h.___________________________ ___________________________ 1:F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monumenis Cemetcry Work of Every Description Correspondence soliclted 126 CGeneseeSt Wankegan ul ______ PARM MACHINERV of ail Kinds REPAIRI2D wih Thoroughness AND Dispatch Disc Ilarrows Sharpened WILLIAM LAYCOCK Co. Opposite St. Paiel Frelglit Depot lieu. Webb, ot Antioch, vas bar- Fi- lay. Mir@. Frank Fritsch, visa uniervant an operation a fewwveais &go te luni-i-i- pooi hi-chu. Mdadaes Oliver and Lon ilook visited Mies Mary Hook vho in attendiug echool aI Va#pai-aiso lait Salai-day ani Sun- Mr. and Mra. Siserm"andnidaaghter Ruth, r-lu-oeil luthaî- home lu Ashiani Weduesiay alter pdi g evemal days witb Mi-. and lira John nl !tt place. CI* ro Allein bai 00w an eltachment to-Gîigzsline lauuch visareby hi-tan eut theed-s fi-un lb. faire. Il vouli bhoove the- cily fatheos'to takre up the lake question f0te s viat coulel ho dons to beautify il for ther-in lies a dr-aving cri- for oui- lovo. Miss Emma Huhisurd loft for Dms Moines, la., Salai-day eveung viser.seh@ yul vistt ber @ieterpieontl ber vork ut lise ludian Missin &,boni luNebraska. Mr-. snd Mra. Rami Thsomson neturmied fr-ont Ibet vedding tiptp rougstlb. Dalle of Wiscousin lait wesk. They vo-e ser-naleilin Ibe eveninghy Ibe Elecînît Club Bani and later pr-sautari vitsa banisome sterling sclIvai ilcbby the club. Tire young couple vih makre il tiroir hume for the pr-sent aItishe home cf the groom's father on Pai-k avenue. The Roman Catholire bai-e converti-i the ol Lycen iibhllaItzHaînaviàla halo aa cburcb and lhei-e aI 8:30 every Suuday moroing dneiug thcecm in ni- ri csi-ai hi- conunclai hy Fathir Leisiug, a vei-y ahIe speaker. Tiere bave bei-n but a fi-w services heu tlern and il je nul cviialy kuowu as yelt tht tIi-si- services ara conductai there, butntnhe -crovds bai-a beau vei-y tuin and ane iucreasiug eacb Sunday. New senteti arehi-en placedin l the bailland it bas fîîîd nigeiieiah uvai- lîaîling and îîut lin i-I-y omfortabie condition for thie servicePs anîd mauy of the oh member-cf tI, h-i-eh <cho have hiveil su fer fruni hjeir own n-urîb andl hi-en unable lui attenîd the seri-es are nov enjoyiug Iberh i cdiSuîîday. Mi-s. Todenuuiter and daîigbter, of Chica-go, ver- the gouiet ti r@. Frank Laveon the tir-I o! theek--. tii-ers. Tateaenil Mont Allen, wlîo i-e with Ibaji- fatber on Lake Shore Drive have bai a lina arcliight i-rer ted un the shoure wber- lb-y bai-e e sprîng huard andinuae wimming. The boye aisolbave a fine gasoline launch andi@eal hoaI wbich lhey euh-i-tain Iheir many friande ith. There are fi-v borni- peuple wbu r-ultra the pleasfuras oui- îleaeautl utIle laikes ni-nos te Ihen. Wm. Riverde and teîcily bai-e novai outteutliseHenry Hivards houenea- Rolhins for tlis canai. Chai. Robinsou, ut Ber-kele-y Celifornia, la bore ou a vacation. Hae 4oprt@ Ibat hie fatisai- ilI vieIl boestht. feul. lins. Hi Wffln and Mtrs. MeIIialis asi daugiher Kitty, attendei tise tuaerai of Mrs. HEgar Caan at Oak Park ýuddaY. GAGES LAKE. A good rein vonhi be greatly appre- iatei. Mis@ Amy Clephen in laid up vitb a spi-ainai ankîs. %.Mrs. Ci-eaisleentertaliiarbar ictai-, Mrs. Anderson, o! St. Paul, Mina. Miss Belle Brever, ot Round, viellai Misse. Esele and Bath Trlggo the lait o! the wesk. Mr@. Van deu Ei-c -and ber cflam of boys reloruai lu their humes lu Libeityiille Modav alet - ccceeks camping et the laeo bre. Dr. Vau Winkle, ufthte United Biethi-en 'i~îjno- .aa aeFoie churcb, o! Chicango, wtIîl Ibe Pulpfil and wei-e victortous witb a s hore nsai Sunuay eveiug. 16 to0o. Moss. Armitage and Dean witb a St. Patick's; chai-ch, Foi-ester Suuday sebool la&" o! boys from Rock- and a uighhoitug bouse vers de« atelier are camping on the eout shore ut hy ii-e on Weduesday. The fi-e@ the lake. in the boucs wbich was totaily con Employes of the Cyclone Wii-e Feuce and lsu vas the bail. But the ' Co., of Waukegan, held a pieuic Salai-- the churri ams sIlil standing. TI day on tishe et @hors o! the lakre.Que the desperate eforts of the meit oftheb perly bail the niisom-lune 10 eprain the parisb living usi and belp Miess tizzte Chai- i wtb a numbai- of chai-lb, allai-, Cvs ta eut relatives went on a triip ai-iosethie lake were saveil. hie U~% eo to Mchigan City ne I Thursilay thiit St. Patrick'@ cbuich haà Mr. and Mrc. L. J. Sioum and fanilybîîrued and the question o!fi-e-bI ot Wodsock dl-t sveii y , on the olil site le hehug fieely dE ofskWiodt C C. Xijîcj das lsbut no deciion bas yel beau reae- Mmr. Davy ani fa:iîîîly retui-ned to their LOON LAKE home lu Chicago rftiirday. A gi-iaI nany atiendeil the Wat lire. Cannon, o iii/.in City, e îvisiîing day. jelativas bei-e thîs w i-ik. Joe Rh ymer entertaineil a nun Mn. and Mrm. ciii and iauiilv. of fn-ende Mouiay. July 27th. It b SI-un, Wi8., are viîeîiiîg ut Willi-i .tweutieth irlhia.y. Thresbing jste >"rder of thec day il, Mis. Hodfman andl iauglîter Ibis vicinity. vieil-il a few (laye with Mie. J. ME Ricbard Thain. ot Oak Park, FORT Suuday wilb hie cousin, Mrs. Hug L...........----.-.~.--.J Mme. Roy lieunison vieil-iltt Hugh Roger, of ('hii go. sfîeîî Sîuday week with relative in Chicagoi. at the home of hi-rt Paddock. About twî'iity-hire o? the Kni Mi. andl tre. ilî.nt Sykes. of Snalem, St. Matthew are caumping ou 1,001 visiteil houme follejr, ovi-r nuijîay. Miss Margaret Whîtc bac r Mi. andl Mrm. 1l, ('owîieî, î,f DeKalb ce i-eeh.- bas hietn were gai-st8etaIthec L.Thouisori bonne mteliîrelni a part of latetck, AetUC Miss Adoihe M'aiti14atteudjug a lieuse1 parly Ibis weýiii îjJolitt aItlîî bonie 01 MissLottie Dflziel, flgF her riEd, Mmm iele Seim.viiting hi-r friand, MimesCilia Lud Mr, andl Mie (Gue Iiomne and daugliler Ueo, trugdeîî was badyijr Hila. were WauIk'gjîiîvisitori, iret of dymrig yhetadli uu the week. damesrning by hileft f-noruIenî Mi- and tii-. ('lion eRaught, of ' dcusd. ella -lI iil and Mr. and tirs. C. Att-i-bury, of Waukegan, were r-iuýýt viitore nutC. L. Mies Floreinc'e Lodeski bas r Thosou's. honte fion De Rali). Theie vî ili n i- crean social at the Miss Mai- Cook, of Chiago, i, home o! Mi.andîtMie. Beit Paddock, wlth hirfiend, tiablîiChandler. 1Friday avening. Ai-guet 7th, for the A nuber fionbei-e attenidth r euet of the- M. V rcurcb o! Volo. ut EIictric Park Monday. Coma out and bc-av îl)easant lime. Wa vmnsol edm Mr. iukrmnoake No. 4 for Wonen." Il telle tFor-est, aud Mi. anid tiis. Rd Wnebburn, Shoope Nighl Cure. Telle bo o! Giayslakre, epeul Suniuy wiîh Simon soolhing. lealing, antiseptic A. Davis and faiîiil " . tories. briug quiek unt certain hil Missm Annle Vri-icnor and Louis Vogel, rîook le free. Aid-es. Dr.soop, aio Chicagoaraie epending a week witt Wis. Mms . A. bavis. ALL DEALERS. eZt" aine score ur emc hall chstoyai starteil onsumeel vaHls of Througb ibera of p Iran ut ofthe id ora aa beau ,uilding inukega iben ut ýrEdua, l ai lin. cvisitai gbes. the pasl iglîts io% )n Lake. i-etuî'nad i attend- AO( .p1nial, o! Gui-ne., calleelou riends he week. 1Mr. sudnirMi. J. Labey and fanlly eatertalueej relative@ rom Waukegau and St. LouIs lest Snnnlay. Mr. and Mr@. T. Wadial »peut Tnasiay lu Waakegan. Ater a two weeks' vtsil witb friands and relatives bi-s. Rd Phlllips and .hiid- rau returueil to thein home lu Mlwaukee. Miie. J. Webbhand son, Robai-I, of Ricb- imoud, are spendînît a few days witb relative@ ln the village. DDnt foi-gel lu come and mec the bail geine next Sanday. Wad@woi-th boys vs. the Coilise boys. Ban Gilmore lta valuabl- borse ast week. Guns Tiaynoris leriy pooily ai pr-euln wi-ilg. lGOo. Oshui-,, is plastei-ing Ihae.'uud @tory ot bts rasidenee. (730M ANCTREZRaREaSPONDENuvT) Miss Annie Tyreil, ut Chicago, le vieil- ing friands bei-a toi-coma lime. essi. ROY Alcock and Lestai- Mur-y. o ut sel, ver- calling ou fiends in Wadswoi-th one evening lait wsek. Fred Mc{Juiie, ut Chicago, vas seau on Ouni Street@ iecently. Jack Wolfe and sister. Maiion, ara spanding sîîme lime at Pleesant Hi 'ai-m. Missl E. Hageity bas relurnai lu her home al-ir pauifug a taw day. camping witb frieads at Diuces Lake. Miss Gait-nde Thielea tes visitiug at the Theaholi home. The Misses Shea, o! Chicagu, area i-lit- ing relatives bier-. Miss Alice Hagcerty returneil to Chicago Suniay eveniug aller sending a Ibrea wi-c-k' vacation at i-r home here' Miss C. Wenilt te viitîîg in tbe City, Eiwa-d anuitJames Cndahv arc- the îlueeeora îf i esw tbuggy. Mis Mamie Ryan, ofi Pleaeant Prairie, vîit-d at hi-r uneles lmt wei-k. Mimsses Magicie aud Mande Mt'verre ver- Kenocha mliemSuniay ecenini- Miss table hieitmeyer je entci-Ioîning Company fion Chicago. 1Thiose who attendeil theli nin M'au- kegan tbe 3id report an enîoyatîle lime. fuiunfi lu l icai- i-e flsuie Sali-day evening at Ainannes hall, Round Lake. <loî,d n ue1 and a gond iIice. Tickets RUSSELL Ilev. Worîey was eterlainied at Mie. L. M. Bonnei'@ uvei- Sunday. The harvesttng i. about complet- uni the hum ut the tbr-ehing machine cen ba Mi-e. E. P. iver anil chiliren ara spending the week iii Waukegen. Quit- a numben attendeil Waukagan day Dr. Lewin and AsaCorris ver- Kanosha viellora Ratai-day. J. A. Reeveosuad B. C. Mevil le bi-ougisl in a i-ai-foeilo!f ie cxuws Monda7. The Mt. Reet Cemelai-y Socety viii met wllh Mra. E. A. Rei-es, Thanada aftanoon, Aug. 13. Insai o! Wednes- day.9 C. M. Gonhaiu, aile and daughter, o! Waukegau, s"ut Sundey at A. C. Corinia and Marris Bi-oo.q Mr-. Deffny, ot Kenosha, @peut Sunilay9 with the Corrie anil Marrie familles.. Mira. DeS i-y relnueil home wit in.1 Heny underson and faily "pnt1 Suniay aI Wll Melville'@.. Mr@. Chais and Cori-lne have relai-nei fion Issu- viil in Wisconsîn. Mynlie Cor-je le spending a fi-w day. lu Kenosisa. Mr@. Mi-Caun vas in the city Tueoday. tir. andl tii-. John Dunabue and danghb i-,*"iigni pnt Sunday wtth th.e rlan famïily. p Miss Ella Dawson bas relai-ned fion DeKalb. Mi-. and Mi-s. Phiilip Beidy baveq 1r-lamai luo Chicago atei a stay of one mouth ti a Ibir aummai- cottage ber-. The Ever-Il em waa defealoil iy tle flighwood's lait Rundai- at Everett.q Dee ring Binders...oeeeee...DeeringT Built Right. .... Work Rlght .. ..Stay Rlght Deering Standard TwIIIê IF IT'S 8!2C FROM International SCIIANCK'S Standard Twlne IT'S 8 GOODSchanck Bro,@. Libertyville. Ili. ~ Fies!Plies!, Millions upon millions of tuies pestering parI Ob ows aIl day long, millions more mosqiiitos stinging ~Aem ail night. How cau the cows give any milk? ..MacKenzie's FIy-Skido.. îý Splus a stop to ail this, protectiug your cowél froni the dites and mosquitos and the absence of &Il trouble st milking lime. 1 have sucb confidence in my preparu- *à.- tien, that 1 am prepared te buy back every drop of is O _if yon are flot satisfied, thus giving you the privilogo Sof trying it ut my risk. Heur what those who nre Susing it for the third season say about it- Il would net rau a dairy witbout it." "II would not use auyîhîng aese now." "Il lie il, would not ba vithout it uow." ~ZZ 1 wu coming back for my mouay, but 1 guelos ~-I want another cu." 5gullonsi S .0, expres wS ch rges g re$ 4»5 in the store wath rour own cill. 1 gallon $LIO. expos Ow- prepuid or 90c in the store 111110- For Drug Store goods trade where your dollar ~zbuys a huared cent's wortb. m Ys TrasTE D GLASSES F]1T7E AT REASONABLE PRMCS PHIONE 2453P1H0NE THIEREXAIL STOIR Come Getie andMadsonWalitegan. f91" LAND, SEEKERS: NORTtIERN. NEW MEXICO IRRI- (ÎATED LANDS ARE THIE BE"T Don't buy any irrigated landetuSl you te Our literature. 20,000 acres sold gol far this sesson. Excursonseviry two weeks. BEST LAND. TITLE PERFECT, NEM R, R. Special terras. prices and Inducennents auring Tuly. Write today. WARREN.Mi-. and MMs. B. T. 8hpr a. 1to New Yo-k, BrooklynndB.oi Many from this viclnity heiped boost l a visit of severai weeks. Waukegan MQuday et Electric Park. Mi-.. I-i-ne Lamb is entsrtaining Xi Lesalie Mon-hi, .o! Bine Island, is @pend- and Mms. Hariey Stie.o!lv5a lng his vacation with bis uni-le. Charles Mies Hope Keilogx, o! ldep ha Lamb. The Oui-oaaW.. C. T.Uf. wlilbâyoq Evei-body dance@ neit Saturday aven- eveuing meeting and sociaitin.mes ciug at Aman's ball, Round Lake. Fine evnigug. 10. at the bo--ne« mu sic and & good lime. TUet O . Lamh' Sunday with Miss Rvuby Hughes. from'Manhattan, is le MI. and Mrs. Ellsworth Meteail have The Ladies' Aid met l'h iretuneil roln a weok's visit t CID oo t h hfl fM Mr. Fros t, o! Ib hicago, returneeld n' a h oaso ,.W e, hem. MWssKathenno a.M'~s, e Ni-s. Alfredl Meade le euteiieaig roi. spout faut wesk witb t. atives fi-on South Dakota. Ion. imý

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