CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Aug 1908, p. 7

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LAKâ >OLJNTY'INDEPENDE14t. IRLDAY. AUGUST 7,- 1908 Paul MeGuMfn nd Or-vis £&flozubian, ilence Boutan twenty rodai iheiieseast Attorneys. fwenity roda, thence south twerify rds NO'NE RCEIVEDtu the section fine, thesce i-astt weiît.î a i FOR LESS TH-AN STATE 0F ILLINçOiS, Conuuyfy rods, along flie section file dividing 25CNS A $Lakteasa. Sections 21 Soit 28 In saldid î-t intion- TO AL. PERSONS INTERESTED:- Take notice that a petition to have ed Townshipî, thence Southxîlln rmils. __the______________________________ as fol- thé-sce East tweuty roil heuree __________________________________the poîief> whch laboundd iSouthliten rolis fieCeii ct iowa, to-wit: lîsîeîc ofiteunc i1t ,,,. iî-îic 7 I REAL ESTATE I MMSELLANEOUS Coromencing at a ploint ai thelInter- " îa-îîî rodg, to the liait si- tioiî __________________________Section of the eaat lise of Section 24 Itiilelîn section 28. tbence -foiili la iit3 J FAMS-~ hve lage 1sf il ait WATEDMan lîhhore ad bggylu Townsahip 44 North,. Range il East rods aioîîg aaid haitlf lîîlise. couiîtv Wrmstavel sîo oea dIoauif Llakequ-an ithbed u ake u of the 3rd Principul Meridian, liy the theure east thlrty rods, "icii- oith iityvilarie e. l yMoNu &Ausais nd 40-f owhorkWl aqantei Lk out outh Ilue of the riglit of way of thie tmcîis coda to th e Soîi liiieo the IliVilag. DMON &AUSIN. 40tl o wrksubtilptiofl proposition o Chicago & Mlwaukee Electric Railroaul Norihwest quarter or. the Niîvihîasi _ . omisonhel.Inqunire at this offie CmayauIlnicoprtoru ureofsdScin le, FARM FOR SALE-Nu better farm iun foi articulars or addresa "Subscription' opn"a îioscroain u- iîîfinu adSclî o îiie Lae ontpierambe RH I N'DIIENDEICT, ieryiiii hne ot lngsi t lise E-ast aioug Beldiquarter uiarfer hue Lat-- cîmît, pies easnabe. ATRE ~ , ibetyvlle.iîlg thncesou aog s,. cs theiiSouti-westerly lhue ofuihepull- L. STÀ'.voRD. RouMNd Lake. Ill. 40 tf. INUACI îaea ouoto the nortliwest corner oft he south 1 île hlgliway, thence aiong lb.- Soutîh - ---- - --- INUr&flCs. J.A. Oavglie dtrnae flirty acres of Ithe South West quarter acuierly lune of the publicel hiwav ie) FOR SALE-Choieu lots ln C. Frank #rnJ .GAV1,Lbryil. of Section 19, lu Township 44 North, Ifs Intersection with the eat iti e of * Wright'@ addition, î30xl60, for $200.00, 4Pt Range 12 East of the 3rd Principal the Wiest hait of thieEast liait uft he # 250009and$300.00. DvsaONIî&AIý9TI.WATO O ETFrtrisg Meridian; thence eaat to the east ise Soîtliact quarter of the Noîthcast - poultry for Chicagi> market, 20 acres Oîr o i ethI tteVii ii tqalro0sl eto o iir imore. Ulve partietîlars. J. the Southi West quarter oftiln î19 Foîiih f0 the hait seictIon huiitence FOR SALE-Acre lots on Lymond's Dle-rtJIdelî111i. 4341 ln lait rnentlonel Townshipi. ilince Fas*t aioîîg the hait Sectlinli- ffitt sub)divis§ion, close to towîl and electrie Soutih to the South Fasi cornier ifuicoi. thpuce South ivii ils. car. rie$10.0. D vîîî,Aurî1 Northi West quarter ofthfli Nortifiacut 1heure East tes roda, lliii, -Soutih 40 tfPrieFOR RENT.quarter ofthtle Nurhîc "'tlîaIîr if laeiîy roda,. thence Easti s * iii ods, FRsection 30 li faut toiiîîiîiî iwiî tlpie Soutli tweuty rosIs, Ili il,,- East FOR SALE-7 roujouî,,ue.iiearly ncwt lssloo ip flicuice West iii liii- îorfh We sf fwcnie coida tothe Eastvij, or utsaid bard, wîod liniai, el,,i-rrli hlt»sied iFOR RENT-Froni Sept. 1f, 6od loruier or ficth et st i f he'Sluth Si-io 8 lineSuh'iîîî ii goo apingwntr. ailor rit J.lirooru cottage. J. A. (liis Ci, Lierty- West quarter ofthei- North flI Xi-t qiar- alsoîîg flicsalid eaat lne tf0 il..- Quoicfr MA,ilartyvjilî,ii111, t ville, 43-tf ter ofthtle Nîorth X .- fiiiir tofsol Quairte-r lise, thence e-i . oald ______________________________________ . ..~Section t3o, i'ni-Southiliau10,1 hequarter quarter fine ten i .111 iilr r FOR SALE-lu roui bousse and lot, FOR RENT-We have a iaw poin o-salitIWest fiiaid Foliii ll, aloij sîitlito flie Southb une III ,alditoc- 50a1311, u kiret St., furuace and al cru bouées aud flats to reut.iji ad-l & ald West ]hile exien ci-l iu flicNorth in- , hneWstaoî ii uif modern (ronvi-nieic. o.iii îîîFsiin, A.iseFy43-tf west coriipr oftheiiiFast fliatirft flc section fine f0 the West hlii Oithie Libertyville. Ill. 41-tf ______________________Souihwesf (ifiarier iftht-e Foulliacs Eavi hlaitofthflicSouteai qi liai er ut _____________________________________________quarte-r out iif- NIiliweot iiarier orthflic outlieast quarter utfîîîl îsetin FOR RENT-7-room liouse 0ou lirst sald S-IcîI n:;(, filie1-asilu flic 18, flience nortli to the Nî.îiiîiuarter TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Street, with furniturie or withoîît fura Northî-act -iiiiciutf iliifat i nîl qîfarer fine, thence north -li iît, nss -fail kinîds for sal.. oule and s e tra. Inîjuirs L. H. MWHITNI5Y. 45-2 inl ilalofskuletthr W ttwtyr)>.Il" abat i have, yoil î a fi nd moule fiue illiiOlsI i'. ilia t t ill i.îîuflî o rheue W twenty oa i T \Ilu bargai ns. .1.A #l <liAi Es. hi il .. iae r ilWsiiia l-f01 ih i ý ai-r out\iihwit rods, the ri iNoth te i T , ioeîîr 4:1 ti TO RENT-i'iasiis. î,iaymcandl s iiiX uiiii friii uuliyd.thneNrhfuiiTi-e $2 f0 $3 Rsenftiliowed if purîha:Icîlongaiiiîi, ' in îîî-if saeli i-u-lit ait Wiet feu roda to the qîîarît : qî viii ___________________________________Bargains lu used pianuîsou enasy jîav> t) Ihe liait ee01011 ]l'(' utf'aid s-a- Iiie lience North along i l,, (i.i;irev 1ATDmua 1 lil 21.S-n i. 23 lîi0.lhie aiiib iî fi live ine len roda,. fli' -il-,t al Fise-ler, $125, Kraîii-àlInhu. $1011 i eurîîr olitihe- i l. ii i- if11.O u rglît anigles withl astni-IiTl liii.- WANTED-Maî ii , lay îas-aîiueApolli )Pia. ir, $73 iOrgueis. $25 . 1.d flicNocfli a sf îî lrif uthf.fieSuiihsixt), ri lui ne northl -,io.hlift lu itrtî viii, J'andi. litruiun o MM onuk ientîîrîIlure '<lune, atquarter-cot said '<Il ilin ' iiiîsetion uneîcof aaid sectioi ' i u. sai oueay i-rii-. iî1îîr uttii 1 iberti ville. Tef-plivîvî27.iîaii-î- Sîliaiîîuilthfli Csi hue (f iii Iiîl Xit feu rodlaflience No --- iilich sal onea..y ,rtj4 I 4ui -2a*tierlephone -M.11: 7-if - i sl'brlief-quarîcriutfuad Qiii fIlr uarier quarter lune. tliiil-lý (ou-i ffile,452Q us r-vSi-ci nn f0th î- '<vii f h c o - c odlu flihe blaitsection 1 i i if -illit 0.00000ler tiiereof, fliesci- Fi-tcl amui e-- section,. flence tWest thintu î,îî l uiuus WANTED-Sbtcad eîjl<yni-it itaiY FOR RENT-Fifty m-ces ifniiîf-pisture- qîîarîî-r quîarte-r lîîe f0 th-'Noniiiacii tle quarter quarter lune. i-uuiiirh T kind b.vmajî n itli fahilv Rarmi i-- -i tirftroîi ilsî i teeiu lrner o<if feea-lf ilre'qîiarci-itutwficnf>rodsaflieuce wcst a.îî i itiîld. r manshiîî irýetrred. %liglitrcinf stc-ked I- ioîure Wuî. CAvA, Hlînd Fa-ris, flic-Souîthi East quarfer outhfliSoutli-ilieîce Nortli tan roda, i i-We-st faruri ln(iîîirî- LAKEr <C( îiî0. -yiîc i LîirtYVile 35- tf a-cii fîlarter ut sald Section 30; twenty roda, thence Non h i. i, uds.. 45-2 __________________ lence Soufli alona flic West lne oft ilence a-est feu roda tuCî iii' o fr I t saidst i-fmsnfioned Eastt ilre quar- quarter ]fie. 'lieucescontffiiîcwl-sf WANTEO--t'oîî1îiofnîeru lîîriarm work j FOR SALE j er f a point Tlivce Hîîndrcd Forfy tfocty roda, flience nortli fîîvT îîmi lu wouuau -capabîle iîîîk, gîîîîîia4ea iîîr .sx and six fenils (346.6) fi-cfnocîli flicNorth ine ot said 2î iîîi > rlgbt pîîîi jil. Hîî A-.i, ts-he îf li oufhli fle utsaisI section 10. fience west on saad forth litofe ville. 43-tt FOR SALE-Milk ete fl3o ag alet aeftîîîeîîfîoned point lîeîîîg on roda. heure North feu ci-ll ihe-îîee - >ddress Boux 17, .rtI 52 thîe ion h lic îîOf flands uwned b> A Xi î--- rtell coda I lieuce Futi fi i vv WANTED-fiîîcîi jirl for eîi-rai lboauae- ..1 i. (oodil iîînceeaisoi uscaflIo hie ilîcnce West len coda. lii- orTij work is uniil fai-nIe Addreai, r apll>FOR SALE-7. -,,ordsu i. faîcd i ur oiils ts-dsci e ction7:f',flictherf co.tle fec t 1-lu iiiîf l t___ ____hev____E___0.____1____________thi-uce Southlîalîîug tiie- hlaifsectionîiinig Wastfoty rodafi l -Nuîilh WAfiITEO Thi- a-t iîîîî-. il-nfardîlot jf -...of Sections f10 andl:If ini si-idit at iilcfîrodiaf0 flic northl , If t i- lunX'l'akceau - fhi t ,52(j(uj , i ia i l bv. FOR SALE l'amilîy rap. zone]i a e5 ev îî-ît iîîî d Town îslipfi o ithe- Nonrth fi'ne Sîîîilicou iiuarter of i h - -i i 11iii h 1 lu0t e t a l a11îsi AilA 1îlri -'V. .1 leF.o - lc îî F. J . l -i,I -rti villii Torf Section <l ii i i Tua-nship î4 I Northli a s quarfier ut Sectionîî _o- in ~ -.-~l-~- sltf JRance 12 East olitîhe î îîl'riîîei)lîa ld Tofwnasihipî, heure w-Triiith- - -- -- -Meidianîî ¶liecie Psit alîîîg thliiiNounih i eiiiii oîf flic Sotitliear i i ii iiiT iit FOR SALE-illîrwanil .iuirea- efeapffîlrîe ofîttlic Nîrflilsf qîiavi-n ofituhei-setioni 2o, 1heurce nilt i liii nil LIVE STOCK. ETC, takt i-s isiial.-lv. lh-ntie tainif,- driv- îîotheast quiarter ut Seefion C, lunusalitd hiie-aist turf> roda.,fi Northîîîi ing horew, . cras Ifri gonîd îonditiose. Ilai-tmenfloned Toansip to thf0 flsola ilfliheliait section lins otf.î --ctionîî FOR SALE-1l-rkahire 1lac Inijel iî1u ireWiLuvLt-tvle .e t sast quilatrt Qfsfneoth i-i 111ereWi aogsadl.îtîei at Wiun. Nihrflia as si i -.lfv-t 111i. , . -aliiîa thieîEastflise ot said Q fifii î -ilîi c-e- ' f0 o the PasII il igitci or Hi i NF 55-i il. tlle- tilfe nonfh (if SCFaIG AEhISad rFin uQiarpr f0 flic Nînhaetcsrner îf of a as fuir îofthflicChIc-goX i îi,î ________________ SARIFCE af aai-Oi-l ai îiî-th,îlSoîiheasef quanter ut salitINomlh & Si ýPauîl R. it Co.. lîî North-îîii a roîl onfiseven fac, 27 ini lies hîlglî. iog cast quarter. flience Eu aorîea-îef ft -i a- ii fî î FOR SALE- 30 hcad of choices nw feni-, wîîie i lessud îîtiî.-r liîigits T nilit forieas uartS r flictheQasftr lic luO aheiloth tiror tOve nîîdliii ich cow, and forward springem ieucejiilgrafîv redflcil 1îîî-v%îIERV AN us. Nrles îafîrl leEu viiicfficfoîihl u u iii MELVILLE and REEVE3, RumscU, wias F""'î Ci -Liii rlyvîlle 4 li. ut vaid Section 6. flience North ci-si cquarter oftfhei Nîîîîiwest îîîîîîî.II aiuuî celui-astf ilne ot ralul ecti oui6. iftseciolln Ta-cii %iîl Townîshîi p litv litI 44,2 ij igiiiv roda to tlie Nonfliesîf cornfer ilire norîli. ranige 12 cilait o!f hî- Iu il LOSTandFOUN ofsaidSecion6, fleueEast aloug P. M.,iiîcnî-uîdue Fast f0 the liaif MONEY TO LOAN the dFO ND Iiî-North lune ot Section 5. Townshipî sectiono fine ut saisI Secfion 20, iiîeîîc 43lForth. Raunge f2 East outhflic rd P.iîorth f0lc, heNunfliasi corner ofthte LOST tl-i-ka-ite auîd tas beagle M., abolf tcy rodesf0 aliere flic pull-Siîiîiiiias quarter-ofuthelicNorflia ca MONEY TO LOAN-liiigiiid lamîli hî,nd. Finder flutit> or efurn ufC AIilie highwaî- fume asd runsasouflicast quarter feutsaIsI Section 20, heure * eurit.V I.i.liii %ii i. Auu-l - i . Bi-uicii. tocheiciier. suid 1eeve re - rfi - îlicîîrcalong flic rester of saij Fast f tîrI rodv. afîugflic qîfar- 4:1 if iaurd îîpubhile heu iw5'. f0 flicEast lune outhetue r Q uarnier If lîo-flisaid sacuioun Xeti laitfuthile Nocilia-ct Quarter lwcîl> - thpiîî-r fni iii it iglif ufthIle Nothacif quarter of section angles fotnivuîîis. fleure West lIre lit said lait mentioneil Townshipî. fotun roda lu fti- haIt sectiou usne ot .,~ t heure Soufli to flic Forthlune outhflicsaiîlsectioun 2o. ihcuurc-orth along Souiwcaf qularfer ofthîe Nortlia-cif aid blaitsectioun lue te) the îuochliune quarter uofuaiîi section rive, thenre of saisI sectionfhrurî-fiirlialong the Fast aluuug the Northifine ut lait men-liait sectionî lie utsectionî 17 ln saisI floned quîarter quarter 10 the EastfMie townshipu cightu nids lu flic cenfer ut ut saisI quarien quanfer, flience soîutli flicpublic higlîs auI. iluiue caît alung afusa flic saisI Eait lise and saii Eastftflicrenier ofthIle puiiie hlgliwsv twen- fine exîcenif0 flicheForiliweit corner (y rodai, Ihenri Northluune husdrcd ofthflicSoîîheassfquarter o!flice North- fweuty roda. filefule il --.panallel In acil quarter ot Section iglin uisaiI flic haite section ii fui uuîroda f0 the Townsuhipî lait tuoeiiioued. flieure Hait soîtliwest comrner outhelîrNurfiast aluna flic Northh une o!flie Soufheast quarter ofthflicSuii, sol quarter ut i . - quarter ut the Nomhwcat quarter outhflicNotliwesf quîarter ut salul section said SPectilos I8 io fhe onfliaît cor- f7, theuce Loi iithlori, ioda lu uhc uier ut sail]Quiarfen Wuarfec. flience quarter fune. flicuw esit oi us noda Southlialuna ltfe hlaitsection lre f0tluthicrenter o0ftflic Fui haest quarter the ci-nier ofîtaid Section Fight, ut saids ectionî f7, lheiiîNortli eifit theuîce east aicug thflliItsection lins roda foeflic noniiî liii,- ut saids ection forfy coda mure un cass te tle North- 17. fleure West ia-îulî roda, flience easacrniernouthfliM'eistf aitheINorth torfy roda, iifuii aiftweuifs Norfh-aest Quarter outhflicSoufleaif roda. heure Northfitieiroda f0 flic quarter ut saIsI section 8,t. lenre Soufli Northlfine outhflicSuuuuîlîacaquîarter 10 flic Nortîflucuftfheeuutlweafquar- ofthflicSonfliesu quiari-î ut section -- fter ofthfli Souflicast quarter ot said FiaIt, lu Townshipu foirt, flues Nomrli. Section t. theuîce Eastf0 flihe ast Range 12 Hait outheliii 2d Prncuipal fl ise of saidst fait ntified Quarter Meridian, thenre Notuv thfieflcrenter Quarter Section. tîeîîe Sofuth along o! the Norflia-ct quisu ic ouithfli South-i flic Fasf huDe Outsiîi lsot mntioiied weaf quarter ut si-id Secu(îJoli tflenre Quarter Quarter sectioîn heficNorth West cigîf> rodaiu lu iiî- rcî f thfli fins ot Section Seveîicu u aifielorleatqunc u u-Snlcs fioned Toanship, tiiire, Southl along quarter ot aectioun 7 11u saii toan- flic Hast fine outhflicNuvîluusst quarter slip, flenre Norîth lu lheîuîîth lise ut ufthflic orilicast quîai- tofsald Sec- flic souflst qisia(i I filhe Northi - flou Sevesteen. ciglutv rods. heure West quarter of saliît '<-,iTiifl7, heure Easftlu flic North Xest corner outhelieci-ate theflie ci-sifie otf-s-litlsectioun 7, Easftlihrec-quarfers oîuthflcSouuthcsst fleure*norfli alouîg fih, osf hue ut quarter o tu th euiîuau-vqufarteroutsaiid sctioni, otrf> i list enre if said Section seveofeen, ilucrcSouthliriglif angfes Westf îiîluuuluiss. ilienic ilon gthelst lir ue orthflicFuit thrccuocl try oa uflc s.ut lenîîcof quîanfecs ot si-id quarter qîuaurter sec- aid Section 7, flietiîev X cffe\ nd - ~tifou sudthlis aid West i hiîcexteuded f0eflic Souflascrn . i outhfli Fist i tu flic soufla-scrner ut thc Fatlait outhflicSnîîficuî i ;uilrr f the fhrc-quarfers ufthflicNorthuhi-ffuthfli Souflist quarter oif S,-mfluu Six In Nurfhcasf quarer otflith ,onuilliaisi-sid fui-t menfioned tfIuuiisliil), tlieîîrî -quarter out aid Sectiun f7. flience Forth elghty roda fui fle iiortli a-sft case- aluna flicsouli bouid- ofthfliccorner ot siid Hait liaif. ufîcuce M'es, siid Easftlree-ui-rtcrs, ot r>nuss l twenty rode, thence Nouiii ixty coda. flic FortIciat corner outhflicWest hlthfeurs West feu rosisiencc North of flic Souflist quarter outhflicNorth- twenty rodsaf0eflic hait secfionfinlie cash quarter ofthefl ic tuheaat quart-er ut section six lu sid aîshp then ut aald Section 17, thence Soutlh f0flic ce West ten cods fui fli North.- pulicli higliway, fleurs weît aluuîg flic aist corner oftheotIc F i iSt quarter North houndaofthtle si-id publfile igli ut thceoufliea-t qui-ruer ut saidsec way f0eflic West Iune of aidi'est lou six, flence dite XVrsilu fli ccen- hait, fleure South aluna flic acaf flue fer of the publeie--hgita i- runningq oftsaid Wetliait andI saisIWestXici e nortli and Southa flrougluic es-alai exteuded f0aflie Hait Sectiou fine outoutsaiidsection six. tlicî-lui a nonfli Section Twenty lu said Township, cciy ansI nortbeiastenhs dire-ction along1 flce Hi-i- ttheli Nortîci-it corser fIe renter linesoo aid pubflic hîglway ufthflicSouuheast quarter utfsii Sec- f01 a pint twenty rodi dite soulil ut tifou 20, thence Soufth f0 fIe Sun,ýtîmeaf f lie norfh line or fhe Soitliwei-t Qui-r corser o! fhe Nonflimeat quarteri o!f tertofth(le Nortîest quarter of aaid the Nortîmettquarter ufthfli Soufth- section 6, thence dosue mcii lutfe hilt meet quarter ofthfle o-tliwest quartier -Lbu-vî ~RSCAS of sa-d section 6, fleure Forthli f0 efl i AddhioRl qîuarternlise sud crfifulng Forth ,ames F. O'Cosnnor sud la mO#.iCof tIiirfy rodes îacaficf f0 tle counler lise Obiiuary-Mca. Margaret dans Clark,- Nic-ark, F. J.,i-ce vimîuÀng nt Mlle ut si-id section 6, ilience Fist ait riaIt angles t lhe wmdc riaIt out ay lne MargaretJane hîîigeu 1t a-- w u,ru in iu ufth flC<hicago, Miwaukee & Sf. Parti CIaini oiiuty, l'a . uly iii. 1823 and Tlîe Risecrnans Ici-n pl-yed fhe Wid$s R. R. CO., iesce Nucthec]y alîîuutheflicdIafithîome io li-c son., J. Fletcher morti,, sunl3.Se-oue 1:ïlto 7 Iimulaeui sadwsiryrgh fwa ir o adClark in i '.îg fîi. iýN. ol Rotecrans. Railruaîi Cumpany ftufire oternoutIhe '<lie mas a blihly girliuiilsie wa-f8 Jias Welch lias Ic ni-e lrueai$ puîbliichiglima>-inîinig eavfcniy aud about sîxfeculnlien ciii- lebeguîî fo go nto completed. mesîcnerlinhougli fhecSîuithaest qui- eln.Te hri-aîaivsdcig Ier iuu th. flc enperance wqnhsw - fer of Section 3f, In townsiIp 44 Forthaa nIfi i-i>m slt fu tt -sIî î istî-thwc5lit) Range 12 Eiat outheflc:fd PrncipaliIn the fai Of 183- % lVie"sulueY efi-iteil sugilu tf iil-sefi htu p Meidan lereSouhw-,enyi-on ilie was oufable to mutup iIl hi-, loirthte bot wahei rtangbt fli n re telnes oti-hi Iluiblr h gybefoce fl.c> arrîvad i-t Faiii-isà. i, -skie 111 Hdb sýoitr je pnotrit bo fhe flcoerliof Sarluit ublch Sofliwas able.tu .valit fon mîîu-v asflihi-maul iiniu- o su hevcnî,- ci-hsf ute o retuuuf thlu uh- pcamue frntfeur ihomeuilaunPenuuslvi-ui-. liniartl ussitiiîaOiuuu-are spendfàu* n ou4 quorti.rangecionF-aIut len3Townshilaber new borne helîcamîaue tacit tu 1cm duu>ue0nWaukegan. 44 flersRmne t11-ast fice rest . er aned on Nov. 1, P3431 - ale a Lo.t se-e muan un the i-0fnty rememW M.. hene wstflonc he cetio îîuîe fotuJoin Cii-rk. Alter abe lad tovoie ouft Sîufuday. ut si-id section 36, fleure- Northi aong bornu hhuuî six celdren itesmouirued hi- Lizzie Wagner, toi Wau kegan, b -' saili ait serftion linsof0oi e FNrthlne death un Noveiiiber 1872. v flic mt e k mthluLau ra Striahu - ,t tire age of cieven @ho mas§ convrti Big Lumpu Threshiug Coi-i. Hueorm- - ut said section 36, fleur 'e cst ilong and bei-aune a mecutrier of flic Mefhcîduet Mniu-iii Ili sMutr Co., Libertyville, - saisI Forth lins tu flic Souifliact con- Efpscupal cdurci. it svasansm country Suulieofte uhs quartier o fioh 2 arounilFiiliiariifthe Clark home Happily Marrisd, si-id i-st qmentpondfomyushIoni, leWasiOitrtuily a nctipg pli-ie ansI a ()liThusnia.y eveving. Jul> 30. aftiihe sali au n ludrc ownshxp, roda tu flic iostatulp 1ofetfofîr flictr-veliig uhonte nIof George Lewisni-sir ttomecraa norh oe undedsixv rdsto heci lit 1illiira a lIv, unidu (hein oî-curreî hefIe u-clcisa of Miss EditI i hi-ff sectionu fluî-outsa-Id section 25,- îîurnu-yu. fiit 11151 lin ouiny orci-silins iheveiuh8s a ind illiamu Sioan, loth Of flocoEuFa theficconter of laid Sec. a-a-îîsu-îu ii- ass weila-fore flie Zion Ctf v.Miss Deveifuhice ha@ been em- flou 25, t lence North tforcodfis f11- eus cci i iri 5tii-t îfiiuinli t>' lîi>ec i-stenographerinte îe Zion itYý- surihlinoue futhflicsoiaif t ut of l- '<ie al le îîlîîu icsoel -lstores and iMr. Shoani ml i ,]-ituowm a siîfliaestîquarer outhîe uîucflicaîf bruneî-hcs'of ihurîli iuiirk, andI cteruiu3 u-irfuinter ansI cuutr-u-tîr. At elght qiurter f lt serfct ion csf>Ove, -louei) 1 luI'aile fiitel hîîw muHI îî iaYk itrle -ec.-fuuouuy legan fIatiade fleuri- iait fui fie ostl itre o!flic Mletiiodiciiiaîitîaîl hnistua itolipeStireuut omie. Thle ieconatiouus mers gees- uuuuthaeîui quai uic of flic uorflieaaf to fthc deeî,tîuîî îof iiieefiuu penrsons. If uind white inciuîhing tilomrsid jbro.u, u qîfarter ut s::t sectionî 25, fleure north is doutfiftîl h - Fauu ilsîI ihue--h i u - I,-luide iii--, fstly dressed ilu wbl-iti. aiouig tis e aisf l]eiofthflicsouthasatihi-ve If, lue- îîit ai-îi uîîai solî cd ii sik tilned mîtîcemaunsatin iad Fromhl qui-rten if thl-lilhuacafquustcr utfinot ia-ei lfor-lueur-îievîuîîîuî, teor lifuer-iri alýneseicslae. TIc groom wmsneatte , si-id sectioîn 25.u lutfe southa-cat cor-i lity, anidtfli-ucliu-nuu effotr. attureul in ronventiosai Il andI wih l ueir ufthlii-iorthlesît qui-r îitfthe Mrs, Clark i-duldfui vviut hec niigliiîio r îîu caulleMii. Edifhi Aitifleld am bride*- - uiumfhvciai quîarlî-r ut sauu sectiuon 2..1andI iienda îsaîcî'iatlîlauneledas iid siid Clu-des Vogler as ti-tman- n 1heuc re ulîlI lulrodssalonir i-il ciinrcerrflisuint oh iii-i.filisu-re ic M. Leus-ugi-ve i-w iy the lbride and lin fueext enuf cl iilhe dice wcsf One If thece (-outiulueo a ilisi c nlfiu-îvuu lui-ici-I IDrietrich b, i uoi Ciiy. penforuued h îîîîd mcd li fitîs. tihi-ncec utlu it 0 îpon lien -îanal-e vi 11lii uctii-t i-ic lue a imfiple i-nulun fîressute ereon-. lti- un vlhl iii t si-id serf loui 23 ýluved uthens etiec flioiioherelf. Hi-ides frrlnataiosiliýd.Idm 1hcie- ,aet lIliig'i COSlu fou fIl io In hsing tfli uîuîtiender -îici- i îui iiftifli theli en lirii- uufiisous rusat prepi-red by, Ir flic sou fu -imt<olu i- vfut hiesoui i-asui ai-uli iiîîasaviipai h uih fiiendiuis. 1 ii ca n aîîîilier-dauglîî-c, Ethel Lewin. qui-te f thlii uuui Il it quarT Ir out a.4 osuchaiiritalei i ul lier i îguuucuta -TIiru- e u)îuîi-a-a a-eu-eservisi-nd i-il i-greed e-rluii 24 lutkidulltuonship î44 Nuith.fI. hotiier tifit nu lu-rei fiord vsisti-ti:Mu-a 'Lc.s ini fii-ts i-i-ipifai hosteu - Range 1Il RaistuittIi- Ins Prinipal uslilofkl ifail votre. i icr tflic iuina ffiart the evcniag mw» \MoIcvîhaîî. flic-nçec lui h afîug fi-,- îIAlter siu-loirceaune'a aidua eule ment:' cfa-nftuîufiriging. Mn. Anuifuge, of honoriîus outhie si-id soiflcast quarte-r i f ils hail> îof cisc ohlier relatives Evinstis, gave sever-l Soloîs. Mrn.ud ofthfli suîîîhaest qularter ut sectiuon -4 iatnil fouîtfle unofieciesllildmnstu be r Mrs lottuuîa ii lis-attie Lewin holie tun flic înî-fhluhe out ihiquarter quaiir I-art tIi- fluerecuIt ofh ihicl la f0 leouuuîiMonday a-lîuu uley miii begfla - tcm section, tlîc-e i-i-ît aluîug fice aceu n ftieor nature lusese tuday. Tii -<un-houeke-îing aî Zion Cty, About tie uiorthlinhe ut si-luiquartier quart i-r sec- ionrflic ict and to encourage tle fief iii Septi-InI er fic>sel vieiltii. - flion, fouir hundred tortyfepu-t. theuime îipIidpuit vacre Services tuo miecI @hc luides îparents i-t Enfi, Oia.l (lire nurîli f0 fli souifli igit out usai gave iereIfli ber hâten years0. *AunA The prnulapecta of a loung andI hopp liuo ofutheîleHgin, Jolietf & EastenuJi-uc' as a househuilciname r g litesae risr nlIsm uayfied -- Ballas>Company, fleure Forfli eau- t flue y ahonu iaIe wma et kuowu.i.wsli tieii alhitc lessjinigsf1aat niorteils - afung flic SouthI bonda ut saiid Rail, Thelastie- v euve of ber litesi-w mucli rau.uîy mvCnior t h ipitwene flicofustirnuity 'andI eaknesa. S'<l i fteura________ saine ls iuuerserfed 1> flue soifith iglit aouîdered wa ho aIea-Stifjl1penfiffed of mi-> Iheoftfhe Chicago& Milwa-ukee -f0 nemai-nisnfi-euorid alter irecouid hEXCERPTS PROM CORPORATION 0 Flurîrir RilîruasICo., heue dufi- ciel 110uonjger uc active. 1blie cie uevec JCOUNSEL SRUNDAGE'S SPEECH. sln tuugfice souifh lunfîndairy-linoîîofutsalisIgilveII fi feerc fl-y compaint hi-i (b fi-sf mcuîîhuued raiiroasI compar u ii aui-le ail tlic intoiiatuoossof the lisi flic place ut hegluniîîg, iii Laine Co l fwync a [litre deliglux A strokre e-i Conporation Counsel Edwsrd J. hu I llioirganized as a drainage i-pîlcsr oui.- îek i-go frontu ali ho i Brundage,in a sensational speech de. c dstorictasa OhesIln flic office of fli cusuld uuut rush> tunuuglit fIe iend. luvened in fhe Twenfy-seventh wu d 1'Ic-if1off lite uunf s Coiurt futhflicn- Tu s u ue -ul - c agaret lastnight, sald fIat Go-erner Dele fIv oit Lal1u- inu lc oifeItllinoius, Bftahcni 'pi iigicfîl. Mo., Eda-ard R. fui c~iihudaiuthuii.X t f011su JClark, ohfuîlodo prungs, Col., andI lad pocketed more money In the namne the eiîvhuih av nf ls o. 1 ffic- uit ili' -lieur Cii-rk, i[Liiierîyvilfe, surfvinae of ietoi-m flan ail fhe grattera s l Clu' li Tu-f lic-, finie ofthfli-profupoeliber. Of 1the lange Iiuuiiccumfrnt hihsie-uccuntyfilee offices had stoien tront 1h.- distict blishe XX cs Sinoiei Dra-in- d rame two Irollieri auiuci.u salec ar et l agei)ilrht. hiefuîuiudi îcrut -i-living. Mnm. Macy E. Keifli, of Wilmette, puble freasury. îuuouuoated îî llbiiuedston arc asu l.,toibi r TH. hiagcnty an bosoreil Mc. Brundage, white president of henciîsie faed That p flu e ahichnaclergyman oiftice ethodisf dhureli fhe county board, prosecuted thd in-s ihuil. rouett.leuifulatîthcuui-aringde s rlinga i-fst. Loissauud Ezna Hi-gent pir outehie roîîus ad munplds-OluioTeahiA te1cr o h vestigafion otfItheie offices, and &Ieu district are as tolloas. lu au ithat vah 5i. Cart wa-vonei-f heflc ldeat sem neGuimo eenstsrc theu i-lu suanîîug pohit for sih pro- people in Luiortlvile. Fuir ueari> ord white sfafe's attorney-. oue uiurkut i-i diirit sah e acent> >eana site hall ben a s-aident ut A scua change msade by Mr. Bu- at flue Intersectionlui-ilthe-ii iu Cfy. uFor me lihuin o!fIedage isas fIat Governer Denes liarnt - channîueî orjuter cioursot nixloia-i-i fihi Ofiu. Tor ulue i evoer wisrd tfi hlm net te press tle civil 55.. theuor iiiguufef sa sofifl eri- flu is iiea-PrecioUk!os lr Yeiura liiconîs. suce bill designed fa put the Cook - fleuotufleu as sd ir uinerai servicesacwre iuehd frunu fli conyfeficsu rivlevc, afîove descrilued ltluoi,îenulracedliii a houise i-f 1rl30 VcuIli-cdiuy aftersoon cut e fie ne iclsrIe drainage district fu hi-,umcuuuizeif. andiIntor -t i«infiild 1-enutery. a s if weuld ceet hlm, Denes, se-rver-ai flue terminîus ut thc, surinshah lue ai _______î d dli lyplto i fleic-tercsctîlionîf uit au uiral chi-u- ousand o nas t lyp-iiel nI lîy tle-soiilhulii, itif idlafi-saA K RChicago under sucha aaw. hi-ieh iause ui l led lolue hi c îîhvdu-uFO li a draliii-g isricfi lihfi- urganizcd, "in my pursuitftoc tee grsbbes 9I sud flic roufiii si-Iad moili shahle b Tempocary New Prospectus of the iearned tIat yeu (Go-erner Destan) si-id chaîîuîeias fuîfloriaieton ofiuî Gihpiu Boulder Coni-lidated and yourn eny cestdant lad accumuraIs- age aundilsafiiI îuvîuupses aifh smciiMines Co., d moesmoney ln fhe name ef r*foa,, -- hrnucfu conntlîcli-s as ai gies-csiid than ail tle gratters lad ever violent ici- reli aîîîulmîne uîuaînctrbet- ue Weii uiuiertiied eutsielyuicrlpno- tnom fIe public freatuny. It la amei - ucgauuciz ofent dui urainage ansI flicpeutues for iy aeek@, Illico sent uîur fhings as fiae.that make yeur *off- si-uitas ieiiîit-ilheretuouuu, ansI tle mir ug uleer (fi i-ail over i-hi those ajse aolo iea mt u priopseul murin shah conîsîuft oui-lina offered, alter la epent six-.lin aevi meehaaise al oklk a mi.te ut siehuulurhuus. r ofenlg tsur it fIlaholiremIue -cunte on, lave tIree maie can.i ofalc- illiciaeson rsesainof-i orgoud fines i-t a largain." 'ilcame o," itî,crse or coausha esliaf trsial criiauud i-lU-n suendinga mwe-hou theground, "Ia poet yurnmnti% c(lu-it inv agi- allîd stuar ilcuefRta tlegu-aphued ion seerai umore ohfb f r ppodteyu rnmnalm fc ,(lie daiercaidîsiederllieif0 bat i- eamue auîuî e bouxlit henimus 1bellevue fIat you are nit a toth lnd oriiabvpdsclbd oandI fook user tfOM IES iîiTill' THAVE siscece, cannei9an4Yeç ac ý fie eniblracd lu saisI drainage district îaîî f laissAi,, ii a hw u eb ed sFu ms, T fil luengauid pTIi-itI ptfoeram LOAIi LOTS. Bufi thefe sMINS ari-n mii ucsen aiid icffi f0fli Coin EXTEIONS ou f GRAÂT MiNs, bofli bave in the pursult oetftees, ha-ing no brue .- lv our o th Cutiy o Lke ndourc hlockei ouf, botl ans miflun a mule humasin lsea.1Isay, give us fier Sf-te ut Illiois, at fhe ucxt Auauist oh nailoIs andI cuciasunmilles, mtîgoud geiernen a mas ot bread humain lier- s termi tiereuft 0 -if, i-t tes u'cioci ln wagonu oI easy doms grade haut, andsI sa mnwohsre lo W flic fîreuuuon of Monda> (lis 17f1î day lîuth properfies are hialemîed and tunnedpusams holsed iode. - ut August. A. H. 1908, or ia soun fliene- lilu> warcanty deed li resiponsibie culaflng through hil* veins rather flarre' affen as rotinsel ran bclelcard. al fhe Omnenstu(othe ncm rompauy, free andsI leswateri ruouu i flichecourt iîuoae lu fleicCty i-ici-c, eeof these minues ils tieuemli ot Waiikcgan. li thc Cunfy ut Laine tnianu Vanderbit gnoup, nean tIococater "This ià a day of imitations anmd - atomes-id. occupled b> île Couuuîy oifIshe icbest fa-oumiles square on c-iruAi Courf as. a Court Room. sud miii tIen i-t Centrai City, fJlipin Cotinfy, Culo. subafituies. 1 have, frem my expert- - a-nd thu-ve ast a Ici-ring iuponu si-d TIeîtlien la thIs celsrated Bi-gged Top esce us public lite, leurrned titri h huciflio. Grfuii, on '<fiar Loai Mouîîuaun, sie Denes administration us but a veneau - Dafeîl fuis cigluflidai ofutJuiiy, A. DO ulie a-cafolidcr, Boulder Coi.. Colo. 1908. Tislilatter nmine las os-en $50, 00 0 Ofareterni," ALBERT iL. IIENDFE. aunfli of $5400 ure biourkedou on____ l'f crfn thflicCoint> Couirt ut Laine fiures andIfouin aideslias almaoat 600i) "The trouble ha& been (wtl tIse J Cori rihtîy, Ilinlois. 4:1-3 fle-t devehuupuîcntmîîrkil un lire, andI Lots Bdeiv foo, ac 800 tons ut $1178lune unicreduunp. asyluma) fIet',wite yeu have spilorint LousBes n lom. Tuiihine lusaurrnuued i Oi euI by Ilug cd dfisflngulshed men and wemaes on Thc Lotuus fa-deabut th liclakinîuthi iiea i-nid lias- 2,755 fi-cf oh e monder- s practicali>. héorar>. board C(et&% -~ aortlîaarn part oîthu-înîry are suum fui ivingafone rein, ti-tin a em ai-ssboard et clarIfIes), yoaa lave pIayod Iregioisa lu Ilooni aund i-e nmire lucanu-i-idjiiminug 0uf1-u-end line, prodni-sI -, fuh flue yeac flan lforr-i veyars luiat. $:ihil,),001(t Of ollihgrade tellni orsus polies with the amaliappoîntee.b Tiiey gnuum parfiu-ularly thicinbefwi-iui ithin 2.)o Ic-f ultii.- surfaie, andI ila Io and Grass I-tessii, la is nacheul oil-îu-iîstarftot l it ig lli grade, auîd "Wlen fIe bill (civil service fori- hi>th f icVsconsusin sanai tiuAnfuuuhIluerorlois gradue ie alinî,t untouelhed, mhiere fIe busrua> lic.tileflon '<cIJtra -Tire- u-uuîuîsuîuv jusiuucîuurated Ior Cok cousty tee offices) wu% fIseally Suuuuuun e mort anduiShiotiena Honteu I 3ioo,010 ma-c, lacrivalue- $1.001 u-u'. presented and fhe preus callsd upen vihlîelis latnîi-un ithe bei-rf oIfi-e-asf 15113Purdallinuld uuuuacs , nu fhe part>.lte uifilul if promises, did buafung and tilshiig gruuunulsinu fle stalle. POsc)a<uiaiiiif>.i(lm;Iinôpîra ted uuu(er yeu respond? No. On the contrar>., Robe-rt SI n.tue jr prietnir. mli irf luefims ii i ulirido. persunaill- ses ulu-t yuuu ai o-îuuuteoushy luifil îculuflndata, neportas, pi_ youutold ose et my triand@ flot 1vea i-nd properi> ci-ced foc. Parties mishiug fties. blune inna, ruts, etc., ci-n le causlng yeu greaf emborrasament b>. dinicu shoulnd noulhs in adîaîîcc. Tel.-- guittenu ciady, said our lia sswv pros- pressing the bill; thaf tf civil service phoune 291 Anfifiel. piefina goîfuîii luit, (ise pre urgi-nization priv-e if iuuiî>0tcenut@a pr hiare miliiho seetnt* beftect in Cookt counI>. I couinueul. This eouipi-ny is igîf, andI isuld zest yomJ fleusanda et dellars rhisîle Notice. ualy tu-usiad tried peolelsanc in lit. assuoli>. fa do polifica ln fhe tewn of Notice ial ereby gises tu ii ghmay Tiru Liberfyvilie mun are secretai-y anti Lake, because the clou uof men you couniilissionecis of flic township of Liber- freasuuner andI cvsry dire-for andI uftlcer fyvilîs tuo nouAI> patiîuuasfers tf0 dean up is igiit. liniffi-il vo aslitIfornses lad piaced ln puble offices cculd net fleir districts, hîgliwaiy, nalroads, Ti-uuiirau-yl'noa3pecfut4.Ife m3orfb youc pasa ci-cil service examlnatiens." farnensand lots of Canada thiites lefos- alulle. 1Hespectfuhly,___ tIc>y gio fui se-sIas i1ssal Ssc tftIc FsAuîu-E. Wuar, Ses-y. "Wîy do yeu sqW pose as a triandi I)tl ilyobere iDNis Lîuuiiis -e!orcivil service retersa? If sle u Canada Thistlc Comiîsioser outires Wheouitîestomacî, hîcant, or hume> ilhingsaos tfIla fat impiel pe teIII, foan oh Liberfyville, iLake County. 111. serves get aik, tIen, tIsesongaa iatyuaea ln eere.

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