CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Aug 1908, p. 2

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S tttbelawu social Saturt!ay 'ts evenhig. 'a 9 U oi-setion vers 'ighiyn fine okigfn 14 viarly neet apueb Y. . Woulfe traneectet! buiness ëff Tuesdey. wtlir"a, o! Chicago, im epenting s'vacation'wth lMr. aut!lire "à4farnily. EL Mamm, of chcag, speuiI SUn-b a mbonein urnVIllage. I ifflD&W ofDesPlaines, vasint o! Den Tues i ookiug averb Wm aan la emth ops sudq mpMbM@ tarting a @hop hm nthet jý John P. NeGoorty, o! Chicago, )f the Dsmocratic caudidates tan mer will addrem the seumhly at wm soial given under the auspices 1Jadis. of the Ctholie cbunch on "y evenlg. Mir. licGoorty le at and notable peker sud ae =l rip b! Father W=Ulfe throngb ~*rte babam heen inducedt tacamet or IIlag. Do'l fanl ta bear him. i hmofo Dahrna Bras.' stare, the ,ýud postollicehbave been gieatly qVed by a Dow oal t 1int sud ~e set latiorm vilte bult = b boefot whieb ertaily a4te . dmdmhproveinet. Baseley î atdong thm work. IÎL>,lMartin vas a Chicago ; d Xm ira. E. Miman transactet! lmthe ~cty Tueedsy. ýOumu r. sud lim. Fife, of j~P* es gtat Ibm Lake I*lMsdreveing. MiaielTriplina isiting st Ibm ir nupotJ.fRichards at Leke lm Md Win &Wmis iit relativesaMt Ile, Ws.. on relurning home. , othman sd vifs, o! Waukegau, oa buien& boeslet Frlday. Jolmn Knlgge euand ugbten Luile, rçlgvmm st Palatinsem-oiStur- R0 Nonday. Ntich made a bueiness trip ta lapide, liieh., ans day lest wesk. Zre Amlenchtteld, of Weukegan, aI& the home a! ber grand- . . Lichtfeit! everal days , Se ht, Mis Luela fereci. iffan K aigge retai-ned Mlon- M fiou a fev deys visit with kt Palatine. à Nebnlich Ilet TuesdeysaI *0eguesteofbeî.. Lync. ins. Bort Lst, o! Waukegan, tors o! the former', paents, b,&. Chai. Lusk, Suuday. P'lorance.Glesoan sd Betha Li-etyvilII, kccompauied Mie Woph ta lb. borne o! ber uncle, go, Buadsy for a short vîsit, stlsded churcli servie«slber. c» 1Yoker assisted Mlra. . .<1 softhoid dulies a ew daysa I week.1 'tbtcber sud tamlly acon-i- r . Dyen sud Miss Emma giadted! Lincoln Park tirat o! igp od a former residet of irte a guet o lire. E. A. Dean l pal vesek. * o! the Village Young ladies 1g thse week camping aI Gages 4m. Auna Lathrop acte as àpaesate, Mn. sud lire. Fted1 ighanocolleetor on the rond ztdu e v vii b. plased t10 idi the, ld ubcribera t the etiant Tent t the fair grunds. 9 teww why when you gmt tmore. i a"l,.o! Ibm Damond ILake Ceuse- e1ociatlonwyul hait! a socialon J.Wlbltssey's lawn, Tuffsday, Aug. wbktilesce reanad cake vili te bd bath ailemoon sud sveniug. A *iii ho t the Rocketeller electrie $ to nis e 7:30 car tram Liberty- ,1t amcmodalea ml Ihose vba desîre1 'tuI the evenlng. Evenyhodyleg b rdlaiy invitet! ta coamsd hsp Xtb>cause. Adulte, l5ceuis; cild- 10 M. l fjt sbould rate on starin ï,iuag, the social vili te haidthle oMKnigge viitet! lu Chicaga ana , 4enbani, o! Lake Forest, visitet! ~,ToWnsr'e, Wednea!y. lire Robet LIUI, gn., le! t lit 'utoiher lu Kmnas Wr.Jolhn Wittsud chilidren Towuen's, Tneedey even- 0 aIvmnloe there viii e no lim e eisch Bnuday. osa ndyhr .Ethel have Om0s enaer mrtesomi #Mm, Fsd T~ ose a o.- 0 aààt" km Mm e. anion ie makiug preparatiaus ta start for Montanas lu theuer future to join ber, »on, Tho@. f aulen, sud nepbew, Clyde Martin, who vent West a0 lev weeksaega ta try their iuck lu the new country, Tbey report everything1 proresvesd expect ta make Montana hI-uMturve borne. Jas. liemabon, of Chicago, le ependiug a vsek et the Lakeside Hotel.1 Peter Nimegean et wîth quite a serions accident an Monday atternoon. While passiug behind a etrange bore bitehet! u i hembrnhe bores kicked at bum istnking biniou the right anm. AI- though lbe inury ia veny painfiil the boue was ual injuret! but the corde, are quite eeverely bruiiset aud it viii be sanie lime befare bis an viilteestnong egain as bei or. Ail preparatians are naw rmnde for thme 30th annuel reunion of Lakë, eonnîty Soldiers sud Sailare et Farde grave, Waucouda, usat Thuredey and Friday, Aug. 20 sud 21. No lime on enengy lias beeu sparedt! tamaks Ibis pue of tbe bigffspeveute of on village aud ail wbo attend viii te assuret! o! a grand good lime. A general invitation ia extended ta afilthe ueigbborng towus. The primary election belin ou ur village lest Baturday pravet! rather exemtnug althougb ual bal! of the votera in aur tavu votet!, 132 ballots being test al toi% , 15 rpubicans, l5democnstic eut! 2 prohibtin.Ouly 20 democratic ballots e e sent hy Couuty Cisnk fendes which b, sait! as the proper numite accordiug tu the vote polledat the general eectio two yeers egoansd the election judges tbought they migbt rmn short but when the polis cioet! t 5 fo'clock there vers still tive extra. A. L. Powers wea nomtnste! for precinet cammutteemen. lir. and lirs. Geo. Iditchell and daugbter, Lueila, ieft Tneeday for ColorMo where tbey expect to stay a month. 3H"rryBlow@ bas sold his tarin to Mr. b ormai,, who expecte to take possesion soon. John Holiand speut Bunday witlî hie brother. Wii Bouse trausacted business in C;hicago Tuesday. The Diamoud Lake Ladies' Aid Society Dwili nieet wltb Miss Stella Wilcox, Tbursday afternoon, Aug. 20. 1 IVANHOE F. M. Smith suent Mouday at Gages Lake. Miss Rth Wel@ called on friend e be Monday. Miss Eva Brao, of Waukegau, is visiting Misa Lois Smitb. lira. Charlie Posket epet Mauday of lest week with ber mother et Lelîbton. lire. A. L. Hawkins bas returnet frian Waukegau aiter an abpsne a! Ibres montha. fans Petereon @pnt the firet o! the week in Chicago. MiseNarman, o! Iowa, ha, been atey- ing wtb lins. Titus tbe pet veek. The Junior Hame liisnary ESociety mete wîth lir. Dolph Ibis Saturday efteruon et 8 o'clock. li. nsd lis. Key sud Mfiss favell, of Nv Jersey, are visiting Mli nsd lir. Frank Dolph. The Suuday chooi convention wiii he held net SundaJ' at the churcb both moring aud alternoon. On eccount of the Sunday school convention tbe Suaday secool at the Gonid's achool will not be held next Sondey afternooau. Everybody la gaiug wherel To the d*uceat Amaun'â hal8eturday evening, Au. 15. "Gmtt he Habit' psy your subcription ai the Independent Tant on the Lake Oounty Pair Grourmda. 1--LPRiEZZ Mm-. Scheffer, o! Dovuere Grave, spent Suut!ay vllb bar father, J. A. Mason. inse. Sions sud daugiten, Flossie, o! Chiego, are apendlng several days vitb tbqlr cousin, Mise Leurs fiprague. lir. sud Mn . .Pester sutertlinet thein sisten, lins. Ketîle, o!f endes Plat- fant, Sunday. Jene Kuedlen spentoesveraî days o! lest wesk with ber gnandmotlîer, Mmre P. itzenthelen, of Naperville. Miss Bell Stanctilf, o! Cicago, i. speut!-1 lugea veek vitb Mn. audlires. D. Rtzen- thaler sud family. Mn. sud lire. E. B. liason visited vitb thein brother aud faumily, Mn. sud lirs. . TulIey, Sundey. loev. sud lire. eonecke left Tuesday to Nepenvulle wbere lliey yl stay thnee weka ta attend camp maeeting. Mn. aud lira. M. W. Kuedier sud @au, Ted, "Pont Sunday at lti-erview Parkè Chicaga. Blanche Mitchell, vîmo bas boeema@pend.- firg a couple o! veeewitb ber suat lira. Terpiulug, o! P"n Ridge, returned ,ln3nday aeccompeniet! by ber cousin, ifoward Terpiuiug. Mm-. Scydamn sd dangbten, a! Lberty- a vile, celiet an lire.D. ittreutalr :Thunaday. 1 Mr. and lira. . G. Mitchell &pont Sun- i day st Libsityville viti Ibein son eut yailoy. Mr. ant! lra.S. Mitchell. Don'l fUilto b, et lbe dance 8a1tuay a iYd eautaIAznn'a hall, Round Lake. r.isaç M*anmd aagoodt in.. Ticket@ ~*3E,Çot'tEmawa Ion .,tha ee"t oem pP, Iroc, mve, IIawy. CoId Liv.r 011, Hpjho ts to unao&efat,.blood andm j ~puttogthe tht it ii .aSay digesM paLL PRUIOQ18TOI S BftAND 41-00 iACNDA DEPARMENT IL. . AMAK ,CorSmpondenand Agent ire. If. foreuberger bas been visiting witb berdaughter lira. Burns, atGltocoe. Mir. and lire. August Noreuberg have1 returued fram their wedding trip sud1 are wtb the latter% parents, Mir. and lire. Jacob Autes. Walter and Eugene Flower are spend- iug their vacation in southern Illinois. Peter Blemmehi bas gone ta lit. Cemeu, Mlch., for treatmeut of a severe case o rheumatiom. iie bsgn Mies Marii.e, mh a oet jamestown, N. Y., ta) visit ber ister, Mmr. McElhose. Mir. and lir Joe Pyle aud danghter, Clara, are viiting with Chrst Antes. Bey. aud lir. H. S. Fritsch have re- turned to Montana. F FORT HULL Mir. and Mmr. (reenleaf, of Cicago, are spending a few deys wth relttives aI Cloverdale fat. Mises Edith Haggert, o! Joliet, in visit- ing ber aunt,Mlia. Bert Paddock. M. and lire. Elmer Cannon, of Mlilburu, called ou A. B. Comba Snnday mornug while enroute for Wauconda. Mr. and lir. Joe Giot, o! Lake Forsst, were pleaant cailers an trient!, lu this vicinîty Suuday atternoon. lire. 0. A. Howard and daugbter Bessie, of Grant, were viators et the C. L. Thômeon home the plat week. Atter speudiug twfl wseke wlth ber 1: sent, lire. B. Paddock Miss Glenn Haggert returned to ber LeinsluJoliet 0 rut of the week. lira. D. lierrltt, of Wauconde, and frinledý Miss Sullivan o! Chicago, called on Mir@. C. E. Combei, Thuredayaflter- noon. On account o! the cold wave Friday sveniug the les creani social et Mn. Paddock', was mot largely attmnded. Mir%. May Schmidt andehidren vialtet! relatives et Stoffle'a Crossings, Wis., froni Saturdaye ntil Mondai mornlng. Earl and Lelie Paddoc pStfroni Sunda" uoraing until tZ.sdYltwith their aunt, lire, C. D. Smith, 0f Oak Park. - At the Lake County Fair ibmthelima, at the Independent Tont la the place and you had botter bring the. girl along when you pay youir'lamst virs subscrip- tion to the Independent. EVEMI 1 Mieliebaney, from Niaegara Falls, la vielting ut Mike Tare',. The Misses Mary and Margaret and Master Vincent Dawson spenta fsw day. in Chicago lest week. A plenie wili te held Auguet 19 ou St. Manys cburch grounds. The proceeds whicb will go ta St. Mary'@ aud 86. Patnick's cemeteries. The Warrnton Grove'a pia7ed tbe Illustrions Everstt'e last Suudsy. The rgaie wa e vry lntereting. The acore ting6 tou15 lu the elgblh lnnlng, when the Wearrecton's got «'coid test" and weut bonis. The batterise@ wre L Bedmond and J. More,,. lira. John foeubergen iasaerioualv 11l at prement writing. àMr-. and Mmra John Carolan wrers GlmlI- view caliers SundaJ. flALF DAY, ILL. . F. P=lto ati w!.,Afn e kth TekBot ardo desare nareter Mr was ma a vî"Tr a: tBeula -i brn eeba ulidang ad th atibryvile va hled wifth a od rein lest week. We are anxoullooing fornrein bers a aud db orjingstecraiay nela th11. me T.he Evangele ofnday acl wind B.oFd thei picule Sea, ofuDe. l, l Wistlrnaun'erv. Evxelowl$ome. Suday. e1 Meis eich, o! WatUean, ille ab thmee Wlloicolthe ndoanlut yeer. W J.. bebl aeode a uinessrytnpelt anChca ast ek.y edsl he Ebospial Chica Mouy.l Mn. udn lirav. fernbodywl vled Ein ica oe of undago put.p Miss GeeldineofJakson, o!Wilausa the epuimtg hlth ek wi ber cusn JreC. Hathe aeon usnsstipt luChicg an. e bers vaaton in Kerenlvihe Ldake Mue.tanf M. nHlre. L T. Bahcock abouticaeo yere unayeetSudyi DeMieid. llineJachedsnday muigng- aid those he we h ercosn, ia ale nes i@f pepi froieeacaieod aitndicheii etnr'.îul t ln ces Jounday eBeeoat sâed bvactonn nalilIn. h sisto r and Muly. Ln. d Ba.ek- meer, Htro en, o lii. Il, b aburton edswgo! Chicasput SatredayH sucd Snnay ith is ouin,- Williamr m&ginu. Br. Shoop's Cougli Cure' 'ALL DEALERS" Put Throu h Mis Paaee. The veelthy zto.i: cn1le dl the mont fastid.1ous ma living as te lie quallty of bis personai domestlC service. The concnttetd energy villi wiicb an Englishman vil ebuke bis servant for au offense so 0 - ighI that lhe average Amerîcan falISAO observe il bears put the steve statemelit. Those wbo propose cbengiug servants are ual content vltb references sud a perfuuctory Intervew vltb the ma or maid under conaideration, but In- Rist upon safel drees rehearam of bohli mauners sud appeaance. The serv- ant lu lveny la put through ail bis paces. muet dlgplay the ixe -of bis csîves, the haugbllneusoftlbis pose as vell as breedlu.g lu handllug s card, announclug a guest or servlug et the table. Noltug is taken fuor gianted. The mater andthelb.mIstiessaitllby aud discus the points of groom or buit- ler as they would those ef a biglt prlced bornae or valuable dog. Domes- tics are taken viti gxeat serionanee by Ihe upper cîasas Eugllmbmeu. and for that eafon nothing la left te luck Iu peopllug the serv-ante' hbal Wlnk et Boen Things. "When yoa have ,»estered thie gentie jet of vinking, esiM Lord Beacona- fldIt, "yon hbal.the key 10 sucee lu youi- baud.' Eveny'one's peraonâ'lty la made up of trivial failllugs sud trIÇaI talents. l'aster lie goot! qualities lu ynui- friende and subordibates and vink at tisai. faillngs go dean 10 Ibeir Peess- on-. Not 10 aee everythIing la aL nul. vbhich viii taengbea.&Irendbips snd belp ynu,10 gel Ibm best i-oUlte fromu your fellov vonkers. "He le no goot," acl lb.giest Na- poleon of one of bis'officers- "Hq la cetlnually iooklug Into tbm prîvatle s1ev poIr' *11 vaut a mnu vi can keep bis eye on th. ulllmute resulî sud Ignore litt. failluga. neyer mmndboy aggravatlug," ad Nelson. And Qeneral Gord- ondce remarked thal the man Who 10t bis temper liecause a ptvte's bout lace va. lied loosely ou the day of s battis dld more to lose the day tbau ail tbh enemny's gons. The Myterieus Gogensclmees. Tbere la visible lu the nigbl skY, un- der favorable circumstsuices, Is feai lgbIrasndet! la outilsasd siluatet! slvaya exactly oppodtte t0. lb. place of the sun. Il la aafed Ibm "gegm- aieen"m su la ocf tIbMosat Inex- plicalile objecta kuon o baOtunonie, Âocos'dng 10 a selextit, Il ray lie a êea' of oiuataayor mele asAtelit aumasdlg lh. eatJ.- He sppcueil to b. cmpoed cf a CIMlO f -e-% nitlated about l.O0AOO m ile.1fat= Ibm earth sud revvDlm OWi Il ltu a period or jumI one ym, e» tht Ibm ausud the meIofla a aimaon OP- pste .W400 « tb.tIb. L e aimual M., - or . the 1t te sm.aüiy admitted that nuda=-. leur billiardist ini Ibis country bas I chance vIlh Calvfn Dffrrst, Wbo xc- cenlly won the vorld's amateur cham, pioashlp, mther at 14.2 or 18.2 alk Leesl than tvo motsa&go Deurarentl won 'tii. Aierlcan cbamplonshlp for, the »d<ond lime, Playlng 14.2 balk lin,, Then b. changed bis style and began playing tbe 18.2 gamte. It la a brdi thlns to perfect a troe for mach dt- fenent styles ilu ncb short lime. By vlnnlng the recent touament Deniareat gels the international cup, whib lie wUl iec ompeUled to detend, ,gain nexI year lu Chicago In tourna- ment pla.y. -Thbe oniy Ihlng for Denarest te do," suid a promnleut billard Player Ibe other day, "là 10 turu ProfessInal. The amateurs canuol make t lulereml- ieg fur hlm auy more. He piayed the flastent bhllards even played by an tmateur aud made a hetter average Ibm lbas been made ber. In recent years by the Winner of auy 18.2 cham- plonsblp profe atcho " LAJOIE NOT TO RETIRE. Cleveland@ Manager Bay& $tories le Thal Effect Ara Without Poundalion. atorlea to the effect liat Napoleôn LaJole, manager aud captain of Ibm Cleveland tjerlcan league leam, badl luformsd a frleud thet wbether the Nape won lhe peunnu or not Ibis year he iutended tu nesigu the management sud become a hlgb privale once more are without foundation. Lajoie em- pbatlcalty denies any such Intention. The manager of the Napa ay. liat be bas ndesIes la relilqulis Ihe reins of the Cleveland! teea. This la RLa-'. fourth season as leader of Ihe Clevelauda, sud every year bis team bas&lien figured a Peu. naut posaiblity lu the esrly pert ot the year, but every summier Ihe men lijve met vIi nmre miefortune vilci bas put them onut the race. Tlie Napi are a greist aggregatlnn of stars sud bave a chance to make gond Ibis vear if tbey are Dot ever- taken with them usual bad luck lu mld- sesson. This season the ptching staff le trongen iever bas been, and the rest -of Aie teani in pisî as stroug even wîthout the aid of Flick, the beavy hltting rigbl fielder, wbo may nI ot ceen lu tb. game Ibis season. Flick Io tronbled viti weak digestive organe and laIsii aItpreselut Lajole bas fnund several youîîg play- ers who are giest batters. snd Flicks IrAPOas0!'àT iAoiI, AM0UB MANAGIERci' TE OLBVELAXID NAMS place lWil e filled vithont auci a heavy/loss. finciman, vin la caver- lug rigbtýfléld at present, la une of tb. comutug ballera of tie leagne, -it la ftg- 3baiClarke, vbo 1n playing lait, la regandet! as anoîber corning elnggien. Rhoades, Joss, Llebhardt sud jierger armal luntetten formai than liey vee s st year, sud th ne are othen mnembers ut thée'& f,>fo ii e bard menlto est. Calahan Applîse Fer Ainstatement. blmmy Caiabon, owuen uf the Logan Squares, a isemiproteasionai tesin af Cilicagri, bas applIed for nenstatemerit ta lhe national coTmmissioný James was biscklisted for Jumping a White Box reserve.lHe wishes lu geltbck ta gond standing sq thal bis lLb muy pay exhibition gaines next fail wltb the besl ut the maJora. Hughey Jonnings, This. Stovali, a brother ut Clevelsud's final bssemau, once vli tie Detrint Tigers. pitcbed a oua it sintoul gamua foi L«olvile agaluel Minuneapolis iecentfy. .Oreat Siéq ia MoKlnn.yo 2: 11/.. Xe]Kinney, 2:11%, la thie sire of ser- mai-ine stafdard trotter,cf whieb lblrt4sv a Inu be. 2:15lmaItsMd S5oIdierse and, Sailo-rs' R E J N-0 N* AUQU l 15th Dancing Every. 8aturday Night Mari by lRrtel's Orchestre Xvery A ccomodatiof Coug4 autPn REGULAR CATIIOLIC SERVICES WILL BE tIELO AT IIAINESYILLE EVERY SUNDAY MORNING AT 845 CONOIJCTED 8Y REV. FATIIER LeISING GET READY TO BUILD i AM READY FOR THE WORK JOHN L IRVING CONTRACTOR andi BIILDER Sidewalks and Cernent Blocks ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Let Me Estimat, Upon the job ICE CREAM CALL ON IN BRICKS J. J. SPOHNý PLAIN OR ASSORTED ýKFOLLRIL I meke a specalty of turuisblng -ardw either Brick or Buik Iles ream u Hardae, Trogs, 'Chueb Sociale, Piculca sud Pub. av ro ut s,'n MITCHELIL BLACK Furnace Work '0F ýLA KE CO0U NTY- T1IURSDAY AND FRIDAY AUGP 20AND)21" FOR D'S'I ROVE PROURAM Thwrsdag. August 20 The Forenoon 'wiil be devoted to vihîîîng with Old ',oldierm. Baue Bail (lame in the Afternoorn Music by the Fife aud Drum Corpm. CAMIP FIRE AT 8 O'CLOCK P.M, Music by Fife and Drrnm Corps. Prayer by Rev. A. A. Ileinliju Song by the Imperial Quartette. Addresof Welcoxne by Prof. R. C. Kent. by the Quartette. Camp Fire $tories .by-Gen. Geo. C. Rogers-C. Il. 'Iib- bett-Song by the Quartette-More Stories by C. Il. Taylor- F. W. Spink-J. M. Vermn-Mnoie- Fife- Drum -Remarks by &Il Old Soier-Song by the Quartette. !ridoq, August 21 Business Meeting. BJil Game lo a. ni. Music by DesPlaine. Miitsry Band during garne ani u Band Concert ut 1 *' pI. . . Exerciaseut t.he (Irove begin ut 2 'clock P. nM. Music-Band. Song-Quartette. l'raver-Bi. Ileinlimn Song-Quartette. ADDRESS by BISHOP FALLOWS Song Quartette. Baud Concert 4 to 5 p. nii. D)ance ai OakJand Hall in the Eveninig. 'iug-of-War and Races oi alil indeM ilI tmke place during each day an<i a good time là in store for alil M l attenid. Couveyances wili be atppiied for (>1<1 soidiersmi.i î g via Rockeeler and Barringtin. DR. M. E. FULLER, il. E. MAIMAN. Chairman. Secretary. Ifor Privileges, Stands, etc. write to the Secrelarg LAND'SEEKER5S NORTI-ERN NEW MEXICO IRRI- GATED LANDS ARE THE BEST Dont buy an7 irrgated la" etil you mcec ur literature. 20MO00acres aoid mc far I"isscaso. Excusions cvery two wecka BEST LAND, TITLE PERFECT, NEAR R. R. Special terma, prices andi inducements during july. Write today. FRANIL E.WIRE & COMPANY Suite 40, 121 La Salie St. CH-ICAGO,. ILL. Or FRANK E. WIRE Lock Box 467. Libertyvllle, lit. 1.«» LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN' a

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