CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Aug 1908, p. 4

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COUNY uMErrt1 OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COU.NTV 'Oile eltp5oeu No. 1. EOIIrs edeaece Tutephoe eNo. 1141. Ltbertyville Ec*n9O %tuered st the POEC t UbOrtyvifUe. &I. sS oosi CIAseMaQter SatUKO WssXLY AUDVZT[SING RATai MADU KNOWN ON APPUC*T,t'5 SUBlCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE FRANK M. JUST ...... ................. .............. ...... ........_.... Editor 9. M. KELLEY ..............................i.................x............City1 Editor FRIDAY, AUGUST 7. i90s. ORGANIZED LABOR FOR VATES. The. candldacy of Charges S. Deneen showed in hie whole public career any for re-nomination for governer of the considération for ua. Then why, in the Moto ef Illinois on the republican tick- name 0of heaven, should we assiat hie et w»a denounced Sunday nlght ut campaign. Deneen sa the worst en- emy of organÛted abor that ever dis- thea meeting of the committee of fifty gracad an exécutivea chair. en political action of the Chiscago Fed- "Labor men have reason to de- eration cf Labor. nounce the candidate that Mr. Wright Eiwln R. Wrght, président cf the wants indorsed. In past labor dis- Illinois State Féderation of Labor, putes many of our membera have been asked the privilege of tihe floor to aug- arreated and thrcwn into Jail. Some gest te nam* of a candidate ha wish- of them have been sont te the peni- ti the committe. te consider. Few tentiary for the fu limit of the law. ln thée romff underatood that Wrght in- In caaes where ho have appealed to tamffd to présent the me of Gov- Governor Deneen for relief we have ornoi Deneen and he waa granted the been given the 'deaf ar' instead ofthe toequat. square deal that Wright refera ta. Wrght told of the mnany virtues cf We have been considered mlot on thel thse man he intended te citer. carefully plane of citizenship, but have received' concealing the camne untîl ho closed such treatment as vie might expect bit addresa When he mentiened the froem our rankest enemy. nome of Deneen opposition sprsing up PEFUSE TO GIVE INDORSEMENT. I every quarter of the room. "It hurta me te have te take this pc. A aterin of protest and hoots and sition. We started out dlean, and with blases greeted the mention cf De- ne intentions Cther than ta serve our "aees came. friends. We have been challenges te- * Président Fitzpatrick left the chair night in the postion we have taken. and p.rsecally conrducted the flght We have been asked te stultify thîs qMicst th indlorsement. He accuseci committee, te prostitute te uced in- Wrght of bad falth, and said he had tentions ,and submîit te having a name peseuted a came that was '"a stench presented te us that sn distasteful. 1 inb thse notrils of every truC union denoucce the attempt cf Wright te ~ n luthe. tate." choke dcwn our throats the indorse- 'Mr. Wright us mot a member of this ment that wiII iarupt this movement emiwiittee," aa.d Fltzpatrick, "but sin 1feel ashamed of thîs flagrant abuse iarean sur lguent. I regret that it ln cf the courteay extended a felici. uesry for me to take thse floor and member to crowd us In the corner and gietma of thse caims thut Wrght make us like hie metheda.. 1 rouent %Bk@@ moi". the proposition cf Wright as being thse r àOegsulad laber catea nothlng toacst 91 an enemy, rather than the mis- Osamaes.. 0f thce many- requers we takaetfs frend. In ail my expérienice Ileve sudaisof tihe fovernor of this as a union mac I can net recal a ait. etM Rme swars grantad Denéen's uatilon eqs i1 thi*."1 asar hesi ha was state', attorneay When Fitrpatrlck finished hi* de- bucousid wanizai labor more ras- nuinciation of Deneen and rebukad aie te %gM againUany lidorsenent Wrght for thie advantage he had talc-1 gltui a bdy than 1 cars to apecify t en of thse committea, John . Harding, OUe lime. WrigWhm asabusai s prlv eacretary of the commttea, saked that <ff ing auhsm.lmg tiîs matter befors the. msbers prsent look over these Illoie body, and 1 feel au If thse mees- mistake Wrighst maie and net further ' ~ofn ths commttea shoui know consiier tiha question. wk1 Danen'. naine la not fit to men- The prevîcuas question wsa put, and Sisu e dWeamy libor OCgIIzUtlOfi. wte ivote won couted, Deneena .4WIJR GAVE LADOR.ANY FAVORS bai but onse vota, hat et Mr. Wrght, 4Wiseu Ponsen got lshor In à corner thse entire committes repudiating hlm N:te gave tlsem the limit. He neyer as unworthy of Iabr's considration. $TORY TOLO ABOUT THE LINN PARDON; BUSSEI'B IG HEART. A matter about whicli very littIe bas bean wrtten or epoken les the *pr*esan very inlcrcsting shah, damn- pognI la the pardon of John A. Linn Immusthese ate penitentiar>' t Joliet, rk igis at tise Ieginning ot Uic canvas ta for govereor. Mr. LIno was a court cîcrk In Chi- onlo à* sae Has airestai anS foun - Wt osIt f embsazîement and sent ho «»&lb penîtentiar>' nt Joliet. Mec fa- ailbr wlth tise epîsode stahe that esgl>'Mr. Lin as thu vicîim of dir. mmumaaenaeand lisat he di cot profit * by ti4 defaleabon les his office, ,Ra-1 t& th th an Il lh is ot hi ly, t la undesetood, coma coez snluiem 1111k cotamtted tise misdseds and Mr. LicesbaS ho, sufer for tiseir sce. Iuumeiately ater Richard Vatea an- noucoci his cacdldacy for governor Chats. S. Deneen, gevernor cf Illinois' au i* i pardon board alowai Mr. LIces to leave the joliet penitentiary' On paoI, wiich un reality is a pardon. Tisa sterY visicis was current ah tise lime anS which has net been Senled, la tihtMc. Deneen teld Mss. Linn if! tise moes> charged up against her hue- banS vas paid hack he veuld bc 1b- erated, as he e-as iii and saiS to be dyinq, and that Mrs. Linn pais it back, expccting ho have her tuck, ruineS hui,- banS home for Chrstmtas dinner. But otwithstandinq the Monley had been paiS hack, metgaging their home te do it, ne Pardon was for-hcaming. Mrs. Lino is saiS then ho have gone ho Ooverncr Deneen anS pleaded with hics calling is attention to tise fact tut thea moocey had been paiS back,I ba wutva telS that she should tend M ayor Busse cf Chicago te Springfildi. »it passeS between Mayor Busse Ani DMée senl conjectural, but it s ssi thO aireceen laid Seontise propo- mIltsnt. bise mayor that If he wanteS 1ic friend',. Lîn, pandones there was "0 %«wY ho acconspîlshi . Mots may lie but circumnatances do Mit. A fat eeka sIer and Jutafher #tsanWà i Vtes iad acesounced himielf ',M a cotuilete Wforgoeresor John A. 1Ulap aidaPariocai andtise Dpsien i ble 0M*Dpte aleW*I milorlty tisat ta er Oe«»&..Mayon lussze did cet deny IL Up te that thi, ha had bec agalcet Deneen. If tue atcry ln truc Itin à atrIbut, te th big heart cf Fred Busse, It sn kcowes that he knows Chase. S. Doeen cds has esc love for hlm. 1-t la just k. blg-hscrtsd Fred Busse ho swal- lse a nquauating dos eho gtore a Iyîesg huibaci ho hîs broken-iscated eamlîy. 6 If Mayor Busse, by hl@ humaesity, was toi-ccd loto such à comspact ha la living Up te lb l es u letter oasîy, that is b>' a'uounclcg ltat ho, personally, la for Cenoeibut that h, will cet aiIes ie patronage club and force thesru beabomaeh Mr-. Deneses and li& machin, policies. Served as coflee, the new coliees scha- tute known to groes everywhere as Dr. Slseop'e Health C»ee, will trlck even a coItee expert. Not a rain.of ruei coItee niteither. Pure caltbfulheastCed grain@, malt, ento, etc., hare buen nu cleverly blessded as P) give a woiiderfully e qtWefyina coitee taste sud Baver. And it is "mnade in a cminte," tee. No tedions 20 in 30 nijeute boiling. COALET £&FREDIERICKI. usie ...n .s $21 .0 Fa th, ér Time 's ' l: ch ý 0 t b e r e w p r 4 . O U t a l d o t tsi1 cb tro api..te Phonewber @be wllI hbdnibit mlaaed wtflbu the Mehedist ehurch. fromi early glrlhood elhu bailbaese lne 1. emmunle ued fOi almoast cvant>' 75r. berare.bad lbeu enrollsd en ia Iemeahibp lIaI. The. older peeple eau ismember wbeu thèse waà ne moe active werker le ait thé dapartinente of the cbuçh %han abo. Mdore ru-cnt menbers wlll rcti lhew 0me was intereted ln &U the work ut the cbuteh and le every new memb6r. aveu iibugh @abe wau ne longer Pbyslcali>' able te engaeactlvely i l h.weth lir. Wlllau-d, wbeue maillon name wae Martus Porter. waî. borst le Jeffursea Cont>'. New York. Feb. 14, 1827 and dled at bier borne lu Lberh.'vville, 111.,' July 28, 191>8 lui1i-.51ahiwatimarried- te molomon (C. '4 illard. Ater fty-leur years of happy' wedded Ile abs waacafle te mouru the lot ocf ber hyieband. Gb. e ban beau rrry lonel>' sîcce hie dëath ced altbongh ever>' attention wao giren ber b>' ber daugtutei, abo olttaà ezpreafd benoît as hellevlrîg that ber work was doneeand that ehe wa ready to ge te bier long berne. lite beyond ho ber thongbt vwaéa a o'îsciounsexistee inlethe pi-esence ef God. She was the mother of tbree childreui, ou@ of wbomidled len child- hood belon, the faullv reîuored froin the r eatere home. Sbe la inrvived b>' ber two rmainleg childen, Fnuk i Wllard, or Santa Crus, Cal. and âtre. 0. A. Wright, of Lihertyville, both ef wpom aed ae a brb.oiewhn whiom wer tbr ead we.h More than hait of Mrs. Wilard'e long fle was @peut itn or near Watert.own, .ew York. were she wss married and wbere her c7hildree were bore. Tirty yros&go tht famil.r rame to Libertyville cf lier children were comfortabi>' settled aîud the grandehildren groivn. M rs. %Villardl eas a voman cf troeg character anildeided convcion. Poti- seesed ot excellent judgment, etht vas ala ays a male counemellor for ber buttineS and ber irtiniate friends. Miîny times -ihê rallieS ber bueband wbe ili ealtb butaSmý nihndefeated blet; often she brocgbr courage to lie-r ebildren wem they would haie othervu me failed; more! cf tee it lîeph ber band bmiy wben weak-! nems anS lellrmitv ecui1 have been tufflcient excuse for another. 1 To have emboded a living faith le the 1 gospeluf Christ into a practical Ille is on@ cf the beat influenc-e of an>' ern- munit>'. To lie enstained b>' that latb so that Do diecouragement uer hereave ment can overe-belni apd even death bas loat its terrors, la the triumph of tht true christian. Sncb a one e-as Mis. Marthe, Willard. Base Bail Notes. Te-o gamee cf Luit et the fair grounads fast Siuda>'fternoon bronglit out the targuit crowd that bas attended an>' gaine this inclier. The ar @ex was tuait repreeted and bohbofethte visiting temss bronglit a large number of anthua. iestic oois-ns. The main avent e-as the Brut gaine with Palatine sud it was exciting sud Lotly contataifrom tart te fin"s. Tbse viitera pt o. iuelutboiert lnning and lentMoffn tL e egbt mcde Iliru more. The lkamblers esiesiraoe ti sat hwe of the titid inting and Ibat e-as aIL Bock made ca otlonai throw frein thé, ontfied that amned a puvtn sd I appicesa. lcry tried bard bot loek wad agaminat them. Followînis nthe score b>' ilengs: Paaine -1 OOo0(0 o 0 3 0-4e Rambler*-O O 2 O 0 0 0 O 0-2 Jake Boyes pitébed. The second gante witb a teem frein (ileeview wai a joise fom eat to finis and the joliewa carried ce far that lin the eventh lnnng It looked for a e-hile sai thosugl the visitere would vin out. The geme e-a brilfiant e-ah errera sd Glènview L11 ail over themneelvo trying te play ball. Tht>' looked rosi rets ie theiruneiforme buat thet e-as c&Uthat coutil ha eid of theni. Derlove pithed4 fottebotteïn.Tht corebyinnlnga la as folIo es: Glenvew--l 0 O 0 O 0 4 0 0-4 Raiebler&-o 5I1 0O0O0O0i1z-7 I ~ mi Il An 17 arly SUM- mer Sale, at Late Summer Prices ~ Internatia uioring c. hav =1 ea big drop onu arat many cf thefr ne-w - Spdrtng as&Ud Smmr You cuglit toa«se them and the prlce they're going aI, Everysut Winle ma&e;a the tiaisu high dcame war--to meus- tire only--perlect la appoint,. ment, fit. style. Cail NOV for Dow le tthe tinle. NUW fInternational tabrirs are 00e- being offered at a tremen- dons cnt in prices. IFI yon e-nt a uit-enevtuet- mer suit ah a remarkable low price, eDe- le the time t<î get bolS et it. Made etrictl>' te y0cr ceapure, in tht Inter- national inimitable e-ay. YOU eau @ave up ho $800 a suit and your order wili be execnhed as perfecti>'as thongli jeu baS ps.yed tht regular price. TEE bargale fabric are ail popular sud attractive, bot yen can't appreciats this bargain offer unie. yen set the goode. HERE la the place teuses thent. schmeik BloCC LIBBIRTYVILLE, ILL. i ~ ~Mme Ironirig Day a Pleasur in Summer with an Ekectric Flat Iron and an Eiectric Fan If yen net eletricit>' for lighting, yon enuse k aise. econo- mical>' for beating, cooking sud email power purposai. Among the most conveelent appliancea for use le the borne ln addition to theet mantioned above. arp the Electric Cbaficg ib. Electrie Toaster, tht Electrle Caftes Percolater, Electrie Curling Iron lieser, sud thi.electncetBetina a whicb taxes the place of thte ld- alened bot e-at.? lottle Theee eppliaumo&a alatacb tote ordlnary lightlng fliturec le place et a lump sud ceaI ver>' lttIa te oparate. NORIH tISIORE !LECTRIC CO. 230 N. Geneme Street VAUKEGAN, fILL èew - y -i Don't Waste Vour Life in the Kitchen Lif e is short enough at befit. The woman who plods along with old-fashioned kitchen equiprnent, wa8tes between two and three hours every day of ber life. Figure up those wasted wearisome hourp for only a few year-the total rans into the thousands. Why don't you put an end to kitchen drudgery by gettinîg a Hoosier Kitchen Càbinet t will enable you te de yonr kitchen work ini baif the turne and with balif the effort. No reason wby you sholde't bave oe. Doeun'h coat muait and pays for itacîf in the firet year alone. It's money ini yonr peeket every year ef yenr life teo wn Cone. Cerne in and »ee thig wonderfal tuber saver and moliey maver -leani &il it means te yen. Learo, toqwhy it is more economical te bey the genoine Ilotier than any of its imitations. One good look wil show yen the difference. The Hoosior lust@ a life-time-it's buit that way. t cette but little, if anytbing, more titan the ahort-lived, unasanitary kind. Young & Lynch Bros. FURNITURE, PAINTS AND OILS Usdartaklug X4DERTT VILLE, Il Plymouth Twim te ati* cnts le thse LestMd cheapest twiste on thse imorte t ody, On. pouod of Plymouth T-wwllble more grain thmIss ocets weth of plain taq twiste, For sale y H B. EGER LISERTYVILeE, ILL. LAKESIDE BRAND ~EUgoflan tnnýy tDunce TRIB BUTTER 18 MADE OF PURE CREAM, FROM SBLECTED DAIRIE8 IN THS ELGIN DISTRICT Purtiw and Weigbt Ouaranteed Soid by CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBRIRTYVILLE, ILLINOIB Tlelephone 30 ei----------------------- SIIOW YOUR-OUEST THE PIANO vou houglît hre,nd Il theije a judg, wë wil hve icreeedre- spect for your mjusical taste. The t beach>' Of the Cane i in atcbed by the beauty Ofi the tone and the delicacy <f toucb. Sncb a piano is bevoud your meains? Sot a bit of it. Cornie and see. Louis J. YEOMAN WAUKEGAN, ILL __________________________________à Cigare end Laundry ot Tobacco Office- ot -CLARENCE FLAGG the New R TONSORIAL BARBER suiOP PARLOR Boehm Bizlding LIDERTYVILLE, IL.LINOIS Libertyvile,, Illinois Oiiie Tiss for Rexoas CIGAIRS AN43> TOBACCO -..oa, dsuat But ln. tde . .... If Cernent nd bFln- iBh -ail bve decline ( ad e can save you voI money. EMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY PHONES 47 and IL1.1 E. A. BISHOP, Mgr. 2Oth Century Cash Store E. W. PÂRKHURBT *E. W.PROCTOR E. F. SWAN R. C. HIGGuNS THE HOME LUMI3ER CO. AÀtJe-ziterablp fiucccea.ora teo0. R. SCHANCK Lamber, Coal and Feed LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS PHONE 50 i 44 Plensure Thm e t joy for Father Time lnas stock of tinte place tliit may bk depeded on for ail tme. It la a pleasre, to those who lnals on flrs4-claas*ne pieces t0 get loto a place auch as ourswbere the docks and watces may Le &deeded upon. e «eli the Lest time plecet ut a price you anight expect to puy for a Foor one. m- ANDRIEW IIUSS JEWIELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS - -qwý ý

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