CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Aug 1908, p. 8

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ClntInued fromn page 1. ru poti," e sald, "and I tbank r gt Dow. !.Igeted that while poili md.r the ban tor the day al *kem were polItIcians and met Éà cadidtes fer office t the »f the people. iOr go out over thîs grand old wImincOi but l corne hack larger orM. wth my head hsld hlgber ly honîders more squred,' be am xow vorklng le a campalgun agetleman' aud beth ot us ~t5 sare aIl tbat is good aud .but It is Op TO the peope and O,ýb"e nt yet spoiten. Wby nett é thMam han ere te look Imb the KPfthe people oetIlinloi? 1 anm V1at 1 have been favored with 4t6alOu ers today.' W h n evIewed Wakega's place ýj'4 blaitery, payiug tributs te joya t the Civil sud Spanlsh- orie<gavrs and endiug with the1 M*Xton thal it la at the fireside *.,"'st questions et state policy ~tel 7settled. aeatte 9rih, À"4 tiers they aestldaih, ý4W1red. «Wlth the man, wth ffi,4on5 sud streugth on eue side ,thlie voman vith ber eveet- fim4 goodiesi ou the other. ,,oeIles for Deep Waterwey. ~'Waukegan the crucial point et -imomb wviilu is declaration, jiàât rom the shonîder, tor the vrjwu eep waterway tretu the u;5w Waukegsn au ocean port @Mllps enterîug sud cearing trem ' the world spart sud vitli il le # edacomprehtenelve acheme ot h1sngîng ou the oee act oethIe *eat koin iithe advaucement ion ln the Far East sand the Wth of the Un.ited States te a pop- te of 300,00,000 lu 1960. j t.aee' speech, vas the most arn- icu edort of the day, the mot g, gr5 banombe sud "hot air" êreTooeved the ovation that vas 14» i the mluds ot al. Fos Tslk la Good. ýja truily a Waukeganite teday," kt uagetaan George Rdmund li'î a address. 0*-b been my plan to attend ai- Où= onset your annual cele- L uen 1 amglad te meet yen al -1b ignficant te me that Wso- ta tlb. lat cesus report show- glotest Inenease perceutage et heb.state et Illinois. .Ubsbeay that il yull keep np thîs ýb&*O hd the piesurs te be cou- vttb the parke movement Iu silice its Inception. 1 hope tjo splendid movement gDese on tbl> City biai a splendid systemn thatvl l aite ank ith t.ithe eofeiy City ln the state. Ml,- yes. Ill nois - yes. p*ttet ail-the United States ot XU , peaker got a liearty reception Me a srty ai usuel. g aOlur William E. Magon. ft a0rWilliam E. Maion made ,t & bot weather speech et the li t ahounded lu uew terles et *eu ind. tse itld that mate a ý' vi wtheut leavlng s stlng, aud il -e ae te dtate that et the sonatorial 'trio, Kason. Hopkins sud Fes. Maion ."e te it sud gel the votes It t'âare vere any lying about. Telle ot Star-I Hers. Thme met effeelive portion et Is çp eecim beyond the barhed tonies that lis launclmed vlth accoraIesiu vas tbat lu vhlcli he described bis tat 1,0U lis Wauitegan lhity six ysare Mo wvhen hie addness vas "Hou WiII- 4am B. Maon, Grand Avenue, inal ,1le se Wet et The Tennery, Wauite- Hile tacesbsiuiug, a tender light lu k* eyc. lietold et is cortship sud tple, even relating bow he had le swvel the population et the by "sta.tlng a littîs Iodge et Ma- related tender memeries et put that clnstered about the on Grand avenue, vhirb still Se rememhened ail is old pma1. H..le even nscalled the oaU bores nthing like vhlcb baivÏ been tomnd aud vhich Is tefferiy vlth Ibis malerial. he t a tW tat caueed Panator te sit up sud lite notice. ~~~8~*4Meoeu led moot' ~l dsieç a bLeker ettbe white tsr e Md *a aem". y Oh. it wui raOY. and ln- tereBtllg, and Ingenlous, and dartnK. and wltty. and laughter creatlng. aud ln spite of the beatt the sw.55t. the ,ubacked Ibexches, the standing roomI ouly, thousands saw the point and ap- piauded the littie giaiît trom Wa.uke- gan. WýAauke-gan Is ln tact today proud te claim hlm and -hile be may bave a liome in Chicago ton his righttiil Place, m-here he got bis start lu the wortfl la right bere. He told every one BO yesterday. SIRUCK DOWN ON THEt STREET CORNER (Fr001 Satturday's Sun) hrk'ý Corser. Lakte conty's ldest etler, as ku okeduncnTcious on Was.,iii gt4uTîsud C eee treets at Mr Corserliadt Just made aisat- tempt te cross the cerner sud had just I taire Ibis mcaus er declarlug my sTopped down off the curb tone when candldacy for the Republîcan NemI- the Kraft delivery wagon wheeled nation for the -office et States Alen. arouîd th(, cerner. The off hor-e ney et Lakte Ceuuty. Reallzlng the strick i. orsr, fllig hit. Importance efthibs office te the peuple siric Mc Cornseir fellliu hl. Cr-lu general, aud ap1reclating the ne- er' side. piched hlm np and rusbed sosblt hrt tahd s hlm ie the Pearce drîîg store wberc your enpport. le a few moments bie was rsvlved by Heu ing practiced taw le Lakes Cenu- Dr. W. W. Pearce. Besîdes a fiw ty fer more thaTi twelve (12) yeans, body bruises aud a cut on tbe wrlst wltb a gond measisre et successanad Mr. Corser escaped uuluiJured. my Republicanistu neyer havlng been Mr. Corser bas lived lib is cot.,lu douht. 1 feel justifled lu askiug Re- eluce hie wae seveuteen years ef age. publican support on uATghît Sth. ine came here wheu nothing but Inu It on tbe above date 1 arn nominal- dians romped througli the woeds. He ed, aud lu Novesuber slectsd, 1I aal resides just aeuth et Zien Ciy where durlug my teuure make au honest et- he frrms a stuall tee acre lot, tort te ao couduct the affairaet the Baese Attorney'a office as te meet the approval et the :itire people. Pain auyw ere stopped lu 20 minutes My oatb et office as prescrlbed hy sors villionue nI Dr. Shuope Pinkt Pain lrabIle. The formula ls ou the 25-cent the Statutes shali at aH tîrnea he my box. Aok your doctor or druggist about platform. tbis formula! Stop vomanly pains, Ueder the new Prlmary law, whlch headache. pains anYwbere. Write Dr. viii hie lu terce JUly 15, sud yl Shoep, Racine, Wi., for free triai te rve value o l headache or Pik Pain theretore geveru le Angoat, the Pao- h ee Sl ypie have the absoînte power te select ALL DEALERS.j the men te make up teRpbia I AF wTIR WE POSI- TIVELY HAVE NO CON- NECTIONS WITH ANY OTHER FIRM IN WAUKEGAN Dra Racine à 415E 4~ E~E .QTRVFET~1 lire là6ijlgthit -,W,-bcb-heas been M Col henootooe bhy-sdelugate lunconven- tien, nolunreLity on Augot 81h, 1908. Laite Conaty wMf hoîd the largeet icouveutlou la Its bltory, and I amK Fpsttalarly auxioue te necelve the eu- kdosemeut oet tht convention. WJM. F. WVEISS. THE COMING PeIMARV ELECTION. Tu the Repoblean Votera et Lakte County: . 1 arn a candidate for the nominationU ton State's Attorney. 1 have aiwa»o voted the Republican ticket. and hbelieve lu lus prîncipies and traditions ot that party. As a candidate tor the important 1K SUMMIER- GA&MENTS MUST GO 33.00 ad$.X d uprSieadw bave lottod al Our Sûmmer Dresses that .»Id frem $ 16.50 to $22.50 Lingerie Dresses Shirt1 86.4O ddJm e uisad~50 to 09.0ce lgther, sud Win close theon t u et 3 9 1 at... ................................ 10.98 WAIST SURPRISES liadsme hie LwnWautà, Tecks aud Embrosdery 7 Special ........ .........*........................ ... 37 Oven Oue Dozen Styles AL Over Embnodery sud 79 Lace Efet s ...... ............... ......... 79 A Lot of Waiste thst will .unely surpnise yen98 at...... .................................. ........9 8 Lingerie Waists, Chisters of Tucke and Embroidorme 14 et .............................................14 Al Higher <rade Wiste; inh values neyer .een 18 betore, t--------------------------...... ........ .8 .1 WE CO1WIALLY INVITE ALL JAD» tb*b o lut resdet.1 If lected, the respongilblti wwll ret upn me oft eeng to It that the law le respected and obeyed, and 1 will accspt that respouslblltY andj slUik nonsetfthe duties of the offie.1 Regardeses of wbat a man says or does under stress, he la lkely te lîve sand do as he has llved and donsi (thîs eppliesete ail the candi- dates, myself lncluded); sud so, 1 submlt my candldacY to the willl1 er the peoplq. bsllevlng that, se tan as lies ln thelr power, they wlll ln- quire asete my standing as a lawYer1 and ai a man, and then determine1 whsther, lu their opinion, 1 arn quali- fied te, sand wlll, If elected, perterm the1 dulies ejoined upen me by my oath1 of officq. 1tlake this way et appesllng te you1 iton your support because et the pnac- tical lmposslbllity ot meeting ail per- sonally, whlch, If epportunlty permit- ted, I ahould be pleased te de. Respscttully, 173-2t RALPH J. DABY. Not l4alf as Severe. -'ReaJIy-er"---tSTflOlTd the gomeip. who had beeu caught edlîaudedl, 'lin alnaid you ovenheard what I eaid &bount yen. Pehapa--e-l waa a bit ton se- vers"- -10h.,ne," replied the other woman, "1yen were't nesrly s0 severe as yVou would bave besu if you knew what 1 thinit ot yeu." JUS WIAT YOU WANT MW"s', &b* ChIlires ight Gowns.....,.5 NaluDrawm .........9 ............u........c.............. 67 0 * 1 poo,. e i th hains ......... 5 .. .. .. .. .. ..22c aul 28 m ad[tI........... e To, ý"Ei OR STOlRE THIJI lm Laka Connty Titis & Trust Ce. Abstracto of Titls. Titles Uuarauteed Maienle Temple Bldg. Waukegan, 111. Louis J. GURNIsE, WeY. ringer, lots 1 te 4. blockt 4, Lake Bluff.t W. D., $4,000. Lèsuna T. Rogenson and hue, te Cors R. <Villi, lots 1 te 4, blockt 4,? Lakes 1Bluff. Deed, $1. E A. C. Thomnson aud vife to B. F. Buckt, part lot 5, block 86, Highland1 Park. W. b., $3,600. B, F. Bock sand vIte tu Sar& C. Buck, part lot 5, blockt 86, Highland Park. Deed, $1. Rula S. Rornndsud.hem, leClara J. Mille, lot 18, Beach Grove, West Anti-1 och Tp. W. D., $3.000. Lawrece s asero and vite te Cera A. Moody, part Iots 1 sud 2, and land adJolulng block 18, McKay's add. Waukegan. W. D., $350. Esate et E. J. Lehmann id-ecd.) le Henry Potter, lot 4, aub-block B of blockt 4, Laite Villa. W. D)., $300. Elizabeth Nunernaker and hbste P. G. Dunu, lot 2. Laite Front sdd. te hewîn Park, Bruce Lake. Bsed, $1. Elizabeth Nunemnaker and bus. te P. G. Dune, lot 5, Lewin Park, Bruce Laite. W. D., $27S. .1. F. Hubbard and wite te Myra J. lubard, lot 44, Hlighwood. W. D., $5,.000. August tMe, telle on te nerves. But. ______________________ that spîritiese, ne ambition Iellng van Heury ilIums te Wm. Biurne, 147 lue eamlly sand qoickly aitered by taking acres lu Secs. i5 and 16, Ela Tp., and wbat le kuowu by dn'ugrists everYwhers lu Sec. 29, Fremout Tp). W. D, $10,. RALPUI J. DADY as Dr. Sbeep' Itatorative. Within 4M 0F WHITNEY & DADV heure elter beluning te use the Restons 00 Republîcan Candidate fer the Nemnina- tiveimprevernent viii be uoticed. 01 L. B. Gice and wite me Hattie A. tien fer cureti] heslth wîll net lmmedmtely Chinu, veet >o5 ft. lot 76, Counîy returu. Theltale, hevever, viii eursîY er'su.Atoh Ded$60 STATE'S ATTORNEY follew. And hest of ail, you viii nsali,. e rsehAto.Ded$60 Primanlss, Saturday, August BIh, aud feel yeur etreugth and ambhition ne6.Iniy 31, 1908. offce t Sates tteney I rn etthe li. rsturning. Outalde influences@ Belle S. PiMtis te1. B. Pîtts, lot 20, Offie O Stte' Atorny, amnottledepree firet the "Inoide nervea" Iban the candidate et any organization. or te- ,tomacb, beant sud kidnesys viii suall.y blecit 2, Homner Cook'% snb. Wauicegen. sttution, on businessa lterest, on tac- fail Stnsngthenthemielilg nerves wlitb W. P., $200. toor the advocate of any theory Dr. Sheep's Rtorative aud mes boy Chistîna B. Boys sud hus. te Gee. trlm teta bien o uicily beulth wii le vours agein. Russell, 4 lots lu Bevlils & O'Boyle's or sm etertha odlscetethe Sold by ALL DEALERS 7 B ARQ0A 1N S OUR GREAT VfENfT.R y r SALE ve NXAR WASHINGTON STREET WAUKEGAN'S MOST POPULAR LADIES' READY-TO- WEAR STORE WAUI<EGAN, ILLINOIS IENTIRELY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTI and buy anyt gadevrtig in ie of Womien's and Children's Ready-to-Wear A prel ~ $1III> ~AT PCSPOSITIVEt.Y UNEARD 0F BEFORE. vr Ctine aW day i Ie"MY, huckfull of the greatest bargains we have ever attempted to put before the pub r'. It is simply a case of MUST SELL. , Must get rid of every Suinmer garm*tnt In stock. WE EARNESTLY ASK THE LADIES 0OF WAUKEGAN AND, VICeNITY TO CALL ON US SIG CUT IN MUERTS $2.00 Linon Skirts, with embroideny tnimmmng98 t------------------------- $2 .50 1.0 04.00 Linon Skirts .3 at - - - - - - - - - --......................... ..1 3 *b.00 and $6.00 Cloth Skirts 26 t - - - - - - - - - --........... .............2 6 Al our $7.00,'$8.00, and $10.00 Panama Sirts 9 lu black aud colons .......................... 4.9 $3.50 and $4.50 Cloth Skinte .6 at.....................................16 GOOD-BYE. TO SUITS Elegant Spring Suit& thst fornaerly solod At *12-00 to $15.00 About 26 Odd Suite that formerly sold from $18.00 to$25-00 bave been reduced so as to close them out for 7-98 C OATS MUST GO Jusl wlat yen vwiii need in another month from now, 8.50 te $8 50 Blackt Bro6ecloth aud aud Covent ot. ts ... 3.19 *5.00 te *600ü Odd Linon Coata 1.98 et ........ ....................................... 06.00 te 05.00 Silk Ceate34 et . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 3 4 010.5o te $12-50 Voile Coats 5.75 et .......... ...... .......... ..... ...*.... 016.00 te *20.00 Clotk Coate 8.98 at ....................... ............... MILLINERY. Any Trimmed Ilai in the hlOnse that "ld up 2.9 .... ... .... ... .... ...2 .9 VLOWERS Per Bunch .............................. 75o Flowers 1u per Buneh .... ...................................15 *1.00 and *.r50 Flowers ~ .t...... ... ....... 5 I49,TEItS WUEN ShO1PPING BARGAINS Joehn Griffith and wlte to j. H. Stephens. S. hait lot 1, block 4, Rock- land euh. Lake Bluff. W. D., $1,200. State Bank of Laike Forest, Tr., to Hanna T. Crott, lot 46, Green Bay add. Lake Forest. S. W. D., $525. State, Bank of Lake Forest to Ma- thiae Staska, lots 38 and 42, Green Bay add. Lakte Forest. Deeds, $750. Florence R. Dwight te Edward Neye, part lots 101,and 183, Lakte For- est. W. D., $6.500. Mannle MeCann and wlte le J. A. Reeves, lot ln Sec. 14, Grant Tp. VA D., $2,000. Ellen E. MeBrîde and hua, te Mar- garet M. Hennessy, 40 acres ln S. W. qir. Sec. 3, Cuba Tp. Deed, $1. Margaret M. Hennessy te Frank Mc- Bride, 40 acres lu S. W. ur. Sec. 3, Cuba Tp. Deed, $1. REsate ot J. B. Warer mînor> to, Barbra Worth, north hait block 7, N. W. Add. Waukegan. Deed, $35714. Barbare Wortb et ai. to Jullus PF llidlinger, N. balr block 7, North West sdd. Waukegan. W. D., $5.000. J. A. Austin and wlte 10 G. W. Buru, part northest qr. Soc. 26, Warren Tp. W. D,, $2.850. Pusan H. Parker <o T. J. Daviacu. east hait lot 5, block 1, Lyon & Hutch- fus euh. Waukegan. W. D., $3.000. N~orth Shore Gas Ce., cetificaie ef consolidaion with .'nnetks ,as Co, P. A. Montgomery aud wite Tn Jane H. Drum, lot 3i. block 1. Monigom- ery s euh. Highland Park. W. D., $1.700. Rose SmeJkal and huaî et al. to Mar- tin Huilan, lots 40 and 41, block 16, North Chicago. Deed, $650. Y John S. Schlossr and wife te J. il. Schiosaer, tract of land In Sec. 34, Newport Tp. and ln Sec. :1, Warren Tpli W .D.,$700. W. P. Westiake and wite to J. W.ý Senne and wits, part block 8, M..rry- Wood euh. In Sec. 11, West Antiocb aTp. W. DB, $50. THAT ARE 1 b, fi ft b s t ~ i $ J 'i 1 trèý &%av .-VIL F-Wýw"w' wý -qr-ýw ý wwq la oui au li l+ a 1 Ir ý AMVI"M m

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